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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    BTW, if anyone needs wireless advice or has any questions, I am here!
  • Tex -I've come to the conclusion that some men enjoy bullying women who are strangers.  Remember what happened to me  last year!?  I'd had my first chemo and I was driving to a garage sale - the guy in front of me pulled over to park in his blazer.  I pulled around him intending to take a spot a few car spaces up.  He then decides that he's going to pull back out - in front of me, and nearly hits me since he's coming parallel to me, totally ignoring that I'm there.  I hit my horn so he would not hit me, and I drove up trying to find antoher spot, not thinking anything of it.

    THen he comes up behind me and blasts his horn - I was terrified he would hit me, he was so close.  I decided just to get out of there.  Then he proceeded to pull alongside me (on this residental, one lane street) and blocked his car in front of me and screeched on his breaks so that I'd hit him.  He kept doing this - speeding up and then slamming on his breaks.  I was in tears by now - I have never been more scared of another person --  - I had all four kids w/ me and he would then go alongside me and scream out his window, get back in front and slam his breaks.  I swear  he was going to kill my whole family.

    I finally stopped and rolled down my window and yelled "WHAT are you DOING??"  He started screaming and yelling about how I cut him off - blah blah - I told him that I thought he was parking, since he pulled over to the curb and I was going around him to get the next spot.  He started screaming curse words -- he had his wife in the car and his two children in the back seat were screaming - I think they were crying.  

    I pulled away and  he screeched into his driveway - I swear I thought he'd go through his garage door.

    I really really think that some men get off on bullying other women who they don't know.  I'm sorry that happened to you - what an a&& hole.  When stuff like that happens I can't help but think it's not fair that you have cancer and someone like that doesn't.  I know that's terrible - but that's how it makes me feel.

  • Well, I am really sick!  apparently having your period twice in one month is not a good thing.  :(  I guess my immune system got wacked.  I have a bad cold - I haven't had anything since chemo last October - I forgot what colds were like.... :(  I'm so miserable!!   Went to the nutritionist and he upped my iron supplement and gave me a natural anti-viral.  Hoping I feel better tomorrow.  was going to take my kids to the shore tomorrow and I can't now.  :( 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: sorry you are sick.   That is no fun especially when we here in the tri-state area are actually going to have a beautiful next 3 days!  I can't wait...nice dry weather...all good stuff!

    I totally forgot about that story of that guy and with his kids in the car, no less.  You are right...bullies.  

    Ladyinbama: good to hear from you and I will be sending you the best vibes ON AUGUST 16th or, as I like to call it, the first day of the rest of your long life Wink  Almost there, woman!   Best of luck to you and glad you are feeling up to getting a few things done today. My heart goes out to you.  Chemo twice in less than a are truly a warrior, woman!  I know, you did not really have a choice but what I mean is you are a warrior in the way you have handled it.  I wish you the very best.

    Calamity Liz over here .....I have gotten 3 cuts on my left hand which is the hand on the arm on the affected side!  It takes a while for these little cuts to heal on that hand and I keep forgetting how "gingerly" I am supposed to be treating them etc.... One of these days, I am going to really forget and wind up with a problem!!  I am way too much of a tomboy for all of this take-it-easy stuff! 

  • Lizzy - me too! I had an itchy spot on my hand -scratched it to death until now it looks nasty!  it's scabbed over now, but I put lots of neosporin on it.  I too, forgot about the whole being careful thing.  I hope there isn't a problem.  It doesn't look infected but it is red around it.  I thought my arm hurt yesterday and that's a red flag but I took ibuprophen and it went away and hasn't come back; I think maybe it was muscular or just aches and pains from this cold - my legs ache,  knees, etc.   I'm still watching that arm though - wondering if the aches are from the lymph nodes because of this nasty cold. I did notice over the past couple of years that whenever I got a cold, my underarm would hurt.  And it was on the cancer side.  I guess having ln's removed and then getting a cold infection so that conceivably ALL your nodes can swell all over your body would make the ones under the arm more prone to aching a little.

    Sick of worrying.  

    going to take the kids to the lake for just a little bit today.  been up working early on a big doll collection I got on consignment - photographing, etc.  Then getting ready for the show we're doing this weekend for which I've done nothing so far! -=:O

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Thank you Lizzy, you're sweet!!

