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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lady:  I remember that guy!!!!!! I agree with Lizzy, be patient.  It does seem like ages ago when I felt like that.  It all comes back, not as quickly as you would like, but it gradually does happen.  Just revel in the fact that you are finally done!  And take it easy!

    Rachel:  Have fun with the spinning, great move starting that! You will have to report back.  I have never done spinning, but might want to give it a try one of these days.  Actually, I could probably do that sooner after my surgery than I could do my aerobics..def might try to find some spin classes if you enjoy it.

    Lizzy:  So when is your surgery?  Mine is scheduled for September 9.  Had my presurgical testing today, so I am good to go!  Thanks for your advice regarding the mastectomy.  I gave it some long hard thought, but I just can't see me way clear to doing it right now because of the financial issues.  But believe me, one more problem and I am having a bilateral!!!  Looking forward to working towards recovery with you...LOL!

    Texas:  So, how does it feel having homework again...LOL!! Are you enjoying class so far?  It is really great that you are taking this time to work towards a nursing degree.  What a wonderful thing to come out of this crappy disease.  Your experiences will make you an amazing nurse!

    Have a great day everyone!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Debbie - What are they doing for your surgery?

    Port out is a lot easier than port in!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady---It took me a little while to start gaining my energy after chemo--You have gone through a lot in the last are doing amazing...I can barely drag myself shopping any day!

    Debbi---YEP, survived the first spin---it was really good. I enjoyed it....great cardio but no impact on my joints which I was suffering from. My butt is going to hurt. I think that I will enjoy this....I am going to a smaller gym that specializes in spin and pilates. I have to do something...I'm excited for something new.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    rachel - my 'trainer' has been showing me some pilates - it really works!  I haven't tried spin but the classes at the club are always filled.  Everyone comes out sweaty.  What is the idea behind it?
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    The spin is like bike riding...up and down mountains. It seems to be a good cardio without the impact on joints like running. We did approx 11km. I went at my own pace and was extremely sweaty and was pretty sore in my butt area this AM. Will be going a couple of days a week to hopefully build up my cardio which is really crappy right now!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Sptmm: my surgery is going to be mid to late September.   Yes, we can recover together but, of course, mine is going to take another 4-6 months!  Good times, woman. Did you see there is another hurricane tracking as Irene did?  They say we don't have to worry about that one for 10 days...oh, great, that is a relief!  OMG-the beach house I lived in up until about 3 years ago was all but demolished.  Glad I did not have to deal with that!   Did you lose power?  I never lost any power...I really lucked out.  

    Rachel: scary spinning story!   I was at a Spinning class at Bally's where they had a dedicated room for spinning that was dark and they also turned the lights off.  There was a little light that filtered in from some small windows that ran across the top of the wall.  In any case, there was one guy that was always going bananas and because he was very slender I just figured he was a cyclist that did spinning in cold/inclement weather to keep in shape.  One day he was flailing back and forth while still on the bike and his arms like went in the air and then he stopped flailing and just slumped over the bike.  He had a stroke during the class and could not get himself off the bike because he wore the buckles and cycling shoes to keep his feet locked on the pedals during class.  It was the scariest thing I ever saw in my life.  I will never, ever forget that.   He really worked anaerobically, however, and 90% of the people doing spinning don't do that.  Spinning is an excellent workout and great for getting your cardio more conditioned.  Continue to enjoy and get the ass pad and bring it with you until the soreness goes away.  Problem is if you don't you might convince yourself you don't want to go because of the pain! 

    Omaz:  What I really loved about spinning is the higher-end gyms normally have a dedicated spin studio where they keep it dark, cool and play loud music while someone guides you through a spin.  The best spin class ever was in CT where the woman was pretty well-traveled and she would talk us through different cities she was familiar with!  It was fun.  I love the fact that the lights are off and the music is loud....I just totally get lost in it.  You might want to tray it and go at your own pace.  All they tell you is move your tension up a 1/2 or full turn and so it really is designed for everyone.  

    Calamtykel and Ckptry: have not heard from you two.  I hope you are ok.  I saw some pics of central NJ and it did not look good.   Post soon so we know you are both ok.  Hope all is well.

