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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ok, this is total vanity but I gotta ask - I still have half-eyebrows - is anyone else still having trouble with their eyebrow hair coming back?
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Debbi hope you're feeling good again today!

    Omaz- I haven't had that issue with my eyebrows but my sister in law who went through all of this at the same time as us, is grappling with that too. It's driving her nuts. And there's a woman at my work who shared with me that she's never had eyebrows, a milder firm of alopecia? Anyway she showed me how she pencils them in, short little brush strokes that look like hair, I would NEVER have known. At least you've got half, that's a good sign that things are still working, but maybe just a bit more time!:)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    Omaz:  YES, YES, YES!!!!!!  When I used the box to color my hair I used an old trick my mom taught me years ago which is to outline your eyebrows w/vaseline and then use a little of the hair dye to match your eyebrows.   The vaseline keeps the dye, presumably, from permanently staining the skin.  Well, it works!  I was able to color in my sparse eyebrows and make them look a bit more lush however, they are thin.   I also have started seeing these commercials about eyelashes thinning after 40....I have no clue that happens!   

    You have company is sparse brow land, woman!  

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Omaz  yes my brows are much thinner. I'll never have to have them waxed again. I forget to fill them in and then I see pictures of myself and I look more 'washed out' with sparser brows. I'm annoyed b/c my eyelashes came back and they are much shorter. I used to have really long lashes that curled on their own.  And it's not vanity -I was pissed all summer about my missing toenail:-)  I tell my dh this bc hits you from head (hair) to toe (nail)!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I am with you Omaz!! My eyebrows have definite bald spots, and my eyelashes are nowhere near as thick or long as they were before.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Thanks!!  Good to know it's not just me!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My eyebrows are also a little sparse....have to use eyebrow pencil every day to "fill" them in! My hair is growing all crazy-like....really need a lesson in learning how to style this short, crazy hairdo that I have going.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hey Everyone! A while back everyone was discussing a good book that I had wanted to get.  I think by a doctor who had brain cancer?  It sounded really interesting.  My son got me a Nook Color for my bday yesterday, so I wanted to find out the title of that book so I can download it.  Anyone remember?



  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Ooooooooh!! A Nook Colour?? I'm envious! Great birthday present idea.:) what a smart son:)

    Sadly I can't even remember what I ate for lunch, my memory is still shot from chemo. So no useful help from me on the book title. But it sounds interesting. Anyone else reading anything good?

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi Debbi,     It's called   "Anticancer A new way of Life" by David-Servan Schrieber. I started it and it's good. I took it out of the library but I'm going to buy it b/c I need to highlight and take my time:-)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    How are you all?! I hope everyone is having a good night.

    Sptmm: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! That is great that he got you a Nook color. I am very happy for you. I have so many friends hooked on the Nooks of the electronic marketplace....perhaps I might try it someday!

    I, too, am going to get that book. Like Omaz I like to highlight, dog ear and take my time with books like that.

    I hope you had a great birthday and are doing well post-surgery.

    Rachel: my hair is crazy also...don't like it! I think we should start a "jealous of Sweeney hair" club! Her hair looks like it is growing back in perfectly! I wore a sun visor today and some kids were LAUGHING at my hair. I mean, of course, I don't care and laughed with them but it is a mess!

    Omaz: I will read that in a few minutes and it seems like there are many news pieces lately about bc and developments lately. I guess it is because we are coming up on October.

    How is your port removal scar coming along? Mine is still very pronounced. I don't think the nurse knew what she was doing. Someone told me I was a :keloid and that is why it is healing the way it is. That is the *only* scar that looks like that, however! I don't know if this :keloid business affects all scars differently. I failed to ask.

    As for a cure, a friend of a friend is an MD. I saw them this past weekend. It seems to be generally held that there probably will never be a cure but rather detection will get better and that will help them treat it more effectively. It seems logical in any case.  Who knows?!

    I hope you all have a good night.  Almost time for "America's Got Talent" finale!   BTW, if any of you are Sinatra/Martin fans, you should watch.  There is a guy on this show that sounds JUST like SInatra...he is amazing!

    Later, gators!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy, my scar is raised still.  Looks better in the middle than on the ends.  Kindof bunchy yet.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    The "jealous of Sweeney" hair club should find a better model! I now have 1979 feathery wings coming out the sides of my head. I look like an extra from CHIPS....;)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My hair is hard to describe...sticks out all over. It is growing and is kind of full style and I would like it to grow out more so hate the thought of another cut.

