thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2017

    Paulette, good praise. I am feeling the same way today and hope it doesn't work into a UTI.

    This is today's post from Susie Larson:

    May God's perfect love swallow up every single fear and anxious thought. May Jesus renew your perspective in a way that brings you peace and assurance. In Jesus' Name, may cancer (sickness and disease) bow down at the feet of Jesus and flee from your body this very moment. May your loved ones find their strength in Christ alone. May God do for you what you cannot do for yourself. And, may your every moment be filled with grace and peace, healing and rest, perspective and power, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Praying everyone has a blessed day.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Paulette, happy for you that you don't have a UTI.

    Chris, I say a big AMEN to Susan Larson's words you posted and praying you don't have a UTI either.

    Aurora, I am praying for your daughter as her surgery on Nov. 14 (I believe it is) nears. Praying that she will have perfect peace against her natural fears facing her first surgery.

    Mags, continued prayers for you as you prepare for David's funeral on Friday.

    Lita, continued prayers for you as you face the uncertainty of tomorrow.

    As we watch the heartbreak of hearing more of the Texas tragedy unfold I pray for this small town and this church and the few remaining church goers. Help them cope with such a horrific tragedy. I especially pray for this little boy that was shot five times and lived. I can't even fathom the emotional and physical trauma that this little one will go through and the others that lived through the horror. I pray that God will comfort them and bring others that will walk alongside them during this awful time.



  • Chips530
    Chips530 Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2017

    I had my re-excision yesterday.I don't feel as great as as I did 2 wks. ago after my Lumpectomy.My breast is burning rather than hurting--is this normal? I figured the surgeon had to do more work closer to the outter edge of the margin closer to the skin surface. ( Please excuse my spelling,as I am stll a little groggy) Test results will be back Fri. Thanks for all the prayers & support.....Dianne

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Dianne, I would call your surgeons office and talk to a surgery nurse and run this by them. I would guess that your skin is already sensitive and then with a second surgery it may be normal. I had trouble with my first surgery so I am not a good one to have input on your particular situation. I am sorry you are experiencing this. Praying the burning will STOP soon!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Welcome Dianne! I pray we can be a blessing to you here.

    I am thankful we may enter the Throne room by Christ's shed blood through the privilege of prayer. He hears our thanksgiving and our petitions as well as our confessions and He has a heart of love for His children. Whether we are crying out to Him from our bed of tears, or whisper a quiet, "Help me, Jesus!" He hears and responds. This, the God Who made all that there is, knows every hair on our heads (or what USED to be there!), calls the stars by name, was, is and always shall be. This is our God, our Heavenly Father Whom we love and trust forever no matter what is around the corner for us. I am so very thankful for prayer, our communication, our lifeline to Him.

    James can't start the medication process completely until Jan. 1st when his part D insurance kicks in. A bit discouraging, but he feels better already from stopping those statin drugs that ALWAYS make him so ill & deplete his muscles. He is recovering now and we trust God will keep him stable without heart episodes for another 2 or so months.

    I am VERY thankful the stabbing pain in my ear seems to be over! Maybe I can SLEEP tonight! I baked a huge batch of healthy granola & bread this morning to warm up the house and I feel good that I accomplished something!

    Know I am praying for you all and for those grieving brothers & sisters in another part of Texas.

    With love,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Chris, pray that you don’t have UTI and

    Pray for Dianne breast burning would stop.

    Thanks God answer my prayers, I have a peaceful day and nothing major that I can’t handle.

    Dear Father I got the good news about my flexitouch pump is on the way, thank you Lord. You always look after us.