    Texas: YO!  WOMAN!   what is going on?  You are too school for us now?!??!   Hope you are doing well.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Totally forgot to post this before....I am having phone drama!  Verizon does not have a new blackberry and I kind of needed a new phone so I thought I would give Palm a try.  Wrong idea!  I am actually returning it today and because I gave my old Blackberry away, I am now back on my old, antiquated Palm Treo 755p!  In any case, I passcoded and could not remember, for the life of me, the passcode.  I was about to do a hard reset when out of nowhere I picked up the phone and put in a passcode and it worked!  My fingers were moving across the keys and, to be honest, I did not even know where they were going with this!  Additionally, my password clue was "blackberry password!" and this is also a passcode I have never used before, in any variation.  I can only think this "stoppage" and subsequent release of the information can only be compliments of chemobrain!   It was the weirdest thing. 

    What's worse is now I have to go to a Droid or something else while I wait for RIMM to make VZ a new Blackberry! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie---Holy S*** crazy story. I feel bad but I actually started to laugh in your story----it was more out of what the h*** than funny. Crazy.

    I was asked to paint shoes for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation...the shoes are supposed to describe what I am "running" for during the upcoming run in October. I am about the least creative person I know (Hello...went to Uni for math!!!) but gave it my best! They will be on display at the Bata shoe Museum in Toronto with hundreds of other "breast cancer survivor" shoes.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Rachel - awesome shoes!!!

    Lizzy - I have a Samsung Galaxy phone and love it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Well, I have heard it all now!  A man in SC can't get coverage for **his** bc because he has marginal healthcare through his job and in SC only "women" get covered for bc by medicaid. 

    Unbelievable.  Cancer is cancer, whether you have ovaries or not.

    Rachel: those shoes look AWESOME!!!!!!!!   In fact, they kind of look like they could be cycling sneakers!  As for the guy in spinning, it was awful.  It was months before people at the gym started talking about him and discussing his rather slow, and only partial, recovery.   Pushing yourself too much is just not good: if you have to lose weight/that is your goal, you should only ever be working at 60% of your max heart rate except for when doing an intensity workout which for short periods of time during the workout you jack your heart rate to keep your body wondering!  I don't know what his point was.  I am sure it was not to end up as he did.

    Omaz: I have been on PDAs for over a decade and really love Blackberry.   Thanks for the info on the Galaxy.  I think my next stop is the Droid 3 which I really did not want to go to Droid but I have no choice at this point because there is no way I am going to the Iphone (principle!) and I don't like the new "curve in disguise!" Blackberry has come out with recently.   You know, Lancome discontinues colors of lipstick/gloss as does Clinique and everyone else, Bath and Body Works discontinues soaps and body lotions too regularly (I loved Kitchen Spice and they discontinued that and NEVER replaced it!) and my frustration continues right into this cell phone industry!  One thing I can say about Iphone is they just keep making a great idea even better.   These other companies could learn something from them!  I am so completely tired of chasing fragrances, cosmetics and cell phones!  Bath and Body Works was the best when they promised me that they would sell that soap at the semiannual clearance.  Of course I lined up and NO Kitchen Spice!  Perhaps you will be happy to know I am done with this rant, Omaz!!!

    My concern over not hearing from Kel and Carolyn wages on.  I can only suspect they have had some hurricane damage and are also still out of power.  FEMA was in CT yesterday and one thing the news reported was that FEMA is pledging help but that the entire entity we call FEMA is almost tapped out.  I can't believe the govt might not have funds to give to the states to get through this hurricane damage.  I guess after the terrible winter and the tornadoes that tore up several parts of our country so far this year have run those funds dry.  These are truly unprecedented times we are living in.   

    I hope you all have a lovely day!  I am really curious about JSW...I know she moved to bama but it has been a long time since we heard from her. I can't help but think about her regularly.  Perhaps one of these days we will get an update! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    One more thing! I receive emails about bc developments and I just wanted to put this link out there as a reminder to everyone about how anti-depressants actually have many benefits for bc patients and which ones work the best vs those that negatively interract with tamox. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Liz Thanks for the concern, we are fine. It really seemed to vary form even block to block, but we had no flooding/power loss or damage except for some branches to clean up . I''ve just been busy with the kids home , wanted to do fun stuff before school starts. Went to Land of Make Believe today and they had alot of fun.

