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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018

    Joanne, I love the GRACE GLASS piece. We all need that -Thank you!

    Chris, may the Lord grant you HIS strength, which can't even compare with ours. I spent 2 weeks in Ohio with our grandchildren last month (very ACTIVE ones!) and though my chronic fatigue was a concern before I left home - the Lord held me up and I truly enjoyed them. May He do the same for you.

    Lita, we keep praying for the CA fires to end, that you and others will be kept safe from the fires and smoke, and that the Lord will grant comfort and provision for those already affected by losing homes and loved ones and pets.

    Faith - good one about the microwave turkey! As a young bride I probably would have tried it (except there weren't microwaves back then - good thing huh!)

    Nancy I completely understand your fears and great concerns. I pray the Lord will grant you His wisdom, discerning, peace, and HEALING. You are in His loving hands and His love and power are so far above our comprehension. Remember the little boy, Nicholas, I asked for prayers for a while back? His brain tumor was very aggressive and 90% fatal. He is now completely healed - no side effects from treatment or surgery, and is back in school. A dear friend (Mary) in Ohio was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 3-4 months to live. She is a pastor now - 17 years later! Be encouraged.

    <<<<YAAAY CAMMIE!!!!>>>> >^..^<

    Love to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Lita, this banner is for you and for anyone who needs courage today.

    Will check in later.




  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited November 2018

    Hello Jo5

    The Grace Glass has made a profound impact on me.  A reminder of something that I know, but is oh so easy to forget.

       May I copy this?  and if so, to whom do I credit the writing to?   May God continue to bless you immensely and give you peace beyond our understanding.  Love Sue

  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited November 2018

    Nancy, sorry to hear about what they found on your MRI but so glad it isn't cancer. Did they give you any idea of size?

    Lita, any further updates on the Fire.

    Guys I got the news on Wednesday that my mom's colon cancer has spread to multiple areas on her right lung. I'm making a big trip from Iowa to Indiana to go with my sister to an oncology appointment for my mom. Then we have to turn around and come back to Iowa because I have to work on Wednesday and so does my husband Gary. Can you please pray for the conversations with the oncologist. Everyone is just very overwhelmed right now. As mom wants to die at home. Nobody really knows if that's possible or what that would possibly look like. Of course I want her to come up here and be closer to me but I don't want to uproot her either. She is 85 and a believer.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    They can set up hospice in your mom's home, but will there be anyone there to be with her? Hospice does not provide round the clock care.

    If the mets were just discovered and not too agggressive, you still have time to make decisions.

    So sorry about your mom.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2018

    GK, Lita's suggestion is a great one. Hospice will provide at-home services and care, but they do require another person being in the household with your mom.

    Praying for your mom and your family.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited November 2018

    Thanks Ade. I am extra exhausted today after a full day at Disneyland yesterday. I don't bounce back as quickly as I used to even a year ago. I have extra pains and bowel trouble today...But thankfully my DD and DIL are here and can help with the birthday dinner tonight for my son and the Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. Feeling blessed! Here is a peek of some of the blessings God has sent my way...It was Mickey's 90th birthday yesterday so we celebrated with him! It's a California Girl thing...

    Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting and childImage may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018

    Great pix, Chris! Not EVERYbody gets to go to Mickey's 90th birthday party!

    GK - our good friend had half of his lung removed and is doing well after treatment. My uncle did too. Praying the prognosis is a treatable one and for peace for your family.

    Lita, it sounds like the fires are coming to an end. We're praying for everyone affected.

    Nancy that banner is one we need to see EVERYday! Thank you.

    Hershey - good to hear from you.

    Blessings upon your evening, sisters,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Hi dear sisters. I have been reading but am up to my eyeballs in fielding communications as I sent out a mass email to my retiree group for prayers and any info they could share on a neurologist. This group has been very supportive and I have received many emails.

    Ade, thank you for your encouragement and reminder of little Nicholas.

