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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Lita, that is great news. You continue to defy all odds!!!!!!! You are an overcomer. I know this is NOT an easy path you are on but so happy that there is no major progression.

    GK, I'm glad you are doing well. Congrats to your daughter and her jazz band placements. Sports and music is a big commitment on everyone's part. I am glad you are enjoying it and I bet your daughter is as well. Does she play trombone? I am trusting my memory which may not be right.

    This banner is for both of you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    You know how you read some verses a million times but then on a particular day it just jumps out at you. This verse did that for me today. I love the idea that I can sing in the shadow of His wings. He is my protection, my rock, and my salvation.

    Have a great day dear ladies.

    Psalm 63:7-8 New International Version (NIV)

    7 Because you are my help,
    I sing in the shadow of your wings.
    8 I cling to you;
    your right hand upholds me.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, that is a lovely verse from psalms. Thanks for posting it. Glad to hear your PT went ok and hope it really helps with your balance issues. Having a cute therapist should help too. 😉 . I've been trying to do some exercises that I remember from some PT I had several years ago. It seems to be helping.

    Lita, I'm so happy to hear you've no progression. You really are a warrior in this fight we are in. My prayers continue.

    One of the bad things,of many, about getting older, is our doctors keep retiring. Hopefully these new young people will bring new ideas to the table.

    BCO has lost another great warrior in the fight against this disease. I’m not sure if any of you have seen Zarovka on these boards but in case you don’t know, she passed away at the end of February. It is a shock to many of us as she was such a fighter and did all she could to fight this beast. She generously shared so much of her amazing knowledge and research with all of us. She is greatly missed. Praying for comfort for her family which includes two young daughters. There is a thread in her name if you care to look for it. I’m not savvy enough to post the link.

    Love and prayers

    Faith ( in the future ). Z.

  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2019

    bandwoman! You have a great memory! She plays the valved trombone (didn't even know there was such a thing) for jazz, baritone for concert band, and trumpet to marching band and pep band. Jazz band has been a blast! I will try to share the YouTube video of their performance at SEIBA (south east Iowa bandmasters) jazz fest recently. She is in the middle row on the very end on the right (powder blue sweater). Her second jazz band was first in their category against 6 bands (second band small class). I am so happy for her band director as this is her first year! Our school district hired a 2nd band director for high school which is really nice to hear as many schools are cutting the arts for budget reasons. She had taken on the second bands and the other band director does the ensembles. The boy in the red shirt that does the sax solo in the 2nd song is VERY musically talented. He has been in DCI competitive audition only marching bands and also auditioned and got accepted into the Macy's Great American Marching Band and was in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! It was so fun to watch the parade knowing someone in it. AND, we saw him! He played the tenor drums! He is in the upper jazz ensemble as well and recieved outstanding soloist at SEIBA. He is a band directors dream! He father has his own youtube channel and posts all of his performances and does not mind if people share them. So he is OK with it.

    My verse to all of you is Isaiah 43:2-3a "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,Nor will the flame burn you.3 "For I am the Lord your God,The Holy One of Israel, your Savior" I know many of you are going through so much right now. He goes with you and before you! Blessings to all of you my christian sisters!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Faith, I am sorry to hear of another succumbing to this awful disease. We can establish such great friendships with people we have never met in person. On March 9, my good friend Kath from this thread passed away. It has been three years already and I took her passing so hard as we were such good "online" friends. I look forward to meeting all of those who have passed that we know from this thread and others.

    GK I watched the whole video and was quite impressed that this is the second jazz band. There are obviously some very talented musicians in this band. I am so glad your daughter is a part of this on the valve trombone. To play trumpet and low brass is NOT easy. Kudos to her and an awesome performance.

    When I was in high school I absolutely loved jazz band. I was mainly a clarinet player but learned the baritone sax to start out in jazz band and then was playing lead alto sax my last two years of high school in the jazz band.

    It sounds like the HS band program is thriving and that is awesome. Thanks for sharing that video. I can appreciate all of the hard work that went into that performance. Tell your daughter WELL DONE!!!!!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Sometimes we are humbled when we see how small we are in God's vast creation. It doesn't take away the vastness of his love for us. I heard recently there is nothing we can do for God to love us more and there is nothing we can do for God to love us less. There is something very freeing in that thought.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters. I am off to PT to see my little cutie!!!




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    The banners and scriptures are SUCH a blessing, ladies, and I thank you so much! Sometimes we just need to hear it from the Lord through a sister.

    Praying for the families of Zarovka and Kath today. May they awaken in the arms of our Savior and their loved ones be comforted by His grace.

