thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, I will certainly be praying for your brother in law, and for you as you go through the anxiety of having an MRI and also the worry of what may be found. Life is never easy, it seems the devil is working overtime these days.. I would appreciate prayers for my DH as his last blood work showed an increase in his PSA levels. He is seeing an urologist next week and we are praying that if a biopsy is done, there is no cancer. Of course we are both worried as his brother died of prostrate cancer at 60. My DH is now 81, and sometimes feels he's doomed to die soon as all his friends are now dying in their early 80's. I just can't even think about it. It's too awful! My trust and faith muscles are really being exercised.

    Sending prayers for all of you and especially Ellen and Lita always getsa special prayer. I know so many of you read but don't post often but you should know, we are still praying for you and your needs.

    Have a peaceful weekend, love,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Thank you Chris for your prayers. I have been praying for your DH. My colonoscopy from June is still fresh in my mind so I am praying for him for the prep as we all know that is NOT fun. Praying for some insight into his issues. Sorry your elevator went out. Major bummer! I hope you enjoyed the community theater production.

    Faith, thank you for your prayers as well. I will certainly be praying for your DH as he sees the urologist. My Dad went through that and I know how important it is watching those PSA levels.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2018

    It took a while to read through all the pages I have missed after not being on here much in the past few months. I have been super busy! Sold my house in The Villages and moved to a much quieter, calmer 55+ community south of Deland, Florida. I like it so much better....more of a neighborhood and convenient to so much. I can have a fenced in yard here, too, for my three rescue dogs. Moving is not fun! We have way too much stuff!

    I return to Hawaii next week for a few weeks to help with my three grandchildren while their parents bring a new little brother into the world. While I am excited, at the same time, I worry about this world he is entering.

    I see some of the same women are on here, and, as usual, Nancy is keeping this thread going strong. I pray for all women on here even when I do not check in. Pray your MRI goes smoothly and shows a healthy brain! I will pray for other requests also. I saw something on Facebook awile back that said...."What if you woke up one day and all you had was what you had thanked God for the day before!" "What would YOU have?"

    I thank God everyday, throughout the day for all my blessings. I hope you do too. God is so good and we have to trust Him to take care of us.

    Praying for a restful, thankful Sunday and a blessed week to all of you.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Good to hear from you Lynn. Thanks for your prayers. I new you had moved as you mentioned it quite a while back but I think this is the first you have posted since you made the move. It sounds like you like it very much and I bet the dogs do too. Did you get to see Pattoo much anymore before moving? I wonder how she is doing.

    Have a good time in Hawaii and praying your new grandson is born happy and healthy and that Mom will do fine and the whole family will be able to celebrate this new little arrival.

    Take care.



  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,635
    edited October 2018

    Hi all!

    I know that Magdalene51 posted here. Here is a copy of her obituary, as it was published in the paper today.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2018

    Oh, I hate to see when good women lose their battle with this awful disease. Thankfully, we know she is in the arms of Jesus.

    Yes, Nancy, I keep in touch with Patoo...we had lunch a few weeks before I moved. She is doing well and just returned from a trip with other BCO ladies from the exercise thread. They go on a trip every fall. This year was Nashville.

    Blessings, ladies and enjoy every day!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Elaine Therese, thank you so much for posting the link for us. I know she was a wonderful person as those of us who knew her for a time on BCO could catch a glimpse of that as I know she cared so much for the July Chemo ladies in 2014.

    Lynn, that is great that you and Patoo connected where you lived. I know there are several groups that meet up regularly from their connections on BCO. That is pretty amazing. Thanks for the update.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, thanks for remembering me while I was gone. We just got back last night after almost 12 hours of travel from Ohio back to Texas. I figured I would crash today but it was the worst. I slept 12 hours and awoke feeling sooo bad. However as the day wore on I got all of the laundry done and meals and dishes and all and am much better. (PTL!) The trip was exhausting but so great to spend quality time with friends, children and the grands. I think the best take away is that I know how to pray so much more effectively for all of them now than before. Thank you for the prayers.

    I just have to tell these funnies from the flights to you. As you OSU Buckeyes already know, when someone says "O-H..." you answer, "I-O!". Well just before take off the PILOT whispers over the intercom, "O-H..." and the passengers in one accord answer (rather loudly) "I-O!!!". We loved it!

    Then as the stewardess is doing the pre-flight emergency deal she says, "In the event of an emergency as the oxygen mask drops down, stop screaming and grasp the mask..." Then she says, "Put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then your children - or those ACTING like children..."

    A merry heart worketh good like a medicine.

    It is so very good to be home again. Know that I am praying for you all.

