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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Hi dear ladies,

    I took this pic after dropping my Mom off to the dining room for dinner tonight. She lives right near the lake which allows me a tiny bit of time to take some pics. This is my new niche camera which I bought for birds and the moon. It works for sunsets too. So Ade, if you do have to move to Ohio the sunsets may be better than you think. We have had two pretty sunsets here in central IL. the last two nights in the midst of cloudy and gloomy days. A few minutes of picture taking does wonders for my spirits.

    Faith, I am so glad to hear your blood work is so good but I know sinus stuff is awful. I may have mentioned this to you but this new ENT I saw several months ago mentioned Xlear saline spray which I buy at Whole Foods. It is expensive for saline spray but boy does it do a good job. I presently am using the high powered version with Capsacin in it as well. You might try it as Joanne has suggested too.

    Ade, I am glad that James was able to get more samples of his meds. I still pray for that for him. Ade, is it a forgone conclusion that you are moving back to Ohio? I keep praying for a financial miracle for you both. I am sorry you had such a cold day at 69Winking.

    Joanne, LOL. You know what the solution is. My Mom's bathroom scales moved with her to her facility so there are NO bathroom scales at her house now. As they say ignorance is bliss.

    I can't blame my issues on Thin Mints because I have eaten a Girl Scout cookie in years. It must be something in the water!!!

    Have a good night dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2019

    Nancy, wow...beautiful picture.!

    I get increased sinus ick when I have a cold (more than what is probably normal) but it usually clears eventually.

    I love Thin Mints and just finished off my second box for the season (my limit). Of course I share so I don't get the whole box, but I still limit them. Maybe that is the reason? Loopy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Thanks Chris. I was behind someone in the store that had just bought some Girl Scout cookies that the girls were hiked out nabbing customers as they entered the store. I used to be a Girl Scout and remember how good those cookies were. I can't believe how small the boxes are now!!!!! Maybe that is the problem on the Thin Mints. LOL

    I hope you are feeling better.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2019

    good morning ladies. I just read through the last several days postings. Been praying for all of you. I'm doing well at this point all the pneumonia is gone. I have been quite busy trying to stay active to keep my bones healthy and line dancing. Please keep the group I'm leading for ladies who have been sexually abused in prayer. Myself and the two ladies who are going to be helping lead group discussions have been spiritually attacked over the last couple of weeks. I know that the enemy does not want this group to go forward because Miracles have happened. We also have two new ladies who just joined the group. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited February 2019

    WHOA NANCY ~ WHAT A PIC!!! The Lord had you in the right place at the right time didn't He - and He MADE that sunset and eyes to see it too! Isn't He wonderful!

    Jean I pray the Lord's protection upon you, the other facilitators, and the ladies attending. Sexual abuse is certainly the enemy's turf and you are treading upon it to shine Jesus' light into that darkness, which means war in the heavenlies. Christ has put His enemy under His feet and He is in you. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and you are more than a conqueror in Christ!

    Nancy, here is what the Lord has brought to light regarding a relocation. - Our medical specialists are three hours away, our property taxes will double as soon as we get this house completed and they reassess it, There were some terribly wrong things in our church leadership which were not about to be addressed and out hearts were torn apart with it. We have not found a new church in this little town that we are at home in. James has had FOUR CLOSE CALLS with Mojave rattle snakes - the ones that kill you before you can get help. Our son & family here are leaving in less than 7 years when he retires leaving us no relatives here (we have 2 children & families in Ohio plus James' siblings). So - we are beginning to get the picture. The Lord DID have a purpose in our moving here. We got swindled out of ALL of our money by a "Christian Brother" contractor who began the building of our house then pulled a "bait and switch" and we had to go into great debt to even get the house livable to move into. Then came cancer and heart attacks and surgeries for both. Folks we trusted in at church ...well you can imagine without going into that. Anyway we have grown spiritually by leaps and bounds since we came and I think that is the purpose for our 7 years (number of completion) of trials as the Lord has had us here. Now we know not what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future.

