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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2012

    Ha ha Rocket you caught me a beauty there !!! LOL theres no excuse from the keyboard either ...P isnt even near B.... OK I'll blame it on being on the A team and if that doesnt cut the mustard, then how about CHemo brain?... ;-). ...Course I could always go and edit it, but nah, it shows Im human. :-). What pleases me more than anything is that you got a good laugh out of it....

    Now, thankyou for the link, which I'll go and check shortly. Doesnt sound too nice whatever it is.

    As for the NT church, no they didnt have all the modern curly cords and plastic finishings of today, and in that way they'll never "look" the same but things like principled actions, attributes such as the fruits of the spirit, and intents of the heart, and indeed the putting away of labels, is what counts. These things in principle never change. 

    With the ever present decimation of our words meanings, I believe key words synonymous with Christianity like "church" have been totally hi-jacked and mutilated. For example, the church does not mean a building, and there are no scriptural references referred to as such. The church is the people. Gods people.  Moreover, He said I will build my church, plus,  1Co 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. We have numerous accounts like.......

    Rom 16:5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house.

    1Co 16:19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.  

    Col 4:15 Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.  

    Phm 1:2 And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house:  

    As for big(ger) buildings, at best Jesus went to synogues but not as part of them, but to challenge them, usually causing uproars of some kind. Theres a few key things in Scripture that are real good pointers to understanding Gods church/s. One of them is that they are never referred to as a "denomination" on the contrary, such were aquainted with sects factions and the like, always causing division. 

     1Co 3:4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? 

    The nearest (collective) term I can find is "little flock" or simply just "Christians". Of course satan has well and truly hi-jacked this word ever since Antioch. ( If he couldnt stamp out Christians, as in putting them to death which only caused them to increase, then plan B would suffice. Confuse what actually is a Christian.... if you cant beat em join em.. to subvert from within)  Thank God for His word which gives us the criteria of what actually is a Christian.  Thankyou for your word Lord! Amen!

    We know that satan appears as an angel of light. The "iron fist in the velvet glove" game. He always has a counterfeit to anything God does, and these are meant to deceive the very elect if at all possible.  As God is building His church, so satan's building his. We have the Holy trinity, God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and we have the unholy trinity (Satan, the beast (antichrist) and the false prophet. Just as God came in the flesh so the Devil will come in the flesh. Just as the Comforter points to Jesus, the False prophet will point to the beast, causing all to worship the beast. The anti part of antichrist means in place of. For satan to be recieved as "the christ", obviously then, he wouldnt be sporting horns ands pitchforks.

    All Scipture refs KJV


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Just wanted to check in with everyone before I head off to bed.  Musical I was encouraged by your accidental deleting.  Sometimes I wonder about myself.  This week I let my bath water overflow.  I'm not exaggerating by flow either.  It was pouring over the entire air vent in the floor and much made it's way into the basement.  I was going to get to bed earlier that night to be ready for the morning drive to church.  Fortunately, I was able to stay awake through the bible study, morning service, 2hr new members class and evening service!  I was so happy about that as I believe I mentioned the church is an hour away.

    Speaking of not preaching about sin in churches.....well, this is a bit different but along those lines......would you believe that I didn't have a good understanding of God being soveriegn until just these past couple of years!  I am so thankful He gave me this understanding before my diagnosis.  I was speaking of this with my son just the other day and he was saying....oh yes, you would have thought, if you have enough faith you will be healed.  I told him.... actually, first of all I would have thought for certain it was a punishment and been trying to figure out what I was being punished for (Of course, I think as Paul says we do need to exam ourselves)  and then I would have questioned if faith were the issue.  It's another angle of the ME...ME...ME.  We just make everything about us and God becomes very small.  He would indeed be small if MY faith and desires dictated what He would to do.  But now knowing that everything is according to God's will for His purpose and His glory made cancer something I was thankful for even though I certainly would have never chosen it.

    I know my cancer would not have pointed to God then as it has since I have a better understanding of Him.  It also gave me peace that I wouldn't have had before.

