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Bras 101: The Great Post-Exchange Debate



  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    njbhwgirl - The lymphedema adds a whole new dimension.  A properly fitted underwire may make your LE worse.  Are you seeing a therapist or doing MLD to treat the LE?  Have you tried a compression vest?  They're not pretty but it can help your LE.

    I have LE in my fingers and so far wearing a bra doesn't make me swell.  I'm sorry you have LE.  It's a constant reminder that we've had bc ... kind of hard to move on when you have to drink tons of water everyday, do the exercises, do the MLD.  I'll post a link for you from the step up /speak out site.

     Having LE is so hard and so life changing.  I hope you can find something that works for you.

    Edited to add:  I saw your post on the "GRRRRRRRRRR I hate LE thread."  Ask the ladies over there who have the truncal LE what works for them.  Generally fitted underwires are not good for  truncal LE.  Yell  You may to ask over there for sure, though.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    MBJ -- well if its any comfort mine aren't exactly the same size either, though they are close; and I certainly have no trouble wearing unlined bras (that is all I wear).  There's just more fat in/around that native breast!

    Oh and Dawne guess what?  My new bra arrived!!!!  I have posted a picture of me in the Freya Pollyanna black 38D and the black lace Beyond Basics Wacoal that I also bought on my bra thread on the picture forum.  I have to say: I love it!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Going to look now!

  • njbhwgirl
    njbhwgirl Member Posts: 59

    dawne: thanks for the suggestion. And yes, I hate this stupid reminder. I finally have hair, and all my operations are done but I am still stuck with LE and neuropathy in feet. Had I to do it all over again I would of never ever let my surgeon take any nodes out...NEVER

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    Hey, KSteve!  You know, when it comes to when to get fitted, there's a great deal of individual variability.  I was fitted at 10 days post-exchange, and my size hasn't changed at all.  Others, like MBJ, did change sizes.  Swelling, TE type, and implant type can all influence how much you change.  At the point you're at, it would certainly be to your advantage to get professionally fitted, if for no other reason than to get ONE good bra that will support you for the next few weeks.  If you feel you still have some swelling issues, then don't buy out the store, but go back in 3-4 weeks.  At the very latest, at about 12 weeks post-exchange, the capsules have adequately formed around the implants and they're pretty much where they're going to be - that is, if they continue to be supported most of the time.   Hope that helps!

    njbhwgirl - Welcome!  I'm glad Dawne-Hope gave you some info.  I'm thankful to not have LE, so I can't speak from experience.  You just want to find something that will be comfortable and not aggravate your LE. Finding a soft, unpadded bra like the Warner's Elements of Bliss (style 1003) might be some help.  It doesn't really have a structured band either, so it's pretty comfy.  My PS uses that as his post-op bra for the time between the drain removal and the professional bra fitting.  Hugs to you, sweetie!  Keep us posted......

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    I posted new pics on the forum ... almost 1 year out from my exchange and 6 months from my nips.  Thank you to everyone who's been here to encourage & support in the last year! 

    Love and thanks!  dh  xo

  • mtks
    mtks Member Posts: 61

    Hello Ladies!

    I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op from my nipple/areola/traditional FG and I am loving the results! It's amazing what the last stage of surgery can do for the final touch! My thigh graft area is almost completely healed!!! It's not red, so it's almost invisible. My nipple/areola areas are also doing well! I know it is still early, I pray I keep the results!

    I went for a bra fit at Nordy's in May and they advised me to wait until my FG was done. So I am excited to make that appt. I could go back and read but I thought it would be faster to ask here-Anyone-How should the Dr's RX script be written for insurance to cover the bras? Thanks so much! I just love this board!! You ladies have been a pillar of strenght for me. I hope to pay it forward, just as all of you have!!!!!

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Thanks for your help, MBJ and Val61!  I think I will make the appointment and try to get one or two good fitting bras for now.  Went back to my PS yesterday and he said I have outstanding results so far,  He did notice that the left side (non-cancer/non-radiation side) has slipped about 1 cm.  Can't really tell in the the mirror and he said that it may not slip anymore, but we can do a revision if it does.  I am currently 5-1/2 weeks out and he said we'll know for sure in another 6 weeks.  I'm not going to stress about it.  After the last year, that will be no big deal if I do need a revision.  We'll just need to decide before we can schedule the nipples.  It's just so nice to not have any doctor appointments for 6 weeks!  I can get used to that!!

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444
    mtks - when I spoke with the woman who fitted me at Nordstrom's about the script for bras, she mentioned that not having a number of bras on the script would be important.  The first script I got said 2 bras.  The saleswoman called my PS office, requested a new script with no limit of bras on it and she then went to my insurance and found out I was covered for 6 bras.  You just don't want to be "short changed" by the number on the script if your insurance allows for more than that.  Other than that it was a straightforward script.  Nordstom's took care of everything, all I did was show up with a script and went home with 6 gorgeous bras! Smile  Happy fitting!!!
  • mtks
    mtks Member Posts: 61


    Thanks for the info! I will call my insurance to see how many bras are covered and then call my PS for the script. I understand from reading this thread, you may submit to insurance yearly for bras!! It's nice to learn little perks for being dealt a bad hand.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    mtks:  Congratulations!!!!  Makes a huge difference doesn't it?  Mine just wrote me a standard script but then I found out my insurance only covers MX bras :(.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Dawne-Hope:  Great pictures!!!  Thank you for sharing your journey and for helping so many women here!!!
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Mtks -- whether or not bras are covered differs by insurance.  So you can't assume they WILL be covered (some put in restrictions like: you can only get bras if you DON'T reconstruct)... but with that said EVERYONE should definitely check with their insurance!  Also, it helps to call Nordstrom's in advance to make sure you have an appointment with the MX fitter as they some of the salespeople in that department are NOT trained MX fitters and some are.  That fitter will also know which insurance companies they can bill to directly and which you have to submit your own paperwork to.  Info is power :)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    JKZ:  Sorry....just now saw your question to me about VS bras.  I do not wear them now.  I used to wear them exclusively prior to bc.  But they just do not work for me any longer.  I have a push up bra which I purchased right after the exchange - wireless - to lift the breasts - as mine sit pretty low.  But it creates far too much cleavage for daily wear.  The bras which work best for me are Natori and Chantelle and Anita.  I wear them most often. 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Oh....and they are all wired bras.  I just prefer wired bras. 

