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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2012

    Mini1, I see youve editied your post (and your name?), which I would have answered had I seen it.

    Being a Christian thread I take it that God owns this thread, not me.  When I said welcome I meant it, just like I mean every word I say here, and that "welcome" hasnt changed as far as Im concerned. So we've had a little bump between us. So what. I am sorry though, that you see me speaking from my heart with the love of the truth, as condemnation. Thats not the intention.  Such is the nature of the internet, that you cannot communicate properly without seeing eye contact and body language. We only have print to go by. As such it is easy to misconstrue what and how people say things, and what their intentions are, well, at least without going into a lot of detail.

    That said, the Bible should be our yardstick as to what constitutes the truth. It should not be offensive if we challenge/provoke/and encourage one another with the love of the truth springing out of its life giving pages. 

     Again, welcome!!! Smile and if you Love the Lord then this is the place for you.

    A special prayer for you and special blessings too.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2012

    Father I ask for Your blessing on each person that frequents this thread. I pray that their burdens would be lifted by the power of Your Word, and I pray that Your love would abound in each of us as we seek to lift up and encourage one another. Give to each of us a heart filled with compassion and longsuffering. Father many come here from different backgrounds seeking encouragement and at different places in their walk with You. Help us to trust that You will continue the sanctification process in each of us. Please bless all the weary, scared, downtrodden and those who feel alone. Let them know that You are their refuge, their help in time of trouble. Let them feel Your abiding presence this very hour. Thank You for Your Son and His death on the cross to redeem us from all iniquity. It is in His Name that we pray, amen.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2012

    Fondak, that is wonderful news. I will continue to pray that the remaining test results would be all clear. Blessings on you today!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2012

    Musical -and Paul didn't ask why when he was being stoned and beaten; he accepted as part of his journey with Christ, so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I came here for comraderie and compassion not condemnation and condescention. You obviously have many friends here and I'm the newbie, so maybe it's best that I find another thread.

    If I offended you by being honest about not asking why, I apologize. However, that you inferred a negative from my statement that I didn't ask why is not something I can control. I was speaking simply for myself. I didn't call you out and suggest that you brought the disease on yourself. I acknowledged that I have been scared and confused by this disease. The fact that I don't hold myself exempt from it doesn't mean that I condemn you for doing so. And by doing so aren't you doing exactly what you accuse me of? Perhaps I hit a sore spot with you. If so, as I said, I apologize.

    Good luck on your journey.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2012

    Musical - Yes, I did change my moniker after reading the suggestions for this page. I didn't realize it would change the name throughout previous threads. And yes my feelings were hurt. For you to suggest that I brought this on myself because I was asking for trouble was not only surprsing but hurtful as well. Also, I wasn't implying wrong doing for those who have as you suggest. I was merely stating that I didn't. No right or wrong about either. I came to find comraderie and compassion and found what came across as condemnation and condescention instead. I am willing to admit that that did take me aback. 

    There are many instances in the bible where people have cried out "why" - including Jesus himself in the garden. But there are also those who did not such as Paul, who accepted his many trials as part of his ministry here on earth. There is no right or wrong if the heart is right with God and that is between ourselves and God. I serve a God with big shoulders who doesn't mind questioning and knows that sometimes our faith may be as small as a mustard seed; but also one that provides assurances in seemingly bad circumstances. Right now I'm a Paul. I may be a David crying out in despair as in the Psalms or a doubting Thomas in another instance, who knows? I was merely making a statement about myself, right now, in this moment of my journey. I thought this was a safe place to do that.

    As you said, the internet is not the ideal place for communication. No room for tone, inferrence or nuance. If you say that it was a misunderstanding, I will take you at your word. All I know is I didn't come here fight with anyone, just a little comraderie as I said with folks that know what it feels like to go through all of this. Perhaps another thread may be more appropriate for me. I am after all the newbie here. 