    All those years I thought I, in my goodness, decided I would choose God rather than the fact He chose me.  Just hearing that today sounds like I adopted Him which would make Him my heir!  It amazes me how blinded we can be and scares me of what I may still be blind to. 

    Hard to imagine sitting so many hours in churches and never having an understanding or hearing scriptures like:

    John 6:65 Jesus said, "No one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father" and Matthew 11:27 "Nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and anyone to whom the Sons wills to reveal Him"

    Then this really helped me Ps  115:3 "Our God is in the heavens, He does whatever He pleases"  and Ps 135:6  "Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in seas and in all deeps"

    It gives a new light on Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose"

    How convenient topical preaching can be for many pastor and for the ears of many of us sitting in the pews or these days chairs....and in no way do I mean there's anything wrong with chairs over pews.  Just many changes but for me, I've had a change for the good as I for the first time have this teaching and there is a seminary there teaching more students to teach the whole bible, in context, with a historical knowledge and understanding of Hebrew and Greek.

    It may sound odd to everyone else but here in the southeast where I live there are churches everywhere.  You can't drive down any country road without passing several from one town to another and signs all along the way directing you to still more churches.  In my very small town there are 9 downtown in walking distance!  Nope 12!  You have to realize that we just got a Wal Mart a couple of years ago and there's not much more than that.  I never even thought of how many you could walk to. Many have no youth...not youth programs but no youth.  You go into town and everyone knows everyone and you hear over and over....I love pastor such and such but I would really like to hear someone with a strong biblical knowledege and I hear many talk about their search going from one church to another. 

    Well, I didn't mean to get into all that....I just have been burdened for you sisters who are between churches.  As you can see, I have just recently found the church we are attending and am very excited to be learning. 

    I hope you all have a good restful night.  I love you all!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012 glad to hear from you but sorry you are having all the stress with the doctors...I was encouraged by what Rocket said about possible treatment for that though. 

    Mini....Congratulations on your grandbabies!  Are they identical? 

    Musical, Jo5, Rocket, Kindergarten and all you ladies.......I'm so thankful for each of you

    Love and prayers for all and this time I am going to bed!  Smile

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2012

    Rocket,  tried the link and I got a 404 URL so still none the wiser about BOOP  except it aint spelt with a P :-).  LOL

    Ladies is it just me or what??? Do some of you get this...For some reason lately Im typing words more and more with the right letters but jumbled up .... ummm well somewhat. Most of us on the odd occasion have done ones like teh for the  etc but lately I'm noticing some real bloopers creeping in  Undecided .  Mmm might have to blame the A team again.

    fondak   LOL My Mum frequently left taps on causing floods. Youd be having to pull up carpets and stuff. Real syndrome you can do without. I hope you didnt have to do that!! Did you have carpet in the basement?  Ive had a couple of "near misses" over the years  in my washhouse which nearly reached the carpet  in the passage. All I had to do was lift the vinyl up which was easy to do, but just a nuisance. 

    I look forward to considering and reflecting on your post. Sleep tight and bless you. 

    God bless all you ladies


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012

    I have been clinging to Jer 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.

    I hear you on the memory and manual dexterity. I had been blaming my typing on no longer having my fake, long, talons and actually having to type with my fingers, not my nails, but when, as Musical said, it's not even close to what I should have typed, I know it's my brain cells (or lack thereof) that are to blame not my fingers. I've compared my memory to tossing a penny in a well. It may be down there somewhere, but the chances of evef finding it are slim to none.

    Rocket - remeber that Jesus brought a whole new way of worship to the world. His mode of teaching was radically different than the long held traditional way. Just because somethig is new, doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong. A lot of the "old hymns" that are held in high regard now were maligned back in the day because they were written to the music of saloon songs. It was a way of reaching a demographic that needed reaching but wasn't responding to the current methodology. Things like whether the words are in a hymnal or on a screen can become more important to some people than the Word of God (not saying that about you, just in general). Satan doesn't care how he bogs us down. As long as it's not about the Kingdom, he's good. It's the message not the methodology that is important. God will lead you where you need to be.

