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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2019

    Condolences for Lita's family. She is finally out of pain and with Jesus. Such a courageous woman. An inspiration for us all. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2019

    Thank you, Nancy for the beautiful photo of Lita. I choose to remember her like that. She was a spunky, brave, fearless lady who inspired us all to never give up no matter what. I am thankful her battle is finally over and she is not suffering anymore. I pray her family is comforted with beautiful memories and knowing that she touched so many lives.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2019

    Sending prayers for comfort for Lita's family. I so admired the way she just kept fighting this beast of a disease. She was a role model for me with her great spirit and humor. Rest In Peace Lita. I'm glad she finally can rest in our Lord with no more pain.

    Nancy, thanks for the picture, she was a beautiful lady and it’s nice to remember her that way.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2019

    I'm sad to read of Lita's passing but thankful that she is free from the grip of this awful disease. Nancy, thank you for posting Lita's beautiful picture. I will remember her honesty, wit, and courage; she adored her family and was in love with Jesus. I pray for comfort and strength for her family and friends.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2019

    Ephesians 3:16-19 New International Version (NIV)

    16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    I made the mistake of not scrolling back to see posts I wanted to reply to so I will have to trust my memory. Ade, I think it is this weekend your son and family return. I know you mentioned cleaning their house with no air. God Bless You!!!!! You are a strong woman!!!! I know you mentioned working on the house and you were exhausted. Any word on the house in Ohio and your thoughts?

    Faith, I saw my social worker on Thursday and was going to ask her if people could see her without having an oncologist at DMG and I forgot. I was mentioning some things to her and she said there is a palliative care doctor she could have come in and talk with me. I didn't realize that palliative care was a doctor who specializes in treating symptoms. I thought it was usually and end of life doctor who is trying to make you as comfortable as possible but she said people have misunderstood these types of doctors. Anyway the conversation about this doctor kind of through me and I just plain forgot to ask. I didn't know if this would be the last session or not and that morning I decided I wanted to continue seeing her. It sounds like you are busy now with these other tests. I think I did the barium drink for the esophagus and my biggest issue was I couldn't understand the tech administering the test because he had a very strong accent so that was all I remember. I had this done many years ago because I have had a swallowing problem ever since my neck surgery in 2001 that was supposed to go away and never did. I don't think it was bad though. Glad you can do the test in place of a colonoscopy. I know I have several issues all at once and I am trying to take one at a time and prioritize. Sometimes they ALL seem like high priority. Praying you can get some of things issues resolved and find a therapist who can help you.

    I saw my breast surgeon on Wed. and I wasn't too concerned since I already new that my mammogram on Monday was fine. I think I posted that and now am not sure. He did a breast exam and it was very painful. I know I have been swollen since the biopsy in April. He felt something he wasn't happy about and said he wanted to do an ultrasound right then. I am surprised I didn't have more of a reaction but I am thinking what in the world could he find that a mammogram two days prior didn't find. Anyway he said I have a fluid filled area probably still from radiation. The gift that keeps on giving. So I retest in six months and then get back on my annual schedule. I know I should be jumping up and down with joy and relief but not feeling it yet.

    My sister found a snake on the first floor at my Mom's house recently and it was right near where I sit. It flew down the register when she saw it. So, I have other issues on my mind still. I will be down at my Mom's for her 94th birthday and will be staying in her house for over a week. It is one thing knowing they might be in the basement but a whole other thing knowing they can get on the first floor. Help me Lord. My sister and I really just don't know what to do. Exterminators, handymen all have not helped at all. We have the mower put this snake repellent around the house and obviously that isn't working either. They took off the market the only snake repellent that really worked so THAT is the main problem.

    Have a good weekend. It has rained so much here I think I saw the Arc down the street!!!!! I did get to hear the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet last night. Wow, very impressive!!!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2019

    Nancy, wow! The Ephesians scripture is so timely for me right now. Thank you as always for your faithfulness. I wouldn't be as patient or as brave with the snake issue as you are. How is Cammie doing?

    Ade, I echo Nancy's questions. I have been wondering about your move decisions and praying for guidance and strength for you and James.

