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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - a size 12 - That's fantastic!!!  Have fun!!
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Wow Debbi, that is awesome. You are my inspiration!!! I alwsys was sort of down on myself b/c I was so bad at athletic things, failed that president's physical fitness test miserably every year in school. I realize now I have some of the low tone/balance issues my kids have to a lesser degree. I was worried about them having the same negative experiences I had ( picked last for teams) but our neuro said we are being proactive so they won't have those expereiences.  Anyway, now I am trying to cut myself some slack:-) I started classes twice weekly last week. It works out great b/c they have the babysitting open during the class time, otherwise I couldn't go. They are holding our membership fees while we are in the class. Ours are actually already on hold b/c we were trying to cut back stuff after I got some of our medical bills. I called to cancel our membership, but while I was talking I got choked up thinking about how my bc was taking things away from the kids. I never cry in front of others so it just felt overwhelming. The director called back and said do not worry about the kids and waived our monthly fees. She also did some free training with me during chemo:-)


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy and Kel, You guys amaze me with your online businesses. I don't know how you do it. I'm noticing that lately reading the directions for some of the kids' games is challenging so I am in awe of you guys managing all of that!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. It finally, finally, finally cooled down in CT! Or perhaps it is just the clouds but 103 degrees with a heat index of 110 is way too much for me! I really think I better get to the Carolinas where the extremities are not so bad! BTW, as I rant about the weather (surely you all must be tired of this!!) I am petrified of another winter like the last one. I do believe, as soon as I am through with my fake boobs, south or west, here I come! I cannot live in the central part of the country but I could easily do West Coast...or Uruguay...or Ireland....or almost anywhere but here! Another reason I want to leave CT: we have the dubious honor of having the HIGHEST GAS PRICE in the nation! As Kel, Carolyn and Deb can all attest to, we truly are human ATMs in the Northeast and everyone makes withdrawals!

    Omaz: OMG...I could not have said it better about the freezing in the AC then sweat bombs out of nowhere! I am just sitting still and all of the sudden heat miser comes around and sweat is pouring out of my arms and my head! It is not my favorite but certainly my health is better than a lot of people so I should be grateful that it is ONLY hot flashes!

    I am so glad you went back to your trainer! Good for you. There are great exercises for triceps like skull crushers! Ask your trainer to teach you those, seriously, and then drop it to the plex. Do 12 to the forehead and then 12 to the plex. You will get totally get a horseshoe in no time! Lifting is the reason why you can also consume extra calories, if you wish, because you need fuel for your muscles. I am so happy you are working with a trainer. If you have any questions on lifting/what to do about a certain body part, let me know. I will be more than happy and please, please, please, for the love of god, don't think you are going to get "big" from lifting!!!!!!!! That is the biggest fallacy in the universe! Consequently, and I have said this before, muscles are a jacket for the bones and after all that chemo and the fact that none of us are spring chickens, we have to consider that osteoporosis is avoidable through calcium intake and weightlifting. Go get em,' woman!!!!!

    We also have that sharing program in CT with the libraries. It is called ICONN here I believe. It is wonderful that I can order books from any library in CT and have it delivered to my local. A great feature and, yes, one remarkable example of tax dollars at work!

    Texas: I know why you have butterflies...b/c of the fear of LE!!!!!!!! I am literally a wreck over flying later this year. I have already flown but, of course, I was admonished for my cavalier attitude toward cabin pressure/altitude being a catalyst for LE and how I better straighten up and fly right! Now they told me I should "definitely" get fitted for a sleeve. I am going to try to put it off as long as possible b/c I have surgery again in late August/early September where they are taking out the other TE and then I have another open wound to fill for 6 months.

    Enough of my haranguing about LE (!), you might also be excited/nervous to see your family. That is natural. Usually I drink during the flight before visiting family! It is rather necessary in my opinion! I mean I don't get loaded but I definitely don't go sober either!!!!! I just hope you have a blast and enjoy your herceptin and your vacation!

    I also needed your advice: I sold a painting on Bonanza...should I ship it in a Cherrios box?!?!?!?

