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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz and Mommichelle: CONGRATS to both of your for finishing!!!!!  Geesh...what a long road this new life is! 

    What about this cookware?  I am going to have to stop by that thread!  Are you all pro iron cookware?  I have Calphalon but am concerned.  I have been thinking about switching.  

    Mommichelle: I got into a little workout funk this month.  I think I was just partying too much!!!!!   I am sorry to say but I was pretty distracted in July!  If you are having discomfort, work through it.  That is the key in most cases.  After all the "s" we have been through, I don't blame you at all for not wanting to continue working out and just avoid discomfort.   We have all been through hell with this and working out will come to you in time.  Just give yourself a break and relax for a bit.   Working out will still be there when you are through resting and you will tackle it with more vigor than ever Wink

    Ladyinbama: I did not FORGET you are finishing up chemo this month, woman!  I am watching you!  I want a big, celebratory post on your final tx!!!!!!!!   In fact, I demand it!  Take it easy, lady.

    Sweeney: great to have you back from the WILD!!!!!!    

  • Debbi - I'm so sorry and yes, I know exactly what you mean! I hate going to the doctors - I absolutely HATE it because you just never know what they're say that can totally knock you down!  I  hate it seriously!!  :(  Hoping and praying everything is fine!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi...sounds like you have a great surgeon on your side. Sending hugs to you. You will be fine. Rachel

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks guys for all your encouragement!  It is really helpful to have somewhere to go with the frustration.  Going to wait to tell the kids until closer to the surgery date, so you guys are the only ones who know.  Not too worry about the results, just dreading going back to the rehab after surgery!

     As for the Hot Soccer Moms troupe Sweeney, my doctor has assured me I will only be out of action for a week or so, then modified activity...  So, if you could fill in for me for a week I would appreciate it..LOL!!

    Lizzy, you have given me something to think about, I never thought about going straight to mastectomy at this point.  I have been thinking about it all day, and I don't think I can do it at this time.  The recovery time (which is why I originally chose partial mastectomy) would force me out on short term disability and quite frankly that isn't enough to pay the bills.  But, if there is any hint of cancer in the final pathology.....they are BOTH going ASAP!!!  Screw the bills!!  BTW, have you gotten a surgery date yet? I thought I remembered you saying Sept/October.  Maybe we can rehab from surgery together....workout buddies!!  Looks like I will be going around September 9. 

    Rachel:  We got to meet Matt Moulson last Wednesday, got his autograph too!!  Kieran was sooo excited.  Now he has John Tavares and Matt Moulson! 

    Have a great weekend everyone and thanks again for being there for me!


  • Is anyone else's cycle TOTALLY messed up?? I had my period 16 days ago.  Now here I'm  16 days later with another full blown period.  WTH! 

    I feel cheated and also scared -I thought my body was getting back to normal; my pap and endometrial biopsy were both normal.  So what is this all about?  ACK!!!  It hasn't been right since chemo - it took me five months after my last chemo to get my period and since then it's been inconsistent, or really close together or far apart...........

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you are all having a nice day.  I am done partying for the weekend (last night was enough!) and now it is time to get caught up on organizing and fun!

    Sptmm: screw the bills.  Consequently, and just so you know, I am only pretty sure you have equally as high utilities as I do here in CT and if you bills get behind while you are recovering, don't hesitate to have your doctor sign a form so you utils cannot be shut off.  I don't know what the form is called but the utils and your doc would most likely know.  My niece did that when her boyfriend was out of work with a back injury.   He was the only one working at that time.  Your recovery from mx could be as quick as 4 weeks anyway.   I know going out on STD is no picnic.  I just hate to see you going back for more surgeries after this next one.  Quite frankly, and I hate to cast aspersions, but after all this money and all this time, they still don't seem to know too much about cancer.  Rather than wait for the final path, I might just do it.  It is so much to think about, though, Deb, my heart goes out to you.  

    BTW, my surgery will be right around yours so, yes, we will be recovering together!  Workout pals!   

    Remember when that gas co wanted to put a gas plant in the middle of LI Sound promising LI and CT how much cheaper our gas would be?!   They were summarily trying to ruin our summer playground!  CAPITALISTIC PUNKS!  Our big savings, I am sure, would have lasted one season and then they would jack the rates.  I am so glad they did not get away with that.

    In any case, I hope you are having a nice day.