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    I am so excited to tell ya'll that they called and told me the biopsy showed no cancer in the lump! 

    Thank you ladies for listening to my concerns and praying for me in all the areas of my life.  I am happy to report my attitude of anger with my doctor also went from sinful to justifiable and it certainly has impacted my "poor me depressed state" that was quickly moving in. 

    I can't express how thankful I am that God brought me here.  I'm sure to have said it before but God used you gals to encourage me in a big way.  I find it a comfort to have you come to mind and pray for each of you throughout the day.

    The doctor who did my biopsy, the ultrasound tech and the nurse practioner that followed up with me after the biopsy all couldn't understand why my breast surgeon refuses to perform a masectomy on this side as well.  I only told the tech how I wanted it and it spread really quickly.  They all think being stage lll and having 4 places tagged to monitor that I should.  So, I'll try to talk to him again and also ask for a second opinion.

    Jo5  Thanks so much for sharing that with me.  I certainly don't want to continue to repeat these scares.  I sure appreciate your prayers and all your posts.

    Rocket  Thank you for your beautiful prayer! It was so encouraging to read.  I hope your foot is improving.  When is your move?

    Musical  Thank you for all your prayers and support.  How many hours are there between us.....well, we can be on different times here.  I'm eastern.  I catch myself smiling because I too have not been on our time schedule!  I've been going to bed at 2 and finally falling asleep around 4 on a good night.  I don't like to go to bed wide awake so I tend to stay up.  I'm going to try taking the aromasin earlier to see if it helps.

    Mini1   I'm so glad you're here and hope to see you around more.  I'm new too and have never been one to be online much and certainly not one to post things until cancer.

    If you go back and read the July 5 posts I think you will understand Musical more and see where she is coming from. I am certain no harm was meant.  It is difficult when you don't know people to fully understand what is behind what they are saying especially with the absence of body language and tone.   Before you decide to leave I would encourage you to go back and read more of her posts to get to know her a bit.

    You seem to really love the Lord.  Therefore,  I think you will really grow to love all the ladies here as I already have in such a short period of time. 

    Macatacmv  Thank you for your prayers.  How is your study going?  I hope you spirit has lifted since your post.  You're in my prayers. 

    Well, I think I'm heading to Arby's for some cherry turnovers.  How bad is that?  You can tell I'm having some sort of cravings because when I typed Macatacmw I started wanting a big mac and I haven't had one of those in many, many years.

    Love you all!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2012

    Ladies, I want to come back later. Im on dopey dial-up and I have my mum sick in Hospital and Im waiting to hear. Jo she is 87.

    Blessings Musical

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2012

    This post was to be entered after Jo's last post, but Ive had to get offiline. Been on the blower to the Hospital.

    Fondak, thats good news but what is a fibroadenoma? (I take it it is OK?) I'm praying that the MRI results will be good. I wont have another one of those as the tracer gave me a horrendous rash and I had to have steroids to fix it.

    Mini, if youre still around, welcome!

    The short version
    I realise how great it is to give concise apt short answers and just leave it there. I could just as easily do so like ....Why not me? because God might not want that.


    The fuller version for "whosoever has ears to hear"
    Jo greetings. I know that Im not always the best at trying to explain things. I will try again. First, you can sit on a mountain, but you cant sit on a pin prick. I see this as a very small issue and yet often its not so much what is said or the lack thereof, but the reactions to it, which make it get blown all out of proportion. Still, in the interests of unity and love for my sisters in the Lord whether the issues big or small, I'll say on.

    My brother has the same mindset as your dad, but there can be a world of difference why and the way anybody says " why would God...etc" I dont know your father but my brother is not a Christian. Please pray for him. With all due respect I think your statement left nothing out when you said "Just because we are Christians doesn't mean that these things won't happen. God never says that we won't go through these times but He does promise to go through them with us" Amen and Amen. Im not launching into you Jo but Im saying this is scripturally correct and said it all. As far as I know, the "Why not me" concept is not scriptural. Correct me if Im wrong please, but I would ask that you take into account the full implication of "I dont ask why me. Why not me ? " (Both of these said together pack much more punch than either said alone).