    Texas: What a couple of assholes, sorry you had to go through that. It reminded me of something that happened to me the other day,  I was in the grocery store and was going to get a frozen pizza that was on sale, there was only one left, and this fat guy in front of me reached for it at the same time I did, but he got his hand on it first, and I'm standing there obviously bald and a cancer patient, and he says "sorry lady I got here first" and walks off with it. Now am I over- sensitive? Would you have taken the last pizza from somebody with cancer? Later I laughed about it, but right that second it kind of pissed me off. Give us a break, right? We have enough shit to deal with that we don't need people being mean to us.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - When is your last treatment??
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: her last tx is August 16.   We all must send her the most positive vibes ever from now right up until the 16th.

    Calamtykel: see you in the hospital, woman!  Perhaps we will end up in the same one!  I cannot believe that I totally forget that I am supposed to really be careful with my left arm.  Nothing phases me!   Like 2 days later, when I notice it is not healing, it dawns on me I really need to take care of it! 

    Hope you are getting over your cold.

    Sptmm: I hope Kieran is feeling better and you can get back to the hot soccer mom circus!!!!  One more dry day!!!  Saturday humidity comes back and Sunday is supposed to be a rain out so I hope you get out and enjoy yourself tomorrow.   

    We have NOTHING to complain about with this weather in the northeast!   80 and favorite, favorite weather!!!   My windows are still open and it is nearly midnight.  I have to take full advantage of this unusual dry and comfortable August weather.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady...will definitely be thinking of you through your last chemo.

    This weekend I am a actually getting together with a few people met through this site. Mainly Canadians with a few US also. We are meeting in Niagara on the lake which is close to US border to Buffalo. A few people from US are flying in for the weekend. It will be nice to meet them all face to face.

    Weather is beautiful here. Not so hot. I did 2 days back at work and it was good. I only worked 4 hours each day though! Next week, I am in 3 days. It is a nice change of pace for me.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone, just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. 

    Lady:  Sending tons of positive vibes and prayers your way as you finish up with the chemo.  I am SOOOO happy to hear you are almost done.  I will be thinking of you on Tuesday.

    Texas:  What an ARSE!!!! I bet your kids behaved remarkably well, considering all they had been through in one day.  Unfortunately, some people forget that kids are kids and they should not be expected to act like little adults, because they are not.  Just write that guy (and the fat guy with the pizza that Lady saw) as incredible jerks and pay no more attention to them.  I am glad you had a good time on vacation.  After everything that has happened over the past year, you really do begin to miss having family around to help, especially after you see them again.  I am glad your visit went well.  Keep scouring those want ads, I am sure they need police in Washington too!

    Lizzy and Cal:  I think we are getting far enough removed from surgery, that it is not in our conscious mind every minute of the day that we have a "bad side".  A couple of months ago I let a doctor take my blood pressure in my left arm...totally forgot until he was already done!  Then I panicked for about an hour, waiting for my arm to swell like a balloon!! Luckily it didn't.  Cal, I hope you are feeling better!

    Lizzy, thanks for asking about Kieran.  He is doing great.  Has been given the all clear to go back to his normal activities next week which is a good thing because he has been getting very antsy!  As for this weather.....I am loving it!  My hair has actually been staying straight!! Of course, today with the return of the humidity, came the return of the curl...ARGHHH.  But at least now I know there is hope for the fall/winter/spring!  On another note, you need to be more careful with those tools Lizzy!  You already lost two boobs....don't want to be down any fingers or toes....LOL!

    Rachel:  Hope you had fun this weekend!  Must be really nice to meet people face to face.  Glad the work week went well...good luck next week. 

    Okay, getting back to work now.  Enough loafing off for me!  Have a great weekend everyone!


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi guys,

           My dh called Cancercare. We had met w/ the SW a while back and she suggested it but they said we weren't eligible. She said to call back and explain we had 30k out of pocket medical, 2nd mortgage etc...He called 3 organizations and all  were out of funding for the year for bc. Sad to think of all the women struggling financially with this disease.

