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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, here is a pic. of my sis and I. I want to show you my stand up hair and my new boobs (that I love) I am also very excited that my last herceptin is on July 29th !!Crossing the finish line feels so good.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hey Debbi - Congrats on the weight loss!!  Belly dancing - does it help the accumulation of stuff around the middle that seems to happen with chemo-pause?  Let us know about the baby aspirin, I heard we just have to take it a bout 3 times a week to get the protective effect so I have been doing that.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sue - You look Great!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am fully embracing ecommerce! Good times, girls!

    Calamtykel: EBAY IS A NIGHTMARE! I had a weirdo buy a cell phone, not pay for it, ignore my invoices, then on day 4 of the non-pay claims she had family emergency, then she claims she made the payment and didn't. Finally 7 days after the purchase she paid, avoided the UID b/c of Ebay's liberal "protect the buyer" policies and it was a disaster. I told her 10 bus days for shipping and she got mad that I did not send it immediately! Then she dinged me on feedback! You know how sellers can't leave negative feedback for buyers? Well, I left positive feedback in caps that says "BEWARE" etc..! Screw u, Ebay! Tying the hands of the is very seller-unfriendly. BTW, thanks for knocking on my head about Ecrater! told me about that months ago.

    Also, on that ebay flake, I was getting some emails that had no punctuation, no capitalization and that which I thought was the product of a child. Suddenly the emails were grammatically correct and there were actually sentences. I think either her kid got into her account and bought the phone OR she had multiple personalities. In any case, Ebay does nothing to protect/support the sellers.

    Sptmm: Ah ha!!!!! So you are fielding offers?! I knew it! I just love playing fantasy "where's Deb!!!" Professional fly fishing was competing with the belly dancing troupe!

    Exercise is great, it makes you feel great and eventually you will have to eat more to keep a healthy weight. In fact, I worked for Bank of the Solar System (B of A!) as a financial consultant (aka get their assets NOW!) and my boss there spoke to this very issue quite succinctly. He asked me if I knew why he worked out so much and he replied "because I love to eat!" The benefit of a lot of exercise, if you have a healthy metabolism, is that you can eat more. I just wish I could live on Subway, pizza and sushi but then there is that balance business I have to deal with! Good for you, though. I am so glad you embraced exercise. The belly dancing is fun but I am not at your expert level! I have a ways to go to do an entire dance but it is fun. I do like the music also.

    Iowasue: great pic! Also new boobs lookin' good, sister! Like I said, about the hair, it is like everyone one of us is going to the same AWFUL hairdresser! My hair is growing evenly, upward and outward! Soon I will epitomize an anachronism and will be remanded to my true place in history= as a dancer on SOUL TRAIN!!!!! I used to love that show! I was entranced as a young child, they all looked so great, grooving on that dance floor....I loved it! I used to throw a fit if I could not watch it. Little did I realize, fast forward 35 years, I am starting to look like an original member!

    Omaz: not only will belly dancing help the chemo-induced, middle treats (!!!) but it will also get your hips working more for Zumba. You should order a dvd and check it out.

    Well, the construction at my neighbor's wages on and this is not helping me as I get to bed, post-tossing from hot flashes, about 4 hours before they show up! I am tired and just sold another book on Amazon so off to the post office I go and what I really want to do is go to bed! I am so tired.

    Good day, girls-

  • Lizzy - I haven't tried amazon for books - or games; it it worthwhile?  I have a couple of Pokemon strategy guides that I'm going to sell - haven't had time nor motivation -- I guess it's the heat.  I'm spending today bakin (yeah, I know - why bake when it's hot -but I'm tired of hearing "there's nothing to eat"!)  Zucchini and banana bread - three batches each.  :D

     Meanwhile I do need to spend time on my stores - just found a letter from a lawyer that they are collecting for the hospital where I got my lump removed.  They want $2038 w/in 30 days or they will be moving forward to do whatever lawyers do..... :(  I can't believe this.  I thought DH was giving them a little each month - I know we've paid them something.  So I have to sit down with him tonight.  I sent him a brief email and he replied that this is the last "big one" so I guess he's just been scrambling to pay down LAST year's bills.  He hasn't told me this stuff because he knows I get really upset over finances.  WHY are hospitals and such so mean?? DO they think we picked to get sick??   It might as well be $20,000 because we certainly don't have it......

    tomorrow I'll have to call and see what I can do -- it's so frustrating to have poor insurance coverage.  