    Perhaps the biggest issue I have with this is when an idea/saying is mentioned many times it becomes a cliche, "Why not me" has become just that. Its become a fashionable acceptable thing to say. I could go back through this thread and find the occurrences but I need not as Mini has already ( indirectly ) implicated that theres "many". Im wary of cliches as they tend to gather momentum then become a subtle standard, a formula, a glib pat answer for how we should be, of course never saying as much directly but leaving it to subtle implications.To us who have said why me, the inflection, then, is that those who havent said it are a cut above those who have. Its like we are not measuring up. Its like pouring salt into the wound of our frailty for having said it.

    An appropriate example would be, its like we all know its better not to complain, but when you say ­I dont complain, as a pat answer, it becomes self righteous.The emphasis is on the I, the middle letter of pride.The Pharisee and the Publican. I hope this helps you understand where Im coming from?

    That said, even if I never said why me, I wouldnt tell everybody else in case I offended those who said it in their weakness. I realise this will probably carry on being said unabated, but you wont hear it come out of my lips.

    Blessings all, especially the grief stricken, the lonely, afraid and despairing and just plain out and out sick.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited July 2012

    Hello everyone,

    I got a ride to the Wed. nite Bible Study tonight. I have decided that even if I don't "feel" well I am going to get out more. There was a guest pastor and he was so on fire. He is from a big church in FL. and a missionary to Guatemala. He is going to preach on Sunday too since our pastor is on vacation. I am so glad I went and heard the word. Of course, I can't remember much now. LOL

    fondak, praise God for your good news! Now the decision or the discussion about another surgery can be made without being in  panic mode.

    The study of Isaiah is going well, doing my homework everyday. It is a lot of history right now. But one thing I found interesting was it talked about how when we lose a hero figure like Isaiah lost King Uzziah we can either turn away from God or toward Him. There was a quote from Oswald Chambers, "In the year that the one who stood to me for all that God was, died-I gave up everything? I became ill? I got disheartened? Or-I saw the Lord?"  I have had many losses in my life in the last few years (both my parents, my sister and my husband) and with each loss I got a bit more disheartened, even though I was still teaching the kids at Kingdom Kidz, overseeing the Children's ministry, treasurer of the church and therefore on the board. Now my life has slowed down to a stop and I have time to rest with the Lord. Even the pastor tonight said it is a time of rest for me. So I am encouraged and I am learning to accept encouragement from people. 

    Big mac, LOL. I am eating Italian Ices everyday. They soothe my throat.

    Rocket thanks for the wonderful prayer.

    Musical, prayers for your Mum! Dear Lord, please protect musical's mum in hospital and be with musical as she runs back and forth. Put people in their lives that can encourage them and help make their load lighter. 

    I know I am only human and it is only by His grace that I am saved. I find it very hard to express myself by written word only, and feel that sometimes my words could be misinterpreted. I am not an eloquent writer.

    There is another thread that I am on and someone there is saying she is going to leave because of not feeling understood. I pray that we can see (hear) others through Christ's eyes (ears) and have compassion on each other and ourselves. I know I am in a very vulnerable place right now and it is very easy to hurt my feelings. On the other hand I could hurt someone else with a quick reply or in trying to be clever. So I pray we will all continue to be sisters in Christ and try to be gentle with each other.  

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2012

    Mini1, please stay on this thread.  I have found the ladies to be so encouraging and prayerful!  It takes a lot of time to read all of the posts.  You can choose to read only those that you want to.  If they are too long and pontificating, I avoid them.  Others may be helped by those but I am here to encourage and be encouraged, to pray and be prayed for and to learn how others' are coping with this journey in faith.  Anything that fails to do that, I avoid. We can all choose the best boundaries for our health and healing.  Anyway, I know you will receive encouragement from this thread.  I am glad you came here for that.

