thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Nancy that is a LOVELY tribute. ~*~ Thank you!

    (Feel better soon)



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Beautiful Nancy. How special!

    Praying you feel better.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Thank you Ade and Chris. I should have waited until I was feeling better. I goofed on the first one and had to start all over. Then I realized I put the day one day later than it should be and I hope no one is offended by that. I was just feeling pressure to get this posted so if her daughter wanted to go back and read she would see it. Actually I got the date wrong because I believe her daughter did get into Auroras account because that is where I got that date. Then looking back realized I had goofed and just didn't have the energy to fix it a third time.

    Aurora, I miss you. You have been one of the longer people who have stayed on this thread since I have been here and have been a great encourager with a sweet personality. You had a quiet and steady faith in God and seemed very much accepting of whatever was to come. You were an inspiration to me and to all those that knew you. You had a grace and a quiet acceptance of each transition that God brought you through. In your suffering you never let on even though I know it was difficult for you near the end. I pray the strength you showed will also be given to your daughter who will have to carry on with her son without you. Lord, give the whole family your strength and compassion as they go through this period of grief. In your name I pray, Amen.


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    ~Amen~ (Beautiful tribute)

    I love the Disneyland photo..What wonderful family memories!

    Momof4: As Nancy said..we all cry and for good reason, but sometimes the tears just seem to flow and flow. The emotional roller-coaster is very real, and it can sometimes be more difficult to navigate through than the physical part of tx. I remember how surprised I was after my first round with bc and treatment was finally over..even though I had read about the mental/emotional part of it all, I was still surprised at the sudden severe anxiety. I like to say that faith overcomes fear, and I totally believe that..but being afraid is not a sign of defeat or failure..Having faith in the midst of that fear is our strength. Remember Paul said "When I am (Jesus) are strong." And I agree with Lita..Handing it over to the Lord means accepting whatever he has planned for our walk with him.

    Good News!...

    My MO agreed to cancel that last TAXOL (Monday)..I am celebrating this small victory and still believing that all of us who are facing scans are gonna get good news! I'm so relieved that on Wednesday when I have the PET I will not be sick from the TAXOL as Wed. was always my worst day after tx. I dreaded the thought of having to lie still for so long with tummy cramps in that machine..Thank you, Sweet Lord.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Lisa, so happy your Taxol treatments are done. Praying for all who have upcoming scans that it is all good news.

    I did a corrected tribute to Aurora as I just couldn't rest getting the date wrong.

    I had a horrible period of dizziness today and I just don't know what is going on but I feel like I should be well by now. I would appreciate your continued prayers for healing.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    He leads me beside the still waters.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Thank you Joanne for your prayers and for your colorful post. All those colors should give me some new life today!!!!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    I'm praying you are feeling better, Nancy..Being led by the still waters is the rest our bodies need sometimes.

    I am also having an echo-cardiogram done on Tuesday, please pray the Herceptin is not damaging my heart so that I can continue on this targeted therapy and avoid any further chemo!

    I am looking forward to tomorrow as it is supposed to be sunny and warmer here..a good day to celebrate not having to go to chemo!

    I just wanted to share this photo of a swinging bridge me and my daughters were on just September. We've had a lot of flooding in the state, and it's not even spring yet!



    Here's the bridge normally..


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    we just listened to his last sermon/message to America. It was so good!

    This morning I'm having my echocardiogram to determine if my heart is still healthy enough for my Herceptin far this has gone well. Please pray it is still good.

    Also, please pray for my 83 year old friend, Donna.. she has shingles on her face.

    She has had skin cancer on her face for the last couple of years also, and told me just a month or so ago that she was worried it was coming back.

    Thanks, and God bless you all~ Lis

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2018

    Not posting as much. I still read everyday and I'm praying for all of you. Things are going well here. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Lisa, praying for your echo today. Praying that you will be able to continue the Herceptin and possibly avoid other chemo treatments. The flooding looks scary and I know more rain and snow is coming on Thursday.

    Jean, glad you are doing well.

    Joanne, thanks for posting the info on Billy Graham. I have to check that out. Yesterday was my first day out and I spent many hours in the car driving to two appointments that are pretty far away. I have not had a chance to check out the live stream but I did watch his son on TV last night.