    Yesterday my DH and I took my granddaughter to the beach walk for tacos and ice cream since her mama worked late. It was good to get out and also nice that the bulk of the tourists are gone. Tomorrow is the annual program at our granddaughter's preschool church so it will be a bit different, but any way that I can worship God is good for me. God is good.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2019

    My Mom will be 94 on October 12. This is a recent pic my sister just sent me.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2019

    Nancy, your mom looks fantastic. Wishing her a very "Happy Birthday!" on the 12th. I'm glad that you'll be with her on her special day.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2019

    Nancy, your mom looks lovely and proud. I'm sure you're happy to see her looking so well.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2019

    Thank you all. I was pleased to see my Mom looking so well though she is quite thin. She eats like a bird. She used to always keep her age a secret but not sure if she does that anymore. Hey, if I make it to 94 believe me I will be telling everyone my age!! She was a Stephen Minister for part of her life. That was a lay ministry from her Methodist church. That was AFTER I taught my Mom to drive. True story!!

    I was happy to see her smiling. She has some new people sitting at her dining table and that has been such an answer to prayer for me. She connected with two ladies when she first moved in and one of them died last year and the other moved away. So she has talked of being lonely quite a bit so seeing her smiling makes me happy.

    I got a text from my sister today that didn't make me happy. She didn't want to upset me before my mammogram so she only told me part of the story about finding a snake on the first floor in my Mom's house. So today I heard the whole story. I am still not sure what she meant but the long and short of it is that the bathroom sink overflowed all over into the rest of the house and the hardwood floor has buckled. I am not sure if my sister didn't turn water off or if it was a broken pipe or what. I am going to stay in the house for around 8 days very soon and she said I suppose I need to get someone out to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Lord help us. I may be bathing in the kitchen sink at this rate. Never a dull moment that is for sure.

    Chris I hope you enjoyed your granddaughter's preschool program. I can imagine there were lots of picture taking and smiles all around from both the performers and the audience and proud parents and grand parents.

    Have a great rest of the day everyone.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2019

    Nancy, I couldn't even stay in a house with snakes! No wonder you're nervous about that!!! When we came home from visiting friends the other night after dark we saw a huge falling star that EXPLODED before it hit the horizon! We have never seen such a thing before. Then when we got onto our porch James turned the flashlight onto the doorknob to unlock it and to my horror there were a million SPIDERS ON OUR DOOR - making webs and everything! THEN one crawled over my LEG in bed! As you can imagine I felt "spiders" all night long after that!!! I pray you can get that issue SOLVED! ...SOON! * Just a word about mammos - they don't always show everything. I CERTAINLY don't mean to scare you, but it was the ultrasound that showed my cancer as a growing lump, not the mammo. But it was only when the lump was removed and sent to pathology that I was diagnosed. I pray that the tenderness is JUST water after radiation and NOTHING ELSE - in Jesus' Name! * Your mom looks great! 94 - wow! Mine didn't look that good in her EIGHTIES! Bless her heart. What's the news on her VA claim? Are her teeth stabilized now? (We turned in our VA claim on the 22nd - praying for the best.) * Thank you for that beautiful scripture. I shared it on facebook today. We ALL need that one!

    Thank you, Chris for prayers. I am glad you got out for a nice time with grandaughter. You are blessed to live there. We have visited a few times there and it is beautiful!!! I am praying for you too. Yes, God IS good!