    Blessings on your day,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited February 2019

    Jean, a dear Christian friend of mine just published a book about her journey through sexual abuse. Her message and recovery story is helping hundreds of ladies. She has suddenly become a sought-after speaker at trauma conferences. Her story is one of healing. You might want to read it and/or recommend it to your group. It is titled "Brave: A Personal Story of Healing childhood Trauma" by Janyne McConnaughey. She has a follow-up book that discusses accepting children who have been abused and is amazing titled "Jeannie's Brave Childhood." You can get them on Amazon. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited February 2019

    Jean, I am glad you are back on a healthy track now. Wow. Line dancing. I am impressed. Leading a group for sexually abused women is something much needed and courageous. I have had two good friends in the past that came out of that horrific background and I think to put it mildly both were really messed up and still had so much baggage to deal with. I can only imagine the enemy throwing a hissy fit so we can pray protection over you and the other leaders and for healing and spiritual awakening to these damaged ladies. Chris's friends book sounds like something to look into.

    Ade, thank you. Much of photography is being at the right place at the right time.

    Thanks for sharing with me. Is there anything you can do with this contractor who swindled you out of your money. I know this is a lame question which I am sure you would have done if you could. When you talk of driving three hours to your doctors I realize there is a huge trade off when you live where you do. I understand wanting to be near family. As I get older that realization for me is a bit scary as my family is three hours away and can't help with immediate things when I am in need. I know that the Lord will take care of me somehow as He always has. I know He will do the same for you. I know how much you love living there and it is such a shame that things worked out for you like they did with the house but God is in control and allowed that to happen for a reason.

    Today started with a bang, literally. My hair dryer almost caught on fire. Luckily I usually always carry a backup with me and I had a new one but when I was trying to get it up and working my cousin came to the door and I wasn't dressed. I need a vacation. LOL

    Praying for all of you.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Nancy you DO need a vacation! Praying for some real blessings in your day today.

    In answer to your question - the contractor was a fellow church member so we trusted him. Plus we got referrals from other church members he's worked for and they actually lied and said all was well rather than speak badly about a "brother". If they'd been honest we would have been saved a LOT of grief and debt. We tried to settle the dispute in the church, he made a promise then broke it - so we had no other recourse than to seek a lawyer. She confirmed this was the typical bait and switch. She said that if we sued for what he really owed us he would then declare bankruptcy and we would be out ALL of our money. So instead we lost most of it and got some back - and we then had an unfinished house that we had to put charge the materials to so we could even live in it on charge cards. It was without walls, ceilings, kitchen, heating, cooling,flooring, porch stairs (had to use a ladder!) etc. I did dishes on my knees in the bathtub for 4 months and heated our water on a hot plate. No oven, no refrigerator, no kitchen sink,The temp got to 105 degrees as we put up drywall & mudded it ourselves. It was a tough couple of years. So now we have no flooring in the master bedroom, woodwork & doors and trim need installed and we a re to finally get garage doors mid March. AND WE ARE STILL MARRIED!!! Anyway that's the "rest of the story" as they say.

    We just got back from a long day in Terlingua at with son and family at their cabin so I am about to retire for the night - sooo tired.

    May the Lord bless your nights, ladies,


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Ade, I can’t believe what a terrible ordeal you have been through with the house and your illnesses. You really have a great faith to be able to endure so many trials. I’m praying you can finish that house and move back to Ohio. I’m guessing you need to finish it in order to sell it. The skies in Ohio are more white and gray than blue but there shouldn’t be any awful snakes. I’m also from southwest Ohio, Cincinnati to be exact and I didn’t know skies could be so blue until we were transferred to Florida for awhile.

    Jean, I’m really impressed by your line dancing but more so by the project you have taken on to counsel victims of abuse. That is so worthwhile and the need is great. So glad you are feeling better too.

    Nancy, I hope the rest of your visit there is good with no more hairdryer accidents or any other kind of mishaps. Are you planning to return home soon? It looks like we are heading into another bout of extreme cold so you might want to plan your travels around that just in case to be safe.

