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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2019

    Hallelulia, thank you Jesus,for Nancy's good news. Yay! Love, Jean

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2019


    Praise God for your test result! You do so much good for this thread/group with your posts and pictures I know God has you in the palm of His Hand. You and all the others posting here uplift my spirits at times when I need it most--even though I don't post a lot and am not on here every day.

    As far as cryotherapy--I feel God has led me on this path. Although I am running into issues obtaining the treatment as it is not "standard of care". I am interested in it as it shows it stimulates the immune system and helps prevent metastasis in the studies and trials that have been done. I also have a lot of allergies and was concerned along with my family about problems with anesthesia etc. I was actually scheduled for surgery at end of January--which I have delayed as I am trying to get cryotherapy now. I have been accepted as a patient and told I am good candidate for it by a physician in Detroit who reviewed all my medical records and imaging etc. He has been doing it for 15 year for breast cancer and was part of the Frost Clinical trials etc. . However, it only replaces lumpectomy and not radiation or chemo/hormone therapy etc. I am having a difficult time finding anyone here at home willing to do my radiation after. My alternative is to have radiation done in Detroit but would have to literally move up there for 5 weeks and then be tied to driving back up there for all follow up etc. So I have some decisions to make and am praying very hard that God will show what His Will is regarding my treatment. I had what I thought was a promising appt. with a radiation oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. But it ended up being more a bait and switch appt.-- which left me very discouraged and frustrated.

    Anyway enough about that--we said prayers of thanksgiving here last night for your good result. Continued prayers that your breast pain eases (I had stabbing pains after my biopsy also for quite a few weeks) and for your mom.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Faith, thank you for your prayers. I suppose I should clarify what I meant when I said what I did regarding Sue's ordeal with side effects. I am highly sensitive to drugs, food, you name it. When my gastro did my colonoscopy last summer he came in and said yeah I know you are allergic to everything. Of course he was saying that tongue in cheek but I am not sure if my body would ever tolerate chemo of any kind. I don't want to scare anyone who is reading and maybe facing that or going through it now but I can imagine that I would be reacting as Sue is now to her massive amounts of chemo. It really wasn't the fear of stage four but of course I do realize that can happen to any or us who is not there now but the fear also of not being able to tolerate pain meds (been there before after major surgery) that was my fear. I am glad you said what you did because you are a living example that there is life after stage four. I know with all the new direction medicine is taking with stem cell research and immunotherapy that maybe there will be a cure on the horizon in our lifetime. I was just talking with a bc friend on the phone yesterday and we said years ago we both would have been given a death sentence and we are both stage 1. I do hope your friend Sue is through the worst of her treatment and that she will have a good result after all of this suffering.

    Thank you Jean. I hope you are feeling much better and able to go back to your line dancing. I always thought that looked like a lot of fun.

    Thank you Jeanne for your nice comments. Thank you for your family prayers for me. I really appreciate that. I see an alternative doctor besides my long list of traditional specialists. When I got my bc dx in 2014 I really went kicking and screaming into the whole traditional form of bc treatment. I remember saying in my initial consult with my surgeon asking him what if I do nothing. ( I imagine the look on his face was a bit surprising) I said I don't think my alt doc will be on board. He knew him as my alt doc practiced traditional meds for 15 yrs. He said he will NOT want you to do nothing. He was right in that statement. So I went through the treatments and maybe came out feeling differently about my previous views of things. Each cancer patient has to find what in their heart is right for them so I am going to pray that you can find what you are looking for and that all the pieces will fit together knowing that the Lord is guiding you in whatever direction you decide to take.

    I may have posted this in the past after looking at my photos but it still holds true.

    Have a good night dear sisters.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2019

    Nancy, thank you for your kind words. I was afraid I may have offended you and others when I responded as I did. I’m glad you clarified your fears as being of chemo and side effects more than the stage 4, which is also terrifying. I just wanted to take away a little bit of fear of the cancer itself. It’s awful that you have to worry about how your body will deal with the treatments, let alone whatever illness you’re facing.

