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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Trapper Keepers?!!?   Oh my gosh - I forgot all about those!  And pencil boxes...and an assignment pad (GEEZ I freakin' hated those things!)  new clothes, shoes, etc.  You always felt so stiff on the first day of school in your new clothes. 

    I hated this time of year as a kid.  My own kids hate it, being homeschooled, but I tell them they have it really EASY!
    I've been bad this year --haven't done hardly anything for curriculum organization.  I was up at 3 am buying on Ebay - trying to raise Paypal cash so that I don't have to put an of it on a credit card. 

    I guess I can't believe how fast this summer has gone!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy  lol, Colum (dh) sent me an email from work on Tues saying that it looked like we had some good luck for a change! It would've been awful if our vac was planned for this week. I do feel bad for the people trying to vac down there now!

    Kel I don't know how you homeschool, it's amazing to me. I'm exhausted just trying to keep the kids entertained and from trying to drive each other (and me;-) crazy these few weeks before school starts.


    (I don't know how to download pics. If enyone wants to see pics on fb you can pm me and I'll send you the info).

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    On scans- I'm the same as Rachel. I've had no scans and there aren't any on the horizon. It's not protocol here in Canada and when I asked about it my onco said that they do it in the States but that it's somewhat out of date re current research to scan so much. The only scan I had was a breast MRI before surgery during the diagnosis stage.

    Happy (early) weekend everyone- we're off to a camping trip with 23 friends. 12 of which are under the age of 8! Wish me luck!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sweeney - Have a great trip!!  My onc does the same as yours regarding scans - I only have had MRI of breast before surgery.  Now I will be followed with mammos.  I have had one and scheduled for another in october.  I finally got my vitamin D measured (I asked for it) and it was 31.  I guess 32 is the cutoff for normal and the doc wants it at 50 so asked me to start with a supplement.
  • yup, I'll be refusing scans unless something comes up.  I may end up with a t-v ultrasound due to my persistent spotting and period problems but we'll see.....

    Sweeney - interesting about Canada and the states!  Going to bring that one up to my onc! ;D 

    Good for u Omaz -- I think vitamin D testing is very important.  Even though it hasn't been totally proven with breast cancer, what is the harm in testing women and having them supplement?  Really such a simple and easy thing to do with no side effects!  We should all have been tested after chemo - pretty mad that I had to go to an osteopath to get it done!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Guys, just wanted to check in quick and say hi.  I will catch up on the reading later.  I have been insanely busy, but I am resigned now to the fact that it is never going to calm down.  Taylor is off at college, and preseason is brutal.  I am going to go visit her tonight.  Then..getting ready for Hurricane Irene.  I haven't watched the news in days, but everyone around me says it is really coming here to Long Island.  I guess Sunday could be fun. 

    Will post again when I get a chance to catch up on the reading.  Hope everyone is well!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Cal about the scans- it goes both ways for me because if i had not had them i wouldnt have know i had stage 4, with my age coming into play they probably wouldnt have EVER checked it unless i had other problems (which by dx i did) So if it can even prevent 1 case of cancer spreading i say go for it, as long as the person isnt having scans done on a frequent basis it isnt all that harmful. Its sorta like how many people go get a biopsy done and its benign? something like 80% does that make biopsies over used as well????? No because it DOES help those who do have cancer. But then the scans can be dangerous to the person getting them if they get over exposed to all that junk... speaking of which i have a c/t tomorrow LOL

    My first week was good (no classes friday) son was sick today so he has to stay home tomorrow so i had to postpone my date :(

  • Yes, I think the study says that it is def indicated in metastatic cancer.  I did have scans last August, now she wants more.  I mean, how many "routine" scans should one have?  I don't know.....

     Right now I'm nursing a very sore back and side.  DId some wii fit stretches and really hurt it badly - it popped up two days later.  Herbalist put me on the Tens unit for 40 minutes last night but it didn't seem to help much.  The pain's starting to wrap around like injured muscles tend to do and affecting other muscles - my hip and leg hurt now.  SHEESH!!  

    I'm also highly anxious because of my doctor's visit later and becuase of this hurricane that's coming.  They are evacuting much of south jersey -we are far north near the Delaware Water Gap but I'm still nervous!  They are saying we may be without power for many days! -:O  (no power, no water for us since we are on well!) 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I hope those of you on the east coast stay safe!!