    GK, I am sure sorry to hear about your Mom. Praying for strength as you make the long drive there and back. I hope the weather cooperates to make your trip as smoothly as possible. One of my Mom's sisters had hospice at her home and they are usually good about knowing when the end is near. We were able to be at her house when she died and just having the family around was comforting. I hope that if that is what your Mom chooses that it will happen for her. Prayers for you and your Mom and family during this difficult time.

    Welcome Snooky. Glad you were blessed by Joanne's poem. There is a lot of truth in that poem. Feel free to jump in and join us.

    Lita, how are things now in your area. We have had a mass shooting at a Chicago hospital so that is dominating the news now. I sure hope the firefighters can get these fires under control but the air quality sounds really awful in the meantime.

    Hershey, how are you doing with your LE?

    Chris, your pics are adorable. You are making some great memories. I just wish you felt better while enjoying your family. I must say Mickey certainly doesn't look his age!!!

    I was able to get some really good info from different sources on a neurologist and I am happy to say that I was able to make an apt with her for Dec. 12. I had tried to schedule online yesterday and it was not working and I was afraid she was booked way out. I had a mishap on Saturday night and fell running up my stairs to make it to the bathroom. I hit hard on my knees and it shook me up (literally) pretty good. I have been losing feeling in my right foot and my right side of my face and I of course am concerned so this can be a symptom of this tumor. I will be leaving tomorrow for my Mom's and will stay a week. My Mom has some major dental work that needs to be done so I will be taking her to one of those apts.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Thanks Joanne.

    I can see how God is working in this situation already. I know He is giving me peace and is answering all the many prayers from all of you and my community friends. I appreciate that so much.

    Praying you can figure out if any of your meds is causing your problems. Hopefully God will allow the culprit to surface if it is your meds.

    Have a good Thanksgiving. I will check in when I am able.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2018

    Ladies please pray for my newborn great grandson Rorik who is having heart surgery tomorrow to fix a too narrow aorta.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018

    I wasn't feeling very well this morning and tend to get a bit depressed when not feeling well. Maybe we all do somewhat? However the Lord spoke to me about all of the good, gracious gifts He has given me/us, and that He didn't have to place us here, in America, in this time period.Imagine being a believer in the Middle East right now. He called us to be His very own - daughters of the King - adopted by Him, welcomed into His family, and He gave us His Word which speaks to our spirits through His Holy Spirit (that alone blows me away!). Each one of us heard and heeded His call on our lives and we have eternal glory at the end of this brief life - our very blessed hope. The Israelites got into some BIG trouble with their grumbling and complaining, so I SURELY DON'T wish to go down that road. I am thankful we can bring our prayers and petitions to Him together in this thread without any condemnation or perception of complaining. We as sisters truly care for one another and are diligent prayer warriors standing in the gap for one another. When I don't feel well I am certainly NOT alone, and you aren't either. But I hope to be better at being thankful for so much I have been blessed with, and not be focusing on how I feel. I love how He gently rebukes me and still leaves me feeling loved. I stand admonished but thankful today.

    Thankful for & praying for all of you,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited November 2018

    Z, praying for Rorik, and your family as they go through the stress and worry of the surgery.

    Ade, praying God sends so many blessings your way this season you are filled with joy and happiness.

    Nancy, praying for you during this time of special concern, and for your mother. I lost my mom 7 years ago yesterday, and I miss her everyday.

    Jo, praying God sends you a Dr who understands your sensitivities and knows how to meet your needs.

    I am still not feeling great but pushing through. We visited Santa today, ate lunch out, and now we are having "quiet time" so all can rest. Had my house cleaned this morning while we were out and it always makes me feel better. Onward!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018

    Just want to share with you a HUGE praise. James saw the cardiologist today and got the results of his bloodwork after being on the new medication he finally got approved for after a yearlong battle. The results are AMAZING! GOD IS SO GOOD ~ prayers answered!

    Now we submit a new application tomorrow for the NEXT year of medication - praying he will be approved again!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited November 2018

    Ade, Praise the Lord! So happy to hear this.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Jean, praying for little Rorik for his surgery. Praying for peace for Mom and Dad as this has to be so difficult to see this little guy having to go through this. Praying that the surgeons hands will be guided and that they can do thier job successfully with no complications. We pray for good pain management for Rorik and for a complete and rapid healing and recovery.