    I hope everyone will continue to pray for my friend Sue, she is just not recovering as quickly as we had hoped and is still very sick. Thank you for your prayers, they mean so much to me and all those who love her.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Faith, I am still praying for Sue and I am sorry to hear she is still having such a difficult time. I was not offended at all. I am sure getting a dx of stage four would be off the charts terrifying but all of you ladies that I know from this thread that are in that stage are a testament to faith and courage. In fact I said that to a friend just recently. I am glad that we can all share on this thread no matter where we come from, how old we are, or what stage of bc we are in. We have that bond of being sisters in Christ besides being sisters in pink.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited April 2019

    Nancy..I am sighing in relief at learning your good news!

    The stabbing pain in your breast after a stereotypical [sp?] biopsy is normal. I had one back in 2011, and the poor thing looked like an eggplant and those pains were ongoing for a while! They put small surgical markers in the breast for future observation too. I did opt to have that breast removed along with the right one which did contain the cancer in 2013 mainly because the surgical marker was on a nerve and it was painful..also, didn't want to go through the scare of cancer again.

    Praising God for good news and also for the strength he gives us to endure through the bad and fearful times too.

    ~Blessings & Love~ Lisa

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Thank you Lisa. I too have a surgical clip inserted. The last marker inserted was removed with my lumpectomy in 2014 so I haven't experienced having one without a future surgery in sight until now. When I am able to resume swimming that might be a challenge. Could you tell it was on a nerve from the beginning? That sounds awful.

    Thanks for sharing.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    For those of you that know who Joni Eareckson Tada she needs prayer. She did have a return of her cancer which you can see on her blog. She has been hospitalized for many days with breathing problems and could use our prayers.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Thanks for sharing that Joanne. That is such great advice.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Dear ladies of faith,

    I hope you have a wonderful week. This has been an unexpected very difficult time for me

    after my good news. Only God understands our mind and emotions because I surely don't.

    Ade, how are you feeling? Praying we all have a good week.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2019

    Nancy, I’m sorry you haven’t been able to relax and enjoy your good news but I think when we have been so very stressed, it’s hard to let go of the worry. At least, it works that way for me. You are in my prayers that you may find freedom from stress and worry.

    My friend Sue was released to come home from the hospital on Friday although with an IV for antibiotics for her UTI. That came out today and she goes to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully he will have some good news for her. She is very depressed and has also lost all her hair which just adds to everything. She still has a long recovery ahead of her. Thank you for all for your prayers.

    I also have to ask for prayers for my DH right now, as he is in a lot of pain. He apparently pulled a muscle in his back or else something is sitting on a nerve but it hurts him to sit or walk or even lie on the floor. Usually that is the only thing that helps. He’s also very sensitive to pain meds and doesn’t like to take much of anything so he’s having rough time right now. If it’s not better tomorrow, I think we’ll be making a trip to the ER. I would very much appreciate your prayers for his healing.

    Thank you all again for being here and I’m praying for all your needs tonight.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Faith, I am glad to hear Sue is home and I do hope with all the trials she has been through that she will get good news. I am not surprised she is depressed dealing with being so sick and then losing her hair on top of everything. I sure hope and pray that she will get good news.

    I feel for your DH. I am currently on a heating pad which is unusual for me but I have had bad pain and I think it is from the position of my neck during the biopsy. I don't know what I am going to do but need to contact my insurance since the office where i had PT said that Medicare had a cap on PT and I specifically asked if you have another issue would that start the cap all over and they said no. I am hoping they are wrong. I was having issues before the biopsy and now it is really bad.

    I pray for your DH that he will get some relief quickly. There is an excellent myotherapist in the area that I saw for years when my insurance covered it and she has a philosophy that really works. In fact if mine doesn't get better I will pay out of pocket to see her as I have done in the past. She really does help. Let me know if you are interested.

    Thank you for your prayers. There is a social worker that works with oncology at my clinic and I have messaged her to get in to talk with her. This is a free service which is wonderful. I was at the Aboretum today knowing getting outside would help. I was in the pine tree forest area and just sitting there. There were a few tall pines that looked like they had been blown over. I felt like the Lord speaking to me and saying those trees had deep roots like your faith but the high winds were too much for them. Hopefully I will stand tall again unlike those fallen trees.