    I finally saw my allergist today and she didn’t have any answers for me except to see an ENT which I should have done anyway and maybe have a scan of my sinuses. I’m not anxious to have another scan so soon after my PET so I have to think about that and say some more prayers for healing.

    Love and prayers for everyone here,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    The banner needs to finish with........".and are called according to His purpose".

    This has become my life verse associated with my photography. I like to include this verse on as much of my photography projects as I am able.

    Ade, I thought of you and your situation when I posted this. I just know you and James are going to be okay. Why do I know this.....because you are NOT one to sit around and feel sorry for yourself. You continue to be thankful and I definitely believe God can work through a servant with a thankful heart rather than a bitter one. The world would look at your situation and say you have every right to be bitter and angry and mad at God. The difference is we as Christians are NOT the world. We have Jesus living in our hearts working for our good even though in our limited perspective we cannot always see the beautiful way that he weaves are lives like a beautiful tapestry. This does not discount all the suffering and hardship you both have had in trying to live in an unfinished house and the pain and disappointment of being swindled by someone calling himself a Christian. Forgiveness is something we are called to do and as we all know it is so very hard to do. I am sure you have come to terms with this part of the story. We can all be praying for wisdom moving forward.

    Faith, I think seeing an ENT would probably be a good idea and believe me, I really "get" the fact that adding one more doctor to your list of apts is the last thing you want to do. Actually I am planning on seeing this ENT I cancelled on earlier after my month of PT is over.

    I am going to be traveling back home on Saturday and it looks to be the best day as far as the weather here. Snow is expected on Sunday and that is what made my decision.

    I have to run now and take my Mom to her hair apt. Take care dear sisters and have a good weekend.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Faith & Nancy. I love that scripture too, and most leave out the important rest of it - but we automatically add it I think whenever we see it. What an encouragement His Word is to us! Nancy have a safe trip home. Faith, praying for REAL answers and solutions for your sinuses.

    We got turned down today for a loan to pay off our remaining 2 credit cards (there used to be 4!) and finish the house so we can put it on the market - but oh well, the Lord has another plan. He gave me beautiful encouragement this morning in one of my devotionals and I am looking forward to discovering His sovereign plan for us.

    We drove down to Terlingua to our son's cabin for the day and I just wanted to share these pretty grandaughters and the blue bonnets with you.

    Blessings upon your day!



  • MuddlingThrough
    MuddlingThrough Member Posts: 655
    edited March 2019

    Ade, when you look at those beautiful, shining faces, I know your troubles recede. Looking at their smiles made my day. You're so right that He has a plan for these difficult circumstances.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Ade, what a beautiful setting for your beautiful granddaughters. They look so happy and I know that must warm your heart. It sounds like you have already paid off 2 credit cards so you are definitely going the right direction. Keep seeking the Lord and He will show you the way.

    Welcome Muddling. Feel free to post any time.

    Teka, good to hear from you. When you are all finished decluttering and spring cleaning you will feel like a new woman. Then............... you can come to my house, repeat, and really feel great!!!!!!



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2019

    Gorgeous girls, Ade.

    That verse from Romans is one I carry with me all the's the only way I can make sense of my Stage IV Dx.

    Have a great weekend, ladies. I have to start getting ready for my next PET scan on Monday. Being half Italian, I HATE that I can't eat bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc. the day before. I'm not a big meat eater, so I guess I'll just have eggs for breakfast and some ground beef for dinner.


  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2019

    Hello Faith-840

    Adding cold mist humidifier helps relieve your sinus congestion as was suggested by my doctor.

    Hello Lita,

    Hoping you have a better result of your PET SCAN on Monday. I just had mine last Wednesday and still waiting for results.

    Praying for everybody's comfort this weekend.


  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2019

    Hello Bandwoman1234

    Thank you for this verse,it reminds me and helps strengthen me.

