thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Teka, I will be praying for your knee pain and potential surgery.

    Nancy, beautiful daffodils. What an amazing experience. Reminds me of our trip to Amsterdam and the tulips at Keukenhof.

    I have had a rough couple of days but am up and ambulatory today. God is good.

    Blessings on this Sabbath.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Teka, I'm glad you had your Easter with your family early this year. I'm sure sorry to hear about your terrible knee pain. I hope the meds you are on are helping until you get to see the specialist in June. Sounds like you may be having a knee surgery in the future. If so I sure hope that it will resolve your pain. So no outdoor spring clean up for you this year. I pray for you always but now will be more specific.

    I wasn't aware of the earthy scent of the daffodils but was very aware of the mud everywhere. I usually get down on my knees to shoot this type of scene and I tried to get some leaves under my knee but I only ended up with a wet knee. When I got home my shoes were covered in mud and I had mud spattered all over the bottom of my jeans. We have had a ton of rain and again another rainy day today.

    Hershey, spring clean up is more fun that fall clean up I think but it is still work!!!. At least this time of year we have pretty flowers and warm weather to look forward to. Our landscapers do some of that but I have a bunch of sticks to pick up and cut up as we have had some really windy days.

    Chris, I'm sorry to hear about your rough days. Is this the side effects showing up now do you think? I'm glad you better today. More prayers for you!!!

    Thanks for all of your nice comments on my photo. It was so good to have a warm day outside with my camera. It has been a long time it seems but I am looking forward to the butterfly house opening up in May. That is my happy place in the summers. The Virginia Bluebells will probably be my next photos to post. They are barely out this year as it has been so cold this spring but should be very soon.

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2022

    Developed Lymphedema in my left arm after 7 yrs! Seeing a Lymphedema doctor at Sloan Kettering on Wednesday. Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I will be praying for you. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Jean, did you receive any LE preventive information when you were going through treatments? My nurse navigator wanted me to go through LE preventive therapy while I was going through my treatments. I was fortunate enough to have this option but I know so many don't even realize this is a threat once you have had any lymph nodes removed. When I went to get fitted for my first sleeve and glove there was a lady waiting to go into this place of business and she told me after 25yrs of going through cancer she developed Lymphedema.

    For all of you reading this it is important that you educate yourself on this issue if you have not had any preventive information. I have to admit I started to become a bit lax using my sleeve and glove. I always try to use them when doing anything strenuous. I did have a scare a few years ago and went through therapy again as it appeared that I had it. After I concluded the LE sessions my therapist was never able to 100% say that I had it. After hearing your story I will be more diligent in wearing my sleeve when doing gardening etc.

    I do pray that you have caught this early and that you will learn the exercises which should help. There used to be quite a bit of info on BCO but I am not sure how easy it is now to navigate all of that with their current issues.

    I did find that once I knew my measurements it was cheaper for me to buy the compression garments online than buying at this shop that I went to initially. My insurance at that time was not very helpful so it was cheaper for me to pay the whole amount online. I can't remember the online site but it had the name Divas in it. I liked their colorful designs but that may be everyone's cup of tea.

    I am praying for you and I am very sorry you are going through this now.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Wow, Nancy, that's good info on the LE. I had no idea it could happen so long after surgery. I only had 3 lymph nodes removed during my mastectomy in 2007, but I'm still careful about blood draws, BPs, etc., on that side.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Carol, I'm glad you found the info useful. I just wanted to let anyone know about these things who might not have had any preventive education while going though their BC journey.

    Teka, it's always so much fun to see our flowers blooming in the spring. Waiting on those first daffodils feels like a kid waiting for Christmas day to open their presents. We call the blue flowers Scilla but I just looked it up and it is the same thing as your flowers just an abbreviated name. They are so pretty and delicate. I love getting down on my hands and knees trying to get an up close pic of them. I hope your spring flowers will be a joy to you as you wait for your ortho doctor apt in June. I hope your pain is manageable.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2022

    I knew about preventive measures for Lymphedema after axillary dissection and have been very careful for the last 7 yrs. Still I got Lymphedema after tripping and hitting my shoulder against a wall. I am seeing a doctor on the Lymphedema team at Sloan Kettering tomorrow.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I will be praying for your doctor visit tomorrow and that your lymphedema will be slight and heal quickly

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I hope that since your LE came on suddenly that it will be easier to manage. I imagine your doctor will order some LE PT for you. I will be praying that you can get the best treatment available and that it will be very helpful.

    Chris, how are you feeling? When do you officially get moved into your new house?