    Sptmm: you must be looking hotter than the weather in your nice, new, SIZE 12 bathing suit!!!!!!!!!! Whoo hoo! Good for you! You earned it and you should feel absolutely great to be out on the beach and enjoying yourself with your new, hot bod! You just might be the hottest bc survivor on LI!!!!

    I was, however, very disappointed to hear you mention "sunscreen" when I have written repeatedly discussed the need to use SPF 4000!!!!!!!! Plain old obviously like to live right on the edge, Deb!!!!!

    Ckptry: don't be down on yourself! The bulk of the country is in your shoes but I will tell you, balance issues are very, very important as we get older and it is imperative that you try your best to work on that. Balance is why so many elderly fall down and get hurt which, in 30 years will be us! I would definitely buy a Bosu ball and you don't even have to do the video. Just practice standing on it and gaining your balance. It is excellent, excellent for balance exercises and for core training (wicked hard but gratifying to do crunches on that thing!). There are also balance boards and discs you can purchase. The boards and discs run $20-$30 generally but the Bosu is $99. It is, however, money well spent.

    I don't blame you for getting choked up when cancelling your gym membership. You have every right to...freakin' medical bills. I am so glad your gym is working with you. Daycare at the gym is just wonderful. I think that was easily one of the best things that ever came to gyms. Keep going, I am sure it will make you feel better.

    As for me and ecommerce, I make these cool frames that are boxes and I do all kinds of different themes, paint them etc... . I also absolutely love all kinds of industrial art AND I love, love, love making cool, industrial lamps using all kinds of metal, plumbing fixtures etc..! Ecommerce was the best thing that ever happened to me! This past year was for naught as I was going through this mess, as you know. I am finally starting to get back and am actually getting excited thinking about the coming holiday season. It feels good to feel that way again. I think Kel is more into it than I am so I am learning from her as I go.  Kel also has it all over me as she is involved with all this ecommerce and she home schools 4 kids!   I am a schleprock compared to her!!!!!!!

    Calamtykel: speaking of which, and I am sure you already know about these, but are you aware of plumdrop and bongo? Any thoughts on those? Oh, I also realized I do need my own website and then I will use ecrater for extra marketing and check-out. It is great not to have to have a merchant account through my website. I am one of the few who prefer to leave the merchant activity to Paypal and Google!

    I am finishing up a sketch of Randy Johnson for my nephew for his birthday. He is a really good pitcher (my nephew that is!) as is the great Randy Johnson! Also, my nephew does not come from "tall" people as my brother is roughly 5'8" and my SIL is 4'11" so I did some research on the top 10 greatest pitchers of all time under 6' tall! What I did was work them into the sketch by incorporating each one of those pitcher's names into the stadium wall ads! I also, rather cleverly, drew in to each ad, starting with "The" in the first ad, and when strung all together he will realize it says "The Long Arm of the Law!" I can't wait until he finds these things out on his own and calls me up! Like one of the billboard stadium wall ads reads "Billy Pierce and Tattoo" and, if any of you know about baseball, he is one of the greatest pitchers of all time...and under 6'!

    Well, this is what I will be working on today. I hope all is well in post-bc land for all of you. I don't know about you all but I am starting, just starting to feel like I am finally moving past this mess even with my surgeries ahead of me. It feels damn good!

    Good day, all-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone, thanks for the compliments.  I have to say, I didn't start my exercise regime to lose weight, rather just because the onco said it would be the best lifestyle change I could make for myself, but it sure is nice not to be the "fat mom" and rather just the "average mom".  The beach was great!  So peaceful by the ocean, but still hot! 

    Carolyn:  Your kids certainly will benefit from all the early intervention you fight so hard for!  They are very lucky to have a mom and dad so dedicated to them.  And growing up, if there are any issues, you will completely understand what they are feeling because of your own experiences and can help them through it.  That's great that the gym held your membership for you!  I agree that it really isn't fair that BC should take things from us.  And something like the gym is something you are doing to improve your health too, so if you have to "treat" yourself to something, I figure that should be it.  As far as balance issues, I think that is something that gets worse as you get older.  I have been doing the yoga tone classes at the gym and they are great.  I didn't realize how inadequate my balance was until I started trying to do bicep curls while standing on one foot...LOL!!  The more I do the class though, the better I get.  Maybe they have something like that at your gym, it is a great combination between the relaxation of yoga and the weight training. 