    I totally get it about needed a little recup time. My husband and I had to do that too. You can't be effecive if you're burned out or in need of healing yourself. If you try to do that, you are working under your own power and not God's and that is not good for you or whomever you are trying to minister too. Let the Great Healer tend to you first, than go back to serving others. God will direct your path.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited August 2012

    Ok just lost a whole post!!!! where did it go? 

    LOL about the Poop vs Boop (briochiolitis obiterans oraganzing pneumonia) Sorry about not elaborating. I've just been really down lately. I need some medical direction and feel like I keep looking for it from the wrong docs. Seems like I keep being blocked at every turn. When I try to access the Boop page at the B&W hosp. site I get an error message now, too. God know the plans for me but I seem to be in the dark.

    I too am having brain issues. I had a leak in my pool and we tried to find it and couldn't so we decided to just refill it and use it for the rest of the summer. well I forgot that I had turned the hose on......... it sure got filled up and over. LOL

    Speaking of being filled. I finally made it to wed nite bible study last night. It was a video series with Jim Cymbala on the Holy Spirit. It was very encouraging for me. It reminded me that I still have that Spirit inside of me and what a gift it is. I remembered how I felt when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and even tho I think my spirit is being dulled by the meds, God has not given up on me. 

    We read Roman 8:13-17.

    I had written it all out in my last post but not trying that again.

    I love the small church I belong to. Good thing as it is the only spirit filled church on the island. we have a fairly new pastor (coming up on 3 years) so instead of church shopping we try on new Pastors. I worked really closely with him for the first 2 years (being on the deacon board and treasurer) But now I am not in direct ministry I never see or hear from him unless I initiate the conversation. I miss the connection.

     I feel like they are all waiting for me to stand up in church and say how much I have to praise God for, and I just am not there!

    So about the miss types thank God for spell check! 

    daily prayers  for you all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2012
    "Seems like I keep being blocked at every turn....
    God know the plans for me but I seem to be in the dark..... "

    macatacmv Extra big big hugs for you - I hear you sooo clearly. Some would equate "being blocked at every turn" as being cursed. In some cases this may be applicable, in which case we need deliverance. In others we could aptly call it "another trial of our faith" or "our particular Job experience". These are hard at the time to both endure and to understand, but Im always encouraged that in the end they bring forth pure gold, and God chastises those whom He loves as a father does his son. Its real hard, or it is for me, to understand that sometimes. Sometimes I "get it" more than others. 

    "I remembered how I felt when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and even tho I think my spirit is being dulled by the meds, God has not given up on me."

    The only time God gives up on us is if we willfully turn our backs on Him. He knows all our circumstances and above all He knows our hearts. Life is full of struggles valleys and peaks, but all through it deep down if there is that heart toward God, then in the end He will bring you through.

    "I feel like they are all waiting for me to stand up in church and say how much I have to praise God for, and I just am not there!"

    If youre "not there" macatacmv, then dont even try. Theres nothing worse than coming under someones expectations obligations and manipulation. Its actually a subtle form of witchcraft when people hang "heavies" on you like that. God doesnt push like that. If its not in your spirit to do it then dont.

    Bless you and hang in there. ...

    Ohhh LOL glad you as well got a giggle out of my fopar  Smile

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Awww....Jo5 What an encouragement....You should do more long posts!  As everyone is probably thinking...and you, Fondak should do more short postsSmile!!!!

    I sometimes get excited and it's hard for me to be short. I tell myself over and over...he who refraineth his lips is wise...

    Seems we are all a bit forgetful these days! If I can remember who told me and then remember to ask whoever it was, I will share with you all a website that has 5 different games you do each day to help with brain function.  I hear it's free and fun so if it doesn't help with memory it's not a total waste.  The person who told me had been doing it awhile and felt like it was helpful.

    Well, I won't be so long tonight.  I have to be up early to go to court for a crack in my windshield.  I goofed and called to ask when the officer would be in and not wanting to give the appearance women were calling him at work or something I gave them the whole spill about how I needed to meet with him to show him I had the windshield repaired and he told me if I would do that he would dismiss the ticket.  She told me.... he can't do that but hold I'm going to get him on the phone.  He had told me to meet him before the court date and over the phone he told me I had to go to court and I should be able to get it dismissed there.

