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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012

    Rocket - I understand your frustration. I too have lost numerous people to cancer of varying types, including breast cancer. Logically I know that as we reach the point where we have more days behind us than we do in front of us, this is bound to be the case, and I also realize that once you have cancer yourself you become hyper-aware of it, but still it seems like it's happening more and more. Like you I don't question God's sovereignty, but it just seems overwhelming sometimes. But I try to focus on the circle of life and love my kids and grandkids and focus on living. Thank goodness for God's tender mercies. I don't know how people do this without it. I truly don't.

    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of my days and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 31:19

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    So true Mini!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Hi, everyone!!!! Such heartfelt and truthful posts!!!!  It is so reassuring to know that all of come here with the same beliefs and strong faith.Rocket, Jo-5, Mini and others here on this wonderful thread, you are all my Christian role models and I appreciate each and everyone of you!!!! When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I prayed for Our Lord to heal me, bargaining with Him. I now realize that He healed me because He loved me, and my time here on Earth was not over yet. I did not have to bargain with Him, His grace healed me. As I continue to travel on this journey, my fear of death has lessened, because I know our time here on earth is just preparation for greater things to come, to be with Our Lord and Savior in Heaven. Please don't get me wrong, I love life here and will hold on to it with passion for as long as I can. We have no control of when Our LOrd will take us Home, but do have control of how we spend our time here. Rick Warren said make your time here count, knowing you did everything possible to live a Christlike life. God bless each and everyone one of you!!!! Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Once again I come here and it's like I'm reading about myself through your posts.  I have more active not yet organized exercise but I've been doing alot of physical tasks out in the yard with my husband and indoors I've been sitting very little.  My pain is getting better also....praise God for that!  I reached a point that I didn't expect it too.

    I have a friend who I went through jr high and high school with.  She had almost the same diagnosis as mine.  The only difference was she had 11 positive nodes and I had 9.  She did have a lumpectomy and I had a masectomy.  When I was diagnosed she was about 2 yrs out.  A couple of months ago it had spread to her lungs and bones.  Last week she found out it is all through her bones now.  It has bothered me much more than I realized.  I have noticed this week while working on some of the projects I would think of something in the future and immediately think I don't need to think so far in advance I may not be here.  I rarely think like that.....I caught myself and thought why am I doing this.  Later that day I thought about my friend and was so sad and then I realized that's what's been going on.

    Also, a few months ago the lead singer that my sons play with, his mom had breast cancer and was in a wreck.  She had a seizure which had never happened.  She found out the cancer is in her brain.  My cousin has died of breast cancer and my great uncle is going home with hospice.  He has colon cancer.   He's also blessed for all his years without health issues as I am too! Mini said I too know God is Soverign and it makes all the difference in the world.  So whatever is to be is for His Glory as we are His.  Kindergarten it is so true too that we have no control of when Our Lord will take us home.  It does comfort me that I don't know that cancer will be what happens to bring about my exit here.  A sweet lady I know died outside the cancer center when her car blew up because of a gas leak.  She had brain cancer and was her treatment was going very well.

    One thing I'm thankful for is that I didn't have to see one of my sons go through this as a child. That would be a horribly difficult journey.

    Well.....on to other factors in life JO5, I love your ambition with the peaches and apples.  I wanted to can some tomatoes but I'm afraid I've waited a little late.  After the encouragement from your ladies sharing how busy you used to be around the house and my desire to get moving I called a place that has a field where you pick your own but they've pulled up their crop getting ready for turnip greens.  I may drive down to Atlanta's Farmer's Market.

    I am going to begin working on nutrition.  We had lunch with the neatest family after church Sunday.  I met the mom where my sons took classes one day a week last year.  She had a real servants heart and led a group of ladies there which prayed for an ministered to other homeschooling moms with any needs the families had.  They had been praying for me and sent the boys home with a meal each week.

    Anyway, she had a salad with kale, quinoa and some other things and it was so good and healthy.  She also had chocolate mousse made with avacado, dates, maple syrup, and cocoa.  She showed me a cookbook that I'm going to order called The Real Food Diet Cookbook. 