    With His love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Welcome home Ade. There is nothing more comfortable that having your own bed and your own pillow. Glad you had that special time with family.

    I am heading out to my 90 min date with the dentist. (He is very handsome!) I would appreciate your prayers as my last apt like this did not go as anyone expected. I was still having lots of pain after two shots of novacaine. He did some trick which worked and I never asked what he did. I am getting ready for a crown and not the kind they put on your head. You know the dreaded and expensive crown on your teeth!

    Remember that Ellen has her gallbladder surgery tomorrow.

    Chris's DH is having his colonoscopy today. Praying nothing serious is found.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, praying for your dentist appt. You deserve to wear a crown after all that work!

    Spent 8 hours at the ER yesterday (first ER visit since starting IL in 2 1/2 years!) I have pneumonia and also kidney pain. He ruled everything else out (CT scan, X-ray, multiple labs, etc.) So don't know what the pain is all about but he sent me home with 2 antibiotics and said to call my onc. She took me off Ibrance for a week or 2--my first time for that also in 2 1/2 years. Still feel bad today so my DD had to take my DH in for his colonscopy. The good news is I have lots of people coming in for Thanksgiving. Can't wait already!

    Prayers for you all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Chris, so sorry to hear you had to go to the ER. With 8 hrs there YOU are the one that deserves a crown! I sure hope the AB will knock this out fast. I have only had pneumonia once and I was so sick so I really feel for you. I am glad your daughter was able to take your DH to his colonoscopy. I hope his results were good.

    I am glad you have your Thanksgiving with family coming in to look forward to. I will be praying for you.

    I made it through the long apt and it wasn't as long as they had told me it might be. I just felt nauseated on the way home but did fine during the fun!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Remember to pray for Ellen today who is having gallbladder surgery. We pray for a successful surgery and a perfect healing which will allow her to attend this conference coming up with her husband who is a pastor.

    Chris has pneumonia and needs healing.

    Most of us on here need some type of healing as well.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Amen Joanne.

    Ellen made it through her gallbladder surgery. Let's pray for pain control and a speedy recovery for her.

    Chris, continued prayers for you as you heal from pneumonia.

    Lita, I am been praying that you will be able to make it to your book party and that you will have a fantastic time celebrating your achievement which is nothing less than miraculous and amazing!

    Ade, praying you are getting rested.

    Joanne, praying for all of you and your family's needs.

    My MRI is schedule for Nov. 14.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Thank you Nancy. Each day is a little better...I will pray for your MRI. It is the same day I see my onc next.

    I am thankful for Ellen's good news and praying everyone stays safe today.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, I am praying for the Lord's peace, which is like no other, for your brain scan (don't allow your thoughts to go to the worst) and that it will be just fine. So glad your crown ordeal is over - wear it proudly! :o)

    I have lost 2 1/2 fillings lately (!) so have an appointment Friday to just have an exam & x-rays. ($175!) Am now getting some throbbing in the lower jaw and pray there will be no need for root canal or crown etc. since we have no dental insurance and finances are getting scary as we anticipate possible $11,000 in Medicare premiums for this year on our fixed income. I am TRYING to give this over to the Lord as I don't want to have to sell our house and move. :o(

    Praying for Ellen's pain relief and perfect recovery. Even the laparoscopy procedure is painful. But hopefully the worst is over.

    Chris, praying the meds and some rest will help you recover so you can enjoy Thanksgiving with loved ones. Take them up on offers to help. We will be hosting for our son's family this year but it will only be 5 people, not a crowd. The best part is when the meal is over and you can enjoy your family! (And have some great leftovers!!!)

    Joanne I wish we could have met with you. EVERYDAY was filled with something on the go except ONE - and we napped that day to regain some energy for the rest of the visit and did laundry. Got to visit with and attend church (twice) with friends & family - a true blessing. May the Lord grant us strength for all we need to do, amen? (I didn't have to do a day at the zoo after all - whew!)

    May the Lord draw you near and lavish His love upon you and may you all find strength and healing, and peace in His arms enfolding you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Chris, I am glad you are seeing some improvement. Give yourself permission to REST. I know that is hard to do sometimes. Thanks for your prayers.

    Ade, thank you. I am so distracted right now I haven't had much chance to think MRI yet. I am not done with my crown adventure. I get the real deal in a couple of weeks. Now I have only the pretend crown in. LOL Yes, dental stuff is so expensive. I hope you will not need a crown or a root canal. I can only imagine how much faith you have to have dealing with all of your financial issues with medical expenses. God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Cammie is a evidence of that. My vet said if she has been doing #2 for four years outside the box he just shook his head. In other words that will not change. did change and all glory to God. She does ALL her business in her boxes now.