    Lizzy: are sooo totally Irish...You and your TALL tales.  Hot bod??? Now I think that is a wee bit of an exageration!! LOL.  But thanks for the compliment!!  I am still a little "lumpy" around the middle and the upper arms..but getting there.  You have any ideas for AB exercises I could do at home, I need to concentrate on that area a little?    That sketch sounds amazing!! How do you come up with this creative! I bet he will love it, especially the fact that you emphasized successful pitchers under 6'.  It is kind of frustrating for the boys who are shorter, because so much of athletics values the "big and strong".  I know because Kieran is a little guy, lucky for him he will grow, just not until after high school.  So, as an athlete he will constantly be fighting the stigmatism of being "little" all through high school.  But, my oldest son did it successfully.  He graduated high school at 5'9" (he is now 6"2") and he played soccer at one of the Top 20 Division One college teams in the country.  So, I tell Kieran to just look at his brother, kind of like you refer your nephew to the successful pitchers in your sketch, and just keep working.   Its funny that you ended up on Wall Street as a career, because I don't usually think of the Wall Street types as being as creative as you seem to be in many different aspects.  As for moving...South Carolina really is beautiful and not very expensive, might want to look into it myself some day. 

    Okay guys, I have to get going.  This is going to be a busy week for me.  I have the appointment with the lawyer, as well as my onco and the radiation oncologist.  So, if I don't get a chance to post...Have a great week everyone!!


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy I had no idea you were so artistic. I'd love to see some of your stuff. Not to stereotype, but I did assume subconsciously as Debbi did that as a financial whiz you wouldn't be so creatively gifted. Is there anything you can't do;-)    PS - I wrote:" unconsciously" assumed the first time. I want my old brain back!

    kel hope you are busy selling and that things work out with the collections.Have they told you what the minimum payment is. We got sent to collections once through a hospital error and when I called to complain they said it wasn't a "real"  collection agency. Just a dummy agency through the hospital to scare patients -nice. Hope it is something like that so it won't affect your credit. Have you tried to get help - maybe contact ACS or cancercare and ask about financial assisstance?  How about the SW where you had your surgery?


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ckptry and Sptmm: I never considered myself creative!!!! Ever but I am a Pisces and they say we are creative. I just love working with nuts and bolts, conduit, electrical boxes, switch boxes etc... to create other things like lamps, frames, even cats!!!! It is all industrial materials and I very rarely paint it. I just love industrial looking items and the stuff I build I could never find anywhere so this is why I do it! The Wall St art and tables etc... are just near and dear to my heart. Being in sales in the financial industry requires a lot of creativity (!) but not the same kind of creativity I tap into when I create. I don't is just fun for me! I just love those industrial art lamps! Those are my favorite...and the cats made from electrical switch boxes, couplings etc..! They are cute!

    As soon as I get the site up and organized I will PM you the link, Carolyn. I hate to put the link out there on this site as I feel bco is sacred and not the place for me to be promoting my wares, as it were, and that is also why I never mentioned it much before. I thank you, though, for asking and I will keep you posted. August is going to be a busy month for me!   All good, however!

    Sptmm: my nephew can pitch and catch and does both very well.  He is going to be 13 on the 28th!  He is just a baby but has gone to the All Star team for the past 2 years, I believe.  I know he was on it this year.  I am very happy for him.  Early estimates says he goes pro.  We shall see.  My cousin went AA for the Rockies pitching but an irreparable shoulder injury sidelined him.  In any case, I just hope my nephew is enjoying himself.  Consequently, Kieran should not have to battle anything...look at Nick Swisher!  There are a number of shorter players, even in the NBA now, who are very talented.  I just think if you are over 5'5", you have a good shot!

    OH, my IRISH tall tales!!!!  We will probably find out you were at a "Shape" magazine photo shoot for LI moms today!!!!!!!  he heh hehe!  I just think it is great and I am very happy for you....especially since Taylor helped you not get another CT scan over obliques!!!!