      I met w/ Aidan's psychologist last week. I said we have trouble with maintenance w/ Aidan and the potty issues and I needed a maintenance plan. She said all kids have things they regress to and this is Aidan's "thing" and it works for him. She said we may be dealing with this on and off for years. She explained he gets our undivided attention, when we are upset he finds it entertaining, and when Colum and I argue over it he feels powerful. She said I need to sound bored when he does it . She said she could see that I was overwhelmed and tired, and that I needed to let some of the smaller stuff go. E.g, I said he has to earn tv when he goes potty, and then I come downstairs at 6:30 and find he's been down since 5 am and watching tv while dh gets ready for work. She said instead of getting mad at Colum in front of Aidan to have a card on the tv for Colum to read "b/c  you were dry all night you may now watch tv". I said I was tired of using the same behavioral techniques on my dh (has ADD) as I do on my 4 and 6 yr old. She said just so I know they have a parent support group and she hears all the time women say they use the same stuff with the dog,  their child and dh, lol.

    Hope everyone is well. Lady, so gald you are in the home stretch.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Nightmares: in my slumber I was touching my stomach and found lumps all over the place. As soon as I moved from one, I found another!!!! The remnants of a cancer battle, no doubt! It was awful! I woke right up touching my abdomen.  It was quite real.

    Hair: even with the cut I am fast going Walken again!!!!! Oh a few years this won't be the case but, until then, I need to just accept what is going on and remember it is better than no hair!

    Lady: I will totally be thinking of you this weekend. I hope you are well and going very strong into your final chemo Tuesday. I wish you the best. What an arduous battle you have had on your hands.

    Sptmm: you make a very good point about us being far removed from the dx now and how it is not front-and-center in our thinking. That is a very good point. BTW, no, I don't want to lose any fingers or toes!!!!! Geesh...I don't miss those boobs but I would definitely miss dearly the loss of any of my other appendages!

    I am very glad to hear Kieran is doing better. That is great news. It is just another thing that you don't need right now and I am very happy for you that he is stronger and you can focus again on your upcoming surgery. Clearly I would prefer you not have anything to think about relative to surgeries but alas dealing with just that is quite enough. Plus you hate to see kids sick and of all things meningitis. He is better just in time for school!

    Ckptry: that is so perfectly interesting their analysis of Aidan and why he continues to behave in such a way. I found that fascinating. Sometimes I like to think of psychoanalysis/psychology/psychiatry as a bunch of malarkey but then there is a story like this where clearly it has had a huge impact and provided you a breakthrough that is priceless. At least you know how to proceed. You know, it is funny but I remember finding it funny when my parents would get mad! I never knew why I found it so funny! I just figured it was part of my overall self-righteous indignation and overall bitchiness/I-will-do -whatever-I-want mentality!!!!! I kid you not when I say one of the reasons I did not want kids was being fearful of having one like me!

    As for using the same tricks on the kids, husband, pet, I noticed my sister doing that some years ago. I always thought it was interesting but I guess we are all the same! Also, with the anthropomorphizing of our animals (treating them like humans), they are just like family and surely we will employ the same tactics to make them behave!

    In any case, I am really glad you got to the bottom of that pun!

    My addiction to HGTV continues! I am going to watch "Property Virgins" and then it is on to "Design Star" tomorrow night!!!!! I love it.

    Good day to you all and may the force be with you!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Carolyn- i compleatly understand, the day before i left i had my herceptin and was asked to see somoen across the hall in the billing department- she said that the funding had all dried up for this year and hands me a $900+ bill LOL i paid $70 and figured i'd pay the rest when i got it... I was just hearing on a national news show about a man that slipped through the cracks for screening because he was a man or something like that. i broke my heart because man or woman no one wants to go through this... to be honest i fell asleep before they got to that segment....

    About hair- my husband says my hair looks like the grandma from napeleon dynamite! LOL it sorta sticks up, in this poof ball LOL too funny!!!!

    Well still havent had a chance to catch up :( been super busy, oh lizzy you might get a kick out of this- so i get a bill for my classes this fall for a few thousand dollars and it said if i didnt pay it by aug 23rd i wouldnt be allowed to attend class- i checked my financial aid status and it says its still waiting on my transcripts, which i turned in to the school when i applied for college. well the school says they send it off to the main campus and it might take a while to get entered in- WTH how do i start classes, let alone pay for the dang books before then???? i told my husband  i am not even sure i want to attend this stupid college cuz that cant get anthing straight!!!!

    ANyhow, daughter has school tomorrow so i got to get the kiddos washed and in bed.... even though its 110 outside LOL doenst feel like school time....