    Calamtykel: mine never came back.   I would talk to your onc or gyn about the crazy cycle business.  I know for us on tamox, they are concerned about irregularities.  For you, however, I am not convinced this crazy cycle business has much to do with anything besides your body recovering from chemo.  I am sure you are fine.  Somewhere I remember someone (doc etc...) saying it takes a good year for the body to fully recovery from chemo.  You are probably still just going through that part of it.  I am sorry I could not be more helpful.  Let me rattle the crew to get some more feedback....!


    Well, back to organizing I go.  I am really a pretty organized person and hate when things get messy as they have recently.   

    Good day, warriors!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - I am older (now 52) and was having regular periods but they went away after chemo 1 and haven't come back.  I think my estradiol was 5 last time they checked it.  I suspect, and given the intensity of my hot flashes, I am menopausal.  I did read that for some young women their periods will come back after chemo but they are more likely to go through menopause early.  It could be that you are now peri-menopausal.
  • Omaz- thought I was in menopause also; since I went five months with no periods and tons of hot flashes - I thought that was it.  And I was kinda happy about it.  But this is ridiculous.  Now the hot flashes are gone; but two periods a month - really?? UGH! 
    Last year when I got diagnosed, I got my period that week (on schedule.)  However, then two weeks later, I got it again! I told my surgeon when I went in for my mastectomy that I had my period and she said "that's stress - messes with your hormones.  Most gals get their period the day of surgery!"   But now I'm not stressed.........

    I guess chemo damages everything. I got one more period last August and that was it until May when things started up again.  EIther they're really close or they're really far apart - I went six weeks between periods, then I got two 23 days apart.  Now it's 16 days apart.  UGH!

     DH got a call tonight that his great aunt died - so we're off to the funeral tomorrow - tried to pull together clothes for us all.  He doesn't talk to his family much - or I should say they don't talk to him.  We're sort of the black sheep (he married a "Christian girl" and never lived it down.....)  It will be a Jewish funeral so it should be interesting to my kids.    The funeral is two hours away.....wasn't what I expected to be doing tomorrow!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

     Finally getting organized again!  YAY!

     Calamtykel: my grandfather was in politics and all but ruined his career in the 50's because he married my grandmother who was ITALIAN!!!!  I cannot believe the interfaith, interracial, interethnic marriages still garner such scorn in so many communities.  Greeks still don't want their people marrying non-Greeks, Jewish people -well your husband knows the uproar an interfaith marriage causes (I was in love, in love, in love with a Jewish man and the religion bs won out and after that dreadful heart break, I swore them off forever!...I guess all prejudices start somewhere!) and the interracial nonsense rages on.   I just don't understand.   People are people, we all bleed red...I don't know what the big commotion is about.   

    In any case, I am sorry you have to go to a funeral today among people you know are prejudiced against you just because of your faith.   Well, at least we have our health, right?!   I hope your cycle stabilizes soon.   I really think our bodies are still not fully recovered from chemo.  For instance, I am petrified because I have been waking up with this awful pain in the back of my head.   They did a head scan and found nothing and so what am I to do?  I am not going to keep getting scanned.  Oh well....I guess I should say we *nearly* have our health!

    Good day, all-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!! Just checking in quick, when it pours.  After my lovely surgery shock on Thursday, my son Kieran was admitted to the hospital for meningitis on Saturday!  Luck of the Irish, My A***!  Anyway, he is in isolation until at least tomorrow, so once I go back to the hospital I won't be near a computer again till tomo night, so I will be AWOL.  He is feeling much better now.  He was not too pleased with the lumbar puncture that they do to diagnose meningitis, but he was very brave.  He is eating and drinking again, but they have to observe him for 48 hours and until the final culture comes back to confirm that it is not bacterial meningitis.  Seems bacterial meningitis is more serious than viral meningitis, so they won't release him until that test comes back negative.  Just in case they already gave him antibiotics. Anyway, I will be spending another night in the chair in the hospital.  Hopefully he will get out tomo night.  Boy I thought I had problems sleeping before, that hospital chair is brutal!! 

    Well I hope everyone else is having a better weekend than me!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Geez Debbi, I hope he feels better soon!  How did you recognize it?
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi---hope your son is feeling better soon. Hugs to you all, Rachel

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Doc called this AM and my scans are clear. I won't see him again till Jan 2012. Today is a great day!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Debbi- hope he's feeling better! Are you back at home??


    All- Happy Monday everyone

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Rachel - That's GREAT!!!!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Good news about exercise LINK

    "Breast cancer patients' risk of recurrence and of dying from the disease can be reduced by up 40% by doing recommended levels of physical activity." 

