thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited March 2022

    Hi everyone.

    Carol, thanks for the Fitbit info. That is a bummer thinking you are walking five miles and then these other devices say no, you have to walk longer. You do have the right idea. Just keep moving as much as you can. I know this was a big day for you. I pray your scans come back with a good report.

    Hershey, thanks for your input on the Fitbit as well. I will have to look into that.

    Chris, I know you were seeing your gastro doctor today. I hope you get some info that will be helpful so you won't have to wait for such a long time to have this colonoscopy. I am praying that your nausea and rash are vanishing.

    Wheatfields., I had a terrible time with my fingers and thumb on Anastrozole (generic of Arimidex). I developed very painful trigger finger and thumb. My pcp at that time said there is nothing you can do until your finger stays down and then they could do surgery. Well that wasn't the case and I had a lot of pain for a long time before I decided to see a hand specialist. He did two cortisone shots in one finger and my thumb. It worked amazingly well and I was finally out of pain. My trigger finger and thumb finally went away. Unfortunately I don't remember the timing if I was still on the AI. I had so many issues with it I was on it for 5yrs. My oncologist ,NP at the time said with all the issues I had with it, it would not be worth the small benefit to go a couple more years. I am going to say that I was probably still on the AI when the trigger finger and thumb improved. I stopped the AI at the end of July of 2019. I had heard from others on BCO about trigger finger issues on it. I hope you get some relief. I hope your ortho will be able to do some instant relief like mine did. I do have arthritis in many places and at our age that is normal. I am taking Tumeric now as I don't tolerate anti inflammatory meds or pain meds very well. I can tolerate Tumeric. However you might want to be sure there is not a bad mix with your AI and that supplement. I have a vague recollection of possibly sending back my first bottle many years ago when I may have read something like the two are not a good combo...........BUT I might be wrong. I wish you all the best. Being in pain is NOT fun.

    GB, my MO was not too helpful either when I first started my AI. When he eventually passed me off to his NP after a few years I loved her and she was much more willing to listen.

    Take care dear sisters and have a great night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited March 2022

    I was just ready to turn off my computer and I saw some BCO posts come through.

    Carol, YEAH for stable. One victory and challenge at a time. Praying for the MRI's coming.

    Chris, I am SO glad to hear that they have been able to move up your colonoscopy. I prefer my colonoscopies later in the day so I am glad you are getting that time and your daughter is off. The copay..........oh my. Another prayer for you on this front.

    Well I have to do some work outside so I have to really go this time.

    Take care everyone.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited March 2022

    Sunshine, stable scans are very good news!

    Chris, I'm so glad that your appointment has been rescheduled and your daughter is free to take you there and home.

    Wheatfields, I take exemestane and have popping thumb joints. They're not especially painful but seem "stuck" from time to time. These anti-hormonals can be such a challenge.

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2022

    Thank you all for your input on thumb joints, I'll let you know after next week what the ortho says about it. Carol, I am so happy your scans were stable and Chris that your appointment was rescheduled and your daughter is free. Continued prayers for all of you. Nancy, my friend that is a nurse takes Turneric for arthritis pain but I think I tried it once and it didn't go too well with my digestive system. But yes, I will check with the MO if that would be an option.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited March 2022

    Wheatfields, I got trigger finger also with Affinitor. It stopped when I stopped the drug but I would be interested to hear.

    Yesterday was not my best day...they rescheduled my colonoscopy back to the original date next month because they want me in the hospital when they do it. I also took a fall...I don't remember the last time I fell. I broke two ribs and have a small gash on my forehead. They checked and I don't have a concussion although it hurts a lot. I was taking some trash out to the garage and missed the bottom step and stumbled a long ways finally stopping when I hit the garage door. I got my new glasses yesterday so that may have contributed to it, but I have to get them replaced now as I broke them. I also hurt my knee and hand but the x-rays showed no broken bones other than the ribs. Thankfully the ER was about empty when we went and I was in and back home in under three hours. The CT also showed the tumor progression on my liver which I already knew about but this did not help my emotions any. I can see the x-ray on my portal and the spots look big. I haven't started my new treatment yet but I am hoping the gastereonterologist oks me to start the Verzenio ASAP.