    Rocket, you always encourage me with your wise words, whether spoken in prayer or not.  I am praying for all that you have to endure in the next months. I am thankful for wise, loving, godly husbands! God is for you.  "He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge." Psalm:91:4

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2012

    Bless you Ladies! I am in need of continued prayer. I've been struggling a lot lately with confusion. This morning I accidentally took all of my night time medications! They put me to sleep and I have a full day ahead of me. This is the third time I have made this same mistake in less than a month! I even have color coded pill dispensers.

    Our move takes place on July 20th- 21st. I'm trying very hard to not stress over it. So here's something that I want to share with you that I haven't shared with anyone. It makes me feel very vulnerable to share this, but they are the true ramblings of my heart. God already knows my anxious thoughts and is big enough to handle them. Being DXd with BC rocked my world in every way, including spiritually. I was so angry that this was happening to me. My DH and I had suffered poverty for ten years while he worked three jobs to put himself through school. I also worked a lot of jobs and raised the kids without daycare of any kind. It was extremely difficult and finally my DH had earned his Ph.D. It took a tremendous amount of sacrifice. I also endured numerous health problems throughout those years. So you see, just as my youngest child, my son, was about to be married ten days later, I felt happiness tugging at my heart. Then in the early afternoon on January 5, 2010, I was informed by phone that I had BC! At first I didn't feel panic. I'd had normal mammograms for 9 years prior, the most recent being 9 months earlier. I figured that it must be small and easily treatable. I was so naieve! Well as you can see by my stats at the bottom what later ensued.

    Now two years later, I still feel like I've been through a war. My arm and shoulder hurt constantly from the axillary node dissection and resulting lymphedema. I fear cancer returning, and I find mysel afraid that God might allow me to endure it again. In short, I'm afraid to feel happy because I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know that none of this is rational in the light of God's Word, and that I need to trust Him no matter what tomorrow brings. We aren't promised tomorrow, but we sure live like we think it will come.

    I've been a Christian believer for a long time (32 years), and I have learned many things along this BC journey. I've learned to trust God where others are concerned. He loves them more than I could ever possibly love them, and He will sanctify them in His timing. I've learned to be comfortable with where people are in their Christian walk. God is in control and He is sovereign. I'm learning to trust God with newly exposed idols in my life such as good health, my family, my desires to feel appreciated and loved. These are all things I have at some time put before my love of God. Breast cancer revealed that to me. I will, by God's grace get over my anger, my anxiety, etc. but it takes time as my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak!

    I want to thank each of you for being the kind of Christian sisters where one can bare one's soul and it is picked up and loved. We are the fellowship of the broken, saved by grace, and loved by The Almighty God. Blessings to you all today as you put Your faith and trust in Him,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2012

    Ladies Im in a mad dash, but I want to check in and say hi.  Ive got a lot "coming at me" at present. Please pray for me as I have a meeting with the medical people this avo about something, (not about my mum) Ive barely read your threads but I want to. They deserve more than a cursory glance. Ive forgotten already butsomeone said about pills. My poor dear mum accidentally took more than she should and she has been a solid and strong Christian for many years. Her memory is failing at 87 and that is soooo soo hard. I have and still am questioning why, but not in anger (at present). 