    "The report said doing recommended levels of 150 minutes per week could reduce a breast cancer patient's risk of recurrence or dying by 40 percent and a prostate cancer patient's risk of dying by 30 percent. Exercise also helps curtail side effects like fatigue, depression, osteoporosis, and heart disease for all cancer patients. More physical activity can also reduce the risk of colon cancer by as much as 50 percent, the report said."

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    Debt downgrade....this is, indeed, very bad news.   It is the beginning of something quite foreign to this country and the markets, as I am sure you all know, are death valley.   We need jobs in this country b/c the more people are paying (via tax that they have when they are employed!), the more our debt will go down.  I know this is not a popular idea but when social security was implemented, average life span was 65 if one made it to adulthood.   Now average life expectancy is much higher and I hate to say it, but I think it is time to raise the retirement age to be eligible to collect social to 68.   When social was implemented people were barely expected to live to the age which they could collect.  Now they are living 20+ years after the retirment age.  It is a hot-button issue but a debt downgrade means we are all going to pay more, and way more in the case of mortgages, going forward.  The fastest way to improve our credit rating is to increase that retirement age.   France did....and it was a huge success....after several bonfires, car fires, and people screaming in the streets for a few weeks!!!!! 

    Rachel: Great news!!!!  I am sooo happy for you.  You had such a time of it with the 2 cancer fights...I could not be happy for you Laughing

    Sptmm: I cannot believe what is going on with your son.  I hope it is viral but then the mystery is where and how did he get it?  I don't know enough about it.  You know, I was thinking, why does this have to happen now while you are in the position you are in contemplating more surgery?  All I could think was perhaps you will gather more information about your own situation or have time to ponder your next move while in the hospital with him.  You might meet a nurse that could offer some anecdotal advice or just have some time for yourself to clear your head.   I don't know but I sure hope that Kieran is feeling better.

    On a silly note, you listed your expletive as A*** which, the Irish would translate to arse!!!!!!!   I, too, sometimes wonder what that luck of the Irish means!

    Omaz: You speak the truth, woman!!!!!!!!!   Exercise is where it is at!  That is what is going to save us, help us fight stress (cancer's catalystic bff!), fat (cancer's other bff!) and avoid eating too much sugar (cancer's absolute all-time favorite!!!!) so, yes, that study was spot on IMO!   Is cancer really all that much different than us?!  It loves sugar, fat and laying around, getting bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Geesh...!   I guess it is not too foreign after all!

    Good day to all of you and I hope you all get some EXERCISE today!  If we are going to be true warriors, we need to FIGHT LIKE WARRIORS!!!!!!!! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    ALMOST FORGOT to tell you all....I got my first HAIRCUT!!!!!!!!!!    I am going to borrow Kel's emoticon ---    =:-)     Actually, it was my best friend's birthday party Friday night and her sister is going to school part-time to do hair.   She is 1 year through her studies and I think she did a good job.  I am also going to keep it short for a while.   I kind of like is wicked easy to care for and I really like the way it looks.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

    just wanted to pop in - and thank you for all the support about Aidan. He got to pick out a wii game today b/c he went in the potty 5 times. just have to make sure he doesn't slack off now that he got his reward. My nephew's twin loft bed is in the garage so that's his next incentive.

    I haven't gotten through all the posts I missed bit saw a few. kel it's very common in perimenopause for your cycle to be either wack and to either skip periods or get two in one month. Your ovaries aren't functioning regularly so you may ovulate one month ethe skip a month.... the rule when I was at Sk was 1 full year without a period to be considered truly menopausal. Your cycle may still normalize if you're not getting hot flashes. Since you already had the normal EM bx I don't think it's anything to worry about, but you can put a call into your doc for peace of mind

    ((((Debbbi )))) I'm so sorry that you need more surgery and also sorry about Kieran -that must have been terrifying. I hope that all is fine and he is home soon. Didf I read a while back that you were doing bankruptcy. Have you looked into getting financial help. Call the sw at the hospital. Also call cancer care, ACS and Komen and ask if they can help. Cancer  care will send you a directory of places to look for help. We didn't qualify for most, althoough the SW said we should call again and explain we had 30k out of pocket in medical expenses last year. I though it wouldn't matter b/c it was the kids also, not just cancer but she said it should help b/c otherwise they just look at income. I would think a single mom of 4 working two jobs should be entitled to some financial help, especially since you have to take time off of work into consideration when planning your treatment. I don't know whow they expect people to afford this. My hereceptin is covered 90% by insurance so we only pay 10%.  However since it costs over 5k we are paying 500 out of pocket every 3 weeks. I have to just put it on the back burner right now b/c I feel like stress is going to feed the cancer.

