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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: you are right about walking!   This is unbelievable.  I had friends over last night and the driveway is so narrow from all the snow, they had to pull in and let everyone on the passenger side out and then the driver pulled out and back in so he could get out!  I called my plow people today and they said it is because the driveway is now lined with 2 1/2 feet of snow covered in ice and this week they are going to come and salt and then come back and plow after the salt has hopefully melted some of the ice.  This might be the winter that causes me to the leave the Northeast....although I doubt it because I don't like heat all the time but it just might cause me to go somewhere other than here!

    Rachel: I agree with Deb in that if you are going to have a problem with rads, I thought it showed up right away.  I did not realize it was a week 3 to 4 thing.  I am sure you will be fine.

    As for temps, it was -10 here last night...I cannot believe this.  It is not even so much the cold but the many, many inches of snow.  I hope this storm they say may be a hit or miss this coming week is definitely a miss.  I can't take much more Frown

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. --Unknown

    "We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves." - Dalai Lama

    Just when the caterpillar thought her world was over, she became a butterfly... Don't give up before the miracle happen...

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Great quotes Sohard...I will take those thoughts to bed with me!

    Good night everyone.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Night Debbi - sweet dreams!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy:  You made me laugh. My avatar isn't snow. It's toilet paper!! I know none of you are football fans except JSW, but quick explanation: Auburn (my team!!) just won the college national championship. there is a tradition at Auburn that they roll a place called Toomer's Corner after each AU victory. My avatar is how Toomer's Corner looked after the rolling it got after the championship game. It's solid white, I guess it does look like a snowstorm :)

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Lizzie - Our fearless leader - go get 'em and get this chemo thing bheind you!  Good luck and congrats on getting to the end of chemo!  Hugs to you!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzie happy to hear you are at the end of chemo. It takes a while for all the SE's to go. I still have the neuropathy but my ability to think and communicate is greatly restored.



  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Lizzy I am doing well, thanks for asking.  This Abraxane really is good stuff.  I feel totally fine after getting it - no nausea, no taste changes, none of the awfulness that I got from the AC.  I do get aches in my legs, my knees especially, but the worst of it only lasts for about 3 days and is manageable with Tylenol.  After that there is still some achiness when I stand up after sitting a while but not terrible.  I also did have another round of hair fallout after my second Abraxane so at this point I am almost totally bald, just a few hairs lingering around my scalp.  I have my last Abraxane next Friday and then continue with Herceptin for a year.  I have heard that hair re-growth might be a little slower if you are on Herceptin so I am wondering how much longer it will be before I feel comfortable going "topless".  Overall though I think Abraxane is great and hopefully soon it will get full FDA approval for all stages of BC so that it can replace Taxotere and Taxol.  Oh, and the other nice thing about it is that the infusion only takes 30 minutes!

    Lady - I knew about that tradition of rolling Toomer's Corner but I also thought your avatar was of snowy weather!  Once you said that I looked closer at the picture and of course it is Toomer's Corner but since the picture is small it was hard to tell at first.

    It has been pretty cold here in Florida too (relatively speaking), this seems to be a particularly cold winter all over the country.  I hope that all of you North-eastern ladies get a break from the snow this week!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Lizzy - glad to hear you will finish chemo soon.  Hope your se's a minimal this time.  Since my last chemo on dec 23 my taste and appetite has returned.  I still have neuopathy in the fingers and toes and am losing toenails.  My hair is growing back but not on top so I look like Larry David from "curb your enthusiasm" if you can imagine him with really short hair!  Male pattern baldness sucks!  It really has to grow back in everywhere or i'm suing someone!  I am returning to work the end of Feb.  Glad to spend these sub zero days inside.  I am so grateful to my DH who takes my little dog outside and shovels a path for him.  Dog prefers grass!  Dog's little feet get soooo cold and I have tried various "booties" all of which fall off and/or too hard to get on.  We own a retirement home in Phoenix AZ but I can't retire until 2015 so we just have to endure this cold! 

