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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    For better or worse I have only mammos as followup.  Every 6 months to start.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning warriors-

    Calamtykel: those *are* muscles!   Generally those muscles there will be developed more if you were doing resistance training (dragging 150 kids around a summer camp!), push-ups and in particular crossovers at the gym.  I would imagine something you have been doing as of late is developing those muscles.  If I am correct, from right along the side of your breast you are getting this kind of thicker line that extends from the side of the breast up to near the armpit but not directly into the armpit.  What happens is through weight lifting, you actually end up with a "hole" where the armpit is and that is because your lats and pecs have been really developed and they eventually "frame" the armpit.  It really sounds muscular to me based on how you explained it today.  Don't worry, girlie!  We will be fine!   Eventually, if you keep up whatever you are doing that is building up that muscle, you will eventually frame out your armpits and those muscles will, in effect, become a barrier or protective shield for your armpit! 

    Sorry to bring up bad memories about the tamox.  Clearly that would not benefit you.  I apologize as I seem to have forgotten what a nightmare it was for you.   

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi guys,   I'm feeling overwhelmed. Aidan started having bowel accident after I finished chemo and they went from a few times a week to daily. We have consulted with the psych, neuro, GI and ped. We do timed toileting and he yells he doesn't have to go. Then I'll smell something later and he'' say he hasn't gone but sure enough. The worst is it doesn't seem to bother him. Yesterday I helped him pull down his pants (though he'd passed gas so made him go to the BR) it turned out his underpants were full. He stepped in it and was trying to get out of the room so there was poop everywhere. The pscyh says I have to make him clean it (we're all sure it's behavioral as we've ruled out any physical problems and have him on miralax daily so he can't withold it for too long) but he could care less if it gets under his nails, etc.  I must've thrown out dozens of underwear since January. Anyway, thanks for listening to my vent. I'm going to have to take some time off online while I get this straightened out.I've been pointing out to him that if I know others do b/c I don't want him getting teased in school in Sept. (a few times we've found surprises around the house -if it's fomed he'll just pop it out of his pants) I am so tired of this sh*t , literally!

         I just spoke to his psych and she gave me some ideas and also a rec for a behaviorist who might come into the house. That oughta be fun (not!)


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    (((((Carolyn)))))) Hope the ideas work!
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Strength to you Carolyn.  Ditto what Omaz said.

    Hey Lizzie.

  • thanks lizzy - they just feel lumpier on that side.  The whole armpit.  I think it's been like that all along - I've noticed it in the mirror since my surgery and it never went down.  Then when I felt what I didn't know if it was lumps or whatever, it was hard to explain.  I remember though that I had a lot of underarm cording pain that went all the way down my arm - and when I'd stretch my arm up, it hurt under there.  I guess that area has been under a lot of trauma even though I forget it now, and apparently LN's and get big and never go back down.  That one they took from my neck was solid - a solid LN that was permanently going to be like that, but benign.  Weird!  I guess this is probably the same thing.  I will mention it when I go in next month though, to my onc.  The only thing they would do is let the breast surgeon give it a feel and see what she says. 

    Day 5 of VBS is done; it didn't rain on the carnival --and I'm totally wiped out and happy to be home - food, air conditioning, a shower and a nap are in order! :D

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Carolyn--Hugs to you....Rachel

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ckptry: so sorry for what you are going through.  I hope it all gets worked out. 

    Calamtykel: food, air conditioning, a shower and a favorite things!!  Hope you had a good afternoon.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

     Sending {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and positive thoughts your way Carolyn!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi All, I just wanted to pop in and share with you ladies that I crossed one more big milestone Fri. I had my last herceptin tx. I am done with txs!!!! The only thing I have left to do is DIEP stage 2. I am soooooooo HAPPY !!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Congratulations Sue!! 
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend. We had nice, dry, hot weather here...good stuff! It was one of the nicest weekends we have had in a long time.

    Iowa: congratulations! I am so happy to hear you are through with herceptin! Good news.

    Tex: off traversing the Pacific Northwest....I miss her!

    Sweeney: off traversing North Quebec (aka THE WILD!)....I miss her as well!

    Gingerbrews: hopefully back in Haiti doing God's work.

    Sptmm: joined a belly dancing circus for hot soccer moms!

