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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2019

    Thank you Nancy and Chris for the good wishes. We will be going out to dinner tonight as I was too tired last night from the PT. Also, tomorrow is his birthday so we're celebrating a 2 for 1 tonight. Celebrating with the family later this month. It’s really hard to get everyone together, life is just too busy

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Love and prayers ,


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2019



    Hugs, Hug


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Faith, I hope you and DH have a wonderful dinner celebration for the BiG 59 and his birthday.

    I had my therapy therapy that is. I have felt much better the last couple of days and I have been out a with my camera. I will share a few pics from today.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2019

    Wonderful pix, Nancy - I could get lost in them.


  • jack-bear
    jack-bear Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2019
    True about the wonderful fall colors. I might be in 'Paradice', but I miss seasons.Thanks for sharing
    NancyB ♥️🐾🎶🎶
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Thanks Ade and Nancy B. I had more camera therapy this evening into the sunset. I'll have to post some when I go through all the pics.

    I had my last social worker apt today and am moving on. It has been a long haul but glad I am back to normal whatever that is.

    Have a good night everyone.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, your photos are lovely as usual. Autumn is my favorite season ... so tranquil and colorful. Thank you for posting your works of art.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Thank you Hershey. I was able to get out yesterday for a long time with my camera and I will post some of those photos later. Have a great weekend. We are actually experiencing a fabulous colorful fall which doesn't always happen so I am trying to soak it all in while the leaves are still on the trees.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2019

    Ladies I haven't posted much lately but read and pray for you almost every dsy. I am asking for prayer as I go through some deep mourning for old losses. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2019

    Dear ladies, Several of you wanted to see a pic of the youngest family member...winding up a long weekend at their house which except for lack of sleep, has been a wonderful visit. Here's little Madeline Grace (Laney)...


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Jean, praying for you as you cope with losses.

    Ellen, what a precious little one. She looks so content in her comfy outfit. I am glad you had a good visit with them and hopefully you can catch up on your sleep now.

    I had planned on getting back to church but woke up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. I need the rest because I will be making an unexpected trip to my Mom's because one of my Uncles died. This was one of my Dad's brothers and we spent many holidays at their house growing up. His wife was my Mom's sister so we were close with them. I had planned on staying put until Thanksgiving but things can quickly change. I have an oncology apt that I will need to cancel but family is important.

    Have a wonderful week dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2019

    Ellen, adorable granddaughter. You are blessed.

    Nancy, I slept in today too—until after 10. I am still sick from two weeks ago and may have to go to the doc tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your loss. Have a safe trip.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2019

    Ellen, she is beautiful. What a blessing. Nany, be safe in your travels. Thanks for the prayers.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2019

    Nancy I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your uncle and your lack of sleep when you needed it. Have a safe trip. At lease you can see your mom sooner than you had thought. May the Lord hold you up.

    Ellen, Madeline is a gorgeous baby! Thank you for posting the photo. She made us all smile! I pray you feel better soon.

    We're off to another appointment 3 hours away tomorrow...sigh.

    I was informed that my oncologist left the office group and has gone elsewhere a few months ago. Now my regular doctor has done the same!!! Is it just ME? :oP

    Anyway I will try to winter it out here and find new docs whenever we get moved to Ohio.

    Blessings upon your week, sisters. You are strong in the LORD!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2019

    Jean - praying you find comfort for your heart in the Lord who cares for you.


  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2019

    Blessedteacher... little Madeline Grace is going to be a pianist. Don't ask me how I know. I just do. :)

    She is precious!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Chris, I am sorry to hear you are still sick. Praying you can get some medical intervention if needed and that you will start to feel much better.

    Ade, one of my favorite doctors left without telling us and it was a tech in mammography that told me he had left four months prior. He had given my order for a mammogram months before I was due. That was quite a few years ago and I remember how shocked I was and disappointed how his office didn't let his patients know. Maybe in your case you will get some great replacements. I do have to say that my new gyny I love. Praying for a safe trip.

    thisiknow, when do you start radiation?