    sweeney saw your vac pics on facebook - what a beautiful family

    rachel  same goes for you and your haircut looks great. Good luck at work and YAY on the all clear

    lizzy I got my first haircut too ; had to get rid of those earwigs:-)

    omaz That's great about the excercise. I saw a Dr recently who recommend 3 30 min sessions of cardio with a heart monitor and 2 sessions of weigt training weekly.

    Iowa sue How are you feeling. Are there a lot of incisions? That may be my next try -either that or flat in 10 yrs when the implants wear out. I dodn't know if I'll get used to it eventually but they feel 'foriegn'

    All, I don't know if I mentioned this, but we got a trip from the 'dream team' at SK. We are going to stay at the Atlantis in the Bahamas for 5 days and they arranged for us to swim with the dolphins. They have a car taking us to the airport at 4am next Tues. I am sooooo excited for dh and the kids - It's perfect b/c Aidan has been asking to fly and I told him not for a few years at least. He said he was rich and  offered me his piggybank:-) . This will be my first time trying to pack for us since chemobrain. I make list and then lose them. Should be interesting to see what we have when we get there, as long as I don't have to go topless I don't care what I wear:-)

    Does anyone know the policies on medication when flying? Aidan takes several medication and his sleeping med is a liquid so I wondered if they're ok as long as they're in the prescription bottles? I guess I'll have to take my id cards for my implants and port- all my bionic parts.


  • Wow Debbi - how scary!!! =:O  thank God he's in a good place getting good care!

     As far as charity care and such - you know we got that $2100 bill from the laywer on behalf of the hospital.

    First, I called the hospital when I finally swallowed my pride.  I really just didn't want to do this.  I told them I'm sorry we didn't pay a penny on it - that I thought DH was sending them a little but he wasn't and didn't tell me.  Then I told her that frankly, I cannot pay this right now.  I explained last year's cancer bills.  She said "the first thing I want to you know is that this will not affect your credit rating - it WILL NOT."  That's totally contradictory from what I read on line!  Perhaps since this is a Catholic hospital? 

    Then she said "it's already with the collections lawyer - call them and explain it to them and they will work with you."

    So I did.  The girl said that I must pay $100 a month.  I told her I cannot do that.  Period.  I'm already giving everybody "else" $100 a month.  She said "then you must write a letter to us with what you can pay."  I threw out the figure of $50 a month and she said to put it in writing.

    Apparently otherwise they can take you to court if you totally ignore it since you're not acknowledging the debt.

    I'm wondering if you can work out any sort of payment plan with the genetic thing.....  I know it's impossible to think about -I'm squeezing every penny out of our grocery money - I've cut out meat several times a week just because of the cost (i don't eat it anyway) and am finding alternatives while still trying to stick to the whole foods and unprocessed stuff as much as possible.  I found out there is a place near us called Angel Minstries where you buy large boxes of groceries very cheap. They do it as package deals - there are no income requirements since apparently they are thru donations and also negotiations for bulk with the suppliers.  Problem is that most everything is processed and prepared foods, and beef.  I'm staying away from beef for my whole family, and I realized I can make a lot of what they're offering cheaper and without the chemicals.

    It's a challenge to keep it all afloat and still be trying to do what's best for your health on a day to day basis.  Stress surely does not help that!  Praying your son gets well really quick!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning warriors!

    Ckptry: Congratulations on making some strides with Aidan!   The every time!!!!   I am really happy for you.   Almost one less thing to worry about! hair was out of control...needed a cut!

    I hope you have a wonderful time in the Bahamas.  I have been a few times.  It is so nice to just be nearer the equator!

    Calamtykel: $100 per month is an awful lot spread out over several accounts.   That is crazy.   I don't understand why cancer patients are dragged around so harshly over a few bucks.  I mean do they really need it that bad?  I guess multiplied over 20000 accounts it can add up but I really think cancer patients should be given some consideration.   

    Well, it looks like Obama is probably out and with him will go any national healthcare plan so I am sure our out-of-pockets are only going to go up.  I was stunned yesterday to see on the news Verizon Communications (the landline division) are on strike because, to date, their union contracts had them paying NOTHING toward their healthcare and now that they might have to pay something, they are on strike!   Unbelievable.  Does anyone have any concern for the greater good?   

