thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    GB LOL I thought you would get a laugh out of that one.

    Michael W. Smith is one of the greatest producers of Christian worship music in my life time in my opinion. I recorded his live concert of his revamped Worship album from many years ago recorded with a full orchestra and I have been listening to it tonight. I think I recorded it when I was recovering from my hysterectomy. It came out in 2021. I just sent this new CD called Worship Forever to my sister. They have it in MP3 format as well. I wish they it in DVD format but as long as I can still view it on my TV in my saved recordings I won't need one. I would highly recommend it. Here is a preview of the album. I ordered from Amazon.

    Let's keep Chris in your prayers as she had a Pet scan today and will be having her colonoscopy on Good Friday. She needs our prayers.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2022

    Michael W. Smith! I saw him many years ago during his Live the Life tour. That was a great concert.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    GB. I can't believe this. Today I heard on the radio in the car that Michal W. Smith is giving a concert in the area in a couple of weeks. I may try to get tickets. I bet you had a great time of worship when you got to see him. I can't believe how young he still looks.

    My West Side Story concert was so great. I loved every minute of it. It is one of my favorite musicals. The director at the end said that it was interesting in that Leonard Bernstein's parents were from the Ukraine. He pondered if Bernstein had an premonition of what was to come especially with There's A Place For Us. or at least I think that was his song he mentioned. He had a mask on and was a little hard to hear everything he said. We had good seats but were in the last row.

    I wanted to make a correction. Chris is having her colonoscopy on Thursday so let's remember her in prayer especially for Wed. She is already following a light diet as prescribed and will have her procedure in the hospital. Let's pray that she will be able to start her new meds asap.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, it definitely was a good time of worship. That was back in 99 or maybe early 00....I was a senior in college and it was not long after Columbine...hence Smith's song This is Your Time which was included in the concert. They did a bit of storytelling around that song...which was rough, to be honest.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    The Michael W. Smith concert was already sold out by the time I alerted a friend about it. Sad

    I know this is a winter scene but one of my dear friends wanted a print of this photo I took and it really spoke to her.

    Hopefully it will speak to others here as well.

    Chris this is for you as you go through your colonoscopy prep today. I've been praying for you all morning.




  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Praying for you, Chris.

    Nancy, my scans have been pushed back to May 5th so that they can do them both on the same day. I'm super thankful not to have to go twice - once for my hip and then again for my femur. They're connected, right? At least that's how I remember from my basic anatomy courses.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Carol, remind us when this is approaching. So are you having two separate MRI's? The femur is the only bone in the thigh but it runs from the hip clear down to the knee so perhaps they do need to do separate ones.

    I had my pelvic floor therapy today which was going to be the exam that I have been dreading and fearful of for the past five weeks. It was very doable and and I did fine. I am doing biofeedback for it which I also started today. Again, not bad and very doable but very challenging. I came home and celebrated with my first decaf cup of coffee since before the mid of January because of my detox. I was supposed to avoid caffeine so I nixed all coffee since Jan. 17.

    Today we are experiencing two rounds of possible severe weather. I asked my therapist what we do in case of a tornado. I said it would be my luck to be right in the middle of this exam and get a tornado siren!!!!! Thankfully that didn't happen. The building is full of glass almost everywhere.

    Chris, I am continuing to pray for you during this day of prep before your colonoscopy. Most of us know how challenging that is and praying you will get through this with flying colors.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Chris, I am praying that you will very soon be home and resting. Praying for a good report.

    During the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 I took up growing orchids for a hobby. I watched a ton of YouTube videos so I would know what I was doing. This is my first bloom of the season and my very first bloom of one of my repots ever. This same flower the day before my hysterectomy when everything that could go wrong did I accidently knocked this flower on the floor and wet bark went all over my freshly mopped floor. I just basically threw the plant and the bark back into the pot as fast as I could and it started to thrive. Go figure. The colored lights are my grow lights. I had seven plants and realized that the only effective natural light that they would grow in is on my kitchen counter. I only have three now because that is all the space I have as they can get very large. It has been a challenge but a lot of fun when it works.

    Last year my first rebloom came on Good Friday and the second one on Easter. I felt like that was a gift from God. That plant won't bloom for a few months.