     Well,  I made a waterslide outside for the kids - Destin got stung with a wasp in about 5 minutes.  I tried to do gardening, but it's just too darned hot.  I was drenched within 10 minutes.  Last night in the thunderstorm, DH and I set up the new chicken run--it's huge now!  HE got 8 pieces of chain link 6" dog run fence pieces at a garage sale and they match the current fence--this will help contain the chickens from the fox but  maybe someday they can free range again...........

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    calamtykel:  Amazon is great.  I have been selling books on there on and off for a while.  Text books, all kinds of books, really. In fact, today I just sold 2 more books.  They are very fair also.  The way things sell on Amazon, on the marketplace, buyers really don't realize they are not buying from Amazon.  For this reason, very few people provide feedback.   It is not like the Ebay drama.  It is straightforward.   I like it.   

    Ecrater is great.  It is so wonderful how one can set up a store.  I do a lot of 9/11 art and I also make very high-end Wall St themed tables.  They are modern, on casters and are about the height of a bar table.   Last year with chemo I did nothing but this year will be more busy and I want to get going now.  I also have a holding company so I am just going to tuck the ecommerce, I am now more involved with, into the holding company so that and my other business can live in the same LLC.  I like it...a lot!  Without setting up a bunch of different websites I can sell everything at Ecrater. It is great.

    Congratulations on the chicken run!   It would be nice if they can range free but those foxes are diligent and hungry!

    When you said you were baking, I thought you meant in the sun!   

    All: does Betty White make anyone else tired?!!!!  That woman is amazing! 

    Time to workout...easy to get lazy in this weather :(

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi - Saw my surgeon who is going to remove my port next month if all goes according to plan.  He described how the body makes a capsule around the port and it is filled with a little bit of fluid.  This fluid allows the port and the tubing to slide out pretty easily.  He said he then removes the capsule and puts some fat in there and closes up.  He does do it in the OR just in case something should come up.  Hope everyone is doing pretty good this week.  We have a late night thunderstorm.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good morning everyone!

    Omaz:  Great to hear you are getting that port out, that must be a huge relief.  I am soooo glad I made it through chemo without having to get one.   BTW, I was really surprised how sore my abs were after the first couple of belly dancing certainly must be good for the mid section if it gets that sore.

    Cal:  Glad you were able to find a way to keep your chickens safe from those foxes.  While free range chickens would be nice, I am sure they appreciate the safety...LOL. 

    Lizzy:  My god you sound like you have a lot going on with all that ecommerce and stuff! Whenever do you find the time to work out in that luxurious home gym of yours!?  

    Sue:  The boobs look great and so do you!  The hair I think will take some time, but we are all in the same boat.  I just got mine cut and styled by a friend of my son on Saturday.  She cut it in a bob-like style so as it grows, I can just keep cutting the back and eventually it will all come together.  It looks great right after I blow dry it, but the minute I start to sweat (which isn't difficult in this 90+ degree heat), it starts to curl in all different directions and I begin to look suspiciously like Gabe Kotter or Bozo the clown!  Just no winning right now, but I keep telling myself it is better than being bald!

    Really funny story that I think everyone will appreciate as it goes to our fear of EVERYTHING being a sign of new cancer.  As I lose weight, my body obviously is changing.  All of a sudden I have developed these sore, hard like bump over my hips in my midsection.  Well the other day, I expressed concern to Taylor over what this could be (of course I didn't tell her I suspected maybe they were massive abdominal tumors...LOL) and she so nicely pointed out that those were my oblique muscles, which I guess have been strengthening by the ab workouts and uncovered by the absence of all that fat..LOL!  So much for our psychosis over cancer. 

    My onco appointment yesterday was cancelled and I am very upset.  It seems that the NP that I have been seeing has left the practice, so I am going to see a new oncologist in the practice that everyone says is nice.  I liked the first one, but he was always in a hurry and I don't want to be rushed.  So, I have an appointment next Tuesday.  Hopefully this guy is good, because I really liked the NP.  She took the time to listen!