    I've got to look back where someone told me about an exercise thread to help hold me accountable. I'm going to be more organized with it when my husband leaves next week.

    And thanks for your prayers for his time here.  It's been nice and I can see he is growing in Christ.  He's always had the head knowledge and now I see fruit. He loves the church we are now attending also.

    JO5 thankful that you have been enjoying the church you've been attending.  We went through the membership classes where we are attending. Next we will be interviewed. I've never been to a church that does that before. It's always been just say you want to be a member and have a letter of baptism or get baptized. I really see the need for their process. I've been really excited about all I'm learning.

    Rocket, I sure wish I could say my carpet is clean.  Ours is almost white and I have an area where I have been sitting and couldn't figure out why it's black there. Then I was thinking how every time I take them off my feet are black.  Putting 2 and 2 together I finally figured it out.

    I have friends who take their shoes off at the door. I think I may adopt that.  I'm just in and out so that's really lazy when I wear flip flops most of the time! Oh well.

    I hope you all have a good night.....Know I love ya'll and have you in my prayers!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Dear Fondak!!! You wrote such a thoughtful post about your dear friend. I will lift her up in prayer. All things are possible with God!!! I am sure you are a comfort to her and to others around you. What a tragic story about the sweet woman dying in her car. Every day is a gift, but it is hard when we lose people near and dear to us. Blessings to you, and have a peaceful week, Kathy 

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    All these beautiful posts. I too love this thread the most, and our sisterhood here. You ladies inspire, encourage and lift me up each time I come here.

    Fondak, I'm so happy that your time was so pleasurable with your husband. How long will he be gone? it's great that he is growing I the Lord and I pray that it will continue to draw you closer to one another.

    Jo, I love to can fruit too. I make a lot of jam with fresh berries, both freezer jam and cooked jam. I can no longer handle the marathon canning sessions any more either as my poor feet and back won't take it.

    Kathy, how is precious Lily Rose doing? My son, his wife and my granddaughter will be coming for the holiday weekend. I can hardly wait! Erin is babbling now. She says bah bah! My son is trying so hard to get her to say Dada. What a delight she is. I hope you are enjoying some special time with yours. Do they live nearby?

    Mini and Mac, thanks you for all the encouraging verses you share. They never fail to encourage me. I pray you are both doing well.

    Paula, it's so nice having you on this thread. I am always blessed by your positive attitude despite trial. I tend to whine about things, and you handle difficulty with such grace.

    I really could use some prayer for my right hand and arm. I am right-handed and this is also my BC side. I struggle with truncal LE and mild LE in my arm. A few days ago, my right hand started hurting without any provoking injury. The pain was so bad that I couldn't sleep even after taking four Advil. It hurts on the side of my hand, opposite of my thumb, below my pinkie finger and near my wrist. I am unable to flatten my hand out completely. Two of my doctors believe that I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy or more commonly called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. One of my doctors also sees evidence of impingement in that wrist. Here's the dilemma, I can't have an invasive procedure without risking full-blown LE. Please pray that God would heal this pain. I can't even bear to shake someone's hand, as the pain would send me to the floor. By evening, my whole arm is throbbing. Attending a new church, everyone wants to shake your hand, and I have to politely decline stating that I have a problem with my hand and offering my left hand instead. Not that shaking with my left hand is a big deal, it's just that I get very tired of answering questions about what is wrong with my hand, which usually leads to questions about BC. I'm not that private of a person, but I do get weary of telling people that I barely know that I had BC. Sometimes their eyes go straight to my chest (yes I wear foobs in public), or I get the pity look. I despise the pity look! Anyway, all that to say that I really would appreciate your prayers.

    I pray that you all have a productive and blessed day.

    Loving you all,

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited August 2012

    Rocket, prayers for your pain to go away. Please Lord be with rocket, ease her discomfort, help her feet, back and hand. Lord I pray for your will, I don't claim to know what that is anymore, but You know all!

    Prayer for all you lovely ladies. 

    People seem to have automatic responses to each other. The offering of the hand and the "How are you" questions, these can stump me sometimes. They want to have the automatic answer of "fine". But I just don't know how I am. So I know how that must be for you especially at a new church. 