    GK, what a blessing to have music talent in the family! My husband and I have played drums and flute (respectively) since about 4th grade (lo-o-o-ng ago!) and the Lord used us for many years in praise groups at church - Oh what a joy that is! All of our 3 adult kids love music and also have great voices. Our daughter played flute and the oldest son had a few piano lessons and then took off with it amazingly by ear. As a fourth grade band student he started on flute (my original student flute) and at their first concert after the "band" played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Mary Had a Little Lamb, this boy shocked us and the entire audience by playing by ear, a solo of Chariots of Fire! Everyone said, "Whose boy IS that!" and we about busted our buttons with pride.

    Juamara, I didn't get the chance to welcome you - so howdy! Glad you're posting with us and praying with us (but sorry you're having to be on this ship with all of us too).

    Chris, I had PT on a frozen shoulder years ago. It brought tears of pain, but 'no pain no gain' as they said. Now it is still pretty good but I was told I would forever have to occasionally do the exercises or it would freeze again. Gently try stretching as you were taught and it just might help. (And my therapist was young and REALLLLY cute - but like Nancy - I didn't even notice!) :oD (Nancy you crack me up!)

    The trees are producing little yellow green leaves and the purple flower ones have already bloomed - then we had an ice fog - so I hope they survived it. We had no snow this year but the ice fogs leave such a beauty, but don't make the roads slick.

    I have a pot of bacon and ham pea soup on - have never made it before so I hope it comes out ok. Surely smells good!

    Lita, so glad there is no progression! Nancy, may your scan bring good news too.

    Praying for all of you, with love,



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2019

    Ade and Chris, yes indeed, Frozen Shoulder is notorious for returning, and it doesn't take much to bring it back on. All you have to do is move the wrong way, twist the wrong way, reach too far, or carry something too heavy.

    Ade, I LOVE split pea and ham soup. Homemade is way better than the canned stuff.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Ade, you have such beautiful scenery in TX. What a beautiful pic. We had an absolutely stunning winter scene a few weeks ago with ice everywhere on all the trees and bushes. The sun was shining brightly and it just looked like something from another world. I told a friend it was probably one of those once in a lifetime opportunity to see it. Unfortunately I was driving and didn't have my camera with me. Enjoy your soup.

    Music was such a big part of my family growing up. My Mom was the star on the piano as she could play by ear and still can. I think it is such a worthwhile education that can be a lifetime of enjoyment. You son sounds like he is a natural for sure. I grew up with a boy that was truly a piano prodigy. He ended up going to Illinois Wesleyan U. to accompany me for my clarinet audition. The judges were impressed with me but really impressed with him. This is where I ended up going to college and he went someplace else.

    Chris, I have had to resume some of my shoulder exercises too. During my initial breast ultra sound when they were pretty sure I had cancer then tendons were injured. I have had some nerve pain down that arm that has resurfaced and doing some of my shoulder exercises has helped.

    I was pleased today at my second PT session that one of the balance things I really had so much trouble with just two days ago I actually was able to do so well the therapist said you have just achieved what I wanted you to do at the end of the month. It is pretty much a solid hour of doing exercises and I could really feel it today. I did tell him today I have fibro and he said I already knew that from reading your history. My hip was hurting this morning after doing the exercises. I imagine it is really going to be hurting tomorrow because we did alot more strenuous stuff today. I do think it is helping in just a couple of days worth of exercises.

    I was hoping to go out with my new camera today but frankly I am more done in from the PT than I thought I would be.

    Ellen, praying for good results for you today for your scans.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2019

    I loved hearing all the bands stories! That's so awesome about the Chariots of Fire! Lita glad to hear there was no progression. Ade, if the bacon and pea soup turned out good you will have to share the recipe.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2019

    Ladies I had a scare Friday. Found a lump at the edge of my lumpectomy margin. I called my chemo doctor today and she refered me to the,surgeon who did the lumpectomy in 2014. The surgeon is away for 2 weeks! I have an appointment to see her on the 27th. If you pray for me please ask for God's peace while I wait. May His blessed hand rest on each of you. Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Father, I pray right now for peace for Jean and that you will shelter her beneath your arms of love. I pray for complete healing and that the doctors will find nothing in these margins. In your wonderful name, Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Jean, I am sorry that you have found a lump. I pray that the Lord will give you supernatural peace as you wait for this surgeon's apt. I pray that it will be nothing serious. The enemy would love to ruffle your feathers and have you all worked up. I am sure He is not happy with your work with the abused woman. When you start to feel fear just call out to Jesus and ask him to calm your spirit.



