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Bras 101: The Great Post-Exchange Debate



  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Very crazy. I really like him and he has done a great job as far as I'm concerned so I guess I just have to trust him!

  • Cameron
    Cameron Member Posts: 128

    hillck, welcome to this thread. OMG 39 days until our exchange day...can we pretty please call it E-day?  E-DAY. E-minus 39 days and counting! 

    You are correct, I am foob obsessed.

    I am making sure these foobs are going to behave properly for me. I need to know how to train them, to be all that they can be!  My PS says no underwire, he doesn't want it to interfere with his work. I can understand how fragile IMF folds (that's the crease under your boob, newbies) could be compromised by an ill-fitted underwire. BUT, a properly fitted one should do no harm, and disperse gravity in a delightfully equal way. ...I just really wanna wear underwire... 

    I WILL be pushing on this issue, I prefer to be in underwire as soon as my PS will permit it.  I plan on presenting a persuasive case to him, including a pretty impressive pie chart, plus a poignant powerpoint presentation, which I will design myself!

    (I got carried away, sorry...I think I'll just tell him what I want and we'll argue it out. Or maybe I'll do what I always do, which is smile, nod, and say "ok, uh-huh" a lot, while I secretly wonder if he has botox...)

    Does anyone ever wear underwire against the wishes of their PS? I just feel it is SO crucial to the drop and fluff. I ALSO feel strongly that sports bras should be worn during TE expansion, they need encouragement and gentle reminders not to roam!

    In closing, I just feel strongly, in general, about everything these days.  I strongly feel Super-B Complex vitamins have upped my energy to abnormal levels. God it's like I'm on crack, how do any of you STAND me?! Do you just roll your eyes and scroll down as fast as you can? Unfortunately for you guys, I can type as fast as I think; so you are getting real-time thought process here.  Stand back and enjoy the horror.

    39 days to E-Day!

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    As with all of you ... this whole BC nightmare has taught me a few things.  While I appreciate my doctors ... they are not God. We learn, research, network with other survivors ... we learn a few things.  Wearing a bra and everything I've learned on this thread is one example.  My PS didn't want me wearing an underwire for three months.  He never really gave a reason except he didn't want to hurt the internal sutures.  I took his advice, but then did what I thought was reasonable.  I started wearing an underwire about 6 weeks out from exchange.  I was in a lot of pain and an underwire just felt better to me.  From what I've learned here... it wasn't going to hurt anything ... in the end we have to do what is right for us. 

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

     Welcome, hllck!!  Glad to have you come check us out!  

    Cameron - I'm beyond honored with your new signature......Kiss  And your alliteration is quite frankly brilliant!   Even better, I have a bra brand that starts with a "P":  "Panache! 

    You're right about an ill-fitting underwire - potentially disastrous to the IMF - but also to implant position as it could exert pressure in the wrong direction.  Those pockets that our TE's made - and may have been modified by our PS's at exchange - take several months to form scar tissue - the capsule - around the implants which helps provide support for the implant.  The LAST thing that you want is a capsule formed in the wrong place, 'cause that means REVISION......not a fun event by any stretch of the imagination.  That's why - IMHO, that is - getting into a STRUCTURED bra ASAP after exchange is so important.  

    I'm gonna step off my soapbox now and go wake up my dear friend who's visiting.....nothing better than coffee and girlfriend chat......well.....wearing a pretty bra is pretty close!

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Cameron -- my PS did not want me wearing underwires and so I complied and wore wire free.  There are a lot of really nice, very supportive wire free bras so you shouldn't assume you can't get support that way.  Her reasons for not wanting me to wear a wired bra included worries about the wire poking through and me not feeling it (which has happened to me over the years but I felt it) and, more importantly for HER, that the wire not rub against internal sutures before they've had time to heal.  It may be that different PS's put sutures in different places (and thus have different recommendations re: bras, I don't know).  I said to her at the time (a few weeks post exchange): are you saying I can never wear wired bras again?  And she said: no not never.  SO: when I was about 8 months post-exchange I decided I had waited long enough and went out and bought and now wear wired bras.  She doesn't know yet LOL.  I saw her last in the fall and then we made a plan for me to go back in June.  I'll let y'all know what she says about my decision :)

  • ericavw
    ericavw Member Posts: 51

    Cameron, I freakin love you!! You're hilarious. I always come to my PS appt's armed with a full page list of questions... I always say to myself, "He sooooo hates you!" Haha. But I'm always staring at all his machines like... hmmmm. Maybe I could use that! Hahahaha.

    hillck: I'm 3 1/2 weeks post exchange, and I'd say definitelyyyy don't buy any bras till you A. Talk to your PS about what he/she wants (then buy only a fewww of those and B. Don't buy many at all at first! I was on a bra spree, and I've spent more time returning and exchanging than anything! Everything changes.