    Books....I have a kindle but still buy some paper books....not sure why but I do like the "feel" of reading...does that make sense? I was reading that Emperor of Maladies book but was sidetracked.....I am now reading a book called Rules of Civility...set in same time as that show Boardwalk Empire (love that show). I also belong to a book group that is just a bunch of friends that read chick lit...easy reading. I used to read a lot but didn't through chemo so am happy to have the attention span to do it again.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Evening Everyone!

    Thanks Carolyn!! I downloaded the book and started reading this morning. The author sounds very in line with my own philosophies and thoughts, so I look forward to seeing what he has to present.

    Omaz: That article is very interesting. My onco said they will switch me over to aromatase inhibitors after I have been without a period for a year, so sometime in January or so. I guess they assume at that point that you are in menopause.

    On the hair: Mine is growing in quite nicely and I love the way it looks during the day, after I have slept on it to flatten it out over night. However, the minute I go outside in the humidity, god turns into Insta-Fro. It was so bad after my walk tonight that I wore a hat to go pick up Kieran, for fear my Afro would embarass him in front of his friends...LOL. I sure hope that the Chemo Curl goes away soon.

    Sweeney: The hair looks pretty darn nice in that avatar picture!

    Lizzy: How was the America's Got Talent finale? I read an interesting article the other day, regarding detection of cancer. The author proposed that the cancer rates are not really increasing, rather detection is getting so much better that more people are being diagnosed. I didn't really buy the whole argument, but he does have a point, especially with regard to breast cancer. A lot of the Stage 0 cancer that is diagnosed these days (DCIS) may not have ever gone any further so these people would not have been diagnosed as having "cancer" in the old days. Same with the early stage prostate cancer. All in all, a very interesting article. I can't remember where I read it but I will try to back track for you guys.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. I am going to go read some more on my Nook, I love the fact that I can just click a button and get a book. No need to go to the bookstore, it is great!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - my onc has the same tam switch plan as you decribe.  My hair is just plain fluffy fluffy fluffy!!!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My hair is curly curly crazy curly. If I were to comb it out it would be totally Bozo the clown. It is all between 3 and 4 inches long. I need to get to a salon for a cut but I don't know what style to even ask for because it is that weird. Did I mention that it is very curly?

    I recently saw a photo of me from 2004 and I look like a different person, like I had another daughter.  The docs told me that this would age me, but good God this is bad. I don't look like my mother, I look like my Grandma. I know it is partially weight because I was much thinner then, thanks to the Haitian parasite diet. I was surprised to see how very good I looked then, I had no idea. It is hard to accept I haqve aged so very much.  I suppose if I color my hair it will help some. Weight loss too. I am alive, this is good. I need to work on gratitude today and this will flow more easily.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Girls: I've always had very curly hair, so I'll give you a couple of tips. Be sure you condition it when you shampoo because curly is more porous and needs the conditioning. And use a good product, gel worked better for me than mousse. Use plenty of product, don't be skimpy. And as Gingerbrew has discovered - don't brush or comb, it just makes it frizzy. Just put your product on, use your fingers to do whatever "styling" you can, and leave it alone to dry in place.

    Debbi: Dr. Servan-Schriber, the Anticancer Book author, unfortunately died about 2 months ago. But he lived with his brain tumor for something like 17 years. I read the book and it is good sense information, nothing bizarre or hard to do. There is also a web site,

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    I think all this talk of hair jinxed me. Max came home from school yesterday with LICE!! so all of us are using the special shampoo and the washing machine has been running forever. Never thought I'd look back on my bald head longingly...:)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lady thanks for the conditioner tip LOL my husband who has curly hair had told me if i conditioned my hair it wouldnt be so poofy i didnt believe him LOL (like what do guys know) i finally did use conditioner- which to me seemed like a waste on my 2 inch long hair LOL anyhow it WORKED!

    sweeny- made my head crawl! i have had my share of bouts with headlice growing up and i know the pains to get rid of it, i am so thankful that neither of my kids have had it but know anyone can be affected!

    sad that the author and died that was one of the first books i read after being dx'd! Very good info- also anyone see that documentry called forks over knives? its on netflix as a watch now- very good info too

    I have an appointment to see an nutrtionist at the end of the month- any tips calmaity? i chose one over the other cuz the first one said she didnt believe in an animal free diet. Not that eating meat is wrong cuz lord knows i have eaten many a cow! LOL but i am chosing to go back to my vegetarian livestyle and dont know if going to a person that doesnt beleive in it will give me advice i can follow. also my insurance doenst cover it so its out of pocket....