    Have a great day everyone.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Nancy, we have begun to move things into the new house today. These are random things that are especially fragile (like my cello) from storage so the movers can get the rest of the stuff all in one load. Thank you for asking. My husband says he has met more neighbors in his two trips today than we met the whole three and one-half years we lived in Tennessee. That was the last time we lived in a house in a neighborhood (eight years ago).

    I have been struggling a bit. We don't know why but I am working on trying to find a system that my body likes what with new meds, iron pills, etc. I know some of it is because I am not eating the way I like. My SIL does all the dinner cooking as I have not had the energy to do it. She does well but it is not as strict as I like and I don't feel as free to fill up her fridge with my preferences. I am in no position to complain or take over although she would gladly accept the input. I expect to get things back to normal next week when I have more control. I have tried but I just don't feel well enough to do much.

    Thanks for caring. I have a month to get things in order.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Chris, I would be doing the same as you. That is such a difficult situation but soon you will be in your house and hopefully will feel like fixing the foods the way your body needs. My GI tract is still in a mess and I have a stomach ache it seems almost every day but I am not dealing with all the things that you are but can appreciate how awful that is. More prayers for you and I will be more specific after hearing this. So you played the Cello. Do you still play? That is such a beautiful instrument. I was always amazed at my clarinet professor in college. He was a very accomplished clarinetist and he also played the cello. He played in two different orchestras with his two instruments. I know the cello is not an easy instrument to play.

    That sounds encouraging the fact that your husband has met some neighbors. That would be great to have friendly and supportive neighbors near by.

    I feel bad for you knowing you are struggling. I am praying that your body will adjust to all of these changes and hope you will be able to cook the things you know your body needs very soon. Praying all things will fit into place in this next month getting ready for your big day!!!!!



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Chris, I'm praying for peace for you. Moving is HARD, although I haven't done it since 1998.

    Nancy, I'm sorry you're still dealing with "GI" issues. I had the teeniest bit of stomach cramping yesterday. No idea why. But it kind of puts fear into you. What if I try to go out and something happens? Sometimes you're afraid to even move for fear of making it worse. I hope it gets resolved SOON.

    Much love to all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Carol, several of us here have had a 24-hour stomach pain. It comes and goes away quickly. Hoping that is all you have here. I have had stomach issues for a while now and I totally understand the fear. I have also figured out my new medicine makes me nauseus. I am hoping my body adjusts to it quickly although the Zofran helps usually within 30 minutes. That complicates the moving for me too. My DH is at the new house all day today with the carpet cleaners. Then he will go back and spend all day Saturday with the cleaners. I don't know what I would do without him. I plan on sitting at the house Monday when the movers arrive and my DH will handle the storage unit part of it all. My daughter will be with me helping to direct the furniture and box placement. I could not do this alone anymore although I handled the last two moves all by myself. Those days are gone...

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2022

    I saw the Lymphedema doctor at Sloan Kettering yesterday . She wants me to get a scan to rule out cancer. I had a doppler of the arm that was negative for blood clot. Scan is scheduled for Tuesday in NYC...a 3 hour drive each way with traffic. Planning to take a train down to avoid all the driving in traffic. Hopefully after the scan I can start my Lymphedema treatment. Then subway or a cab to the breast center. Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,453
    edited April 2022

    Jean, you are in my prayers today for peace in your soul, and I put Tuesday on my calendar to pray for your long day of tests. May the news be good and your day go smoothly. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited April 2022

    Carol, I hope your GI issues resolve quickly. If I am remembering correctly your MRI is on May 5 on Thursday. Praying that all goes well.

    Chris, I am praying that God will give you much help in this move and that it will miraculously fall into place getting ready for your guests to come in for your 50th wedding anniversary. I am praying that your body will adjust to your new meds and that you will feel much better.

    Jean, I am praying for your long day on Tues. in NYC for your scans and hopefully starting some treatment for your LE. I am glad you don't have to drive. Praying for strength in a very long day.

    Wheatfields, how are your thumbs doing? Did you ever decide to have the quick surgery and then the cortisone injections?

    Shannon, how are you doing? Are you still having radiation treatments? How is your Mom?