    .....he who refraineth his lips is wiseSmile 

    With love and prayer....Goodnight!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2012

    Jo, at the moment I have too many things on my plate to REALLY do justice to comments Id like to make on your post further up. I may come back to it or not if I feel its right but for now I must say (respectfully of course)...

    I don't agree that the scripture youve used substantiates the idea of "going to church", which so far no one has unequivocally stated or shown me, is Scriptural. A miss is as good as a mile in this case. I ask you to read my post again and refute it if need be with Scripture. Nowhere is Gods Church referred to as a building.  I also dont agree with you saying it is a "dangerous mistake" to leave these institutions called "church", which is surely wrapped up in believing its a building or a static place. So, I'd suggest its the very opposite, and its getting more dangerous to actually stay in them.

    Yes I may be the only one here who is prepared to stand up and say this. However I'll take this guys advice below.... both for his reason and to stand against the institutionalized "church" with all its fleecing of the flock, endless building programmes, its hired shepherds, hypocrisy,  flash fittings, committee meetings galore, and overheads. The world can see through it and it gives God a bad name.

     Dr. Frank Logsdon was one of two people who laid the groundwork for the NASB. He later renounced "EVERY attachment to it" and in regards to totally embracing the KJV said ... If you must stand against everyone else, stand.   AMEN!!! Dr Logsdon


    "It just takes a while to find one where we can grow and serve, and they do not have to dot their i's and cross their t's just like we do in order to fellowship - but when they depart from the Word all together we must separate ourselves. "


    Youve lost me  Undecided   (where Ive underlined).

    Many many people are going to get sucked into the "system" with its rituals and ordinances of man, a place where its structured and managed.   2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. .... Finally these places fully embrace ecumenicalism concluding with the false unity of a one world religion and church.  On the contrary, I propose that the real true Christians are the ones who are willing to pay the ultimate price which includes but is not limited to being in a small minority. Narrow is the way.... Few there be that find it....come to mind.

    Id also suggest that the following place (without the camp) was NOT a nice place to be. What does this tell you?

    Heb 13:11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.
    Heb 13:12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
    Heb 13:13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.
    Heb 13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

    In fact according to Scripture the time is coming if we don't heed the word and "come out of her my people" we will get sucked into the beast system. The whore of Babylon. Its as simple as that. Also, please show me where denominations are justified in the Bible. I'll ask you again if you have the time, to read my post about not being of Paul or Apollos etc Labels divide, Christ unifies. Dear Jo you pray we will grow in the Word, then let it be so!

    Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, means just that. Assembling can take place anywhere with any number of people, even two!.....Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. .... The church is Gods people. Not a building.

    My intention is NOT to stir up strife, but stir up truth and  honesty in the love of God, according to what is written in the word. God says EVERY word is pure..... that means none is left out and none can be added, which is stated beginning mid and end of the Bible..

    Other things that need commentary are the use of Hebrew and Greek  and  your reference  to (KJV -Nelson Study Bible) but I need to get onto other things.

    Love to Jo especially and...

    Blessings all, and may God keep you.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    Aaaack! I just lost the post I was typing, but alas I'm using an IPAD and I couldn't find any way to retrieve it. Now I forgot what I had typed - definitely Arimidex brain!

    Musical, I don't think Jo ever meant to imply that the church is a building. I think we all know that the church is the Body of Christ. I believe she was stating, correct me if I'm wrong Jo, that the verse she quoted, Hebrews 10:24-25, admonishes the Body of Christ to assemble together. It doesn't state anything about where they are to assemble. I'm sure Christ has been in the midst of many believers assembled in foxholes, as you have aptly quoted Matthew 18:20.

    Personally, when I refer to seeking a "church", I am referring to a body of believers that desire to worship together, admonish and encourage one another in love, preach the Word, and reach out to a lost and fallen world in order to make disciples of Jesus Christ. For the past 33 years I have been taught reformed theology, and I believe most of the women on this thread have a strong Biblical background, and for that I'm very grateful.

    I love all of you sisters. You are each very unique, and yet we come here together in love to share burdens, pray for one another, encourage with Scripture, and speak the truth in love.

