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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011

    Sherryc and Rocket -  
    Thank you for your kind words of encouragment.  And thank you so much for your prayers.  (when I get too tired, my emotions can sometimes take a nose dive.)  I am just going to try and get lots of extra rest, slow down, pace myself, and remind myself that God is holding me tight and he won't let go.  I need to relax...and rest in God.  I used to listen to a CD with scripture and scripture-songs on healing, while falling asleep at night.  I should start that up again.  God's word is powerful even when I sleep.

    Rocket, I hope your surgery went well.  And I hope you enjoy your new flooring!  How nice to have a fresh look in your room!

    Paula, sorry your dear friend is moving.  I know email and facebook isn't the same as having a kindred spirit close by.  I hope you'll be able to stay in touch as lifelong friends.

    Cake, (what a fun name!) congratulaions on your good news!  What a relief for you!!

    I really like this thread and can sense the Spirit of God here in your posts.

    Thank you ((hugs))

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited August 2011

    Thanks You ladies for your prayers.  They are going to be missed so much.  Im just grateful that I live in a time that does have all of these ways to connect.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2011

    Well my surgery yesterday had some interesting twists. I had actually ruptured the tendon in my thumb unknowingly along with having trigger thumb.  The doctor repaired the damage.  I had an asthma attack after the anesthesia so they gave me an Albuterol breathing treatment which sent my heart into tachycardia!  Go figure.  They finally got that calmed down with an IV beta blocker and I was able to go home.  Today construction people have been at my house tearing up my bedroom flooring.  They are laying the hardwood tomorrow.  My hand is hurting but I'm controlling the pain with Advil just fine.  They drained 55 ccs of fluid from my chest today and now I have a golf-ball-sized hole!  I hope it fills in a little so it's flat and not a crater like it is now!  I may go in to work tomorrow, but probably not the entire day.  It hurts to type too much.  Thank you for praying for me.  You ladies are just the best - like a healing balm!

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Faithroad, can you tell me what cd you listen to? Do you know where I can get one. I'm listening to Beth Moore's audio book, "Praying God's Word" and would love one with scripture and song.

    Se's hit yesterday, don't know if the nausea or the feeling of being on fire sometimes, is worse. Reading your posts helps keep my mind on the author of our faith. I am praying for you tonight since I can't sleep.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011


    The CD I listen to is called "He Healed Them All" by Jonathan Reine.  Here is the link to his website where you can purchase the cd.  You can listen to a sample of the cd as well, on his website.  He is an evangelist and singer that has come to our church many times.  He had a son that was miraculously healed from near death illness-a documented healing.  He is from Minneapolis MN.  He's a little bit country-which is not my normal kind of music-but this cd is very calming and soothing.  Gentle.  He speaks scripture and then sings, alternating throughout the cd.  I put it on at night and it keeps my mind thinking faith thoughts rather than fear thoughts. 

     I like Beth Moore, I should check out her audio book that you mentioned.  Thanks.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Thank you, faithroad. I found the site.

    I'm enjoying Beth Moore's audio book. Am on my third or fourth copy of the hard cover because I keep giving mine away. I'm hoping to make an mp3 disk with the chapters I want to listen to most because my player doesn't let me select tracks.


  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2011

    Hi, can I join this group?  I have posted on a couple of other threads but I've just seen this one.  I was dx on June 27, I think it shows at the bottom of my posts so i wont repeat it all again.  I had a lumpectomy and begin treatment on Wednesday, chemo and Herceptin.  My port was inserted yesterday.  I work as secretary at my church.  I have so many recent instances where God has shown me His love and care for me, when i have been disappointed by 'friends'.  My BFF lives in Maine, a long way from CA, but the telephone helps.

    I am 56, with 6 kids and 4 grandkids with 1 due any day now. Pretty scared about all of this but also confident in God's arms around me.  I would love the encouragement from you ladies and hopefully I can contribute too.