    Have a good night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    As we near this Holy time in our Christian faith we realize that if it wasn't for grace none of us would be here on this Christian thread. As you go through upcoming scans and exams and as you go through treatments both active and by pill know that God gives us grace and strength to bear what ever we have to face. His strength many times carries us when we have no strength left. When we feel like we have failed He is there to pick us up and to remind us that nothing we can do will will make Him love us more and nothing we can do will make Him love us less.

    Praying for your needs.

    Joanne, for scans tomorrow and family.

    Faith, for your friend Sue and your DH.

    Ade, for need of healing and strength in preparation to move.

    For all of our stage four ladies.

    I will be praying for ALL of you. I am resuming swimming today and it will either cure my shoulder/neck pain or kill me. Hopefully the former. I will also be seeing the social worker tomorrow.

    Have a good day dear sisters in spite of these powerful storms coming.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2019

    Nancy, praying for relief from your shoulder pain as you swim your way to strength.

    Ade, praying for pain relief and strength as you prepare to move.

    Faith, still praying for Sue.

    Jo, still praying for Michelle. This story has touched me in a special way.

    Praying for you others as I go down my prayer list each morning. May God provide new strength everyday.

    I am having to decide on whether I can continue to handle my precious cat. She is having surgery today with perhaps diabetes in her future. I can barely handle my own care much less the care and expense of special food, daily bloodchecks and insulin shots for this cat who I originally took in as a stray. Please don't judge me if I have to say no more and say a sweet goodbye to her. She has had a good 11 years.

  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited April 2019

    Intothelight -

    Can you take your kitty to a shelter for adoption?


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2019

    Gumdoctor, a shelter won't take her needing so much expensive care--they will just put her down in 2 weeks without it. They have more than they can manage now. It is possible we can manage with a special diet and that is what we are going to try first. It all depends on how well she responds to this surgery first. I don't mind trying alternate options. We are trying...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Chris, I hope you cat makes it through the surgery without any problems. I am so sorry you find yourself in this awful dilemma. My cat is 11 as well and I know last summer when she turned my life upside down not using the litter box for a long time and using my whole house as her litter box I knew that if things were not turned around I could not live with the stress anymore. I love my cat as much as anyone can but I do understand. I was able to turn the ship around but my cat's situation was totally different. I hope there will be a solution that will be an easy one where you can keep her. I feel for you. It is an awful position to be in. May God bless you with comfort and peace and wisdom.

    Gumdoctor, how are you doing? I had my six month check up at the dentist yesterday and got more possible bad news. I had a crown put on in Nov and starting in Feb it started being sensitive to cold. It was a cracked tooth to begin with. I am sure you know where this could be leading. Shocked. I am afraid to go to any future apt because the last few have turned out certainly not the way I would have chosen!!

    I survived a swim session today after being off for over two weeks and I was able to get my half mile in so that is good. My arm and shoulder are not good but not worse from swimming so I am happy about that. It has relieved some stress which I needed.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited April 2019

    Hello Nancy,

    Thank you for asking about me. I am doing alright. Like your recent good-news-but-did-not-make-you-ecstatic, I got a decent CT progress report (every 3 mos) recently. Only catch is there is now a met in my femur that had never shown before. It could be healing and it could be progression. I have had horrible pain there that my previous ONC (the one who was arrested for trying to strangle his estranged wife) blew off as neuropathy.

    I should be happy that things are overall stabilizing...very hard to gloss over this new news...while mets are still only in bone, they are now outside the spine...

    Also the Army has started the process of doing a medical board to kick me out. The official document that ends my career was created yesterday. Until things are finalized, I continue on active duty receiving regular pay. This is a huge blessing in God providing for me/us. But there is so much grieving. So much pain. So much loss. I am reeling. They are threatening to discharge me with zero benefits in August. This means I would have to stop all treatment as we could not afford it without insurance.

    As a believer, I know God put me in the Army so I know I have served the best of my ability and used the gifts God gave me to do His Good Work. I am comfortable with this part. What I struggle with right now is a near-complete loss of identity. As I tell people sometimes, I used to be somebody (Army Colonel, Dr, periodontist...) and now I am "Who are you again?".

    God is taking care of me and my husband through all this. But I must choose, sometimes every minute, to be "up" and positive about it all. I am working very hard to wait on the Lord's timing and to accept whatever the outcome turns out to be. If I am barred from any military benefits, then God will provide. Easy to say...