    Well, have to get to work.  Hope everyone has a good day!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - Where are you doing the belly dancing?  Is it a class or a video?
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz:  I do it as a class.  There is a new instructor at the gym where I go that teaches every other Friday night.  On Friday nights there is a half hour gap between the first two classes so she offered to teach belly dancing for free in that half hour to anyone that was interested. It really is a lot of fun.  Lizzy said she has a video that she bought, so they are out there.    


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: I had my port out in January, outpatient surgery, no big deal at all. Of course, then it was put right back in! I'm glad I do well with surgery, I've had 3 just for ports! You'll do fine.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,   Just have a few minutes. Was picking up a precription at the pharmacy this morning.  As I was walking down the aisle with Caitlin, my 4 yo, I realized she had stopped. I turn back and she's holding a box of hair color and yells to me "mommy, do you need more hair medicine?!" :-) everyone in hearing distance got a kick out of that!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    I cannot believe I am going to be packing another wound for 5 months but that is the only way these pockets can be healed. I am lucky that another infection did not show up . This is why I am so careful and won't go in the water/near the water etc.... this entire summer. If anything got in there I am so nervous it could get badly infected again. Now I have the other side to deal with. Well, I hope that I have a nice summer of 2012!

    Is anyone else not wanting to put stuff off anymore?? Like I feel I have limited time now because of this bc and I feel like I have to do everything. Now I want to put in a pool because somewhere I feel like I might not be here to enjoy it if wait. Is anyone going through this type of thing? I was supposed to go to Ireland in April 2010 for my 40th but b/c I was dxd with bc, I had to put it off. Now I am trying to figure out how quick, after all these surgeries and crap is done, I can get to Ireland. I notice this is a new trend with me. Anyone else?

    Calamtykel: meant to tell you, when you sell on Amazon they charge a commission right up front. More to this point, they also give a shipping credit. Bottom line, in most cases if you are selling a book for $10, the most commonly used form of shipment is media mail through the USPS (I am sure you know this!) so you will net roughly $6. Always figure in the shipping because Amazon kills the shipping credit with a commission charge. It is still way more upfront and professional than good old $hitBAY!

    Kel, btw, the bills and cancer patients need to be seperated.  I really think there should be some protection for cancer patients like these bills can't be turned over to collections for a year or something.  It is so sick and I am really sorry that your credit is being tarnished through this bc dx.  Yale has me crazy; I have a different account number for like 7 different bills all totalling less than $1500 but it is madness to pay them every month and to keep up with it.   I wish there was some extended protection for bc patients.   Send them $5 a month before they turn it over.   As long as you are sending something, there is nothing they can do.  

    Ckptry: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Hold her responsible for that and remind her when she wants her first car!!!!!! OMG...poor Carolyn! The hysterical abuse you have to take!!!!!!!!!! I am still laughing! That is just hysterical! Thanks for the laugh today...the really good laugh!

    Omaz: I bought "Luscious" at Amazon. It is a DVD and it is nice to do belly dancing in the home actually! Deb, however, lives in the very metropolitan LI community where everything is 2 minutes away and high quality! For this reason she can easily procure good services and great classes easily. You might be able to find classes near you but getting the dvd from Amazon is a good start.

    On the baby aspirin, and without asking any advice, I started taking 2 a day. Do you take 2- 3 times per week? How many are you taking?

    BTW, your doc sounds very thorough. Where do they get the fat from? Is it cadaver tissue? Just wondering. After I got mine out, a month later when I saw the onc the nurse told me I was a "keloid" because of the way it was healing (outward protruding). I don't know about being a keloid but I do know that, although I could not feel anything, it was like the APRN had pliers and was pulling the freakin' thing out of my chest! I thought that is why it was healing weird. Who cares?! Everything pales in comparison to bc!!!

