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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Hooray Lizzy!! Last chemo!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sptmm- I have been SUPER busy LOL i finally got a chance to get online- i tried using my mobile but it took forever to load cuz of the super long first post by Lizzy- i fianlly gave up

    Lady- I totally have that EXACT hat!

    All- sorry no responses to everything cuz i am still on page 148, just one more to go but i got to pause to bathe my kiddos LOL

    lizzy- GLAD TO SEE YOURE DONE WITH CHEMO!!! are there any others still getting it?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    HAHAHA so i was only the 2nd on the last page- who knew! Anyhow gotta bathe thre monkeys

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Here is some info on a thrivers cruise...

    I am going in May...

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lizzie - The Tom's of Maine was recommended by my radiation oncologist only for the period of getting radiation and only because the anti-persperant is design to dry things out and the rads dries out the skin so much, they just didn't want to make things any harder on my skin.  As soon as my under-arm heals a little more I will be back to using regular anti-persperant.

    I got my prescription for Tamox today.  Onc said the same thing as some others, we will do the Tamox for awhile and see if I go into full menopause.  He is concerned that there may be some lessening of the effects of Tamox with my HER2 status, but as long as I'm on the Herceptin, he wants to start on the Tamox.  After I'm finished with Herceptin, we will revisit the idea and see if we want to do an ooph and take an AI.  I don't really like the idea of an ooph for me, but that conversation won't happen until July at the earliest.  I'm not looking forward to the Tamox, but I want to do everything I can to prevent a recurrance. 

    I'm with you, Lizzie, in that I'm really taking the experts seriously.  I ask questions, but I'm not going to challenge their recommendations at this point.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Question - My onc thought it was worth a try for me to use effexor (low dose) for my hot flashes.  I have a lot, pretty much hourly.  Not a lot of sweat, just hot.  Apparently effexor is an anti-depressant in higher doses but the dose he wants to use is lower.  He is most concerned because my sleep is interrupted by the hot flashes several times a night.  I was thinking of trying it - what do you guys think?
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: I've been taking effexor for hot flashes for about 2 months. I started out at 37.5 mg 2xday and now it's 150 mg 1xday. It has helped some but not as much as I had hoped. Like you, my hot flashes were about hourly. They aren't as frequent but just as severe. Maybe e/o hour now? Anyway, I asked the onc the other day if there was something else we could try. He said for me to wait until after ooph and AI started (which will be in next month) and see what kind of SEs I was having then, and we'd talk about what to use to address them.

    The main thing I've noticed on the effexor (at least I think it's the effexor; seems like it started after I started taking it) is that I am VERY calm, almost to the point of being emotionless. For example, I haven't cried, been scared or angry over BC in a while, whereas I was having "emotions" about it about weekly before. The other night my DH and I got in a fight and although I was having a fight, I was actually very calm inside and not angry at all. I don't know if that makes sense or not and I'm not even sure it's the effexor, but that's my experience.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lady - thanks, that is interesting.  Did it help with sleeping?

    I will include a pic avatar soon, I just don't have one I like yet.  Working on it.  At my infusion today I was bored so I was taking pictures of things (myself included) with my phone.  A lady saw me doing that and got into it and told me to take a picture of the IV bag, then my port, etc.  When she suggested my feet I figured that was enough!  None of the pictures of me were too good, though my IV bag was looking good (nearly empty!!).

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    Well, I have unpacked the chemo day bag for the last time! Whoo hoo! It feels good to have it over with but I will admit, as I was leaving, I did see a lot of people there who were on in years (75+) and I could not help but wonder if it was their first time through chemo...or not. I hope that is the last time I see the chemo room but, and this is very telling, when I was talking to my onc today I remarked as I am glad all of my professionals (PS, onc, rad onc (even though will not have it now) ) are all in my age range (under 50 on all 3 I believe) b/c cancer is a lifelong disease and it is comforting to know they will all be there...hopefully. It is just nice to be surrounded by professionals I can count on to be there as I continue down this road. Hoping to God I will never, ever NEED them again once this bought is over with. I just found it very odd that out of my mouth came that comment about cancer being a lifelong disease. I guess that is how I have felt about it all along and that helped me to take it in stride. I guess I feel once indoctrinated into the "C" world, there is no going back. It will, in one way or another, always be a part of my life. I tell everyone it is like the flu as they can treat it but they have no cure.