    Teka, thanks for your prayers. Enjoy your meal preparation and I am sure your family will love your meal.

    Ade, as I got in late tonight and grabbed a salad on the run to drive out to my Mom's facility there is a little church I pass on this country road. On the marquee it said Thanksgiving is not a day it is a lifestyle. If we can grasp that truth we won't have to worry about spending 40 yrs in the desert like the Israelites.

    I loved reading your second post tonight which I am just now seeing and it is way past my bedtime. Praise God You may never know what God was orchestrating behind the scenes when you possibly thought things might go south with James not having this needed meds when maybe God was fighting battles in the spiritual realm for him all the while. Such good news to start the Thanksgiving weekend.

    Chris, thanks for your prayers. I am glad you are giving yourself a chance to rest after doing these fun things which I know wear you out. Praying for little times of respite so you can push forward with more energy.

    Joanne, that is a great hymn. There is such power in the lyrics. I had and sang He Touched Me off and on in my trip today. God uses music to help us turn our eyes towards Jesus. Music is such a wonderful tool and gift God has given us to enjoy but to edify us as well.

    My Mom is having trouble with tooth pain now. She has many, many teeth that are going to be worked on. $2000 is the total. Ugh! The first session was only cleaning and then on Monday she will have something done and hopefully the tooth causing her pain. The Orajel didn't work for long because by the time I got home she called and wanted me to bring aspirin. Then most of the time she can't hear me on the phone so that was very frustrating. I just hope she gets to sleep tonight and we can deal with it tomorrow. She already has aspirin in her daily meds. I just hope she can hang on until I can get her to her apt on Monday. Not sure how emergency dental work would work on a holiday weekend.

    I need to get to bed. I am wiped out. Enjoy this special week. To add to our family stress my sister found out she has an irregular heartbeat and had to have an electrocardiogram yesterday and is waiting for results. Her daughter found out she has Lyme's Disease too so we have been hit by every side it seems.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2018

    I subscribe to the "Medical News You Can Use" blog by Dr. Walt Larimore. Today's message is titled "A Thanksgiving Prescription for You!" It is a timely reminder of the blessings that God has given me, my family, and friends. HE CHANGES EVERYTHING!

    Dear Sisters, please know that I am reading and praying for all needs.

    Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited November 2018

    Jo, thank you for the hymns. They are solace for my soul!

    Nancy, so sorry to hear of yet more difficult news. I will continue to pray for your family.

    My cousin, who was supposed to drive in from AZ for Thanksgiving, was just dxd with a meningioma yesterday. Is is devastating for her because she now has to spend Thanksgiving alone in the midst of her fear. (She was escaping her ex who is spending time with her young adult kids). She is a nurse so she knows it is probably benign, but the fear is still real. She lost a sister 6 months ago to BC.

    I am feeling better and expect to spend these last 2 days with my family full of happiness and joy before they fly back to MO. God is so good and sends many blessings even in the midst of the storm.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2018

    Wishing everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving.

    Baby Rorik's heart surgery went well. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take a short minute to listen if you can. Praise Jean, for Rorik.]



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    The gratitude prayer I pray before I go to sleep: "Thank you for my warm, comfortable bed; thank you for the dry roof above my head; thank you for the good food on my table; it keeps me healthy, strong, and capable."

    Also, please pray for the thousands of people in Northern and Southern California who have lost EVERYTHING. And pray for the families of the wonderful women who have transitioned home to the Lord this past year. This will be the first T'day w/out their beloved wives, mothers, sisters, aunties, nieces, and grandmothers.

    In Jesus Precious' name I pray

    ...and now it's back to my Lasagna sauce and keeping an eye on my pumpkin cheesecake in the oven.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2018

    Happy Thanksgiving, sisters!

    Several years ago I heard this thought during a women's retreat..."What if all you had today, is what you thanked God for yesterday?" Despite our trials and tribulations, our illnesses, our family issues, and the evil and hatred in the world, we still have much to thank God for daily. May this day find you all enjoying family/friends and some of your favorite foods!

