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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Bama,  This was from my pathology report after the lumpectomy. I had chemo before surgery so the oncologist would do a breast exam and tell me the tumor was getting smaller.  Before the lumpectomy I had the big squeezing mammo and it showed that one area had disappeared and one had shrunk.  The oncologist tells me that with neoadjuvant chemo they are not treating the breast, but what might have escaped.  They use the tumor as a gauge to see if the cancer is responding.  Had it not responded I would have been switched to another chemo.  He gave me the choice of chemo before or after surgery, but recommended before. Some patients have the entire tumor disappear, but mine croaked in spots like swiss cheese.

    texas oncologist (Dr. looks so fine) did not mention going to weekly. I will still get the same amount.  I was weekly during chemo.  Good luck with your surgery, I know having a plan makes your life a little less stressful.

    libray lil

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    Lil: Gotcha, thanks. I had a friend who did it before too and her tumor shrunk tremendously.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    How are you all? I hope doing well. The snow piles lining my driveway are roughly 5' tall now! I cannot believe this. Then walking into the hospital to get neulasta I almost felt like I was going to pass out. I had to sit in the lobby and all I could think was if I did fall, the preponderance of damage to my person would have been from icicles, rock salt and snow shards!  In any case, they checked my vitals and blood pressure was clue.

    Ginger: I hope that Z Pak is kicking in and you are feeling better.

    Texas:  I hope you are getting through your final few days before the big surgery and are taking time for you. You have 3 days left...get crackin' woman!

    Omaz: JSW will finish chemo on the 4th then, I believe, we are all done...yay!

    I know this is a bit of a ridiculous line of questioning, especially based on what we have all just been through, but have any of you consider post-chemo colonics, flushes etc...? Perhaps we have even discussed this already but I was just wondering. I am not quite sure it will rid my body of poison but I am thinking about 1 month out I might like to do a flush. There is something moderately satisfying thinking about trying to get residual junk out. To be honest, based on the caliber of "junk" we have received, I think my cleansing notion is ridiculous but I can dream!

    Why am I craving Roquefort?! Weird, weird chemo. Surely it will be just another thing I purchase, have a bit of, change my mind and toss out to the animals.

    Good night to you all-
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Cleanse... absolutely!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I have a weird question too about a "cleanse" of another sort:

    Do any of you have an odor "down there"? When I was doing chemo, my urine had a really strong smell, and now it still has an odd odor and even though I clean, I still have an odor you-know-where. Monday I've got to go to a gyn to talk about the ooph. If he does an exam, I'm afraid it will knock him out ! I was thinking of buying a douche and see if it helps, though I hate to douche because it get rid of good bacteria as well as other stuff. Has anyone had this problem and what did you do? Did it finally go away? (my face is officially red just asking about this, but ya'll understand)

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lady - I don't like the idea of a douche either, for the reason you mentioned.  I haven't had that particular issue, but you might ask the GYN about it maybe before the exam.  Don't feel embarassed about it, just tell the dr. that you've noticed some unusual odor and could he/she check it out.  I have no doubt they have seen (and smelled) much worse!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady--I agree with Lisa--douche may not be best idea. Check with your gyn. I had a strong odor in my urine (nice!) and talked to Doc and they said that is normal for post-chemo for some people. He mentioned that if it didn't go away to get checked at family doc to ensure no UTI infection or bladder infection--which he mentioned can happen during/post chemo.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Bama you crack me up!! I know Herceptin can lend an unpleasantness to any and all orfices, however it goes away with water ingestion.  libraylil
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lots of good news today I wanted to share.

    1)  I did my first post-chemo audition a couple of weeks ago for a show I really wanted to do, and I got the part!  I am already booked to do 3 shows between March and August!

    2) I just sent in my information to some film-makers who are doing a film about women going through trauma, and breast cancer is one of the traumas they want to focus on.  So, I may get a film deal out of it.

    3) DH is finished with his project in Calgary.  He is headed next week to BRAZIL for 5 weeks.  The good news is that I will get to visit him for a week in RIO DE JANEIRO - for free, paid for by his company!  Awesome.

    4) It has taken me 18 days, but I finally lost 2 pounds.  I like to focus on 2 pound intervals, which is easier for me than the 10 or 15 that I ultimately want to lose.  I'm hoping that the exercise class is helping, because I did a really good workout yesterday - with a full round of weights + cardio + stretching.  It felt really, really good!  Just in time for me to start Tamoxifen, which I did this morning.