    Blessings to you all today!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited August 2012

     LOL rocket

    So do we lose more posts than other threads or do we just admit it more. Or are you guys just helping me to feel better about my ineptness.

    I too think of "church" as the people not the building. We have talked about having a church without walls to be able to encompass the community better. As we are on a resort island where most of the people come to have "fun" especially at this time of year, we Christians are outnumbered, but that means the harvest field is ripe.

    I go to a meeting on friday nites that is for Christian women in recovery, we are all from different "churchs" and different "denominations", but we come together with a love for Christ's love and grace in our lives. It is alot like this thread except we can see each other face to face. Sometimes we disagree , but we can usually agree to disagree. We pray for each other and check in throughout the week. We share our burdens and do not have to be anything but who we are. 

    I know that I put the burden on myself about how I appear to others. I want to be able to "count it all joy" as I go through this health issue, but it is hard. This being in a season of rest is so new to me, I want to jump up and "do".  Thanks Jo for sharing about how it is for you.

    Thank God, we haven't, as a congregation, had to "get rid" of a pastor, they usually have another calling or get tired of living on an island and want greener fields. 

    I don't know how encouraging I am being to you guys, but you usually make my day much brighter. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Hi ladies! I'm so excited to find this thread!

    I'm 61 until November. Was just diagnosed on July 27. People keep commenting on my attitude, and the fact that I haven't cried or had a hissy fit yet. It's only because of my trust in GOD and the peace He gives me. The peace that the world doesn't understand. I'm not saying at some point, I won't cry or throw things, but I'm taking it one step at a time, and holding onto every healing scripture I can find, and believing for our GOD to do what He has promised.

    I see the surgeon again on aug. 22, to discuss mastectomy. Then chemo. I'm more concerned about my husband through this battle than I am for myself. He's a new believer. He hasn't said much. I've been letting him get used to the idea, but a day or two ago, I asked him to at least read the book on chemo, so he can understand just a bit of what I'll be dealing with. He said he will.

    The scripture I've been clinging to is I Peter 2:23... By his wounds, I was healed.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2012

    Soteria205  Welcome. Smile  Right now Im in a discussion with some ladies here and I need to make comment. Theres nothing worse than coming to a thread and especially a Christian one and feeling like youre being ignored or interupting something. Youre not. I am glad to hear you have a peace that the world doesnt understand! May God bless you. I especially LOVE to hear of new Christians in the age bracket youve said and older ones too. I think its precious beyond measure. I really lift up your hubby to the Lord. Praise God for the men! Amen.

    "Musical, I don't think Jo ever meant to imply that the church is a building."

    I disagree Rocket. If words have meaning then what does this mean?  Jo said about 3 posts up,  "The church building is convenient for me and the one we attend " This is NOT an attack on Jo and I'm not judging her heart, but words are words and theyre important. This show's the confusion that is so ingrained into people about this matter.   

     Respect to all you ladies, but I'd like to also comment (FWIW) on "agree to disagree". I hear it often and I used to say it until I gave it some thought like I typically do to modern phrases. I believe this statement is non-sensical. Agreeing is diametrically opposed to disagreeing.  Really what is behind it is compromise.The Bible is a strong proponent of Christian unity, and there is strong precedence to get agreement on things. Notwithstanding the contradiction I would suggest that the reason we have the notion "agree to disagree" is to 1/ease the tension it causes when someones disobedient to the word, and 2/ to circumvent correction. The only exception I can see in the word where we can legitimately differ (doctrinally) is a question of maturity.

    Jo,  in the text youve quoted youve put  "KJV- Nelson Study Bible" I find it confusing as there are additional words that arnt in the KJV.  

    Sometimes Ive noticed with threads, they can take on different flavours and go through different stages, or there may be a tone that is set where people are afraid to speak out in case they offend someone. This can be something specifically or or a number of things in general.  If this is a place where to be a "good Berean" is seen as a threat then maybe this is not the place for me at the moment if at all.