    I appreciate your prayers. You ladies are a great support for me.

    Blessings, Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited March 2022

    Oh Chris, I am so sorry to read about your fall. I hope you are not in too much pain or discomfort. How disappointing that your colonoscopy is rescheduled, but having it done at the hospital is reassuring and reasonable. Hopefully the eye doctor can replace your glasses quickly and at no cost to you. I pray for your healing and comfort in the midst of this storm.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited March 2022

    Oh Chris, I came on here specifically to say I am praying for your colonoscopy prep only to see your post today. I am so, so sorry you fell and have now more issues to deal with. Praying for all that hurts. I do hope you can get your glasses replaced asap. We are all lifting you up. I thought you had started your new treatment but not yet it apparently. " I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me." You WILL get through this time. You are an amazing woman of God who has more strength and courage and grace than anyone I know.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited March 2022

    Chris---sorry about your fall. :-(

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2022

    Chris, like the others have said, I'm so sorry! I hope your pain is managed and that your colonoscopy goes as scheduled.

    Much love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited March 2022

    Chris, you have been on my heart. This banner is for you. I know you must be dealing with a lot of soreness from your fall. I know having to wait until next month for your colonoscopy has got to be a very hard pill to swallow. I do hope that your gastro doctor will recommend you starting your new treatment asap. I am praying for a miracle for the copay and that you will be able to find some funding. We all love you here and are lifting you up during this difficult time. A couple of years ago when I had just got my new glasses I put them on in the parking lot and I convinced myself that I could drive home in them. When I got to my small garage I ended up hitting the side of the garage and have never had the dent in the garage opening fixed yet. So new glasses do take some getting used to.

    I do hope today is a better day for you.




  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2022

    Chris I am so very sorry to read of your fall and praying for your comfort and peace and that you will soon heal. Also, that all financial details will be worked out along with a new treatment plan.

    Love, Wheatfields

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Hi dear sisters.

    I hope you are enjoying the weekend. I have been busy with having new lights installed in my bathroom (finally) and I found a company to get rid of my ongoing mice problem. This particular guy I knew from the rave reviews from the office staff and others that he was going to be good. He was at my house for two hours. Okay, you won't believe this. I had enough history with these critters to know their patterns. I could successfully keep them out of my house but they were running alongside my heating ductwork. I didn't want to upset Cammie's world which I did a few years ago by getting new furniture in my living room in retrospect. She stopped using her litter box and decided the carpet throughout my whole house was better. When the exterminator suggested removing all of Cammie's things out of her room and closing it off completely so he could put a bait trap in there I said no. So the only other option was to cut a whole in my drywall in my living room and place a couple of bait traps in that area. He was almost positive this was the source of the problem and he found a place outside which I knew they were getting in. Here is the kicker. He cut a whole only large enough to place these traps. However he will not be able to retrieve the traps because he can't get his arm through the small hole. Last night I could here the mice trying to get out of the trap. I am a animal lover and was that kid who brought home the almost dead bird and grieved over it when it didn't make it. So you can imagine how awful it was to hear this happening. They will die in the walls and I will have to deal with the odor for a few weeks. He placed traps all over the house where Cammie could not get to them. He will come back in two weeks and seal up several places of entry he found. It is quite an expensive deal but if it can permanently get rid of the problem I am happy about that.

    Take care and enjoy your Sunday. I am praying for you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Teka, LOL You're killin' me! I haven't had any sugar since the middle of Jan. Just don't tell me how delicious they are. LOL

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, I do hope the mousetraps rid your home of rodents once and for all. Yes, the "dead mouse" odor will be stinky, but if this method works it will be well worth the time, expense, and smell.