    Have a good night my pink sisters!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    I today am thankful for Linda Warden. This was the person that was bold enough to not let me say no to the invitation to this church camp which I did NOT want to go to at all. I was 21 and a crew boss driving a corn detasseling machine for my summer job. I had a crew of six girls I had to pick up very really early every morning. That was not an easy task. Linda kept bugging me over and over again about this camp and I finally gave in and said okay, I will go. I was not happy about that decision but went anyway. It was at this camp that I prayed with this pastor and accepted Jesus as my savior. My life was forever changed. The sad part of all of this is I had gone to church my whole life. My mom was a Sunday school teacher and my Dad was an usher. Church was our lives but unfortunately it was a church that really did not preach the necessity of salvation and asking Jesus in our lives as our personal savior. Is there a difference? I cannot even begin to tell you how my life changed. The next day I had a burning desire to read the Bible. I had never had that before even though I had memorized my fair share of verses. God became the pilot of my life that day and there was never any looking back. So today I am thankful for this young gal who would not take no for an answer and was persistent knowing how my life could change if I said yes to her invitation that summer of 1972. There was a domino effect in my immediate family and my parents and sister eventually came into this personal relationship with Jesus as well. My family changed to this pastor's church and he made an imprint on all of our lives that changed us all forever.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2017

    I am grateful that I accepted the Lord into my heart at vacation bible school when I was 9 year old.

    My life was forever changed. Who knows where I'd be if I hadn't accepted Him 50 years ago?


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2017

    Nancy that’s a wonderful story about your conversion. Praise the Lord!

    I’m doing alright. Tuesday will be my daughter’s surgery please continue to pray. Tomorrow I see my oncologist he will tell me how are my tumor markers doing. I expect he’ll say I’m doing alright and to stay the course. I wish I could skip chemo and go on something less aggressive but as long as I’m ok I’ll follow whatever he says. I will ask for a scan just to be able to actually SEE how’s the cancer doing but again I’ll follow the doctor’s orders.

    I pray for all of you each time I read.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    I am grateful that the Lord led me to this forum. Dear ladies, your words inspire and encourage me. Thank you for that!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Loving the Philippians banners, Paulette and Hershey.

    I am thankful for the fall colors which in our area are really starting to pop or what is left of them. On Wednesday my beautiful red maple leaves were mainly on the ground. This is not my photo as I use a different computer for my photography and have my devotions on this computer but here is a stunning photo that someone took of beautiful fall colors. I am much more aware of God's beauty now that I am into photography. Below is an example of that.

    Let's remember to pray for Mags today. This is the day of her husband's funeral. I pray that the Lord will give her strength to get through all of the emotional demands of this day and of the days to come. God Bless you dear sister with comfort that only He can give.

    Aurora, continued prayers for your daughter for her surgery on Tues. and for a good report from your doctor.

    Faith, praying for a good lung scan report.

    Lita, praying that you have good pain control and comfort during these difficult days.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters who are dealing with so many things that could easily defeat you if you let down your guard. Remember the sword of the spirit is the word of God. Quote all of those scripture that you know will speak to YOUR situation. Philippians is a great place to switch gears in your mind from negative to positive.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2017

    Hi everyone, report from my doctor. Not good news the tumor markers have been increasing since September ad he’s taking me off the chemo. He also ordered a CT scan for next Wednesday and a new appointment on Friday to gooverthr results of the scan. On my last San they found lesions on my liver it the TMs were doing fine so we continued. Mos probably I’ll be put on Ibrance or Ibrance like medicine plus Faslodex. I actually like that combo and it means no chair for me and hopefully get my hair back! That would be awesome! He asked how I felt and I said fine. Thank God I haven’t had painful symptoms except for sciatica once. Well that’s the news not good not bad I guess.

    Praying everyone has a pain free we k nd. Prayers for Mags as she says farewell to her loving husband may God give her the strength and comfort she needs in this hour.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, may the Lord use your new treatments to COMPLETELY rid your body of cancer, never to return, to His glory!

    Praying for dear Mags as this HAS to be such a difficult day. May the Lord grant her the strength to get through it and abundant love from friends and family now and in the future.

    Hershey, I agree. We are blessed to be sisters with the women here!

    Faith, may the results be GOOD ones and the Lord grant you peace in the meantime.

    Lita, we ALL are lifting you up to the Lord. Praise the Lord He lets you feel our love and prayers for you.