    As we approach this Easter I pray that the Lord will give you a fresh sense of His presence in your life.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, your orchid is lovely. I was given an orchid many years ago. I was told that orchids are tree parasites and "so easy to grow" (their words, not mine). The plant bloomed one time and then transformed into bushy, verdant foliage. Silly orchid. :-)

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, beautiful orchid.

    I am home from my colonoscopy. The surgeon said everything looked normal and he saw no cancer but he did send something in for a pathology report just to be overzealous. Thank you for your prayers. Last night was rough and I am tired but otherwise fine.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Chris, so glad to hear from you. Those preps are awful when you are feeling fine so when you aren't that's why I was praying hard for you. Take a very long nap and get rested. I am glad they didn't see anything alarming so that is good and if he said he didn't see any cancer then I hope he is right. They don't usually say that unless they are pretty certain. I hope you can start on your new drug asap now that this is over.

    Hershey and Chris thank you. It is funny how it is usually only the expert orchid growers that say how easy they are to grow. The people I have mentioned about growing orchids usually roll their eyes and say I have had no luck or they could never get theirs to rebloom. I will say that IF you find all the right conditions and locations in your house to allow them to thrive and you water just the right amount and not too much or too little and you are faithful at fertilizing weekly THEN you might have some success. I had to kill off a few before I figured out a lot of this. I will never say they are easy to grow at least in my house with not enough good light.

    My old gastroenterologist's office had glass above it. They had these beautiful orchids growing so they had the perfect location.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Hi dear sisters.

    This day after Good Friday for the followers of Jesus in His day were probably fearful that their fate may end up on a cross as well. I imagine they were despondent and blind sighted by the events of the prior days. Certainly confusion and disappointment would be in their conversations with each other. We as present day Christians know the end of the story. We know that the end for Jesus was actually the beginning for all believers and had been planned all along. As we go through our own personal trials the Saturdays and the in between periods can seem confusing and disappointing when we don't know the outcome. The outward signs do not tell the whole story. God is always behind the scenes working for our good. He has a plan if we will give up our own plans and accept His plan for our lives we don't have to live in confusion and despondency. It all boils down to TRUST. We know how our story ends and that should be a reason for much celebration. As we go into Easter Sunday tomorrow let our hearts be filled with the wonder of what God has done for us through His son Jesus. The ultimate sacrifice poured out for us is a sign of how much God loves each one of us. His only Son had to suffer greatly because of us as He bore our sins and took our place on that cross. How can we comprehend how vast God's love is for us by that sacrifice. We are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Our sins are forgiven because He already paid the price for us. How do we absorb this?

    Happy Easter to everyone.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Jesus is ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Easter to all.




  • sun-shine
    sun-shine Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2022

    Happy Easter to everybody!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Welcome, Sun-shine. We have another Sunshine on this thread. I saw your picture you posted on Share a Photo. That is a beautiful pic. Happy Easter to you as well. Feel free to post anytime.



  • sun-shine
    sun-shine Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2022

    Hi Nancy,


    Yesterday I saw the pictures you posted here and loved them, which inspired me to post a picture on the Share a Photo thread.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Hi sun-shine,

    I post some of my own photos but I will always say which ones are mine. Most are from the web. I am a nature photographer enthusiast and I love photographing flowers as well. Please post any pictures that you like. I post some on the Share a Photo thread but have not in a long time. More of my photos are on the Picture This thread which has stalled now.

    I hope you had a good Easter.



  • sun-shine
    sun-shine Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2022

    Thanks Nancy, I am also a nature photography enthusiast. Sometimes I call myself a crazy amateur photographer.

    Have a nice day!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Hi sun-shine. It sounds like we have some things in common. I would love to see some of your pics. If our spring weather would ever warm up then I hope to be outside with my camera every chance I can get.

    Faith, is still having multiple heath challenges. She said she has tried to get on BCO but gave up. She still gets email notifications and can keep up that way. She wanted me to tell you all hello and that she is praying for you. She fell before Christmas and has been having back pain ever since. She is having shortness of breath and has been walking on her treadmill which hopefully will help her anxiety and depression which she did say is slowly getting better and also help her heart issues that are causing the shortness of breath from my understanding. Please pray for her as she has so many things to deal with which can be overwhelming.