    Since we missed about 5 weeks of working on this house between James' concussion and then fever bout we hit it full speed these last couple of weeks. He takes the doors off and I double coat paint them, then he puts them back up. We have painted and put up all of the doors, trims and baseboards in the master bedroom and it is DONE. When we moved into it 6 years ago we were out of money. There was no woodwork and no flooring - just plywood flooring that we painted. Same with our bathroom. Now we have woodwork and flooring in both and for the first time in 6 years we got to sleep in OUR bed in OUR room! Now we have to paint & put woodwork in the hall, kitchen, livingoom and my office plus take down 5 more doors and double coat them in the other end of the house. The last 2 days James did the lawn work and I completely cleaned our son's house (even windows!) as they have been gone 6 months. They have window AC that wasn't in (since they left last March) and it was SOOO HOT! It exhausted both of us on top of the house work we did here. Today after a little nap we had lunch and James went back to bed complaining of being cold and he is under the quilt. Please pray this is NOT ANOTHER FEVER BOUT! We have the long trip to Odessa tomorrow morning for his VA audiology appointment and that alone takes the sap out of us. * We can't show our neighbor the house until we get it finished and I hope he still wants it. So we are in no position to even act on a house that we find in Ohio. We look online each day and we actually have a few saved for maybe whenever the Lord says, "Go" upon the sale of this one. We have a quandary. I feel with our health - or lack thereof - we should live near our 2 children there in Ohio. He sees beautiful, affordable homes with low taxes in WV, KY and on the Ohio River. I agree they are SO much a better deal than the ones further north - BUT I feel strongly that I will probably end up taking full care of James someday and not being really strong myself, and not ever knowing if the cancer will return, I feel we need to be nearer the kids. Pray we can resolve that please. He thinks he is superman but I see his body and mind deteriorating more with time. It breaks my heart and I have great anxiety that I am praying about...but that's the way it is.

    It's not a Better Homes & Garden room, but it is done. The bed is not a twin as it looks, it's a queen size and we purchased it in Amish country in Ohio. James made the little table at the bedside back when we lived in Ohio.

    May God bless your week ahead.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2019

    Nancy, thank you for your prayers, I'm slowly trying to get some things resolved. Haven't called about a therapist yet, still working up to that. I've never had any kind of therapy but it's probably time. The picture of your mom is beautiful, she looks wonderful for 94. I'm so sorry you have so much to deal with in her house now, with the snakes and now water damage. Sounds overwhelming to me! On a brighter note, I read today that the Monach Butterflies are nesting in our area near the Midewin prairie. Hope you have a chance to get out for some photos.

    Ade, the picture of your bedroom looks wonderful, can't believe all the work you've been doing with so much left to do. Praying for James and for wisdom in your housing hunt. I do think being close to our children is very important which is why we haven't moved south even though it sounds tempting.

    Chris, I envy you being so close to the beach to be able to walk there whenever you want. That's my dream! I won't go in the water except to wade but walking the beach feels so wonderful to me. It's lovely that you can share that with your DGD, lots of great memories for her and you.

    Have a good week everyone, you are all always in my prayers.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2019

    Ade, your bedroom looks wonderful and what a view. Spiders creep me out so I can only imagine finding the horror on your door and then one crawling on your leg Shocked. I sure hope that James is not beginning another bout with his fevers. I am amazed at all the work you both have done. When it is all finished you will hate to leave. It is a shame that you couldn't enjoy that six years ago. I didn't realize your neighbor was interested in your house so that sounds great. I will continue to pray that the right house comes along at the right time and of course in God's timing. May He grant you wisdom to know when and where that will be.

    Seeing the falling star must have been amazing. A photographers dream but I am sure it happens so fast no one is prepared to capture the split second it happens.

    I don't think I realized that about the mammograms but as I think of it they wouldn't perform ultrasounds if the mammograms showed everything. I guess I am glad at the time I wasn't thinking in that vein or I would have been more nervous. I didn't even think to ask my BS if the scar tissue had grown. I know that can become painful if it is near a nerve. Sigh!!!!

    Faith, I know that seeing a social worker was difficult for me. It made me feel weak but she assured me that it is actually a show of strength to have therapy. I have wondered about when the Monarch migration was going to happen. I saw on the NBC news from Chicago where they show photos they had a photo of a bunch Monarchs that had migrated. I think this was take from one of our states to the North. I have still seen a stray Monarch or two recently so I don't know how they all meet up and go together. That is another one of many miracles of God's creation.

    I haven't taken any photos recently now that all the butterfly houses are closed and of course all the rain we have had. The Daily Herald is having a calendar of amateur photographers photos so I think I am going to submit some photos for that and see if I would be lucky enough to be picked. That have to be taken locally and no editing whatsoever.

    I am seeing our retiree group that hasn't met for a while. I sent out an email to all of them telling them what has been going on with me for the last six months. That was not easy to do but I would rather them hear the facts from me rather than some second hand info that could be not accurate.

    Have a good evening dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2019

    May we live in the present today and enjoy what this day holds. Day tight compartments. No regrets from the past and no worries for tomorrow.