    GB, how are you doing? With the Avian Bird Flu our state has recommended that we take down all birdfeeders and birdbaths. I have not done that yet as it has been unclear hearing two different and opposing thoughts on that. My sister is certified as Master Naturalist and is trying to encourage me to take the feeders down so I am going to do that. She says you can still feed the hummingbirds so I will do that but not yet as it is a little early for that here.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 194
    edited April 2022

    Jean, I'm praying for you a real peace about your appointment on Tuesday and very good results. And the traffic, subway and train, out here on the prairie we don't know too much about the pressure of lots of traffic. Chris, praying that all goes well with your move and that you'll be feeling fine with the new meds. And Carol, praying that all goes well with tests and GI issues. And Nancy, I am praying that your digestive issues clear fast and you will soon know which foods can be tolerated. I did call this last week for an appointment for the thumb surgery and injections in the thumbs. It is tentatively set for May 25, with a pre op on the 16th. I didn't realize there would be a pre op, and I began to think right away they'll probably want to draw blood. You dear ladies are probably wondering how I made it this far through a lumpectomy, if the thought of drawing blood scares me. It was only the Lord who brought me through! My best friend who is a retired nurse will go with me as she does wherever I can't hear well. Nancy, it makes me smile too when I see you have posted 😊. May the Lord richly bless you all!

    Love, Wheatfields

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2022

    Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and prayers. My stomach is feeling a bit better. DH has been fighting a bug - sore throat and fatigue. He's been wearing a mask around the house and is sleeping in the other room. He still holds my hand on our evening walks, though :). He did take a rapid COVID test last night, and it was negative, but he's still keeping his distance from me.

    My MIR is, indeed, on Thursday. Cinco de Mayo. I wonder if I should bring guacamole???

    Nancy, I hope you continue to improve, Chris that your move continues to move smoothly, and Wheatfields that your blood draw is as painless as possible.

    Love to all,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited May 2022

    I had an bad day on Saturday: I passed a kidney stone. Urgent Care made a house call and administered IV fluids, an anti inflammatory, and anti nausea medication. The phlebotomist ran bloodwork and a urinalysis, and the physician's assistant told me to catch and keep the stone for lab analysis. It is a tiny one, maybe 1mm, and looks like a head of cauliflower. I expect to receive a call from my PCP's office sometime this week for follow up.

    Wheatfields, I am so happy that your nurse friend accompanies you to your appointments. Carol, I hope your stomach issues resolve quickly. Nancy, I've been thinking about you and the bird feeders. This avian flu is really something. Chris, I hope the move continues to be smooth sailing for you and your family.

    Blessings on your day.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2022

    hersheykiss, I'm SO sorry. I've never had a kidney stone. That sounds awful. I'm glad you were able to get an Urgent Care house call and didn't have to leave your house to sit in a waiting room!

    I'm feeling better. DH is feeling better but is still sleeping in the other room and wearing a mask around me.

    It's blog update day for me, so I'm tweaking the post a bit before I hit "Publish." There is so much angst with publishing each update. I just want my words to touch the hearts of those who read it. I've titled this post "By the Grace of God." In this update, I reference a post made by someone on this forum (in another thread.) The topic is about "What to Say" and "What Not to Say."

    When I think about the "Who" and the "Why" of my blog, I think mostly of my neighbors, whom we love dearly. Most are not "Christian," but my husband and I say that they live more like Christians, than some self-professed Christians we know. They don't understand how we can be so "positive" in our situation. They know we are Christians and have even been told, "But you're so nice!" That's scary. Does that mean Christians aren't nice? Wow.

    I'll stop rambling here and get to my blog.

    Peace and blessings are my prayer for each of us today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Wheatfields, we'll be praying for your surgery and the pre op. Probably most people don't understand your fear of needles unless they have experienced that themselves. I was like that when I was younger and I do sympathize with you. Try not to look too far ahead. I have prayed that your nurse friend would be able to go with you so I am glad to hear that she is. When you mentioned living on the prairie I couldn't help but think of my Mom and her favorite show was Little House on the Prairie. We have so much traffic here that I would love living on the prairie for a respite from that. I just had an accident happen right in front of my house yesterday. Two cars were towed away. Apparently I slept through the initial crash and I didn't know what was going on until I saw a tow truck in front of my house getting ready to tow one car. I don't think anyone was hurt thankfully.

    Carol, I am glad you are feeling better and glad your DH doesn't have Covid. That is sweet that you and your DH hold hands while walking. I say yes on the guacamole.HappyWhich reminds me of the time I put some jalapenos down a chipmunk hole which was supposed to be a repellent. I swear I saw them dancing to the Mexican Hat Dance while laughing at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! I will have to check out your blog today. I just got home from church a bit ago.

    Hershey, I am really sorry to hear of your kidney stone. I have never had one but I know how awful they can be. I didn't realize urgent care made house calls but I am thankful for your sake that they did. Is this a first time or have you been through this before? By analyzing it hopefully that will give your medical team a hint of what might be causing it. I hope you are feeling better today.

