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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    PRAISING THE LORD ~*~ James FINALLY was accepted for the PASS Program! We won't have to pay $1500+ per month for his meds now! We have jumped through all of the hoops to get this since mid December. God is good!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Praise the Lord Ade. I am so thankful for this answer to prayer.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Ade, that is fantastic news. Answered prayers for sure. All in God's timing!!!!

    Faith, so glad you sinus issues are better. More answered prayers.

    I spent all afternoon at the Vet ER with Cammie. Her vet is out of town until Thursday so getting in to see him is impossible now. She has some urinary tract issues and now it is waiting and seeing. When I got home from my appt yesterday afternoon I was truly at the point of complete exhaustion. I have not slept for most of this week losing many hours each night. After spending such a long time in the ER waiting room with hard benches my back was not happy. After getting Cammie settled I finally got to eat quite late and just collapsed in a heap. This morning I am exhausted and on the verge of tears and I have a dinner date with my ministry partner and I have to pull it together somehow. I really need prayers now.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2019

    Ade, what a big relief and huge weight off your and James' shoulders. Singing praises to the Lord!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, sending up extra prayers just now that your body will gain strength and your mind will find peace for today. Praying also that God will bless your meeting tonight.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, prayers for rest and strength. God's peace and blessings to you.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Nancy - may the joy of the LORD be your strength, for He says that we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. May He regenerate your body, grant you sweet sleep at night and put His joy in your tired soul. Rest in Him and be refreshed by His mercy, lovingkindness and faithfulness. May the Lord also heal Cammie's bladder and ease her discomfort, as well as comfort your back. Thank you for calling upon your sisters when you need to be lifted up in prayer. You are so faithful to pray for us, it is a privilege to pray for you as well. :o)

    Thank you ladies for rejoicing with us over James getting his meds.

    Blessings upon your Saturday,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2019

    Nancy I am praying for the joy of the Lord to fill you with His strength.

    Jo Yay! Happy

    Love, Jean

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, echoing all the previous prayers that you find rest and strength today and are able to enjoy your dinner meeting tonight. Just lean on Jesus and He will be your strength.. He waits for us to call on Him.

    Ade, prayers of thanksgiving that James was able to get his meds. Our God is Good!

    Love and prayers for all,


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited March 2019

    Ladies, it's been quite a while since I checked in and I just got caught up reading 2 pages of post! I'll never remember everything! (Thank you Tamoxifen foggy brain!) I have been so busy trying to get 36 CEU'S before March 15! I have a degree in OT and I'm required those CEU'S (every 5 years) to keep my certification. It has been a very challenging 5 years and I had not done one class! In December I decided I wasn't going to renew due to the LE I felt if I ever went back to work in the OT field that the LE would limit my opportunities. In January I changed my mind! I did all 36 in 60 days! It was a true challenge with all my volunteer work, juggling the grandkids and not missing one band concert of the oldest gs. He made all district and WNC regional jazz to! Not bad for a one year trombonist! We are very proud of him! The Lord has blessed him! There is zero musical talent in our family! No matter how busy or crazy life gets I still know my blessing are plenty! May God bless you all with a peaceful heart and joy in each in every day!

    Nancy- so sorry that Cammie isn't doing well! Our small cat had a stroke 2 weeks ago and DH had to rush him to the ER Pet Vet at 3 am 2 weeks ago. He's was blind for a few days and had left side weakness. He was a mess for about 48 hours. His BP was extremely high. We have him on BP medication and he just had a 2 week check up yesterday and the vet said he's doing well! DH spent almost $2800 on that cat!! What else do you do!?!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Hi dear ladies of faith.

    Thank you all for your prayers. I am really struggling with exhaustion and the added stress of Cammie issues. I thought she might be doing better only to realize she isn't. Her vet isn't back in the office until Thursday and the ER vet said if she got worse to bring her back in and he would give her an antibiotic shot just in case. I cannot give her pills and I feel totally helpless when I know she is probably in pain and a lot of discomfort. I am supposed to get lots of water down her. I bought her a pet fountain and got that up and running tonight. I don't know if she will use it or not. What we do for our pets.