    I read often and do not post much here as sometimes I am in that dark place in my head. I want to bring only light here to you and the great people in this thread.

    As for your tooth, yes I do know where that may be heading. With all your recent stress, you could be grinding your teeth and aggravating that one tooth. Teeth grinding (bruxism) is very common especially around a stressful event/events. With your symptoms, one easy and inexpensive thing the dentist can do is check the bite on that tooth and adjust the pressures on it if needed. Then if the sensitivity subsides, that's all for now. Root canal would be next and then the final solution, of course, is extraction if these other options do not succeed.

    This is a pretty straightforward treatment cascade options but not always easy on the patient when it involves $$, stress, time, energy, etc.

    Hope this helps you to address it a little more comfortably. Knowledge is power.

    Bless you and All here,


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited April 2019

    Intolight -

    You may know about this already...

    I just found a website called There is even a forum there and they discuss more economical ways to manage a kitty's diabetes.

    I want to just come pick up your kitty and take it for help you and to help the kitty...but I have my own kitty menagerie and issues going on. I just spent $4,000 hoping to save one of my rescues hit by a car - Whitey.

    I documented this challenging time in the cats cats cats thread...I drove 4 hrs round trip to visit with her in the animal hospital for days...touch and go for days...I sat in the waiting room with my bible in my lap, praying and crying and asking God to spare her life...AND HE DID.

    They took out 1/2 her spleen, re-positioned all her organs, re-attached broken ribs and closed the hole in her diaphragm. She should not be alive but God used one of His precious miracles and spared her.

    I will pray for clarity on what you should do with your kitty and pray for your strength to do what is God's will.


    PS - I support whatever decision you make. I get it.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Joanne, still praying for tomorrow.

    Chris, praying for your kitty that she made it through surgery and is comfortable and for you as you cope with an added stressor in dealing with her.

    Gumdoctor, I can feel your anguish over all of what is going on with you. I am really sorry to hear that you possibly have a new met. I pray it is not progression. What a bummer about your former onc. When I had to give up my clarinet performance in 2001 due to my neck surgery I felt like my right arm had been removed. That WAS my identity and my life long dream to perform which I did for a while. When I retired from being a band director in 2011 I had plans to continue my private clarinet teaching at home in retirement but my Mom started her dementia that year and then my identity became a caregiver. I couldn't go anyplace in my town without some band parent or former student recognizing me. Now my last students will be graduating this year and next from HS.

    I don't understand why you would not be able to receive benefits from the Army that I am supposing you are entitled to. I am going to pray that somehow God will intervene in this situation and allow you to be discharged with benefits. You don't have to tell us that you have served God in the Army to the best of your ability because the simple fact that your reached out to Chris and me in our cat and tooth dilemma is testament to your Godly character when you are already going through so much yourself.

    I know that God's plans for each one of us will far surpass anything we can imagine for ourselves. In this life we as Christians are only passing through. I know that does not take away the pain of the now but it gives us hope that we will one day not have grieving and loss and pain.

    What you are experiencing is very normal with the question Who am I now? I could go into a whole litany of what God says about YOU but what I will do is pray that He will gently show you who you are becoming in this next chapter of your life. God can use anyone who allows themselves to be used by Him. I can tell you have a big heart and God will use that.

    Thank you for your expertise on my tooth situation. I was a little bummed that I did not see my regular dentist yesterday and they didn't call to let me know that. The lady I saw was very nice and informative and told me the what ifs. I just drove home in a very poor state of mind wanting to strangle someone but not knowing who!! I was on stress overload and this was another thing to add to the mix. I do wear a nightguard as I have TMJ so I do imagine I have been doing my fair share of clenching during the day and not being aware.

    I will definitely pray for you and that God will help you through this most difficult time. Praying for poor Whitey too. I am sure your cat is grateful YOU are his/her Mom!!

    PS I have to check out the cats thread. I think I stumbled upon the topic recently but never checked it out. One of my friends loves to hear my Cammie (my cat) stories. She tells me on a regular basis I need to write a book about her. I think if I don't shut up now this post is becoming a book!!!

    Take care.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2019

    Thank you very much for your prayers for my DH, he is finally starting to feel better after being in much pain with his back. I pray it continues and he doesn’t have a set back as there are several things that need doing around here. Thanks also for continued prayers for my friend Sue. I haven’t heard any news lately so I’m hoping, no news is good news. I know she still has a long way to go but I believe with God’s help she will be okay.