    I hope everyone else fared as well in the hurricane and Kel is ok. It was all over here by Sun. morning (repaorts had said it would hit Sunday originally) so the kids were disappointed that  they slept through it. DH slept like a baby too,  I was the only one awake. Someone had to keep watch;-)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Hope everyone is doing well.

    Rachel:  That spin sounds great, I think I might try it.  My son has been talking about doing it at a gym nearby, I think maybe we will try it together.  I love those colorful!! What a nice project. 

    Omaz:  For my surgery the doctor will be removing the seroma and the duct that leads to it, as well as a margin of the tissue surrounding the seroma.  It will all be sent for pathology to make sure there is no cancer brewing.  Should be pretty much the same as my first surgery he said.  So, now instead of a boob and a half...I will have a boob and a quarter.  On the pilates...I do a yogatone class that I LOVE.  It is such a great combination.  I haven't done pilates yet. 

    Carolyn:  Were you able to get the kids the services you wanted for this upcoming school year?  You guys certainly sound like you have having a fun month...great way to end the summer. 

    Lizzy:  I heard the coastline of CT got hit pretty bad, much like ours.  My daughter's friend goes to University of New Haven.  They were evacuated and they still haven't been told when they are going back.  As for the Droid, my son and daughter both got one of them recently but ended up switching to the Iphone because they hated the Droids...just a warning.  Funny story about your passcode, good thing your fingers don't seem to be suffering from chemo brain..LOL. 

    Nothing much going on around here.  Just life as usual.  Taylor is all settled in at college and Kieran is getting ready to start high school. oldest daughter is getting married on September 18 so that has been keeping us busy.  Her and her boyfriend have been looking for a house for six months or so and when they finally found one and went for final approval on the VA mortgage in his name, they didn't get as much as they needed.  So, they decided to get married  so they can put her name and income on the mortgage to and then get what they need.  As a good Irish Catholic, I am glad they are going to be married before moving into their new home, but I am not a fan of this rush ceremony and getting married to buy a house.  But, I am there for support and it should be a nice ceremony.  Its going to be in his parents back yard.  Anyway, that is my news for now.  Have a great weekend everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors-

    Question: for those of you still suffering from hot flashes, does anyone notice what times they are more severe than others or what, if anything, triggers them?  I have noticed I get wicked flashes after I eat.   It is bothering me and I want to know if anyone else is having that issue.  

    Sptmm: that is so funny that you let us know your dd is getting married on the 18th in an "oh, by the way" manner!!!!!!   Very funny!   Listen, if they were going to get married anyway, and with interest rates this low, I don't blame them one bit for getting married.   Get the most house they can at these prices.   When I was talking to my GP about healthcare and desperation in this country he told me 2 of his patients actually DID get married after having been together for a while because of the healthcare advantages.  Marriage is a partnership so there is nothing wrong with introducing a little business sense into the arrangement.  As for our Irish-Catholicism, yes indeed, this marriage business is a much, much better idea than LIVING IN SIN!!!!! 

    UNH students actually went to the shore of West Haven to clean up today.  My aunt lives there.   UNH is a good school and they have a great, great gym/student center blah blah whatever it is called!  That campus has literally exploded over the past decade with buildings going up and growth.  It is a good school.  I am trying to talk my nephew into going there for forensics, which they are known for, but he insists he wants to go into the service (...) and then become a state cop.  After CT laid off a whole bunch of troopers recently, I took advantage of that to remind him about going to school. 17, of course, he knows it all just as I did!!!!!!!  

    Deb, I hope you have a great weekend as well.   I sure hope there is not going to be another hurricane (Katia) next weekend!  Enjoy while you can, Deb! 

    Ckptry: I am so glad you are fine and that you were busy doing fun stuff (Land of Make Believe...I always wanted to go!) with the kids instead of doing hurricane clean-up!   Good to hear from you.