    Calamtykel- where have you gone? Have not heard from you in a while.

    Adey: I am waiting for the Vegas thread. I get antsy on cruises! I like the idea of Vegas. I am looking forward to it. Of course I still remember my TAC acronym explicit understanding! Adriamyocardialinfarction was the best! I asked for a post chemo muga today (are you getting one also?) and my onc pretty much told me they don't do them but I requested one just the same. I just want to know my heart is still in the shape it was when I started. I am admittedly a bit tenacious about wanting this piece of information so he booked one for me...thankfully. I don't know why but I am really hung up on wanting that result.

    Sptmm: I am so glad chemo is over and am praying for mild/no side effects. As for the icicles, I used my handy shovel to keep me 7' and to ram it so as to help it meet gravity, it's original target! OMG...on the damn next snow lambasting, we are expected to get a foot starting at some point tomorrow and going until Thursday morning...unbelievable. This means I will have to go for Neulasta on Thursday, before the 48 hour mark because if I was going to do it after the 24 hour mark that would put me mid-storm! I just love that I have to plan my much-needed chemo txs around storms. May this winter end quickly and may that little bastard on Staten Island NOT see his shadow! Remember when he bit Blumberg a few years ago?!?

    Lady and Libraylil: thanks for your well-wishes on my finishing chemo...YAY indeed!

    Texas: hey, hey! Super long posts are important as this thread will exist into perpetuity, as long as the site is in existence and undoubtedly long after you and I have left the planet at 80+ years old!

    I think I was the last with the wicked chemo infusion schedule of 6 TAC and this makes sense as I was the last to start! How did the 3 monkey bathing go?!

    Sohardbnme: inspirational quotes, joining gyms and cruising in May? Someone has truly moved far beyond the gross business of chemo and GOOD FOR YOU! This makes me very happy! Cruise it up, workout and have all the fun your heart desires ;)

    Lisasinglem: that Tom's of Maine thing has been around for a long time. I am sure, like in your case, it has it's place. I just wanted to know if unilaterally I was to be using it. I am no more impressed with that than I was with that icky Biotene!

    Omaz: I have heard a number of anti-depressants help with hot flashes. I think Lexapro is another one or at least they are studying it for that. Why not is what I say. A number of people are using them and I have not heard any complaints...but then again they are on antidepressants so what is there to complain about?!??! Just being silly!

    Please, for your new pic give your husband the phone to take an action photo on your next walk, say, if you were to take another little, glamorous, Hollywood type of spill!!!
    Now a great avatar that would make!

    Lady: your experience with Effexor sounds positive. Crying and being upset about something you cannot change and have no control is tantamount to a disastrous emotional meltdown eventually or, if not that, certainly a lot of heartache over nothing. Try being medicinally calm and happy for a sure as hell beats angry, upset and crying!

    Still on the roids so still fired up....wanted to go shopping until I realized what time it was! May sleep come my way tonight...went to chemo on 5 hours which is 10 less than I require these days!

    Goodnight, girls-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have another breast infection. Now I am on a Z Pak and hopefully that will work. Tomorrow is day seven of rads treatment for me.

    I use effexor for depression and find it has no side effects and I can see that I am less emotional while on it. Not dulled out or sedated, but rather not taking offense or crying.  I was coming off of anti-depressants when I got BC. The oncologist convinced me to continue on, especially in light of how hard I crashed on the steroids. I think being level is a good thing for now.


  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all,

    As you can tell my posts are coming less frequently, this doesn't mean I'm not reading and thinking of you all the time. I do. I catch myself thinking things like "I've got to tell Omaz about that Efflexor thing...." , "Was today Lizzy's last TX?", and the perpetual favourite, "Please God  be with insert-name-here today, she really needs You.". I just wanted you all to know that.

    But having said that I'm ramping up to rejoin my old llife again. I start work full time on Monday. I am trying to make as many Wondergoblins as possible before I go back to work, and get in all my doc appts and spend those last extra hours with my kids etc. Truth be told, I'm scared out of my wits right now. I feel like I'm being let go by cancer and I have to figure out how to go forward without it at the centre of my life. It's been a long time where all I've had to think about is, which med, which tx, which SE. Now I have to think of those things and add my responsibilities to work on top of them. Which all means I'll be on here less, I think I'll check in weeknights and the weekends. But I'm NOT going away. That's a promise.