    I am not sure when I am leaving as we still don't know any funeral arrangements yet. I am guessing I will leave on Tuesday but that may change.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, your fall pictures are beautiful, it's therapy just looking at them. It's great you were able to get them, after yesterday's awful weather, it might not happen again this fall. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, prayers for a safe trip to your mom's. While it's sad to loose a close member of the family, funerals give us a nice chance to reconnect with family.

    Ellen, your granddaughter is beautiful, looking at her long fingers, I can see a piano player too.

    Chris, I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. Prayers that it will clear up ASAP.

    Jean, I will keep you in my prayers that you find comfort soon.

    Ade, prayers for a safe trip to the doctors tomorrow. It's awful that you are so far from medical care. I'm sure things will be better in Ohio even if the scenery isn't as beautiful.

    Praying everyone has a good week,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Thank you Faith. How are you doing? You mentioned the swallowing test came back okay. I had a swallowing test years ago after my neck surgery in 2001. You typically have temporary swallowing problems after the type of neck surgery I had. However the swallowing problems never went away. My swallowing test showed how food would get stuck but no answers. I did learn to swallow pills on one side of my throat as they were the biggest problem getting stuck. Is your PT helping? I don't plan to jump into my PT until after the holidays. I have dealt with it this long and a few weeks longer I can deal with.

    I found out the funeral will not be until Thursday so I will leave on Wed. and not have to cancel so many apts. I have already rescheduled apts and that turned out fine.

    Take care dear sisters. Have a good week.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    May God Bless all of you with blessings you can see. Look for them for they are all around you.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, I’m glad you won’t have to leave for the funeral so soon. It gives you a chance to catch your breath.

    It seems I was too quick to assume my swallowing test was okay. The doctor sent me a message that he wants to do an endoscopy with a new procedure called endoflip at the hospital and it requires sedation. It’s being done on Friday, so needless to say I’m a little anxious about it all. Prayers would be welcome.

    Love and prayers for everyone here,

    Faith ( in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Faith, I have had quite a few upper endoscopys but I am not familiar with endoflip. My new gastro doctor chose to not do both scopes which I have always had done in the past because I have had polyps in both my stomach and my colon. The sedation is similar to a colonoscopy where they call it twilight sleep. The procedure sounds worse than it actually is and the prep is nothing like a colonoscopy so I think you will find the procedure no big deal. I found out I had acid reflux from one of those scopes and I never had heart burn at the time. They also found a very small hiatal hernia.

    Have you had trouble swallowing? I am not sure if you have ever come out and said that. I will be praying that you will do just fine. I hope whatever they find will be something easily treated. Really, when it is all over you will think it was no big deal. I hope that helps put your mind at ease.

    I know when you are dealing with multiple issues it can be overwhelming. I can certainly relate to that. I do hope your PT is helping.

    Ade, I hope you and James made it to your apts and back safely.

    Yes, I was much more relaxed knowing that I can leave on Wed. I resumed swimming today and was a little concerned because my lungs didn't feel quite right. I would appreciate prayers that this is not a chronic condition lung condition.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2019

    Faith, I am praying that the endoflip procedure and its findings are non events for you. I'm not familiar with that procedure (my husband has always had upper endoscopies to monitor his GERD).

    Nancy, I'm so pleased that you able to leave on Wednesday. It can be difficult sometimes to reschedule important appointments. Here's hoping for smooth sailing to and from your destinations.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited October 2019

    Joanne, what a fantastic update! God is so very good!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2019

    Joanne, thank you so much for sharing the wonderful pictures and news of your granddaughter's progress. What a miracle God has wrought. I've thought of you and Michelle often and will keep praying for all the trials your family has been through.