    Lady: I hope you are feeling stronger every day.  So glad you are done.

    Well, my sleep has been awful so I am going to retire after the news.  

    Good night, all-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My hot flashes were really bad after my rad hyst last year....seemed all the time. I will get them p from time to time now....I will be sitting watching tv and then whoosh....a hot flash...then gone. My gyn onco sId that they may last up to a year or so and then gradually subside. They really suck.

    Debbi...congrats on your daughter getting married and their new house. I know our interest rates are cheap here also so makes sense to get the house.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi ladies, just want to wish everyone a good holiday weekend. I'm looking forward to football season. I'm missing JSW, she was my football fan buddy. Wonder where she is?

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lady  same to you!! I'm wondering if some people just leave around the one yesr mark (or sooner). Seems we've really thinned out.

    Debbi Thanks for asking about the school. We got the IEP and they put things that we had firmly agreed upon under "if appropriate and feasible" ; which we know means they're going to worm out of it. We have our advocate working on it.  Hope all goes well with your daughter's wedding!! I can see your worry but hopefully things will work out. Buying a house seems like they're off to a responsible start.

    I have my 2 nephews over tonight (13and 11). Aidan is over the moon:-)

  • Hey all - just a brief log on!  I finally got back online yesterday.

    It's a long story.  We were without power and water for days.  Many many friends and family are still without and they are being told "sometime next week" they "should" have power (and water since we are all on well water.)  

    the devastation is huge.  This is a video someone took of our little town here. We had incredible damage and flooding in our area.  Our house is okay - some water in the basement, and the generator surged with a broken circuit and it fried my computer and hot water heater.  :(  :(

    Two trees fell down in the road pulling wires with them on our st and then a telephone pole fell too, taking more wires with it.  There are still trees lying in the road -- JCP&L dropped the ball and turned down out of state contractors (so the story goes) early last week, so they were unprepared for this horror show.

  • Carolyn - glad you made it to LOMB!  Isn't it a great place?  I'm surprised it had power!! We have friends and family in Hope and they are still without - about 300 people in hope still don't have power.  We are about 10 minutes from Land of Make Believe.  :)  

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    kel -we'll have to meet there sometime! I am so sorry you were hit so hard. My sister lives in Cranford- just about 15 min from me and it is so sad to see people's  belongings packed on the lawns block after block.  My sister is ok. She said it looked like the river was running down the street but for them it receded after a few hours. Other's are still struggling and have lost so much.  Cranford lost their town hall/ police headquarters and the schools can't open as planned next week.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend!

    Rachel: the hot flashes are cumbersome. It just seems to me that they get going after I eat in particular. I guess I am alone on this one! Thanks for letting me know what your experience has been. There is so much going on with my body since chemo that I never had before like pains all over my stomach, both left and right, a cough I can't seem to get rid of, my stomach "gurgles" which is something totally new and alternating numbness in my hands. Of course, if I mention this to the onc I will be told immediately that all of that has NOTHING to do with chemo! But of course it doesn't.....!

    How does it feel to be back to work?  I can only imagine it gives you definition in your life again. It is all good.

    Lady: I hope you are having a nice weekend also. On JSW, I do agree with Carolyn that we have thinned out on this thread and, to be honest, I am pleasantly surprised we all lasted over a year now and that a few of us still do post. In any case, JSW is not the type to just fall off. She is concerning me. It is my most sincere hope that all of us have given at least some information to a family member to post for us in case something was to happen etc... I am getting pretty concerned about her. I am hopeful it is just the move to bama and the house-selling and traveling that has kept her busy and away from this thread.

    Did you make it to the lake house? I sure hope so! Take it easy on the water skiing, wonder woman!

    Ckptry: how are things going with Aidan and his "retraining?" Just wondering. I hope he is having a nice weekend with his cousins. Hope you are having a nice weekend as well.

    I have friends in different parts of NJ and the experiences seem to vary widely. That is good, however, as total decimation is disproportionally unfair!