  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Hi Margaret. Hello from a fairly new poster to this group. It's wonderful the way God amazes us with his messages of love, especially when we need them the most. I was more afraid of chemo than anything and had to start it before surgery. Lately I have been reminded often of the scripture in Phillipians that we are to make our requests known to him when we are anxious. I think one of the good things he is bringing out of this for me is the necessesity to rely completely on him.

    A favorite Scripture is Isaiah 41:10. When I I more up to it, I want to do a scripture study on my own on the many verses where God assures us he is with us and we don't need to be afraid. There is so much about that and about God being our strength, which is another study at the top of my list.

    Congratulations on the new grandchild to be. Are your children living near you?


  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011

    Peggy -
    Thank you for the link to the Beth Moore item.  I will check it out.

    Margaret -
    Hi, I am new to this thread as well, although I post on a couple other threads.  I'm sorry about your recent diagnosis.  I wish I knew about this site when I was first diagnosed.  It would have helped me tremendously.  I hope you find friends and encouragement here.  Praying God will give you peace and few side effects as you start chemo. Sending you a loving cyber hug right now.

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2011

    Hi Peggy,  I am so fortunate to have all my kids close by, at least for now.  My son and his family are actually missionaries in the Czech Republic though.  They have been home on home leave ofr just over a year now.  They would have gone back but stayed to give birth to their second baby here.  The plan is for them to return to Czech in mid September.  My recent dx is giving them pause for thought, but I think they will go back, just be a tough parting (they are always tough!).  My daughter's wedding was 5 days after I got the results of the biopsy, but they too live close by.

    Thanks for the welcome.  I think having the port in really made it real to me, I had a tough day yesterday, but am feeling much better today.  I am reading the book by Joni When God Weeps.  I listen to a lot of praise and worship CD's too.

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2011

    Hi JO-5,

    thanks for the welcome.  I had someone else warn me about too much computer research time too!  Between dx and surgery I stayed off it completely!  It helpd that I was really busy with a wedding and vacation.  Once the surgery was done then I began back on the computer.  This s the best site. I don't want to know medical stuff so much, just other people's advice and encouragement right now.Hopefully I can start giving back some soon.  talk to you later after my first tx on Wednesday.


  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Margaret, I know a little how hard the parting will be. My youngest daughter stayed with me through my first chemo infusion and a few days after. Her husband pastors a small church a few hours away and it doesn't leave much time for family visits. When she had to leave it was harder than usual because she has a "nurse's heart." But we both know that the Lord's work has to come first.

    Actually it was another lesson for me. While she was here I think I relied on her too much and it was time to turn my eyes to Jesus again. I know it will be even harder for you since they have to go so much further. I'm grateful for you that you have them here for now, and that you have children close by. I have two daughters who are fairly close. One is just a couple miles away and brightens my days often. They are the parents of my five grandchildren.

    As Jo says, I would not want to be going through this without the Lord's guiding hand!

    There is so much good information on this site and in the forums. I read a lot about preparing for side effects and remedies that I filed away. It would be rare to have all the side effects, but I wanted to know what I might be facing. I don't read the forums much anymore, and only post in this one now, but will likely read some more to prepare for the twelve week course of taxol, before it starts. Balancing the reading with scripture and talking with the Lord kept me peaceful for the most part, though there were times of anxiety and still are sometimes. God knew we would have those times and has blessed us with so many Scriptures to bring comfort, hasn't he? Some go through with very few side effects and I pray that that will be true for you!

    I did find that when I had specific questions I could start a topic in the chemo section and many gave helpful answers.

    You and I share the same name, "Margaret," though I have been called by my nickname all my life. I have added you to my prayer list!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Well I told my preacher today that I would head up the Women's ministry at church.  I'm nervous about it but I know that this is where God wants me.  So we are having a church conference mid Sept called "Christ is Life" and it has a weekly six week follow up.  DH is be facilitating the men and I will be facilitating the women.  After that I'll start planning monthly fellowships with speakers.  If anyone has any great ideas i would love to hear them.  I know that God is in control of this ministry and it will go exactly as he wishes, I just need to listen and pay attention.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Sherry, no ideas. Just want to acknowledge your faith.