    I'm seeing an opthamologist this week as I still have blurry vision in the left eye.  I hope I won't need anything drastic like surgery!

    To all my aug chemo sisters - It takes time to heal and your recovery is the most important thing.  Healing thoughts to you all.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Lizzy thanks for the info on tamoxifin and raloxifene.  I haven't started arimidex yet. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lizzy, I had asked my onc about the results of the STAR trial (comparing Evista (raloxifen) and Tamoxifen) back when I started chemo and she said they used Tamoxifen. Of course now with chemo brain I can't remember why so I am going to ask her on Friday when I am meeting with her to get my first Tamoxifen script. I found this just searching for info


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Zenith: Me too on the hair. My onc has male pattern baldness and when I saw him this morning, I pulled off my hat and said "my hair looks like yours. Is this normal for 7 weeks PFC?" He said it's normal but I want some hair on top!!!

    I was so glad to get to see the doc. My port removal is scheduled for next Tues., a lymphedema therapist from the cancer center is supposed to be calling me, and I've got a call in to the gyn about having an oophorectomy, and I see my onc again in a month to talk about going on Arimidex or another drug other than Tamoxifen. So we got a lot done in a short appt this morning!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - why are you not doing Tamoxifen?  I can't remember.  I think we are close in age, I just turned 52, and was having regular periods before all this started.  I haven't had a period since tx1 and have been hot flashing for months now.  My onc said Tam for a year then if I stay in menopause switch to an AI.  He didn't say anything (at least not yet) about taking out the ovaries.  I was wondering what your onc was thinking.  Thanks
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Omaz  educate me!  So we don't all get Tamoxofen as our drug?  Does it depend on whether we are post or pre menopausal?  libray lil
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lil - I hope someone knows more than me!  As far as my understanding goes, if you are still having periods you have to take tamoxifen and not an AI.  AI's don't work for women who are having periods.  If your period stops while on chemo and you are of menopause age then they think your period won't come back.  But they could so for the first year the docs monitor your hormones levels to see if you are staying in menopause.  During that time you would take tamoxifen.  If you are truely in menopause then you can switch to an AI.  If you are already menopausal when all this starts you can go straight to an AI like arimidex.  For women who have not gone through menopause, taking out the ovaries will guarentee menopause and so you don't have to go through the year of tamoxifen. Some women cannot do tamoxifen because of clotting risks or other reasons.

    Tam and AI's work differently to deprive breast cancer cells of estrogen.  As I understand it, the tamoxifen blocks the estrogen receptor on breast cells but acts like estrogen on other non-breast cells.  The AI's block the action of an enzyme called aromatase which converts estrogen pre-cursors into estrogen.  In menopause estrogen precursors are made by fat and some other tissues. 

    Here is a link for more info: Whereas AIs reduce the amount of estrogen in the body, tamoxifen blocks a tumor's ability to use estrogen.

    Lil- I hope that helps.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Whoopee  my BS just called to tell me my margins were clear after the re excision.  Slim but clear and in his opinion good enough.  I'm so glad he did not wait until my appt next Monday.  (I find it hard to accept positive news) libray lil
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Yayy Lil - THAT  is great news!!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    Here we are....another brisk night in most of our country and the northeast is under the threat of yet another massive nor'easter which guarantees, if it hits us, another 2' of snow...good times, girls!

    Ladyinbama: HYSTERICAL! I really thought it was snow! I told my friend in Atlanta, based on your pic, that you were somewhere in AL and you got a bunch of snow!!! I thought that was snow and ice hanging off moss trees!!

    Congratulations on getting the port out. I think that is truly the final sign we are done with chemo. I also had a question: how did you get the LE specialist to call you? Do you have LE or are taking the call or perhaps making an appointment as a pre-emptive measure? I was wondering about trying to see someone so they could bring me up to speed on the do's and the don'ts of activities etc... post bmx with regards to the potential to develop LE. I also wondered what the likelihood is of developing LE down the road, does it go down with time thereby imparting we are more likely to get it in the early stages after bmx/mx etc... Let me know how you were led to the LE specialist.