    Calamtykel: please, say it isn't so? I can't believe your water heater and computer were zapped???? You poor, poor woman. I feel for you, Kel. It is just, and very unfortunately, one thing after another for you. There were parts of the shore in CT that were totally wiped out. House washing off into the ocean and now tear-downs because they are not inhabitable. I can't believe the devastation.

    I hope you managed to have a little fun this weekend. What a ludicrous notion I put forth in light of what you have been through but I know a little fun goes a long way also.

    Best of luck, Kel.

    Omaz: having a good weekend? I hope you are doing well.

    Sptmm: going to the chapel and her daughter's getting married! Hope you are having a nice weekend. I actually got some sun and am now a little lobster-ish and it feels good after having spent the summer hiding from the sun to avoid adding another "c" to my life!!!!!!!

    An awful byproduct of this mess in CT has been looting. I mean, I can totally believe it but it sickens me that people who perhaps would not behave so scandalously are being forced to do things they normally would not because of the tremendously high unemployment in this country. Three years we have been hearing about job creation. Where the hell are these JOBS and why was our congresswoman from CT in ITALY while the shore of the county she represents was being decimated by a storm?  She left for Italy the *day* before the hurricane hit CT.  Why did Congress even take a vacation this year? Why was the president in Martha's Vineyard? 10% of the country has NO JOB and several economists maintain that number is much, much higher due to the military etc... On the war idea, some have suggested the government won't pull out of the Middle East because it will devastate our unemployment numbers to have those previously off at war now adding enormously to an already startling statistic showcasing how much worse things are than they seem. The last thing Congress and the president needed were vacations.

    Happy trails, all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Lizzy !  Do you have a surgery schduled this month?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi all,

    Lizzy I too get hot flashes after I eat. Bless my two remote control fans. I think my hot flashes are slowing down a bit now and hope that continues.  Your new numbness in your hands may be due to the antihormonal you are taking. Also YES  YES  YES Neuropathy absolutely does come from chemo.

    Good luck with your surgery. I hope it is simply boring!  

    My nephew just started college at American University in WA DC. In the first week he had an earthquake and hurricane and then his mom, my SIL, had her gallbladder removed yesterday. I am hoping this is all the interesting events he will suffer for awhile. He is such a bright and good kid.  He actually wants to go into politic to make a difference. You know, that makes me worried for him.

    I hope all of you who are dealing with the leavings of hurricane Irene are spared any events relating to the new one moving east. Regarding water you can go ahead and store some now. A drop of bleach per gallon allows you long term storage. If you store water in your tub try putting plastic wrap around the plug to make the seal better. Test it now, and be sure.

    Hugs to everyone


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy Aidan went a full week without an accident. I gave him Star Wars underwear :-)  I'm just trying to take it as it comes and hope he's past this some day. I didn't realize you had a surgery scheduled this month is it to remove the other te?

    lady hope you are feeling well. so glad you are done with chemo.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Well...feels like summer has come to an abrupt end here in Ontario...pretty cool tonight. Kids are heading back to school tomorrow (my oldest into Grade 7 and youngest into Grade 5). Every year I take a picture of them on the first day of school...last year, I was getting over my second chemo when school started. First day of school, we always head out to dinner as a treat....last year, I wore my wig for the first time out and was playing with it the whole time CONVINCED that people knew it was a wig. Funny how some occasion will bring back certain memories. As we all know, this week is 10 years since 9/11 and I remember where I was exactly when I heard that news...some things will stick with us forever.

    Hope everyone is well. I know that we have thinned out a lot on this thread but I still check in regularly to see how everyone is. I know that my support group from my cancer centre also thinned out a lot and now there are about 5 of us that still stay in contact.

    Hope everyone has a good week. This week, I now work everyday--still until 2pm but now everyday. It feels nice to be back at work but at the same time--I am surprised at how tired I feel.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    rachel - Good luck with school - my daughter is in 10th grade.  School here started 8/11.  I still take naps after work.  I often come home and fall asleep for 30 minutes or more then get up and go about my business.  Today I have taken 3 naps.  I am thinking perhaps it is from the waking up at night with the hot flashes and just not getting enough continuous sleep.  But who knows!!