    Omaz: checks in from her yacht...I am so glad she has worldwide internet connectivity!

    Lady: water-skiing her way through chemo at her lake house!!   Good times, woman! 

    JSW: must be in witness protection....miss her, too!

    Rachel: visiting scan city....or perhaps she joined the circus with Sptmm!

    Calamtykel: is running a summer camp for 2000 kids in Central NJ!

    Ckptry: is on the human waste equivalent of snow patrol!!! Poor Carolyn!

    At the very least, we are all moving on and this summer has been MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than last year!!!!!!!!

    I wish everyone the sweetest of dreams and hope you all had a nice weekend!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy  - You make me smile!!!  What are you up to this week?
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: I will be busy manufacturing stories about everyone's whereabouts!!!!!!!  he he he! Wink

    Honestly...ecommerce, ecommerce, ecommerce!  It is a jungle out there!  I wish Kel was not so successful with her 2000 kid camp and 14 carnivals because I could use a wee bit of guidance!  Joking...I am figuring it all out.

    What about you?  Did you get a belly dancing dvd?  Did you ever try Zumba?  Any more personal trainer sessions?   Keep me posted....or I will make up a story!!!!!!!!! 

  • I'm checking in - hoping to drop the kids at my mom's in PA for an overnight visit to try to catch up on life --- VBS is over - but Saturday night I went to my bro's church ; they meet in a middle school and totally rock it out!  They have a huge band, etc.  Awesome-and good messages too.  So yesterday just spent here hanging around and trying to relax.

    Today I have to pack up five orders -and get them outta here-- yup, ecommerce, ecommerce, ecommerce!  

    Can't believe it's august already = I'm researching curriculum for my kids and placing orders with $ I don't have....yikes!  Have to make a dentist app't --it's been forever and now I think I have a cavity......and life goes on----

    hope everyone is doing well!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Just checking in between performances...LOL!! 

    No, actually enjoying a day off.  Had to drop Taylor off at college orientation today.  I cut out of the parent orientation early to enjoy some R&R.  Seriously, its my third child, third college....I really think I know enough to get by. 

    Actually got some annoying news when I got home though.  It seems my insurance company will cover the lab part of BRCA testing, but not the genetic counseling session and the hospital won't do the testing without the counseling...interesting little predicament.  Anyone else have this BRCA testing?  The secretary at the counselor's office offered me a "discounted rate" of only $146.25 for the session, and then offered to charge it to "charity care" if I couldn't afford it.  They only needed my last two years tax returns, three months worth of bank statements and pay stubs, etc...LOL...GEEZ bury me in paperwork.  When I told her that the lawyer had all that for the bankruptcy filing, she said a letter stating that I am declaring bankruptcy would be enough... LUCKY ME!  Not too sure what I am going to do with this one.  I don't think the testing will come back positive.  Given my totally Irish Catholic background I don't fit any of the risk groups, but it is a piece of information I would like to have....just for peace of mind as I do have a family history of breast cancer.  Oh well, is it just me or is everyone so sick and tired of insurance companies and their idiotic policies!!

    Iowa:   YEAHHHHH on finishing Herceptin.  What a relief you must feel!!

    Lizzy:  You crack me up!! Have you gotten a surgery date yet?  We will have to celebrate when you finally rid yourself of that deflated tissue expander!!

    Cal:  Hundreds of screaming kindergartners in VBC, am I remembering correctly??!!! Wow, God blessed you with some serious patience!  Hope mom took the kids and you are having some peace today.  How is your mom's puppy doing?

    Omaz:  You only get mammos for follow up?  I have to go for those nightmarish MRIs every six months.  But it gives me piece of mind because my breasts are dense to begin with, and now on the left side with all the scar tissue from the surgeries and damage from the radiation, I really think finding cancer on a mammo would be like finding a needle in a haystack.  On the driver's license......I wish you peace and serenity.  There is nothing more nerve wracking than when your child leaves the house driving a car for the first time.  You literally jump everytime the phone rings.  Forget about if an ambulance goes by in the direction your daughter drove off in...or the news reports an accident....ANYWHERE within 50 miles.  OMG....very unsettling.  But it is nice not to have to take them everywhere and eventually you relax a little.  Is this your oldest?