  • Tex -- My nutritionist is really more of a herbalist - he uses chinese herbs and homeopathic remedies and now he's doing some new stuff that is helping me a lot - using desensitization therapy, since he's a chiropractor.  It's done with a spinal clicker and desensitizes the body using homeopathic remedies against the body at the same time.  He does laser therapy on accupressure points, etc.,  Mostly what he does is to re-energize the body.  I hurt my neck really bad so he's been doing a little chiropractic on it since he's also a chiropractor.  

    Mainly he does not focus on nutrition except to push the veggies, whole foods and staying away from processed stuff.  I only eat beef that's organic or grass fed - -and that is rarely since it's so expensive. I  eat minimal chicken - and not much fish.  No cane sugar or wheat at all - except for moments of weakness. ;)    I try to steer clear of GMO's.  Lots of eggs - raw milk, raw cheese and tons and tons of greens.  I'm at the point to where my body chemisty has so changed that I find that I cannot go a day without a lot of greens.  I'm actually picking dandelion greens and juicing it daily since the kale is on its way out.  I drink organic carrot juice, etc.  

     So I guess my nutritionist is really out of the box- he learns new things all the time since he's constantly going to these seminars-, so he's always got something new up his sleeve.  Right now he's detoxing me from radium - we've already done all the other heavy metals.....

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Well hello again, Chemosabes! I'm sure I'm a blast from the past, but lately I've really been missing you, and felt the need to check in, see how folks are doing, and also get a little support for myself.  I've read a lot of posts, but obviously don't know everything that's going on.  It sounds as if cancer-wise most are basically doing okay.  There have been a few posts from the last month or so that I thought I would chime in on.  

    Rachel: I'm very impressed that you're running in a race next month.  Which race, and where? Also, I'm curious, When did you start training again, and how was it? I've been a runner all my life, love running marathons, and I have had the hardest time with itever since about my third or fourth chemo Tx. My bocy is still extremely weak, and my cardio health very depleted.  Any advise?

    Hot flashes: What a joy! A few things, if you don't already know... Yes, food can definitely trigger hf's, but the thing is, it's not necessarily the same food for eveybody.  You have to figure out which foods are affecting you. Next, you all may know this already, but the antidepressant Effexor works very well for most of the women who use it for hf's.  Also, as far as psychiatric drugs go (somethings I have A LOT of experience with), there are relatively few side effects.  Happily, one of them is increased energy and alertness.  Also, the drug gabapentin (generic for Neurontin), has also been shown to be very usefull with hot flashes and body temperature regularity in general.  You may have heard of this drug during or after Tx, because it's primary use is to treat neuropathic pain, such as peripheral neuropathy.  I've heard from a few sources that it's success rate in terms of hot flashes is above 30%.  Sorry if y'all knew all this already.  

    Sweeney and others, I am not on Tamox myself. but I did research it before beginning my aromatase inhibitors, and yes, mood swings occur frequently.

    Now for my check-in.  The months since Tx ended have been in some ways harder to endure than chemo was.  A big part of that was how much my body changed.  Like most, I had gained weight during chemo, but I gained even more post-chemo, i.e. during AI treatment.  A little caveat here; I have struggled with anorexia nervosa all of my life since I was 12, so while no one wants to gain weight, for me, I actually have to make a choice between my eating disorder and my cancer treatment.  I cannot begin to explain to you just how torturous the weight gain has been.  I am 5' 7", and when I began Tx, I weighed 98 pounds.  I was told by my then oncologist that if I didn't gain weight, or if during Tx I ever lost any weight, she would discontinue chemo.  Ao I did what I had to do.  I ate.  And since that day, in this way, every week has brought me psychologically down just a little bit.  Now, after chem and approximately 8 months of aromatase inhibitors I weigh 166.  That is a number I NEVER thought I would get to, and if I did, well, it would be very bad.  So weight, and with it, losing my formerly athletic, running, strong body, and melding into this spare-tired, weak, old, painful body has been far worse than the disease or the treatment itself.

    Also, you may or may not remember, that I came out of my surgeries with a serious case of lymphedema.  Well, it didn't get any better.  Instead, worse,  I have been giving myself manual drainage massage every day since sometime lastAugust.  I have been through seven custom-fitted compression garments, and when those weren't enough, would carefully wrap my hand and arm, according to very specific directions with about two-inch thick layers of different kinds of bandages., and, finally, I have been seeing an occupational therapist since last July sometimes five times a week, and when I was lucky, only two or three times.  I feel like my occupational therapist is like my best friend now!

