thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2018

    Amen, Amen!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Amen Joanne. When we look at the whole Easter experience to me it all boils down to His Grace.

    Have a blessed Easter dear sisters.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2018

    Amen, Nancy!

    Joanne - I can't read that without singing it! Hallelujah He lives!

    Went to Odessa (3 hours away) to the VA clinic yesterday and a really GOOD audiologist taught James how to adjust his hearing aids by phone app! Nobody had ever taken the time to do that for him before. He is so pleased. The other appointment doctor took him off the lisinopril BP med because of the side effects and will send him a new med. Also she is putting in a request for one of the new non-statin drugs for him. (We have been through this hope SO many times - but nothing is impossible with God.) On the way up there was a very bad accident on the highway which had traffic backed up on the interstate both ways as far as you could see. SOOO thankful we were not in it! Thanking God for all of His blessings - especially the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, that our sins may be forgiven and the gift of eternal life in Him. HE LIVES!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2018

    Amen to all these beautiful prayers and thanks to God for all His blessings as we journey through the end of this Easter season to a new resurrection. I'm sorry I've not been attentive to this forum but I have just not felt very good physically and mentally. Right now I think I have either the flu or a cold and I ask you all to please pray for me. Our granddaughter is coming to spend her Easter break from school with us and I would like to enjoy her visit and not give her whatever I have. So, please include me in the long list of prayers for all those here as I also pray for you. Thank you and may all Gods blessings of Easter be with all and your families.

    Love and prayers, Faith. (In the future).

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2018

    Joanne, thank you for your note. You might be right about the BPmeds, I'm on three right now for BP and cardiomyopathy. When you add in the letrozole, I guess it's no wonder I feel tired and lousy all the time. I'm having a nuclear stress test in couple of weeks so maybe that will tell us something.

    I'm sorry your daughter is having such a rough time with the thyroid medication, that a tough one to get regulated. I will pray for her and for your back. I'm envious of your downsizing, we need to do that but I think DH just wants to stay here forever. Sigh! He's looking at remodeling the bathroom now and I have no enthusiasm for it. I guess it will get sorted out.

    Nancy, I hope you are feeling better by now. I'm beginning to think there's another bout of flu making the rounds. Let's all pray for good health for all of us.

    I'm feeling very guilty right now as I'm missing singing the Holy Thursday services but I don't think the Lord wants me to share my germs. At least that's what I'm telling myself so I don't feel so bad.

    May you all have a very blessed Easter.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Ade, thankful James got some tips on his hearing aides. I am praying that this miracle of meds that he needs will come through. Praying his new bp med will work for him with no adverse SE's.

    Faith, I have been praying for you and am sorry to hear you are just not feeling well. I know I have had bp meds issues in the past that made me very sick and the reason was I had lost some weight and the dosage was too high. It took me quite a long time to figure it out. I was dizzy and nauseated for weeks before my pcp realized the dose needed to be lowered.

    It is so hard when we are on meds that can cause dizziness and not knowing what is causing the problem. I know my AI can make me feel lousy too so I can sympathize. This IL weather is not helping things knowing it is supposed to be spring and the temps feeling more like winter. I pray that you will be up for your grand daughter's visit. I am doing better but I am still having some GI issues.

    Joanne, I continue to pray for you and your family. I know from the perspective of my sister and I trying to clean out my mom's house you are giving your daughters a HUGE blessing by weeding things out when you are able. I want to start in getting rid of as much stuff as I can too. I have limited space and after living in my house for 27 years the stuff seems to grow exponentially. My photography hobby is kind of taking over my house and I need an addition to my house just to house all of my photography equipment!

    Praying that you all have a wonderful Easter. I have prayed this prayer for myself quite a bit lately. As I have tried to understand the meaning of the cross in a deeper way I have started praying like this. I have resurrection power within me because Jesus lives within me and He bore our sin and sickness on the cross. I am walking into my healing this day. You may want to do the same. I really do think this has helped me a great deal.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2018

    Nancy, I love the phrase "walking into my healing." You already know how much I believe in God's healing touch and I continue to pray for you and others on this site.

    My prayers this holy season are that our loved ones and family all know the saving grace of our Lord and Savior.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2018


    Easter blessings to you all!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2018

    Wishing all a blessed Easter. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Dear sisters,

    Faith really needs our prayers. It looks like she may have the flu and her granddaughter is now visiting with her on her spring break and she is fearful of giving it to her. Pray that her fever breaks and that she can get over this quickly.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2018

    Thanks Jo!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2018

    HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS RISEN!

    Thanks for all the beautiful banners.

    Love the chocolate bunnies. LOL

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2018


    Joanne - James had faintness, dizziness, cough, fatigue and sleeplessness with the last BP med. This morning he had to leave church before the service as he had a bad reaction to the NEW BP med! He slept until afternoon having taken 2 Benedryls to stop the reaction. (I got a ride home from friends since I was needed in the music ministry and he wasn't in imminent danger.) sigh.