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all

    It's back to school day here! The kids were pumped. But of course at dinner time tonight they'll both be weepy, tired kids. Gotta be ready for that!

    A TAMOXIFEN question- has anyone experienced increasing mood swings the longer you stay on it?? The day or two before my period is HORRIBLE. My onco was useless when I asked her about this...

    We've got cool weather and sunny blue skies. Hope all of you do too:)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening warriors-

    Ginger: thanks, dear! I needed to hear that someone else is getting these bedraggled hot flashes after consuming! They are something else. I had 2 while at my eye doctor today. Believe it or not, my vision has actually *improved!* That is what a long time off from work will do for you!

    Good to hear from you, Gingerbrew.  Glad you are doing well.

    Omaz: has your daughter melted?! School in AZ in early August?! Please tell me it is air conditioned...or I will immediately have another flash!

    Rachel: how is spinning going? I agree..this summer flew by. A few weddings, a few parties, a few amusement parks, a few concerts and it is GONE. Unbelievable...this was a very fast one.

    I hate to admit that I am a bit afraid to go to the 9/11 memorial this year. I just have been through so much with this cancer crap this past 1 ½ years that I can't imagine being in the throws of a terrorist attack and then having to regroup mentally, physically and emotionally from all of this. I am so deeply ambivalent. If I did not battle bc these past number of months, I would be ready to go. I want to see the reflection pools, to see my boyfriend's name on the memorial and to go with my very good friend who lives in lower Manhattan and who is actually alive because he was running late for work. I kind of want to go but I just don't know what I will do. In the end, I agree with you that I will never forget where I was. 9/11 was to our generation what JFK-is-dead was to our parent's generation. It drudges up a lot of memories...a lot.

    Sweeney: I notice lately my temper is a bit shorter. Mind you, I am not long on patience anyway. It is so hard to play "pin the tail on the cause" because all of these things are the result of a confluence of events like for you it might be work/family stress and you are just feeling it more. I think tamox heightens the experience of extreme emotions. I also don't have my cycle but I am sure if I did, it would be a much worse exorcism than it used to be! I will never forget my last fiancé, if we were having a *discussion,* would walk over to the calendar and say "babe, is it that time again?" and would drag his finger along the dates!!!!!!! That, my friend, was tantamount to disaster!!!! I would have "extra" headaches after those little episodes!!! After all, you want to aggravate me so therefore there is no robbery in fair exchange!!! He he he! at the eye doctor the optician was wicked ADD and I was really losing my patience there! I was sooo hoping she would get another customer and all she had to find out about was my bc and she never shut up again about how she knows 14,000 people who have had it blah, blah, blah.... I was about to put a pencil through my temple! I don't know if it is tamox or just life?!

    It is rainy and cold here, like the Fall...kind of nice.

    Well, I hope everyone is doing well and had nice, long weekends. Good times, girls, good times! Remember where we all were last year at this time?! Gross!

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Hi all!

    Haven't been able to read through all the posts.  I have been trying to take a little break from the boards.  I tend to work myself up into having brain mets, liver mets, or bone mets on a daily basis.  I have decided to seek some counseling to help me deal with my fear of reoccurance.  We will see if that works!

    Lady - so glad you are done!!!!!!!!  

    Lizzy - It sounds like you are having surgery soon.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Sweeney - I sometimes think Tamox is the devil.  I was doing alright for months, but I have to wonder how many side effects are actually linked to it!  Like the longer you are on it, the more time it has to disrupt your body.  Much like the chemo side effects that seemed to be cumulative.  I do get headaches, body stiffness and mood swings/quick temper.  It does seem to be somehow related to times in my cycle.  I am thinking about having my other breast off this fall so I will not need to take it (and for my piece of mind).  I see a surgeon Monday to discuss that and maybe some new boobs!

    Hope you all have a great day.  Although I think of you all often and pray we stay healthy, I am glad to not be in a place where, like last year, I needed to be here everyday.  You ladies have been an awesome support group!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - ARE you having surgery??? and when?

    Hugs Michelle!