    I am waiting on the results from my echocardiogram. I am waiting for my new doc to go over my records from my old doc's  office. I am now on bp meds and montioring my bp daily. This morning even on the meds it was high with an irregular beat.

    On Sunday I made it to church, abiet late. I just can't figure out the timing of getting ready and doing two nebulizer meds and getting out the door. The women gathered around me after service and prayed and prayed for healing. This morning at my prayer group, one of the women asked with such a hopeful look on her face How I was feeling. And I had to say, the same. I feel like I am letting everyone down.

    So I am off to my mental health appt this morning. She offered to set me up with a spiritual adviser last week. I said that would be the job for my pastor, but he just seems so unavailable right now. So I am in the dry desert for a while. I know I am not abandoned. Just in a waiting pattern.

    After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1Kings 19:12 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Good morning to all my girls

    Rocket I consider it an honor to go to the FATHER on your behalf.

    Lymphedema is one thing that really concerns me. I plan to do everything possible to avoid it. Rest, exercise, whatever doctors & fellow warriors suggest, but I'm also already speaking to the mountain to be uprooted & cast into the sea. Mark11:23.

    I see the surgeon again tomorrow. I should know then, when surgery will be. I'm still hoping for October, but we'll see.

    I've visited many threads on this site, but this one is my favorite by far. I was amazed & thrilled to find fellow believers.

    Have a Joyful Day Everyone



    Fear not, for I AM with you; be not dismayed, for AM your GOD. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. For I, the LORD your GOD, will hold your right hand, saying to you, Fear not, I will help you. Isaiah 41:10-13


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012


    Everyone always looking at me with pity, and the " how are feeling?" questions got on my nerves. I hate the pity looks. I got tired of saying, I feel fine, I have no symptoms. It was found on a routine mammo. So, now whenever anyone asks me that, I reply, with a smile, " I am healed, filled, and blessed of GOD. "

    I'm only 7 weeks into this battle, so if it gets to me already, I'm sure you are really tired of it. Besides, the word says, " by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of our testimony.



  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Rocket....I'll sure be praying for you and your pain.  I have pain in the thumb side of my hand, the same hand one the side I had the surgery on.  Sometimes I can do something as simple as reach to pull the keys out of the ignition and it will feel as though my thumb is breaking and pain radiates up my arm.  I've noticed that movement in my wrist often brings this about and I've been wearing a brace for carpal tunel.  I don't know if it's anything like yours but that help me a lot.  I had read another lady on the aromasin thread mention it.  I even wore it to church on Sunday and it cut down my handshakes by about 90%! is what I thought......some folks are looking at my breast!  I kept thinking that I might be self conscience and not realize it.  I know right?   How self conscience are you if you don't realize it!  If it were my sister she would probably say something's only one, which do you think right of left?  We are so opposite!

    The UPS guy came to the door yesterday as I was on the phone discussing what I might do with my hair and I was pulling on it in different places while on the front porch talking about how some spots have grown faster than others.  I told him I was trying to come up with some sort of style and mine was like his a few months back from chemo.  His was shaved.  He told me he really liked my hair and asked if I shaved it before it fell out.  I said yes and he told me that's what his wife wants to do.  He was about 30 and his wife just had surgery and will be having chemo.  I thought about our recent conversation regarding how cancer seems to be everywhere.

    There are so many ways I'm thankful for cancer.  I thankful I got a chance to focus on letting my family know what I need to like how much I'm okay with whatever God has for me and how I know His ways are best.  I'm thankful I got to know that I really trust God on something more than a superficial level.  I'm thankful for the UPS guys smile when I told him that I was stage 3 with it in my lymph nodes this time last year and at this point there is no evidence of cancer and to see his smile and know how that felt.  I'm thankful for all the prayers I have got to pray (including the UPS guys wife) that I would have otherwise never known about.  I'm thankful for how much greater prayers of others and my own prayers have come to mean to me.  I'm thankful for how much more I love God and how I've experienced Him as my Shepard. 

    You ladies are a part of those prayers and I will be praying for each of you here shortly.

    I hope you all have a restful night and wake up thankful for another day here and the day we will be with our LORD with all our brothers and sisters in Christ!  Can you imagine not having that to look forward to? 