    Matthew 6:34 New International Version (NIV)

    34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.



  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88
    edited September 2019

    Hello Ladies!

    Jesus loves you!

    this I know

    For the Bible tells me so (John 3:16)

    So today I stop stalking and enter this wonderful community. I've read and read here for the past couple of months and can't tell you how much I appreciate all the good information both personal and site-provided I've collected to help me sort things out. Oh so much good info here!

    I've had surgery and need to ask a treatment question so I'll try to find the appropriate place for that.

    May God bless each and every one of you, day by day!

    ---------- "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7) ----------

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2019

    Welcome Thisiknow. That is a great user name!!!! If you haven't found an answer to your question feel free to ask here as there are ladies with a variety of treatments. Also you have probably found the search area which will take you to almost anything you can think of. Feel free to post anytime. Is that your cute little dog?



  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2019

    Thanks for the welcome, Nancy. I stuck my question in one of the Radiation threads. Just looking for possible lung damage with radiation? Yes, that was my sweet little Pug, Nino. And it looks like your treatment is the same as mine is going to be. No order for an AI yet. We are blessed.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2019

    Thisiknow, welcome to this thread although I am sorry you have to be here. Hope you find the answers to all your questions. I don't know why God loves me so much--I just know He does. This was true before my diagnosis and still true today. God bless.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Thisiknow, are you having rads to both breasts at the same time? Have you met with the Radiation Oncologist yet? I am afraid I can't answer your question because I just don't know. I know they target their radiation very carefully and you will be marked up initially and have a run through prep and then after they get all of their readings it is a pretty fast prep for them to line you up properly for radiation. I don't think I know of anyone who had rads on both breasts at the same time so I wish I could be more helpful. Just remember that your cancer team knows your situation more than anyone of us here or on any other thread. Just because someone out there posts something doesn't make it true for you. Just remember to filter everything you read with what you know and what your oncologists tells you. If you trust your cancer team you will be fine.

    BTW I am off of my AI now. I had five years and stopped at the end of July. I suppose one of these days I need to add that to my stats.


    Matthew 11:28 New International Version (NIV)

    28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2019

    WELCOME, This & Nino too! We are glad you have 'lurked' and found us! As you already know by now, these are WONDERFUL sisters in the Lord and I hope we can encourage you and bless you with our prayers as well. To add to your post - (I love this!) "Jesus knows me, this I love"!

    We made the long trip to the Odessa VA yesterday and the Lord healed James' short fever and headache for the day - for which we THANK Him! He got some news that's really disturbed him. He is deaf in his right ear and they can only do so much with the hearing aids. He wasn't aware it had come to that (deafness) - but I have seen a drastic decrease in his hearing. We will adjust. Today I am trying to catch up on laundry but I am "Noodle Lady" with no power left. Will rest after laundry and have cancelled having friends over for dinner tomorrow.

    Chris, He loves you just because you're you - and you're His Beloved....forever and ever!

    Faith, I pray you're having a blessed day!

    Nancy - I failed to mention the bathroom leak in your mom's house. I pray you can get that awful thing repaired cheaply and soon and I am so sorry you have to deal with THAT TOO! Over a week ago the sink in my vanity leaked ALL OVER the things I had stored underneath and damaged the floor of the vanity. James turned off the water, I mopped up the mess and dealt with the soaked stuff - and it STILL hasn't been fixed. (sigh) All in time...

    Lord bless and keep you all,

    The Noodle Lady (just for today! :o)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Ade, I am glad you made it to Odessa and that James didn't have to deal with his fever but I am very sorry to hear about his deafness in one ear. You will adjust and I hope it is not a drastic transition. It sounds like it has gradually gotten worse where he was not even aware.

    No wonder you feel like a Noodle. That is a very long drive to get to a doctor's apt and then the drive home. I hope you feel better very soon.

    The leak in my Mom's bathroom was not a leak at all. It was a human error and I still don't know the whole story but I am afraid that someone did not turn off the water and the stopper was in it and the house was not checked on for possibly a month with the water running that whole time. I am treading lightly and not casting blame on anyone. It was an accident. My Mom did the same thing a few years ago and luckily I was there and woke up hearing a waterfall. I instantly knew what had happened. We had to have the flooring replaced but caught it early enough. This time sound like more damage.