    Yes, Joanne, I am running on empty. I made myself go out with my camera after my mammogram today just to see if a change of scenery would help. I did take a nap this afternoon. I have had so many apts and so many nights of trouble sleeping that it is making me crazy........literally!

    Vargadoll, I can really understand the pressure of getting those hours of credit. It was similar with my teaching degree and it was so hard to get those hours in when you had a hundred other things going on. I'm glad you made it. Congrats to your grandson, the trombonist. It sounds like he is doing great. I am sorry to hear about your cat. I hope he continues to improve. I had a rabbit who had a stroke and she unfortunately didn't make it but she survived cancer surgery. Yes, what we do for our pets. They are family so we do whatever we can. In hindsight I wish I would have bought the pet insurance. My cat has already had a surgery a few years ago and you can't buy the insurance after they already have issues.

    I would appreciate your continued prayers for both myself and Cammie.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Joanne, I am sorry to hear about Dan. I hope he will heal quickly and that he won't have any problems from stopping the Cipro. I can relate to that banner!

    Cammie has a nose like a bloodhound. Many years ago I tried to slip a pill in a treat and she was having none of it. She now has arthritis in her back legs and I didn't know that before I took her to the ER. I would really like to find a different vet and one that is closer.

    I got a good night's sleep last night but I am still needing strength to finish all the apts this month. I have been pretty good about dealing with one thing at a time and I am have way through PT so that is a big plus.

    I just found out today one of my second cousins has lymphoma and is stage 3. I doesn't look good from what my sister was telling me.

    Have a good day dear sisters. Spring is in the air. Praise the Lord.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, I am sorry to hear about your cousin and the continue issues with Cammie. I am sure they weigh heavy on your heart. Praying for strength and rest for you and the other lovely ladies here. God is my continuing strength in the midst of troubles. No one else knows or understands them all.

    Blessings, Chris

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited March 2019

    Nancy- I was happy to see you had a good night's rest. I'm sorry that Cammie isn't doing well. After our little scare with Bernie I understand! He is now on blood pressure medication and I was worried about getting him to take it. We got the medication in a liquid form and its seafood "flavored and scented". He takes it "just ok" for my DH. Bernie has a strong sense of smell to. We had his medication done at a compounding pharmacy. We also take him to a cat only vet which is nice. I hope you find a vet close that you and Cammie both like.🐱

    Joanne- it's always something isn't it?!? I'm sending well wishes for a quick recovery for your DH.

    I have had my grandson home all day. He had a little upset stomach when he got home from his golf game after school. Who knows what he could have ate! He is feeling better now. Since he threw up twice I felt I had to sanitize the house! I just sat down and I have been going since 6 a.m. I only have the blankets and comforter to go back on his bed and all the possible "germy" (or bad guys as my little 3 y/o grandson calls them...he's so stinkin' cute wish you all could meet them all) towels, linens a d clothing washed.

    I thankful for my washing machine and dryer today!

    Here's one of my favorite quotes

    " Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a know God."

    Corrie Ten Boom

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2019

    I'm a bit frustrated today. After finally getting back to an exercise routine I woke up Sunday with fever, coughing and wheezing. Saw the doctor today and am very grateful for his care. He had his nurse call at 7:30am to squeeze me in to a very full schedule. Exam, nebulizer treatment and chest xray done in less than an hour. No pneumonia thank you Jesus. I am praying as I read all your posts. Love, Jean

  • 239Happy
    239Happy Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2019

    Good evening Women of God! I'm new to this site. Recently diagnosed with IDC (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma). Not really sure about the Stage, I was told Stage 1. I'm having a 2nd opinion done this Thursday at 1pm. I've never had an abnormal mammogram before.