    We had a beautiful service and packed church. Below is our sunrise this morning - thank You Jesus!

    Yes Joanne - a merry heart worketh good like a medicine!

    Praying Faith feels better SOON and doesn't share the germs.

    Blessings upon the rest of your day, Sisters!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2018

    P.S. Nancy, I have used this company to make a number of canvas prints from our photography and am very impressed with their speed & quality. Free shipping on $70 orders. (GREAT special sale prices when you subscribe to their emails!) Just wondered if you had used them for your gorgeous work.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2018

    Thanks for asking Jo. My hubby still has reactions to his new diabetic med but is trying to tolerate them since it also helps with dementia. He has to watch what he eats and also the amount or gets severe heartburn, constipation or diarrhea! He overate yesterday at the Easter celebration at my daughters and is still sleeping downstairs after a bad night. Very challanging for sure.

    I had a strange headache the other night and started thinking of metastasis. I was worried for a bit and then realized, so what, if it metastasizes He'll be with me if it doesn't He'll be with me. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2018

    I am running late today but will check in later. I am praying for all of you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2018

    Ade, I am sorry to hear about James. I continue to pray for both of you for a breakthrough in ALL ways. I remember my mom many years ago going through quite a time trying to find a BP med that she could tolerate. She did eventually and I am praying James will too,

    You sunset photo is gorgeous. Thanks for the canvas link. This is not the same one you had mentioned before so now I have a couple to look at. In fact I just had one of my photos printed on canvas and just got it on Saturday. I took a four night class on photo editing and it was at a camera store. The teacher struck a deal with the manager of the store and we could get 50% off printing for our final class project. We were to use the techniques we learned in the class and make it as professional as we could. I have a very nice printer so I can print my own photos on paper but I can't print on canvas so I decided to support the store and have my final project blown up to a 16 by 20 canvas. I am going to give it to my mom for Mother's Day. I am now interested in doing some for myself so I will look into this link. Thank you.

    Joanne, thanks for the banner. Sometimes the Monday after Easter or a Monday after any major holiday can feel like a letdown. I pray that you and your family can experience answers to some of the issues and relief from pain and fatigue. I had been feeling really good the last few days but yesterday my old GI stuff hit me again. Today I feel fine. I am thankful that overall I am doing much better.

    Jean, praying your DH can tolerate this med. I have prayed for him even though I may have not posted that.

    I always am fearful of overstepping when I share about others but I hope this will be alright.

    Faith has bronchitis and did go to an urgent care center to be diagnosed. Her grand daughter has gone to stay with other family so hopefully Faith will be able to rest and recover quickly from this set back.

    Have a good evening dear ladies.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2018

    Thank you all so much for your prayers and Nancy, thank you for asking for the prayers on my behalf. I'm still not feeling very good but at least the fever seems to be gone, but I was told I could feel bad for up to two weeks. Ugh! Hopefully I was able to avoid giving it to my granddaughter thanks to my other daughter stepping in and taking her home to their house for the weekend. I feel so blessed to have at least two of our four kids in the area as one daughter brought Easter dinner and daughter in law also brought soup for another meal. Thanking God for many blessings but feeling sad to have missed the beautiful Easter services.

    Joanne, I love the banner you posted. Those words speak to me as I often say a similar prayer on an almost daily basis. I pray that you are feeling healed with those words and that everyone else can feel whatever healing they need. I pray for all of your needs daily and am so thankful that we have this forum to share our needs with each other and know that God is hearing all our prayers.

    Have a good night dear friends, may God bless you all.

    Love and prayers,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2018

    Here is the post from Daily Blessings (Susie Larson) for today. I read her everyday because she helps me stay positive. Here is the link again if you want it. Daily Blessing

    When you're in Christ, you're secure even when your feelings tell you otherwise. You don't have to feel well to be strong and courageous. You don't have to feel bold to be brave. You don't have to feel accepted to live loved. You don't have to feel faith for your faith to be real. And you don't have to feel God's presence for Him to be near. He's closer than your next breath and He lives mightily in you! He pulled out a chair and gave you a place at the table of grace. God is always near and you are always loved no matter how you feel. You've seen too much to turn back now. Keep marching onward and have a faith-filled day!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2018

    Faith, I continue to pray for you. I am glad to hear the fever broke. I hope you can feel better soon. I know two weeks sounds like an eternity when you are sick. Hopefully in two weeks we will finally have some warm weather in IL. The sun is shining but I saw some snow flakes too. I am DONE with winter and I am sure everyone is who is expecting spring. Hang in there. We are praying,

    Joanne, I LOVE that Wed banner. I saw a bright yellow finch at my feeder the other day and I was about to do back flips. ( I would be in traction if I tried that !) As the weather warms up the male finches start to change to a bright yellow so that must mean this cold will end soon. I have an online newsletter from one of the forest preserve counties near me and it has a Monarch tracking map of their migration. They are here in the US and they are coming but not quite up to where we live yet. I have never seen one and am excited to find out when they arrive. Hopefully I will be camera ready!