    My exterminator for mice came again yesterday to check the bait boxes and to plug up the entry points which could have been the issue. I was totally wrong about how the bait boxes worked. When I mentioned I heard them in the wall where he had to cut through drywall to put these boxes they were actually having a big feast when they were moving those bait traps all over the ceiling. He was able to retrieve one of the boxes in the wall and the bait was completely gone. Apparently they go back to their nest and then die. Most of the bait boxes had no activity at all and only one under my kitchen sink had a small nibble. So I didn't have an infestation but left untreated it could have turned into that. So I am relieved and happy that hopefully this will be the final chapter of the mice saga in my house.

    Have a good day dear sisters. We are having pretty crazy weather for April. There was some snow yesterday and this weekend it is to hit 80 for the first time this year. Some of my perennials are not even coming up yet it has been so cold. I do have daffodils in bloom now.

    Chris, how did things go with your new oncologist? Have you started your new treatment yet? I am praying you will be able to start really soon.

    Take care and have a good night.



    All we have to do is ask.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2022

    I. have developed Lymphedema in my left arm.. Please pray for me to see a doctor for a scriptvand begin therapy..Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I am praying for you that God will help you get the right care.

    Faith, I am praying you get well and your back pain goes away and you can recover.

    Nancy, glad you are getting your mice situation under control. Sounds like it is working. The oncology PA I saw today spent 45 minutes with me and was very thorough. She determined I could start my new medicine, Verzenio, so I started it this morning. Pray it doesn't give me debilitating diarrhea like it has a habit of doing for others. I saw a new PCP this morning and liked her also. I am thankful God sent me good doctors. Tomorrow I get my Faslodex shots then I shouldn't have another doctor appointment for a month. I think that is a record for me!

    The previous owners who are still living in our new house will be moving out a week sooner. That is a small answer to prayer but we can't reschedule the move-in company or the cleaners. Still, I can get in and look around more, take some measurements, and make some decisions. Things are gradually improving.

    Take care dear sisters. Chris

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Oh, I forgot to mention the pathology report on my colonoscopy came back negative. I do have some new cancer progression in new areas but hopefully the new medicine will knock those out once I can start. God is good!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I'm sorry to hear about your LE. I am praying that you will be able to get in with a good therapist and help you with some exercises that should help.

    Chris, I am glad you like your doctors. That is huge. I am praying that Verzenio will not give you awful side effects. I am so glad you have started it now. Hopefully you have received your shot today and I am praying God will give you a long respite from all of these challenges you have had for so long. Glad to hear that the path report from your colonoscopy was negative. It must be exciting to be able to get in your home earlier than you expected. I know you can't move in without the movers in place but just getting inside and being able to plan where things will go will be a nice way to help you organize before the movers come. I remember when I took possession of my first house (my house now). I had no furniture or anything moved yet and I just sat down on the floor pinching myself that this was really my own house. That excitement was so fun and didn't wear off for a long, long time. I know this is not your first house but I hope you have that same excitement that I did almost 31 years ago. I am praying even now for your 50th wedding anniversary celebration and that it will be everything you have dreamed and hoped for.

    My PT is going very well. I am doing biofeedback which I won't go into the details as it is definitely TMI for me to share but I will just say that I can actually see the progress on the computer and for such a short time into this I am very happy.

    Take care dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, it always makes me happy to see your name under the "New" posts! I'm glad the PT is going well and that you can see the progress on the computer.

    We've been having concrete work done at our house - retaining wall in the front, driveway, side yard, part of the back yard and the front steps leading up to our porch. It's a big mess but will be worth it. So far, it's been demolition and putting forms out for the driveway and "steppers" next to the driveway and back yard. The front steps will be the last thing, since they didn't want to have the driveway and front steps demolished at the same time.

    Our neighbors have been super accommodating with the noise and lack of parking. Our next-door neighbor has been coming over and working upstairs in our attic so that she can have some peace and quiet. Hopefully the concrete will get poured on Monday. We need to block off about 60 feet of space in front of our house and the neighbor's house to make room for the big concrete trucks.

    My husband has wanted to do this for a long time. It wasn't a big deal for me, but this is making him really happy. He's out there every day, measuring, adjusting and talking to the crew. They've been really good to work with and don't mind making adjustments when they need to be made.

    I hope everyone is having a good week.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Hi Carol, I am glad my posts make you happy. I feel like I am long winded (if that even applies when typing. Ha ha) at times or probably all the time so I am glad you like them.

