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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Vargadoll, I have fibromyalgia and very tight connective tissue problems. It is not anything the tech did to injure it. It was my own stupidity for not speaking up and telling them I was in great pain. I hopefully have learned my lesson. Now while in PT I speak up saying this is too much for me when they want a million reps of a certain exercise.

    Hershey thank you. I hope you have fully recovered from your eye and aural surgery.

    Mystical, small world eh? Thank you for the verses. Maybe we passed each other in the grocery store years ago. I see your stats and you are about a year in your journey. I hope you are doing well on your drug. I am on the same one and really hoping to stop at the end of July. Next week may change things.

    I actually slept very well last night and while taking my bath this morning I just told the Lord I know I have a choice here. I can stay home and ruin my weekend by wringing my hands and getting myself more upset OR......... I can chose to trust you and go ahead with my plans and enjoy the weekend instead of letting my emotions ruin it. I thought of one of my favorite Casting Crowns songs that has ministered to me in many storms of my life and I thought I would post it. I am getting ready to go to this orchid nursery with my new expensive contraption I bought which is an on camera lighting system. A little hard to try going unnoticed in this place but I will try to stay out of everyone's way. I do plan on buying some orchids so I won't feel quite like I am intruding on this nursery and taking advantage of their gorgeous flowers.

    I am not saying I am not dealing with fear. That would be crazy. I am choosing to let God handle this and one of my best ways of doing that is to immerse myself in my photography so maybe I will have some pretty orchid pics to share with you when I get home.

    Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. They are definitely helping because yesterday I was pretty much in shock and fear and anxiety initially.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, I am lifting you up in prayer that you can remain calm in this storm and hang on to our Lord Jesus for His strength. Praying that this is just a false alarm as so many of these things can be. Remember that even if it’s a return of your cancer, there have been so many advances in treatment in just the last few years. The new medications coming out are working miracles. I feel like I’m one of those miracles. I’m glad that you are at least getting in on Tuesday am and that you had a good nights sleep. That is so important for us. Today was a great picture taking day, hope you got some good ones.

    Ade, you are such a wonderful prayer warrior but I’m sorry it had to be in the middle of the night. As I told Nancy, we need our sleep. Praying you sleep well tonight. Prayers also that your eye problems clear up. (No pun intended😉)

    Joanne, praying for you and your family. Sometimes, it just all seems too much, doesn’t it?

    Thank you all for your prayers for my friend Sue. There is not much news yet other than the stem cells have been injected back into her body and she is VERY sick from the blast of chemo they gave her.

    I’m sorry if I’ve missed some of you but know that I pray for all of you everyday that you may feel well and have faith that it’s all in God’s hands.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Faith. I have been absorbed in photography today so that has been a blessing and a great distraction. I made it to the orchid nursery and I am posting a few pics. My new on board lighting system did draw some attention and some questions. One lady was asking me about it and I said it looks like something from outer space doesn't it. She said it looks like you are very serious about your photography. LOL Then this nice man wouldn't stop talking to me. His wife was getting the hint and trying to have him stop talking. He was telling me about his birds which was interesting. He owns several cockatoos and parrots and has his own heated avery (sp?) which I was impressed.

    This is the super moon a day later since it was cloudy on the real night.






  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Beautiful pictures Nancy. Looks like the new lighting works great!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Joanne and Chris. I actually had every intention of buying a couple of plants and my back was killing me. My equipment was already heavy without the on board lighting. When I went to my car to unpack my equipment I was going to go back in and buy some plants and I just didn't. I just wanted to go home and stretch out my back.

    Interestingly enough my exercises for balance and dizziness actually might help my close up photography because part of the technique in focusing is to rock back and forth until you get the desired focus. I don't use auto focus for flowers so it is all manual. Actually I am not sure how much the lighting helped because at one point the man who wanted to talk my arm off made me realize when I was explaining how the system worked that my attached flash was not up and was supposed to be. So it will take more practice to see how it is going to work. The pics after talking to that man should be okay but I don't know which ones they are. LOL Oh well. It just means I will need to make another trip back to the nursery and hopefully they won't kick me out for being a nuisance.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, beautiful pictures of the orchids! I especially like the white one with the purple/lavender. The full moon picture is also wonderful. One of the best moon pictures I've seen, lots of detail. I'm glad to hear your PT is almost done. I always thought it was a real chore to go so often for therapy. I'm glad it's helped you so much. My prayers will be with you this week, especially on Tuesday.