    Calamtykel: I am really pissed that your bills got turned over.  These hospitals are punks.  It is not like you owe $20K.  The social worker at the hospital is a great idea.  You should reach out to that person.  That was a good suggestion from Carolyn.  IN fact, part of survivorship clinic requires we meet with a soc worker,  One of her first questions was 'do you have any concerns about bills or money?'   I thought that was odd so clearly they are there to help.  I get the distinct impression if I said yes she would have had some ideas or assistance suggestions for me.  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527 found me out, yes I was at a photoshoot....Sexy Suburban Soccer Moms...LOL!!! As for the creativity, using industrial items to build new things....sounds very creative to me, and very interesting too! Your nephew sounds very good, and you are right..the most important thing is that they are having fun.  I tell Kieran all the time, have fun and work hard and you will end up where you are supposed to be! Good luck to your nephew! 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: Well, I am glad we got that over with!  You have finally confessed!   Sexy Soccer Moms...I knew it!   My nephew is having fun although those youth all-star teams are quite political.  That is rather sad but no different than when my brother was playing travel hockey. 

    I hope you are having a good day-

  • Just checking in - I'm working VBS all this week - 16 screaming 5 year olds......  But the weather's finally good here - FINALLY dried out.  The other day we had heat index near 120, and 120 heat index in nj is brutal because of the humidity.  The kids cracked an egg on the driveway and it burned to a crisp.....................

     Anyhow, it's better now - going to run an errand in a little but but hoping to get in some sun time first.  Need to soak up the D!  :D

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

         I had an epidural yesterday for lower back pain (herniated disc- not cancer , phew!) and I was out of comission but I think the pains better.Lizzy,  you'd be proud of me. I've done 3 Livestrong classes at the Y and I don't know all the official names but i've done the treadmill, the leg press, the hamstring curl , a weight bar and whatever that thing you pull back on till your shoulder blades go together.

          I don't know where my kids come up with these things, but this was a conversation this morning with Cailtin, my girlie girl, "mommy, Aidan is laying on my hair" Me: "your hair is long, so if you want to lay in the tent together he might lay on it by accident" .   Cailtin " you miss your long hair?"  Me "yes I do" . ..Cailtin "Do you wish you were still a girl?"  (Me, insulted but had to laugh- btw I'm wearing a pink t w/ a sparkly heart but I guess it's all about the hair when you're 4)


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Carolyn - LOL - do you wish you were still a girl - Oh that's funny!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Did you all see that the doctor who wrote 'anti-cancer' passed away?  That is so sad.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    omaz My orthopedist was just talking about that book yesterday. he's recommending I take fish oil and vit D for bone health. I told him I'd asked my onc at Sloan Kettering about taking Vit D after seeing some studies about low Vit D levels in women with bc. She said we don't believe in that at SK. When I told him  he  said well, I have my beliefs, and some kids believe in Santa Claus, but we shouldn't tell patients what we 'believe' - we should tell them the facts.  I'll cut to the chase, he wants me to have a baseline vit D level drawn and when I asked who I should have order it he said, well I'm sure your onc is going to say it's unecessary and I'm just learning about this stuff but my colleague is much more informed but he didn't want me pushed into an appt. He said they don't teach us about supplements in med school and then when we go into a specialty we get so focused on a particular body part or system.  The next avail was in Sept, but they had a cancellation on Friday. Dh is off so I have babysitting!:-)I'll let you guys know if I learn anything new...


  • Omaz - -just looked it up and read an article on him.  It is amazing that he was able to survive 20 years before a recurrence took him out!  He was originally given six months I think.  This is an AMAZING article that he wrote about a study done with men who had prostate cancer who had no treatment other than surgery; they were divided into two groups -one group's lifestyle remained the same; the second group had radical lifestyle changes to boost their immune systems.   The second group not only had no recurrences, but their blood demonstrated seven times the ability to kill prostate cancer cells than the first group!  That's pretty amazing!

     Meanwhile, I think I'm combating some kind of virus.  My throat feels icky on and off and I've just been achy with a wierd stomach.  UGH!  Nothing like 150 kids in a room all week to transmit some kind of weird summer flu!

    hoping to get a decent night's sleep tonight and kick it!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello Warriors!