    Mommichelle: your fearless leader is very much looking forward to putting chemo behind her! What a long, strange trip.

    Gingerbrew: thank you for the well-wishes and I do so hope my ability to think and communicate comes back as quickly. One thing I hated about chemo is when I had all those crazy dreams, I could not talk in my dream. I would be trying to yell or get someone's attention or simply talk and I was unable to. I could not open my mouth and when I finally did, I struggled to say anything. I thought for sure it was my fear of not being able to communicate and process well in my waking hours. Since the last chemo I have not had those they come again!

    JSW: I am so glad the abraxane is a nice, easy, quick infusion and one with no se. I am so glad you are finishing it up on Friday. Good for you. We are getting to the end of this "poison" part of treatments. It is nothing short of grand that Abraxane is being studied to replace taxol/taxotere. The fact that the se are seemingly non-existent is great news also. I know it affects everyone differently but I don't think anyone has said they had little or no se on taxotere/taxol so hopefully Abraxane is the second coming!

    Libraylil: we all find it hard to accept good news! CONGRATULATIONS just the same! That is great news. Makes you feel good. As for raloxifene, you need to be post-menopausal to have that.

    Zenith: I love "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and Larry David but I don't want his baldness! Geez, I hope by summer we are all celebrating a nice, short style. I can't believe the neuropathy is lingering for you and Ginger. I am so glad you stopped at 5. I have 1 toenail just about gone and another is probably going to bail after this next tx. I am so glad this is the end. Next is the port out and then I deal with all the plastic stuff. I am so looking forward to being able to workout again. I am tired of this lethargy and feeling of grotesqueness that luscious chemo brings!

    DH is the best for walking your little dog! I had a Chihuahua, appropriately named Chilly Willie as he was always cold. Well I lived waterfront in CT so the winter was brisk and lovely, little Willie did not like his boots! He would balance on 1-2 legs to avoid using those boots! He drove me crazy so I understand your plight. He did, however, love his kangaroo fur coat!

    I hope your vision turns out to be ok after the opthamologist appt this week. Good luck on that one. I hope it turns out fine and is just something that will clear up the further you move away from chemo.

    Ckptry: some of the oncologic professionals, as you know, prefer to err on the side of caution and I think that is why they cling to Tamoxifen. It is very tried and we all struggle with the side effects! Also, I am sure at your age you are pre-menopausal so you would have to go on Tamoxifen. I just love chemo brain!

    Omaz: thanks for the info on the AIs vs. Tamoxifen. Your post was very informative. I like to know the particulars with pills, how they work and what they are designed to do especially when I am expected to be on them for 5 years. It is really surprising that a hysterectomy does not guarantee entrance into menopause. There is no way to get away from Tamoxifen!

    Well, I am high on pre-chemo steroids so I got tires on my car, went grocery shopping, did 5 loads of laundry, knocked 6' icicles clumps off my house, went to CVS and am ready to lay down and watch some tv in hopes I can drift off to bed at a decent after Conan!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - if you have a hysterectomy with ovaries out then yes, it is menopause.

    Edited to say - at least that is what I always thought, but maybe not on hormone therapy??~!!

  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227

    Just a quick note to my June 2010 surgery buddy - Liz good luck with your last Chemo. I still follow this thread that you started - it is quite lively! And, have seen a few of you over on the TCH thread.

    Anyway - that is it.

    Good luck to the fearless leader on her LAST CHEMO!!!! 