    I had a furnace guy out yesterday and he did my annual check up.... on the furnace not me! My hot water heater is crammed into the same small closet area as my furnace. Well.......................this morning I was praising God as I printed up Cammies month of good report and it was all GREEN. Green is good on my litter box tracking calendar of Cammie's habits.

    I got in my tub of water and it was NOT hot. So the enemy is not really appreciating my victory with Cammie. Now my plans of going out with my camera has been nixed waiting on a hot water heater guy to come. I am praying it is only the pilot that is out. I am scared of gas so would not attempt to light the pilot myself and not even sure if that is it. I know they will probably charge me $100 to come out and light it and I am praying that is ALL it is.

    So I really haven't had too much time to think about the MRI other than scheduling it yesterday. I know as it nears I am going to need and extra dose of peace.

    I was planning on NOT being home during the tricker treating hours so now I am in TROUBLE. I have no candy as I wait for the water heater guy. I guess I may have to hide in the closet when the doorbell rings with little goblins.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2018

    I would appreciate prayers, dear sisters.

    My back has REALLY been acting up these past few weeks. I'm using lots of salves/creams and have even resorted to Methocarbamol (a muscle relaxant), but it's not helping that much.

    It's probably the enemy trying to thwart my happiness and joy. I can barely get up out of a chair and walk across the floor now, and even turning over in bed is a challenge. The muscles next to my spine (I think they're the psoas muscles) are starting to spasm like they did when I was first Dx'd. VERY painful.

    I will have another PET in a couple of weeks, so we'll see what it says.

    Praying for you all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Lita, praying God will remove the back pain completely and give you some rest. I know just 2 days of excruciating back pain this week had me complaining and discouraged! You are my hero!

    Ade and Nancy, all of this tooth discussion is timely as I woke with a "possible" toothache this morning. I am a little unsure whether it is just a side effect of my Ibrance medicine (mouth sores and pain are common) or a real problem. We talked about how much I hate going to the dentist this last spring and I said I would just buck up and go in, but of course I didn't... I may be paying for it now. I have to get special permission from my oncologist because of some of the meds I am on. And of course I am still fighting the pneumonia!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Lita, I am praying that you will get relief from this awful pain. We are all in amazement at your fighting spirit. We are all lifting you up. When is your party now that it is Nov.? I have been praying for quite a while that you would be able to enjoy your party and I will continue to do that.

    Chris, praying you don't have a tooth issue on top of everything else. I hope the meds are knocking this pneumonia out with a one two punch.

    Yesterday when my water heater went out I was able to get a guy out pretty quickly. It was just the pilot light and since another guy from their company was just out the day before tuning up my furnace they didn't charge me anything. Thank you Jesus. I was able to go out and get some fall pics even though it was later than I had planned.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2018

    Ade, I know the feeling - no insurance at all here - they wanted to charge me $1200 a month for basic insurance - the only one we have in the area. Hubby and I opted to not have it this year. So far we just get a discount when we pay for it at the visit and barter with Mercy when they send us a bill.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2018

    Gma, they will let you make payments (forever!). We are in the boonies of southwest Texas and the big hospitals are 3 hours away. My husband had a test at our little local hospital and they charged FOUR TIMES the national average for it! The next closest is an hour away and owned by the same company.) We looked into how they can do this and discovered that "rural" hospitals have an exemption - and can pretty well charge whatever they want! This one makes you sign a paper before you are treated or tested, that YOU will pay ANYTHING your insurance doesn't (and insurance won't cover it all because it is so high). So - we have been paying for over two years on one test. When we first moved here I had a routine bloodwork done and they charged $975 for what back in Ohio was charged $275. They wouldn't even negotiate with me...lesson learned! Now I have the doctor send the blood to outside labs - not to this hospital lab. It has to be a bit scary with no insurance. Our bills from my cancer and James' 2 heart attacks & quadruple bypass have been so astronomical we feel we HAVE to carry something - and the coverage is not completely covering anything. Here everyone is careflighted to the big hospitals for a stubbed toe - so we all have to carry care flight insurance too. James' care flight bill was $43,000 and Medicare paid $5,000 of it. I talked to the company and they said he was not flown by THEIR plane so they don't have to cover it! Well where we are you have to take ANYthing that will transport you and our plane had to come from El Paso - 3 hours away! We have never gotten any confirmation on our bills that they are paid or closed so we fear we will get a half a million dollar bill yet to come. They have 4 years to bill you. I have one to go & he has 3 to go. Like I said, I don't know what we will do financially. May have to sell the house & move back to Ohio. We need God's will and wisdom, for only He can sort this all out. In Him we trust, Amen?