    Cal - What were you doing on the wii ???

  • Omaz - I thought 45 minutes of running a night meant my muscles were good. I haven't done Wii Fit in many months, but since it was raining and I was unable to run, I decided to do wii fit.  I did a whole bunch of new things figuring I could handle it since I was in shape.  Not realizing that you're using a whole different set of muscles when you're doing yoga and stretches and strength training!  OW!  I think I twisted too much because it really hurts in my lower side when I turn to look over my shoulder in the car or when I bend my head down.  SO not fun!

    Advil really helps as does heat and trigger point therapy, but I'm trying to stay away from the drugs as much as possible.  Still need them at night though.

    It did not help that after this happened, it started to feel much much better and I went running and really overdid I guess - didnt' realize it until the middle of the night! -:O

    Well off to my doctor's app't today and then hit the store on the way home for bottled water and non perishable food.  Don't know what to buy that doesn' t need to be refrigerated.  I hate losing power!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    cal - Well at least it's proof that the wii fit routines can make a difference!!  Do you have wii fit2?  With the multiple users?  They have a snowball fight that's really fun.
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzie and others on the East coast: Take care! Praying that all will be well for you all.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Texas:  Great news on the start of school!! Good for you!!

    Omaz:  Congrats on finishing Heparin and getting your port out! That must really feel great. 

    Cal:  Wow, just read about your pepper spray incident!! Glad to hear everyone is okay.  What chaos!

    Lizzy:  The water here on the South Shore of the Island is supposed to get REALLY high, so we may end up floating over the Sound to see you...LOL!  Keep the light on for us!

    Have a great weekend everyone.  Hopefully we will duck the worst of Irene here on Long Island, but it is not looking promising. 


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Debbi   Are you ok? I just saw there are some evacs on LI. Do you have to leave?


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    MY POOR FELLOW EASTERN SEABOARD PALS!!!!  We live in this part of the country so we DON'T have to deal with this stuff!!!!!   An earthquake AND a hurricane in one week?!  Woe is us for sure!!!!!!!

    Sptmm: you are more than welcome, sister!  Come on over!   I am going to put one of my cars in the backyard hopefully far enough away from the super huge pine trees!  The trees over here are tall and old....recipe for disaster.  Also, my bff's FIL died and now I have to go to a wake tomorrow night. I am scooting right home after as it is outside Hartford and that is a bit of a ride for me.  Tomorrow my last chore is bringing in the hose on the roller thing (I am so technical!!) and then setting up one spot in the house with all my lighters, candles and strategic flashlight placement!  I am already quasi-emergency prepared as I have flashlights in every room!  I am weird like that and I put reminders in my Blackberry to check my fire extinguishers and smoke alarms.   I think 9/11 really did me in mentally! 

    I will definitely leave a light on for you, woman!  OMG--so funny...Gov Malloy was on the news this afternoon and there was someone with him doing sign language at his side.  I got the impression he was getting annoyed with her gregarious nature and perhaps wanted to shove her off the dais!!!!  She was like an actress, filled with motions and face contortions!  My friend has her Master's in sign language (not joking) and she said all that over-acting was not necessary (I called her for verification!!!).

    Deb, I am very, very glad those capitalistic punks did not get their "gas plant" stuffed in the middle of LI sound even moreso now!  Can you imagine?  No doubt if there was a leak they would never tell us and before you know, lumps on the neck etc..!  I can safely say that fighting them and winning was the best tag-team NY and CT have ever gotten involved with!

    The state is going door-to-door in the Thimble Islands reminding people if they don't leave the wicked minute islands there will be NO emergency rescues!  People are bananas!  I lived direct waterfront for about 4 years recently and I am very, very grateful I am not there now! 

    Texas: I was joking with you about Perry!   My brother thinks the sun shines out of his ass!!!!!!!!   He told me over a year ago that Rick Perry would be our next President.  He seems like a straight-shooter although the very words scare me when it comes to discussing alpha males, TX and shooting!!!  

    I am so glad school is going well!  I am very, very happy for you that you have started and are on your way.   Your are one inspired and free spirit, Tex, and I love that about youWink I definitely think it is one of your greatest strengths.  Go get that degree and give back to the sick and disenfranchised your love and will change lives, my friend.