    Because of these things, I never got to feel like I was done with treatment.  And of course, now I am in hormonal Tx, which doesn't seem to be working out.  I've already switched from Arimidex to Aromasin because I was in so much pain on Arimidex that I literally could not climb stairs or even lift myself out of a chair without something firm to hold onto. I haven't been on Aromasin very long, but the same side effects are already beginning.  I'm not sure I will be able to continue hormonal Tx.

    I'm sorry to dump all this on you, especially since I haven't even been around for so long. But I haven't yet told you the worst part.  Some recent tests have revealed a very real possibility that my bc has metastesized to my liver.  And I'm scared to death.  I don't know yet if it's even true, but my liver enzymes are elevated along with my monocytes (which are often linked to liver diseas or damage), and I have most of the symptoms of liver-related cancer.  Now, I take a lot of medications because I am also bipolar, and that requires a cocktail of several classes of drugs. And I've had other health issues lately.  So there could be a hundred other reason for the labs and the symptoms.  Still, I'm scared to death.  Don't worry, I'm not panicking.  I haven't made up my mind that the news will be bad and that I'll be dead in two months! I am handling it, and taking care of myself through the inevitable waiting that seems to be inherent in any disease diagnosis.  I'm doing everything I can to keep myself busy and distracted so that my mind doesn't go crazy with horrible scenarios.  In fact, that kind of reaction really isn't a part of my personality.  I tend to be pretty mellow about things. And to tell you the God's honest truth, even when I was first diagnosed I can't say I ever actually experienced fear.  My only fear, I think, was worrying about my husband. But this time I'm scared.  Metestatic bc is a whole new ball game, as you know.  And any cancer that involves the liver never has a good prognosis, if there is a prognosis at all! 

    So, I truly apologize for going on so long, and for showing up on your doorsteps in the shape I'm in.  I hope you can believe, that while I did think of this group as a good way to get some support through this, I also still care about each of you deeply, have never forgotten any of you, and want to be here for you too.

    Thanks for letting me go on (not that you really had a choice).


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Whitney - Welcome back!!!  I am sorry you are going through these things but I am glad to hear from you again!!  Sound slike you have been through so much.  The LE is a real bummer.  I had a bout of cording with LE during rads that fortunately has resolved.  I still wear my sleeve/gauntlet and do massage when needed and things seem stable.  I thought since I only had two nodes removed I would not have to worry about LE but apparently rads can trigger it.  I also gained weight during treatment.  Now am sticking to weightwatchers points online and it seems to be helping with slow weight loss.  I don't know if something like that would interest you but it's pretty easy to follow and you can eat all the fresh fruit and vegies that you want without tracking them.  ((((hugs to you))))))
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Wherria----Glad to hear from you and to see your update. Firstly, I am in the Run for the Cure in October but won't be running. I was running 3 times per week before my diagnosis but throughout my treatment--I was pretty tired and lazy and also gained weight. When I started working out again in March--I had a real hard time with running....I am guessing my joints had a hard time. Therefore, I have started spinning instead and walking on those days where I am not spinning. I think that it will be a while before I am back to my "pre-chemo" fitness etc and I have grown to accept that and be OK with that...was hard to accept at first.

    I'm sorry to hear about your liver. I am guessing that they will do some sort of biopsy to confirm? I can't pretend to know much about mets etc but I am hoping that there are many other reasons why your labs could be elevated? I will keep my fingers crossed that it is something completely NOT cancer.

    Our bodies have really gone through so much during treatment. I know that my Onco said that it would take 1 year to start feeling like yourself again and he was right....but I know that I am still not back to "pre-cancer" days but am OK with that and will work through it. Whole thing sucks no matter how you look at it.

    p.s. Don't apologize for going on...that's what we are here for.....even so long after treatments etc!

  • Whitney!  I had been wondering about you a while back and hoping you were doing okay!  I'm sorry about the weight gain! :(  I actually lost weight on chemo, which was a nice "benefit" but then I gained afterward and wasn't doing a single thing differently.  I eat don't eat any sugar and have very limited carbs, and was even up to 45 minutes of running and exercise a night (until I pulled a shoulder muscle which Im' trying to recover from!) and I still gained.  Not a lot, but it was still discouraging and it's a constant battle to just stay where I am.  I think chemo just permanently  messes with our bodies in many ways.  I found out my great aunt had chemo for lymphoma (I didn't know) and it damaged her pancreas and she became diabetic.  What I'm trying to say is that none of it is your fault.  I hate the changes BC has left us with (except secretly the lack of heavy breasts pulling down my chest. ;) 

    As far as the AI's, I actually have two friends who were put on Arim and were switched to Femera because of the same side effects you are describing.  I really don't understand how these doctors just don't "get"it.  I understand that they lower our risks, but I often wonder what they would do if they were on them.