    Sptmm: Again, a great laugh today...ROFLMAO!!! You could not recognize your obliques!!!!!!!!!! That is very funny! Of course, with our post-bc bump spying so good to hear it was because of an achievement that you have these bumps! Good for you! My gym is about to get more luxurious! I am considering buying a sauna!!!!!!! BTW, I am so completely excited that because I won't have implants, I can sauna it up all I want!!!!!! Thank god for Brava. I am also getting a heavy bag and a speed bag. I really want them. I have suddenly decided I want to add boxing to my repertoire! At some point I want to put an addition on my house and I will buy my Arc trainer at that point. I LOVE the Arc Trainers. I am just not going to a gym to use it. About 10-15 years ago there were really good spa-like gyms that were too expensive for jokers and therefore the integrity of the atmosphere was in tact. Now all of these $10 gyms are all over and LA Fitness, with their lap pools on the parking lot at every location, is the only competition. The nearest LA Fitness to me is 20 minutes. I won't rule it out but for now, while I still have all these surgeries etc..., I am going to wait. Very exciting, however, is that I bench pressed last night for the first time since this crappy bc nonsense began and it felt great!!!!!!

    Well, my Amazon sales keep firing off and now I have to scoot off to the damn post office...ah-gain! I am hoping I don't melt!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Carolyn:  That is HYSTERICAL!!!

    Lizzy:  Forget LA Fitness, I am joining Lizzy's Gym.....sounds like the most luxurious one around!  Congrats on the bench pressing.  Its great that you can finally get back to doing something that makes you feel good. 

     Good night everyone.


  • Lizzy - it's not true that if you send them $5 a month they can't turn it over.  We found that out the hard way - DH was sending money regularly to the first hospital and they ignored it - kept the $ and absolutely turned it over to collections.  And he was making pretty good payments== between $50 and $75 a month.  We always thought if you paid SOMETHING they could not turn it over.  It's not true anymore.  It said right on the letter that sending a partial payment will NOT keep it out of collections! =:O  ISN'T THAT INSANE?!  We were told we had to call and talk to the finance office, who told us  we must send at LEAST 100 dollars a month and if we did not, and missed a month, it would go into collections.

     I haven't called the other hospital yet.  I tried but nobody answered - I've been too busy selling.  I'm doing a huge Ebay push - fees and feedback are just going to have to be what they are; I need to feed my kids!  :(  

     I agree; it's just not fair.  When you're already struggling just to keep up and then slammed with health bills out of nowhere, that you had no way to budget for, it seems impossible.  They need to make some kind of provisions. NJ Charity Care will pay for hospitalizations for the uninsured (So maybe the way to go is to have NO insurance??!)  but they will not assist those with insurance and deductibles.  You'd think the hospital would just take the stupid 80% - they jack up all the charges when they bill insurance anyway!  I'm just astounded that my bill was apparently well over $2100 for one same day surgery - I was in and out in four hours from start to finish!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: Kel, I don't know when that changed.  I remember my sister telling my mother many years ago when she had a bill with a hospital that she was paying $5 and that was all she could do.  What happened?  Was that another Bush move?   I was stunned when a friend who is an attorney pointed out that it is very hard to file bankruptcy now as you can't file on credit card debt and medical bills or student loans but yet the bankruptcy filing rates are high.   There was some credit act chock full of $hit that passed I think in 2007 which really hammered everybody.  You know it is so unfair because anyone can have financial problems but it just seems like this country is set up to force the preponderance of people into some sort of collection activity/problem so the freakin' banks can charge more for everything from loans to credit etc...   It really stinks.  I remember this guy at my old job who's mother paid all his bills and even bought a condo for him to live in where he paid $400 per month for rent.   He used to brag about how great his credit was and I felt like saying because you have no bills or responsibilities!  

    They suck the life and happiness out of everything for people by screwing them with all this credit legislation that is just designed to benefit big banks.  At one point I was doing a 401K sign up for Royal Bank of Scotland and I all I ever heard was "fees and fees and fees"  so one day I asked them and it was $39 for everything from over-limit, late, returned check etc.. $39?!  I was floored.  I could not believe anyone was paying a crummy credit card company all that money.  I would have to be laying in the street, bleeding and had to buy my last breath with a credit card to actually use one!!!!!!  I am the customer they hate as I charge a tank of gas and pay it off every month.  