    I will see you in Vegas this fall - just waiting for the thread to start! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I had rad hyst with ovaries out last May and I am on tamoxifen. My doc explained that due to my age at diagnosis (under 40) tamox is best bet due to bone loss on others. My understanding is that I am in between official menopause...I will be on Tamox for a year-ish and then they may re-evaluate. I think doc mentioned that you are not in full menopause until you have not had your period for one year. This hormone therapy seems more confusing...I think I was more confused because I thought I was already menopausal.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    rachel - I am confused too - I think the tam is better for your bones - but I think if you have your ovaries out you go into menopause.  Maybe tam lessens that??  Number 12 rads tomorrow for you?  I am 1 behind you.  I have also heard that you have to have no period for a year to be in menopause.  With a radical hysterectomy you cannot have a period, at least of that we can be sure!! 
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Omaz...I will ask my gyn oncologist when I see her for my checkup in Feb...I am sure she would know for sure. I know at my checkup for previous cancer in oct that they did not classify me as menopausal. My med onc for bc told me that tamoxifen will be better for my bones right now.....I believe that he will relook at it during checkup in a couple of months. I will ask more at gyn checkup!

    Yep, #12 far, so good....fingers crossed! Hope you are doing well through rads!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lil: Congrats on the clear margins. And Omaz explained well the way it was explained to me about the difference in Tamox and AIs.

    Lizzy: At my onc visit yesterday, I told him that my left hand was swelling a little and asked if the cancer center had an LE therapist they recommend. He had his receptionists do a referral for me and the LE lady called me yesterday. I'm going to see her tomorrow.

    Omaz: I'm 53. Six years ago, I had a blocked artery and had to have a stent placed. I also have extensive family history of heart disease. Because of these things,  my onc didn't want to do tamox because of the potential for blod clots. He, too, at first said tamox for a year, retest and move on to AI if in menopause. But he thinks that  because of my heart issues/history, it'd be better to just plunge me into permanent menopause via ooph and do an AI. He said the main SE with AIs is osteoporosis, but we can handle that with Boniva, Zometa or similar drug. I had worried about the tamox because of the p;ossibility of blood clots (it's why I quit taking birth control pills ages ago in my 20s), so I'm glad there was another option. I hope that the ooph, like the BMX, takes away all (or most) of the risk of ever developing ovarian cancer.

    All: One of the ladies on another forum had a good idea. She encouraged us all to post a picture of ourselves as our avatar so that we can all know what each other looks like. I agree. I like to know who I'm talking to, what they look like. So I posted a pic and hope some of you will do likewise if you don't have a pic as your avatar. All my pics since cancer are pretty bad, so don't be shy about how you look :)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady--great picture. I have only taken a couple of pictures since cancer---I do not do the bald look very good. My hair is growing back but certainly not full all over--I was going to take a picture of me as each week progresses but thought better of it!! I was reading the hair thread and noticed you there--I am like you--my hair is certainly not growing back full all over right now. My Doc also said that my hair growth looked "normal" -- hoping he is right!

    Lil--Congrats on clear margins!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning All!

    Lady:  My avatar is me a couple of weeks ago.  I don't do bald well either, but it is what it is.  I gave up wearing scarves/hats around Christmas.  I really don't think about it much anymore...but at least I haven't been referred to as "sir" yet, LOL. 

    Lizzie:  When is your last chemo date?

    Texas:  Hope you are doing well with that busy schedule!

    I have been on the Tamoxifen for about a week now and nothing to report.  I am having trouble sleeping, but I don't know if that is the Tamox or stress.  I haven't even had any hot flashes, but again my house, my office, and the outside are so cold these days that if I did have a hot flash I would just feel comfortable, not warm! My son had a hockey game last night....outside..the car thermometer said 12 degrees...boy was it cold.  I told him to remember that I stood there freezing my butt off watching him when he was 16 and decided to have one of those teenage "you don't love me" tirades...LOL. 

    Okay, back to work now.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    Here I am at my last chemo. So glad this is over with.

    Stcardsfan: thanks for the well wishes, pal! I hope to see you in Vegas, woman.

