thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Almer
    Almer Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2017

    Happy Sunday!

    I haven't been on here for a while and am catching up. I just finished dose 3 of 12 Taxol infusions after completing 4 rounds of A/C. Taxol is much more tolerable although I do get some side effects such as bone and muscle pain and fatigue. The pain doesn't last more than a few days, though, and I thank God for that. Prayer request: I'm getting a bit of a cold shoulder at work lately because the nurses I work with, most of them much younger than me seem to think I should be tolerating things much better than I am and shouldn't need time off from work. I thought I was doing well working 8 out of 10 days on average. They complain I am not doing my fair share of work although I'm doing all I can. I would love to take some time off but don't have that option unless I qualify for Short Term Dsability which is doubtful. I work full time but the guidelines say I have to show that I cannot to my job due to my diagnosis. I can, but on a part-time basis.

    Anyhow, this might not all make sense but please pray for favor regarding getting at least partial disability.

    Thank you all. Good to catch up.

    God is good ALL THE TIME!


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    Angie, of course I will be praying for you. How disappointing that your colleagues' behaviors are not supportive of you and your situation. I pray that God softens their hearts and facilitates approval of your partial disability. He loves you and will look after you.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2017

    Paulette, Congratulations on finishing Chemo. We can all relate to how good that feels.

    Angie, I will pray that you can at least get partial disability. I can't imagine having to work full time while going through these treatments.My hat is off to you and all those others also.

    Hugs and prayers


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Angie M. I am glad to see your post. I go searching when I have not seen a post from someone for a while and I was just searching for you last week and realized we hadn't heard from you since Sept. I am glad you are okay but I sure hate to hear your coworkers are giving you a hard time.

    I would guess these young coworkers have not had an up close experience with bc or any cancer for that matter or I would think they would be more compassionate and understanding. I know I am always in awe of you ladies who continue to work during treatments.

    I will pray that something will give someplace. If I were in your shoes I think the first person I would be running this situation by would be your MO and RO if you have one yet. Hopefully someone on your cancer team could go to bat for you and get you needed time off. Everyone heals at their own rate and everyone experiences bc treatments differently. I sure hope that you can get a break through soon.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Today I am thankful for our Veterans which I forgot to say earlier this morning. If it were not for our veterans we would not be having this thread period. Our freedom which we tend to take for granted came at a huge price for many and that was the sacrifice of their lives so that we could be free. Our freedom of expression cannot be taken for granted. Our freedom to have a Christian thread cannot be taken for granted.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Angie I think Nancy's advice is a good one. I will pray those ladies get hearts of compassion and that you can get your work load lightened. You are so brave to try keeping up with full time anyway!

    Paulette we thank the Lord for this milestone! Go celebrate!

    God bless our veterans - who include my husband, my dad, my uncle, both brothers-in-law and both sons. We are proud of all of them!

    I am looking at a beautiful doe outside my office window as I write you. Feeling blessed.

    James isn't well today and every time he gets ill I want to panic. Boy I hate that. My faith must exceed my fears.

    Love you all,


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Happy Sunday ladies, I’m not having a good day, fatigue took over most of my day. Even a morning walk didn’t help that much.

    Angie prayers for your co workers realize there should be compassion and understanding in Work place. Nancy right about this, you should talk to your MO, hope you can get partial disability so your can rest and get well.

    God bless our veterans! Wouthout them we would not able to enjoy what we have.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    I too am grateful for the men and women who have bravely served in our armed services. This includes my husband (Marines), brother-in-law (Air Force), nephew (Army), father (Army), and grandfather (Army). God bless all Veterans.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2017

    Angie, shame on your co-workers. You do not need their negativity. Nancy is right that you should ask your MO. There are specific guidelines for disability and your dr or nurses will have a good idea. I do not know Louisiana, but CA has a good disability program and there is a checklist available online. You might look at the checklist yourself and see if you think you qualify for part-time, and then proceed accordingly. In my opinion, you work hard and deserve it.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Ade, praying for James today. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you.

    Praying for all who are not feeling well.

    I hope you all have a restful night. Take care dear sisters.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Dear Father, praying for James and other who are not feeling well and suffer from pains.

    Good night all pink sisters,


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2017

    Sisters, my daughter left for the hospital and hour ago the hospital is two hours away from here. She will be having a laparoscopic surgery to remove a tumor from the right ovary and then will find out if it’s benign. Please help us with your prayers.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    Aurora - Prayers for a good report, peace, and comfort for you and your daughter.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, is your daughter's surgery on Tuesday? I have been praying. I just wondered if it got moved up or if she is arriving a day early. At any rate I am praying.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Dianne, how are you feeling. Do you still have the burning? Praying you are feeling better.