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Thank you ladies, you all are so sweet. I'm counting down the hours until Tuesday at 8:20 a.m.!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Yay Lady - almost done!!!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady--Incase I don't get on here again today.....sending you hugs for tomorrow.Kiss

    I am back to work part-time and so far, so good---days are busier of course, but feels good. I have my checkup with Oncologist #1 tomorrow for cancer #1--this will be my third 6month checkup. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lady- I'm going to send off all the good vibes I can tomorrow at 8:20am. Just think, only a few more days of feeling junky and then you're done!

    Rachel- really glad to hear your return to work has gone so well.

    Lizzy- my HGTV addiction requires serious help. I LOVE Property Virgins. Sandra DiMatto (I think that's her last name...) is from Toronto. Little known piece of Canadian trivia...;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    Lady: THE LAST DAY OF CHEMO!!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!!!   I wish you the best tomorrow morning! just think, you are done with that mess!!!!!

    LMAO on the grandma from "Napoleon Dynamite!!!!!!!!!" Your DH is very funny!!!!!!! I almost pissed my pants at this party recently because this girl who came with my friend's cousin, looked like "Jacinta" from "Super Bad!!!!!" My friend's brother had me laughing so hard I barely made it to the bathroom! Napoleon and Super are in the same genre and I could not help but be reminded!

    Dude, that freakin' school is a joke! MY GOD! You have been fighting cancer and of course will not be laying out thousands of dollars for nursing school after a year like you have had! I would not waste time, however, because once Obama is out of office, they are going to slice and dice student loans like you would not believe. I would call those schools, give them your credit/debit card over the phone and get those requests in. Try, try to get it done asap. If the schools won't release your transcript/lost your requests, go to the school's website, download the transcript request form, go to and set up an online fax service (if you don't have a fax already) which is free for 1 month. Fax those transcript requests in. I would get it done asap. I would scramble to get into school for September because I think there is a good chance Perry will defeat Obama and the Republicans are going to do 2 things: Flip Roe V Wade and kill financial aid and student loans. I am telling you, it is not going to be long before I move to Ireland or Italy. Tex, seriously do what you can to get into school NOW. Best of luck-

    I can't believe the kids have to go to school in 110 degree heat?! I just spoke with my nephew and I forgot to ask him if he went back to school yet. Isn't this really early for school, Tex?

    Omaz: nice avatar! You look so much like a desert scene from AZ!!!!!!!!

    Rachel: back to work?! Wow...must feel good. Good for you. Makes you feel like you are human again!

    Sweeney: Sandra :Rinamotto! She is great. I love "Property Virgins" and I love the guy with the black hair on "Curb Appeal!" He looks so good with that tan and that smile and that wicked nice hair! My ex told me I reminded him of Sandra with the way I deliver information!!!! He is an ex for many, many reasons! BTW, I knew she was from Canada....she has a Canadian (Bacon) accent!!! You know, we are pretty broke down here in the US with our credit downgrade and lack of employment....."Canadian Bacon" might not be far off!!! Some still think we have a war-based economy and a war with Canada might fix us up just right!!!!!!!! The woman from "For Rent" is from Canada, too, I believe. I just love HGTV. Tonight is "Design Star!!!" I can't wait...I even put a reminder in my BBerry like I might forget!

    I hope you all have a good night and please, please don't forget at this time last year we were all getting ready for chemo and were collectively nervous wrecks. Just think how much better this August is. Have a great night everyone and reflect on this past year with an eye to the future.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Lizzie - it's the new me!  I just got a new grip on my hair.  My stylist suggested I use a head band and just let my hair be curly.  My hair was fine and straight but came back coarser and curly.  I have cut off all the fuzzy curls and now have wavy curls.  I was wetting my head and smushing it down into a kindof boy cut for work.  With her suggestion I used a headband and scrunched it after wetting it and low and behold I have curly hair!  It looks decent too, got a couple compliments at work.  I think this will work for me while I am growing it back out to chin length.
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lady almost there, so happy for you

     Yay , we are going to the Bahamas tomorrow! We told the kids tonight before we dropped our fish off at the neighbors. Aidan said 'it's the best day of my life mommy, is it the best day of yours too':-) Hope everyone has a great week. f There's some rain in the forecast there so fingers crossed for sun!!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Have a WONDERFUL Trip!!!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good luck tomorrow Lady!!!

    Carolyn:  Have a great vacation!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ckptry: I hope you have a wonderful vacation!  Get on the jet skis, lay on the beach and relax, swim, dance and just have a great time!  BTW, on the weather, you may get some rain at this time of the year in the islands but you also get some sun so I am sure you can make the most of it all!  Take care and I wish you relaxation and the creation of wonderful memories with your family.