    I was just talking to my niece last night (she is your age!) and she works as a CNA now while she is in school to become and RN.  She lives with her "man" and their 2 kids so she is short on time.  In any case, she told me that one of the most gratifying parts of her job, and that which used to scare the mess out of her, is being there and actually holding someone's hand as they are dying.  I was stunned to hear her say this.   She says she is no longer afraid of death because of the peace she sees in "their" eyes as they are getting close and finally pass.  She is absolutely sure she wants to be a hospice nurse.  Tex, with your excellent nature, I can see you comforting the sick and weary in a similar way.  

    I wish you both the very best and am grateful I know 2 such wonderful people going into nursing.  Ckptry will undoubtedly join you guys again someday also.  We need as many good people as we can get in that profession.

    Omaz: NO MORE PORT!!!!!  NO MORE HERCEPTIN!!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!  I am very happy for you.  I still have a scar where that port was but I will take the scar over that thing!  The last foreign body related to bc is coming out in a few weeks as that TE will be removed.  I cannot wait.  I think the first thing I am going to do is itch that area!  I get these terrible itches, as those of you with TEs know, just perpetually feel like you can't scratch it.  I *hate* it!  So goodbye to foreign bodies sponsored by bc for both of us! 

    Sweeney: camping with 12 people under 8?!?!?   That is a closely held nightmare of mine!!!!  I hope you have a lovely weekend.  

    Lady: thanks for the well-wishes.   I hope there won't be any big events.  I have 2 netbooks and a notebook besides my desktop so I am charging up all 3 phones and 3 computers tomorrow in anticipation of NO electricity!  I will post pics so you all can be grateful you don't live in the Northeast this weekend!

    Calamtykel: Isnt' that a wicked trick of nature that you can run every day and have a yoga class kick your ass?!   I used to hate that when I would lift and do cardio and step etc... and the occassional pilates class would lay me out!   There is hardly any comprehensive crosstraining...I think it is impossible!  Have a good weekend-

    Happy trails, all and I hope you have as lovely a weekend as possible! 


  • Lizzy - for sure!  do you have to evacuate?  We are close to the PA border, so while I did some preparation, they were mostly for outages.  We are so far out in the middle of nowhere that if power goes down to huge areas, we will not be a prioirty to get brought back up out here.  We have a generator (non working -DH seems to think that he might be able to get it going.,)  But last night my friend and I went to the store and got water and non perishable stuff.  I got paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, etc. anything that we don't have to wash, since no power is NO WATER for us due to being on a well.

     I got a little water and we're going to fill stuff up and just hope for the best. It's all pretty scary!  

    Just hoping for the best - good thing is that it looks as if it's lost some strength!

  • OH - onc visit - my tumor marker bloodwork from last time looked okay (remember I refused to call for the results!)  Yesterday she didn't mention scans at all.  We did talk about my bleeding issue - interestingly, the nurse who checked me in was having the same problem.  she apparently had chemo and now is getting some kind of irregular periods, so she had an endo biopsy too!  Hers was okay.

    The doctor seemed to think that if the endo biopsy didn't show a weird lining, that evertyhing was okay.  I told her I was scared of ovarian issues (cancer) and she said "no, irregular periods, long periods, etc are uterine related - or hormone related."    

    So she said just to watch and wait and that it should straighten out.  Since I went so long with nothing, it's trying to get back to normal.  Let's hope!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi - Hope you guys on the east coast are ok!!!  Got the port out.  Was awake during most of the procedure and asked to see it in the OR, it was bigger than I thought!  Now I have a big plastic wrap on my chest for a couple days.  I don't think the idea of being done except for tam has settled in yet.  I am really wondering how I will feel after the 3 week mark out from herceptin.  That is uncharted territory! Thanks for the congrats on the port out/finishing - man what a long haul!!  I think I told you all, but when I went for the MRI the doctor (radiologist) told me that I was going to have 'a very busy year'.  I remember looking at her and wondering about that.  She was so right.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Lizzy for reminding me to bring in my "hose roller thingy"  totally forgot about that one.  We left everything outside, but tied it all to the deck with bungy cords.  Will do the same for the hose thingy!  Funny thing about the car and the trees.  I have a really big tree right next to my driveway, and I am seriously thinking about parking my car in the road depending on which way the wind will be blowing.  My two biggest fears right now are no electricity and having that tree land on my car!  No Joke on that Gas plant in the sound thing...can you imagine if we had to worry about that too..OMG.  See ya soon, chemosabe...maybe.....