    There seems to be lots of trials lately of so many people I know and care for. A 62 year old daughter of friends of ours died suddenly on Tuesday night and we don’t know why. Life is really hard sometimes. I so often wonder how people without faith manage these bad things that happen.

    I am continuing to pray for all your needs but I’ve decided to take a short break from the forum for awhile. Since next week is such a busy time with all the services at church that my choir is involved in and with two of our granddaughters coming to visit, I’m beginning to feel very stressed. I know it will all be okay but I’ve felt very tired lately, probably stress related. This forum just feels like one more obligation I’m so sorry to say, I hope you can understand.

    Love and prayers for all of you,

    Faith (in the future)

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2019

    Good morning sisters,

    I had what I thought was my last oncology appointment this morning...turns out that my oncologist wants me to complete 5 full years of Tamoxifen due to my second diagnosis 5 years ago. I have been on Tamoxifen for three years, following that disasterous year on Arimedex. Since 2010, that is 6 years of Tamoxifen and a year of Arimedex. Oh well...better not to take any chances. She also urged me to see a Dermatologist, that my back had a couple of suspicious moles. I had a basal cell patch of skin removed from a radiated area 2 years ago....I also worked out on the farm growing up and did some sunbathing before sunscreen came along. praying that this won't turn into a big deal.

    Faith, I understand your break from this...I have done the same. We used to refer to our world as "Cancer Planet" and sometimes we have to step away. Take good care of yourself and enjoy this blessed season. Our little choir is doing "Is He Worthy?" By Chris Tomlin Sunday...what a beautiful song....

    Nancy and Jo...hope all is well with you....

    Jean, so glad your area of concern wasn't cancer...hope your "hips" are doing ok. I have gotten along well since those glad not to be in that pain.

    Praying for you ladies; God's healing, strength, and love to you all!

    Oh.....some good DILis expecting in October, so "Awesome Grandson" Calvin will be a big brother! DIL has had 2 miscarriages, so we are praying hard. Going to a baby shower tomorrow for my daughter Lauren who is due in June. Family is growing!

    Love, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Hi dear sisters. This banner is where I find myself after getting my "good news." The mind and emotions do seem to have a mind of their own. I am not in a good place right now and I would covet your prayers. I will see the social worker in oncology again this week. I don't claim to understand any of this but I want to be transparent because I have a feeling many of you have been where I am now. I will write more later. Also my computer has malware on it so I more than likely am going to have to haul the thing in. I am still praying for you.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2019

    Nancy, you are correct that I have been there--and probably if I am honest am there now. Your (my) good news is tempered with the overall picture of our dx and it gets overwhelming.

    I was happy I got to get out and worship yesterday, but I have a deep pain that worries me as it is in my right side whereas my other tumors were in my left. I am trying to relax and give it a couple of days as the meds (Ibrance/Letrozole) I am on often cause random pain. Also, I am having minor dentist work in the morning and you all know how much I am a dental wimp! To top it all off, my range stopped working yesterday. The good news is my cat is doing very well and seems to have more energy than ever. I have her on special diabetic food praying that is enough to control her diabetes.

    So we all continue with all of our battles praying for peace knowing God is our refuge and our strength.

    Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

    I Corinthians 2:9

    "What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
    and what no human mind has conceived"
    the things God has prepared for those who love him—

  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited April 2019

    Yes Nancy you are not alone.

    There wasn't a single day during or after my bilateral stage 3 node positive treatment that I did not worry about it coming back to kill me.

    And of course, now we know, it came back and will likely kill me unless something else does it first.

    More importantly than us knowing, God knows EXACTLY what you are going through. He knows EXACTLY what you need. Very likely He is helping you with this episode in ways you cannot even imagine yet.

    We love you AND the best friend and support you will ever have, GOD, LOVES YOU.

    I know you know all this...but it is good to hear it again from time to time...

    Love to you, Gumdoctor

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2019

    Teka, glad your flowers are coming up. That always gives us a hopeful lift.