    In any case, alas I digress...I like your new avatar!

    Good day, warriors....and get some exercise today no matter how little! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Kieran was finally released from the hospital.  It was indeed viral meningitis, not bacterial, so he was able to go home once his fever got below 100 for 12 hours.  He is feeling much better and just needs to take it easy.  They say it could take a week for the virus to completely work its way out.  Thanks everyone for your good wishes!

    Carolyn:  Congrats on making progress with Aidan so quickly.  That is great!  And the Bahamas is lovely, your family will have a great time!  Enjoy, you deserve it!

    Rachel:  Congrats on the good news!!!!!! Its been a while for you, with the two diagnoses in one year. 

    Omaz:  That article says exactly what my onco said, which is what started me on my exercise kick.  I guess he read it too...LOL!  But honestly I have read in other places about the benefits of exercise, which is why I remain committed. Even if I revert back to all my "old habits", I will still continue to exercise because of what I have heard and read.  How's the belly dancing DVD?

    Lizzy:  LOL!! Funny because ARSE was exactly what I was going to write, but I didn't want to get too close to vulgar so I went with the asteriks. I agree with you on the social security.  Nowadays your average 60 year old is much more vibrant and healthy then people were back when SS first started and has the expectancy to live at least another 12 years (I think it is around 72 now, right).  Unfortunately SS is one of those things that politically will be difficult to touch, and I don't think most politicians have the guts to go near that one.  As for Obama, I am not certain how I feel about "obamacare" as I really am not familiar with the specifics of the plan and I don't trust the government to administer anything like health care without screwing it up.  But I do certainly now, having had this diagnosis, agree that there needs to be some sort of national healthcare system in place to protect people.  If we were to lose our jobs, insurance companies could refuse to pick us up now because we all have pre-existing condition.  That is a very scary thought.  As for the Verizon people.  Nobody wants to pay anymore for anything than they already are, but if their jobs are at stake I bet those union workers would give in, at least a little.  Unfortunately, that is the only motivation.  There are very few people out there that think altruistically, for the greater good.  And that is very unfortunate! 

    Have a great night everyone.  I am WAYYY behind in my work, so I have to go now. 


  • Debbi - I agree with you - I'm not on board with national healthcare, but after this year and seeing what we've been paying along with insurance just for DH and I, something does need to be done.  It's ridiculous!   On the other hand, handing the gov't anything is frightening - I think of my friend in the UK who had to wait seven months for her ovarian cancer surgery.  Once they got in there, it was through the uterus, ovaries, but not in the intestines.  However, she is not having chemo (when I asked, she said she didn't need it since it wasn't in the bowel...)!  I thought with o-cancer one always gets chemo - certainly if it had invaded other areas!  I'm appalled and confused and I pray that she will be okay.  I imagine decisions will be made and cuts will be made --who knows where.  I see what I have to go through to get my kids any kind of care through the state and it's awful. But something needs to be done - it's just not fair that some of us are forking over a huge percentage of our income just to hang onto crummy benefits, while others have free everything because of unions.

    Lizzy -that avatar was taken at Knoebels amusement park in PA by my daughter.  I was inside a huge fiberglass building block looking out the letter "o".  :D

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    When the govt is involved with healthcare--can be a bit sticky but coming from someone who lives with socialized medicine--we have great healthcare. Do we wait in emergency? Yep...but I have gone through a lot in the past year and have used the Canadian healthcare system to the max. I have had great care, great docs and don't have to worry about the cost. Granted--we are paying a lot of tax ;)

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all, sorry I've been MIA lately, I've either been resting/sleeping because I feel tired, or busy catching up on all the things I've let go while tired. I'm feeling good today, so it's a catch up day. I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm doing good, last OV chemo is next Tuesday, the 16th, yeah!

    Congrats Rachel!!!!!

    Debbi: Sorry to hear about your son. I've said a prayer that all is ok with you both.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Okay so i have a LOT of reading to do- first i want to say to Ginger, so sorry i never got online while i was on vacation and was SO swamped i didnt even make it up to the seattle area!

    There was just not enough time to do everything i wanted to do!

    I enjoyed my vacation aqnd actually am getting onoine to see if i can find my husband a job up there LOL i miss home so much!