    I have been quite busy so sorry for my absence! OMG...funny hair story! This young kid came knocking today looking to mow my lawn. My landscaper had just left but, at the price he offered, I was only pretty sure I was going to hire him until he said "I am sorry, did I wake you up .....because your hair, well, it looks....well, I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!" You know these teenagers! He did not know what to make of my Christopher Walken hair!!!!!!!!!! PUNKS! There are all punks!!!!!!! He was so funny and he turned red...I felt bad for him. He did not mean it of course and I am joking but it was most definitely funny especially when he stammered a bit!

    Calamtykel: This weather is EXCELLENT! I am loving it. Still too afraid to go out and soak up the D but I am very, very happy with the weather!

    I hope you feel better soon and get some sleep but, if you are not falling off naturally, reach for momma's little helper, Benadryl!!!!

    That was interesting about the 2 groups. I really think diet and lifestyle changes are necessary after a cancer dx because, and as you know, the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result! Not saying any of our lifestyles/diet caused it but if we don't make some changes, clearly we could be expected to have some health problems going forward.

    Ckptry: rockin' the gym!!!!! Good for you! I love, love weight lifting. It is my favorite! My workouts have been really off these past 2 weeks. I have to get back on track. Carolyn, make a list of these "Caitlin" comments like "hair medicine" and now this one today!!!! Keep copious, if not contemporaneous notes and then when she wants her first YZ, you can remind her of how these little comments shall now cost her!!!! Joking...that is so funny! She is a riot! It is great, though, that they keep you laughing.

    Is getting and epidural for lower back pain SOP? Just wondering. I only heard of them when people give birth but now that I think about it, it does make sense it could also be use to relieve non-pregnancy pain!

    Carolyn, that is great that you are getting in with the new doc that perhaps thinks a bit more like Kel's doc. I hope you do find something out. The Vit D story is way too talked about and suggested, across all lines, in the onco community so I would definitely say where there is smoke, there is fire! Definitely get the test done. I am so glad you are going. We really need to see different docs and get other opinions. I am glad you came across this information and have a Friday appt. Good for you-

    Omaz: how are you feeling these days?   Anything new shakin' in the desert?! I hope you are well.

    Well, I have an early morning and visitors tomorrow then dinner at a friends and in between I have to go to a scrap metal yard (I used to get excited to go to Nordstrom's!!!!!) and to Lowe's for some more stuff! I am so excited to be creating again...good times, good stuff!

    BTW, does anyone else/had anyone else's port scar hurt? My port scar hurts still months after I had it removed. The woman who took it out was a bit of a hack! I am not going to go asking anyone about why it hurts because I don't want another test...ever!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Lizzy - I am doing alright!  Today is one year since my surgery!  Work is busy busy.  I am looking forward to my last 2 herceptins and then hopefully sticking to the schedule and getting my port removed.  I think my biggest challenge right now (other than hot flashes) is that tamoxifen makes me feel like eating all the time!  I am working on it though.  I am also trying the menopret (black cohosh) for hot flashes.  It was ok'd by my doc.  I have done 8 days and not sure if there are any changes yet.  My neuropathy is also slowly improving.  That's my inventory!!!  School starts here Aug 11 and my daughter is going to get her driving permit next week!!
  • carolyn, it makes me so sad that they are not taught the broad spectrum of how the body works and what makes it work.  That has continued to surprise me with all doctors by the way, not just the oncologlist. My husband has always said You MUST be your own doctor.  I now see how true that is.  When nothing fixed my lyme disease and the doctors kept throwing antibitoics at it, and even that didn't work anymore, I knew there was SOMEONE out there who could fix this.  I knew it.  And I found him.  After much tears, prayer and frustration, I found someone who has licked my lyme and has also cured my children of it.  There are answers and oncologlist should be on the forefront of being educated as to HOW and WHY cancer happens.  Yes, it's a mystery but surely there are things contributing to it.