    I am attempting to swim today but I think at this point I need confidence that this sickness is behind me. If I can hack swimming then I know I am okay. Not quite sure yet.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Lisa, praying for your echo today and that you will be at peace and relaxed during the procedure.

    Nancy, praying you continue to recover and can swim again real soon. Glad you got out.

    My kids have all gone home and I am sad. The 3 year-old DGS came down with Parvo virus so I am hoping I won't catch it. I have a PET scan this afternoon and appreciate your prayers. It has been 6 months since my last one.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    Chris I have been praying for your scan today..I am believing that God will have us rejoicing in his goodness and mercy concerning these scans..I just heard a sermon yesterday about the scripture (and song) that says: Let the weak say "I am strong."..Basically, this teaching was a reminder that we can have faith to say what we need to have, and if it is within God's will it will be done.

    In Jesus, we are asking for clear scans and calm spirits. ~Amen~


    I know they are not supposed to tell us results of the echocardiogram..but the tech that scans me knows I will not say anything to my doctor..She patted me on the shoulder today while scanning my heart and told me that everything looks really good!

    Praise the Lord!

    And thanks for praying!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Chris, praying for your Pet scan today. I know these tests are so difficult but praying for a good result. I hope you don't get this virus you mentioned.

    Lisa, that is GREAT news.

    I nixed the idea of swimming today. I am feeling very lightheaded again. Swimming is not a good mix for that.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2018

    Praying for great results for you having scans and tests and God's peace too. We tend to imagine the worst results but have to remember that Jesus is as near as your heartbeat. Call upon His Name when you get fearful.

    Yes, Nancy, we thank Him and praise Him no matter what. I pray you will feel better SOON. You've had enough stress getting your cyst to heal and moving your mom so your body is probably reacting to it all. Praying you're back to normal VERY soon.

    We had our 3 year old grandaughter (Addison) for 3 days and 2 nights and boy oh boy we are tired! THAT'S why God gives babies to YOUNGER women!

    James has been in bed with a really bad migraine all day. He has taken about all of the meds he can take for now. He has been SO grumpy lately it has brought me to tears. I know this is normal after a heart attack but I didn't see it coming 7 months post. I am praying constantly to rise above and walk in the Spirit and not the flesh but I just feel lonely right now and hate when something/ANYthing comes between us. Pray it is over soon please. Tomorrow we travel an hour away to pick up his medication samples. We pray he can get this extremely expensive medication that he needs so badly with the free program through the pharmaceutical company. What a wonderful miracle that would be for us!

    Praying for all of you and sending hugs,



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2018

    Ade, your granddaughter is adorable! And yes, I understand the tiredness. I just had all 3 of mine (ages 1, 2 & 3) here for a week with their parents even, and I am exhausted! I pray for you and James daily, and am so sorry to hear of your struggles. I don't know how I would handle things if my DH were sick too. We sometimes take for granted that we even have someone with us. My DH sat in his car while I got my scan today (he prefers it to inside the hospital yet he can still get the free wi-fi) and then took me out for a steak dinner because he knew I would be starving. He teases me the whole time that I am "glowing" (a little scan humor).

    I am working on family pictures, but here are a few candids taken this week.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    I am loving seeing the adorable grandkids. I can imagine you are both very tired. You are creating happy memories and I know that is priceless.

    Ade, I feel for you as you deal with James disposition. I am praying that he will be able to get these free meds and that the samples will be encouraging. Definitely praying for you to be able to get these needed meds for free!!!!

    Chris, I am glad that you both have a sense of humor as you go through these anxious scans. I hope you enjoyed the steak as you were glowing.Winking Praying for a good result.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2018

    Dear sisters,

    I just found out that my neighbors Dad died early this morning. He was my age exactly. I would appreciate your prayers for this family and especially for the young boy who is in fifth grade. He does not know yet and they wanted to tell him after school and his therapy. This boy is very sensitive and has some issues already. I have watched him grow up and feel close to him. If you have a chance could you say a prayer for this family and for the boy in particular. I think he is going to take this very hard.

    Thank you.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2018

    Saying a prayer for the family and especially for the young boy. Life is so fragile and uncertain..the only certainty we really have is in our Lord and his faithfulness.