    I just feel bad that they make it so hard for people who get cancer/all the other expensive diseases and as if that is not bad enough, you emerge with dings on your credit.   Kel, it sounds to me like you work so hard, too.  I wish I could say something besides I feel for you.   Today, as I am so concerned this is going to be another brutal winter, I checked gas prices and gallon of milk prices in FL just to compare COL barometers and at they are only .40 cheaper per gal of gas and roughly .50 cheaper for a gallon of milk.   Bottom line, they are getting us all over this country coming and going.   Those are "off season" numbers in FL!!!    I thought maybe if there was a savings I would be more enticed but the savings are negligible.  

    I am always reminded of what my father always said which was "charge what the traffic can bear."   Sad but that is what it is all about.   I think we all should write our Congress people about protection from collection for cancer patients who are paying "something" on their bills each month.   Cancer patients should not be the victims of collection activities unless they have not paid anything in more than 6 months.  

    Sorry, Kel, that sucks.

  • Yup - I was always told the $5 a month story too -my mom told me that as long as you pay a little, they can keep sending you bills and calling but can't send it to collections.  But that's not true - I don't know when it changed.  Maybe the hospitals petitioned or something, but they sure can and do do it.  I thought we were paying the one hospital pretty well - we sent them something each month and they got more and more threatening until I finally had to call and that's when they settled on the $100 a month.  But that's rough when you're sending that same amount to all the doctors, radiologlists, hospitals, etc.    They really need to do some kind of government zero interest loan or something to cancer patients, to consolidate the bills and just pay back the loan bit by bit.  It would be easier than fighting with a million different places who think they're actually the "only" ones you owe money to and that you're not paying 'cause you're paying for cruises and fancy cars, etc. 

     Well, it is what it is.  I don't know the solution.  National healthcare would definitely have its perks, but in all honesty what would it actually cover.  I have a friend in the UK who wrote me today - she has been paying 452 pounds each month for years to stay on a private insurance; she just had to have a 10,000 pound operation - I have no idea if that was out of pocket or what - I don't understand how it could be IF she had this insurance, but I imagine she has the insurance so that she can have her choice of doctors and care facilities.  

    It's really true - you can't afford to get sick.  But I guess when you're sitting there signing all those papers at the admission desk, one of they says that you will be responsible for the balance that your ins doesn't cover.  Since they have your siggy there in writing, I guess they then have the right to expect payment within their own time frame........  I wasn't about NOT to sign that - I needed the surgery....

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    This insurance stuff makes me sick. I started noticing all these bills from children's specialized hosptial in NJ last year. We'd been doing multiple private therapies with my kids there since they were infants. It turns out they had sent us to collections. Dh was trying to hide it from me b/c it was right after my bmx. They said we owed them 6k from 2008 for Aidan. They said that  b/c of a computer glitch we owed them more than we had paid. This was when I was taking him there for OT and ST, as well psychotherapy with the SW who did one on one play therapy. He tried to  choke Caitlin after helost agame so she told me not to bring her. She only decided "there was something more going on"  when he hit her with a truck. (Believe me, I had a talk with her about that, wish I'd hit her with about truck 3 mos earlier .Turns out Aidan had every red flag for adhd.) Anyway, I'd always had to go in person to pick up their medical reports, yet the patient satisfaction surveys managed to reach our mailbox every week. I looked  at the website and there was a letter from the CEO with her email, so I let her know that we weren't ven given the courtesy of a warning about collections, but I was sent a customer satisfaction survey. She said they'd stop the collections (we'd get 8-9 letters in one day). Turns out even she couldn't stop it and they forgave the debt I think out of embarassment. The whole thing was ridiculous b/c we never went more than amonth without paying them. They are just the lowest of the low! Sorry you have to deal with this Kel. I love when they say to reduce stress in your life when fighting cancer - it cost 66k for may bmx with TE -just form the surgeons!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Chemo Sistas, I hope you all have a good wkend. I am headed to the lake for the wkend. So calming there.You all know I love it there. Kinda odd it is where I was out on the boat when I got the call it was BC. Dr. did ask if I wanted to come to the office to find out the results or on the phone i was ready no matter where it was, radiologist insinuated it would be abnormal. But it is still my favorite place to be. Hard to believe sometimes that was a year ago in June. So glad to have had this place to share so much with such wonderful amazing ladies!!! Thank you all for so much.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sue---I have the same feelings--one year ago was when I had my surgery---hard to believe that it was a year ago. I have my checkup next week...a little anxious and worried---keep myself busy until my appointment.