    Chris, that is such a good reminder that we cannot base our faith on our feelings. I know for myself my feelings can be all over the map within the same day so thank goodness that is not a barometer of my faith.

    Lita, how are you doing?

    Lisa, have you started rads yet?

    Praying everyone can see some blessings in this day. One of my usual prayers is Lord let me be a blessing and let me see the blessings you have given me. A simple smile can be a huge blessing to someone who needed a lift. It is not hard to do. I know when someone smiles at me it puts a little extra spring in my step.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited April 2018

    Going for my weekly Gemzar infusion this afternoon. Platelets and liver ALT's were okay, so no postponing. Hope I don't have bad diarrhea like I had last week. Snooze


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2018

    Thanks Into Light, I needed that. Love, Jean

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited April 2018

    I'm sorry I've been away from my computer for awhile now..I am praying for all who are sick with the flu or other virus going around now..and I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better, Faith.

    Thank you, Joanne for the encouraging poems and songs..God inhabits the praises of his people and he also sings over us! This is why we must never forget to sing of his goodness and mercy and power!

    We had a very quiet Easter this year..My husband Jeff didn't want to go anywhere so we stayed home and I watched 'The Bible' on Netflix..I couldn't find 'The Passion of The Christ' anywhere though I have it on DVD..We have to hook up a DVD player though.

    I began rads yesterday, and I'm praying for manageable side effects. One of the reasons I haven't been on the computer lately is I've been working diligently to get some spring cleaning done..(even though it is still winter here in MI, lol.) while I still have enough energy to do this. I'm anticipating the fatigue that is associated with radiation therapy.

    Ade- Thank you for that link to the canvas printer..I have a couple photos to consider for prints.

    Paulette- How are you doing?

    Thank you everyone for your prayers and for sharing your stories..I will try to post on here a little more often. I do need to get my eyes checked after all that chemo caused some vision changes, but it is still too soon to go as I was told to wait a few months for the eyes to start to clear on their own a bit first. When I can see better I will try to use my phone to post on the forum too.

    ~ Alive In Christ ! ~


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2018

    Lita I was glad to hear from you. I've been concerned not hearing for awhile. Praying you will tolerate this infusion better. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2018

    Lita, praying for you always. I am glad you were about to get your infusion. Praying the SE's will not be so bad.

    Lisa, how many treatments are you expected to have. Praying you get through rads with no issues. I have also wondered how Paulette is doing. I think some ladies once they are finished move on and I certainly understand that. I hope she is doing well.

    Jean, how is your grand daughter and Valentina doing?

    Joanne, your lyrics reminded me of a song I haven't thought of in years. Here comes Jesus, see Him walking on the water,.............................

    Take care dear ladies. I will have to share something that happened to me today but I'll share later.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2018

    My granddaughter still needs lots of prayer to get her life on track so she can become the mother Valentina needs. She needs a job, saving money to buy a reliable car, to remain clean and a plan for the future. Valentina is living with my daughter and her husband and for now is doing well. She is 3yrs. old already! Her mom visits often but is not ready to be a full time mom yet. Thanks Nancy for asking. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2018


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2018

    Nancy, what a beautiful banner! I save them for whenever the Lord leads me to share with others. We have the Word hidden in our hearts but often the Lord blesses us with these reminders. I pray your digestive tract is functioning normally as it should with no more episodes.

    Chris, I can't tell you how much your April 4th post ministered to me! I shared the words on my Facebook page and I printed it out to give to my sisters at church. THANK YOU!

    Jean, may our Lord bring His work in your grandaughter to completion so she can be Godly the mother He wills her to be - to His glory. I'm thankful with you that little Valentina is thriving where she is for now.

    Lita I pray your treatment is going better - bless your heart! What miserable SEs to deal with when you're not well and strong anyway. We are all praying for you and send hugs your way.

    Lisa, praying your rads will be a breeze for you (God can do this!). Don't clean to the point of exhaustion - you can do only what you can do and increments work just fine.

    Things are a roller coaster around here but God is with me and we have had some sweet fellowship because of it. James had a bad reaction Easter Sunday to a new BP med and had to leave church early. The next day he had no BP meds and his personality was his old wonderful self! He was happy, sweet, considerate, and loving. Then he went back on an old BP med that was prescribed along with another that proved too much, so he was taken off of it (but had no side effects from that one). Now we are back to the opposite of the 'wonderful self' and it makes me cry. You can feel so lonely even living with another - but I draw near to the Lord and He draws near to me as He promises. I know that many who have had heart attacks have personality changes but wonder how long it lasts. I fight depression over this as he has always been my best friend. Sometimes now I don't know him :o( Sorry - I can't share this with anyone else so thanks for being my shoulder to cry on. Things can always be worse I know. Also there are odd things happening in my body and as you all know the first thing you think of is mets. I a putting that on the back burner for now.

    One sweet thing - Maggie senses when I am upset and is right there beside me with her unconditional love. God can love us through out critters too.

    Sending love & praying for you all,