    Omaz- on onco gave me a prescription for it too, I didn't end up filling it. One of the SE she told me about is weight gain and decreased sex drive. Both of which I am winning the battle with right now so I didn't want to slip backwards. The hot flashes at night disappeared on their own. My working theory is that as the chemo drugs left my body my hormones went nuts. But now that the levels are down/gone I'm back to normal.

    Lizzy- I'm so pleased to hear you're on your last tx. Take good care of yourself. You're almost there, my friend. (p.s. I'm half convinced you're some kind of CIA spy or celebrity so when and if you do post a pic of yourself I won't be surprised to see someone I already know! Admit it, you're Christina Applegate!:)

    Rachel- feelin' you on the cold. Ottawa was -44 with the wind chill on Mon. But still not much snow.

    IowaSue- have an awesome trip!!! Soak it all up.

    Tex- Sounds like you'lll be ready to tackle your healing. Just make sure to give yourself lots and lots of rest time.

    Energy Returning- I think I was one of the first to start, so here's the energy/weight report from the front lines. It seems as if exponentially each week I get more energy and more of my old self back. I'm able to exercise 30-40 min a day and I try to pilates or light free weights too. I NEVER could have done that 6 weeks ago, it would have been absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. Also I had to talk to my onco about weight gain, I gained almost 20 lbs since my diagnosis and I feel awful about it. She told me, and her partner doc too, that the very best way to lose the weight and stick with exercise is Weight Watchers. She showed me research that said that for long term success and support WW is best. She uses it and started when she hit menopause and her metabolism halted. B/c of Tamoxifen she said it'll be an uphill battle from here on in so to find some "help" with it. WW is working well, I have signed up for the online support and the tools are fantastic and I can take them with me on my iPhone or computer.

    Anyhoo, that's it for today. Off to make Wondergoblins. And find some new clothes for work next week...I want to feel like I look good. Is that vain???:)

    Big hugs to each of you, especially those that are going through SEs right now. XO

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Sweeney - I think I will give the sleep a little more time to see if the hot flashes improve before trying the effexor.  The radiation is making me a bit pooped so maybe that will help my sleep!  Good to hear from you, best wishes at work.  I have been back in the office since beginning of Jan.  I find myself tired around 2-3 and actually head home then and make up the hours from home. 
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - Sorry to hear you have an infection!  What a bummer, hope the Z-pack takes care of it pronto!
  • HI all---

    I haven't been posting as much but still thinking about you guys as much as ever!   I'm really fighting with the SE's of the tamoxifen.  I last took a dose on Saturday and am just trying to get it out of my system.  My symptoms have been very different from what I was initially told, and I'm sure are very rare.  I have been having horrendous brain fog - I mean like forgetting my kids kind of brain fog.  As in scary, dangerous alzheimer's can't function type. Waking up in the middle of the night and not knowing who I am.......uh..not good.   I always felt foggy a couple of days after chemo sometimes but never to this extent.  As I get further from the last dose I took, things are definitely improving.  I'm still having the light headedness and nausea  in the morning that comes and goes and that is scary.  I'm waiting for that to resolve and then will go back to my doctor and see what  could be behind door number 2 for me.  But as a mother of four children, and a home business to run, I can't live that way for 5 years.  It took about 3 1/2 weeks for those SE's to kick in.  It may be that I may be one of the women who simply cannot tolerate this drug so we'll see where it goes.  I'm prepared for that.  I've already visited my naturopath and we're moving ahead to look at estrogen levels, etc., and how to control them naturally.  One thing that tamox took away from me was running.  I would run for 15 minutes and become so light headed and disoriented that i had to stop.  If tamox is going to steal exercise from me, then I just can't see sitting around here for the next five years doing nothing.............

     ANYWAY, on happier notes - I'm glad to see Lizzy is now at the end of chemo!  AND my hair is coming back in like crazy but isn't gaining much length.  On the other hand, I now look like I have two caterpillers growing across my eyebrows - they are fat but too stubby to do much with!

    Anyhow, will try to keep checking in.  We missed a lot of school last week due to the brain fog stuff---and are trying to catch up this week ---

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    I am here in CT as the snow is coming down again...we are getting a pre-storm, storm right now. The big one is later for another 10" not counting this little dose this morning! CT will NOT have a shortage of mosquitos this summer.