    I am pretty stressed out because my sister told me that State Farm will no longer insure my Mom's house since it is not her primary residence. So in two weeks we will have no insurance unless my brother in law can find out some info to save the day. From my research even on a State Farm website it mentioned they have unoccupied insurance for houses left vacant for more that 30 days at a stretch. You have to pay more so I am a bit confused why they flat out said no on my Mom's house. It is forcing the issue of getting rid of the house as soon as we can but then I am up a creek with no place to stay to visit my Mom and have Cammie with me. Paying for a motel would be really expensive and no way I could do that 3 months out of the year. So I would appreciate your prayers as this is extremely stressful for me.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, I’m so sorry to hear about the problems with your mom’s house with the water damage and the insurance issues. I’m sure that is an awful burden for you. I can certainly understand not wanting to sell yet as you need a place to stay for your visits. Praying the Lord will help you find a way out of this problem.

    Ade, glad you both survived the long trip to Odessa but so sorry to hear of James deafness. Will pray it stays only in one ear. Hope the noodle you is feeling better.

    ThisIknow, welcome to our thread. These are a wonderful group of people here and I will pray you find some answers to all your worries.

    Speaking of answers, I had an MRI of my lower back yesterday and I’m praying it gives us some answers to the leg and hip pain I’m having and will find an effective treatment plan.

    Love and prayers for all, have a blessed day.

    Faith (in the future).

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited October 2019

    Dear Ladies, I think I've posted here before, but not recently, although I often read your wonderful and encouraging posts. I just read an article in the recent Christianity Today about Anne Graham Lotz's breast cancer. Thought her perspective on life, faith, and hope was good, and wanted to share the link with you. Blessings, and all the best to each and every one of you, Ceanna

    Edited to get the link to work--hope it now works for you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Faith, I am glad you got your MRI and I hope you can get some good answers and some helpful solutions. I am not sure how much I have mentioned this but I have had hip and leg pain and trouble walking for maybe 6 or more weeks. I know I have to deal with it and I am anxious to see what your results reveal. If I can hang in there until I see my primary doctor in Nov I will wait but I will have to see. I know I need xrays or something but so many issues right now trying to deal with one at a time.

    Some good news. My sister texted me and a major insurance company ( different than the one we had) will insure my Mom' house but I am not sure it is is only for one year. That is better than no insurance for sure. Thank you for your prayers and your PM to me about this. I appreciate all of your input.

    Ceanna, Welcome. Thank you for posting that link. It did work for me and I read all of it. She has been able to go through her cancer treatments in victory. I recently had a lady that I have known for a while where I swim say to me that all of my problems that I have had in the last several months was because there was something wrong in my spiritual life. So I appreciated seeing in print what Anne-Graham Lotz said about that idea. I knew it was not true but it is sad to know that there are ill informed Christians who can devastate other Christians who may believe her words. Words are a very powerful thing. They can give life and they can do just the opposite.

    I am glad that you read our posts. I think you are not alone in that. I think there are possibly many lurking behind the scenes who chose to read and not necessarily post. I hope that we can point those people to Jesus. Feel free to jump in anytime.

    I will be leaving on Thursday for downstate to visit my Mom for eight days. As some of you know she will turn 94 on Oct. 12 so hopefully we will all have a good time with her on her special day. I may have shared this but she has two new ladies at her dining room table now and that has been such an answer to prayer. There had only been my Mom and this lady who basically speaks Italian so you can imagine how that has been working out for both of them. My Mom speaks only English. This lady does speak some English but transitions into Italian and I don't think she even realizes it. I do try to talk to her when I am there and even though I don't understand half of what she says she does know that I do care about her. I have found from all my years doing ministry with Alzheimer patients in my nursing home ministry there is something powerful in a simple touch to show people you care. I would try to go around and touch every single one of the people in the room before I would leave and I know even though their thinking may be dulled their spirits were very much alive. I had to give up that ministry several months ago because my partner in this ministry was not going to be there regularly and I was going through so many scary health issues that I just said now is the time for us both to bow out of this. I do miss it and miss the people.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2019

    Ceanna, thank you for posting the link. I appreciated reading Anne Graham Lotz's comment, "... Sometimes when people have a diagnosis like mine, one of the first reactions is "God, why me?" They feel perhaps that God's not blessing them because they're not healthy, or that in some way God is punishing them or they've done something wrong. And I feel like one reason God allowed me to have this is to show them and to tell them that cancer is not punishment." Her comment is reassuring and comforting to me today. God's timing is so very perfect!

