thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Amen to Joanne's post.

    Lisa, I am praying for protection for all those that might be in the path of this shooter.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2018

    Hello all,

    So glad to hear of good news for some! Praying for needs of others..

    Nancy I wrote a long message to you but lost it when I tried to attach a picture of my little sweetheart Cal on his birthday.

    Our happiness turned to sorrow when we heard that one of my son's close friends died early Monday...he had drug issues and everyone tried to help him, but the addiction was too strong. He was 35... Please pray for Jimmy's family and friends, all friends of mine also.

    Been watching the Billy Graham Homecoming husband and parents were blessed to actually hear him live at a parents met him personally when The Cove opened. What a blessing his life was!

    Please remember me with a prayer on the 7th when I go for my annual mammogram. I'm 4 years past the last diagnosis, so my prayer is for a clear mammogram with no surprises.

    God bless you all with peace, strength, and hope!

    Love, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Hi Ellen,

    Happy Birthday to Cal. I'm sorry you lost your long message to me. I hate when that happens.

    I am so sorry to hear of this young man's death. We lost my nephew at 36 yrs old and it is so heartbreaking to have a life ended so quickly before they have even lived. I will pray for his family and friends. I am sure this is most difficult for your son and you.

    I will be praying for your upcoming mammogram. We are on a similar schedule and my mammogram the week after yours also four years out. How special that your parents met Billy Graham. I remember hearing him a long time ago talk about reading a Proverbs chapter every day of the month and I am starting that habit as well.

    This week has been a mixed bag for me as far as my dizziness but I have felt really good today and I am praying that I have seen the last of the sickness I have had. I will be doing another two week photography workshop starting on Monday night and I need to be feeling good to have the stamina to get through these night sessions. I signed up for this a long time ago and I am believing I will be able to handle it.

    My mom has started calling me alot on her new cell phone. The fact that she has even learned how to use it is answered prayer. She is still missing her home very much but I think is doing as well as could be expected.

    Praying for you dear sisters as we go into this weekend.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2018

    Nancy, I am so excited to hear about your mom. I know it is a relief to you that she is doing better in her new surroundings. This is an answer to prayers.

    Everyone stay safe in the recent storms, and have a good weekend.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited March 2018

    (Copied from my PET scan result received via patient portal today)..


    Previously demonstrated right axillary hypermetabolic mass has resolved
    and no residual hypermetabolic activity is seen in this region.
    Radiotracer uptake in the spine appears homogeneous in previously
    demonstrated areas of uptake in the upper thoracic spine are no longer
    clearly identified. Mild radiotracer uptake associated with the left
    acromioclavicular joint is consistent with arthritic changes. No
    hypermetabolic lymph nodes or other suspicious foci of hypermetabolic
    activity is identified in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis.


    Praising our Lord and thanking my fellow warrior sisters for your faithful prayers!

    I knew we would ALL have good reports this week!

    UPDATE on shooter ..Yesterday he was finally caught. He had killed both his parents who were visiting him at the college dorm. He had been in trouble for drugs. No students or faculty were harmed.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2018

    Lisa I praise the Lord for your report and for His healing hand upon you!!! Such AWESOME news!!!

    I have a praise too! Yesterday the drug company called (yes on a Saturday!) and said that after James calls them tomorrow to verify a few questions they will be sending his long awaited $$$$ medication HERE - FREE!!! FINALLY! THANK YOU ALL FOR HAVING PRAYED! We are so excited for this answered prayer!

    I am home from church today because of a migraine that started around 3 a.m. - but it is getting better (PTL!)

    Blessings upon your day, Sisters,


    This was last night's sunset and we finally got some much needed rain too!


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2018

    Such wonderful news, Lisa and Ade! Praise Jesus, the Creator and Lord of the universe!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2018

    Lisa and Ade, Praise the Lord for such great news! He answers the prayers of His people.

    Blessings, Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    It has been a great last few days for answered prayers on this thread for sure.

    Lisa, you and Chris I am sure have been doing a happy dance at your amazing scans!

    Ade, so tickled that what seemed to be such a huge obstacle is now being removed. Praise God!

    I do need healing and I won't go into the whole saga now. I just want us to have a time of thankfulness at the Lord's intervention and answers to many prayers. A BIG Amen to Hershey's banner!

    Thanks Joanne for your post.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited March 2018

    What a blessing it is to share good news with everyone on here!

    I just heard this saying this morning, and I think it is so true:

    Everyone of us are in one of three places today..Either we are:

    1. Entering into a storm.

    2. In a storm.


    3. Exiting a storm.

    This is good to remember whenever we encounter someone who might not be exactly where we are in life. I know that we all walk in and out of various storms in our lives, both big and small ones. But we never walk alone!

    I am praying for healing in Nancy's body..

    Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of Jesus to build and strengthen Nancy's immune system in order to fight against any virus or other germ that seeks to invade her body. Her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and no weapon formed against her shall prosper!

    We praise you, Lord for you are worthy of all honor and praise!



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2018

    I just have to say amen to all the wonderful words of thanksgiving and praise here. I pray daily for all your needs dear friends but I feel my words are inadequate when I read the words of everyone here. I ask for healing for those who need it so much here on this forum and in all of BCO. May God bless and heal us all. Sorry to be so brief here but I'm trying to limit my iPad time as my neck is still a big problem.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Lisa, thank you for your post and your prayer for me. Love your waterfall photo. I am not sure what is going on with me and I don't know if it is a gallbladder issue or still residue of a stomach virus. I signed up for a photography class several weeks ago. I have a friend who shares my passion for photography and we take classes and workshops together.

    My first class was last night and I went not feeling very good. This class was not cheap and the four sessions will build on what was presented the first session so I knew I had to go if I could. I made it through the class. I was expecting about 20 people and there were only three of us. I managed alright. My friend will be out of state for our class this Thursday and then there will only be two of us. I am praying that I will manage okay.

    I got extremely sick at a department store on Saturday and caused quite a stir. I refused 911 and somehow managed to drive myself home. I took it easy for a couple of days. The little boy I asked you to pray for who lost his second grandfather about a year apart is having a band concert tonight and I told him last week I would go if I felt okay. I am going to go but still again not feeling 100%.

    Faith, I continue to pray for you and for your neck. Have you found anything to give you relief?

    Lita, how are you doing?

    Joanne's daughter is having surgery this Thursday and I know they would appreciate prayers. I will let Joanne tell you details if she chooses.

    Praying for all of you.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2018

    Nancy, I am so sorry you are dealing with this illness. I sure hope you figure this out. How scary to have it happen when you're away shopping. I pray you'll be able to get through your photography class. I know how much it means to you. You continue to be in my prayers and those of our choir. Also praying for your neighbors loss and Joanne's daughter. Thanks everyone for any prayers you send. My neck is slowly healing but I'm feeling more and more side effects from the letrozole and have very little energy. While my tests have been good, my brain goes to the bad places when I'm not feeling well as I'm sure it does for most of you here. I know we have to just take it to Jesus, my problem is leaving it there.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2018

    Nancy, how scary, Sending continual prayers for your healing, and that you can continue with this photography class.

    Faith, you are so sweet. Any pain or discomfort sends me to a dark place. i will continue to pray for you. Even with good reports, it is not over for us.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2018

    Faith I pray your neck issues are relieved very soon. I tried Letrozole but just couldn't do it. My mind just wasn't right at all, though had I known about L-Theanine then I would have tried it. I was DOG tired on it too. I'm sorry you are experiencing this. Is there another med you can switch to?

    Nancy I am SO sorry you also are having such issues. Do keep pursuing answers from your doctor until it's resolved. I pray you can finish your class and feel better (and get answers & releif) soon!

    Praying Joanne's daughter's surgery goes perfectly and her recovery swift and complete.

    Well it seems I misunderstood James' phone conversation (or - he doesn't always give me the whole scoop!) and the medication isn't a done deal after all. We are back in the waiting mode. What a roller coaster. But I know our Lord is in charge no matter what and am thankful for that.

    We no not what the future holds - but we know Who holds our future!

    Love to you all,


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited March 2018

    Faith, I am praying you find relief very is just awful when there's pain in the neck..and I usually end up with bad headaches from neck pain too. And yes, I often find myself in that dark place when I get sick or in pain. I know it must be normal once we have been through something as scary as cancer.

    Nancy, that must have felt very scary. I'm glad you were able to make it home alright!

    Ade..I am so sorry you are getting the run-around like this..I pray you are able to get his medication still free or at low cost..and soon!

    I'm praying also for Joanne's daughter! I hope she has some good news to share with us concerning the surgery.

    I guess we are truly all walking in and out of various I also need to ask for prayer for my oldest daughter, Ginny. They discovered she has a hiatal hernia and will have surgery next tuesday, the 13th. I am planning to get down there to stay with her for a couple days afterwards.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2018

    They are postponing my chemo again...platelets way too low qnd liver enzymes way too high.

    Eyesight really bad now. Drops and ointment don't rewlly help. It's the brain mets...onlynso much we can do.