    A little bit about myself. I'm 60 years old. A Christian Women, a leader in my church in the past with the Ladies Bible Study group. I was active with that for 5 years, previous nursery worker - love children. I currently take care of the Church attendance records/report yearly.

    I'm currently a School Bus Attendent part-time. My wonderful husband of 35 years is my School Bus Driver. We have 1 son Mike & Wife Minjee and 2 grandchildren - Denzen (7) & Saruul (14). We don't see them much even though they are only an hour away. Everyone is busy living their lives.

    I am A Wellness Advocate with doTERRA Essential Oils, which I love doing. I love helping people when I can with their health/wellness. I also am a Damsel Professional with Damsel In Defense safety and security products. I enjoy travelling to new places.

    My favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.

    I love the Lord with all my heart. I also participate in a prayer group of 6 other women on a daily basis.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    239Happy, welcome to this site although I am sad you have to be here. Sounds like you belong here just fine.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Welcome, 239Happy! We will all pray for you (as we do for one another).

    We had to go to Fort Stockton yesterday - over an hour away - to get James' blood drawn at the VA clinic for next week's appointment. I waited in the car for over TWO HOURS. Then we went to Wallyworld (Walmart), then Taco Bell & then the trip home. It simply wiped me out, and I have supper company coming tonight. Woke up Monday morning feeling really strange with a flashing "C" in my eyes and couldn't see well. Was pretty scared but toughed it out & prayed, and am ok now. Praising the Lord!

    I'm praying for all of you! We go from strength to strength in His care.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    I don't think we can find this verse in the Bible but I believe that it certainly is truth!!!!! I feel like I have been in the spin cycle now for quite a long time. SickTired

    239Happy, welcome to our little online prayer and support Christian thread. You are the first person that I am aware of from MD on this thread. As you start your bc journey I pray that you will get wisdom from your doctors as you seek a second opinion. Praying you will have the best case scenario as an outcome. You are obviously an active person of prayer and faith and I know that will sustain you whatever comes for you. Please feel free to jump in any time. There are wonderful women on this thread.

    Chris, as I looked back at my sister's email it is my cousin's 17 yr old grandson who has stage three lymphoma. We have a huge extended family and I don't know this young man but I know he needs prayer. Praying for you as well. I sometimes sense that you need more prayer than you asked for.

    Joanne, I think we all appreciate some good laughs. We need that!!! I forget that once we experience a particular weather pattern it eventually hits you and those on the East coast. I tell my NY friend what is about to come. She is usually not amused. LOL Praying that Dan will heal with no lasting effects from this leg injury. Praying for you as well as you face upcoming tests.

    Jean, praying for complete healing for you and so glad your pneumonia did not return.

    Vargadoll, sorry to hear about your grandson. I hope it was a short lived bug. I can understand wanting to sanitize your whole house. No one wants that stuff if they can help it.

    Actually my vet is a cat only place but I won't go into all the history but I would still like to find someone closer and possibly more understanding of my cat who does have issues when at the vet. Cammie is doing very well now. This ER vet did say it would take a few days for this inflammation to calm down and I think it did but it was hard to watch her knowing how uncomfortable she was. They gave me no meds so I had nothing to even try. So far the expensive pet water fountain I don't think is working too well. The first time I saw her use it she succeeded in getting her head wet in an attempt to drink. Maybe not such a bright idea afterall, but I am supposed to get water down her to wash away this mineral deposits in her bladder. Easier said than done!

    Have a good day dear sisters. It is the first day of Spring and a few weeks ago it could not come fast enough for me...................and here it is....................raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Hello everyone, I have a special prayer request for a dear friend of mine named Sue. She has multiple myeloma and has been receiving treatment leading to stem cell replacement. They withdrew 9 million stem cells on Monday and now they are giving her very high dose chemo to kill any possible cancer left and then they will inject her stem cells back into her. She will be in isolation in the hospital for about three weeks. She is going to be one very sick lady until her body begins to recover which could take weeks to months to start feeling normal again. This is a tough treatment but hopefully a complete cure.