    Ginger: so sorry to hear you have an infection. I am all too familiar with that. I hope the Zpak works. Let me know how things progress.

    Sweeney: I know it is scary to return to the workforce, even though I have not, but surely this will be a very, very good thing for you. It is not so much a release from cancer as it is a return to normalcy.

    As for me, yes, yesterday was the final tx. I am so happy, even though the next 10 days will be gross, that it is finally over. I am so looking forward to reclaiming some elements of my old life again.

    I am neither CIA (they don't like anarchists!) or Christina Applegate! Unless you had an excellent memory and had any involvement with Wall St, watching Yankee games or the Knicks and the Nets, that might be your only recollections of me!

    Btw, it is definitely NOT vain to want to look good when you return to work. I think that is the mark of a healthy sense of self. Happy clothes shopping.

    Omaz: You, and others, are so lucky to work for employers that allow you flexibility. That makes it so easy to return to the workplace.

    OMG...I get my rx for tamox in 3 weeks. Sweeney, I was moderately disappointed to hear that tamox also slows the metabolism. I am going to look it up to find out what the side effects are. I think I am going to have to go back to my body building eating which is don't put anything in my body it can't misunderstand or misuse. This means super low fat, high protein and vegetables in the raw. All sorts of vegetables, tossed right on the grill, are great just as they are. No basting, spraying or fact button mushrooms are fantastic just rinsed, left uncut, and tossed right on the grill...delicious.

    Good day, girls-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    If you all look at the breaking news section just below this message box there is information about an antidepressant being a chill pill for hot flashes.  I just noticed it as I posted my last msg. 
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    From this site: 

    I found this:

    Tamoxifen has rarely caused very serious (possibly fatal) strokes, blood clots in the lungs/legs, and cancer of the uterus. If you are taking tamoxifen to reduce the risk of breast cancer, or if your cancer is limited to the milk ducts (ductal carcinoma in situ-DCIS), then discuss the benefits and risks of taking this medication with your doctor. However, if you are taking tamoxifen to treat breast cancer, then the benefits of taking tamoxifen are greater than the risks of side effects.

    Seek immediate medical attention if you develop symptoms of a stroke or blood clots in the lungs/legs, such as weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, sudden vision changes, confusion, shortness of breath, chest pain, or calf pain/swelling.

    Tell your doctor immediately if you develop symptoms of cancer of the uterus, such as unusual changes in your monthly period (e.g., amount or timing of bleeding), unusual vaginal discharge, or pain/pressure below your "belly button" (navel).

  • Lizzy - my oncology nurse friend said that anyone on tamoxifen should have a transvaginal ultrasound every six months to monitor changes to the endometrial lining.  It would be the best way to monitor rather than wait for symptoms to arise.  I always said I was willing to risk the hot flashes, blood clot risks and even the uterine cancer risks, to kick BC to the curb, but after this past week and a half I am realizing more and more that tamoxifen may just not be for me.  If I have to have my ovaries out, then so be it.  But I need to be here mentally for my family and children.  If it were just depression or something, I could deal with that with medication but this brain fog has been nothing less than frightening.   I began googling cognitive effects of tamoxifen and was very interested in the studies I came up with.  Nice - my oncololgist didn't tell me this stuff.....   But I guess my case is pretty rare.  I thought I was tough - that i"d breeze right thru another drug after all the chemo!  But quality of life is also extremely important to me as well, as much as a recurrence or mets frighten me......  My chances of dying over the next 10 years are reduced 4% by tamox.  

    OH - Lizzy - lifemath is

    Well, it's snowing and I forgot to buy bread.  So I'm going to make it!    The kids are all psyched! :)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sweeney--Good to hear from you. Good luck back at work. BTW, I joined WW about 3 years ago and lost over 50lbs--it does work--it just teaches you a new way of looking at food. That being said, the main thing that keeps you honest are the weigh-ins! I have gained a lot of weight through chemo--Doc thinks it is a mix of SE to chemo, Tamoxifen and also just plain weight from lack of exercise etc. I am looking to join back up to WW also to lose these lbs and especially with being on Tamoxifen--might keep things in check. I won't rejoin until after radiation is done.