    Omaz: your hair does sound nice!  I remember when I was young, and rollerskating(!), we wore these little thin headbands across our forehead!  That is all I could think when I read headband but surely, that synapse-gone-awry aside, I know what you are talking about! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzie - I'll take a picture soon and post it so you can see.  How is your wound?  Are you done with the packing?  What is next on the horizon for your reconstruction?  What about law school?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi everyone,

    Texas don't give it a thought. I hope next time you are up this way we can plan better and actually get out and do something fun. We do have a new American Girl Store in Lynnwood. They have all the dolls and even a restaurant. I was there a month ago and your daughter might love to go there. We just need to plan, there is a big fair coming up if you ever make it around that time it would be fun.   re The man on the plane, what a jerk!  

    lIZZIE HOW ARE YOU DOING? i TOO WONDERED IF YOU ARE NEARLY DONE WITH ALL THE PACKING? sORRY CAPS I hit caps lock all the time and since I don't touch type I make a mess.

    Lady glad you are done with chemo.

    My hair is still Bozo like. I think I am used to the anti estrogen meds (name) that we take for five years. Obviously I still have lingering chemo brain. I do not like the hot flashes from the meds,   but I use two fans so they help. The knee pain is no fun and my back aches far too easily.

    We had our grand daughters first birthday party here on Saturday. It was really nice. We filled a little pool with plastic balls and the little ones liked that a lot. Our SIL smoked a pork roast of some kind and it was wonderful. 

    I hope everyone is enjoying what is left of summer. I must say it seems harsh to me to send kids back to school in early August. Why? I have one GD in Phoenix, it is so hot there. 

    Read every word and ccaught up. Glad Kiaran is doing better. I loved the story about Aiden and the use of behaviour mod on all the boys. It works! 

    Love Barb

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Barb - How is your numbness doing?
  • Well all - it's been an interesting evening.  Around 5:00, my daughter wanted to take a walk in the development down the street.  I told her I wished i had pepper spray to send with her.  It sparked a discussion about what pepper spray IS and how it's the same as bear repellent, or Bear Guard which we have in the laundry room.  We actually won it in a white elephant as a joke.

     So ten minutes later I hear a blood curdling SCREAM and my 7 year old had removed the safety latech and sprayed the bear guard in his FACE!  He inhaled it so he coudln't breathe and of course it was in his eyes.

    So I grabbed him and threw him fully clothed right in the shower and got in with him - this served only to spread it since he was covered in it and it ended up all over me and I coudn't see - I ended up with slight red burns on my neck and face from it.  I yelled for my 14 yr old and she took my 7 yr old away to the other shower while I was incapacited trying to get it off me as much as possible - meanwhile I was panicked about my son but I couldn't see to even get out of the shower and help him!

    I finally got out and went to the other bathroom where he was screaming.  I washed his hair, face hands and body with ivory soap, and decided to call 911 because I finally read the side of the can and it said it can cause irreversible EYE DAMAGE-since he sprayed it in his eyes i was panicked.

    911 put me on w/poison control and they told me to just keep rinsing it as much as possible - meanwhile the ambulance shows up.  I got him out of the shower and dried off and they examined him -in the course of his talking to them he was finally able to open his eyes they could see that he could see all right.  Meanwhile the police were here too - and my cousin who is on the EMT squad also showed up in his vehicle with all the lights flashing.  DH comes home and sees the cops and ambulance leaving, sees my brother's and cousin's car here and totally panics. 

    My house was a disaster - I mean really.  It was bad - stuff was everywhere from the show Sunday - Im' sure the cops think we are some kind of I don't know what.

    But he seems to be okay - he has some swelling with his eyes but he can see fine and the whites aren't red, which is good.  

    NEED some major relaxation time today!
    Oh, and by the way, one year ago today I had my first chemo.....  that's weird.

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    You can do it! Keep smiling.  I just did my 7th 2-week dose-dense cycle today. Only have one more to go. It is a roller coaster ride, but there are many good days - You will get into a rountine and before you know it, you will be done with it. Best wishes

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    LIZZY you crack me up. War with Canada? You guys would stomp our freezing little butts.:)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    cal - WOW!!  I would have probably done exactly the same thing!  Glad you guys are ok.