    I would like to share this saying TO EVERYBODY,I've read from DR.SUSAN KOMEN'S POST


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Hi dear sisters of faith,

    I made it safely home last night. I had hurt my back before I even got to my Mom's house and it flaired up a few days ago. Today I didn't make it to church because I had such leg pain probably coming from the back. I start PT for balance in a few days. This therapist may get more than he bargained for!

    Lita, praying for your PET scan tomorrow.

    Welcome Juamara. Please feel free to post any time. Thanks for sharing. His strength is made strong in our weakness.

    Have a wonderful week dear sisters. Even though our March is not expected to be very spring like I am still excited that we have turned the corner on winter. I would appreciate your prayers as this month is just nuts for me.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, so glad you made it back safely but hopefully your PT can help you with your back too. You don't need anything more!

    Ade, I have thought of your ordeal many times since I first read about it. I know God can make beauty from ashes and provide strength in our trials, but that doesn't mean it is easy to go through. The more i age, the more I know, the less I trust anyone. This sounds cynical, but I look at it like just being less naive. Thankfully you have 3 beautiful granddaughters to add as blessings. They look so happy and healthy! I will pray for wisdom and for mountains to be moved for your relocation.

    Lita, I am with you on having to limit carbs even for a day. Praying for your scan tomorrow.

    I am still battling this cold but thankfully it has not turned into pneumonia this time. It was frustrating to go through Urgent Care on Thursday as I had to see yet a different doc, but I was mostly concerned to rule out pneumonia which it did. The rest I can handle. For some reason there was no doc in the area available for a regular appt so I had to go to UC. I stayed home from church again this week as my whole family is still coughing and we don't want to spread germs.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Chris, thanks. I sure hope you can feel better. I am glad you don't have pneumonia again. Praying your whole family can get over this sickness. I know it must feel discouraging to be sick again. Hang in there. It will get better.

    Joanne, that is GREAT news. I know how diligent you are checking all of those spots whenever they crop up. So glad this one disappeared. I know that is one huge relief off your mind.

    Ellen and I both have our five year out mammograms coming up. I know we would both appreciate prayers for a hopefully big time of celebration.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    I love this banner. It represents Spring. I love Bluebirds and flowering trees........and I love how

    this short and to the point verse sums it all up with three little phrases that together have a HUGE impact

    in how we live our lives victoriously.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, that quote from Romans is one of my favorites. I hope the bluebirds and flowers on the tree will bring us spring soon. This cold weather is getting very depressing. At least it’s sunny but it takes your breath away when you go out. So glad you are back home safe and I hope your PT appointments go well and take care of the balance issues. Prayers that you and Ellen have good and clear mammograms.

    Jo, praise God that the spot disappeared. When we’ve had cancer, everything causes us to worry and it’s so stressful which is not good for us.

    Ade, your granddaughter’s are beautiful. They remind me of a few of ours when they were younger. Those are such great years. We have ten grandchildren, six girls, but the youngest is now 16 and the oldest is 26, and we really miss having the young ones around. However, we are very proud and blessed to have such wonderful grandchildren, they are all really good kids.

    Chris, sending prayers that you and the family are over that crud soon. There seems to be a lot going around now.

    Lita, you are always in my prayers, hope your PET scan was good.

    Love and prayers for everyone.

    Faith (in the future

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Even though this winter seems unending for some of us we know that sunflowers will be around the corner in our not so distant future. I love this little child sniffing the sunflower. We are to be as little children experiencing all the blessings and abundance we have around us. May we choose joy this day no matter how we feel. I just bet that your day will go much better by a little tweak in our choices. Praying you all have a good day.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2019

    Waiting for PET scan results. Will let u know when I have them.


  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2019

    Hello Bandwoman,

    Yes indeed we thank God everyday for a new day in our lives, for easy breathing--when I had pneumonia,I could hardly breathe,but without pneumonia,it is so easy to breathe,no rattles and crackles in the chest.

    beautiful spring banner,so cool to the eyes and big yellow sunflower,makes our day bright!