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    MBJ - Thank you.  It was kind of therapeutic to write it all out ... kind of "Foob Review 2010-2011."  Appreciate all of ya!  Wink
  • njbhwgirl
    njbhwgirl Member Posts: 59

    val61: thanks for info on bra... I have a nordstroms 5 minutes from my house. Last 2 days I am wearing no bar.. My arm so swollen an trunk as well..It hurts to put bra on.. damn LE..but then I should be posting this on the LE boards.

    In order to be reimbursed , do I need approval from insurance company. I have oxford... Does anyone have this insurance?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    new thread on hotflashes--------------lots of good suggestions

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    Thanks, Sheila!  Heaven knows a bunch of us have those to deal with!  (especially moi!)  

    KSteve - Wonderful!  And just a little unsolicited advice regarding revisions:  don't fear them (though it doesn't sound as if you do in the least!)  I had an implant slip in the first week after exchange and despite valiant efforts it wouldn't go back in place, so I had a revision just under 5 months later.  I won't bore you (or others) with details, but I'm happy to share if you ask. 

    Dawne-Hope - I haven't ventured over to the pic forum yet, but hope to have a chance soon.  I completely understand how therapeutic giving a recap can be.   Congrats!

    And on a similar is the ONE YEAR anniversary of my reconstruction completion, or as I call it, "foob construction,"  as on this day last year I got my areola tatoos, the final step in my recon journey!   It seems like a lifetime ago that my life - and that of my family and friends - was focused on my chest!    So......for our newcomers......there IS LIFE after all this reconstruction craziness, and it's hang in there!!Smile

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Thank you all for your kind words of support. I know, thanks to all of you, I am not the only person to feel or think this way.  I do hope soon a day passes that I don't think about BC, and with your help, it will happen.

    I think the big thing was how the diagnosis of BC threatened my mortality.  I just assumed, before, that I would live into my 80's but now I realize it is a gift of life to age.  No more do I resent each birthday and every new wrinkle.  It just affirms I am alive.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Wahoo Val!  Happy foobiversary.  You wear it well :)

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    Yes, I agree with Lilah!  You do wear it quite well!  Laughing

    Happy foobiversary Val!  xo

  • Cameron
    Cameron Member Posts: 128

    justagirl, you stated that beautifully!

    I try to embrace my "lines of experience", aka wrinkles...but sometimes I'd really love to embrace a vial of botox instead.  If you love something, set them free...yadda yadda.

    I'll keep trying.   

  • mtks
    mtks Member Posts: 61

    Val-CONGRATULATIONS on your ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That my friend is something to CELEBRATE!!!Smile

    MBJ- It sure does make a BIG difference!! Just by filling in the flat areas and the" finishing touches" of the areola and nipple made all the difference in how I felt about myself. And, the drop and fluff. It was hard for me to stay focused and remember that "I was a work in progress". Thank-you MBJ for all your support thru this chapter. You and others were life savers for me.

    Lilah-MBJ-Good to know about asking insurance about what exactly is covered. Thank-you!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    My PS charges by the vial for Botox.....if only we could all share........though frankly I'm too chicken.....but perhaps I should reconsider due to that big birthday coming up.....Undecided

    Thanks, my bra-buddies, for the happy wishes on my completion anniversary!  It's funny, though, I'd almost forgotten about it til a woman after barre class asked me about my "Save the Tatas" bumper sticker and I told her my story.   That was surprising considering I have such a thing about dates, so it must mean I'm making progress!

    hillck - I'm so proud...... Cool

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969

    Cindy - Hey, you should see me when I try to write anything on my phone! Besides, I'm used to decifering the quick texts from my children!

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Cindy -- I was wondering about that "undersides" and figured it was some sort of autocorrect.  They are ruining the English language!

    Val -- isn't it nice to forget?  :)

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Val: Congratulations on your completion anniversary.

  • Biologybrain
    Biologybrain Member Posts: 18

    Do you ladies have any ideas of a good place to find 32DD-34DD bras in a wide selection? So far I've had zero luck finding a place with an actual 32DD to try on. I'm pretty sure that's my size, but I've got implant issues that require a very specific fit (uber support in the cups & WIDE band). I'm leaning toward unwired sports bras bc my PS recommended them. As a rule even pre-BMX/recon I preferred unwired bras -- even in my native 32DD-34DD. Although I don't think I've ever worn a bra that was a 32 band. I have dealt w/ mastectomy speciality stores, but I'm having trouble actually finding a bra that *really* works & isn't just slightly better than what I already have. They also don't typically have any 32 bands & very few 34 bands... Then to ask for the large cups is even more un-heard-of! <sigh>

    PS I really don't look like Dolly, my frame is just designed to have big boobs & hips... Here's a photo of me w/ my native breasts pre-pregnancy (actually even pre-marriage) -- I was wearing a 34C at that time. Unfortunately, pregnancy grew my Cs to DDs. I don't think I have any photos that are good examples of how they look though. I'll look.

     One of my engagement photos from 2006

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Some of the Warner's bras have wider bands but they run different in the cup.  I wear a 34Dto a 34DD but in warners I am a 36C.