    Nancy, I'm so happy that your sister was able to locate a company that will insure your mom's house. That is a huge accomplishment. I wish you safe travels on Thursday and a joyful visit with your mom on her special day. Prayers that your hip and leg pain will soon resolve.

    Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, so glad things are working our for your mom's house and for sending friends for your mom. I know this is relieving some of the tremendous stress you are experiencing. Do you have some help with the snakes yet? I will continue to pray for safe travels and continued solutions. Loved ones with Alzheimer's are very special people. We cared for my mother-in-law in our home for a couple of years until we had no choice but to place her in a special care facility because her needs were beyond my abilities. I was not as knowledgeable as you but I did learn that a touch and holding hands calmed her quickly. She recognized me to the end although she was unable to recall how. But God used her to teach me many things during those few years. Even now I remember how God used her to minister to the nurses who cared for her even though she was unaware. I think of that when I feel bad because I can't serve others the way I used to. God knows where we are and uses us even in our weakest moments if we will allow Him to and remain available.

    Ceanna, a good friend of mine was dxd with cancer the same week I was. At that time, her husband commented that he didn't understand how two ladies who lived the cleanest and most Godly lives he knew could get cancer. It proved to him that it was not a punishment but rather a result of living in a fallen world, and that our job was not to survive or conquer the world, but rather to glorify God and be a light to the world in the midst of its pain. Anne Graham Lotz said it better and her light reaches deeper, and the truth needs to be broadcast to all. God does not stand over us to condemn us, but to gather us into His arms in love if we will just turn to Him. (Romans 8:1).

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2019

    Ceanna, thank you for the link to the article. I was wondering how she was doing and have been praying for this remarkable woman. What an inspiration she is to all of us! God is good!

    Nancy, I am thankful that you will be able to insure your mom's house after all and that you can make the trip to be with her on her birthday. Wish her a blessed day from all of us and give her a birthday (group) hug too. She probably wouldn't understand who we are, but most of us feel like she is our family too. * I'm sorry the lady at the pool has that notion that so many other Christians unfortunately have about hardships and trials. We were born again into the Charismatic movement and didn't know that "name it and claim it" was not really scriptural. If you admitted that you were sick their attitude was, "OH NO! You just CLAIMED it!!!) We also were taught that if you were sick that something was wrong with you spiritually - lack of faith or sin. Then we read the Bible and heard someone say that God is NOT your errand boy. If that were the case Paul, who gave his life to spreading the Gospel, would not have had to endure such trials and extreme hardships in his ministry. It is a sad thing when Christians wound their brothers and sisters. I am thankful that you know the Truth!

    Chris - beautiful words as always from you. Yes, touch has healing properties for the soul. Little newborns were experimented on long ago in Germany. Some were held and cuddled and talked to and others were only touched to feed or change them. The latter ones died even though their basic physical needs were met. What a horrid experiment - but the results proved a vital point. In my mom's later years I never left her without a hug and a kiss and an "I love you". Even though my sister popped in to deliver groceries she never gave the time to sit and listen to her for hours, or give her physical tender touch that humans crave, and there was no one else to give Mom love. There are many regrettable things in Mom's and my relations, but I will never regret that I showed her love and talked to her about Jesus and salvation.

    Well it's been a rough few days around here. James has had fevers again and even migraines on top of them. I have been up with him for 5 nights in a row and I am not a spring chicken anymore who can go without sleep. (That is why God gives babies to YOUNG women!) Anyway, last night we SLEPT! Hallelujah! He seems ok this morning and is doing chores once more and I PRAY it will last.

    Faith and Nancy, I pray that your leg and hip pain are no more serious than mine (arthritis in 2 lumbar and inflammation in hip ligament.) We tend to imagine the worst when these things come I KNOW! May the Lord grant you peace and healing.

    Love and blessings,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Hershey, I am glad that Ceanna's link helped you and all of us. Yes, the insurance deal with my Mom's house is definitely a relief.

    Chris, thank you. My solution for the snake issue was not received well so let's say that it continues to be an issue with no easy solution. I don't want this house to become a rift in our family which I think the enemy is trying his best to accomplish. I am sure your time with your mother in law was a special time. I imagine it was heartbreaking as it was for us to put her into a facility. We have so many questions on this earth as to why this and why that. We do live in a fallen world and that is why. When all of these things happen to us we are again brought to the feet of Jesus who wants us to trust Him no matter what. I was in the car recently and heard this statement from my Christian radio. As we spend time with the Lord it is revealed to us who we are. I am sure I am butchering up what was really said but that was the gist of it. I just found that to be such a gem to hold onto. Sometimes in the midst of our challenges we lose ourselves. I guess a simple solution to that one is spending more time with Jesus who is just waiting for us to come to Him so He can reveal Himself to us as well.
    Ade, I hope that when you do make your move that James can find a doctor who can get to the bottom of these fevers. I know how difficult this is for both of you. Thank you for your sweet comment that my Mom is like family to all of you. I know you all are like family to me so it is a special little community that we share here.
    If I can indulge with one more thing. I know this is long. My neighbor boy who I have seen grow up over the years and is now in 7th grade came over with his Mom the other day and he was holding this cute little plant in his hands. Long story short they grew this Tickle Me plant from seed in their science class. I think it is from Australia. He was SO proud of this plant. When you touch it it recoils. Pretty cool. They didn't have a place for it in their house and since I had a tree cut down I found the top of my refrigerator is about the only place I have enough sun to grow anything. He gave it to me and said I had done so much for them. I was truly touched. He asked if I could take some pictures of it. (Awe) I watched him walking with his sister after that hand in hand as they crossed the street. His sister is in third grade. I thought this little boy is growing up. He has had challenges in his life for sure so this really touched my heart. Okay I am done now. Nerdy.



    Habakkuk 3:17-19 New International Version (NIV)

    17 Though the fig tree does not bud
    and there are no grapes on the vines,
    though the olive crop fails
    and the fields produce no food,
    though there are no sheep in the pen
    and no cattle in the stalls,
    18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
    I will be joyful in God my Savior.

    19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights.

    For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, I'm so glad to hear that the insurance issues for your mom's house are resolved for now. One less thing to worry about. I'm sorry to hear you seem to be suffering from some of the same issues with your back that I have. I got the results today from the MRI and it shows some bulging disks and arthritis in the spine and the recommendation is for more PT. There was some disturbing news though. Apparently I have a small mass or cyst in my kidney that needs to be looked at, probably with a renal ultrasound. I'm going to see my PCP Dr. tomorrow, so one more thing to worry about and pray for. It’s so discouraging when you look for one thing and find others also as you well know. My DH is also having an ultrasound tomorrow for some abdominal issues he's been having. So, dear friends, we need a few prayers for healing.

    Nancy, I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip to visit your mom. I still can't get over how wonderful she looks at 94. As Ade said, she feels like one of our little circle of friends here.

    Chris, I think I remember something about you going to visit a new grandchild in CO. I pray it's a wonderful trip and you have no problems with the altitude this time.

    Well friends, I'm going to close here, it's been a long day and to use Ade's words, I feel like a noodle.

    Love and prayers for all

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Faith, I will pray for both you and your DH as you go through tests. I sure will be praying that this kidney issue will be nothing to be concerned about. Praying for wisdom as you see your doctor. I know PT is a long and drawn out affair but it is not a hip replacement so I am thankful for that.

    I am leaving Thursday for my Mom's and tried to hold my mail online as I always do and now you have to create an account. They could not verify my online identity even though they sent me an email. The remedy is they send a code by snail mail which will take seven days. I will be gone most of the day tomorrow so I don't know if I will have time to deal with it.

    I know life is always full of big and little challenges which I know God will see us through in the big and little things.

    Chris, I think it was Missouri you were going to go and visit family as I remember saying the leaves should be pretty by then. Can't believe the then is now!!!!! Where did this summer go.

    Have a good night dear sisters.