    She will have to be very careful when she comes home, even to the point of washing and changing her sheets and cleaning her bathroom everyday. Her diet restrictions are also very stringent, no fresh fruit or vegetables and nothing prepared by others outside the house. That leaves out our choir providing any meals to help out her family. I'm not sure how this is all going to be managed but I'm asking for prayers for her complete and quick healing and for the support she and her husband will need as they go through this tough trial.

    Thank you all so much, I know the prayers here really help all of us and I'm so grateful to have a place to come to ask for prayers. I do pray for all you here even when I don't post.

    Love and prayers for everyone,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Ade, we must have been typing at the same time. I didn't see your post when I started. I did pray for you that you would have strength for your company. As far as your eye, I don't want to scare you but after I had cataract surgery in both eyes a couple of years later I experienced lightning bolts in my eyes. It got worse and they I had a ton of new floaters. I went to the eye doctor very concerned that i might have a detached retina. I had what is called a detached vitrious. They said it will most likley happen in the other eye and a few weeks later it did. It was something that was supposed to resolve but it really never did completely. It was a real problem in my photography as it made it hard to know if I had things in good focus or not. This could have been a by product of my cataract surgery as this condition happens if you have had any kind of injury to your eye which surgery is counted as that. It is not anything you want to ignore because it can be serious. Mine was so bad I remember I was looking at the produce section at the grocery store and it looked like bugs crawling all over the fruit.

    Faith, I have been praying for your friend Sue. With the new breakthroughs in medicine it is amazing that this could be a real complete healing for your friend. However what she will have to go through to get to the end point does not sound pleasant or easy at all. Praying for wisdom and strength for her and her husband and family and friends as they try to help out with meals.

    Jean, praying that you feel much better and that this spot turns out to be nothing.

    Joanne, I know you have so many family members going through severe issues that this weighs heavily on you. I continue to pray for your daughter and i pray that Michelle's therapy will be helpful.

    I have felt better today than I have in quite some time. Cammie is doing much better and I will be driving out of town to pick up her special diet for urinary issues which she was on for three years. She was glad to get off that food in the summer so I am bracing myself for some rebellion.

    I was SOOOOOOOOOO happy today when my therapist said he thinks we could cancel our Tues apt next week and see me in a week. Because I am doing so well and have faithfully been doing the exercises twice a day he said next Thursday may be our last session. I cannot tell you how over the moon I was hearing those words. This month has been so difficult with addition concerns about my Mom's teeth. So hopefully I will get my life back soon. One thing I am not thrilled about is I have received test results the next day in all of these MRI's and blood work I have done and I had my mammogram on Monday and still have not heard anything. I contacted my breast surgeon's office and they just said the radiologist was not done with the report. It makes me a bit nervous. So we wait some more.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Dearest sisters, it is five in the morning and I have been lifting you all up to the Throne for two hours. The Lord has said some wondrous things in this time and I wish I could recall all of what He has said to share with you.

    He knows your heartaches, tears, trials and troubles, the anxieties and pain of your hearts. He is the One Who made the stars and calls them by name. He knows YOUR name and knew you from even before you were born. He is the mover of mountains but nothing can ever shake Him. He is steadfast in His lovingkindness, great in power, tender in heart. And He hears your whispered prayers, your cries to Him for help when you are helpless. When you feel you are drowning in your sorrows He takes your right hand and lift you out of the dark mire into His loving care and underneath are His everlasting arms. He wants you to keep your eyes upon Him, not the raging sea, for He is your strength and your song, your Savior and Good Shepherd Who will never leave you or forsake you. He is with you always even unto the ends of the earth. Your trials are but for a moment and ahead is the everlasting glory and incomprehensible joy of eternity with Him, upon which our hope is fixed. Take heart and do not be dismayed. Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. Lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross, for Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, ever interceding for you. Let your heart not be troubled, but trust in His unfailing love for you and His great power to create miracles. He is our hope, our joy, our peace, our ever present help in times of trouble. He is at work even now on and in all of us and on our concerns. May you feel His presence and hear His voice of comfort, peace and love in the midst of the storms of this life.