    Did you all see that now there is a machine that is called a 3D Printer?  Say, you stick a wrench into it - it scans the wrench and out comes a whole NEW wrench, made of resin, that is fully functional, even the screw parts work - and there is no assembly!  You can actually scan and reproduce whole little machines that work!  If you google it, you'll see.  Now, they can invent this but we still have people dying at an alarming and ever increasing rate from cancer.  I know the answer isn't "there" but what if we could reduce recurrence risks by even 10 percent?  That's 10 more lives out of 100.  How about if we could extend a person's life, along with the quality of life, just for 10 extra years.  that's 10 more years to raise our children.........

     See what I mean?  It's like with oncologist's it's "all or nothing" which is ironic since chemo isn't all or nothing and nothing is a sure fire cure.  But they see it all in black and white.  With your last chemo, a person should have counseling about diet, exercise and alternatives that are out there.  I guess many people don't want to change. But for me, it makes me feel like I'm doing something - that it's not "happening" to me.  And if I have a recurrence, at least I know I did all that I could in MY power....

     Anyhow - home from VBS at 1:00 - have to be back at the church at 7 for the kids program tonight and back at the church at 7:30am tomorrow because my teenage daughter has to help set up for the carnival for the younger kids -- Tomorrow afternoon Im' having a big ol' nap! :D

  • Carolyn - If you need someone who will give you a broad script for bloodwork, for the D, I have the name of an Osteopath that i see in Bangor PA - it would be haul for you, but you wouldn't have to go often -- the script I got was to test my hormones and make recommendations (estrogen, progesterone, etc) and also your D levels, as well as your liver level which show how you're processing toxins.  He gave me recommendations on my white blood cell count to bring it back up after chemo, etc.  He DOES take insurance since he is an MD; his name is Dr Cinelli (senior) - his son also practices with him, but he's more versed in alternative medicine.  Bangor is right over the border of PA going towards Easton.   :)


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Had my checkup with oncologist today. I still have aches and pains but they believe it is due to my forced menopause last year, chemo etc. He said everything looks good. Still have mammo and US next week. I feel a little relief today and hopefully more once I get clear scans next week. Hoping to get results fast! I am heading back to work on August 9th--working 2 days per week/4 hours per day then gradually increasing until I am full time at end of November.

    I have not missed going to Doc appts. I was and still am a little anxious. Hopefully clear scans next week will give me some peace after a crap 18 months!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Yea, Rachel. Hope you get good scans to go with your good doc's appointment.

    Carolyn: Sometimes I look in the mirror and wish I was a girl! Being bald for the second time around is no fun. My remaining eyebrows and lashes have fallen out in the last few days and I really feel like an old man :(

    I had chemo #5 (or #11 if you count BC) chemo Tuesday. All went ok. I'm really tired, that's my main gripe now. Ya'll hang in there and I'll do the same.

    Where's JSW? Have I just missed you on here? Have you moved to Bham yet?


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658're almost done.....hugs to the finish line!

  • Rachel - why are they doing scans - are they routine or for a reason?  My doctor also wants me to have scans in August.  I always thought they don't do that as BC follow up....but then she said it might not be a bad idea since I'm not on tamoxifen.

    I'm still considering whether or not I should have them  -so much radiation and crap! :(  And what I really dread is the waiting....and imaginging if the news is bad, hearing those words from my doctor.....UGH.  I am going to need to be on ativan round the clock waiting for scan results.

    I'm scared--I haven't decided what to do yet............

  • Okay Ladies - I have to ask you: -

    Tonight I was putting on deodorant and had my hand under my arm.  It feels different on the mastectomy side than on the other side - it's always felt thicker - I dont' know how to explain that.  But like my arm pit feels more swelled, but that's not really the word for it.  It sort of changed after surgery and just feels different and looks a little different, even though my sentinel node and the nodes they  removed were actually pretty far down from my arm pit, nearly adjacent to where the breast was.

    Okay so it brings me to the question - I ran my hand over it putting on deodorant and felt an **ulp** lump.  but not really, but sort of....I don't know.   When I look at both underarms in the mirror, I have these two lumps under each one that I guess are muscle and that's normal.  but they are slightly larger in the mastectomy side and they feel soft, almost like there is a little swelling there.  I guess that makes sense since they've interrupted the lymph flow with the surgery so things might get slightly backed up without being lymphedema.  But I'm scared because I can't tell if when I press into the skin if there's a hard part there.  I don't know and I'm scared to poke around and feel at it too much - I did and it got sore.  