    Nancy, I love the fall banner. It reminds me of the time James & I fell in love in the fall of 1969. What a glorious time that was for us!

    How is your mom's moving issue coming along? We have been caring for an elderly couple who go to our church & have no local family for quite some time. She has dementia which is progressing and recently fell and had to have surgery for a broken hip. We have been trying to tell him that they really need assisted living (as their kids - from afar - have been saying too) but he stubbornly refuses. He is getting worse mentally & physically too and since we don't LIVE with them we are really concerned. Well, he fell getting out of the shower and broke a bone in his wrist & got 2 black eyes and a busted nose. Sad, but the Lord used that to FINALLY get the point to him that they do need more help than we can give at this point. He is making plans now to move to an assisted living RV park in Livingston (They live in an RV & he refused to give it up.) So we pray they get accepted. They submitted the application & now have an interview. It is just amazing how the Lord works things out. This will take SO much stress off of us.

    Praying for you all with love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, I hope that the new scans will not be an issue. I hope you get a new treatment which will work wonders and without bothersome SE's.

    Ade, here is what I have been up to lately. I discovered this waterfall not too far away from my house so i have visited this place several times in the last couple of weeks. Going exploring with my camera helps me deal with the stress of my mom's situation. We are still dealing with snakes in her basement and have not found anything that is working so far. It is frustrating but God has used those snakes for good before and I hope that it will come into play regarding my mom and her living situation. We are still on a waiting list and still waiting. I am hoping my mom can have one more Christmas in her home so we will see. My sister needs a foot surgery and was hoping to do that in the winter. That would add a whole new layer of complication if she couldn't help out my mom when I am not there and we still didn't have a place for my mom.

    I have heard similar situations where God allowed a fall or something like you mentioned to solve the crisis of going into a facility. I have never heard of an RV assisted living park. That sounds very interesting. I hope that will work out for this couple. You could certainly use LESS stress in your life. Praying that James can hang in there until he gets these shots.

    I am battling with my insurance now again to get my night meds approved. Because of my AI my insomnia is really bad. I have gone through this for several years and God has made a way for me in this. I am praying that he will again. I will see my pcp this coming week and discuss this with him. It is so frustrating dealing with all of this and we have all been through it I imagine.

    I pray for a good weekend for all of you dear sisters and a good night's sleep.




  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    I have my last chemo today and I didn’t cry. I thought I would but I guess I have cried enough the last few months. I’m here to thanks God to be on my side and watched over my shoulders. Thanks my dear husband who taken care of me with out any unhappiness. Thanks all my real friends and friends here to give me supports. I can’t do this alone. Thank you so much !!


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2017

    Tonight, I am grateful to have a place to come to ask for more prayers. The results from my CT scan showed an area of concern that needs to be looked at more closely. My MO said I could wait and have another scan in 8 weeks to see if it grows more or have a broncoscopy biopsy. I choose to have the biopsy as the waiting is awful for me. It could still be inflammation so I will hold onto that thought but if it's the cancer growing again, then we need to decide if I go back on the Ibrance or move onto something else. Unfortunately the timing is not very good as I need to reapply for Ibrance help from Pfizer by Nov. 15th. I received the notice a few weeks ago but the MO didn't think it would be necessary so I set it aside, and it may not be. However, I'd like to be prepared in case he decides to use it again so I need to get all my paperwork together in a hurry. So please pray for me as I'm feeling very stressed right now.

    I am also praying for all of you also going through so many trials. We surely need Jesus in our lives all the time.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017


    To Paulette for finishing chemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Nancy!!

    Dear Father, please comfort Faith, blessed Faith have the good results from her tests.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    As I was having my devotions recently I was reading a devotional that said Jesus is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings but He is also our FRIEND. When the realization of that truth soaked into my heart and mind I was overcome with God's presence. Today I am thankful that Jesus is not this far away idea in our heads but a very real presence in our hearts.