    Carolyn:  Thanks for thinking of me.  We are about 1/2 mile north of the evacuation zone and we don't usually flood.  So, I think we will be okay.  My oldest son is in the evacuation zone however, but they are having a pina colada hurricane party and refuse to leave...LOL to be 26 and stupid!  If the Great South Bay begins to come down their block, I have a feeling I will end up with a bunch of drunk 26-year-olds at some point tomorrow..LOL. 

    Cal:  Great news at the onco.  Must be a relief.  Good luck today!

    Omaz:  Great news on the port, you must feel great!  Big symbol of being done with the hole mess! Thanks for your well wishes.  We have "battened down the hatches".  I just picked Taylor up from college and brought her home too.  Honestly she was probably "safer" there, but they are off until Monday and she wanted to come home.  And...she brought her laundry...lovely!

  • Well, 3:00 and all's well here in Jersey.  We're getting a little bit of rain now and then, but we're as ready as we'll ever be! House is all cleaned up and kitchen is clean (I really really hate losing power when my house is messy - and I can't wash the dishes or counters, and they just pile up....)  DH and a friend got the generator going, . It didn't STAY going, but they flushed out the carbeurator a few times and they think it will be "good enough".  So at least if we need sporadic power now and then for water, and the freezer, we should have it. 

    About two hours ago, my 9 year old slipped on the floor and heard a snap at her ankle and had a lot of pain.  Thought we were going to have to hit the ER for a while there, and didn't know what to do, but she can walk on it now and seems fine.  BIG sigh of relief!  I imagined us STUCK at the hospital ER while this thing hit!

    Hoping Lizzy, Debbi and everybody else in our area are able to ride this one out and be okay.  I'm exhaused from 24 hours of preparations, but I feel better now, whatever happens. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Debbi I'm glad you're not in the evac zone. I hope your son is ok - oh to be young and immortal;-) I don't know what to expect. My dh was being very laid back about the whole thing, so I started showing him the warnings on the news (I dislike our NJ governor Christie so much, personally b/c his education cuts affect my kids  but also b/c he's such a hotheaded buffoon. He actually says in his  warning "get the hell off the beach", so eloquent.) Anyway, I finally got through to dh but I created a monster, lol and the kids are feeding off it. I sent the three of them out to burn off some energy.

    Omaz Congrats on the port out!!!!!.  I Have two more herceptin treatments after yest, so should finish early Oct. She said I can have my port out 3 mos after my last tx - so maybe a late Christmas present:-). I understand feeling great about being done but feeling trepidation. My surgery was also in June 2010 also and what a long strange trip it's been !

    kel I just read somewhere to fill up your bathtub so you have water for flushing. They also said to add one drop of bleach per gallon - I don't know if that's to make it drinkable in an emergency? I think the bleeding is just part of perimenopause - very common and why they don't consider you truly menopausal until you go a year without a period. The EM bx would be the most important test and your's was fine, so while the bleeding is a nuisance try not to worry too much. If you do feel anemic you may wat to consider a mvi with iron or increase iron in your diet.

    liz You're right - an earthquake and a hurricane -I'm just used to blizzards:-) Hope you don't get any damage. I tired of hearing about it and just ready for it already.

    Hope everyone stays safe from Irene

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Sptmm: I think your son has the right idea, albeit a risky one! That is something I would have definitely done at his age! One year living on the beach we had like 3 storms in a row and one which was a massive Nor'easter. Just like in the old days of the Mao dictatorship in China, we had this system where the police and/or fire dept could speak to us through speakers mounted on the phone polls. I am sure you have something similar on LI. In any case, my home was 2 story and this one night, rather late, I was looking down at the intersection where the beach was (about 20 feet from my house) and I could see what looked like the snow "moving" which petrified me. This, of course, meant the water was moving "under" the snow and ice, frosting as it were, and I stayed on the 2nd floor for quite a while thereafter! I remember hearing the powers that be barking to us over the loud speakers all night but myself and 90% of my neighbors stayed. What spooked me was the 90% was to the land side of me and I was the last house on the water side inhabited! I will be perfectly honest when I tell you that I despise the very notion of being in a shelter with a bunch of people during a storm AND the fact that there was only one that accepted animals, and that which filled up immediately, was a deal breaker for me. My thought was myself, my cat and dog could all go to the roof and hope for the best! During that winter storm I feel like I should have left but during a hurricane, I would have stayed in that house. I lived in a waterfront condo when I was in college and that place was built amazingly well and had a sea wall in front of it. That is a place where I would like to be to ride out this storm! Palatial view of the sound! BTW, thanks for being the "break waters" for CT, Deb! LI-you all are such good sports!!!!!!!