    The website I gave you recently was typed incorrectly . It should read It has daily devotionals you can sign up for.

    God's richest blessings to you all...Love, Ellen

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited November 2018

    Praising God for a successful surgery for Rorik and for a speedy recovery.

    Woke up dizzy and feeling terrible--didn't improve through the day. But we just finished a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and I am thankful for family who willingly are doing the dishes! It is the little things!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    Gees, hope it's not a MRSA type deal. There's a lot of that going on out here, and it's hard to get rid of it.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018

    Nancy - beautiful Thanksgiving music - thank you! I pray your mom's tooth pain has eased and her procedures go well. How are you doing?

    Joanne - baby Emma is adorable, well filled out for a newborn! Congratulations! This baby was meant to be born! Praying for swift healing for her mama Michelle.

    Chris - I'm sorry you're not feeling well and pray you're better soon. Glad your Thanksgiving was good and you had help.

    Lita - I used to make my own lasagna sauce but now use canned spaghetti sauce and no one knows the difference! I also discovered Keystone ground beef (already cooked in a can from Walmart online) and love it! Makes the process SO much easier! Was your lasagna good? Makes me hungry - but what doesn't!

    Jean, glad the baby did well with the surgery and praying for a complete quick recovery. Little ones heal much faster than we do.

    We had a quiet day yesterday - just the 2 of us. Just had some ham slices, broccoli with carrots and instant cheezy potatoes. It did taste good. Who needs a big feast to be thankful. We will host our son's family who was out of town, on Monday so THEN I will do the whole big meal deal.

    God is good - all the time!


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    Everyone loves my lasagna, and I enjoy making it because I only do it ONCE a year. I make two pans and freeze one for Super Bowl Sunday.

    The only time I've ever made a bad one was when our first Bulldog had to be put down two days before Thanksgiving, and I learned an important lesson. I really WASN"T IN THE MOOD to cook that year, and I probably should not have cooked at all. It was awful (and we had company over). When you make anything, I have learned that it has to be made "with love" or it won't turn out.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2018

    Baby Rorick is breathing on his own now and is being bottle fed. Him being able to eat is a major milestone as heart surgery can as early effect a nerve that controls his ability to eat and could have resulted on a prolonged recover. Him being able to control the muscles he needs to eat is a very big deal and great news! A Thanksgiving miracle. God is so good. Love, Jean


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Praising God for all of you dear sisters. As we all experience challenges there are those joyous moments thrown in to give us hope and joy. We are thankful for little Emma's Mama having something easily treatable. Hopefully she is on the mend now and I am sure Emma and family are happy to have her home. Such a precious little one.

    We are thankful for little Rorik that is doing so well after a serious heart surgery. God has indeed done a miracle for this precious little one who we pray will heal perfectly with long term effects.

    We continue to pray for the devastation in CA and for the lost lives and those who are still missing. As we exit the Thanksgiving holiday and enter the Christmas season we all will deal with loss and joy mingled into the fabric of our lives. It is a strange and hard mix but God give us the strength to endure as He spreads hope along the journey so that we do not lose sight of our eternal home with Him in heaven.

    We had a very wonderful Thanksgiving and I was able to pick up my Mom from her facility and she spent the day with our family at my sister's. My Mom blessed us with her piano playing. Even with dementia she can still play and play by ear once she remembers. I was looking for We Gather Together in the Hymnal and she started playing it before I found it and in the same KEY as the Hymnal. The mind is an amazing and mysterious creation for sure.

    I am drained in all ways today but so thankful. Last night I came so close to hitting a pedestrian going back home as it was dark and raining and this lady came out of nowhere crossing this dark street just a couple blocks from my Mom's house. This day could have been a very different story for both of us. So thankful my brakes were working so well and that I did see her before it was too late. Today is sunny and warmer and another gift from God to use for Him.




  • Louise57
    Louise57 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2018

    This forum and you ladies touch me so deeply. I want to post more yet have such a strong hesitation. I think it's because I just want to express thoughts without feedback. Kind of controlling isn't it. I want to be a part of you, yet I don't. So, I want you to know I keep you in prayer and enjoy so many personal stories you share.