    SO GLAD that we are all getting finished with this chemo beast!  JSW - thanks for bringing up the rear!  I met a lady in the elevator today who asked why my hair was so short - I told her I had recently finished chemo and she told me she was also a survivor and that she holds a guided meditation class every week in the community room of our condo specifically for cancer survivors, and she invited me to come.  A little miracle.  I will definitely be going.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lisa: Great news all around, hooray! We are ALL due for some good news for a change! If you've been working out, especially weight lifting, you've probably lost more than 2 lbs., well 2 lbs. of fat. When I started working out a few years ago, my weight didn't change that much for a while because I was starting to build muscle. But it wasn't long until I could tell a difference in my shape and the way my clothes fit.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    Knocked a few icicles off the house and got tired only to come in and listen to the news telling us all to get the snow off of our roofs as there have been record numbers of collapses over the past few days. There I go to call my plow people who still are not in receipt of their roof shovels...hopefully fedex delivers today. The snow piles at the end of my driveway are over 6' and it is a narrow entrance now...I am worried as to what is going to happen after we get our NEXT storm this coming week and what if I have an emergency! This is altogether very unsettling! Perhaps you all might see me on CNN in my Bobcat next week!

    Lady: while on chemo I definitely have the weird odors but during the time I was off of it, while having the infection etc... it went right back to normal. Of course it is here again now that I am back on chemo. I agree you should just be very upfront with your gyn if you have lingering odors. I forget how long it has been since your chemo ended.
    I am sure it is going to go away in time.

    Lisasinglem: What grrrreat news all around! Congratulations on getting the part, the potential for a part in the film about breast cancer, and on your 2 lb loss but the very best news, in my opinion writing from snowbound CT, is the FREE trip to Rio for a week! That is *the* best news of all! Accidentally finding a support group in your building was a nice find also. I am so happy for you and all your good news.

    As for muscles, many women shy away from lifting b/c it creates mass which has weight therefore their love of the scale-driven results is negated. Muscles are a jacket for bones so surely you have lost inches as you tighten up those muscles but you are adding mass, very good mass, at the same time. Do you measurements, head-to-toe, once per week to really gauge where you are at. You probably look like you lost 10.

    It is just about nap time for me again....later all-

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    I went to the opthamologist today and she says that chemo caused a cataract in my left eye and that is why I have the blurred vision.  she says there is one on the right too.  so I scheduled surgieries but am just so depressed taht his crap is not over with yet!  has anyone heard of chemo causing cataracts?  My vision will be better after  the surgeries but now I have to figure out whether I want to try to go back to work or just say to hell with it and ask my BS for another back to work statement taking me out of work until mid march!  She will do this i'm sure cuz she said if i felt like i needed more time to let her know. 

    Lizzy - well we have have a record amount of snow this year we were just spectators to your latest nor'easter

    Lisa - great news about rio!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Lisa great news.  keep us updated about your shows.  libray lil
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Zentih, cataracts? Oh my goodness, I would have never guessed. I am sure you will make the best decision about when to return to work.

    Lizzy, you throw food out to the animals? What kind of animals do you have? I would love to have some outside animals, especially a horse or two. I even have a two stall barn here that stands empty. I am glad you are finishing up chemo now. Your strength will return it just takes a while. Breathlessness after chemo is apparently pretty common. I am still way weaker than I would like.

     I did rad number 8 out of 35 today. I feel sluggish today but it may be the ongloing gloom outside. 

    Laters my friends


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Zenith - I am totally bummed that chemo gave you cataracts!!  Geez.  Well, at least it can be fixed.  Best wishes to you.
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi All,  made it home, had a great time ! Looks like I have a bunch of reading to do. I hope you all are doing good. I'm so glad I took that much need vacation, so glad my best friend and her man went with us. It was so good just to get outside all day and do things, something I miss so much in the winter time.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Zenith: I've never heard of that. What kind of chemo did you do? I had the problem with a tear duct closing up, but it got corrected with steriod eye drops. I did notice that while on the eye drops, my vision seemed blurry. But it's back to normal since I stopped having to do the drops. It is such a bummer to have this crap come up after we've finished chemo. We are so ready for it to be over and then BAM, something new hits us.