    Rachel: I am very confused as well....everything is confusing. For this reason, I am sorry to say, I try not to ask too many questions. I truly feel, and this is from a not-so-religious person, having bc and going through all of this treatment and meds is a good a time as any to let go, let God. I can't tell you how much this has done to enforce faith in me. I am very much my own advocate but for the most part, and for the first time in my life, I have pretty much left most of this up to the professionals. I like to feel that I question very little.

    Deodorant: my onc told me this morning there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, which we all know, and that the use of Tom's deodorant is yet another misnomer. He told me I can use whatever deodorant I like....thankfully.

    Omaz: does tamoxifen cancer our menstrual cycle? If so, how would they know if we are in menopause or not? Again, the confusion lingers. I have 3 weeks before I start tamoxifen but based on everyone's stories, I wish it was NEVER!

    Lady: great avatar! I just love it. You look great. Thanks for the explanation on the LE specialist referral. I hope it all works out for you and that the swelling is just perhaps predicated my nutrition or something else innocuous as opposed to an indicator of LE. I hope that all of us can avoid LE.

    I will post a pic but shortly thereafter will undoubtedly replace it with a pic of something else. For me the lack of pic is largely for privacy reasons. I will also be posting a "pre" chemo pic...sorry...I really look a hot mess these days!

    Sptmm: I am sitting in my last chemo right now. My driveway was a mess, 3" of new snow since last night. I guess this is to pad the driveway for the next 12" that are coming tomorrow! I was so disgusted when I woke up and, as I have complained about being the last house on a dead end, the plows leave a mess for at the end of my driveway and because I did not call my plow people yesterday to request service as I did not think I would need it, I had to shovel out the end of my driveway...what a way to start the day. I was an hour late for my appt but alas I was hell bent on getting here, snow or not. I did not want to put this off. Yay for my last one.

    Tirade away with your son! I remember all too clearly going to the hockey rink with my brother when I was very young and he was playing peewee. 5AM on mornings like this were just awful. Go get em, Deb! Don't blame tamox or the weather...consider it a necessary exorcism!

    To everyone: I hope you are all finding some peace for yourselves, in some way, today. I know these are the toughest times in our lives for most of us, if not all, and I also know it is hard to find peace under such emotionally and physically tumultuous circumstances so may you all find an oasis.

    I will be doing the no-more-snow-dance for all of my Northeastern sisters today! Man, my shovel and little snow blower has never seen so much action. Oh...this is a funny one: yesterday I had to traverse some 3' of snow on my lawn in a steroid-induced energy driven desire to knock the 7' icicles off the front of my house and the snow came up to the top of my thighs. I almost got STUCK on my own lawn! I would have been so embarrassed. The reason for me getting stuck would be, of course, that the snow is ladled, layered and topped with ice! What an awful, awful ordeal! Riding my energy high, and with the mail truck stuck across the street, I also decided to skate down my driveway to offer assistance and I was the only neighbor to do this! Me, out of the hospital a few weeks, sick, tired but high on steroids, there I went! He declined has, sadly, he blew the transmission trying to get out of the snow pile the ice landed him in and had to call for back-up! What a sorry, sorry state of affairs we are in!

    Good day all-

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lizzy-  Do you know when the Vegas trip is happening?  I saw somewhere that there is a cruise too.  But I don't know if it is every year.

    We are both done with TAC (do you still remember the hilarious definition you had for it?), yay.  Next for me is finishing pumping up the boobs and then radiation...

    Fun, fun, fun!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Luck Lizzie!! May your last chemo bring the mildest of side effects.  And if, by chance, the side effects are not mild, just keep reminding yourself that you will NEVER have to feel like that again!  That was the good thing about the last chemo...just knowing that as bad as you felt, you would never have to feel that way again.   And I hope that dreadful storm stays away long enough for you to get your Neulasta shot tomorrow! 

    But seriously....knocking icicles off your roof...what were you thinking woman!! That must have been one heck of a steroid high!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy:  Hooray for last chemo!! Happy dance all around!