    Here is my hair at 8 months post chemo--my hair didn't start growing back till mid-end of Jan--took a while to sprout. I need another trim to try and keep it in some sort of shape or else it gets crazy looking---I never had problem with frizzy hair in the heat--now I do. Actually, I went to pick up my kids yesterday at their hockey camp and wore one of my chemo scarves to keep sun off and hide my crazy do! Never thought I would put them on again--but they are nice and I figure--may aswell use them in this heat!


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Rachel it looks real good!!! I am  jealous when I see bangs, out of all the places on my head my front has been growing the slowest. Just the oppisit of normal. No chemo curl for me it is real straight.I am going to blame it on herceptin because on the board her2 +++ er - pr- the complaint of slower hair growth is common so I hope this is the problem . My last herceptin id next Fri. July 29th YAY I am so excited to be done with all tx. I think it is cause for a party!!!  i am tempted to keep my hair short and dark I have had so many compliments on it. Anyone else?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Wow rachel your hair is long, great idea with the scarves lol i totally went out today with my hair pointing in 50 directions, i just said what the heck- had to get new tires and an oil change i doubt the mechanics place cared! i know i sure as heck didnt!

    Been super busy we're getting ready for our trip to WA- we're gonna be gone 2 weeks- just getting things here ready for my husband and then packing and planning things that are gonna take place there... just too much to do in such a little time! My mom is driving me crazy already and i havent even gotten there!

    Sue you look AWESOME!!!! and yes i also have slow growing hair which i heard was prob cuz of the herceptin- for some reason my bangs wont lay flat they just stick out forward....

    Kel- i honestly dont think that medical bills should "count" against us, once they go to collections they ruin our credit. i have heard the "dont pay them for 7 years and it goes away" heck no i am not gonna try that, i'll just pay my bills as fast (or slow lol) as i can! i just recently paid off a medical bill from 03 or 04 LOL

    Yeah it sucks when you go into the hospital and get like 4 or 5 bills cuz everyone bills seperatly and you think i have paid this one, but turns out it was another one... Even small time consolidation like per visit would help us out!

    Well gotta go.... kids are asleep and i want to hop on the wii (we went swimming this afternoon and it wore them out!)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors-

    Ok, I have to say is wicked hot in CT! It was 100 here today and with the heat index it was like 109 or something crazy and it is so humid...gross-a-munga! Calamtykel: it is just tiring to think that bc was not enough but that cancer patients have to be financially accosted over bills. It is very much awful. If those clowns in Washington would stop bickering perhaps we could get down to some real issues like why are cancer patient's bills being turned over to collections like they are slackers rather than just sick.

    Texas: have a great time! I hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly! Someone just tweeted to Nightline that it is so cold in Washington they needed sweat pants! I was in New Hampshire earlier this week and it was pretty chilly at night however CT is now pretty close to what I think hell might be like...both day and night!!

    Rachel: "lookin' good, lookin' good(this is the voice of Steve Martin in "My Blue Heaven" mind you!!)!" His most famous line from that movie: "you're so hot you could melt all da stuff!" He said that to a woman in a grocery store who was standing in the frozen foods area with a door open! In any case, verbal diatribe over, you look great!!!

    Iowa: enjoy the lake! I so wanted to go to the beach today but I was not going to the beach in 100 degree weather without being able to go in the water because of this damn open wound. I want to wind surf again. I am actually thinking of going to surf next year but I will have to go to Montauk (I will pick up Sptmm on the way!) or Nicaragua! In any case, I digress! I hope you have a grand old time at the lake!

    It is still 85 degrees out at midnight! Yes, heat wave! I am going to go watch some awful TV now!

    Good night, all-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy my husband pointed out that on the drudge report they show a map and all of the US is in the red except WA and OR and maybe ID? LOL its been rather warm here too easily 100, not sure about the heat index though. I can say this OMAZ must be burning UP! When i lived in Phoenix every year for my DD'd bday it'd top 115! (july 7th) and it was a dry heat that you can feel the moisture being zapped out of you!