    I am heading to my family doc next week for checkup and will ask her some more about Tamoxifen--get her input. I also will meet my gynecological oncologist in Feb and ask her. I am more questioning the validity of me on Tamoxifen when I had rad hyst last year. Granted, from speaking to someone I met at support group, the other group of drugs seem to have their own SE to deal with.

    Radiation #13 done today--almost half way......good thing the techs are so nice or else it would make it worse going everyday.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Ugh, I have come down with a cold and it sucks! My temperature was up a little but not enough to call my doc and seems to be back to normal now with cold medicine. My sinuses are all stuffed up and I'm going through tissues like mad. My last chemo is scheduled for next Friday (Feb 4) so hopefully my body will be healthy enough by then.

    Lil congrats on clean margins and Lizzy congrats on your last chemo!

  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Member Posts: 700

    Ginger - I also am on a z-pak from our rad onc but mine is because he felt my cold had caused a sinus infection.  Today was #25.  Tomorrow is my last full breast rad and then I start on the 9 boosts. It has gone faster than I expected, has been easier than I thought, and I have felt lucky to be cared for by such great people.  Never thought I would be saying any of those things.  Left you a VM!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hey Lizzy - how is the last chemo going?
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Sweeney: Post a pic of your new haircut. Good luck going back to work. I've got to find something to do besides go to doctor's appts.

    Lizzy: What's next for you after chemo?

    I went to the LE therapist today. She measured me and said I'm just 3.5% larger on my left side, so that's good, not too much yet. She did massage, showed me how to do it at home, and made me a compression garment to wear during the day. I go back in a week and she'll remeasure and see where I am. I'm glad I went if for no other reason than to ask questions about exercising, travel, etc. I go Monday to a gyn to talk about doing my ooph surgery and a week from today, I get  my port out. So next week will be a busy one just running to and from doctors/surgery.

    Hope everybody is doing ok. Each day I feel a little better and have a little more energy. I even see a few puny, gray hairs coming out on the top of my head, yea!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    It is your fearless leader slipping off into my last, bedraggled chemo sludge pit. On my final appointment they remind me that TAC is a tough, tough regimen. No kidding!

    Calamtykel: You absolutely have to be your own advocate and if you continue to struggle with such cumbersome SEs, then perhaps it is not for you. To gain 4% points on survival rates and to struggle through these miserable SEs, it just might not be worth it. Personally, though, I do very much hope you and these SEs make peace and things calm down for you because even though 4% points is not a lot, I am not sure how to quantify the estrogen control features of tamoxifen. I am just hopeful it calms down for you as you definitely need to be present for your family especially with the rigors of home schooling. The choices aren't so hot, I will admit.

    Thanks for the info on the transvaginal ultrasound monitoring. This is appreciated. There are so many facets to this journey, I think as much as we are overwhelmed, our docs might be a little as well with the plethora of patients with all different stages of BC. Something like this might not be communicated. I am so grateful for this thread and the information we share.

    Thanks for the lifemath address. I don't blame your kids for getting excited when you make bread! What a treat on a nice, snowy day...we have such a shortage of these lately!

    Rachel: I think we all could complain about weight gain from feeling so incapacitated and worn out from all these meds that we all have put on some weight and/or are just struggling to try to get back into a workout regimen. You are sooo not alone!

    I, too, am going for a post-chemo check-up, chat and med talk with my most favorite doc in the world, and my most trusted medical confidante, my GP! I can't wait to see has been months. I did not go during chemo because of the numerous sick people.

    Congratulations on being ½ way done with rads. So nice to be putting all of this behind us. Good techs/medical personnel really do make it easier.

    JSW: I don't know why I forgot about the Abraxane that we just spoke about a few weeks ago, and that you would be finishing shortly after me! So soon you will be closing this parade!

    Omaz: Thanks for asking....the last chemo is starting to take hold. After I get plowed out from this next 12" of snow we are getting overnight, and on a reduced amount of steroids, tomorrow I am off to neulasta and then surely home to bed to sleep off this mess for the next several days. I will tell you this: I did not miss it!

    Ladyinbama: After chemo I have 5 more surgeries to look forward to and non-stop doctor visits, no doubt. I also have a muga scan coming up. I am looking forward to the results of that.

    As for the LE therapist, it sounds like you had a productive, satisfying visit where your concerns were managed and fears allayed. Doesn't it feel good?! Congrats on heading into port removal. Mine goes in March...looking forward to that. Then again, with rashes and open wounds, who knows? Basically I will be doing the run to the doctors for the next several months as well. Oh boy...