    Our neighborhood has had a population explosion of rabbits for the last couple of years. They've been quite destructive, digging and burrowing under patios, foundations and porches. This past month or so we've seen relatively few rabbits. On Friday one of the neighbors posted pictures on Nextdoor of a mountain lion in their back yard -- in other words, rabbit population control!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Thanks Hershey. The mice caught in the traps are still making quite a bit of noise again tonight. Actually I really feel like the Lord led me to this company through a discussion on Nextdoor. I had never heard of this company and I just knew that was the company I wanted to go with after spending a lot of time researching other companies and just not feeling led to go with any of them I researched. The guy I got was so good I really completely trusted his instincts as he has been doing this job for 18 yrs. He was so careful to take my concerns for Cammie and myself regarding chemicals.

    I guess a mountain lion would do the trick!!! We had a guy post a picture of a tiger that he said got loose from this local zoo. He made it look like the tiger was in someone's front yard. He posted this on April 1. Yes, it was an April fools prank but many believed it and were NOT happy. I got a chuckle out of it.

    We have many chipmunks that can do quite a bit of damage. I had one get in my utility room many years ago. When I came home from school he was asleep in one of my garden shoes. I was able to get him outside while he was half asleep. Later I found out he had eaten a hole through my dryer vent so that little critter cost me quite a bit of money.

    I'm glad you don't have to deal with the rabbits but having a mountain lion around sounds a bit scary.

    Take care.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2022

    I seem to be able to get on this thread again. I am doing well. Jean

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, critters can do so much damage to homes (even the small, cute animals!). Several years ago, we bought a very expensive composter. I would fill it with an assortment of egg shells, vegetable peelings, pea pods, and coffee grounds. The concoction was a siren song for the squirrels. They chewed a hole in the top of the composter, crawled inside, and helped themselves to a smorgasbord. We sealed the hole with steel wool and no longer put in peelings or pods of any sort.

    The pesky rabbits damaged my neighbor's SUV of all things!! He parks the vehicle outside, and the rabbits started jumping into the undercarriage and chewing on the wiring. The vehicle had to be towed to the mechanic for new electrical components. That was a very expensive repair job. :-(

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I am glad you are doing well. I am glad that you can get on here to post.

    Hershey, yes I know what you are saying. I'm sorry to hear that squirrels damaged your compost. I knew mice could ruin a car but I have never heard of rabbits doing that too. Wow. I used to have pet rabbits (only one at a time) and I know I would have to be very careful when I would let it out to run around. The wires were something I had to be very careful to monitor.

    I'll be glad when this 2 wks period is over so that the exterminator can come back remove the bait boxes except the ones that he put up in the hole in my living room and close off the four points of entry that he found around my foundation of my house. Then I will prepare for the odor which inevitably is going to happen. He did not use the kind of bait where the mice take are able to eat small pieces leave the house and then hopefully die outside. Because of my cat he didn't want to chance a poisoned mouse coming back in the house and then Cammie getting near it.

    I would appreciate your prayers for me. For the next 8 wks I am having pelvic floor therapy because my hysterectomy caused bladder problems which only got worse instead of better. This is a difficult type of therapy without getting into all the details. I could definitely use some prayer. I start on Wed. and my therapist I was able to choose as I have had her for lymphedema and shoulder therapy and I feel comfortable with her.

    I continue to pray for all of you.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, I was in pelvic floor therapy for almost a year before my recurrence (and then I stopped going because I had other things to deal with). My first visit was just talking and learning a few relaxing stretches, and how to breathe deeply, which apparently doesn't come naturally!!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, I'm praying that your therapy will go well and will help "fix" the stuff going on with you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    GB, I hope your almost year of therapy helped your problem. I suspect we have different issues but when I first heard about this therapy it was all new to me and you are the first person I know who has had it. My therapist did tell me that the first session we would be talking and no exam.

    Carol, thanks for your prayers. When I scheduled these PT sessions a month ago the scheduler had just been through this type of therapy and she made it sound pretty horrific. She scared me to death. When I got to talk to my therapist I told her about the scheduler and she just said she certainly didn't do you any favors. I do think this person was really trying to give me a head's up so I would know what to expect. I have been preparing for this for the last month. I'll be glad to know just what happens because the dread of it all has been building for way too long.

    I am going to a special prayer service tonight so I need to sign off for now and eat and run.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, it actually didn't help me much, but I don't think it was their fault. If I hadn't had such severe tamoxifen side effects it may have been more effective. I'm part of a FB group where lots of ladies see a PT and find it helpful.