    Nancy and Hershey thanks for your concern. I've had this procedure before but this time the doctor wants to find out why my motility is not working well. I always have the feeling of something stuck in my throat and it's hard to swallow a lot of times. Just hoping there's an easy fix for this. Unfortunately when we have MBC, our minds always go to the worst place. I'm really trying to trust that all will be well with God beside me.

    Nancy, have a safe trip this week. Happy you were able to get some swimming in.

    Have a good night everyone, I'm going to choir practice after I figure out dinner. Does everyone get as tired as I do of always having to think about dinner especially after having PT today. We try to eat healthy so never get takeout except for the rare pizza, nor do we eat out often. Ok, I'm done bitxxxxg now.Winking

    Love and prayers,


  • thisiknow
    thisiknow Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2019

    Nancy... I started Radiation yesterday. Had it today too. I'll only have 16 of them (last 4 are boosts). I hope you have a safe trip tomorrow.

    Has anybody told Little Madeline what she's got now? "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 18:10)

    P.S. Correction... 20 Rad tx's... the last 4 or 5 will be boosts

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2019

    Jo, thank you for the update. I have Michelle on my daily prayer list and am so thankful for this answer to prayer, and the update. God has something special in store for you and this family.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2019

    Nancy, so happy you have resumed swimming and am praying your lung issue is a simple issue. Also praying for a safe trip this week.

    My sore throat has returned with a vengeance and I am trying to get in to see my doctor. I can never get in to see my GP quickly so may have to settle for someone else like always. This is never easy or fun is it!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2019

    Joanne, I felt like Michelle was going to have a miraculous healing and even though it was not an instantaneous thing God is healing her day by day. Beautiful photos and a testament to God's mercy. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you and the family as I know you have a lot going on.

    ThisIknow, I hope your radiation treatments go by quickly. It used to be the protocol was around 33 treatments which is what I had just a five years ago so I know they do thing differently now. Hopefully you will be done and look back and be so glad God got you through all of this.

    Faith, I know when I have been in PT finding time for all the other stuff was always a challenge and I am single with a spoiled teenager (my cat)! Not eating out is great. I do alot of Wendy's salads when things get crazy which seems like most of the time.

    Chris, praying that you can over this crud have. It has been a long time.

    Hershey, I hope your work situation is improving and you are doing okay.

    Ade, I hope the long drive was tolerable and you and James are doing okay.

    I would appreciate your prayers. I am leaving tomorrow and my swimming yesterday aggravated my lungs and they have felt strange last night and today. I ended up using the inhaler even this afternoon evem though my doctor said I didn't need to use it. He doesn't realize that swimming has aggravated things. I am very concerned. I didn't have time to swim today as I have always a million things to do before leaving. Maybe just as well.

    I will post when I have time.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2019

    Hi ladies,

    Thanks for all the sweet comments on little Madeline...they are calling her "Laney" to avoid the Maddie nickname. She is cute...I spent a few days there this weekend, and did some feeding , diaper changing, and cuddling. Big brother ( Awesome Grandson Cal) is adjusting pretty well to sharing the attention. It was a good visit but 3 nights of sporadic sleep affects me more than it did a few years ago. BTW...I also have long fingers and play the maybe she will!

    Jo, thanks for sharing about Michelle's miraculous progress. Only God can bring about the healing she is experiencing.

    Nancy, sure hope you will be able to make the trip this week to see your mom. Praying for you and the others who are dealing with illness.

    My husband has resigned from the church where God led us 2 1/2 years ago. It has been very painful; for me it has meant seeing two long time Christian sisters turn away from us and pursue their own church agenda, which didn't include us. A small group who doesn't like anything new and different can weaken a church and consequently endanger its ministry and reputation; it's like the church leaders didn't like what my husband felt led to do and "froze us out".At this point, my husband is considering retiring from pastoral ministry. I'm still teaching the Ladies' Study but doing it here at the house. This whole attack caught us off guard, and we are still in shock. Waiting for the Lord to show us what He wants.

    Praying for all of you...Love, Ellen