    Jo, my house is like yours, not much light, but I do have some sidelights next to my front door and I can keep an orchid there on an entry table. That's about the only thing I can keep alive for any length of time. I have a very black thumb. All my plants die. ☹️

    Love and prayers for everyone,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, your pix are simply exquisite! You are certainly in the pro class. Even if one HAS the best and newest equipment one still has to have an artistic eye - and you have it. Often musicians are artistic as well. I have played flute since 1960 and my college major was Commercial Art with minor in Business Admin. Our daughter was a flutist and she is a professional photographer, as you know. (But I am HORRIBLE at math! - haha!) Anyway, thank you for sharing God's beauty with us and brightening our day. we are all praying for you - and each other.

    P.S. The night I was up praying for you all THE EYE OF THE STORM was running through my head but I just didn't post it - thank you!

    Blessings upon blessings, sisters,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2019

    Nancy I pray you get a good report tomorrow. I go to see my surgeon at Sloan-Kettering tomorrow to check out a lump I am hoping is scar tissue. I understand putting worry on a shelf and not wasting the days.

    For all of you,....Proverbs 3:5
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.

    Love, Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, Jean, Ade, Jo, and the my other special friends on this site, praying for your consults, treatments, and results on this day. May God grant you special grace and peace.

    Spring break is in full swing here at the beach so the tourists and noise have increased. It is also Spring break for my granddaughter (but not my daughter) so I have a busy week trying to keep her busy and happy. Thankfully I am finally well from the virus so I should be fine. It should also be warm enough we can walk the beach and pick up shells--one of our favorite outings.

    Blessings to you all. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Dear ladies, pray for Joanne as she preps for her colonoscopy. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this. Also she has to get up in the middle of the night to finish the prep tonight and leave VERY early to get to the clinic and I am not a morning person and I know she isn't either so this is a tough stretch for her. Joanne, I have prayed for you off and on all day.

    Faith, thank you for your nice comments. God has blessed me with photography and it gives me such joy and I love sharing with everyone. I looked at the grocery store at their orchids but I am looking for one that still has a lot of buds. I know I should have looked in Feb but we'll see. I am glad you have one. My refrigerator is the only place in my house that my indoor plants seem to survive. I have a green thumb for outdoor gardening but indoors is a challenge with not enough light and I have certainly killed off a bunch of indoor plants.

    Ade, thank you for your encouragement with my photography. I must admit to think of myself as an artist is a bit of a stretch since I can't draw or paint my way out of a paper bag but I do have to realize that photography is art and I thank you for your expertise and critique. It is amazing how the Holy spirit can work and weave our lives together. There are NO coincidences in the God realm so that song meant something to both of us and all of us. I hope your eye does not do that thing again. I hope you have it checked out if it does.

    Jean, I hope you find that this lump is nothing to be concerned about. I am sure you will be glad when you see surgeon tomorrow as you have a had a long wait on this issue.

    Chris, I am glad you are feeling better. I hope you and your granddaughter have a wonderful time picking up shells. I will live vicariously through you.

    Thank you all for your prayers. The enemy has done his best to try to bring fear into my heart today but I am resisting that. The Lord has brought me through many, many trials and I know He will get me through this one as well.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited March 2019

    Amen and Amen!

    Praying for you all today as we head back to Fort Stockton for James' VA doctor appointment. If it takes 2 hours again to be seen I will certainly get every one of you covered. (Will anyway!)

    With love and prayers,


    Peace be unto you - the battle is the Lord's. Be still and know that HE IS GOD.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Well dear sisters, not the news I had hoped for. When I got there today for the repeat mammogram I knew the area of concern was where my incision is. So I was really hoping it was just scar tissue. They said the ultrasound would be done if needed. Well I had to do the ultrasound and they found a very small nodule near the surgery site. I will be having a breast biopsy on Friday morning and won't find out anything until possibly Wed of next week. Oh Lord grant me peace!!!

    I would appreciate your prayers. This feels like deja vu and I sure don't want it to end like it did 5yrs ago.

    Joanne, I hope your colonoscopy went fine and I sure hope you are now home resting.

    Jean, I hope you got good news today.

    Ade, praying as you travel for James apt.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, sorry to hear the news. I am praying for an easy treatment, wisdom for the docs and next steps, and for you to receive some peace.

    Been praying for friends on this site this morning. God grants peace in the midst of the storm.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, praying for peace and comfort. God bless you.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited March 2019

    Nancy- lifting you up! It's not the news I wanted to hear either! The 5 year mark seems to be a goal and you had just reached the finish line. Praying for peace and that you feel the arms of Jesus around you!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, I’ve been praying for you all day and now I’m so sorry the news was not what you wanted to hear. There’s still a good chance that this will be nothing to worry about. We will all pray for that and for your peace as you wait for results.