    I am also happy you are having a return to energy and are getting some gray hairs sprouting. Always nice to get that feeling you are regaining a sense of normalcy.

    Well folks, I have a mysterious, non-itchy rash on my thighs, inner arms and a little on my stomach. My onc said it looked like I had an allergic reaction to something I ate and it should go away overnight...wrong. It is still here and I have not eaten anything odd nor have I changed soap, laundry detergent etc... I am petrified now because I have that 2.5" wide open wound in my chest and am concerned that, even though I clean it and repack twice daily, that something has gotten in and/or is infecting me. I was rather hoping it might be a reaction to the steroids but the onc team said no, the steroids should kill it. This rash, should it not go away, will undoubtedly become yet another drama on this bc highway. Will keep you all posted. Did some internet research and came up with a few ideas but will be heading to the doc as soon as I am coming off the chemo sludge and when, hopefully, I have some wbc's in my blood protecting me from all that mess out there!

    Goodnight, all-

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Re Tamox and uterine cancer:  Something my onc told me that I found interesting, was that the risk of uterine cancer is higher for life after taking 5 years of Tamox - he said that if I was going to get it it would most likely not happen while I was ON the Tamox, but later.  However, he also said that anyone with a uterus has a 2% chance of getting uterine cancer in her lifetime.  Taking Tamox for 5 years increases that riske to a 3% chance of getting uterine cancer in my lifetime.  I felt a little better about it after hearing that.

    Lizzy - I hope your rash will go away on its own!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, you will likely find the mugga scan to be the simplest test of this entire trip down bc road.

    Gyn had me have vaginal ultrasound said I had hyperplasia and within just a couple days I had a total hysterectomy. This is a cautionary tale, I did not need the surgery, the Gyn erred. He told me about it and I did not sue him, it wouldn't have changed anything. Please get a second opinion, if you ever are told you have hyperplasia. The Gyn had a previous patient on unopposed estrogen who did get uterine cancer and died very quickly, he was reacting to that with me.

     I am taking glutamine now. It mixes with Gatorade really well. I hope it heals the neuropathy. I think I would walk more easily then.

     Calamity so sorry to hear of you SE's. That  must be scary, it sounds more serious than the fog from chemo. Are there any studies showing it would go away. My Rad's doc said aching knees would go away after about 7 months when on the antihormonals. Of course 7 months in the fog you describe would be impossible. There are other meds maybe your Doc will know one that will work for you. Your naturopath sounds like you will have other options too. I am just sorry to hear of one more thing for any of us. 

    I feel okay, just a bit dragged out. Maybe the ZPak will fix me up. 

    Hugs Ginger

     Diagnosis: 5/27/2010, IDC, 2cm, Stage IIb, Grade 3, 1/20 nodes, ER+/PR+,

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    all saw oncologist yesterday and he further explained the pathology report.  While the neoadjuvant chemo did not make the tumors completely dissolve, 65%  of the cells were dead cancer cells.  That is an indicator of  doom for any that might have escaped.  Began my "every three weeks" Herceptin.  I had forgotten the lovely smell and taste of Herceptin:)  Drank tons of water and it is now a vague memory. 

    I cannot believe the snow you Northerners are experiencing.  I am so over winter and ready for some warm weather.  libray lil

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    just popping in here to say HEY! lol

    BTW lizzy- not a targeted comment @ your post being so long- it is what it is- got all our info up there and the cape awards too so i understand the length :), just my phone doesnt want to handle it lol! Keep an eye on the rash for sure, those things have a way of spreading and i too am worried about your open sore...

    Lil- did your dr talk about hte herceptin going to once a week???? right now i still get it every 3 but mine was saying it will begin to go to every week...

    kel- sorry to hear your have those SE on tamox... :( Hopefully it not due to the drug and something else... But i am not looking forward to transvaginal ultrasounds lol

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Congratualtions on finishing CHEMO Lizzy!!!  Are all of us done with chemo now???
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lil: I guess I've missed something, but what kind of test did you have that he could tell "65% were dead cancer cells"? My onc keeps talking like there are no tests that can really tell us what is going on (so far as the cancer being gone) and we just have to trust that the treatment is working and wait and see!