    Now I dont' know what to do.  My first thought tells me that it's just because things are now different on that side - it's always felt different since my surgery last july.  Have any of you noticed your  underarm feeling lumpier than the other side since you had LN's removed?

    I did have a "reactive node" removed my my collar bone back in January so I dont' want to freak out every time I feel a node that is weird.  If that node reacted all the way up there, and was solid but not cancerous, I know it's possible for the nodes even farther down to never be the same again.

     Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.  I go back to the onc next month so we'll see - it's not something I'm allowing myself to flip out over and I'm not about to fork over $50 for the breast surgeon to give it a feel just yet.........just wondering cause I can't really tell what's muscle or what....

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi guys, just checking messages between part 1 and part 2 of the family vacation. I wasn't going to write but CALAMTYKEL I read your last post and I had to jump in. I had this same thing happen about six months ago. I was completely freaked out and immediately booked an appt with the onco. She took one look at it and reassured me it was scar tissue. I didn't buy this, it was in my armpit...what scarring would that be?? Then she explained (and I had not heard this before) how radiation causes deep muscle scarring and how the muscle is trying to regenerate and pulls at all sorts of funny angles, etc. She said pain, tenderness and discomfort were all normal. So I hope maybe this helps a little. I think you're right not to rush off to the surgeon.:)

    Hope everyone is having an awesome summer. Next week is the one year anniversary of our little group here. We should have a party. I'll bring the spinach dip.

    And last but not least....LADY- you're almost there! WOOOT!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening warriors!!!

    I hope you are all having nice summer days. I can safely say, and without complaint, we are having some good ol weather here in the but dry...just the way I like it!!!

    Sptmm: I miss you, woman! Where are you? Maybe you are on a photo shoot for transatlantic sexy soccer moms and are now in Europe!??! Geesh...bc has definitely changed your life for the better!!!!! I hope you are doing well. I know you are busy but I can't help but write and tease you about your new, glamorous, shapely life!!!!!

    Omaz: her license? Your dd is getting her license?!? Yikes! That is a big one. I don't know what I would have done if I had kids. That is a big step! Good for her. I think it is great. It is a wonderful step toward her eventual independence. I think it is great. I know my friend's son does NOT want to get his license? My nephews cannot wait! I got mine the day I turned 16 and had a car waiting at my house registered, insured and ready to go! It was one of the most memorable days of my life.

    Congratulations on seeing the end of Herceptin! Good for you. I am so happy to hear that you are nearly finished.

    As for Tamox and eating, if you get that Mark MacDonald book, you actually are eating every 3 hours. That might help?  OR, workout a bunch so you can eat non-stop!!!!  The hot flashes are getting worse for me. I just start sweating, sweat pouring out of my arms (odd) and head. Oh well...that is a small price to pay, my friend!

    Calamtykel: I agree that there seem to be incredible strides in other areas of life but with cancer, it is at such a terribly lethargic pace.

    As for the post-chemo counseling, it was intimidated they don't do it because then it is like telling people *to* make changes and when they don't, in the event of recurrence, it is like they are getting blamed for not changing their lifestyles after dx. There is also some murky water with the insurance companies. Like if you were told and you did not, it could be a loophole. Also, relative to any sort of counseling, there is really no counseling they can give as they no nothing about what causes it therefore they can't tell anyone to make any changes because what would be the point of reference for dictating such changes? It is convoluted but I do know why they don't do it.

    As for scans, I think you should. I know it is a lot of exposure to rads but b/c you are not on tamox, I would do it. I know it is scary but I would go and get them done. You will feel better.

    As for lumps, I have not noticed any more lumpiness but, to be honest, I have not checked until tonight when I read your post. I did check after I read your post and did not find anything. I know it is hard not to check but I just give up with this disease. You don't know you have it, you don't know if it is spreading, you don't know anything so I just gave up with the checking business. Kel, sometimes your nodes can swell if you are fighting off an infection like you had that summer flu. Perhaps that is why they might be swollen. Relax and take it easy. I am sure you are fine.