    Ok guys.  Going to take Kieran to hit some golf balls.  Then off to the gym.  Have a great day everyone! 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - I only have 1 daughter.  We get the permit on Friday.  Don't scare me!!!
  • Puppy's doing great -- Mom took her today to visit my great aunt who was just diagnosed with terminal cancer and has only days to live.  :(  but it sounds like the dog has a future as a therapy dog; she was in the hospital and apparently very mellow and well behaved! :D

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Back from the Wilds of Northern Quebec! Crazy wildlife spotting this time- HUGE turtle, a bear, two owls and a fox. Also we heard wolves, but didn't (LUCKILY) see any. Lots of swimming and sun and I kept thinking "thank you god, what a different summer this is than last....".

    I would like to join the circus for belly dancing soccer moms.

    Carolyn- and your fam shouldn't have to go through this too. Hope you're able to come up with a solution very soon. Big hug your way.

    Happy, happy summer everyone.:)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

     I just wanted to share that I am up to some of my arm free weights exercises at 8 pounds! That's a big improvement from the 1 pound weights after rads when I had cording and LE (march-april).  I wear my sleeve during weights and so far so good!

  • Omaz/Debbi- - I only have mammos for follow ups also.  I did ask about MRI's, but I was told only if you'r brca positive - then they do them once a year, alternated with mammos, so you're having something every six months.  I would rather have the MRI too, but when I asked they said no.  I do have an ultrasound scheduled with my next mammo in December because when I had the reduction, I have a flap of weird skin and tissue underneath called a "tuck" and they think it's making my mammo look weird.  So I have to go back and see if it looks the same in six months, but the surgeon wasn't really worried about it.

    I do hate the tests and waiting game.  I dread going back to the oncologlist in August or early September.  She wants scans but from everything I can see, there's not much point in scans because "mets are mets" and finding mets at one point or another doesn't change your treatment plan, nor your prognosis much.  I guess it would just be an FYI thing.  But it sure is scary! =:O

     Good on the weights Omaz!  I exercise my arms every time I run - sometimes I have them above my head or straight out - I have done lots of strengthing stuff and I find that the cording is gone that I used to have.  :)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Have my mammo/us today. Slightly nervous but looking forward to getting it done and over and getting the results. I head back to work 2 days a week starting next week. Wow, this week has gone by fast.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hey Everyone!!!

    Omaz:  Sorry, not trying to scare you,  Congrats on the weights!  I am just up to 8 lbs. now, going to stay there for a little while.  That is great that you are able to lift even with the lymphedema. 

    Rachel:  Back to work next condolences..LOL..just kidding, you are probably anxious to get back amongst adults.  Anyway, enjoy.  It is nice that you get to go back gradually. 

    Cal:  Great to hear about the puppy.  BTW I saw your post on FB about the Klein Dairy farm and Cake Boss...we saw that episode last night.  VERY FUNNY!

    Sweeney:  There is room in my troupe for more!! Join us, we are a very hot crew!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    You know what I really hate girls...the fact that these doctors can utter a couple little words and knock the wind right out of your sails!!!  Had an appointment with the surgeon today.  Was absolutely floored when he told me that he was recommending surgery to remove the seroma and surrounding tissue in my affected breast because the pathology on the fluid they aspirated showed "atypical cells" and the galactogram from back in March showed "ductal ectasia".  I thought I was going to fall right off the exam table!  I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.  I just hate it that you can't control those feelings!!! I am okay now, starting to feel a little bit less like I just got slapped in the face.  I have a good feeling about this one.  I am going to have the surgery because had I not listened to this surgeon back in March and had my harmless "lobular carcinoma in situ" removed, they never would have discovered the invasive cancer that hid beneath.  So, in essence listening to him saved my life then, so I will listen to him now.  But my gut says this is nothing.  At least it will stop the drainage...LOL!  I hate the thought of having more surgery.  ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!

    Thanks in advance for listening guys.  I don't want to worry the family, so I am keeping this one to myself for now.  Its nice to have somewhere to go to get it out and talk about it. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  Sorry, I have been a bit busy lately but I think of you all often.

    Calamtykel: I saw this thread <<Survivors who had chemo etc and are into Complementary medicine>> and immediately thought of you.  I figured you might want to stop by and say hi as I am sure you would have a lot to contribute and others would undoubtedly appreciate your vast knowledge on this subject.