    Blessings to all.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Dear Jo-5, Thank you for being the Christian role model that I so aspire to. You have given us years of wonderful advice and encouragement. I truly know that you pray for each and everyone here on this thread and you lift us all up in the Way of the Lord,  always sharing our burdens, journeys and challenges!!!! Please know how much we all love you and thank you each day for all your prayers for each and everyone of us. God bless you, Kathy  One more thing: I absolutely love my church building, it is a very simple church filled with beautiful believers and we are community of people who all want one thing: To share the good news of Jesus Christ!!!! Our vacation Bible camp was absolutey awesome. We needed the church building to handle the 200 children who came and to facilitate all the wonderful activities.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012

    Jesus and his follwers met corporately and often. Just because theirs was an outdoor venue, doesn't make it less of a church. We go to church to minister and be ministered to. I go to a fairly small church, came from a mega-church and have a son that goes to a home church. We all worship. We all go to "church," in bulildings; albeit very different ones.

    You can take any position as a "Christian" and support it with a verse. Democrat, Republican, pro-war, anti-war, vegetarian, omnivore. Many henious things have been done in the name of the Lord. Being ablw to quote a scripture doesn't make you right and every one else wrong. Jesus called his followers disciples not Christians for this very reason. There is a big difference. Being the loudest or the longest or the best with using a verse as a weapon does not make one the most "right." Is it any wonder that so many people have such low regard for us as Christians? Look at how we represent Him. This simple page meant for good has digressed to this.This was not what I was seeking whenI came to this page. Too bad. We as disciples should each others biggest support. 

    But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first and all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive and full or mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:13-17

    You guys have at. I'm outta here.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    This thread has become quite different from what it started out to be. We all come here for encouragement and to fellowship together, bearing one another's burdens, praying for one another, and building up the body. Musical, maybe it would be best to start another thread for those interested in debating Scripture. I'm sure there are some who would enjoy that pursuit, but there are others who need to come to an environment where they can feel safe to open their hearts bare before fellow Christians who are well acquainted with their grief and difficulty handling all that is involved in a BC diagnosis. Please believe me that I am not suggesting that deep theological discussions aren't important, but rather they belong on another thread. I also know from your posts that you are quite sympathetic to those struggling with the emotional side of BC as you have admittedly struggled. You have encouraged me with your understanding of anger that so easily plagued me especially when I was first diagnosed. I thank you for that.

    There are new believers that come here for encouragement and perhaps they aren't looking for a deep theological discussion. They need the love of Christ and an environment that will accept them wherever they are in their walk with Him.

    Jo, you are always an inspiration, and I am happy that I've gotten to know you better. You are always the voice of reason and a wise teacher. Kathy, you have always been so kind and and sensitive, helping to squelch my fear whe I get scary test results, and praying faithfully for me. Fondak, you are a peacemaker and a loving, strong Christian. Mini and Macatacmy, I haven't known you for too long, but I very clearly see the love of Christ in you both and your transparency before your sisters here and the Lord is refreshing. Musical, you have blessed me with an understanding of the emotions that surround a BC diagnosis. You obviously have strong theological beliefs, some that differ from the rest of us, and I'm okay with that, but feel the deeper theological discussions may be more appropriate on a separate thread.

    Soteria, welcome! We are happy you are here and I for one will be praying for you and your husband. I have been through a mastectomy and chemo as well as radiation. Please feel free to PM me if you would like. We are here to encourage and lift you up. Let us know how we can help.

    Blessings Ladies. You are all in my prayers!

    I appreciate all of you and the special gifts God has given to each of you.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Yes, indeed, beautiful posts, Jo,Mini and Rocket and welcome to Soteria!!!! Please, Mini, don't leave this thread!!! Your input has been so positive and encouraging!!!! We need to keep encouraging new members to come here and see the power of faith and prayer. We are all Sisters in Christ who have dealt with BC. I so appreciate and love you all. Kathy 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    I am staying Jo. You have not disrupted anything. God is at work on this thread despite any issues that have arisen. The Love of Christ is here. We are sisters and forever will be. I love all you Ladies too!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012

    I will stay and will apologize as well if I've helped set this page adrift. I do, however, agree that if people want to debate their opinion of someone's rightness or wrongness regarding theology, than perhaps a different thread is needed. If we as Christians cannot agree to disagree while supporting each other through BC, than heaven help us all. The last I looked, God gave us His Word not a cheat sheet with all the right answers on it. And agreeing to disagree simply means that we are allowed to have differing opinions whether or not I happen to agree with yours. If God wanted little robots He would have created us with all the software in place so we could spew out whatever answer was asked for on command whether it was understood or not. We are humans not Google pages. We come here with different views, different places in our wak, and different theology. BUT, we have come to this page because we consider ourselves Chrsitians. I say we start over and do what Christ commanded first and foremost:

    ...You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' this is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (bold mine) Matthew 22:37-39

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    Amen and Amen!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Beautiful, Mini!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Thanks so much to every one of you. I feel incredibly blessed to have found this thread. I peeked in on a few others, and some of the language and comments were so bad. I just needed to find people who believe as I do.

    Ive met a few people in my life who have much head knowledge of the word, and are puffed up about it, but that knowledge never shows thru their hearts. This is just my input of what just happened on here. I can see that you ladies who are regulars are not that way. So, I'll be sticking around. I need other Christians that fully understand what I'm going through.

    I'm non-denominational. I was born again in 1992. I have an awesome church family at CharismaLife Ministries, where I've been a member since June 2002. I never miss church, not because I'm so good, but I'm just so afraid that I will miss something. When GOD does something big, healings and such, or just really high praise & worship...I don't want to miss a thing!

    This is why I'm concerned about how soon I can return to church after mastectomy. Without looking totally lopsided. How soon can I wear a prosthesis after? Thus far I'm a DD, so that won't be easy to hide. If any of you have been through this part, please advise. I'm having the left one mx only.

    Phillipians 4:13. I can do all things throught CHRIST, who strengthens me.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    I wish this site had a LIKE button to press like on FaceBook. I read some posts and I want to give a thumbs up, but there's no LIKE button.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Hi, Soteria, I just read your post, as I am getting ready for church soon. I am so glad you are posting here, this is such a great thread and your posts are just wonderful!!!!! Welcome, welcome!!!! I had a bi-lateral mastectomy 7 years ago, and I had no reconstruction. I wore a tank top with foam foobies!!! Occasionally I still wear them, but I actually feel better without anything and I am 59, he,hehe!!! Truly, no one really can notice!!! My friends who have had one breast removed, wear their regular bra and put a foobie on that side. I hope that makes sense!!!! I would ask your onc, how soon you can wear a bra again. God bless you, and please let us help in any way with prayer and support!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Kindergarten, and Jo-5 for replying to my posts. Jo-5, Reynoldsburg is a suburb on the east side of Columbus.

    Pastor spoke today about what he likes to refer to as ALF. As he used to be a fan of the ALF tv program. ALF is actually for Acceptance, Love, Forgiveness, and how we need to be a City of Refuge to a hurting world. As the Holy Spirit draws them ( new souls ) we need to be ready to accept, love, and forgive them, and not adopt the attitude of the elder brother in the prodigal son story.

    After church my husband, 5 other friends, and I go out to lunch together. We takes turns choosing the restaurant. Today we went to Cracker Barrel.

    I had the most awesome group of prayer warriors gather around me to pray today.

    I decree & declare that with the Name, the Blood, and the Word, I will beat cancers butt!!!

    Blessings to you all


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Yes, you will, Paula!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Love those stories, Jo!!!!! No one could do breakfast after church today!! So retail therapy for me to buy for my new beautiful granddaughter, Lily Rose!!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited August 2012

    Hello everyone, whoo I've been off the boards for a day or so and so much has happened. 

    I don't want anyone to "leave" this thread. We need each other. Or at least I need you guys. (yep, I'm selfish)

    Musical, I am esp. praying for you today. I know you are having a hard time with your mother in care and how hard that is emotionally.

    I have to admit that sometimes I skim the longer posts esp. the ones that get into debating the Word. I, too, would rather see encouragment not debate on this thread. Sometimes we let the "words" get in the way of the love, grace and mercy that God shows us everyday. 

    welcome Paula!!