    Thank you dear Nancy and Joanne, in the middle of all of your own concerns to offer advice for my eyes. Bless you.

    You are not alone. We sisters lift one another up in prayer - and He Who loves us listens.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Dear sisters. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had my mammogram on Monday and I knew I should have heard from them before now. I contacted my dr. yesterday and they just said the report was not ready. I just heard from my dr office and they said my scans are incomplete and they will contact me for an ultrasound. I am worried. I already was in the midst of a burning of face episode.............the second one this week. It was the ultrasound five years ago that damaged my shoulder. Oh Lord please, tell me I don't have a recurrence.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Father, I lift Nancy up to you right now that you will calm her fears praying in faith for a miracle that there is no cancer shown in the mammogram. You are the almighty healer and creator of all things good. May your blessings rain down in abundance upon our dear sister encourager and faithful servant. We ask this believing in divine intervention.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited March 2019

    Nancy- lifting you up! Praying that the ultrasound is clear and the you will feel all of us holding you tight!

    Joanne- you have so much going on! Lord, lighten the load! May you find peace in your quiet times.

    Ade- you are a prayer warrior! So thankful for your post. Hope your eye is better.

    Faith- your friend is blessed to have your support!

    Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with anxiety or with the handle of faith. -Henry Ward Beecher

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Chris and Vargadoll for your prayers. Ade, thank you for sharing and your faithfulness in prayer for all of us. I am hanging on to those words from all of you.

    Update. I called my breast surgeon's office and asked if I should keep the 11 am apt on Wed. This nurse said oh that's perfect. I'm thinking how can that be perfect I am still waiting for a call to schedule. So keeping that apt possibly made things fall into place. I got a call from the breast imaging center I go to and she said I don't usually make phone calls on Friday afternoon and wait until Monday morning but........... She was having difficulty fitting me in before Wed. She said I need to call my supervisor and I will get back to you. After waiting for 30 min I called her back (it is now 3:30) and she said she had put in a message to her supervisor and was waiting for an answer. So I made myself do my second set of exercises and the phone just rang. I am scheduled for Tues at 9:30 and it is the same breast that I had cancer before so that is alarming. She said there are changes in the scans since a yr ago. I told this lady as a heads up that my shoulder was damaged during the ultrasound last time and I just wanted to let them know ahead of time.

    I am more at ease knowing that this is in place. I didn't get to swim today but I did drive out of town to get Cammie's special diet for urinary issues which she had been on previously for three years. So I am now trying to go about my weekend as planned and try to remain as calm as I can.

    Thanks dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thanks Joanne. I am praying for you and your family too.



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited March 2019

    Nancy- how did your shoulder get damaged? Did the ultrasound tech twist you is an awkward position? I'm so sorry you have to deal as l with all this! Sometimes I ask "does it ever end" then I tell myself my two words "Fear not" my go to Bible verse and that's the important part!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, prayinging that the technicians protect your shoulder from further damage on Tuesday. Prayers for good results, peace, and comfort.

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited March 2019


    Just reading this. Lifting you up in prayer. I don't post often, but read/stay on several threads including this one. Always feel a special connection to you because I grew up in Naperville. Though I am in Ohio now after getting married 25 years ago which is when I moved to Ohio. My mom (who is 90) and my 3 brothers still live in Naperville so I am there at least a couple times each year at holidays.

    Sharing all my favorite healing verses I read when I feel concerns about my own cancer:

    • Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind. Psalm 107:19-21
    • Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you. Exodus 20:35
    • Lord my God, I call to you for help, and you healed me. Psalm 30:2
    • He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