    Never (LIsa), are you okay? Concerned about you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Romans 15:13New International Version (NIV)

    13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Check in later.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Just read this script....

    Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

    Aurora, prayers for her surgery and speedy recovery.

    Check back later, I’m trying to make myself feel better today. I hate the down days.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2017

    Praise God! My daughter is out of surgery and in her hospital room resting and the best news of all it’s NOT cancer!! Thank God and thank you to you all for your prayers.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, this is the best news ever! Praise our Heavenly Father!!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, Hallelulia! Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Today I am thankful for Aurora's good news that her daughter's surgery is over and that the tumor was benign. Lord we thank you in all things but it blesses our hearts when you answer prayers like this. I know this is such a relief to Mama and I am sure for daughter as well!

    Paulette, it is very normal to feel a let down when treatments are over. When I had radiation I crossed off the days and could not wait to be done and when I was finally done it was such a strange and unexpected reaction of let down. My RO told me that is very normal and explained that many ladies feel like they are all on their own now but she assured me that would not be the case. You will have many follow ups to check on things if your reaction is just a let down. In everything in my life that has been big things I have felt an emotional let down when it is over and I am praying that what you are experiencing is just that and will pass quickly.

    Have a good evening dear ladies.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, Hallelulia Praise the Lord!!

    Nancy - I’m doing fine, tried to cheers myself up and I am going to see my MO to figure out the future of my appointment. Not sure am I going to have tests or scans after chemo, then I guess I will meet with my RO for my radiation. I know God will lead my way.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited November 2017

    I'm sorry I've been away from the computer for a few days, my second round with A/C (red devil) made me tired most of the week, but I am thankful that I am half way through and planning to make a move to a new chemo clinic that is close by at our hospital. This will relieve much stress and financial burden from having to drive 100 miles round trip each infusion, down to about one third that distance!

    (since I will be on Herceptin/Perjeta for the rest of my life now so I knew we must make a change.)

    I've been reading and catching up..I'm so happy your chemo is ending, Paulette! Yes, God carries us through and stands over our shoulder through the hard times..Now may He give you peace of mind and strength regained as you move forward ~In Jesus~

    Angie..People can be so insensitive. i'm sorry you are having to deal with these issues along with everything else. ((hug)).

    Aurora.. PRAISE GOD for this good news!

    Nancy, I'm so glad you are hear to be such an encourager and prayer warrior to all of us, regardless our stages or illnesses..Everyone seems to have a fair share of suffering upon this earth, and the one thing that we as believers have in common is the knowledge that it is only for a little while, and then our Lord will make all things new. In the meanwhile, we are to be a blessing and help to one another..and you are!

    BTW..I just scrolled through these posts and snagged a lot of gorgeous pictures! And for that I am truly thankful!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Aurora ~ Praising our Lord with You for His goodness and answered prayers!

    Thanking the Lord James is better today (but still having chest muscle pain) May be more muscle degeneration from the statin drugs :o(



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017


    14 deer tonight! (Ran out of corn!)

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2017

    Aurora, praise God for answered prayers. Ade, So happy to hear James is feeling a little better. May God continue to help both of you through this trial. I'm sure the stress of this is so hard to deal with all the time.

    I will be having the broncoscopy with lung biopsy on Wednesday at 3:00 pm so I would appreciate prayers that they don't find anymore cancer in my lung. Also prayers for my fast, no food or water for 8 hours. That is going to be really hard for me as my mouth is always dry and my veins are bad if I'm not well hydrated. This whole process is very stressful for both DH and I right now.

    Thank you all so much for being here to pray for me as I also pray for all of you.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    I hope I can remember all of what was posted. Wow, lots going on today. I am cramming in apts before going to my moms and I had a late night car maintenance apt tonight. Thank goodness for companies that are open late. I came home to police swarming our little neighborhood. I had to get out to get my mail and I asked one of the policeman walking by if everything was okay. He said yes. When I drove in my driveway my neighbor was out and I asked him what in the world was going on. Apparently a gun was involved and someone was arrested. I saw several cars pulled over. One policeman told my neighbor to go inside the house and stay there. My neighbor said this whole thing had been going on for an hour and a half. I guess this one house which has been the source of much disruption in our neighborhood was at the center of it all. Sometimes I feel like I am living in the middle of an ongoing soap opera! I just hope no one was hurt.

    Paulette, I thought you were all finished. You still have rads to do yet! God will get you through this one day at a time. I know that sounds cliche but he will and we will be praying for you. Praying tomorrow is a better day for you.