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2019

    Oh Jean, I have been there. May God give you peace during this scare. I had the same thing happen and it was found to just be scar tissue from the first lumpectomy and radiation combined. I am praying yours will be the same.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2019

    Our baby blue spruce, cousin to the Fat Boy blue spruce is finally in the ground.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Beautiful. That is the downside of living in a condo...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Jean, praying for you. This banner is for you and for all of us who need you. We need you every hour.......reminds me of the Hymn.

    Lita, it is always so fun to plant something new and watch it grow. I am praying you will have much time to see it grow.

    Have a great day dear ladies.




  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2019


    Even through being snowed in, trees popping and dropping, no power and no heat for 7 days. God gave us a beautiful view to look at.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Jean I actually have one of those now. I asked my onc about it and he didn't even feel it! He said it was a cyst (which is what they called my original tumor - thanks for that concern, Mr. Doctor!). Anyway it is not growing so I put it into the Lord's hands. I pray yours is NOT anything scary and that the Lord will grant you His peace in waiting.

    gkbuser - The split pea soup the other day turned out surprisingly well. Pretty easy too. Saute gently but don't brown a cup of chopped celery, Some chopped onions (I skipped this as James is allergic to them), 2-3 garlic slices (I used the type from a jar) in some olive oil until clearish. Add as much or as little of cooked chopped ham and/or bacon as you wish. I used both. Wash & sort (for rocks) a pound of peas then add to the pot along with 1 quart chicken stock and 1 1/2 c. water. Bring to a boil then reduce heat for 30-40 minutes or until it thickens and peas are tender.

    Sunday was James' 68th birthday and I made lasagna, garlic bread, cole slaw and fruit salad with yogurt and a 7-Up cake & ice cream for dessert. We had our son and his family and they left for 6 months temp job in VA on Monday morning. It was so hard holding back tears - I hate good-byes even if for only 6 months. They had 3 girls, two big dogs and all their packed things in a sub compact car! Luggage was on top. One of the dogs gets car sick too! Should be an interesting trip! They left TN today & will arrive in VA tonight.

    We had rain, hail, thunder & lightning and FEROCIOUS winds last evening. They said the winds may be record setting. Still VERY windy today but sunny. Poor Maggie was terrified and crawled behind my chair even after her "calming" doggie treats.

    Lita I LOVE your wee tree!

    Nancy - great banners! Thank you!

    If you will, please pray for my best friend Penni, suffering from double vision since last week. The optometrist is prescribing prism glasses but shouldn't she be tested for other things like stroke, brain tumor etc.? I didn't offer this as I didn't want to scare her, but I am concerned. Thank you for prayers.

    Blessings upon your day, sisters,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2019

    Jean, I pray that the Lord wraps you in his loving embrace and calms all fears. Waiting on appointments or anticipating test results is the pits. I pray that this lump is a benign nuisance and nothing more.

    Ade, your split pea soup sounds delicious. I want to try your recipe the next time we have ham. Have you ever made it in the crockpot?

    Lita and GmaFoley, I really like the photos. What a fun contrast: a warm, sunny rock garden and heavy, wet snow in the mountains.

    Nancy, I hope that PT is going well. I'm sure you are a good patient. I'm glad that you've found a skilled therapist. Makes a world of difference, doesn't it?

    Chris, I hope that you and your family are over the viruses. My community has been hard-hit with Influenza A and noro virus. Spring and summer can't come fast enough for me.

    Joanne, how are you doing? I think of you often and hope you've found a lymphedema garment that works for you.

    I am home today resting from minor eye surgery. Two weeks prior, I had minor dental surgery. When it rains, it pours. ;-)

    Praying for you all.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Since I just lost a long post, this one will be shorter. I forgot that when using my iPad to post you can’t go back to a previous page or you loose what you’ve already written. A Word to the wise!

    Jean, praying that your lump is nothing and disappears while you wait for the doctor.

    Lita, love your little tree and praying that you will live to see it grow very tall.

    Ade, your soup sounds delicious. Happy Birthday to James. So sorry your son and family are leaving for awhile but time really does seem to fly these days as we get older.

    Nancy, I love that banner from Psalm 33, it’s very true and powerful. I’m so glad to hear your PT sessions are going well. I pray it puts those dizzy spells in the past.

    Love and prayers for everyone,

    Faith (in the future ).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited March 2019

    Thanks, Nancy! My last oncology appt is in early April, but to my knowledge, the mammogram and exam says it all!