    Nancy, Faith, Gumdoctor, Joanne, We have ALL been in that "dark place" and how miserable we are when down there. The thing we must remember is that we are not alone, as He will never EVER leave us or forsake us. Jesus knows every pain and worry and hurt we feel since He walked here among us - and He is at the Father's right hand ever living to intercede for US! That alone is hard to fathom isn't it. I think of WHEN PEACE LIKE A RIVER... you know the hymn. Keep your focus on the Lord and trust in His GOOD plan for you. He has you in His arms of love and NO ONE can snatch you from His hands. You are safe and secure and He would tell you FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU and LET NOT YOUR HEARTS BE TROUBLED.

    I am praying for you all - including those not mentioned.

    I felt led to reprint this as it has ministered to me so many times -

    Sending hugs all the way from me to you,


    ~*~ When you're in Christ ~*~

    You're secure even when your feelings tell you otherwise.

    You don't have to feel well to be strong and courageous.

    You don't have to feel bold to be brave.

    You don't have to feel accepted to live loved.

    You don't have to feel faith for your faith to be real.

    And you don't have to feel God's presence for Him to be near.

    He's closer than your next breath and He lives mightily in you!

    He pulled out a chair and gave you a place at the table of grace.

    God is always near and you are always loved no matter how you feel.

    You've seen too much to turn back now.

    Keep marching onward and have a faith-filled day!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019

    Ellen, I sent you a PM but wanted to say that I know you wanted to be off the Tamoxifen but I pray those two more years will protect you from another recurrence. Praying that Sarah will bring this baby to term without any complications. I can't wait to see Cal be a big brother. Praying your skin issues can be dealt with without any complications. I worked many hours in the corn and bean fields without any sunscreen so I completely get it.

    Faith, praying you can get through this high stress time and enjoy your time with your family.

    Teka, thank you for sharing your crocuses popping up. I am afraid my daffodils croaked in the blizzard we had yesterday. Maybe they will spring back up. I never got to take any pics of them.

    Joanne, thanks for sharing those lyrics. Thank you for your prayers and support. I hope there is some restoration in this valley.

    Chris, I am glad your kitty is doing better. I have been praying for a good and easy solution to her problems. Praying for you as you face the dentist tomorrow. Hopefully you will not have any problems and can get in and out very quickly without too much stress. Praying that this pain you are experiencing is nothing serious.

    Gumdoctor, thank you. I know you are currently going through so much so I appreciate you writing. Yes, God does know exactly what I am going through the same as He knows what you and all of us are going through. I do pray that you issues with the Army will work out much better than you are expecting.

    Ade, I am glad to hear from you. I was concerned since I hadn't seen any posts for a while. Thank you for those words. I have posted many times that you can't base your faith on your feelings and thank goodness for that.

    I am feeling extremely vulnerable right now because I don't know what is happening to me. I can't explain what I am feeling except I know I have been in a protracted state of high stress for a very long time with many different things and I think the cancer scare was that proverbial last straw. My social worker is a Christian and she knows that I am so I am trusting that God will give her wisdom when counseling me.

    Thank you all for your support and your prayers and encouragement. My swimming is a Godsend and my photography which are both great stress relievers are helping. I will be going to my Mom's for three weeks in about three weeks and I just need to feel much stronger in all ways than I do now. I have some extremely important financial concerns that were not able to be addressed when I was sick for my planned three weeks at Christmas time downstate which have to be addressed now concerning my Mom. I know God will get me through this and I just pray it will be sooner than later. I have an oncology apt next week and the plan was to stop my AI at the end of July which would be my five years. Hopefully this recommendation will still hold. I know this drug has made all of my emotions exaggerated in these last almost five years and I know several of my friends could never understand why I didn't just stop taking it as it has been a real challenge.

    I know many of you have been through so much more and are not sure what your future holds. I guess none of us knows what our next breath will hold but we do know WHO it is that allows us that next breath. We have a future far greater than what we can think or imagine.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited April 2019


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited April 2019

    Joanne, those are indeed beautiful, special blessings. I am also thankful for Michelle's progress. Thank you for sharing. God is so good!

    Our granddaughter was also preemie at 4 lbs. She is now almost 4 years old. Doctors told us at the time she will probably have developmental delays, but that did not happen. In fact, she is ahead in all areas, especially cognitive, except for size--she is at the lower 5% in weight. Chris