    Texas has humidity- i can deal with that.

    Funny cuz i packed our light jackets, and my sisters were saying we might need something heavier! LOL i cn deal with the cold, i am taking my kids to Mt Rainier (thats totally spelled wrong but i am burnin the midnight oil and cant think) anyhow my kids have never seen snow so that'll be fun!

    I always wondered why they talk about people dying from the heat in Chicago and other large cities year after year and no one thinks to get an a/c

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning everyone!

    Rachel:  Looking great!  My hair is the same with the humidity.  I blow dry it straight and it stays good all day in the air conditioning at work. The minute I get outside into this heat and humidity, it begins to curl anyway and every way it wants!! 

    Lizzy:  I am with you on the heat!  OMG, it is horrible.  I couldn't even go on the computer last night because we only hair air conditioning in the bed rooms, and the rest of the house was just too damn hot to hang out in!  I think the kids and I are going to the beach on Sunday, if I can find a bathing suit today.  I haven't owned one of them in 10 years...LOL!  Weekend in Montauk....sounds great...however I would be watching you surf from the beach..LOL!

    Texas:  Have a great time with your family in Washington!  Enjoy the respite from the heat!

    Sue:  The lake sounds wonderful...ENJOY!!!

    Cal:  Those medical bills do stink.  I really honestly believe that we should be given a respite from creditors for at least a year after diagnosis, just to get ourselves back on even keel.  It seems too in this economy they are less likely to agree to reasonable payments.  Everyone wants all their money in large somes, regardless of the fact that they are just one of a couple of creditors...IT SUCKS!  I have an appointment with a lawyer on Monday to file for bankruptcy.  Since I was limited in the amount of work I could do in my second job while going through treatment and in the months afterwards as I recovered, I fell behind on all my bills.  I am tired of fighting with them to be reasonable while I get my feet back on the ground, so I am just going to file for bankruptcy and start anew.  A couple of them have gotten judgements against me and recently I went to withdraw money from my bank account and it was frozen!  So, off to the lawyer I go.  It is a drastic step, but in my case it is my only option.  Sucks that nobody will accept $50 dollars a month, especially considering what I just went through and the fact that I paid them all regularly until I got sick!  Well, I hope you sell like crazy and come up with a better solution than me!

    Okay guys, have to go to the gym!  Have a great Saturday everyone!!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Not so bad here in AZ!  We have had some nice storms that cool it off.  My temp regulation is so wacko that I am one sceond cold in AC and craving the AC the next.  HOpe everyone has terrific vacations!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, I started back with my trainer today and showed her how I was doing my free weights and she had so many helpful suggestions about how to do it better, it was great!!  I also kept track of what I was eating and gave her that list too to see if she can suggest something. Oh yeah, I ordered a belly dancing DVD from the library.  Here we can order them through the library website and they send an email when it is delivered to my local library.  Tax dollars at work!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Omaz i am jelous of your library system! We dont have that here, we can suggest books for them to get but there is no sharing between any branches cuz we only have one LOL oh and on multiple occations i went in to check out books to discover i have these huge fines for books that i "still have at home" and lo and behold they are on the shelf (they are audio books and they are right next to the check out desk so i can see them! LOL) its like they get re-shelved without being scanned in- but they have been nice enough to remove the fines though...

    its 2:30 in the am here, i am too excited to sleep LOL, after church tomorrow i drive up to san antonio cuz i have to get my herceptin monday and then i fly out tues... for some reason i am so nervous- like butterflies in my stomach lol have no clue why!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Morning Everyone!

    Omaz:  Thats great that you were able to get back with your trainer.  You will love the belly dancing.  Its really different and fantastic for the abs!

    Texas:  I hope you managed to get some sleep.  It's great that you are getting away from home and anything that might remotely remind you of treatment or breast cancer.  Have a great deserve it!

    I am heading off to the beach with the kids today and I will wear a bathing suit for the first time in about 15 years.  Still a little lumpy in areas, but now I feel like I am just one of those "average" body 49-year-old moms, just a little overweight.  Bought a size 12 bathing suit yesterday and I'm heading out!  Of course, I will lather on the sunscreen!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