    Love you all.....Goodnight!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    I finally saw the surgeon again yesterday. He was ok with waiting until October to do surgery when I will have better medical coverage, but said, since we're waiting, I needed to go upstairs to see the MO to get started on arimidex right away.

    They are supposed to call me today, after they get funding for the medicine.

    I asked the MO if she was comfortable waiting. She is. This feels like a load off my shoulders.

    I also found out, I was mistaken about the diagnosis. The final path report says HER neg. all along I thought it was positive. I'm still learning.

    Are any of you on arimidex? I read the long list of side effects, and I'm praying I don't get them.

    Fondak I loved your story about the ups driver & his wife. I prayed for them, and I'm praying for all of you today.




    By your words you are justified, and by your words you are condemned. Matthew 12:37

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    Good morning Ladies,

    Jo, I am going to try wearing my wrist splint to see if it helps. Right now, since we've recently moved, I don't have healthcare providers in this area.

    Fondak, thank you for your always insightful posts. Your faith is amazing and challenges me.

    Paula, I'm so happy for you that your doctors agree. That is a big relief. I do take Arimidex, and unfortunately I'm one of the people that has experienced a lot

    of joint pain. Don't let me scare you off however. Many women do just fine on it. For me, the bottom line is that I'd rather experience the side effects of Arimidex vs. the side effects of cancer any day!

    Well carpet stretching is done, and now I just need to get the furniture delivered and carpeting removed from the stairs. UGH, did I mention that I hate moving?! It seems to take forever to get a house the way I want it. Yes I tend to be rather picky.

    We are going to our first home group meeting tonight that is affiliated with ur church. We are going to attend the 50s and 60s group. We will be the youngest ones in it at age 52. I like being the youngest at something for a change. :-)

    Have a wonderful day Ladies. You are in my prayers!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    Please pray for me and my family. I just learned on Facebook that my older sister passed away at 4:30 this morning. It also happens to be my birthday today. I'm not sure that she was a believer. My heart is so grief stricken!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Dearest Rocket, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Rocket, I'm so sorry. I learned of my older sisters death on facebook dec. 2010.

    I will certainly be praying for all concerned.

    Take heart, ACTS 16:31 believe in the LORD JESUS, and you and your family will be saved.

    Remember Rahab in the book of Joshua? Because of the covenant GOD made with you, he will save all of your family. He knows exactly what it takes for each one to be drawn to him. Remember the thief on the cross? Our Lord is NEVER one moment too late!

    Happy Birthday




    So Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, and her relatives who were with her in the house, because she had hidden the spies Joshua sent to Jericho. And she lives among the Israelites to this day. Joshua 6:25

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012

    You have to be interviewed to join a church??? That's new one for me. I think a lot of our members probably wouldn't have passed an interview when they first arrived. We just catch 'em. We let Him clean 'em :-)

    I used to ponder the question if you could learn the specific time of when you're going to die, would you want to know? I used to lean toward knowing. Being able to make amends, say what's gone unsaid, etc. But now, I don't think so. There are times when ignorance really is bliss.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2012

    I am an on and off lurker here. I just realized I had not seen a post by Spar in a long time. May I ask if anyone has heard from her?

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited August 2012

    Oh rocket, I am so sorry about your sister! And on your birthday, too! And to find out about it on FB! my heart goes out to you!

    home groups can be the best way to get to know people at a new church. Have fun! 

    My echo results came back normal, so it ruled out pulmonary hypertension, but still no clue of what is happening with my lungs. You would think I would be happy, but have sunk into a sad place. I am asking for the Holy Spirit to lift me up and going to an emergency appt with my mental health provider tomorrow.

    pj, I don't "know" spar and have not "seen" her either.

    mini, there is a difference between being an attendee at a church and becoming a member of that church. It is usually a process for all of us. 

    jo, I pray that I am pleasantly surprised by the people I get to meet up with again.

    when my husband died when he was just 45, I spoke to my then pastor at length about that very subject as he had been saved, gotten baptisted in water and in spirit, and then wandered away from the church, God and our family. He said basically the same thing as you, that no one knows what happens in those last few hours or minutes and that is all it takes. A reaching out for the One who saves.