    Ade..My husband and I live very remotely from family and (few) friends, so I understand (in part) the frustration that you must feel when it's just the two of you and the other half is in pain and not their normal self. My hubby has serious rheumatoid arthritis since his early forties, and I can remember when his whole personality changed when he first started to live in constant pain. Now, I have adapted to his mood swings, but it is still very unpleasant, and there often is nothing I can do for him that seems to help with the flares. Thank the Lord he has meds now to help..not so in the early days. One of his meds was Methotrexate which used to be used for bc! He recently was taken off it though because of liver changes. To complicate things further, when I am in the middle of treatment and not well myself..he takes such good care of me and works full time and even overtime and I feel guilty when I'm not at my best either. I must admit though, Ade and Chris..I do have grandchild envy right youngest will be 9 this year!


    My PET scan went smoothly..Now the waiting begins. We see MO on Monday. Also, got my report from echocardiogram. I have a Grade I diastolic dysfunction. My EF is 60-65% though which is good. I'm hoping the other thing is not serious.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2018

    Nancy, I have been praying for this little boy and his family all day. May God cover Him with His love and comfort.

    Neverforsaken, I anxiously await news from your Pet scan, and am praying all is improving.

    I received good news in a quick message today from my onc. My PET scan results from yesterday show no cancer activity anywhere except in my lymph node under my arm that continues to shrink and improve. I had extensive mets including at least six tumors on my liver, and my onc didn't believe I would ever have this kind of results. I will see her on the 6th to discuss it all further. I am overwhelmed with this news, and praise my God who is walking with me every step of the way. He is the Great Physician.

    Praying for us all.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2018

    Chris, Praise Jesus! I pray He continues to restore your health and wholeness.

    Nancy, I am praying for your neighbors and for the little boy in particular. I pray that God showers them with His love, comfort, and peace in their time of grief. I pray that you are on the mend, too.

    Ade, I pray that James' new medications bring him relief and restoration.

    Lisa, I am praying for good results from your recent PET scan.

    I have completed radiation therapy and am scheduled for a diagnostic mammogram on the untreated breast tomorrow. My MO has prescribed Aromasin for my hormonal therapy medication.

    Praying for one and all.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2018

    Joanne and Nancy - great posts - we need those!

    Chris - ADORABLE little ones & pix! (Their mama is a BUSY lady for sure with little stair steps!) That is amazing good news and I praise the Lord with you! May you continue on that healing path.

    Lisa - praying for GOOD results! Thank you for your understanding concerning the hubby. I take L-Theanine and find it really helps me with depression & anxiety. I would LIKE for hubby to try it but know he won't - as he gets mad at ANY suggestion I make anymore, even though it is out of love and concern for his welfare. :o( About the L-Theanine - I was plagued with stressful dreams & nightmares after taking the aromatase inhibitors and I discovered that taking the L-Theanine at NIGHT stopped them!

    Nancy - are you feeling any better yet? How is your mom? I am praying for the neighbor family, that they might feel the Lord's comfort and turn to Him, and that the Lord may keep the boy stable and help him through this hard time.

    Hershey - glad your treatment is moving on to the medication stage and praying the Lord works it to His glory for you.

    Yesterday we traveled over an hour to get the medication samples from the cardiologist's nurse at the clinic held monthly. She told us last week at James' Dr. visit that they had "plenty". We were SO excited to finally be getting him on it. Yesterday the nurse never came out to speak with him. She had the secretary tell him that they were "out of the medication samples"!!!! He asked why they didn't call us before we made the trip and she said that they had tried. There is NO record of a missed call from them OR voice mail. I do believe the nurse just plain forgot and that these were cover up lies. SOOOO disappointed!!! James asked 'what now' and she SAID they would MAIL them 'whenever they got them'. Not holding my breath on that one! I KNOW this increased James' depression. He is sure he is going to have a shortened life and just drags from one day to another. I can't get him to make an appointment for the other things he has that need attention either. Please, he needs your prayers. The good thing is that he is treading his Bible faithfully. Thankful for that!