    This banner is taken from the 6th chapter of Matthew which is a whole paragraph on worry. I think for most of us we would admit that this is probably in our top things that are issues in our lives.

    We do not know what our future holds for any of us. God has numbered out days and we must trust in that. Surrendering our whole life to God is so difficult but something we each must do every day. The tighter we hold on to things the harder it is when we lose them. Everything we have is God's. That is still a reality that I have to wrap my head around continually.

    Faith, we are all fervently praying for you during this difficult time.

    Neverforsaken (Lisa), you are more than likely still in the shock phase of being newly diagnosed into stage four and even started your treatments before you were even prepared for that. We pray for you as you navigate this new road you are on.

    As some of you are ending your treatments like Paulette and some of you may be in treatment for years it is like my pastor has said so many times from the pulpit. For some of you it may be the best day of your life and for some it may be the worst. He said we need to be sensitive to that always. So as we celebrate with Paulette and grieve for Mags's loss it is all in God's plan for us.

    There is no place in the Bible that says life ain't for sissies BUT it does say we will have trouble in this world. I think in my mind that may mean the same thing.

    For so many of you going through uncertainties and enormous stress from scans and future tests and future surgeries and challenges with your spouses or children and dealing with the SE's of your treatments we are praying for you. The Lord will not let you fall. He will keep you. Run to Jesus. Tell him how scared and worried you are. He will comfort you.

    Love you dear sisters.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Nancy, you said it well. I try to count my blessings in the morning, thanks God gave me a wonderful peaceful day. Thanks him for the sunshine we have, and the fresh air,

    We ask you Heavenly Father please ease the pains from the pink sisters, Lita and Debbie, guide the uncertainty ones Faith HapB and the other give them the clear picture.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

    Dear sisters have a wonderful Saturday!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Beautiful words and waterfall pic, Nancy . Thank you for your Godly response to so much anxiety and suffering and sorrow shared here. You encourage us all to keep our focus on the Lord, where it belongs.

    I just wanted to share this magnificent creature with you all. He came in with 10 others for a corn snack tonight.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2017

    Congratulations Paulette! You persevered through it and deserve the highest acclamation for your accomplishment!!! We all know what it means...

    A nice old man came up to me in the hallway of the hospital one day not too long ago and proudly showed me, a total stranger, his congratulations certificate for finishing his chemo. I was struck that I would never go off any medicine without divine intervention from our most Holy God. I was so happy for him, but once back in my car I cried all the way home. This is not a negative on Paulette's accomplishment knowing the devastating days of chemo, but is just a thought on how the slightest things can set us off. I am praying daily for each of us and the celebrations that are so special.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Ade for your encouragement to me and to all here. What a beauty. Love that deer! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo. I continue to pray for you and James.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Chris, I didn't realize you had posted as we must have been typing at the same time. I am keenly aware of what you have shared. We have things in our lives that cause joy in some and sadness in others. For women who cannot have children it may be very difficult for them to truly rejoice at a baby shower. So I do get what you are saying. This particular thread has attracted many stage four sisters over the last several years. Even though we are not a stage four thread per se the majority of women are in that category especially as of late. The fact that I have not had the privilege to post a Congratulations banner for a long time is evidence of that.

    I am one of the few that are not stage four here and I cannot possibly understand what it feels like to be in the shoes of the ladies who are but I am very sensitive to that and for whatever reason the Lord has wanted me to stay on this thread to be a prayer warrior and an encourager.

    Chris has said it very poignantly and honestly how things can trigger emotions. It is similar in grieving the loss of a loved one and I guess the tears are really just that except for grieving for yourselves.

    I pray for you special women all the time and I pray that one day we will all get to rejoice together in heaven where we can meet and share and laugh and maybe even dance for joy.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017


    Here is my certificate


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    You look beautiful Paulette. Congratulations again!



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    Congratulations, Paulette! You've crossed a significant finish line. I'm so very happy for you.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Ladies,

    Thanks God for taking care of me.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2017

    Paulette, congrats and prayers of support and encouragement.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