    Lita,hope your PET SCAN results are good.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Juamara. I am glad you are breathing easy now. I bet you are having some real spring weather perhaps.

    Lita, praying for you for peace in the wait time for your results. Of course, praying for good news.

    Faith, how are you doing. I know the sunshine makes everything better doesn't it?

    I am off for my first PT with this neurotherapist. I saw a pic of him online last night and he looks like he is in 8th grade. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a tad. Maybe 10th grade. LOL He has kind eyes. I hope we can connect and that he can help me in my balance issues.

    I heard good news that the Monarch butterflies have entered the country now. YIIIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Of course it may take several months to actually appear here but it gives me hope. A lady from CA posted a pic of a butterfly today and it was current. I can't wait to take more pics of them soon.

    Have a good day dear sisters. There is fullness of joy in His presence.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Yes, Docs do seem to get younger. I had good luck with PT on my shoulder 6 years ago, but it is hurting again. The PET just says "deterioration" whatever that means. To me that means age. I don't plan on doing anything aggressive about it as I have enough to worry about. My onc is the age of my daughter but to me it means she is on top of the latest research and has the energy for it. My urgent care doc was even younger fresh out of med school, but she did the basics which is all I needed.

    Lita, praying for your scan results.

    I am getting restless--probably cabin fever even in San Diego especially with the extra rain this year. Hopefully in a few days I can post a pic of my aloe vera plant which is ready to bloom for the first time in the 4 years since I planted it. Spring is approaching and with it hopefully our energy and outlook will improve too. Praying for us all.

    Blessings, Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Well, I survived my first PT session. My therapist is a very young, hip and fashionable Latino who is tiny and very cute!! He wears very tight pants but I didn't noticeWinking. He knows his stuff and is very professional. I may have shared in the past that I had to have dizziness therapy many years ago after complications from a vocal cord surgery. I missed many weeks of school. Some of what we did today is similar to what I did back in the 90's. So I have homework which makes me feel very unbalanced but I am training my brain. So if you thought I was dizzy before..........

    Joanne, the only reason I can see trying to get your heel against your behind is if you need to kick yourself. LOL I would prefer beating my head against the wall in those cases. Much easier to do.

    Chris, when I had to go to urgent care when I had this cyst on my back that would just not stop even after surgery one of the paramedics who works in this center came in to check me in or out. He looked at me and said do I look familiar. It was one of my elementary students in my band for YEARS ago. I did remember him. He had closed the door and we sat and talked for quite a while and a nurse came to the door twice wondering what in the world was going on. NO I AM NOT A COUGAR MOM.

    Chris, my brain scan showed some scary things besides the tumor and I could have scared myself silly. After researching a bit it was typical aging and as normal as arthritis in people my age. I am restless for spring so I second echo your feelings. We have had negative wind chills the last couple of nights so I am really ready for spring.

    So Joanne, when I turn my computer off the first thing I am going to try is see if I can kick myself in the pants.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2019

    hi ladies! Sorry I've been a little AWOL. I'm just fine. Super busy right now. My youngest daughter signed up for both track and Jazz Band. I love it! Between that and work keeps me busy and I think about the breast cancer less. Ban woman, you'll be happy to hear that my daughter's jazz band has placed first in their categories at the last two jazz festivals! She's in the second jazz band at her school. In fact I'm sitting in the parking lot right now waiting for her to come out from her track practice and I got on here and read everyone's updates. Think of you all often even if I'm not getting on here that much.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2019

    I'm praising the Lord right now.

    No, there's no improvement, but there's no major progression either.

    I will see my MO in person next week, and I assume we'll be staying the course for a while with the Gemcitabine. Of course I'm not delighted that I'll still have the wonderful side effects, such as the red/purple blotches everywhere from the chemo-induced thromboycytopenia (major low platelets), the lymphedema in my legs, ankles, and feet, and the wonderful gasto-intestinal discomfort and diarrhea, but it could always be worse.

    Thank you for your continued prayers,