    Okay now for my drama- on our flight back we had to get up at 2:30 am to make it to the airport, my kids fell asleep on the first flight but were wide awake on the second flight. they of course being 6 and 3 made some noise but they werent running up and down the isles or anything like that. well this older man that prob didnt have kids or grandkids got up to use the restroom and when he passed them he told them "you guys need to be quiet!" that sorta ticked me off seeing how he didnt bring it up with me or a flight attendant but i let it drop....

    As we were getting off the plane and getting in line to get our baggage that they chekced @ the gate he said to me " your kids were really bad on this flight" i could feel my blood boiling so i said "actually i think my kids did quite well seeing how we had to get up at 2 am and we've been travling for almost ten hours now, they're tired and cranky but not to the point where i'd say they were being bad kids" He said "i saw YOU were able to get some rest on the plane" in a very nasty tone to me and i said "yeah i did get some sleep- i am recieving treatment for my cancer and it makes me sleepy, if you had a problem with my kids (btw my voice is raising by this point) you should have done something like talk with a flight attendant. Then this dickhead in front of him said "its not our job to parent your kids" i told him to "shut the f*** up and mind your own damn business." Both the men were sitting there arguing with me and i said "its none of y'alls f*ing business, so what if i took a f*ing nap, so shut the f* up"

    SO y'all cant tell how mad i was at this point.... The guy's response to me was "i am gonna have you arrested" LMAO arrested for what? Oh and the dhead's wife said absolutly nothing as he is yelling at me, both these guys were prob almost 6 ft tall- i am all of 5"2 carrying 2 kids and 3 suitcases. I wanted to tell her to keep her husband in check before i beat his face in, but i was being the bigger person, grabbed my stuff and walked away.... Then no one was there to pick me up LOL, i had to wait for over an hour because everyone forgot that we were coming in today. (my husband was away at a SWAT school- so my sil was supposed to get me i had left my car @ her house) SO that was icing on the cake!

    Well i gotta make my son lucnh and eventually catch up on the reading!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Geez Texas!!!!  What a jerk!!!  What two jerks!!!  Glad you're back!! 
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Texas- You rock.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658
    Texas...Holy S***...more I hear stories like that, the more I realize there are so many weird people hanging around.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Tex: WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!   We better *NEVER* travel together b/c we will get arrested!!!!!!!!!    My policy is don't even start your effin *s* with me!!!!!!!   We better leave bail money with Swat Man there because when I come to Dallas, we just might need it!!!!!!!!  Aside from the crappy plane experience, of which your handling of the matter makes me proud (!), I am glad you got away and saw some family.   Good for you.   As you catch up on reading you will find my posts where I declare I was missing you!

    Rachel: I know you had a good experience in Canada with healthcare, as did Sweeney I believe, and I also met a woman on these boards from Scotland who did not have any problems either.  Sad to report, our taxes are already wicked high...there is not much left to get us to the 45-50% mark that indicates socialism.   They have already gone nuts taxing us just to run the country as is.  I don't know what the answer is but I have not heard too much of any bad about socialized medicine although you all have been on it since the dawn of time.   Moving this massive country to socialized medicine I think might cost more money than there is in the world!!! 

    Sptmm: so glad Kieran is home!   I need you strong so we can open our gym in Westchester!   

    This is just a friendly reminder...if any of you find yourself with a broken wireless device and still in contract and thereby unable to get a new phone or leave the carrier without paying an ETF, you can always buy a phone off of Craigs which will get you through.  Please, please remember to always VERIFY THE ESN (equipment serial number) before handing over any funds.   Same for Ebay and anywhere else you might pick up a replacement/spare device.  The market is seemingly flooded with stolen phones currently so tread carefully!   As you all know, I worked in marketing for a large wireless provider and I myself tried to buy a modem in Craig's list as my current one is acting up just a bit and I wanted to be prepared in case it goes.  In any case, this OLD JOKER showed up at Starbucks with a stolen modem!!!  He almost crapped his pants when he saw the shirt I was wearing and upon talking to me realized I worked for the company.  He sheepishly collected himself and walked out to his Lexus and drove off!!!!   I could not believe it.  He was saying "oh, this is not for you etc..." and walked out.  I just watched him stunned!   He was getting antsy because I told him I wanted to call the carrier to verify the ESN!   Be careful, girls!  This economy is creating a new breed of desperation.

    Good day, women and do some exercise dammmit!!! Fight cancer like the warriors you are!!!!!  I have given you a reputation to live up to!!!!!