    Now, for my other ladies who are further out than me... I'm worried about my bra decision once again. I got more support sports bras (I wasss wearing the Bandini for about 2 weeks because he didn't want anything rubbing against my incision) and my incision line is at the IMF line... my PS has me gently massing my incisions, but I feel like since I've been wearing the more supportive sports bra... I'm getting a build up of scar tissue that I can feel at the far ends of both foob incisions. Too tight? What gives? I'm massaging, I swear! Twice a day!

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Yikes! What to do, what to do? :(

    ..... my PS (who specializes in breast reconstruction) saying nothing tight and binding after exchange for at least 6 wks...and Val (who has obviously done TONS of research and has amazing results) adamantly saying that I need to get a structured bra asap after exchange?

    I want my mommy!! Undecided 

  • ericavw
    ericavw Member Posts: 51

    I know, right?! It's really crazy, and all overrr the board. But also, you gotta look at these women's results. I mean, Val and Whippetmom look phenomenal.... sooooo I pretty much trust them. But since I have a gummy... I ask Lilah and others questions too!

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Well... maybe I can do a "happy medium" and wear a supportive sports bra?  I have a feeling I will WANT to wear one even sleeping at first just to "protect" them , you know? Sigh.  I really really like my PS and he listens to my gabillion questions and gives me answers that make sense to me at the time... and like I said , he specializes in breast reconstruction BC patients & I've seen his results.  Then I come on here and get so confused.  Argh. I'm going to bring the issue up again at my "markings" appt the day before surgery next week.  Maybe I'll ask more specific questions on needing a structered bra for formulation and position of the capsule ~ and if he doesn't agree... I'm gonna ask him to give me detailed specifics why I wouldn't need that in MY case.  

  • ericavw
    ericavw Member Posts: 51

    I feel the same about my PS, and he was highly recommended to me from many women I knew of... so that's how I ended up with him. It maybe also depend where you incision line is. As I said, mine is at the IMF line, so I'm kind of the oddball there. I don't see too many ladies with that incision, so I could just be the oddball with what he wanted me to wear! I feel like what all these lovelies say about encapsulation make complete sense. I, personally, was never going to be able to wear a bra like that the first week though. I brought my bra I was wearing into my 1 week post op appt, and he approved over it. Just ask him a zillionnn questions at your next appt. I can't wait to go to my next appt at the end of this month to see what he says! Haha. I can definitely tell you, you're going to be more comfortable wearing one than not. That's what whippetmom and Val told me, and it's completely true. (which is WAY odd for me being that I was a whopping 34A or AA before surgery so the first thing I did when I walked through the door at home was to whip my bra right off!) Now, I live in one. You must be so pumped for your "E-Day". I thought I was going to explode with excitement! Yey for you! New squishy foobies very very soon!

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Ladies -- when in doubt, bring the bra you want to wear to your PS and have him/her look at and approve it. 

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754
    Thanks Erica ~ I had my pre-op appt yesterday, so that made me even MORE excited!  I feel like it's a countdown to Christmas and I can't wait to "open my presents"! Tongue out
  • vmudrow
    vmudrow Member Posts: 415

    SusansGarden & Erica - Good luck you guys!!  You will love having the TEs out.  My PS had me wear a supportive sports bra for the first 6 weeks (incision in the inframmory fold), then he absolutely wanted me to always wear a underwire during the day, to exercise in, but at night to wear a bra, but didn't need to be underwire. He told me I could do what I wanted, but he has seen some implants migrate outwards if an underwire isn't worn.  I took them in and showed them to him.  I wonder why all PS don't come to an agreement??????  Drives you crazy. 

    Hugs, Valerie

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    I saw your pics on Tim Tam's site Valerie, and you have fabulous results! 

    I've had a Victoria's Secret gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket for 5 months now (gift from a dear friend when I had my bmx :).  When do you guys think it's safe to go shopping .... i.e. when the swelling subsides? or do you need to wait for drop and fluff before you invest in too many bras?