    It is supposed to be 65 and sunny here today so I am going to get out and try to enjoy a nice day for a change. DH bought steaks to grill, yuuuuummmmm.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- Thanks i did take some time out for myself a bit- i got a pedi and my 5 yr old got to pick the color- NEON blue! LOL I have never had a colonic but i know that the Gershwin thearpy uses coffe enemas in treatment not sure the similarities...

    Lady- I havent noticed an odor per say but i have noticed discharge. I am highly embarrassed to ask my oncologist- i am thinking i will schedule an appointment with my gyno... also my cervix is tender. No birthday lovin for my hubby.. Not sure if thats related to herceptin or what but i think its time to check it out- still no periods though but that might be the tenderness from my cervix... WHO KNOWS lol

    WAY TO GO LISA!!!!! lots of positives going on!!!

    Zenith- never heard of that!

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    I did some online research and found out that it is the steroids that can cause cataracts.  I was taking dexamethasone orally with the taxoterrible and it was also part of the infusion.  I don't know if dex was part of the AC infusion but anyway I may have had cataracts before bc but the steroids made them grow faster!  i can see ok out of the right but left eye is very blurry and it is hard to read.

  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227

    Hey Lizzy and gang - the Vegas thread has started! They are thinking about October - so everyone head on over and check it out!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Well I seem to be finally getting over this cold, now my concern is whether my system will be strong enough for my last chemo next Friday or if I will get postponed. I would really like to finish out our parade!

    Lisa, so much good news! Yay for you!

    Zenith, I'm sorry to hear that you have cataracts now. I think that the dex is also given with AC, at least it was for me. It seems like the side effects of chemo just keep coming.

    Lizzy I hope you are doing well as you recover from your last dose of chemo!

    Texas it sounds like you are having a fun time with your kiddos and I hope your surgery goes well, it is on Monday, right?

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I thought I was getting the tummy virus that some folks have been talking about. Duh, I am on ,my last day of a Z Pak and just two weeks ago did 10 days of Keflex. My tummy was letting me know how unhappy it was about all this messing with its balance. I sure hope this Z Pak has taken care of the breast infection.

    Texas we will all be praying for you on Monday. You'll do just fine and we'll be waiting to hear from you too! 

    My 5 month old granddaughter was here today and petting my hair when she discovered she could get ahold of it. This baby girl has a really good grip, wow. My hair is still less than half an inch but she got me. Actually anything she does is just fine with me. 

    Hugs everybody,


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Is your rash clearing up?
  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Texas - I am thinking about you and praying for a speedy and successful surgery with an even faste recovery time.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (when I had my mastectomy) and I would have another surgery like that over chemo anyday!  Hugs to you!

    Lady - I started tamoxifen last Saturday and have noticed a slight discharge and odor.  I was very embarrassed about it. I am so glad you brought it up.  I know you ladies understand the good, the bad, and the ugly (or smelly)!

    Iowa Sue - Welcome home!  I am so glad you got away, you deserved some relaxation and fun!

    Lisa - I am so happy for you!  What shows are you in?  You are amazing.  You'll have to let us know about the movie too!

    Zenith - Again, chemo, the gift that keeps giving!  So sorry to hear about your eyes and now more surgery!

    Ginger - Isn't it amazing how the little ones can do whatever they want to us!  They are such good therapy and so much fun.  Enjoy!

    Lizzy - Hope you are starting to feel sooooooooooooooo happy that chemo is behind you!

    Have a great day all....hubby is at work, ao Sunday school followed by McDonald's playland with the kids and then snow tubing today!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Texas - Hope everything goes well tomorrow!!

    Cal - How are you doing?

    Lisa -  Happy for you that you got the part!!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone! 

    Iowa:  Welcome back.  Glad you had a restful and WARM vacation.  Sounds like just the thing you needed. 

    Lisa:  Congrats on the shows you have lined up.  Talk about hitting the ground running!  Sounds like a busy couple of months coming up.  I am glad you have rebounded so quickly. 

    Ginger:  Hope that infections clears.

    Zenith:  Sorry to hear about the cataracts.  I had normal, getting old, problems with reading small print before chemo and my vision does seem to be a little worse at least thats my impression, but I may just be imagining it. I have been thinking about making an appointment with the eye doctor, I can't read very well anymore and I enjoy reading, so I think it is time. 

    Lady:  Maybe it is a yeast infection?  I know they told me that the steroids could cause yeast infections.  Maybe you got a mild one and it is still unresolved. 

    JSW:  Hope you get the go ahead on your last Abraxane.  You must by going nuts just wanting to get it over with. 