    As you may or may not know, I was unable to tolerate tamoxifen.  I was given the option of having my ovaries out and then an AI.  I knew that with my history of lyme disease and muscle and joint issues that probably would not have been an option for me.  :( 

     I'm currently going through another bout with lyme disease.  I must have been re-bit because it came roaring back - something it didn't even do when my immune system was shot on chemo.  But I'm getting a ton of muscle stiffness with it - it's hard to move in the morning and as i said, one little wrong turn and I Pulled about four muscles in my neck and shoulder.  :(  I'm being treated through my nutritionist (he needs a better title because he's really more of a naturopath) and things are slowly improving, but the emotional upheaval that lyme creates along with the physical symtoms - I understand how you must be feeling on the AI. ;(   The treatment he has me on has taken away the vision floaters and dizziness and the stomach upset, but I'm still left with a lot of stiffness. 

    As far as the liver- don't they scan for something like that if your levels are elevated?  There are several things that can make a liver count be wacky and medications are sure one of them!  I'm hoping that is the case for you - please keep us posted.  Have they also run tumor marker tests in conjunction with it?  There are women who have had liver lesions that have knocked them back with chemo and they remain stable for a long while.  

    I wish I had your attitude of not having had fear.  It is something I struggle to overcome on a daily basis.  I actually had to stop visiting these boards completely except for this chemo board.  I found myself thrown back into the fears and "what ifs" every time I read a different thread from this one.  

      Please take care of yourself and check in from time to time! :)

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi Wherria

    Firstly, it is so wonderful to hear from you. I was away from the group for awhile too. There were several months where I just needed to remove myself from all things cancer. But I'm glad you came back and I'm even happier you still know that everyone on here cares about what you're going through in a big way.

    I'm sorry you're scared. I would be too. I think Rachel and kel make some good points- our bodies are so screwed up from all of this and there is such a continuing drug cocktail going on in our systems that I m hoping it's just your liver reacting to that. Do you know when the diagnosis stage will provide some answers? And in the meantime come back here with anything you need. Each one of knows that time between the question and the answer and we all remember how terrifying it can be.

    Try and do something really nice for yourself today, just something that will relax you or make you laugh or whatever. In the meantime I'm thinking of you and sending a big hug your way:).

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    And P.S.

    How's that ridiculously cute puppy of yours doing??

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Happy Sunday, Warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well. Unbelievable weather in the northeast and I am enjoying it! Thanks, Canada, for the cool and cleansing temperatures and oh so gentle breeze!!!!!

    Omaz: thank you for reassuring me by letting me know your scar is also raised and bunchy. I had mine removed 2 months ago. Saying it is not getting better is a ludicrous statement but the protruding does not seem to be going down. Alas it is better than the port!

    Sweeney: your hair appears to be growing back in perfectly, as if it was meant to be short and knows exactly where it belongs! Accept the crown, woman! You are "OUR" hair model! Mine is getting long enough where it is no longer growing north but the sides are still sticking out so the top is going flat and I now have wings....I am glad Halloween is right around the corner!

    BTW, I had flashback funnies (where I laugh hours later) at your "Chips extra" comment!!!!!!

    Rachel: I am reading again after not having done much reading for years and zero during chemo. In the financial industry I had such a deluge of material to read, seemingly constant, that I think I just got away from reading. It is great that you have a book club of friends. I am with you also in enjoying the "feeling" of reading a book.

    Sptmm: I am undoubtedly going onto an inhibitor as well as it has been over 1 year since I had mine.

    "America's Got Talent" finale was great! Eugene won and he was the singer that sounds like Sinatra/Martin. I am so glad he won. If you have a chance, as there was a dance troupe in the finale with him called "Silhouettes," youtube them. They were an unbelievable act also. What was really cute was at the end the dance troupe of 30+ kids would crowd Eugene and hug him! He would crouch down a bit and hunker down a bit, ready for their love attack!

    I am glad you are enjoying that book, and the Nook for that matter! Your son made a great choice.