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165

    My PS made me two different sizes.  Is that common?  one side is nice shaped C.  The other is wide, flat droopy C+/D.  I'm suppose to wear an exercise bra for 4 months.  I have a few more weeks to go.  I went bra shopping and couldn't  find one to fit both sides.  I used to wear an underwire, but when I tried one on It hurt/ached quite a bit against the muscles underneath the breasts. 

    I've never even heard of most of the bras mentioned in the starting post.  Where are these?  I've only heard of Wacom from the long list of bras.  I've always just been a Bali girl.

    I'm also seriously considering having the implants taken out.  I'm facing insurance changes and pay cuts as I'm a public employee in WIsconsin. I'm not sure I can afford the maintenance of implants.  Like the MRIs for the silicone ones I currently have.  OR for replacing them when they wear out.  What will my insurance, deductible, and/or medicare be like?  (If your from WI you know what I'm talking about.)

     Is there a thread anywhere where ladies talk about prosthetic bras.  The pros and cons etc. ??

    Thank you.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    faithroad - Regarding where to find the bras mentioned in this thread's header:  I've found Wacoal and Panache at Dillard's and Macy's.  Freya bras are at Nordstorms and you can always go to the websites highlighted in the header to find any of the bras listed.  I've also seen some Natori and Wacoal bras at very good prices at TJ Maxx.

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724

    Took the 'girls' shopping today for their bras and wound up with 2 Wacoal (non underwire) and the girls love it!!!


  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165


    Thank you.  Laughing

  • debbieg2010
    debbieg2010 Member Posts: 12

    Cameron.... you are a hoot and seem to be very up beat. I also started taking Super B, but I don't think it has kicked in yet.I had my E change Jan.18 and then after I was taken out of my surgical bra I was also told that I could not wear the underwire. I went looking for bra's and it was so hard finding something without wire, but just for the heck of it I tried on a good support underwire and it felt really good. It had a good seperation piece in the middle to part my foobs that are to close together right now but I am going to have touch up surgery and nipples done next month I HOPE.I am still wearing the good ole sports bra. I took Val's advice on leaning way over to get my foobs situated properly. They are still moveable and my PS told me not to move them around but leaning over really does work. I give a shout out to Val for her help.

    Susan Garden.... I found a good bra to sleep in Anita Vivian Active #5300x bought it online at . It is made to hold prosthesis but I got it anyway and it is very comfortable. I had been sleeping in the cotton tank style and I was waking up hurting some so I switched and I can tell a difference when turning over on my side.

    I hope that it is alright to ask  how to pull up pictures. I have seen where some of you talk about seeing the pictures but I can't find the site.

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206

    Cameron - My PS was anti-underwire and I rebelled. I have been wearing SOMA underwires and he has finally relented. He even tried to get his wife to buy one like my black and red lace (LOL). anyhow, he has been careful to see that they fit well and being a 40C/D I need underwire. My original incisions were IMF with a vertical from base of nipple to IMF. I have had 2sets of saline implants (actually 2 1/2) in the last 18 months. I just had a replacement on right side for leaking implant. Each time he has used the same scar area and the underwires do not really bother the scars. I an currently unable to wear my pretty lace ones or my VS Ipex as they rub the scar, but soon I should be good to wear them. PS is going to do some lipo on the sides where the drains were. I do hope it doesn't change my bra size or I will be doing some major bra makeovers to make the band smaller as can't afford any new ones right now. I even sleep in my underwire.


  • Okay, so I can't quite get through all the posts on this.  I'm having a BMX with reconstruction in June.  I have been told I will need to wear a sports bra 24/7 for at least the first 6-8 weeks.  I've had to do that after some removals and it's pretty uncomfortable.  I've always worn (well, at least for the last 15 years) underwire bras-because I tend to sag.  I do, however, have to admit, I take my bra off when I walk in the house and don't put it on again until the next morning.

      So, has anyone been told by their PS that they need to wear a sports bra?  I'm trying to gather all my questions before I see him 1 more time before the surgery.   As I said, I've worn underwires for years, and have never had a wire "break through" ever.  So I think concern about that is not to valid.

    But I would appreciate knowing about the sports bra issue.  Pat

    PS.  What is the difference between an exchange and a BMX-can you tell I'm new here?Embarassed

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    rehm046 - Others will add what I don't answer.  First, I was told by my PS to wear a sports bra after my exchange. Stupid me, my concept of sports bras were those pull over your head type.  I actually did it a week out and that was a really stupid idea.  Embarassed  You have to raise your arms up over your head to get those on ... just not good.  I remembered that I had an old zip-up the front sports bra and I'm still wearing that thing to sleep in. 

    Did your PS mention if he wanted you in an underwire sports bra or did he just say 'sports bra'?  I've seen some danskin sports bras that zip up the front at Wal-Mart for very cheap if they have your size.  So, yes, wear a sports bra but get one that zips, snaps, hooks up the front.  No pull over your head sports bras!  The last several pages on this thread I think there are discussions about sports bras if you want to go back and check it out.

    a BMX (bi-lateral masectomy) is the removal of both breasts.  You'll also see that procedure referred to as DMX (double-masectomy).  An exchange is the removal of tissue expanders (TE's) to saline or silicone implants. 

    Welcome to the site and to this thread.  You'll met some awesome women here! 

    Bless you! 

  • Cameron
    Cameron Member Posts: 128

    rehm046, I thought wearing a sports bra 24/7 would be awful too, but to my amazement, it has been a complete joy.  I have enjoyed giving these strange new TE's the support, while they expand and change right before my eyes.  And I think due to the skin numbness after BMX; it will be easier than you think to stay in that bra.

    I'm glad your PS has you in a bra during this phase. It's just my opinion but I think it helps keep the TE's in line, at any rate it can't hurt. I bought 4 racerback sports bras from Walmart, they open in the front with hook & eye closures. They were inexpensive ($10 for a two-pack) and I find them to be extremely comfortable. I usually sleep in the surgical bra I woke up wearing after BMX surgery; it is almost a vest, and VERY supportive.

    I still have the list of questions I put together to visit the PS, it's a good idea to prepare!

    Best of luck! (I hate saying that; it's not like you're hitting up the casino, but you get the idea...)

  • mtks
    mtks Member Posts: 61

    I am 5 weeks out from exchange and my ps said I could wear underwire! So I went shopping and found Natori underwire sport bra at Dillard's. Feels great, has anyone else found this bra to be comfortable. I also went to a running store and found moving comfort /Juno High Impact Bra.

    My ps also told me to start massaging my implants. Is massaging normally started this early?

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    I'M BACK, MY SWEET FELLOW BRA LOVERS/HATERS!!   I had a lovely visit with my dear friend, but then spent the next two days catching up on all the things I'd neglected during her visit!  Thanks to y'all who have answered questions for our newbies......sharing our experiences is what this thread is all about.  Our recon journeys are much like bras.... "one size fits all" generally doesn't cut it!Smile

    Erica - Are you sure that scar tissue is related to the incision and NOT more internal?  Remember, scar tissue is supposed to form around the implants  - that's why an implant exchange always involves a capsulotomy to open the capsule (scar tissue).   My PS doesn't recommend massage (except for capsular contracture), so I don't have any experience with that.  Several women on here have done it, though, so hopefully someone will pop in with advice.

    SusansGarden - All the conflicting advice is crazy, isn't it?  Asking those questions of your PS is a good idea, but I'd always defer to him.....that is IF you feel he really does know what he's talking about.  I only say that because there have been some women on the boards here who end up with a PS by default that they really don't trust....and believe me, their results speak for themselves.  Just as with many aspects of medicine, there are disagreements or different styles of practice, so often there is not a clear-cut right vs. wrong, just different ways of approaching the same issue.  Sadly, that doesn't make our job as patients any easier, though!  One thought:  perhaps your PS is trying to create a more nature "ptsosis" by allowing gravity to pull the implants down.  You might ask him about that.  One risk with that is rippling, though, so you might ask about that, too......

    faithroad - Welcome to our little group!  First of all, I'm really sorry that you didn't get the results you'd hoped.  Did your PS explain why that was?  Did you have bilateral recon, or is one a natural breast?   As for the maintenance of the implants, though I certainly don't know the specific rules of your insurance, it should be covered.  The MRI's may be recommended by the manufacturer, but I know my PS doesn't require them every three years; he said there's really no need that frequently.  As for replacing them, implants are generally guaranteed for 10 years, but often don't require replacement within that time frame.  Since you are a BC patient, all that should (but perhaps might not be) covered by insurance.    That being said, prostheses are improving all the time, and there are plenty of women who prefer them.  I'm sure there are some great threads on BCO that could help you.     

    Yay for your successful shopping trip, Jan!!

    Debbie - happy I could help with the positioning!  Thanks for the tip on the Anita bra.  They're really wonderful bras, and that site is a great one.  Thanks for sharing it!   The pictures that we often refer to are on a completely separate and private site.  It requires some vetting to get on it, but it's worth it.  The administrator lives in Japan, though, so for obvious reasons she's had new members on hold for awhile.  I'm not sure if she's back to it yet, but you can always try.  Her BCO name is TimTam, and all you do is send her a PM (you can look up her name on the member list).  Since you've only had a few posts, she may wait a bit - she wants to make sure that potential members to the site are valid and not just peeping toms - but then she'll send you the access info.  

    Deliahbear - I just love your story about your bra and your PS - every time I see a  red lace bra I think of you!   Nice to know there's a fellow underwire sleeper, too.....Smile

    rehm046 - Welcome to you, too!   Believe me, you're not alone with wondering about all our crazy abbreviations!  When I first joined BCO, it took me forever to figure out what DH meant....Wink   Yes, many PS's recommend wearing sports bras after exchange surgery.  Mine was one of the very few who requires a regular underwire bra, worn very tightly, as soon as the drains were out.  So, in June will you be having your mastectomy and getting expanders or do you already have expanders and are getting your implants?  Hope it's the latter, 'cause that means your closer to the finish line!  Keep us posted! 

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Val ~ thank you for your input!  I will ask him those questions... I'm also wondering how he could be so sure that they wouldn't move laterally?  I see many that have had that problem with the foobs migrating towards the armpits.  Maybe it's because I have the alloderm sling?  I have my "markings" appt tomorrow so I will have my list for him again! :)

    Either way... I'm thinking maybe I should err on the side of caution and be conscious about wearing something supportive for the first few months at the very least.   Like you all keep saying... why take the chance and have to go in for a revision? Undecided

    Thank you again.  And thank you for continuing on BCO for so long and helping so many women. :) 

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    SusansGarden - You're most welcome!  And just between you and me, I think it's good that you want to wear something to prevent lateral migration.  My migrating implant was in large part due to my (unknown to me, but apparently quite significantly) slanted ribcage on that side, but also because my stupid drains wouldn't quit draining and consequently couldn't get in a real bra fast enough.  Believe me, if you can avoid a revision, do whatever you can, 'cause that is NOT fun.....   I don't have any Alloderm, but most folks here do, so I really don't think that has a whole lot to do with support, since plenty of women with it still end up with migrating implants. 

  • vmudrow
    vmudrow Member Posts: 415

    Val - so why do some have Alloderm and some don't?  I don't either - another thing we have in common!!

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Valerie ~ My PS uses alloderm in all his patients (I'm pretty sure) Now it makes me wonder why he does and some don't?  Another question to ask him tomorrow! :)

    And here's some info regarding alloderm from the internet ~ from what I can tell, it appears to be a fairly "newer" procedure in the PS world of breast reconstruction: 

    AlloDerm® Tissue Matrix provides support for breast implant reconstruction procedures. It is derived from donated human tissue and acts as a replacement for missing tissue in the body. This tissue goes through a proprietary process where cells are removed without damaging the integrity of the tissue matrix.

    AlloDerm® Tissue Matrix is anchored into the breast between the pectoralis muscle and the chest wall at the lower pole of the breast. AlloDerm® Tissue Matrix is accepted by the body and allows the patient's own cells to grow through it, ultimately becoming part of the patient's own body. Because AlloDerm® Tissue Matrix is stitched into place by the surgeon, that surgeon has greater control over how the breast implant will lay on the product. AlloDerm® Tissue Matrix serves as a "hammock" which provides an internal foundation that may help form a more natural looking breast.

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206

    I am just adding my 2cents worth on the Alloderm. My PS does not routinely use it and says he really does not like to use it. This being said, when my implants literally and physically went south -6 months apart-I had to have Alloderm placed in each breast. It made a big difference, especially in my right one. He had the unique opportunity to see how it had integrated into my skin when he replaced my leaking (saline) implant last month. He said the only visible remains were a slight color change and that it had integrated very well at 7 months.