    Lizzy:  Knocking icicles off the roof are determined.  I certainly hope that your post tonight will not be describing how you shoveled the snow off your roof!  Rest, relax!!

    Texas:  Good luck with the surgery tomorrow, my prayers will be with you!  After the chemo though, I think you will find the surgery easy. 

    I had a great night last night.  All the kids were home and we watched the NHL All Start Skills Competition on TV while playing scrabble on the IPad.  I have to tell you though, that computer scrabble is a joke.  It let my daughter use the word....bate....I always thought is was spelled...bait.  And how about Qater..has anyone ever heard of that word! I heard of the country Qatar, but not Qater.  At the end of the game, we were just using the tiles to guess at words and see if the computer would allow it as a word, LOL!  Anyway, it was really nice to have them all home, together, in the same room for a while.  And they didn't fight!!! 

    Going to go watch the NHL All Star Game.  I made homemade minestrone soup for dinner, with fresh bread.  Can't wait to taste it.  I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    I am moving along through the pit...sleep works like a charm!

    TEXAS- *THE* big day tomorrow-thinking of you, wishing you luck and hoping for the best. I am sure you are going to be fine and I am glad you have some family there to help you. Take it easy tonight and try to get some rest. Tomorrow will go fine. You will be just fine.

    Stcardsfan: thanks for the reminder that the vegas thread has started. Will be heading over to check it out.

    Ginger- Great news that there is enough hair for the baby to grab onto! As for animals, I just toss it out into the woods for the poor squirrels, rabbits etc... who cannot forage as well as they did before this 4' of snow hit the ground. I don't have any horses etc.. . I was one of the few little girls in this world who never dreamed of her wedding gown/day nor did I want a horse! That DNA skipped me.

    Hope the infection is cleared up by the ZPak. I, too, have been a bit concerned for my "inner" balance with all of these antibiotics I have been on. I think in my case, having been on so many over the holidays, I am concerned for my organs and how they are putting up with it. Oh well...the alternative is a paltry choice for sure!

    Mommichelle: YAY- McPlayland and then snowtubing! What a great Sunday!

    Zenith: that is awful about the darn cataracts. I really thought it was chemo but I had forgotten about the dexamethasone. That was one bottle I was very happy to throw away. I would definitely try to stay out of work until the surgeries are done. The last thing you want to do is be going in and out of work, after getting back from bc, because of surgeries relating to that. You might as well try to stay out if you can and get another release letter.

    Omaz: no, that rash is not clearing up but it appears to be drying up and now looks like it has calamine lotion on it....sort of eczema-ish. Yale is supposed to have their bc dermatologist call me to make an appt next week. We shall see.

    How are you doing? Nice weather out in the desert? Meanwhile, back in snowville, we are bracing for another storm and I have yet to hear from my plow people about the roof shovels they are waiting for via fedex from Grainger! Fun times out here.

    JSW: not too bad on the SEs so far. I know Feb 4th is your last trip to chemoland and I am going to be sending you the best wishes all week, right up to Friday.

    Well, now I want ice cream! Who knows?! It is not that cold yet so perhaps I will head out. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a good night. Looking forward to some rest and tv favs!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - The weather here in AZ is very nice.  I was outside in shorts and short sleeve shirt today in the yard.  Tomorrow it is supposed to cool back down and possibly rain. Halfway through rads and skin is holding up, only slightly pink.  I got an real aloe vera plant arm from the yard and smeared the goo all over the radiation area.  Figure that has to be helpful!  I am still having trouble with my neuropathy, I am very hopeful that eventually it will get better!  My daughter has her 15th birthday sleepover next weekend and we are busy getting the basement teenage girl worthy this weekend!  She has a nice group of friends and they have been coming for sleepovers on her birthday for many years.  Lizzy hope your rash gets better right quick!
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Texas Thinking about you and hoping all goes well for you tomorrow. Hope that you have a quick and comfortable recovery. Update us when you can, and try to rest while your family is there.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--We sat and watched the All-Star skill and now the All-star family! That mixed in with hockey practices and games for each kid...I am hockeyed out this weekend!

    I am heading into my 4th week of rads and starting to feel some fatigue. Little discomfort but nothing major so far. Have rads plus family doc checkup tomorrow--haven't seen my family doc in a long time so going for a visit (as she is handling my insurance forms) and also getting her to check to see if I have a bladder infection as I started having discomfort last week. UURRGGHH -- seems to never end!