    Very frustrating,


  • hartygirl
    hartygirl Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2018

    I'm not sure if this is still an active forum but I wanted to come in to take part with all of you. I am one of the elder gals here I see. I am a cancer survivor. My BC was diagnosed back in 96, Stage 2T DC invasive, ER- PR-. My cancer discovery was followed by partial mastectomy on RS then 13 months of chemo followed by 6 weeks of rad. After years of numerous biopsies on both my right and left side I was getting pretty discouraged with all the surgeries and tests and one thing after another. I never asked God why because I have always known he was and is in charge of my life and had and continues to have a purpose for me. My husband is a retired pastor and I've enjoyed decades of teaching women scripture to help the grow in their faith, writing a few books of devotion to encourage newbies and those who were about to take their own steps to accepting the Lord and speaking a women's retreats and mini-conferences about faith and adversity. I knew with my family's history of BC and ovarian cancer that I might be a recipient of BRCA so it was just two years ago I was tested for the malignant gene BRCA 1+ and I tested positive as well as my daughter (age 46) and my sister who is also a cancer survivor. I immediately went then for a PBM-DTI and had all my girl parts removed. Six weeks later in 2015 at Christmas, my right implant got infected and I was in the hospital for more than a week, after getting it removed before it was too late. It is now a year and a half post surgery and I am now in the process of having a reconstruction on right side (Right now I'm in the TE mode and will soon have my last fill to take me to exchange end of March or early April. I found it so difficult to live with the hole left behind on my prior infected right side that I decided even being older to go through this process again. There is no promise that I won't get infected again (It was due to the prior radiation which rejected the DTI and drains). I would just like prayer that God would give this PS wisdom in everything he does come exchange surgery day and that I can get through this process with no problems (Good Lord willing). Some have thought it was silly for me to still want a bit of normalcy on top at my age, but I don't let age affect any decisions I make. Thanks in advance for listening. I'm really glad this thread is here and I do hope it is still active. My name is Shirley. I live in Texarkana, TX now, and my user ID is hartygirl. GBU all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Oh Ade, I can't believe this!!! I will continue to pray for that breakthrough that you need with this med for James. What a ride you both have been on. I will pray for peace as I am sure the enemy is having a field day trying to steal your peace and joy in this whole fiasco.

    Lita, I am sorry for all you are going through. I did send you a PM.

    Let's remember to pray for Joanne and her daughter who is having surgery tomorrow.

    I haven't had anymore department store dramas but I am still having issues and I need wisdom as to how to proceed.

    Shirley, welcome to our Christian thread. Yes, we are indeed an active thread so I hope you can find your way around this website enough to know how to get to the bottom of the thread where the current posts are. We will certainly be praying for your upcoming surgery and for a good result this time with NO infections.

    Regarding your decision to have this surgery just remember it is YOUR decision and only you knows what you are comfortable with in your own body. I don't care if you are 101 years old if you want to have surgery then by golly have the surgery and don't worry about what anyone may say or think. I think many of us have experienced insensitivity at one point in our life whether it be bc issues or others and sometimes people are just plain ignorant when they say things.

    Feel free to jump in any time. Let us know when your exact surgery date is too. BTW We have some other preachers wives among us on this thread.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    We are all praying for certain things whether they have been shared publicly or not.

    Joanne, praying for you and your daughter and she goes through this surgery today. Praying for good pain control, a speedy recovery and a huge improvement in her overall health.

    Ade, continuing to pray for your needed breakthrough with these needed meds for James. Love your sunset pic. Keep 'em coming.

    Faith, continued prayers for your neck pain.

    Lita, praying you can continue chemo soon.

    Ellen, praying your scans were good.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2018

    Joanne, I pray right now that God will cover your family with love and good health. May your daughter's parathyroid glands kick in, her additional health problems subside, and her husbands medical issues calm and allow you peace. I also pray for you and your DH physical health that God will touch them and give your family the respite and peace they need. You are loved.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2018

    Prayers said for Jo and her family. Thanks Nancy for that banner. Just the confirmation I needed. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Continued prayers for a complete recovery for Joanne's daughter.

    I am finally making it back to my church after being out of town so much and then sick so much. So grateful. My mom needs prayers. She is having a stomach thing also and it sounds like she has severe diarrhea. Sorry for the TMI.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    Amen Joanne.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2018

    Thanks,'s something we need to read over and over again.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2018

    Take it to the Lord in prayer - Amen, Amen.

    The old hymns are my favorites. Thank you for posting this one, Joanne.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    I feel that some of you are in a real battle and it is times like these that for myself I don't always realize just what is happening because the wiles of the enemy can be so deceiving. However once I realize that it is a spiritual battle venting itself in a myriad of ways then it is easier to fight when you realize who the enemy is.

    That relationship that is strained or that challenge you are facing could be the enemy trying to steal your joy. The best solution in everything is to stay as close to the Lord as we can at all times. That really is our protection and the Living Word of God is our sword. Quote those scripture out loud if you must. No weapon formed against me shall prosper!!!!!

    God bless you all dear sisters and I am praying for you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2018

    They say we can all pretend we have a little Irish in us today so with that said................Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