    Anyone who is angry about anything BIG BIG BIG BIG hugs. I understand.

    macatacmv I thank you so so much for that beautiful prayer. You will NEVER know how much I appreciated that. 

    fondak Im thinking of you much. You are especially in my prayers.

    rocket  Ive skimmed your post a zillion miles an hour. I want my next look to really count. 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2012

    Good evening, everyone!!!!! Hope you are all doing well!!! Hubby and I took a mini vacation to Palm Desert, only 2 hours away. It is very hot there, 116 degrees yesterday. We had a very restful time despite the heat!!!!  Just catching up on posts here. Fondak, such wonderful news. God is good, all the time!!! Rocket, prayers are coming your way for an easy and stress free move. Thank you always for your wonderful posts. Jo-5, as always thank you for your wisdom!!! Nancy, May you always find spiritual and emotional rest when you need it, knowing Our Lord is right beside you and wanting only the best for you. Musical, prayers are coming your way for the medical issues that you are dealing with and for your mum!!! Jeannie57, so good to see you here and hope your treatments are going well, knowing Our Lord is healing you!!! Mini1- Welcome to this wonderful thread!!!! I love meeting another wonderful Sister in Christ. Hugs and Blessings to everyone here!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2012
    Oh, dear I forgot to mention, Rocket, what a beautiful post and testimony. You have been through so much, please know that your post has given me strength and encouragement. Thank you for baring your soul and being so human!!!!! God bless you!!!
  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012

    Hi Rocket,

    Your story reminded me much of my own with the timing of your diagnosis and idols God has revealed to you.  I may have told you (of course I can't remember) but I have always homeschooled my two and they were about to be seniors. 

    My husband is gone for months at a time, even for a entire year during which time I was diagnosed.  The week I turned 46, I was home alone. My sons were driving to Florida to help with a church plant. It was the first time they had been away like that.  I knew I could quickly become very sad.  I began to plan and think of things I would like to do when it is just me. 

    I decided I was going to start working with concrete...sounds crazy I know but I was very excited.  I drove to Atlanta to get some materials and for my birthday....I never do anything for my birthday.  I went to some artsy sections of Atlanta and what was dread began to shift to a welcoming feeling toward this new chapter in my life. I was actually happy.  I also had two ministries I was looking forward to volunteering with.  Prior to that, I didn't really think of me as an individual.  I was very much tied to being a mother, which I was..... and loved........ but my role as a mom was about to change greatly.

    Two weeks later, I was in the hospital for a stress test due to chest pain. My lymph nodes showed up on the stress test which I failed.  I ended up there a week and then the first week in August, 8 months after a clear mammogram, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer waiting to see if it had spread.  So, my plans were not His plans for sure but I trusted His plans as uncertain as they were.

    Oh my, I just realized I have been a Christian 31 years!  I'm sad to say my spritiual growth didn't match my growth in years.  I remained like a baby for years and then stayed more like an adolescent until the last 4.  I am thankful God began to bring me to a greater understanding of who He is and His soveriegnty before my diagnosis. I'm still learning and growing. 

    I too have learned alot on this journey.  When you mentioned idols that was a big one because I had to ask myself...did I really want God's will and do I really love God more than my children.  I felt certain I knew what was best for them and that would be for me to be around....there was that pride.  Then I wanted so much to see my grandchildren.  So right there was my children, myself (pride) and my grandchildren which may not even be in God's plan for me to have anyway!

    About your lymphedema, do you have a compression sleeve?  Have you been to a physical therapist about it? They showed me exercises to do for mine and it was better but since my hysterectomy and starting aromasin I have not been doing them and I've had a lot of pain as well as loss of motion. I've got to start back but I didn't have severe swelling.  It was only mild.

    I'll certainly be praying for you.  Thank you for your honesty and allowing us to know you better.  As you have already heard from the other ladies God has comforted and encouraged many here through you, His servant.

    I hope you are resting well tonight! Love you!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012

    Kindergarten:  It is nice to hear that you had that time away with your husband.  And yes; God is good ALL the time.  Something I have said to myself time and time again over this past year.

    Musical:  So sorry to hear of the trials you are facing with your mom.  With her love for the Lord and seeing your love for scripture she must have seen many prayers answered on you behalf during her life. What a blessing it is to be able to say......she has been a solid and strong Christian for many years.