    I changed my id from sleepdeprived to 3 bells because I'm sleeping fairly well. Didn't think about the fact that it might be confusing. All my prior posts are now under 3bells id. Even worse, there was a glitch when I tried to sign in under new id. Found out I couldn't check the keep me signed in box and when I left that empty, it worked.

    Hope all is well with everyone!


  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011

    Sherryc - just want to wish you many blessings as you start your new adventure in womens ministry. May the Lord empower you and give you more than enough to do the work.

    3bells - clever name change!  Glad you are sleeping better!!

    I had to switch off from Tamoxifen and onto Arimidex this past week.  I was getting so tired on the Tamox that I was having trouble simply functioning everyday, and struggling at work.  The Arimidex is better so far.  :-)

    God bless you all here, I'm off to prepare for kids Sunday school class tomorrow.  And I need to begin to clean the house again, since I didn't do much cleaning while on Tamox. 

    Love and hugs.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    faithroad, I'm glad the Arimidex is treating you better. Comforting to know we have choices!

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011

    3bells - yes, options are good!  I've been on it three whole days so far.  I don't know how long it takes for the Tamox to get out of my system but today I did end up sleeping until 2:30 in the afternoon, that surprised me, since I'm not on Tamox anymore.  Maybe some of it is stlill in my system.  I just don't know why I'm sooooo tired.  I just crash on Saturdays and sleep the day away.  But I'm praying things will improve.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Faithroad, I'm guessing it takes a while, maybe a week or two for the chemo to be out of your system and even longer for the tiredness to leave. Hoping you feel better today. But you're on your way! I'm so happy for you.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011

    3bells - I didn't have to do chemo.  (My oncotype score was low, so my onc said I shouldn't do chemo.)  That's why I don't know why I"m so tired.  I'm assuming it's just a combo of surgeries and anitihormone meds.  I've had four surgeries in the past 9 months.  The last one was July 5. It may just be catching up with me.  I'm trying to change whatever meds I can change to see if anything makes a difference.  Tamoxifen was the anithormone med I was taking.  Now I'm switching to Arimidex.  Praying that I will feel better.  Trusting God. 

    Yes, I'm VERY happy about being done with surgeries and being cancer free right now!  There is so much to be thankful for.  *smile*

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Four surgeries in 9 months. No wonder you are still recovering. I pray with you that you will feel better soon, faithroad! And I'm rejoicing that you are trusting God in this. He always brings good out of all things for those who love him, doesn't he.

  • nightngale
    nightngale Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011

    Wow where do I start!!! I understand a whole lot more than I did. It has been a roller coaster ride, for sure of emotions. I have had a few setbacks with tests coming back with things showing up on them that required more tests, but so far they are all ok. Last test was today, a Pet Scan to see what the spots on my lungs are that showed up on a CT Scan. If that isn't anything I will have a lumpectomy on Aug. 22 and then they will decide what comes next. From what I understand it will be radiation. Might be able to get by without chemo and just take the hormone blocking drugs for 5 years or so. Thank you ladies for praying for me while I made these decisions. As you all know it was difficult, but a sense of relief once I made the choice, after much prayer and talking to others about which way to go.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited August 2011

    Nightngale  the worst part is waiting I felt a lot better after we got started.  I had chemo first than surg and now radiation whats next.  I am now cancer Free thank God for that one.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2011

    I put the following post on another thread in the hope of some answers.  Please keep me in prayer!