    Blessings upon your day,


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2018

    Dear friends, sorry I've been missing a bit lately. I want to thank you all so much for your prayers for my CTscan. They were answered!! The scan showed some regression of my lung tumor and a few nodes and others are stable. Praising God and rejoicing in His healing power. However, I guess the devil just doesn't want to give me a break to enjoy it though. For the last week or so, I've been dealing with a very sore, stiff neck which seems to be made worse by using my iPad or computer, hence, my absence. I could sure use a few prayers for healing there as it affects everything I try to do.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you're feeling bad again, I'm sure it's all the stress your body has been under. I'm praying for you and for your neighbors family and especially for that little boy. These things are really hard for children to understand and we just don't know how it will affect them for a long time to come.

    Lisa and Chris, so happy to hear your good news on your scans. It is such a relief when we finally get good news. Chris, I loved your pictures of your beautiful grandchildren, they bring such joy to our lives, even if they are a lot of work. - :).

    Ade, your granddaughter is beautiful too but I sure understand the toll it takes on us when we don't feel well. I'm so sorry to hear the latest news on the mixup with James meds again. That has to be so depressing for both of you. Your anxiety through all of this must be off the charts. I just don't understand how these people in doctors offices can be so incompetent and probably just plain lazy. Everything gets blamed on insurance companies or something else. No one wants to take responsibility for their own mistakes. It's a sad world we are in sometimes. I will pray that the meds finally get delivered to James. I can understand your frustration with James not wanting to try anything that might help his depression, my DH can be like that sometimes with other things. They can just get set in their own ways and think nothing will help.

    Jo, thank you posting your beautiful banners and words for us to meditate on, they always seems to hit the mark.

    Ladies, I'm sorry if I've missed someone but I'm reading and praying for all your needs. I have to stop here as my neck is getting really painful again. Thank you again for being so faithful with all your prayers

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Chris, I am rejoicing at your great results. I remember you telling me a long time ago you felt like you had been healed and I had been agreeing in prayer for that. This amazing result is a testament to that.

    Faith, I am also rejoicing in your scan results. I am sorry to hear about your neck. When I was still teaching my stress would settle in my neck. I know for me heat and gentle stretches would always help. Praying you get some relieve.

    Hershey, rejoicing with you that you are done with active treatments (I think) and praying for a good mammogram coming up. Praying that your AI will agree with you.

    Lisa, praying for a good result for you as you wait. Rejoicing in your echo results and praying that what you are dealing with in the heart issues will be a manageable issue.

    Joanne, if I could not leave the burdens at Jesus feet I would be crushed. For me it can be an hourly thing as it is easy to take those burdens back. It has to be a daily thing for me. Praying for your daughters as I know one of them has surgery this week.

    Ade, I don't even know what to say I am so shocked at this ineptness. I would be furious and would have to rent out some boxing gloves! The fact that the nurse didn't even come out is probably a big clue. I am so, so sorry that this has been such a huge hurdle. I have to believe that God is working behind the scenes and even though it may appear that this situation is out of control we know that God always has our lives in control even when we feel out of control.

    I made it back to swimming yesterday and tweaked some meds and did not have the dizziness and felt pretty good. Today I am going on a social event...............first time in ages. This retiree group specifically contacted me several weeks ago and set this up just for me and I could pick the time. So I could not let them down. I picked a later lunch time so I am getting ready for that now.

    I have said this before and will say it again. My pastor so often says sometimes this might be the best day for some of you and it may also be the worst for others. He would say be sensitive to that.

    I feel like we need to give God glory on the amazing answers to prayer that we have received. As Joanne mentioned God says, Yes, No or Wait to our prayers. If we have not received the yes that we have prayed for I pray that you do not lose hope. God will make a way for you. For those who have received a good result rejoice!!!!




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2018

    Ade, have you thought of grinding up the L theanine and putting it in some of his food? Or does it have to be taken on an empty stomach?

    Just a thought....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2018


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited March 2018

    Ladies, please pray..

    As I write this there is an active (at large) shooter at the CMU campus here in Michigan, about a half hour away from us. So far he has fatally shot two (non-student) people! The city of Mt. Pleasant is on lock-down right now.

    Joanne, that is a really good story..Thanks. I too am guilty of oftentimes doing that too.

    Faith, I am so happy for your good news! You continue to be an encouragement to me..even if my scan result is not as good, which I am very hopeful that it will be good..I know that this stage 4 dx is something that one can live longer with these days with new treatments.

    I am cutting this short so that I can watch the news now.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Amen to Joanne's post.

    Lisa, I am praying for protection for all those that might be in the path of this shooter.