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Calling all TNs



  • slv58
    slv58 Member Posts: 486
    edited January 2017

    Mandy, so happy to hear your Mom's home! Hugs to everyone

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2017


    Remaining in my heart, thoughts and prayers.....

    Gentle hugs,


  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2017

    Hello Mandy, what a wonderfull news, my best wishes to u and to your mother.


  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies, Inspired brought to my attention that there might be a missing zip code on Annie's address. I copied and pasted from what she gave me a couple months back, but I'm double checking with her daughter now. I wanted to quickly get this up here so everyone can hold off on sending more card until I confirm. If it is missing info, for those who already sent their cards, I would give your local post office a call with the address written on the card and ask if it will still make it there. Sometimes it will...but here's hoping it's not an issue!

    Sorry for the confusion!!!

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2017

    Okay, so there is a slight misspelling and although the zip code was left off, they aren't very important in NZ. :) So those who have sent cards are okay! Phew! However, I'll go ahead and use the updated full address going forward.

    Annie is receiving chemo right now as I type, so extra extra love being sent!!!

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017

    Thank you Ally. You're so kind.

  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2017

    Hello all, my doctor send me, estradiol test and this was hight. Anybody there do this test.


  • DiV
    DiV Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies, just an update on my treatment. Rads going well. Skin looks great. No redness or anything. Friday will be 15/25. Touched base with my radiologist tuesday. I finish rads on feb 10 and finish chemo on February 13. Radiologist said 4 weeks after treatment i will have my surgery. Radiologist has been in contact with the orthopedic, thoracic, and plastic surgeon. I will need to have a petscan prior to the surgery to make sure cancer hasn't spread. I have faith my cancer is still contained. I also saw my oncologist and during exam he said he could feel tumor has shrunk from size of an apple to almost half which is great news.

    Inspired the card party is an excellent idea for Cocker she will love it!

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2017

    I'm so happy to hear Annie is home! Thanks Mandy for the update! We all love your mom as you can see!

    Thanks to those for getting things rolling for the card shower for Annie! I'll be sending her one for sure!

    DiV I'm glad to know things are rolling right along for you. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Thinking of you and praying things continue to go well.

    Ladies, could you please spare a few prayers for me regarding this bump or whatever it is I feel in my armpit that I posted about on Monday? It's not any bigger or red, but I have to email my nurse navigator tomorrow morning and go from there. My regular checkup is the 6th but depending on what she says, I may have to see my Onc sooner so I'm really nervous about this!

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited January 2017

    In you pocket luvmydobies. Make room in the pocket because it's going to get crowded

    DIV thanks for the update. I think of you often. So glad the tumor is shrinking.

    I love the card shower for Annie. Glad she is back home.

    Waves to all my TN sisters

  • DiV
    DiV Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2017

    luvmydobies, in your pocket always! Better get a basket it's going to fill up fast!

    Valstim52 thank you so much!

    We have all been through so much but we have to keep fighting!

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017

    DiV and lovemydobies,

    We can always pray for each other for healing and deliverance. Group prayers are powerful. I have been trying to encourage others to pray at 7 o'clock morning or evening. Any faithful prayer will do and you can include the names of all those you want to pray for. You can have a prayer petition to a specific saint or you can make your own prayer. As long as you pray sincerely and making it a daily habit at a specific hour, it is powerful.


    Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2017

    Luv - in your pocket and sending you many prayers!

    Meadow - I love your story and others too! We recently got some new furniture and my cat does not know what to do with himself. He has been "testing" out all these different spots trying to figure out where to claim lol. You can tell he hasn't quite found one that he's settled on yet. I have a new spot as well and I don't think he likes it. He jumps on the couch and just sits and stares at me until I pull him over and lay him down next to me. It's like I have to show him it's okay to get comfy on the new gear. He makes me laugh every day!

  • Batesburg
    Batesburg Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2017

    luvmydobies- thinking of you.

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited January 2017

    Ally, cats are so funny!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2017

    Luv, - thinking of you, - update when you can!

    Div, - with you, too.

    My daughter's friend just learned that she needs a dmx and chemo. She's 32, single, and a sweet, sweet girl. Scheduled for surgery in about 10 days. I will suggest these boards to her, - any specific ones that I should direct her to? (I dont yet know the path report re positive or negative, etc.) Thank you for any suggestions.

    Meadow, how are you feeling?

    Hoping all here are feeling WELL.

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited January 2017

    DiV - So wonderful to hear that the tumor is shrinking.  I also think of you often, and praying for the best in the weeks and months forward.  

    Dobies - Sending prayers for you as well.  Swelling from mastectomy can take years to go down and fully resolve.  Perhaps this bump is something that has always been there, but not as prominent, due to swelling.  Maybe your body is continuing to heal, making this one thing more prominent.  Thinking of only the best news for you, and of course, in your pocket too!  I think the odds are very much in your favor, with you having reached your 3-year mark.  Please post your update as soon as you know what the next steps are.  Definitely thinking of you and sending prayers!


  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2017

    Thanks so much ladies!! My nurse navigator feels it will be fine to have it checked at my appointment on the 6th. It doesn't feel any bigger for sure and maybe even less prominent. I did make an appointment with my PCP for this coming Tuesday so she can do a proper exam. I'm going to leave it alone for now. My IBS is in a flare from the stress! Ugh I hate my bowels!!! Haha! Had to take Pepto twice last night. Anyway please keep praying. Thanks again! I'll post an update Tuesday. XOXOXO!!!!