    I have had many conversations about "once saved always saved?" I don't care to repeat them now. I just wanted to comment on jo's post and give rocket hope, like my pastor gave me hope about my loved one.

     Can't remember if I posted this before, 

    Humble yourself, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 1 Peter 5:6 

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Dear Macatacmv, Good news about your echocardiogram. I am lifting you up in prayer right now, asking Our Lord to lift you up to a better place. You have alot on your plate right now. Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Blessings, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited August 2012

    Hi Rocket,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. 

    You're sure in my prayers.

    Wish I could give you a big hug!

    Much love

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2012

    Thanks, Jo. It is just worrisome when someone "disappears" from the forum. I am glad to know she is just busy coping with life.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Not that it really matters, as we all believe in the same GOD, but what denominations are you all?

    I attend a non-denominational full gospel church. We are multicultural, and our mandate from GOD is to the Jews. Especially helping them to make Aliya back to Israel.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012

    Rocket - I am so sorry to hear about your sister. I wish there was someting i could say that would comfort you.

    I heard a song the other day that that made me think of this site. It was called Thank God We Don't Have to Hide Scars. Here we can share both or physical and emotional scars. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012


    That was an awesome pose! I have to say, i believe exactly as you do! That the entire Bible is the inspired word of GOD. The trinity, FATHER, SON, And HOLY SPIRIT.

    My sins are washed in the blood, and I believe in pre-tribulation rapture, water baptism, tithing, confessing our sins daily, praying to the Father in the Name of the Son, raising hands in praise, singing, dancing. I believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, but I don't believe you have to do that to go to Heaven. I believe in laying on hands, anointing with oil, loving & encouraging each other.

    I hope I didn't offend anyone. As I said before, it really doesn't matter what the denomination is, we all believe in the same LORD, I was just curious. It wasn't my intent to try to condemn anyone else's belief.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Dearest Rocket, Praying for you daily! Jo-5, such a wonderful post and I am on the same page. Hubby and I are Evangelical Methodists and found a wonderful church here in CA. Paula, so glad to share my beliefs and denomination, thank you for asking and sharing!!!! God bless you all!!! We are all on the same journey!!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited August 2012

    Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Eph 4:3-6

    So glad we are all together no matter the slight differences we might have. I am a member of an Assemblies of God church. Tho, I like the way Jo put it about belief rather than a denomination. 

    I had such a hard time singing in church today. I know God can hear me when I whisper, but I want to be able to  Praise Him out loud!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012


    I attended an Assemblies of God church for 6 years. I still believe as they do.

    My church is a melting pot, so to speak, of different denominations. Catholics, Church of God, Methodists, church of Christ, Baptists. We have a retired Methodist pastor, and even a few Jews. But, only One GOD!!!

    I feel like I'm hanging in limbo here... Almost 2 months until I have surgery, and won't know final diagnosis until path report comes back from that. I'm trying to keep a good attitude. Taking every negative thought captive.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited August 2012

    Dear Paula, I know how hard the waiting is, prayers are coming your way for peace and patience, You are a very strong and faithful woman. May each day until then be filled with many blessings, joy and laughter!!! I had to have repeat bloodwork done for rising tumor markers, the waiting for the results was awful, but I am getting better with this cancer journey through prayer, faith and wonderful sisters like you that I can come to for prayer and support. My tumor markers came way down!!!! Love to all of you and many thanks!!! Kathy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2012

    Well said Jo-5! I love the toenail part, and you're right, even they are important. Sometimes I feel like the fungus under the toenail. But, not today! Today, I just feel treasured by the Father. In fact, He loves us so much, He has our picture on the front of his refrigerator.

    It's rainy here in Ohio today. A bit late, as the corn crop is already ruined. I've never in 61 years seen a summer quite like this one. So hot & humid, but I guess it was like that all over the country.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2012
    Ditto with what Jo-5 said, except I use many versions of the bible not just the NKJ. I definitely agree with the variety of denominations represented here, and the vocalness of the poster. What's important is that we support each other through Christ. Innocent