    Calamtykel: no evacuation for me yet. I live about 300 feet from a lake that is, right now, filled to the brim so that is definitely is going on vacation tomorrow! Also, about ¼ mile away is a huge, huge lake that this lake near me is a tributary of. I have not had a problem since I have been here but this is the first massive storm here also. My house is on a bit of a hill and I am the last house on a dead end. I think my house is probably the highest elevation in this neighborhood. I just hope Deb does a good job on LI of knocking down the storm so CT only gets a wind, rain and lights show!!!!!!!

    Kel, I am so glad your dd is ok. don't have too much luck, do you? I would have been devastated to think of having to go to the ER before a storm. Sad to say but a lot of people go to the ER during storms because there own dwellings are not safe in their estimations or they are homeless. More to this point, you might have been walking into a very busy situation at the ER. I am so glad she is ok and you don't have to go. Best of luck to you and Carolyn in NJ. I hope we are all going to be ok and NOT be without power too long.

    My last outing is this wake tonight and then I am in for the duration.

    Ckptry: I am sorry that my very juvenile sense of humor had me LMAO after I saw Christie telling people to "get the hell of the beach now!!" He is a hothead! His temperament reminds me of the "Sopranos" mentality!

    I hope you guys are ok. I think if I was younger I might like to surf in this weather! I know, crazy is as crazy does! Take care of yourselves and hope all is well for you and your family.

    To all of our Northeast readers and posters: MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU....and fill your bathtubs with water as soon as it all starts!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy I was talking to my sister (who also lives in NJ) about Christie, we were laughing at how he seemed particularly unhappy w/ asbury park. . She had said to my mom she hates that he represents NJ and my mom responded that unfortunately he might be a fair representation, lol. He tatally looks like a former jersey shore guy mobbed up.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  All is good here, not much damage. 

    We slowed it down for you Lizzy!!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Yea Debbi! Lizzy hope you are doing ok.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - How are you feeling??  So GLAD you are done!!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Glad to hear that you all did ok through this storm. Sending hugs to you all.

    I am starting a spin class tomorrow in my attempt to get fit....if you never hear from me was probably the spin class!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors-

    I hope everyone is well.

    Sptmm: you all did a great job slowing it down for us! I was amazed to see my old beach house all but eradicated on the news! Glad I was not there. It was pretty much a non-event here. I did not lose power for 1 minute and no flooding. I am glad things were fine for you as well, Deb!

    Calamtykel: hope you all faired well....and that you did not do anything to inadvertently bring turmoil to your Garden State existence or you might incur the wrath of your raucous Governor!!!!! Forbid!

    Ckptry: I think your mom was correct in her estimation that he is most representative of the populace at large! Hope you all are ok also.

    Texas: have a good week at school and I hope you had a nice weekend.

    Rachel: SPINNING?! That is fantastic! You are not going to love it on Tuesday but you will most likely like it tomorrow! If you have a bike seat pad, that would be advisable or your ass is going to hurt something wicked but the good news is you get use to it really fast. Also, you are under no obligation to max out your tension which is something a lot of people don't realize. Spinning is challenging but you can regulate that challenge. YOU GO WOMAN!!!!!!!! Enjoy your class. You will get in shape, btw. Spinning is great for that. You make me want to join a gym that has spinning now! I miss it!

    Happy trails from hurricane land!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi Omaz, I'm feeling OK, my main gripe is I'm tired all the time, no energy, and if I do the least little thing, I'm wiped out. Like today, all I've done is go to Walmart and do the laundry and I feel like I've run a marathon! I know it will get better, I just have to keep on trucking ... remember that big footed guy who was on the Keep on Truckin' shirts in the 70s & 80s? Yes, I'm old ...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: that will pass very, very soon.  I remember feeling like that and about 2 months post-chemo that awful wiped out feeling started to dissipate.   All in good time, woman.  We were all there just a few short months ago but, to be honest, it seems like a lifetime ago!