    I will certainly be praying for you both and greatly appreciate your prayers for me.

    macatacmv:  Good for you getting out... I reminds me of the saying...when the going gets tough, the tough get going. I recall reading Isaiah with very little knowledge of scripture.  Historical context makes such a difference for me. Sounds like your study is going well. 

    It is true what you said about proceeding with the consideration of surgery.  It is nice to not have so much pressure at once.

    I can relate when you say you are not an eloquent writer but I honestly don't get that from your writing.  God really uses you to encourage others even while you are resting!

    Love you all and I'm praying for each of you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2012

    Dear Rocket........WOW .... words fail me and yet inside of me Im full of admiration, sorrow and my heart aches for you my sister. Your post has deeply touched me and in many ways because Ive either been there or still am . The fear of the return of it....  the anger, .... for me, at my dear mother who has endured sooooo much all her life who would and has given the shirt off her back to go without herself, OFTEN, with such a big generous heart, then to lose her oldest daughter then the possibility of me, where she has suffered the seemingly short end of the stick for years....and now this, she's afraid, in a strange bed in hospital, memory problems ..... .its so very easy for me to get on the anger trip yet again. The best I can come up with is whats 70 years compared to eternity.

    The lymphoedema ... BIG hugs. Today Ive been in a situation where I was able to have some input to (hopefully) help  "deal with the barrier" we so often have to face with the ignorance of how devestating and life changing this horrible thing is. The silent suffering that a lot of us on these boards know about that others just havent got a clue about. Im really SO sorry your arm and shoulder is hurting. I hope something can be done to help. I'm sorry if youve already mentioned it here somewhere but do you wear sleeves, do you do MLD? Are you seeing someone who can help?

    I applaud such honesty and humility which God WILL reward in you due time. Hang in there. What a beautiful strong lady you must be. You deserve a special crown and Im praying that you will get it, and that satan wont steal it.  The one you get for your dedication to your kids and not putting them in daycare, though the Lord knows these times where everything is turned on its head, its extremely hard for some not to. 

    Ive actually had to put days and dates on my Tamox pills coz I sometimes wouldnt realize if Id taken it or not. Its soooo awful. Big Hugs. So sorry you are having to deal with this too. Cancer is always the choice between the lesser of 2 evils, but I think in the end somehow this is part of what makes us stronger. I have to admit, trying to come to grips with the reasons behind the whole suffering thing can sometimes sink me into despair. (yeah go around the same old bush...yet again)

    "I will, by God's grace get over my anger, my anxiety, etc. but it takes time as my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak!"

      I sure hear you on this.

    "I'm learning to trust God with newly exposed idols in my life such as good health, my family, my desires to feel appreciated and loved. "

    God is very nigh to people who say these sorts of things. Oh how we need repentance with such depth as this. Bless you, because this is the sort of depth that counts. If I were where you are Id look you up and give such BIG hugs.

    Rocket theres so much that is worthy in your post, to comment on. I bless you in the name of the Lord. Amen


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited July 2012

    Good Morning Ladies,

    the latest posts have really been going right along with the Bible study that I am working on now. About how pride and false idols get in the way of freedom in Christ. Even if those "false idols" are our family and livelihood. I am learning a new surrender. A new letting go and letting God. As Jo put it a "coming apart and (to) rest".

    Rocket I could relate to so much in your post. I was looking forward to some me time when I got my dx. And I have to admit I got my me time, just not the way I want it. LOL My DD got me a pill box dispenser when she was last here, because I was getting confused and taking too much medication. Also some of the pills look so much alike. (the prednisone and armidex) It made me a bit mad at the time, but it is working now. It is a whole week at a time, for 4 times of different meds a day.  I am praying for you daily. It  must be hard to be in a place of transition for so long. 

    I appreciate everyone's support and prayers. I know it is what is getting me through. This is turning into my favorite thread. The honesty and emotional and spiritual support are so  refreshing.

    ((((fondak, jeannie, kindergarten, musical, mini and jo))))) may Christ's love surround you all today!!!