  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited April 2022

    Hi ladies,

    Praying for each of you and Nancy for your therapy as well! I went to the ortho doctor about the pain in my thumb joints, he x rayed both hands and said it that there are two problems. One is both hands show arthritis, the right thumb joint is bone on bone, which a cortisone shot would help. And the left thumb isn't quite to bone on bone but the locking of that is caused by a nodule that can be easily remedied by a 5 minute surgery. The surgery is like a colonoscopy which you are out and while there they could give a cortisone injection in each thumb joint to relieve pain. He also offered the injections yesterday, but I have a phobia about needles and am extremely anxious in medicals settings so I said I would think about it. The doctor did seem very patient, kind and compassionate taking time to answer each of my questions. So I'm thinking maybe this isn't just an "arimidex" problem but could be solved "easily" with that simple surgery. Of course I know that cortisone injections only last so long. (GB I am with you in overthinking) 😊.

    Love, Wheatfields

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Wheatfields, I am glad to hear your thumb problems are solvable. I will pray for less anxiety and a painless procedure.

    Jean, so good to hear from you as always, and that you are doing well.

    Nancy, I will pray for your PT sessions and that they are successful.

    Thank you for all your prayers. My diarrhea has subsided for now and I feel a lot better. The pain from my cracked ribs is still there but I can handle it now with Tylenol. God is truly supplying all my needs with abundant and overflowing blessings on top. May you each have a wonderful and peaceful day. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Hi dear sisters,

    I know some of you have been going through some really deep waters. This is a song I hear almost every day on my Christian radio station. I have the video below. It is worth a listen.

    It is a good message for all of us. We are not supposed to go through this journey of life alone.

    GB, I'm sorry that you didn't get the results you were probably hoping for with your PFT. I am glad to hear others you know of have had good results. I can't remember if you have ever said anything about flower gardening but I take a magazine called Birds and Blooms which you might enjoy.

    Wheatfields, I used to have a fear of needles and I understand how real that is. After having allergy shots for over 30 yrs I got used to it but I was nervous about the cortisone shots none the less. As in many things our fear is usually worse that the actual thing we are fearing. It does sound like the easy 5 min surgery is where you feel comfortable. I have had cortisone shots in my foot, my knee and my thumb and finger. The ones in the thumb and finger lasted a long time. In fact I am not even sure I had to go back for a second series. I too have arthritis but they never said bone on bone that I recall. I will pray that you can have peace with what ever decision you make and that it will give you much needed relief. Thank you for your prayers for my PT. I hope your nurse friend that has accompanied you to some other doctor visits might be available to go with you when and if you decide on that surgery.

    Chris, continued prayers for your pain. Praying for your upcoming tests and praying for a good outcome with your new treatment. Thank you for your prayers for my PT as well.

    Carol, when are you having your MRIs? Can you send some sun and warm weather our way please.Smile

    I am still dealing with an inflamed colon but it is getting better. Usually these type of things can take quite a while to calm down. My 1st PT went well today and she crammed in a lot of information in an hour. I have spent quite a bit of time with this therapist in the past and I feel very comfortable with her. I have some homework to do. She told me today she grew up in Naperville and went to the elementary school I taught at for many years. Small world. Our next session is the one I have been dreading but hopefully it will not be as bad as I am imagining. Thank you all for your prayers. You know you all have mine.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, I just got the appointment scheduled for the MRI. It will be on the 22nd of this month at 1:30.

    The music video brought tears to my eyes. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Carol, will you have another MRI after than one? I think you mentioned your foot and maybe your hip as areas of concern. We will be praying for you. Just give us a reminder since Easter is in there too. I'm glad you got to listen to the music video. It is very powerful seeing the video part besides the music and lyrics.

    Take care.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2022

    Haven't looked at Birds and Bloom! We are plant killers though. The weeds do well in the yard, however!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Okay GB. This one is for you!!!!Loopy


  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2022

    YES! Haha that's perfect. We just killed a Venus flytrap...I guess winter wasn't a great time to get one, with few bugs in the house. Aldi made that purchase so tempting, should have known better.