     "Ladies the fear monster strikes again.  I just got my labs back from my onc and she noted a high ALP level 145 U/L.  My serum calcium level is 10.1.  I checked my labwork from back from 4 months ago and my ALP was 152 U/L and my calcium was 10.1.  I'm terrified that I might have bone or liver mets.  Please tell me of any experiences with high ALP and upper range of normal calcium levels."

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    Rocket, I haven't had this experience so can't help in that way.

     Yesterday I had a meltdown. It was so hard to pray. I found the psalm of David - "why so dismayed, oh my soul?" Well we know why we are dismayed. The part that lifted my spirts, at least for now, was when David said, "I will yet praise the Lord and rejoice!" (My paraphrase.) I keep thinking of that.

    You will for sure have the joy of the Lord and rejoice again, Rocket. God is giving you so much to bear and now is the time there are one set of footprints in the sand, because he is carrying you. Sometimes I find thoughts straying into my mind, temptations to question his love. Then I remember his son and the cross.

    Did your onc talk to you about the likelyhood of mets? Are there any followup tests to ease your mind?

    I wish there were more women checking in on this topic. I hope the other thread gives you good responses. You are often on my mind and I will continue to pray.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    A couple of days ago, I saw the the doc who will do my surgery and she checked the tumor because I can't see that it is getting smaller. She said it is such a difficult shape (even the MRI had a hard time getting a clear picture) that she couldn't really tell. So I'm to take at least one more AC and then have an MRI, ultrasound and recheck.

    She didn't seem too concerned, "If it's not working we'll try a different chemo." Going through three non working AC treatments would be major discouraging. And what will the next one and side effects be? All this is pushing surgery out further.

    They thought it would be safest to do chemo first because she is suspicious of a pinkness on the breast (that I can't see). If it's inflamatory BC, surgery can cause it to spread.

    Not looking forward to 3rd AC. SEs lasted a week and a half last time and this week my fibromyalgia is doing a number on me.

    I'm struggling to rest in the Lord. If anyone is still checking in on this topic, would appreciate your prayers.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2011

    I'm here 3bells and I am praying for you right now.  I am praying for peace and relief of pain for both of us.  I pray for healing for you and His hand of comfort upon you this very moment.

    My onc just emailed me back and will schedule tests on Monday when she returns to work.  I'm thankful for her diligence.  She is trying to help give me peace of mind.  The tests and waiting for the results are nerve-racking.

    I remind my self several times each day that the proof of His love is the cross and not my circumstance.  I don't pretend that it's easy.  I know all to well how difficult it is to remember this simple but profound truth.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies I will be praying for you both God can do all things.

  • 3bells
    3bells Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2011

    One of the most wonderful thing about our eternal hope is that we will no longer need to battle to keep our eyes fixed on Him. This carnal flesh will be gone and we will be wearing eternally white garments.

    I hope she can schedule the tests very soon, Rocket. Yes, waiting is so hard. I came across the scripture, "the God of all comfort" yesterday and found myself thinking on it. We learn to know God intimately through the hard times and I wondered if I knew him well in that capacity. Looked it up and found out that part of the meaning means that he strenghens us. Then I remembered how certain scriptures bring comfort and strength and realized we are certainly coming to know him in ever deeper ways as the God of all comfort.

    Thank you for your prayer for comfort - no coincidence that it fit right into what I have been meditating on.

    Lynnia, thank you for praying. I often find myself thinking of Shadrach, Meshack and Abendigo. As they said, God will do it. He will rescue us in this life. But even if he doen't, he is still God! Meanwhile I'll will continue to hang onto trusting that he will bring us through this whole and rejoicing. Even though sometimes we may be hanging by the tips of our fingernails.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2011

    My Onc has never asked me to have lab tests.  Is that normal?

    Praying for you ladies.  May God pour out his healing, mercy, grace, and peace.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Ladies for the words of encouragement. Jo, I don't take any calcium supplements other than 500 mgs in my daily vitamin pill. My onc told me to stop taking it as it was above normal. After I stopped, it came down at the very highest normal level.