    (i hope I didn't leave anyone out, not intentional) 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2012

    Thank you lovely Sisters for your caring words and support. I think this has become my favorite thread as well. To answer your questions, yes I do wear a sleeve and a compression vest for the truncal LE. I also am still living in eastern NC and the heat and humidity has been brutal! I do have a wonderful LE therapist and I do MLD.

    As for the pills, I have tried every different sorter there is. Sigh.....

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2012

    Sorry, I finished my previous post abruptly because I'm at the hair salon and the timer went off on my color. I confess that I have the occasional pity party. It doesn't glorify God in any way, but it's the honest me.

    My mom is in an assisted living facility and she is very emotionally dependent on me. She is 87 years old and I take her to all of her medical appointments. She is struggling greatly with my leaving to move 4 1/2 hours away. I have tried to console her that I will still be coming back to take her to her doctor appointments. I have things all set up for her care, but she is still frightened.

    Like you Jo, I have been a caretaker for most of my life, starting at age 16 when my mom left my dad and younger sister and me. I had to become an adult very quickly. My sister struggled greatly. It's so ironic that at age 16 I felt so abandoned by my mom, and now she has become a believer and I take care of her and the decisions that affect her.

    Anyway, I want to thank all of you Ladies for your honesty, transparency, willingness to pray for and encourage all those that frequent this thread. God is honored by your love for the brethren. Have a blessed day and know that you are in my prayers!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2012
    Rest and stay well, Jo-5!!! May you all have a very blessed weekend, knowing what wonderful servants you all are. Smile
  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2012
    Only 7 more days of radiation! So glad for a two day break. I need the rest for my skin to calm down. I just realized yesterday when I looked in the mirror that I have a perfect bright pink square on my chest. I think my bra days are about over for at least the next few weeks. I haven't stung like this since I forgot to put sunscreen on my scar one day at the beach. Yowie. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just wish the temps would go down a smidge. I love the summer but 100*+ is warm even for me (although it is still better than grey skies and snow!). Until then I'm staying in the AC with the aloe and Silvadeen. Cool
  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2012

    Jo-5 - I think stress is the biggest contributer to miy cancer. I may have still developed it; there is a family history, but I believe my extremely stressful job aggravated my condition and caused it to happen years sooner than it would have. I told my husband before I was diagnosed that my job was killing me. Literally. I resigned and was diagnoed a week later. The time frame they told me the cancer had been developing (5-7 years) directly coincides with the substantial increase in my work load and the work-related stress I experienced. I don't think that is a coincidence. I think it fueled the cancer. I feel better now even with cancer than I did when I was "healthy" and working in a good job at a good company. I will likely not find another job making the $ I was but I don't care. I won't go back to that stressful of an environment ever again. I figure what I lose in money in a paycheck I will make up in savings on medical expenses. :-)

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2012
    Hi, Mini!!! Congratulations on soon ending your radiation treatments. I did all my radiation treatments in the summer as well. I remember aloe was my best friend, right behind Our Lord and my hubby and my sons.Wink By this time next summer, this challenging journey will be a bittersweet memory!!!!  Our Lord is right beside you every step of the way. have a very restful and healing weekend. God bless you, Kathy
  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2012
    Thank you Kathy. I know the Lord is here. I can't imagine going through this alone. And like you I have a great husband and sons. And now 2 new grandbabies. Twins! God is so good. Smile
  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2012

    Twins, how special and wonderful. We are having our first granddaughter in two weeks, maybe earlier!!!!! I am sure you are a wonderful grandma!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2012

    Congratulations Mini1! I have a six-month old granddaughter and I LOVE being a grandmother (Nana)! All of my problems just seem to melt away when I hold her. What a joy awaits you Kathy. So happy for you!