    Praying for everyone here today whatever your trials

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited March 2019

    Nancy - Sighing with you. This is when our faith comes in as the greatest blessing. Even if you get the news you dread, God is there for you through it all.

    I know this does not make it seem any better at the moment. But God has you through this.

    Praying, Gumdoctor

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, will they do a scan to see if it's metastasized anywhere else (bones, organs, etc.)? I hate to bring it up, but this can sometimes happen when there's a recurrence, and it can affect treatment options.

    Keeping you in prayer!!!!

    I'm still going to lymphedema massage therapy for my feet, ankles and thighs, and sadly I have been told by the PT that once you develop lymphedema, it never goes away completely. Aaahh, the joys of cancer. No more cute jeans for me....stretch pants now for the duration

    Lita, AKA "Fred Flintstone Feet"

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you all for your prayers. It means so much to me to have all of you dear sisters who really are the only ones who really understand what this feels like to be there for me. You will appreciate the humor and I am sure the dart of the enemy this morning. I woke up at 3 and could not get back to sleep. I decided to get up earlier than I had planned so I could have time to pray and soak in the tub.

    After getting dressed I did my usual routine of getting in my purse to get my glasses. Well guess what. They weren't there. I was in a panic for I don't know how long looking every where and even blaming (in my mind) poor Cammie who was innocent. The only time I forget to put them away I have them on top of my chest of drawers. This is a place she likes to jump on so I wondered if she had knocked them on the floor and then who knows what might have happened. So this search went on for a long time. I don't have a good back up pair. I suspect that may change soon! I did finally find them under a blanket in my Lazy Boy chair downstairs. I must be losing my mind. I have NO clue why they were there. I do feel the enemy was definitely involved in trying to make this day as miserable as possible for me! I smile knowing I prayed to find them and did.

    I have a fairly low Oncotype score which is a predictor of recurrence so who knows what might happen. I see my surgeon tomorrow morning. That apt was already on the books as a follow up to my mammograms. They told me at the clinic to keep that apt so hopefully I can have some idea of what might happen.

    Jean, how did you make out today? Praying you had a good outcome.

    Ade, how about you? Hopefully you both didn't have to wait for ever in the waiting room.

    Lita, it is too early to know what will happen. I just know this nodule is VERY small and that is good news. However my original cancer was fairly small too so that doesn't mean they would treat it any differently I am guessing. I am sorry to hear about your LE. I have to wear a sleeve and glove when doing strenuous things as my situation was never completely determined if I have LE but I have had therapy for it two times. One as a preventive along with my shoulder PT when my shoulder was damaged during my breast ultrasound five years ago and again a year or so later. I know you have endured so many things that I can't imagine.

    Joanne, I am so glad your have endured your LAST colonoscopy. Thank you for your prayers.

    I felt like this was not a recurrence going into today but the way the day played out it has shaken me up for sure. I am so tired that once I get some refreshing sleep I will be armed and ready to fight the enemy who is trying with all his might to pull me down. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you for that banner Joanne. I may have to write more later as I am trying to get some laundry done and my poor sheets have been in the dryer for a VERY long time!!!!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited March 2019

    For Nancy, and everyone else

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    My lump was scar tissue! Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Jean. I have that verse on my refrigerator from a prayer group that makes pot holders and then attaches a verse on it. It is such a powerful verse I still have it on my refrig. That verse has helped me many times in the last five years.

    Congratulations on your outcome. I hope mine is similar.



  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited March 2019

    Holding everyone on this thread and this entire forum close in prayers everyday, but especially today for Nancy. Praying specifically for easy biopsy and good result that it is nothing. I found these last night and thought they were meant for me yesterday with some issues I was facing with my treatment, but wanted to share here today. Someone once told me that Do Not Be Afraid is written 365 times in the bible. . .I guess once for each day of the year. And for those like me who find it easy to be fearful:)

    Inline image

    Inline image

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thanks for the beautiful banners and your post.

    Mystical, thank you for your prayers. Unfortunately I could not open the posted images. I might be able to on one of my other computers.

    I graduated from PT tonight. According to the tests I did on the first session of PT to tonight I have really improved alot so it was worth all the hours of PT and home exercises. I know my dizziness and balance are much improved. Now to have the discipline to continue esp after I won't be able to do those exercises for a few days.