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2017

    NYC - my heart goes out to your friend's daughter. I was 33 at dx. I tried to join the young breast cancer board here (not quite sure of the exact name), but rightfully so, there was a lot of focus on being a mom to young children, fear of cycles not returning in hopes of having more children, etc. Given our situation, it wasn't a good fit for me. If she has children, I would say that board here would be an excellent source of support. If she doesn't, unfortunately most of the resources for younger diagnosed women will lean towards those topics and she might feel they're not a good fit for her either. This thread actually became my home base and sole source of online support. My friend added me to another small secret cancer support group for all ages, stages, and cancers. The girl running it at the time was my age, no children, and had chronic ovarian cancer, stage IIIC. Although it took me a while to feel comfortable "complaining" in front of others struggling more than me, this sweet girl made it her mission to make all feel comfortable and equal. Very sadly, she passed late last year and I have a hard time visiting the group since. I mention that though because it's still an amazing group despite its diversity, but because it's secret only I could add her, which I'd be more than happy to do. There are a few larger Facebook groups that are specific to what her pathology comes back with, but I found those good for a major question requiring large amounts of feedback, rather than a community support type feeling...only due to the large number of members. Feel free to pass along my name here. I'd be more than happy to chat with her anytime.

    DiV - wonderful news that the tumor has shrunk so much! Will be sending you love and good thoughts for a great PET scan!

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2017

    Hang in there, Luv!! Will continue to send prayers your way, and as always, keep us posted! xo

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2017

    Ally, - Thank you so much! When she has more info, I hope she will join these boards and contact you! She doesnt have children, so I will take your advice and not suggest the young board that you mentioned. THANK YOU, again!

    Hugs to you, and all here.

  • 4everStrong
    4everStrong Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2017

    Hi to all

    Hugs to all, and strength to all of us .. a special thought for Cocker "Annie" I will request for her address privately and will send her a card from France as well.. may be it will cheer her up!!

    Amazing and caring people here .. I don't know how you find the time to be there for each other and I admire you for this!! sorry that I don't come here as much as I would like to.. I am back into my old routine, so no time for nothing.. I do visit here every now and then hence my message today.

    Prayers to all .. and in the pocket of all those in treatment and all the others during their follow ups and all those waiting for results/next steps/upcoming appointments ---everyone here!

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017

    Hola Amigas!!! Please watch the 2017 Miss Universe Pageant to be held in Manila, Philippines on Monday, January 30. It'll be fun!!!



  • aterry
    aterry Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2017

    Gramof2boys, thanks for the encouragement. I'm happy for you that your are doing well 3 1/2 years out.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773
    edited January 2017

    What an impressive response to treatment, DiV! May that be a precursor to a smooth surgery and recovery.


  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited January 2017

    Hiya gals so happy to read Annie is home and ok to get chemo. Mandy hope you and your dad are doing ok.

    I love the idea of sending cards to Annie.

    Meadow aww that sucks about your revision. How are you healing?

    Luv in your pocket

    Gmmiph love the gif. So cute!

    Another like you I also have a friend that was recently dx and actually just got off the phone with her. She is waiting for surgery the end of feb and nervous about the wait time. I tried to get her to calm her thoughts but I don't know how successful I was. I remember those days of constant worry and anxiety too well. Thankful I took Xanax. I even suggested it to my friend along with a lot of tips to keep busy to keep her mind from going down the rabbit hole.

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017

    Shopgal, thanks for appreciating. God bless.

  • gmmiph
    gmmiph Member Posts: 662
    edited January 2017



  • GT1965
    GT1965 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2017

    Hello - introducing myself after a few weeks of reading hundreds (?) of past posts.....

    I'm hoping to find support from those specifically diagnosed with TNBC. I was diagnosed on 12/29/16. I had an annual mammo in Sept. and found a lump at the end of Oct. I waited a month to see if there was any change since I had just had the mammo. The lump got bigger quickly. Had to get a referral now to mammography place from PCP. That took a week. PCP said, well at least it isn't hard. Referred me to mammo. That took a week. Mammo and US on 12/27. IDC, stage 3, 1.5 cm.TNBC. Referral to breast surgeon. Lumpectomy 1/17. 0/6 nodes, clear margins/nodes. My mother had breast cancer around 50 and died at 55 from Leukemia. From reading everything available on these sites, I'm convinced chemo/rad is going to be my treatment. Having a hard time from BS and friends "sugar coating" things. I have not found one TN person that did not have chemo. And, with the history of TN, why wouldn't you?

    I'm just starting what I can imagine will be a long journey, but I appreciate everyone's thoughts and opinions?

    Thank you for letting me vent!

  • lovesgreenthings
    lovesgreenthings Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2017

    GT1965, welcome to the TN Sisterhood! Sorry we have to meet this way. I am newer on the TN site as well but others here have been posting and coaching for a long time and I have found them to be a wonderful support group. You will find great comfort and hopefully some relief from anxiety here.

    I understand "the things people say" part all too well. We have all heard these things. It is impossible not to let it sting, but believe me, with time it will not matter as much. There is a discussion group on these boards about managing emotions that might help. They have some funny lists of the most ridiculous things people have said to them . . . . it might make you laugh. I knew that once I could laugh again, everything would work out ok or at least I could see it in a more proactive way. You will also find that the least expected of your friends/family will step up to the plate and be a hero.

    My surgery was on 1/16 so my next step is chemo. Terrified of that word for months but have spent a lot of time here and now feel a lot better about this. In the FIGHTING mode now and ready to kill the cells that went rogue. I know that you too will get in fighting mode soon. Lean on this community as they are the most understanding people you will ever meet. I have asked a lot of questions and sent a lot PM's to this group. Each one has shared with me and for that I am so grateful. Such beautiful women here, everyone of them.

    PM me if you want to know some of the groups I visited on here that helped me, besides the mighty TN's.