    Ade, I didn't realize James was still on the Statin drug. UGH. I am glad he is feeling better and I pray he won't have any permanent problems with this drug until he can start these shots. Your deer are amazing and your landscape looks beautiful. They act like they are tame. Obviously they come very close. I would love to experience that. I love animals and deer are so cute. Thanks for sharing that.

    Never (Lisa) I am glad to hear from you but sorry to hear you have been so tired from your treatment. How many rounds of this do you have to have. I am glad you have found a clinic closer to your home. That is a long drive you have had. Thank you for your encouraging words. I saw a picture of yours on another thread and it was just beautiful. You should post some pics because it sounds like you love photography as well.

    Faith, we will be praying for this lung test. 8 hrs of no food or water. Oh my gosh. I will pray for the hours before. I can sympathize with you but you will get through this. Praying for a good report afterwards.

    Jean, how are things with you?

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2017

    Dear ladies, I and my family are doing well. Both grandkids new jobs are good. My son in law needs prayer for some serious financial difficulties. Both my husband and I are well healthwise. I read and pray for you all most every day. Love, Jean

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited November 2017

    Faith, praying for your biopsy, that there will be NED in your lungs. I know exactly what you mean about the veins and hydration..I also have a dry mouth from chemo and must have sips of water. I'm going to be looking for some of those little suckers you get in the hospital to help moisten the mouth, maybe that would be a good idea if you can find in time?

    Nancy, yes..I love photography and need to get back to it.

    I just love your deer, Ade! It looks like they really have come to trust you and your DH. We have a small herd here at our house, but it is hunting season again..always a tense time for them (and me)..I will be looking for all four family members each day!

    My youngest daughter who lives nearest has a gorgeous property with many deer and fox..she posts photos of her dogs on instagram, they are just beautiful!

    Today the reality of this diagnosis is hitting me hard. I must venture out to get blood work done, and simply do not feel well. I know my counts are low as this is that time of the cycle. I am feeling down..seeing the road ahead, and wondering.

    Yes, I have the knowledge in my heart that Jesus is my strength, and I trust completely in God..but I am trying to fit my head around how different my life is now, and what is to come.

    I am encouraged by those who have walked this road for many years, but I keep getting directed towards many, too many, pink sisters who have kept blogs or on youtube who are no longer here..some I followed during my initial dx back in 2013-14..and this is a reality that is hard to face..some have/had no faith in God and that makes me even sadder.

    I simply do not know what I would do if it were not for my relationship with the Lord!


    Here is my daughter's dog, Wiley

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Good morning dear ladies of faith,

    Today I am grateful that I have given myself permission to play hooky from my lap swimming to go out with my camera today. I am still in this forest preserve ongoing competition which has gotten me out of my comfort zone and having the privilege to see God's beauty in hidden areas I wouldn't normally see. I have very little time this month so I needed to take today's good weather and go for it.

    Lisa, I love that photo of your daughter's dog. I love the composition with the sun burst and prairie in the background. Wiley is beautiful.

    Lisa, I remember coming back from Mayo Clinic many years ago. I was having so many multiple problems that a good friend who was a nurse suggested going to Mayo Clinic which I did. I certainly don't mean to compare my diagnosis with yours but I did get a chronic condition diagnosed that there really wasn't any treatment for. It looked like I would be doomed to a life of pain and fatigue forever. I was a Christian at the time but I was overwhelmed at the other multiple issues all going on as well.

    I remember talking to my school principal in her office and I just broke down in tears. There are times when a Bible verse just won't do but someone coming along side you and giving you a hug and saying I am right here with you is what we need. I know God puts those people in our lives when we need it. Sometimes it might even be an unexpected person and maybe only for a short time.

    I am giving you a big cyber hug now. I would guess that you are still in the shock phase of your diagnosis and I am sure every single lady that is stage four here will totally understand that. I had a misunderstanding initially when my radiologist called and told me I had invasive cancer. I didn't understand what was going on and I remember that weekend walking around in a daze in my neighborhood in shock so I had a tiny glimpse of what you might be going through. MIne was only a misunderstand but I know yours is reality.

    I am praying that you will be able to be comforted by His word and that it will be absorbed into your heart and mind to comfort you. God understands your every emotion and He will give you time to grieve. If we could only hear from all the people in heaven I think we would all have a different view of this life.

    God gave me a thought recently when I was pondering those who have passed from this earth to heaven. He knew I was struggling with death of loved ones. He gave me this idea that it is like going to a family reunion. Some people get there before others but eventually we will all get there to celebrate. That may sound lame to those reading this but to me it gave me great comfort. For Christians we know where we are going.

    God Bless you dear sister and I pray that the days to come will be better for you.