    Spttm: OMG...I hope it will be fine.   I don't blame you for not wanting to worry your family and it is just as well not to mention anything.   Hopefully things are ok but what does "atypical" cells mean exactly?  If they consider those cells to be/potentially be pre-cancerous/cancerous, I would be careful about letting them do another excision.   BTW, it was like a sucker punch when I read your post.   Lately my (NON) breast area where the bc was found has been itchy....very, very itchy.  Well, of course that is one of the signs.  It got super itchy after I worked my chest the other night.  I am like eff this, there is no way I am flying off to any doctors about it!  I see the PS this month, my GP this month and the onc in September.   If it is still itchy when I get there, I will mention it!

    Deb, I truly hope you are going to be ok.   Another surgery is not so bad but if they think for 1 second there might be some bc lurking about, and I absolutely hate to bring that up and hate even more having to bring up the next point but, I would seriously consider mx.   I know that is harsh but I would be riddled with trepidation about letting them try removal again if they found more cancer and I had not had a bmx/mx already.    I know, our options are so completely luscious!   I have gotten very, very used to not having breasts!   I am sorry to say but I don't miss mine for not even 1/2 of a second!  

    Oh, Deb, my heart goes out to you.  Keep me posted and I hope all will be fine.

    To everyone: I hope you all have a lovely night and I will post more this weekend.

    Happy trails, warriors!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Debbi - That's a bummer to have to have surgery again!  Not that I know much but I have a good feeling about it too.  And it will stop the drainage!!  Do you know when?  I can only imagine how awful that must have felt.  I went in for my 16th herceptin and my oncPA said she 'had to throw a little wrinkle into the works' and I just about jumped on her!  It was only that they miscalculated my dose and I needed an additional infusion but she had me in panic for a moment I'll say.  Keep us posted.

    Cal - Come on over to the complementary thread - I do post there.  We have been discussing cast iron cookware for days....(: 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Debbi- my heart stopped reading the first part of your post. I think we're all slightly PTSD after BC. But I'm with everyone else on this said it, you're gonna be just fine. It's just that it's a pain in the ass to have to go through surgery again. But this sounds like you've got a great surgeon and what a blessing that is. On a somewhat related this going to postpone the hot soccer mom circus sideshow??? Big hugs Debbi, we're all here for you.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Debbi: Bummer, more surgery sucks, but glad you have a good surgeon you trust. You're in my prayers, girl, hang in there!

    Nothing much going on with me, I'm real tired all the time and it's around 100 degrees outside, so I'm taking a break and staying inside and getting lots of rest. Hope everyone is doing ok.


  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Good evening all!

    Sue - Congrats on the end of herceptin!!!!  It must feel pretty great.  I have my last on Wednesday  :)

    Carolyn - I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this issue.  I know after my diagnosis the kids had accidents in their beds at night, luckily that didn't last long.  I hope you are able to find a resolution soon.

    Debbi - It is good that you feel in your gut that everything is alright this time.  I know before my diagnosis my gut said something was wrong.  I think sometimes we do just have that feeling.  I will be praying that your gut feeling is right and that all will be fine.  I also pray for a success, speedy surgery.

    Regina - I think about you often and keep you in my prayers (along with all the ladies from this thread).  You are such a tough cookie and I hope and pray you are feeling better soon!

    Rachel - Hoping all went well with your tests.  Good luck back at work  :)

    Lizzy - You are fabulous, you have really taken this group of women, organized us into a little army of cancer fighters and support givers, and kept it going.  I thank you for starting this thread which has been my life line so many nights!  I love having you all here!

    To everyone who is exercising - good for you all!  I am a little frustrated, I kicked my workouts up a notch and I ended up getting a bloated feeling in my side under the breast that was removed.  Onc thinks it might be lymph fluid.  It makes me not want to work out.  Haven't done a thing in about 8 days and no discomfort in my side.  I wonder if I just need to work through it and maybe it will eventually get better?  All I know is sometimes, it freaks me out wondering what is going on.

    Hope you all have a great night.  I think about you and keep you in my prayers.



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Michelle - Congrats to YOU for finishing up herceptin!!