    Jo, I do think stress contributes a lot to cancer. I don't think it caused mine, but it certainly hasn't helped my recovery. After I move I'm going to join a wellness center in my new town so I can go swimming in the pool and get some gentle exercise. I also really need some time to wind down. I just haven't had any in two years. With BC, caring for my mom, going through chemo, rads and five surgeries it has left me wiped out! I trust and know that somehow God is using this for my good, even if showing me that I am utterly dependent on Him and not my own strength. You'd think I'd learn quicker wouldn't you? :-)

    Love you Ladies! Good night all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2012

    Dear Rocket, Before I sign off for the night, I am lifting you up in prayer, asking our Lord to surround you with peace and comfort as you embark on yet another journey and challenge in your life. Your strength throughout all of your challenges truly amazes me and I know that Our Lord is going to help you wind down and rest once your move is complete. IGod bless you and know you are surrounded in prayer and support. Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2012

    I just wrote each of you notes and my cable thing came out! 

    I only slept 4 hours this morning..I say morning because I was still awake at 4:45 and woke up at 9.   So I'm going to have to head on to bed but know you all are in my prayers!

    Love you ladies!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2012
    Hey Ladies, Im trying to backtrack a bit and just mention my appreciation to you who have prayed for me and my mum. Things are getting ahead of me and I dont want to miss showing my appreciation.

    Kindergarten thanks for your prayers re my mum. I think she is a little better today and Im having a day off today then it will be trekking back and forth. SO much to do. If youre coming to NZ anytime soon you'll get such a shock with 2 extremes been FREEEEEZING here recently but we're experiencing a little break from that lol, Just did the conversion thing and WHoa 116 !!! Thats awful. 46.66667Celc I hope you are OK in that heat.

    Fondak thankyou so much for your prayers. You are much on my heart and mind and have been for sometime. Thankyou so much for your kind words. They help. Yes my mum has been a praying mum for years and years and years. I often see that woman at the end of proverbs in her. I've often looked at her and known despite her weaknesses, I could NEVER fill her shoes, I could never measure up to her beauty in spirit, her ability to just keep plugging on against the odds, the something special that I could never attain to.

    I have suffered insomnia for years. I have patches where Im better than others but 2 hours is not unusual 4 hours common. When I get desperate I have sleeping aid. I'm so grateful for it. It has meant the difference between being a write-off and being functional when I really needed to be. I hope you receive a really REALLY special crown "on that day" for homeschooling your kids right through. What a special thing to do with the odds against you these days. I pray that your children will be blessed above measure, and your childrens children.

    macatacmv you took the words right out of my mouth. Ive found this thread for the most part refreshing. Especially when the Scriptures are discussed it seems to set a great precedent!

    Jo no worries about whether you have a thick skin or not. I think we can all differ depending on what it is or how vulnerable we are at the time. You do know me from times past and that Im a direct speaker. I therefore like to qualify sometimes or people can think it comes across as something I didnt intend. It just goes with the territory.

    Thankyou so much for your encouraging words and prayers . Theres no one who understands like those who've been there. I really appreciated you sharing about your situation. You sure are going to get your special crown of honouring your parents (as much as they let you) plus plus plus and in the best way you could. Dealing with dementia is one of the hardest things I think. My mum was a nurse and she knows exactly what it's like to nurse oldies and she is frightened about that, seeing it happen to her. Whats more, she's still been going around all the old peoples homes here and sings hymns with people in her fellowship. I like what you said about "choosing to remember them" as they really were before all this happened.  I did a little study in the word and I looked up every verse on "old" "ancient"and related words and it was quite revealing, but this hurts so much its like a type of grieving. I hope you are getting over this horrid cellulitis and I hope you have a good break. Sometimes I just cant understand the whole pain thing especially when it carrries on and on and oooon.

    Undoubtedly I think stress is a major contributor to BC. If it is then I know what to blame for both my sisters and mine.

    You bravo ladies that are indicating idolatory is not only literal golden calves and stone idols but anything that is more important than God, are showing real depth. God bless you.