    Your outside project sounds huge. I bet you will be so happy when you see the new concrete in place. I am glad your neighbors are being nice about all of it.

    I have spent hours on a simple porch railing. Not me building it but finding someone to do it and then waiting on my contractor to give me the plans that I have to submit to my HOA board. When it is finished I will have to tell you the funny story about all of this. Years ago things with my HOA were much simpler and now it is quite a deal. I am also looking into buying new windows. One of our neighbors purchased new replacement windows and they won't be installed until July because of the supply chain delays. I have blood shot eyes from watching many, many You Tube videos on window replacement. It is quite the learning curve for me as I have never had to do this before. I was gearing up for all tilt windows so I could clean them myself without a ladder and then I brought it up at a HOA meeting last night asking about the requirements and the president said we would like double hung windows to be replaced by the same and side by side windows the same. UGH More complications.

    Have any of you heard of tilt turn widows or perhaps do any of you have them? That could be a solution possibly but I have a suspicion that they are more expensive than encasement windows which may be out of the question since I have several side by side windows. I bought a little giant ladder many years ago thinking I could wash my own windows on the second floor with that. Well the ladder unlike all of their TV ads portrayed was way too heavy for me to even lift out of my garage let alone try to maneuver up to my second floor.

    The joys of being a homeowner!!!!!! Actually I love it but sometimes not so much.

    I am having extensive blood work done tomorrow and will be able to see if my detox program is having a positive affect. Actually I had some blood work done last month and I was very pleased at the results then.

    My second orchid bloomed on Easter Sunday. That happened last year as well. A small gift from God which thrills me. The color cast is from my grow light.

    Have a great night everyone.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, I love your orchids. They are beautiful. I had my windows replaced in January, and yes, it took six months because of supply demands. But I loved the windows. Unfortunately, we moved two months later so I was unable to enjoy them for long. I ordered them long before we knew we were going to move. It was quite an ordeal. We lived on the fourth floor and that presented its own challenges even though the installers insured us it would be fine. The first day they arrived they forgot to bring an extra long ladder...but they were able to install the other windows. The whole time I prayed no one fell!

    I started my new medicine, Verzenio. So far the only side effects are extra fatigue and muscle weakness. I can live with that if that is all that happens, but I know eventually there will be more.

    Carol, concrete work can be a huge deal and I am glad your neighbors are accommodating. I am sure you will all be glad when the work is done.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, I love your orchid. My DH is really good at managing our plants. We keep receiving plants (orchids and such) and they're taking up a lot of room on our kitchen table. He gave one of the orchids to our housekeeper on Wednesday. She was thrilled and we were happy to share our bounty with her.

    I've seen the tilt-out windows. They look great for cleaning. Yes, HOAs can be a pain sometimes.

    The concrete pour has been pushed back from Monday to Tuesday. They're busy getting the rebar into the forms.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Thanks Carol. Did you have a special occasion since you have been showered with plants and orchids or was this since your recurrence? People can be so encouraging and supportive.

    I wanted the tilt windows but we'll see how flexible the HOA board is on this. When I brought this subject up one of the board members said I have those windows. She told me previously that she got them 12 years ago which the same rules would have been in effect so we'll see. I may press the president on this issue. I can see others who have those as well.

    I'm glad that your DH is taking care of your plants for you. I hope you will enjoy your new concrete areas when it is all finished.

    We went from winter to summer in just a matter of a few days. My car said 82 on the way home from the Arboretum where I took this pic. We have had so much rain I had mud on my shoes and my jeans. There was mud on the trails and off. It was still fun to get out with my camera which I haven't got to do for a while. The daffodils were breathtaking today.

    I watched several parents positioning their children among the daffodils and getting some pretty amazing portraits I suspect. It made me smile. One little boy was sitting down among the flowers and it was the cutest thing.

    I hope you all are enjoying the weekend.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, wow! Such beautiful daffodils ... they always make me smile.

    Teka, so sorry you're having knee pain but glad that your doctor is being proactive with a referral to a specialist.

    Carol, I hope the concrete project goes off without a hitch this week.

    My husband and I have many spring cleanup projects just waiting for us. Several trees are either dead or dying and need to come down. The window wells are full of leaves that blew in over the winter. I'm hoping we can tackle the window wells this week if the weather holds.

    Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday.