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Bras 101: The Great Post-Exchange Debate



  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    biology - It's odd that a mx store doesn't have 32bands.  The one in my area fitted me with a 30band.  Have you asked for a surgical fitter?  In either a MX specialty bra store or a Nordstroms (if you have one nearby) it is crucial that you ask for a SURGICAL fitter, make an appt. at Nordstroms and ask for one at the specialty store.  They have experience and are specially trained to fit women like us.  A lot of us think we know our size but are surprised when we are actually fitted by someone who does this everyday.

    For a wide selection, check out the links in the header above.  Herroom or barenecessities either one would have a very wide selection in the sizes that you think you're looking for.

    Don't give up!  A lot of us had a lot trouble at first finding the 'right' bra but with perseverance, & a little help from our bc sisters, we found some!  Hang in there!

  • cleo100
    cleo100 Member Posts: 75

    Val and other knowledgeable ladies Smile:

    I had flap nipple reconstruction on June 10. I was allowed to wear a bra after 3 weeks and exercise after 4 weeks. I am still using gauze with a slit in it and taping a nursing nipple pad over it. I feel I am protecting my newbies plus have the benefit of a bra. I'm careful that the bra worn is loose in the cup and I haven't worn any form-fitting clothes in a month! I'd love to get back into my fiona moving comfort bra for exercise or at least, to sleep in. It is a 32DD and definitely fits snug. How long do you think I should wait? Thanks so much!  Cleo

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Val:  Happy Annifoobery!

    biologybrain:  Adorable photo of you and your guy!  I wear a 34DD or 34E - and once you know your size, you can buy your bras on Ebay - as many of us do - pretty inexpensively I might add. 

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    Thanks, Whippetmom!  Hard to believe that this time last year I was still dealing with vaseline and gauze.....endless gauze....

    Speaking of which......Cleo, you should be good to go now in your bra after four weeks. Once my sutures came out, that was when my PS said a compression bra was okay to wear again, which for me was at 3 weeks post-op.  That being said, I still made the little gauze donuts and wore them for extra protection - it just made me feel better- plus since I spend so much of my day in a sports bra, it made sense.  I think I did that for a couple of weeks, then stopped.  The nips will shrink dramatically over the next few weeks, which is considered by most a good thing.  My PS purposefully makes his fips small, but I still have some projection - just enough IMO.  Congrats on nearing the finish line!

    biologybrain - Welcome!   32DD's ARE very hard to find, but I'm surprised your MX store doesn't carry them, as it's really a fairly common size.  A LOT of us are not 34's, as most of the retail world seems to think we are!  Whippetmom and Dawne Hope have great advice, but you first need to determine your correct size. If you want some help with that, or help in locating a good bra boutique in your area, please feel free to PM me; I'm most happy to help!     And absolutely do NOT have big hips!  And I'm jealous that pregnancy made your boobs grow.....mine just got smaller......all water under the bridge now, though......Wink

    Ladies, have a FABULOUS weekend and STAY COOL!  Wherever you are I sure hope you are cooler than we are here in lovely North Texas where it's been over 100 for the past two weeks straight....and counting.....

  • Biologybrain
    Biologybrain Member Posts: 18

    Thanks ladies! I *tried* to have a professional MX fitter measure me, but they didn't really seem to be very good at it. Using the advice from HerRoom for implants (measured by me) pits me in a 34D-DD. however, I've tried several 34s on & they're just not snug enough (even on tightest notches) to hold these bad girls up! ;-) I'm fairly confident that 32DD is going to be the right size for me.

    I'm in a fairly small town (large for KY, but small for most states). Therefore the demand is limited I guess. The 3 MX stores I've been to have ALL commented on not having many/any women as young or small as me (band size). No stores I've been to locally have any 32s either, much less DD. I'm drooling over some on-line & even made a Kaboodle list to keep up with all my wishful thinking. I'm just too chicken to order without trying the bras on. I don't think there's a Nordstroms around me (maybe in Louisville or Evansville?). My favorite store, Kohl's, doesn't even carry 32Ds, much less DDs. :-( I buy from them bc it's really easy to return what doesn't fit. :-/

    Add to my chicken-ness about ordering the fact that we, currently filing Ch 7 bankruptcy :-( -- so spending $50+ on a bra that may or may not fit & paying shipping both ways... :-( I've got 2 bras left for the year that my insurance will pay for, but haven't found the right MX store to order for me. The one I liked just went out of business & the one place ordered me ones that didn't really fit my requirements, but I felt pressured to buy at least one. So I have a brand-NWT underwire MX bra that I can't wear OR return since it was billed to my insurance. Anyone interested? It's a 34DD Amoena Angelina (underwire) in "make-up" color. ;-)


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    should work now

    new thread on social security questions answered by a lawyer whose wife has BC. Knows his stuff------posting on a bunch of threads---------

  • LMichele
    LMichele Member Posts: 88

    Hi Val, just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement... Hanging out w/ the TE's all summer feels so discouraging.... Life will get back to "normal" one day??? I can almost get weepy imagining this phase being in the past, oh please oh please!

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545

    Biologybrain - Im a 32D and feel the same way about online shopping - and Im not quite ready for wired bras or my fitting...but as for KHOLS.....give "Lily of France" a try in 34.  I find that their bands run a little small so I can wear a 34D or 34C pretty comfortably....they have a sports bra that the style looks more like a regular bra and is quite snug.  Id PREFER to have 32's on, but for now until I can make it to nordies and wear wires, I go to Khols for Lily of France.  Plus, they run at 30 dollars...and I think they are still having their 'buy one get one 1/2 off' sale.

  • cleo100
    cleo100 Member Posts: 75
    Val, thanks for the great news! Sports bras are my favorite for sleeping; great support but also comfortable! I know you prefer wires! Ouch! Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary. I really look forward to being whole and gauzeless! I feel like I should own stock in Rite-AidSmile
  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206

    I have really gone over the edge! Went into SOMA as I saw their new catalog had one of my favorite Emma bras in a new georgous dk. teal color. Had to have it and while there purchased 2 new Selena embroidery/lace ones as they were also $10.00 off. They also had a bring in your old bra campaign which goes to our local SPARCC (Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center) for abused women so contributed some pre-mast, non underwired bras to them. Have a few more that I will probably contribute as they are not under-wire and have zero support for me. Anyhow, I began speaking with the store manager and told her how much I liked my SOMA bras and asked if they had part time positions as I need just a little bit extra income each month and do not really want to work in another lab part time. Now have an appointment for interview next Friday. Figure 12 hours a week is good and in a bra store, what better place. Will see if they take me. They want to add 4-5 additional part-timers now to ramp up for holiday season and the mall is only 2 miles from my home and a mile from my current hospital job. I told her I could bring a unique qualification with my reconstruction knowledge and the needs for people in this situation.

    Will post pictures of the new bra when I get a chance to get DH to take them. Also will celebrate my BMX 2 year anniversary on August 5 and with the exception of one small scar revision am done. PS says I just have to leave FOOBS alone and let them settle for a few months before he will even touch the scar.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • cleo100
    cleo100 Member Posts: 75

    Val, sorry but now I have a question about pilates. I have tried using my refor

    mer the past 2 mornings( flap nipple reconstruction June 10) and really feel it in my pecs while doing the arm exercises using the stirrups. Is this safe with implants? I remember you're the expert at pilates! Thanks much! Cleo

    I haven't used the pilates machine much at all since reconstruction so this just feels weird!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    Cleo - Good for you for getting back to pilates!  From the time of my bmx, I was really careful about doing anything that directly works the pecs on the reformer - like the "serving brownies" exercise you're talking about.  Other things like "Egyptian" and "Snake" that require a lot of pec support I also pretty much avoided for a long time.  Last summer, though - when I was where you are now - I started doing them, but with only one blue spring for arm straps and with extra springs for the other types.  I just listen to my body, and if I feel even a little bit of a tug, I stop.  Even Hundred Beats can bug my pecs if I don't use a light spring.   However, that being said, I DO do pushups - not in pilates, but in other classes - but don't lower all the way to the floor; that way, my lats tend to do most of the work and not my pecs.  Hope that makes sense!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    Deliahbear - LOVE the new avatar and GOOD LUCK in that interview Friday!  What a perfect job  for you, our SOMA expert!  Funny, I was in there just yesterday and of course, thought of you!  Although they don't carry 30 bands, I do own one of their cami bras, which I wear with a certain dress that just needs filling in the center for modesty, and it works for short spurts.  I was looking for an unlined underwire strapless bra - which they do have, but not in anything close to my size.  I also saw their "Heidi" bra, which is a lounge-type bra, so I tried it on to see if it would work for anybody here.  It's super soft, but has a deep wrap, so the support is minimal at best.  Not even enough support for sleep, IMO.  Cups seem to run big - I needed a 32C  I wouldn't recommend it right after exchange, either, because although it's unlined (no padding), there is a pretty significant seam along the cup edges that could potentially exert some lateral pressure on the implants.  Would be good as a "lazy Saturday morning" kinda bra for those whose foobs are finished and pushing their first birthday.Cool        I did have this great coupon, though, so bought a really cute maxi dress for 50% off! 
  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    delilahbear- Keep us posted on the Soma job!  It would be a blessing and a curse for me to work in a lingerie store!  Undecided  Soma has the most comfortable PJ's ... love their bamboo stuff!  So comfy!  Let us know how it goes!

    I have yet to go back to my Pilates class.  I probably will this fall.  Hope I can do as well as you ladies!

    Also ... Nordstrom's is having their anniversary sale!  Check out the deals on line ... very nice bras ... Natori, Chantelle, and many others at great deals!  (Sound like a commercial, sorry!)

  • cleo100
    cleo100 Member Posts: 75

    Val, thanks, yes, it does make sense. I'm amazed you are doing push-ups! I'm so excited about really resuming my former and all. Great news! Thanks.      Cleo

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes for my interview on Friday. Thanks Val for the info on some of the other bras. It is because of you and this site that I have gained so much knowledge about bras.

    For some reason no avatars are appearing on my computers. They come up on the picture forum, but not here. Guess I have somethning set wrong. My new avatar is a picture of the "real" Delilahbear. She is a 30in teddy who has poseable arms and legs. I made her in a sewing class and named her after my Grandmother. The picture is one I just came across. She was behind the wheel of the Charter Sailboat my DH and I ran for 10 years.

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206

    Found out I had not checked "show avatar" when I changed it.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    delilahbear - Super cute avatar!  And super cool that you made it!  CoolLaughing
  • greytcruise
    greytcruise Member Posts: 62

    Hello Val, Suebee thank you for the advice on Lilly of France bras, was there Friday and wear 32D too, wanted a good sports bra and could find size, will go back.  Bought a Wacoal Awareness bra to wear as a sports bra, Nordy's fitter says great support for it. Love my Natori without wires, will be getting more.  Looked at SOMA website, need a store near me.  Will be posting pics soon, getting set up on new computer.

    Delliahbear, love your avitar and if you go to Siesta Key, please bury your feet in the warm sand for me, my feet really need that sand now. wish I had a bucket and good luck with the job, thanks for SOMA.

    Any advice on great sports bras for running?

  • Biologybrain
    Biologybrain Member Posts: 18

    SueBeeBC Thanks! I actually have a Lily of France sports bra -- the one that looks like it's inside out (wires on the outside instead of the inside). Its a 34 D or 34DD, but the band is still a bit loose for what I need right now. Actually, I think its just got too much stretch. I love it though. Its my sleep bra if that tells you anything about how comfortable it is! i <3 Kohl's, but I think I'm either going to convince some local MX-bra stores to order some 32DDs or try online ordering. I've got some I'd like to try anyway.

    Has anyone tried any nursing bras? I'm looking for 3-part cup support with no wires & I keep running across nursing bras. Granted I won't EVER be doing any nursing from my foobs, but its just an extra (usually plastic) snap. Would there be any reason *not* to try one?

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206

    Greytcruise -if I ever go to Siesta Key beach, I will surely think of you and place my feet in the sand and send warm thoughts your way. I live closer to Lido and that is where I usually go to beach, but haven't been to beach in years. Like lots of things, when you live close you just don't take advantage. I have a kayak that I put in at our condo and go to Sarasota bay and paddle. Would rather be on water than at beach.

  • redskyatnight
    redskyatnight Member Posts: 80
    Hello Ladies, I have my exchange surgery in two days!! Thursday. My PS has given me a surgical bra to bring to surgery. It's a Marena compression/support garment that hooks in the front and has a wide band at the bottom. I chose a 34C, which feels pretty snug in the band, but I gather that you want it to be snug after surgery. 
    What type of shirts did you have to wear after the exchange surgery? Will I need to bring a a zip-up or button-front shirt, or something I can step into like post BMX? I have this nervous energy and I'm running around trying to prepare. Yesterday I went and tried to find a supportive sports bra to alternate with my surgical bra, but had no luck.  I am not sure what will fit after surgery size-wise. Should I just wait until I get back from surgery to shop for a supportive wireless bra? My PS does not want me in an underwire bra-- but I definitely want to make sure everything is well-supported and in the right place for healing.
    Any recommendations?
    Thanks so much, Ladies!! 
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Redsky -- wahoo about the exchange!  Yes do bring or wear a zip front or button up blouse for the day.  It is much easier and there is no worry then about raising your arms (though I did wear a tank top and was able to slip it on without having to raise my arms).  I woke up in a Marena post-surgical bra... and then my PS gave me another when I went to get the drain out.  Good wishes to you!

  • Biologybrain
    Biologybrain Member Posts: 18

    Redsky - Congrats on the exchange! 

    I wore regular shirts after my exchange (as well as my BMX). My biggest requirement was that they be very stretch and/or have v-necks. I would step into them (like a one-piece bathing suit) & have my DH (or other assistant) help me pull the straps/arms onto my shoulders. I was in the hospital wearing an adjustable spaghetti strap shirt 2 days after my BMX.

    I woke up wrapped with two wide elastic bandages AND a surgical bra that zipped in the front. For compression, that bra was the best thing ever. I still wear it at night sometimes. Walmart used to carry a Hanes (I think) front zip sports bra that would be great post-exchange (I think) if you can find it in your size.

    Good luck!

  • Biologybrain
    Biologybrain Member Posts: 18

    Any 34C/D bra gals out there?

    I have three slightly used mastectomy bras available. They were each worn alternatingly for about 2 weeks. Each has probably been worn 3 times each. Washed on gentle & air-dried.

    Amoena Natalie 2140 -- candle-light color -- size 34D -- I have 2 of these & my 800cc implants spill out.
    Anita Irina -- white color -- 34D

    I also have a NWT one that I brought home, but found out my PS doesn't want me wearing underwires. The bra-store I bought it from can't/won't take it back b/c they already billed my insurance. Embarassed

    Amoena Angelina WB 0800 -- make-up color -- 34D

    PM me if interested!

    I'd also be interested in any wire-free bras any one has in a 32DD.

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    redsky - So.....Thursday is your day!  We all here send you warm hugs for an easy surgery, comfortable recovery, and beautiful foobs!   The surgical bra your PS chose is a great one; don't worry about getting another one until your drains are out - some people wait even longer, depending on various factors.  There's plenty of time for bra shopping, I assure you!  You were wise to go snugger with that surgical bra, too; snugger most definitely gives you better support.  Keep us posted!

    All this beach talk is not fair.....I want to have sand under my toes, too! Cool   

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    Update on my order from figleaves:

    figleaves is a UK site where freya bras are available cheaper than in the US sites and they also have some available that I've never seen at herroom and barenecessities.  Overall, I will order from them again.  I would not attempt to return anything I bought from them because of customs and shipping.  They were not very good at communication via email.  It took TWO weeks to process my order.  I emailed them and asked what the hold up was and never received a response.  The next day my order was shipped but I only knew so because I logged in to my figleaves account.  I did not pay the extra $20 for tracking and shipping and I received my order in a week.  No customs charges were added.  So, while they are not very good at communication my order arrived quickly and safely.  I will order from them again. 

  • redskyatnight
    redskyatnight Member Posts: 80

    Thanks for your messages of support, Ladies! I am looking forward to future bra shopping and all of your expertise here. Have a great evening!

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Dawn thanks for the info/update about figleaves!  Sounds like its worth the wait for the savings :)

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    Great info, Dawne-Hope!  I shall wait patiently for descriptions and pictures of your new British goodies!