    I am envious of those of you with such great fellowship after church. Living in the northeast as I do, we don't seem to do that as well as other areas. Of course, I didn't even make it to church today. My pastor's kids have strep throat and I have to be so careful of infections. But also a friend called this morning and we had an awkward conversation. I know she was trying to help. I ended up hanging up on her. She was telling me about liver cleanses and such. I took it to mean that she thought I was not "doing" enough to get better. (we have since texted each other and all is well)

    So I ended up taking the dog to the dog park in the rain.

    It was not raining on the way there, but started to pour as I pulled in. I sat for a few moments and wondered what to do. Knew I did not have a coat or umbrella with me, then spotted an umbrella (only slightly broken) hanging from the sign that says "pick up your dog's ....." (insert word poop, LOL) So I used that and had a nice, but a bit shorter than usual, walk. Afterwards I hung the umbrella back where it was for the next person to use. Then I did some retail therapy on the way home. 

    So I pray that God's wondrous grace touches each one of you today!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Im reading a little booklet by Jodie Osteen, mother of television evangelist Joel Osteen, called HEALED OF CANCER. Jodie was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1981. They told her that with or without chemo, she had 2 weeks or less to live.

    She started reading, eating, speaking, and breathing the Word of GOD. She stood on every healing promise even when she looked & felt like she was dying. Even when she could barely drag herself out of bed, she would get up and out to pray for others who were sick. Anyway, that was 1981, and she is alive and well today.

    I'm trying to get those same healing scriptures into my spirit and my mind.

    I'll try posting some on here each day.


    So you shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. Exodus 23:25

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Hi Paula,

    Looks like I am a little behind with my welcome but a great big welcome to you!  I am so excited to hear that God brought your husband to Him prior to your diagnosis.  I will sure be praying for him.  It's also great to hear that you have the support of your church family!  It makes such a difference.  I guess I don't have to tell you that.

    As for the surgery, I had a bi whatever you call it masectomy and I only missed one service.  I was really concerned especially since I have a rather large cup size so it was going to be a big difference but while I was in the hospital my mom went and purchased a camisole type thing that had pockets for the drains and a pocket that held a soft pillow like stuffing form that made me look balanced.  

    I had hemorraging following my surgery and my drains stayed in for a several weeks.  When I went to church I wore a sports bra with the form and put my drain in my pants pocket.  Once I wore pants with no pockets and just put it inside my pants and it stayed right under my waistband.  The pants were tight enough to hold it in place but not to tight for it.  Now they would be too tight for it!  I would wear longer shirts or sweaters and it worked well for me. 

    The only awkward thing was when someone would give me a hug.  I always tried to do side hugs anyway when it's a guy but never cared with women until that.  Too, since one side was heavier I told my friends to give me a signal if I got whopsided.  It was simple...just use your hands when you're talking and raise one hand up...not in the air, just from your wrist and drop the other down by bending your wrist.  They could even call my name do the signal and say nevermind.  They never had to use it.  I did take a safety pin and pin a ribbon to my sportsbra and the other end to my pants to keep it from riding up.

    I went all through chemo too.  I wasn't able to work like I did from the surgery but I was there and we left at 6 am and didn't get home until around 4 because it was an hour away and my sons played music there for 2 services.

    I say all that to say it may be much better than you imagine.

    Please let us know what the upcoming dates are for all you'll be facing so we can be praying.

    So.....there are two of you here from Ohio and neither in Cleveland?   I just love a pastor in Cleveland.  I have learned so much from his dedication to studying scripture and what God has shown him through that.  I listen to him at Truth for Life.  Jo5 I think you heard something from him before.  Maybe it was someone else.

    Rocket, you also accidentally deleted a post!  I hated that for you but it sure made me feel better lol.

    Well ladies I love ya'll and hope you all get a good night's rest!

    If I could also ask.....anyone who is willing to pray for me I really need support in excercising.  I just don't feel like it some days but I could if I would and I'm sure I would feel so much better.  I've gained about 20 lbs since this all started.  If I could lose that I'm sure I would have more energy and I know I'd have more to wear!  Most of all, I'm stage 3 and 95% estrogen positive which is in fat!

    Thanks and good day I'll have a short post!