    My biopsy tomorrow morning is a one that is a guided ultrasound type. My surgeon said I would be on my back as opposed to my stomach for my one five years ago. I will be dealing with two issues which are both very critical. One being I cannot damage my shoulder and the other is that the lidocaine they use sometimes doesn't work with the first shot. I will make that very clear to them. I have had some sick episodes while having locals in the past so please pray that I don't end up getting sick during the procedure which happened to me DURING a surgery a couple years ago that was done by local anesthetic only. My poor surgeon was doing his best to sew me up as I was about to be sick.

    I have been having some computer and internet issues as well so if you don't hear from me don't assume I fell off the ends of the earth (which I guess could happen)! I don't have time to deal with it right now but did a temporary fix as best I could today. It will involve the Geek Squad and I cannot handle a phone/computer intervention right now. They will probably want me to take the computer in but this is my desktop which I have never had issues with before and I can't lift heavy things for a few days and not taking it in tonight. Can you tell the enemy is trying his best. I recognize it for what it is..........the timing is just too strange.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters. I have the biopsy at 11 out of town and an allergy shot at 4:15 out of town the other way so I may not have time to write even if my computer cooperates until evening if I am up to it.

    Thanks so much for your prayers. They have been sustaining me for sure.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, I will be remembering you in prayers all day tomorrow. You do not need more stresses or challenges. God knows your every fear and loves you through all of them.

    I have a dermatology appt tomorrow so I get a mini break from the 3 year-old who is running my life this week. Nothing serious--it has just been 2 years and I tend to get skin cancer. Too many years in the California sun!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you Chris for your continued prayers. I am praying that you don't have any skin cancer. I know that sun is sure nice but can be dangerous as well. Take care of yourself and enjoy your little break from looking after your little one.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited March 2019

    Nancy, please know that I have been reading and praying, and will continue to pray throughout the day tomorrow.

    All is well with me cancer wise..and I believe all is going to be well with you too.

    ~Blessings & Love~Lisa

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    2 Timothy 1:7 King James Version (KJV)

    7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    Lisa, I have thought about you several times lately wondering how you are doing. So good to hear from you and so glad you are doing well. That is awesome. Thank you for your prayers.

    I will be leaving shortly for the biopsy. One thing I had not considered and one of my former principals brought this to my attention is that it could come back inconclusive so I pray that this ultrasound guided biopsy will get good samples so that we will know it is benign!!!!!! The area is very small.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited March 2019

    Thank you dear ladies for all of your prayers. Today was certainly full of twists and interesting events. I am exhausted from just getting back from another out of town apt so will make this as concise as I can.

    The clinic I went to was not the same clinic I usually get my mammograms. However the lady that did my ultrasound on Tues. travels and she came out to get me. She already knew my shoulder issues and had a plan ready. She could not have been nicer which was a side of her I wasn't sure was there. She was having trouble finding the spot of concern. I met the radiologist for the first time and she was a gem. She said she had started this breast clinic and she said from what I am seeing this is low on my concern list. She said I want to go back and check the mammogram. Well, after doing that she said there is a spot and we do need to know what it is. However she changed her mind on the type of biopsy so I went from thinking I was having an ultrasound guided one to the stereotactic type where you are on your stomach. That one I have had before. It was a long wait because of course this upset everyone's work schedule in that dept.

    I think that God wanted me to meet this woman in the waiting room. She came in with her daughter who I couldn't help but over hear was having a CT scan with contrast. Her daughter chose to have her come back while they put in the IV. When the Mom came back I could see how worried she was. I kept wanting to say something to make her feel better and then wasn't sure if she would think I was prying. I finally said I hope your daughter will be okay. Then opened up and I think she really appreciated talking and it was a stomach issue her daughter was having. The girl was 18 but looked younger. I asked if it was her first IV and she said she had her first one last week. I told her when I was in elementary school I was in the hospital three times with stomach issues. I think us talking helped both of us. Her daughter came out smiling so know she was relieved her test was over and I was certainly relieved mine was as well.

    I think the Lord intervened for me to change the procedure so I hopefully will not have to repeat it for hitting the wrong spot. They did lots of rechecking so I just hope the radiologist's initial remarks will hold true. I have been waiting for results since March 18 so this has been a very long trial for me. Frankly I am utterly exhausted that this month of a gazillion apts is over and am going to go collapse with my ice pack.

    Thank you all again for praying and those of you who have reached out privately I will get back to you later. I can't lift my laptop once I chill downstairs because it is too heavy for me to lift right now with the restrictions.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters and I would appreciate your continued prayers for peace and strength.