    It's been a long 9 years...for those who don't know, my first diagnosis was IDC in 2010. Then after radiation and medication, an area of DCIS was discovered in 2014 and I went through surgery, and radiation and medication for that. After 6 years of tamoxifen and 1 year of Arimidex I hope this is it. Unfortunately I have side effects today from these medications....but I'm still here!

    I am so grateful for the encouragement and love I have received here on this thread. I still read it regularly and pray, although I don't post much. Praying God's blessings for you all as you face the challenges of this disease. Going down this path has changed me and made me more empathetic and more anxious to help someone dealing with cancer.

    With love, Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2019

    Congradulations Ellen. Nice to hear from you. Jo I will take your advice. Hands off the lump! Tks. Nancy I hope your PT continues to go well. Thank you everyone for your prayers. They ate helping me to stay peaceful till my appointment on the 27th.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Hi dear ladies.

    I have been crazy busy this week and having a hard time juggling all of those balls in the air. Tonight I have made it to my half way mark with the PT. My body feels like it has been run through the ringer but I do think my balance is better even though on Tues night I lost my balance and almost fell and wrenched my backSad

    I saw my neurologist for the second time yesterday. I was very pleased with how it went. She seemed like a totally different person this time. She spent time with me and I said I had not even seen the brain tumor and she showed me. It was on a laptop so hard to see. The good news is that I don't have Parkinson's or MS. I was having some symptoms that was scaring me. Even thought my tumor is still not definitely diagnosed she said she is 98% certain it is benign. She thinks it was probably there from birth. However she said since we don't know exactly what it is except it should not be in that part of the brain she is going to have me do another MRI in 6mos to ease my mind that it won't start growing out of control. I did some unexpected blood work which came back fine. I have my 5yr out mammogram on Monday and I am hoping to celebrate with Ellen. I do have a prayer request. I have had many nights with challenged sleep because of pain in my arm which I am almost certain is nerve pain. With Medicare they cap the amount they will pay for PT so I will reach that amount possibly before my scheduled 8 sessions now so if I have any other issues I am not sure what would happen. I have had shoulder PT after my shoulder being injured five years ago to the week when I had my breast ultrasound.

    Hershey, praying you have a complete recovery with your surgeries for your eye and your teeth.

    GM, love your photos but I don't want to see anymore of that white stuff around here until next year!!!!

    Lita, praying your little cute spruce does well and YOU too!

    Ade, praying for your friend. Happy Birthday to James. We are getting your high winds now. I left the house for PT without a jacket and by the time I left PT and ran to the store people were wearing winter coats and ear back to winter it looks like. I don't like peas so I am guessing pea soup probably would not be a great recipe for me! I bet it was delicious for you pea lovers out there though.

    Joanne, I hope your eye apt went well and you don't have to have cataract surgery. I have had both of my eyes done but I did end up with some issues so I can understand you not wanting surgery unless you absolutely have to.

    Faith, how are your allergies and sinus issues coming along? I did find out yesterday that the MRI's of my brain both said something about my sinuses. My doctor said MRI's can falsely show sinus problems and that CT scans are the standard with ENT's. So I am hoping the MRI's were wrong about the sinus issues.

    Ellen, praying your next 9 years will be full of celebrations and joy and NO surgeries or other medical issues!!

    Jean, just sent you a PM.

    I have massive blood work tomorrow with my alt doctor so that means I have to drink myself silly tonight (water that is) so my tests don't look like I have kidney disease. Then the bra fitter after the blood draw. I need a vacation!!!!

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Congratulations, Ellen!!!

    GmaFoley - that is BEAUTIFUL scenery!!!

    Nancy - here's a mini vacation from my porch tonight, sent with love.

    Praying for you all!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Beautiful Ade. Thanks!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy,, I’m glad to hear your appointment with the neurologist went well and surely she must have put your mind at ease a bit. I think, just not stressing about things helps you feel better.. on the issue of Medicare paying for PT, I “think” that if it’s for two different areas, they would both be covered for the limit. I pray your five year mammogram will be cause for celebration with Ellen. Also, wishing you good luck on the blood work. It seems these doctors appointments never end, do they?

    My sinus issues are finally getting better, thank God and I’m “only” dealing with the allergies which is an ongoing thing, somedays better than others.

    Beautiful sunset, Ade. We got those awful winds you mentioned, just terrible but no major damage. This weather has been sharing itself around. One of our granddaughters in Bolder, Co. had school closed from snow. That’s rare at this time of year. Spring will be really welcomed this year.

    Love and prayers for all.

    Faith (in the future).