    I am slowly getting better. I have IBS so when some event causes a flare up it can take me a very long time to improve but I do see it. Thanks for your prayers. We had enough rain yesterday on top of all the rain we already had that now my plans of letting my bird bath evaporate and cover it won't happen yet. I was letting my feeders go empty and then taking them down. I really hate it as the birds will wonder what happened. I haven't taken them down yet. I do have neighbors in the near vicinity that have chickens so I know I need to do this asap.

    Have a good day dear sisters. I am praying for ALL of you. I do appreciate your kinds words and encouragement.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2022

    Nancy, I saw the reports on avian flu. I thought it said that songbird feeders were still ok. That might be based on geography though, need to check.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2022

    My son offered to drive me down to Sloan Kettering on Tuesday. We will have to leave by 6:30 as the appointment is at 9:30 for the cat scan to hopefully eliminate cancer so I can start Lymphedema treatment soon. I appreciate all your prayers. Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    GB, yes that is true however our State out of an abundance of precaution wants everyone to take down their birdfeeders and birdbaths. I don't know if I mentioned this on this thread but my sister has her certification as a Master Naturalist. She was really encouraging me to take them down as I was sitting on the fence about this issue. The place I buy my birdseed sent out an email to their customers saying that the risk of songbirds being affected was low and they did not agree with taking them down. The articles I have read that are National said that if your state is recommending you take them down you should abide by that. So once I can get into my backyard after all the rain I will take them down. My birdbath is a little trickier and a pain to take off but I transition into a fountain on the same base but can't use that either. I am disappointed for sure and I feel like I am letting the birds down no matter what I do.

    Jean, I am glad your son is going to drive you. That will be a very early day for you and we'll be praying for you for strength as you go through these tests. Praying for nothing serious so you can get started on your LE treatments.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2022

    I agree with following the state advice...I found where I had read about this. In my state there was one case of it (not anywhere near me), in some backyard chickens in Feb. They are keeping an eye but not recommending taking down feeders at present. Hopefully it won't come to that, but if they tell us to do that I definitely will to protect my feathered friends!!!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 723
    edited May 2022

    Nancy, I have never had a kidney stone. I first thought it was just a bad muscle spasm in my mid back. Dispatch Health is the urgent care service that makes house calls. They are nationwide and accept Medicare, Anthem, Cigna, United, etc. They do what a regular brick-and-mortar urgent care clinic does, and they even have an x-ray machine! I highly recommend them.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Hershey, thanks for the info. That must have been a scary and painful time for you. There is nothing worse than having to go to the ER when you are really sick injured and/or in pain so I am glad you have that option for house calls. I have not ever heard of this organization in our area but I will have to check it out.

    I hope you are feeling better now and that you can get some answers as to why this happened and how can you prevent it from happening again.

    Carol, I read your blog and it was really good. When I was first on this thread I became very close to one of the ladies who was Stage IV. I remember Googling articles on what to say or not to say to cancer patients who are dealing with recurrence and metastasis. It is a learning curve for most people and most of us as cancer patients regardless of what stage we are have probably experienced some of the "things" people have said to us in ignorance. One of my neighbors said to me you have one of the easier cancers right? When you hear something like that you just roll your eyes on the inside and try to be as polite as you can but still get the message across that NO cancer is easy. Kudos on another informative blog done with a tasteful amount of humor. Keep up the good work.

    Jean, I am praying for you for tomorrow. Hopefully you are already in bed since you have a really early morning. Praying for good results.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2022

    Hershey...glad to hear your thoughts on Dispatch Health! I've seen their cars around and have wondered if they are any good.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,924
    edited May 2022

    Jean, how did your long day in NYC go? Praying you will get good news and that you can start your therapy soon.

    Chris, how are you feeling?

    Teka, how are you doing?

    Hershey, I looked up Dispatch Health and they are in Chicago and they had a colored area that they serve and they were almost up to Naperville but not quite. I have only had to drive myself to the ER in the middle of the night one time in the past many years ago. I have driven myself to urgent care quite a few times and our network of doctors it is almost expected when we can't get in to see our doctor. Our network has it's own urgent care centers.

    Carol, I have been praying for you for your MRI today? I imagine you may not know anything for a while. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long.

    Well it looks like no posting of pictures for now. I am guessing that would include banners too. I wonder when they will get this all ironed out. No avatars either.

    I had my annual physical with my primary doctor yesterday. He was pleased with my labs and my weight loss of 17 lbs. I told him when I would get out of my bath I would feel close to passing out. I figured my blood pressure med was the culprit as I have been feeling very tired too. I am only on one bp med and it is the lowest dose. He said I could cut it in half and then he said you may not even need it. I will monitor and see what happens but I am really hoping this will help me to feel better. GI tract still a big problem.

    Happy Mother's Day to you mothers out there. I hope you are treated like queens that you deserve!!!!!

