thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017


    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    I got locked out because I used FireFox instead of Google Chrome. Was able to read (and pray for all of you!) but not post.

    Wishing you all a BLESSED THANKSGIVING!



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2017

    Good morning ladies,

    This morning the onlinedevotional seemed very appropriate to share with testimony of God's faithfulness like one who is seeing it firsthand , like all of us have seen. I hope this speaks to you...Ellen

    Six Reasons I'm Thankful for CancerLiz Curtis HiggsLIZ CURTIS HIGGS

    November 24, 2017

    Facebook Twitter

    "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

    When I began sharing my recent diagnosis of endometrial cancer with friends, more than one confessed in all caps, "I HATE CANCER!"

    Devotion Graphic

    I get it. Nothing lovable about cancer cells, nothing joyful about malignant tumors, and definitely nothing fun about surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and the rest.

    But there's been another side to this unexpected journey. Some glorious, eye-opening, wouldn't-trade-anything-for-them moments came when I was willing to embrace today's verse with my whole heart: "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

    Liz, are you saying you're grateful to have cancer? Yes, that's what I'm saying.

    Feel free to shake your head, roll your eyes or sigh loudly at this point. What I'm about to share may sound like a woman who has swallowed one too many steroid pills before her latest chemotherapy treatment and is floating on a drug-induced euphoria.

    The truth is, my gratitude has nothing to do with chemicals and everything to do with Christ. After three dozen years of knowing Him as my Lord and Savior, I now know Him as my Comforter, Healer and Friend. I have never been more aware of His presence or more in awe of His power. And I've never felt more compelled to speak His name or sing His praises!

    Though I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, I long for my brothers and sisters in Christ to experience firsthand what happens when we accept the reality of our circumstances and not only trust God, but also thank God for the path He has laid out for us.

    So, those six reasons to be thankful through a hard season?

    A greater sense of His faithfulness. When I cried out to Him from my hospital bed in the middle of the night, He was already there, calming my broken heart, assuring me of His love, just as His Word tells us, "Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies" (Psalm 36:5, NIV).

    A richer understanding of His peace. After the oncologist explained my diagnosis, the Lord dried my tears and reminded me of His sovereignty in all things. Since God's in charge, and we are not, we can let go of our anxious thoughts and rest in Him. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7, NIV).

    A constant assurance of His goodness. Because His plans for us are always good and always purposeful, I can lift up my shiny bald head and say, "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living" (Psalm 27:13, NIV).

    A deeper dependence on His presence. Desperately aware of my need for Jesus, I am praying more often and more earnestly than ever before. When I'm on my knees, He meets me without fail. "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Colossians 4:2, NIV).

    A fresh experience of His freedom. Of all the emotions that have washed over me, fear held sway for only one terrible day. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, by God's grace I chose to stand on His truth and be set free. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" (Isaiah 41:10a, NIV).

    A clearer vision of His hope. Whatever the outcome — healing or heaven — God holds out a bright beacon of hope for my future and yours, and provides the greatest reason for gratitude. "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful …" (Hebrews 12:28a, NIV).

    Whatever you might be going through right now, beloved, I am grateful for the honor of encouraging you, this holiday season and always.

    Lord, give us the strength to be thankful in all circumstances. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Ellen that is so beautiful! THANK YOU!

    Nancy - praying the Lord will ease your pain and heal up that cyst for good - to His gory!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Dear ladies,

    My family could use some prayer. We had a nice Thanksgiving and today all @#@$ broke loose. I thought the furnace had given out, the sewer has clogged, my packing came out of my wound when my sister changed the bandage and this evening after picking my mom up from her hair apt. I decided to trust my gut feeling and take her to the urgent care center which I have already spent some time in since getting here.

    She has been diagnosed with Bells Palsy and if she cannot keep her eye closed she could lose the sight in her eye. Her ear is affected as well. She is on meds for shingles and will start predisone tomorrow. We were at the urgent care for two hours this evening so I made it in just he nick of time to the pharmacy to get her meds and supplies before they closed.

    I am a bit overwhelmed to say the least because ointment has to be applied and rebandaged each time. Her eye lid must stay closed and she is like dealing with a 2 year old that doesn't understand what is going on and this patch on her eye is about to drive her crazy. I have already lost my mind several hours ago!!!!! We have a furnace guy, a sewer guy both coming on Monday when I have to go back to the urgent care to repack again after tomorrow as well and we have to get her into her primary doctor asap and will call on Monday. I know the Lord will not give us more than we can handle and I am running to Him as fast as I can. I know He has allowed me to get all of the supplies and and I am so thankful I was able to listen to my gut feeling and go to urgent care tonight. My sister had told me she had sent some emails thinking it was pink eye and to wait.

    This eye patch may have to be on for many weeks and I really am not sure just how we are going to manage all of the care that needs to take place. I am going back home on Tues and will go back to my urgent care on Wed.

    I have not had a chance to read your post Ellen but only quickly. I will read when I have a little time to breath. Right now I will apply this stuff to my mom's eye for the first time. Lord help me now because I can't quite remember how the nurse told me to do the bandage.

    God Bless you all



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2017

    Nancy prayers sent. Perhaps it’s time for hospice fo your mom it’s just too much on you.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Lord, we lift Nancy and her mother up to You now. What seems so overwhelming to us is certainly not to You. You have ALL things in Your control. I pray EVERY situation Nancy faces right now will be entirely worked out according to Your perfect will. Please grant Nancy the peace that passes all understanding to guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus and let her cast all her cares upon You, for You care for her. Take away her anxiety and strengthen her mind, spirit and body knowing that YOU Can handle all of this. When we are weak, You are strong. May the furnace and plumbing issues be repaired quickly. I pray for healing of the cyst, that You will remove all infection and pain. Please heal Mom from the Bells Palsy and help her to cooperate with treatments in the meantime. Grant Nancy wisdom regarding her care now and for the future. Please work out EVERY concern and detail now, as only You can do - and I pray in Jesus' Name and thank You for your lovingkindness and power at work even now. Amen

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    Dear Nancy, I have been praying for you, your mom and your sister. May God minister to you all in this time of great need.

    Just a thought ... Would Visiting Nurses be able to assist with your mom? Several of my family members have used them after surgeries or procedures to change dressings, apply ointments or drops, check vitals, etc. The Nurses were so helpful and eased everyone's minds. I pray that such a service exists for your family.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Nancy, I’m praying for you, you are totally overwhelmed with all here things going on. Can you sister step on for you? Having a visiting nurse would be helpful.

    Dear Father, I’m praying for Nancy she needs help in so many things and her mother needs your helps also. Please comfort her and make things go smothly for her, in Jesus name, Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Dear ladies,

    Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much for your prayers. It took us two hours at this hospital express clinic last night with my mom but for me today it was in and out. Thank you Jesus. I needed to run to the store and by the time I got home I was just so wiped out and took a nap. It has been not quite so crazy today but the eye bandage is still very difficult for my mom.

    In all of the craziness of yesterday I was able to get her outside manger scene up for Christmas. Tonight I had to get the candles for the windows and was expecting to have to go through more accumulated water in the basement . Guess what???????????NO WATER AT ALL. NONE My sister continues to see snakes but I have seen none. We are going to try another place that deals with snakes. Obviously the glue boards are not working.

    My mom's furnace is working too. I will still have the furnace guy out to check her furnace but the sewer guy I am debating whether to cancel or not.

    My devotional for the last two days was giving thanks in all things. It reiterated what I know to be true. Our thankfulness is sometimes an act of obedience regardless of how we feel. As we practice the attitude of gratitude it can really change how we think about things in general. We can be the type of person who is always looking for the negatives and dwelling on those things or finding the positives in all situations.

    In all of the stress of last night with my mom I found out one of my waterfall pics had been picked as a weekly winner in our newspaper. The Lord knew I really could use something to lift my spirits and that did. It may or may not be chosen for the hard copy of the newspaper but it is online.

    I would appreciate your continued prayers as my sister and I still have to figure out my mom's eye care after I go back home. Unless things get worse with my mom I am still planning on going back home on Tuesday so I can go to my own clinic on Wed.

    I have done some research on home care nurses and Medicare. Once we see her doctor then we can see what is available and how long she will have to have the bandage and the eye gel applications. If she would need rehab for facial muscles that may be covered but so far I haven't found anything saying the bandage change would be covered. I am not sure if her caregiver would be allowed to do this either. Lots of things to figure before leaving.

    The type of Bells Palsy she has with the ear being involved has a lower percentage of a positive outcome than the type not involving the ear but God can do whatever He chooses to do regardless of percentages and statistics.

    Have a good rest of the weekend and thank you all again for your prayers.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Ellen, I just now had time to go back and read your post. I can't believe what I had posted was saying similar things and I really hadn't had a chance to read your post all the way until now. God is good. That was an amazing post and full of truth if we can all get to the point of really being okay with whatever path God chooses for us.

    Thank you for posting that and thank you ladies for your posts for me. It is reassuring to know we can have such a bond of friendship through this thread.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Nancy , so glad things turned out well, God always listens. Amen!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2017

    Today I am so grateful for no reoccurance. Also ffor family , friends and church. Nancy, I am so glad things are going well with Mom. Praying for Gods continual provision for her. Praying all here will be provided for as well today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Good evening dear ladies.

    I wanted to give an update on things at my mom's. This has been one of the longest and craziest days of my life I think. On four hours of sleep God is getting me through this time. My mom needs a new furnace. The sewer problems resurfaced but it was tree roots blocking her sewer pipes. The guy gave us a senior discount which never happens. The details of getting a new furnace installed will fall on my sister and I pray that she can make this happen soon.

    We got my mom into her primary care doctor today and God orchestrated the timing of all of these contractors coming and going and for me and my sister to be with my mom at the doctor. That is the first time that has ever happened that we both were at her doctor's apt. It is usually just me.

    My mom's condition is quite serious. The doctor does not think she has Bells Palsy and the urgent care physician did use the term Ramsey Hunt Syndrome but then it was a little vague what we were actually dealing with. The thing is my mom has a very rare form of shingles that involve her ear, eye and one side of her face. There is a chance she could lose her hearing and her eyesight on her right side. Her doctor didn't even know the specifics of how to treat it so he consulted a specialist. She has to have eye ointment administered to her eye and a clean bandage change four times a day to keep her eye lid closed. Yesterday I was about as strung out as I have ever been because my mom was so agitated with the eye bandage and she ripped it off when I was out last night hunting down more eye bandages just to find out the kind I bought is not what the specialist recommended. I had to get special tape as well since there is tape all over her face and around the eye. She is on steroids which is affecting her dementia and the poor thing is so confused.

    In all of this I have visited the urgent care on M, T, Th, Fr, Sat and today. One of those was for my mom and the rest was to have my wound repacked. It has to be repacked every two days. I will go home tomorrow because of that so I can have it repacked at my own urgent care clinic on Wed. I will then see my surgeon and see where we go from here. The doctor I saw today said he is guessing the surgeon will continue to want it packed every two days. I have a deep hole in my back from the surgery in June.

    So we are scrambling to piece together care for my mom's eye and ear after I leave tomorrow. I asked her doctor for a referral for visiting nurses and they are getting back to my sister on that issue hopefully tomorrow. My mom's caregiving agency said they would be able to help out with this even though they have to dance around the rules a bit to make this happen.

    I would appreciate your prayers for my mom's complete healing. The positive in this is I trusted my gut feeling which was probably the Holy spirits leading and got her into urgent care as soon as I could. That will hopefully help in a more positive outcome because this type of shingles does not have as good an outcome as regular shingles.

    My mom is tired tonight so is resting and I am so glad as my nerves were so on edge today with such little sleep and all the craziness of the day. I am doing laundry late tonight and we still have snakes in the basement which is another whole challenge which the methods we have used has not worked.

    I know this probably sounds like a soap opera but you can't make this stuff up!!!!

    I would appreciate prayers for healing of my cyst once and for all as well.

    I hope to get back to posting regularly and lifting all of you up in prayer.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2017

    Nancy, how you manage to keep all of the pieces together is amazing! Prayers are going up for you, your mom, and your whole situation. Take care of yourself as you are loved.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2017

    God please help our sister Nancy, her mother and sister. You know and understand everything that is going on and what needs to happen. Please give Nancy a double dosis of your healing power. And may the doctors, nurses and caregivers be helpful.

    In your name Jesus,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    Nancy, I pray that you continue to receive divine strength and stamina during this hectic and stressful time. I pray for complete healing for you and your mom as well as support for your sister as she coordinates remediation of heating and sewer issues. God bless you all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Thank you dear sisters for your prayers and comforting posts. I made it home and just need to rest and recharge. A visiting nurse came to consult with us in regards to my mom today. I was very disappointed in that they will not be of much help I am afraid. Apparently trying to keep someone from losing their eye is not as important as some other issues. Of course the nurse didn't say that but she said each visit is $190. Medicare will pay for three more days is my understanding. We are supposed to have four bandage changes a day. We do not have enough people at this point to cover that.

    They will NOT come but only once a day and then for only three days after today. This nurse said the idea is that once they train someone how to change the bandage then they won't need to come. The ironic thing is I am the one who showed the nurse how to do the bandage change. We are trying to figure this out as we go. My sister is of the thought that we may only be able to do three bandage changes.

    I know for myself I am supposed to be having two bandages changes and I was not able to manage but one with all the other stuff going on.

    My mom's care giving agency is bending over backwards to help us so for that I am very grateful.

    The frustrating thing is for some strange reason my mom can't hear me on the phone at all now so I can't speak with her. This is a fairly new problem. She has hearing aids and this is a mystery and very frustrating.

    I will follow up with my urgent care tomorrow and then make an apt to see my surgeon to see what they are going to do. The last person that packed my wound yesterday said he would guess the surgeon will continue to have it packed every 48 hrs and take a wait and see stance. We'll see.

    One of my favorite Bible passages and I say this in all seriousness is ...........and this too shall pass. I heard this on the radio coming home. The lady was posing this question..........Have you ever wondered if God was deaf. She spoke of taking a really bad fall in her garage and her husband was out of town, no one was there to help and even her dog was locked inside the house. She said have you ever felt that God was deaf to your calling out to Him. Her situation resolved pretty quickly after she prayed but as I thought about this I thought she is posing the WRONG question. Are WE deaf to God's calling us? It is so easy to let our circumstances push God out of the picture. I know we all are going through some tough things right now. I know that God absolutely understands each and everyone one of our circumstances and what our needs are. I believe God allows trials in our lives not to harm us but to strengthen our faith muscles and to allow Him to perfect us according to His divine plan for each of us. He gives us chances to take a breath and to recharge. He may be preparing some of us for our home going. The phrase and this too shall pass may mean different things to some of us. God has plans for good and not for harm for each of us. Trust Him in all things.

    Take care dear sisters and allow God to work His perfect plan for your life.



  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Nancy, I feel better knowing you are home now. Im so sorry that you Mom got so much problems that let me think about the seniors living. It is so hard to find helpers so once we get old what should we do?

    Hank you for sharing about God plans on us, we are human so we have our weak moments.

    Pray for all the pink sisters to have a good night sleep.

    Love ... Paulette

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited November 2017

    Nancy, you are so right ..We are the ones who can sometimes be deaf to God's calling..and sometimes he will allow things to happen in order to get our attention, because what he is trying to tell us is THAT important!

    His plans for us are good plans, and ALL things work out for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose,

    ALL things.

    I continue to pray for your family, Nancy and also for your healing.

    I have only one more AC chemo left. So far, so good.

    I was able to work it out so that I can receive most of the twelve weekly Taxol treatments closer to home..without giving up my beloved MO. I will have to travel the fifty miles to see him once every third week now..which is a blessing since we drive a truck which is not the best on gas..and the drive to the next town is one third the distance than the drive we have been making. Once you figure in the hours it takes to have the infusion,,well, that's too long a day especially with winter coming. (lol, it should be here by now). i will be able to drive it myself then.

    two and a half weeks ago a young woman who lives in our town (30 yrs. old) died from this terrible disease. She left behind her husband, four small children, and parents. She loved the Lord and is now with him..but I must tell you, I was up all night the night I found out crying for her, for myself, for my daughters who live in fear of getting this too..and for all who suffer this disease.

    But, after a day of mourning over all that is lost, I fell into the arms of the Savior and am comforted once again that this too shall pass..and ..

    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

    Romans 8:18

    Blessing & Love~Lisa

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2017

    Glad you are home Nancy. Praying for God to meet all our needs today. This is not about BC per say but please pray for my hubby who is struggling with depression and for me to have wisdom in how to help him. Love, Jean

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited November 2017


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,873
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Lisa for your prayers and encouragement. Amen to the Romans verse.

    When I was driving home last night I was extremely upset about some misinformation that came for ??? regarding my mom. Her caregiver had said some nurse told them this situation with my mom's eye had been going on for a long time. I was so upset as this was completely false. We do not know where this came from. I was just in a state of unbelief and anger and frustration. I finally realized that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy us. I spoke as many verses I could claim and then spent a time just thanking God for all the blessings He has given me. Before I knew it the whole upset had passed. I cannot muster this up on my own. God works through us if we allow Him to. He wants our praise and the enemy hates that so it is a win win.

    Lisa, I love your sunset. When I was at my mom's there were a couple of evenings with gorgeous sunsets. They even had pictures in our paper talking about how gorgeous they have been lately. God's creation never ceases to amaze me.

    I couldn't get into urgent care until 7:15 tonight. I have graduated to no more packing. However it is a little more involved care and now that I am home I will have my neighbor do this for me. I got to see her today for the first time for a while and she said she was fine with that. She helped me so many weeks when I kept getting infections after my surgery.

    The doctor this evening said she would bet my surgeon will want to go back in and take a deeper section out of my back. She said another patient was in today and her surgeon told her he wouldn't operate until six weeks after an infection. So I am planning a three week stay at my mom's over Christmas so I will have some fun to look forward to when I get back. UGH

    It will mean many more weeks of missing swimming again. I need to remind myself and this too shall pass.

    Jean, praying for your DH.

    Lisa, I am glad you only have one more AC chemo to go and so glad your Taxol will be much closer. That is a blessing for sure.

    Paulette, when do you begin radiation?

    Hershey, are you close to being done with Taxol now?

    Take care dear sisters. I need to get to bed.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2017

    Nancy, thank you and others for praying for my hubby. God answered quickly and raised him up. Praise Jesus. I pray you all have a beautiful day in Him. Also has anyone heard from Lita? Love, Jean

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited November 2017

    Nancy - don’t let the anger gets to you because we know you are a much better person. Pray for your infection won’t be bad, things will work out on the end.

    My radiation should start in middle of December, I did my mapping on Monday, they should call me in week and a half. My Christmas and new year will be on radiation this time.

    All the pink sisters I hope everyone are safe and praying for Foots I haven’t seen her for weeks.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    Nancy thank you again for your words of Godly wisdom. He blesses us through you. I am so sorry these things pile upon you but you are such a great witness to the rest of us - some not dealing with such a load - others are - that you can be sure He is being glorified in your attitude toward these trials.

    My husband has had hearing aids for years and sometimes they need "tweaked" by the audiologist as hearing gets worse. He was diagnosed with "profound deafness" with no hope of improvement. The sad thing with him is that some people just cannot learn lip reading, and he is one. Many times I have to be his ears. He did receive a cool device from the VA that when I clip it on he can hear me in the car and even in another grocery aisle. He could hear the car stereo through it too without blasting me with the volume. Anyway, maybe the audiologist can give your mom's hearing aids a tune-up so she may once again hear you on the phone. (Could be they are clogged with wax & that's a simple fix.)

    I found another lump last night in the tissue the surgeon left near my breastbone. (First one since the bilateral mastectomy 2 years ago) That's not where the cysts ever grew so I have THE suspicion about it. Will ask my onc when I see him on the 13th. As I've told you, both my mammogram AND ultrasound missed the cancer - only showed a "probable cyst" so if the doc wants to look further into this I hope it will be a needle biopsy - or just take the thing out & test it. You all know this feeling. So many of you have been a couple of years out and then all of a sudden a stage 4 diagnosis. I guess that's the greatest fear. But I will handle it (if so) just like you brave sisters - with His help and anticipating an earlier Homegoing.

    I am hesitant to ask ~ How is Lita?

    I'm looking forward to 2 weeks of Christmas with ALL THREE kids and grandkids in Ohio. But the strength will have to be supernatural to get through it. At least James is doing some better than I am right now, for which I am SO thankful. We still await Jan 1st to resume the quest for his life-saving meds and we're trusting the Lord to be working behind the scenes to let this go through in time before another (probably fatal) heart attack happens. One day at a time, right?

    I'm praying for ALL of you, blessings upon your evening ~


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2017

    My sweet guy feeding a few of our 'deer' friends 11/27.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017

    Oh my goodness, Ade, those deer are so tame! And the buck looks very well fed! ;-)

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2017


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited December 2017

    Perfect Word, Hershey!

    (Some deer eat right out of the food bucket and one old friend let me stroke her face after a time of building her trust.)