    Ginger: we all have old pictures from before this mess started. You are looking great today also because you are alive. "Puffiness" is an issue worldwide. Enjoy your look! More to this point, and an amusing little anecdote at that, my mother had on her staff 4 very wealthy women who were all from one very posh suburb here in CT working for her part-time. In any case, they were always engaged in a severe game of "one upsmanship!" One of the women, they all said, had good skin just because she was fat!!!! To be honest, she looked better than all of them! Just the other day I was watching a new sitcom on NBC where Maia Rudolph makes a good point about weight and age, as follows: you can either be thin and gaunt or have a fat ass and full/less wrinkled face! It was something to that effect. I say with age, enjoy the plump and forego the frump!

    Sweeney: awful on the lice. I hope you are getting things cleared up there. What a shame. My friend got a warning from the uber-exclusive private school about lice and "bed bugs" because of the traveling of some of the students and the tracking of bugs etc.... The school, mind you, is $20K a year. Not that spending more should matter but one would think all steps would be taken to avoid such issues. I guess, in reality, you really can't.

    Wherria!!!! Good to hear from you again!!!!!!! We are rowing the same boat on the potential for liver mets, btw. They found a mass in my liver through ultrasound and then it did not show on the CT scan. They said it might be fatty liver and that was the end of that. Well, unfortunately I am still bleeding anally and that is not from hemorrhoids, I can't even move my upper lip without my nose hurting as it is all dried out and there is blood coming from there as well, not flowing but just presenting itself in the Kleenex. I have a weird little cough that won't go, my lips have been severely for 5 months (finally going to dermatologist this week), my fingers swell, my joints hurt and then last night one of my back teeth fell out. I was STUNNED. I take impeccable care of my teeth, flossing constantly and going to the dentist semi-annually for check-ups. Needless to say, I am quite concerned as I take all of this information collectively and wonder what the heck is going on with my body. So, by all means, please, please stick around!!! We can support each other as we limp through this mine field! I think I speak for both of us when I say we never lived with the illusion we were above mets but liver mets would truly suck. Let's stay cautiously optimistic, shall we?!?!??!

    As for weight, I know it must be just horrifying for you having come from a "weight concerned" background as you have. I know the heartbreak of weight gains and the joy of loss so I know how you feel but only to an extent. I think it is just awful that you have competing diseases and troubled consumption as a result. I know this is a pita but I think you need some weight now just to fortify your body. Having enjoyed an athletic body for so long, you can achieve that standard again. For now, however, lack of nutrition is tantamount to physical disaster so feed the body. These bodies are not perfect machines and when they are needing help, we have to give it to them, at their peril!

    It is great to hear from you again....come back and keep us posted on your progress. We are all in this together, don't forget, and to that end, we are support for each other. Let us help you through.

    Rachel: on the liver biopsy, that is a very risky process that they generally don't get involved in. Someone at Yale explained to me how precarious a process it can be, and the benefit is not much as blood will tell the story with liver mets.

    I hope you are enjoying spinning! After my 10 doctor appts, what will now be fairly extensive dental work, and my next massive surgery in 4 weeks that will leave me with drains again (ugh), I might go back to spinning in January if I am recovered from all this mess! 

    I was talking to an old friend last night about all this stuff I am going through and I told him, as I will tell you all right now, I am soon going to ground zero and then to the Yankees v. Boston with fantastic seats (26 rows from the field, field level and a gift from my brother -I love him more today than yesterday!!) and then basically I am ready to go!!!!!! Of course, I am being silly but at the same time, I don't want to linger and I refuse to go through any chemo for liver mets. Absolutely refuse and if I was feeling better since they "found the mass" in my liver, I would think it was an innocuous situation but as I don't feel "better" and now my tooth fell out, I am starting to pack my bags!!!!!!!!! This world is for the healthy!!!!!!!  Yes, expiration is very much out of my control so I do have fun with the subject!!!!! 

    I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and are having some fun!

    Good day, all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: cut finger update!!!!!!!  I had a large tree branch down in the backyard and tangled in some bushes so I tried to use the hedge trimmer to take it apart piece-by-piece and my FINGER wound up meeting the blade of the hedge trimmer!  Clearly I needed stitches as it would not stop bleeding forever but my car was in the shop and my other one is under a car cover!  My neighbors were not around and I was NOT calling the ambulance for a cut finger!  

    The good news: clearly I will have to get some attention to that finger this week and it will most likely be in the form of stitches as it is not closing BUT it was on the unaffected side!!!!!  YAY on that!