    Question: would you ever reconsider tamox? Just wondering if you would consider going on it now that there is some distance between you and chemo and we are all getting back to our old selves a bit more.

    I hope you get some rest tonight.

    Rachel: do you have to have scans before you are released to go back to work? Congratulations, btw, on being released to go back. I am heading back into surgery in 5 weeks. My road has been very long. I hope your scans are clear. I know what you mean about doc appts. I have 4 in the next number of we go!

    JSW: thanks, Lady! I have been wondering as well. I think she was traveling and moving also although I thought of her tonight. I was having dinner with friends and one of my friends gave me her P90 workout! I am so excited. JSW mentioned this a few months ago and I thought it was a weight loss drug!!! In any case, I am going to try it for sure.

    Lady: congratulations...only 1 left! Whew...I bet you are glad this is over with. Speaking of hair, I waxed my brows and upper lip about 2 weeks ago and normally I would have substantial regrowth but no, I did not. It is not even coming back....making me a little nervous!

    I hope you have been enjoying some time at your lake house.   Relax and remember, almost done with crappy chemo.

    It is official...I miss Tex!!!!!!!   And Sweeney and JSW and all the others who have disappeared into the wild!   

    I hope everyone has a good night and keep on truckin' girls!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lizzy...I'm right here! (my posts are sandwiching you!) I may wander off into the wild from tie to time but I'll always come back:)

    Funny that you say "into the wild", we're heading up into northern Quebec tomorrow. That's where our cottage is. Definitely into the wild!:)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sweeney - northern Quebec?  I wanna come too!!! 
  • Lizzy - It's hard to explain what i mean.  It's like the muscles are more prominent on that side -you know; those muscles you can see when you raise your arms really  high.  It's always been like that but last night I wondered if they were lumps because frankly, I haven't felt under that arm; although I think my breast surgeon did last month .  It's like a bump that goes in a row or something along those muscles.

    Tamox - no, I haven't looked back.  I won't go through that again.  I went into it thinking it would help me - every morning before I took it, I prayed that God would bless it to the strength of my body.  But my SE's were so numerous -- I couldn't see right - everything was blurry and it got worse as the weeks wore on.  I remember gripping the edge of the stove in the kitchen, unable to breathe and telling God if he got me out of this I wouldn't go back.  I was so scared that I'd permanently changed my body's physiology.  It was a physiological anxiety - not an emotional or mental anxiety; that's the only way I know to explain it.  Carolyn knows what I mean.  It was sort of like drinking 50 of those super energy drinks from the grocery store-- all the time - all day and all night -- I felt unable to control my heart rate, breathing, etc.  I wasn't able to drive myself to the doctor when it got really bad; I didn't trust myself behind the wheel.  Three anti-anxieties didn't knock it down either; and the anti-dizzy meds didn't help that part of it either.  Also, we don't really know what that dizziness was all about - I had numbness in my leg that morning and the side of my face-- along with the severe vertigo.,  nobody in the ER could tell me it wasn't a blood clot related stroke.  I think for me, tamox would be playing with fire. 

    Nope, tamox isn't for me.  And as we've seen, unfortunately, it fails many time; in my case 3-5% isnt' enough to put myself, my body and my family through that horror again.

    I am considering the scans; for "peace of mind" (yeah I won't need to be medicated...)    I think I would skip the brain CT though - just had one of those back in January when I had the tamoxifen scare.  

    Sweeney -- I didn't have rads.  But like I said, that whole side is sort of "different" and it has been - it's like I have this extra skin, or for lack of better word "flab".  I did have lots of swelling post surgery and I tend to have reactive nodes, so I guess maybe the swelling is still there.  I can still feel it's "flabbier" above where my drain sites were.  But it's like I said, it's like that muscle group is pushed forward and the whole thing is harder and lumpier..? Going to keep an eye on it and try not to think too much about it-- 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I have mammo/breast us due to dense breasts/chest xray for a check as I had a lingering pain. My oncologist didn't feel it was necessary but decided to do it to give me peace of mind. For my first cancer, I have check in August and may have follow up CT but they haven't decided. Normal protocol here is no additional scans for stage 2. Not required for insurance or anything.