    Lita, we pray for your back pain to cease or at least be bearable for you. Bless your heart! You're in all of our prayers.

    Chris - praying your pneumonia clears up very soon!

    Nancy I have to ask, what was the turning point for Cammie? >^..^< What made the change happen? Praise the Lord for a free water heater fix! When we arrived at the airport at 5 a.m. there were NO parking spaces! Poor James dropped me & luggage off at the door and drove WAY out to a mud field to park the car and he hiked back in the dark, in the cold rain (my hero!). Anyway we got FREE parking for the 2 weeks!!! God does work in mysterious ways!

    Praying for you all as you/we trust in His unfailing love -


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    I can't imagine all the financial worries you two must have. Ade, it seems like a crime what they are allowed to charge in the rural areas.

    Ade, how has the situation with James meds ever turn out? Did the mysterious paper work every get sent?

    You asked what changed with Cammie. One of my friends prayed with me over the phone and she said she believed it was a spiritual battle. I started praying differently and I asked God to give me wisdom in what to do. When I was thinking about having her put down when it was looking pretty grim I felt God saying you won't have to do that..........just trust me. I made many changes as I felt God leading me. I changed her food, her litter box, read books by cat experts, got the cat tree, bought interactive toys (ones I have to play with her) and I think the big thing was an established play session every night with her. I also used an enzyme cleaner on the carpet to try to get rid of the smell of the urine and that has not worked over the long term. It has to be repeated and I think that product is what I have been reacting to with the burning face and hands. I have her room with her litter box litterally covered with kitty litter pads, carpet runners upside down and aluminum foil which didn't work over the long haul so that no area of carpet is in her reach. I know I have gone to extremes to save this cat but I really don't regret any of it. The only thing I regret is not realizing that she actually can play and needs to play at 10 yrs old and was probably bored when she was doing all the sleeping most of the time and that played out by not using the litter box.

    So that might be more than you ever wanted to know but someone might be reading this with a similar problem and maybe this will give them some pointers.

    I am going to post one of my favorite pics of my camera outing yesterday.

    Have a good night dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited November 2018

    Nancy, that picture is stunning! I had almost given up on my cat multiple times, but in the end I have decided to keep her. She is sweet most of the time, and has finally (after over 3 years) allowed my DGD to pet her without biting back, even snuggling with her when I hold her too. I struggle with her throwing up at least once a week, but the vet says she is very healthy and it is just her. The problem is, I am usually the one who has to clean her box and her throw up, and bending over like that is very difficult. I need a DH who does housework, but alas, mine had a British mother. I knew it when we married...

    Ade, I agree that it is sinful what they charge in rural areas. There has to be a better way!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2018

    Nancy, the photograph is just remarkable. At first I thought it was a watercolor painting! You have such a gift, and I really enjoy seeing your works of art. I am thankful that you share your photographs with all of us here. Blessings to you and everyone.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    Thank you Chris. I have a couple of suggestions that might help with your cat. I forgot to mention I started using the Comfort Zone plug ins by Feliway. When Cammie was a kitten she was very aggressive and wild. These calmed her down. I started using them several months ago because they are also used for cats that are urine marking inside the house if they feel threatened by another cat or animal outside. My one downstairs needs replacing as I just noticed it today. Cammie became more active and when I checked the plug in that explained that. It acts like a sedative. I also have been using the Royal Canine hairball dry food as Cammie won't let me brush her and she has very long hair. I think it is helping. I don't know if your cat is doing that for hairballs or other reasons and you will probably have to figure that out. I wish there is someone that could help you with these things. Continued prayers for you.

    Thank you Hershey. I could see these bright red trees quite a ways away and I just had to go down there to see them up close. I drive through this large Arboretum and then can get out where there are little parking lots throughout the area to take pics. These trees were stunning. I was lucky enough to capture the beauty as the light was just right. How are you doing with your LE? Are you seeing any improvement?

    Thank you both for your encouragement. I am trying to muster enough courage to open an Instagram account to post my photos but we'll see. I am still concerned about privacy issues and hackers. I am not on any social media now.

    Praying for both of you.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    Nancy, the book launch party is this Saturday.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2018

    Thank you! How sweet.


  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited November 2018

    Nancy, praying for your MRI. Is it scheduled yet?

    Lita, hoping you're back pain goes away. Keep us informed about your pet scan.

    Our God is an awesome God!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited November 2018

    GK my MRI is on Nov. 14. Thank you for your prayers.

    Lita, that congratulations sign was supposed to be animated. I guess you will just have to imagine it moving!

    Have a good weekend dear sisters. For those who change the clocks that is tomorrow night!

