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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hoo just had a productive night/morning- went through my kid's clothes and seperated them into their bins, i had gotten lazy and just started throwing htem together. I found 5 lots of clothes to list- all fall, most halloween stuff, i know its a bit late in the game but who cares LOL i should have done this earlier- i am on a coffee buzz LOL i never drink the stuff and it is nearly 4:30 am... Well gonna go to bed- thanks lizzy and kel for sparking the idea in my head to resume listing on ebay :)

    God is good y'all!

  • Well guys, I am fairly, pretty much certain that I just broke my little toe this morning!  :(  I hit it on mny son's heel as I was walking past.  It hurts like the dickens - I just took three ibupropen -elevating and icing and it STILL hurts -it's swelling up and looking ugly.  apparently the only thing they can do it split it to the toe next to it, so I guess I'll have to do that but I AM SO MAD!  I wanted to run today - now I can't even walk, literally!  :( 

    Yup, the wheels are falling off the cart at an alarming rate here!!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

         Busy day with soccer games today. just wanted to thank you all for your advice supportr about Aidan. I went to the library yesterday and got some stories about bullying (one is called jungle bullies, cute b/c it talks in terms of animals). Colum also called the principal. He explained how we went through this with the kwrap program last year and it needed to be nipped in the bud. She said there were some aggressive 2nd graders out at recess at that times so he said it sounds like you need more supervision out there. Of course the aides told her they weren't sure if it was on purpose, but Colum said I observed that it was. (As if you call somebody stupid by accident!) Anyway she wants me to meet with her about what I saw and then she's supposed to call us back next week with a plan, but there is a form online we can fill out if they don't give us a response by Wed. As for the homeschooling; it would be very difficult with Aidan . He is well behaved at school and kind of falls apart at home so it would be hard to keep him focused. But I'll keep my options open if things don't get better. We really have to get him to understand he needs to tell us. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    This is a classic "we have too much money" Connecticut story!  Yesterday I went to a place that takes donations and gives them out, for free, unlike Goodwill.   I had a few old keyboards, a few mice (!), and 2 old HP monitors that work fine but are just the big, old types.  They have been in my basement for a while and I decided to donate them.   Can you believe they REFUSED the monitors!?   I was like "lady, this is heavy, where do you want me to put it down" and she proceeds to say "oh, I don't know, we really don't take those....we are looking for the flat screens that are easy to store!!!!!!!"   Mind you, they have a huge warehouse!   I still cannot believe they refused to perfectly working monitors.   I will bring them to Goodwill and they will sell them.   I was so stunned by that!

    Calamtykel: sorry about your toe!  Geesh, I was thinking last night as I tried to doze off, my nose is hurting so much inside and the blood keeps coming out every time I use my Kleenex, the rash on my arms and abdomen is not really going away and actually seems to come back to life regularly, my lips are wicked chapped for ever now, all my bloodwork, taken together as I did research, can mean kidney problems, I drink about 100 ozs of water per day and my urine is dark yellow (sign of kidney issues again), I dropped my favorite mug and it smashed on my kitchen floor because my hand went numb while I was holding it and my dentist said the nerve in my failed crown tooth is either decaying or infected but I should wait until after surgery to deal with it.   I swear I don't know what to do or where to turn and I am afraid they are going to tell me I can't have surgery because of all of this crap.   In any case, I know how you feel.  It is one thing after another.   I wish you could run today.  The good thing is that broken toes heal pretty quickly.   Oh, Kel, I hope better days are coming.  I am finally going to the ear, nose and throat people next week.  I need someone to check into this perpetual nose pain and my lips.   I can't just, in perpetuity, keep putting Vaseline in my nose to sooth it; I read somewhere if I do that long-term the potential for Vaseline to build up in my lungs and cause some trouble is a byproduct of that. 

    About home schooling, your kids are totally socialized through church activities.   I know full-well, as I have a good friend in CT that home schools and she can do that because they are very involved with a church and that is where their kids get socialized.   If you belong to a church with a robust following, that is a great way for the kids to be socialized.  My brother has my nephews involved in their church and my nephew is actually aspiring to be a youth minister.   In any case, it is a good atmosphere for them and a lot of my nephews out-of-school activities are with the church and their friends through church.

    I know it is a lot for me to ask, but would you mind moving to CT?!   I really need you around to knock on my head, someone who never ate beef, who in the past 6 months reintroduced it as I struggle to get enough protein, and you remind me of RBGH!!!!!!!!   You bring so much nutritional value to this thread, I can never thank you enough!  

    There is a song by "Company of Thieves" called "Oscar Wilde."  In the chorus, the lyrics go "we are our own devils, we are our own devils, yeah, and we make this world, we make this world our hell, we make it our hell."   There I go eating beef...I rest my case!!!!!!

    Tex and ckptry: it is just as well I never had kids because I would so be in trouble!  I don't know how I would handle things as well as you two are.   It is just a travesty that you have to go through it.

    As for home schooling, I am sure it is hard and kel can do it because she was a teacher.  The structure in schools, if you are not a teacher, is beneficial for sure.  My parents raised us that if someone hits, hit them back!   You don't want that going on but, at the same time, you can't let your kids get pushed around.  I know for Aidan that is certainly not a good idea but it just really irks me that he has to put up with any of that.  May the force be with him!

    Tex:  I would have been seeing red also.   There was this girl in high school whose boyfriend looked really great from far away but not so good up close.  In any case, our high school was a sprawling, one level school.   The halls were long and, no surprise, my friends and I were waiting outside detention for it to start (!) and she walked in, at the end of this long hallway and with the sun illuminating her boyfriend's body from behind, he looked amazing!  Well, she waited outside detention for me to make threats....REALLY?  I might be a freshman but you are about to learn a lesson!  She told me to stay away from him blah blah and I told her,  of course sarcastically, she had me so scared I was on the next flight out of the country!   She hit me and that was it! When I was done, she was crying and her face was bleeding a bit in 2 places.    I reminded her not ever put her freakin' hands on me again or the next it would be worse!  The next day at school she had her pals taunting me and they wanted to fight me after school.  She had a couple of friends that were huge and I was nervous.  Of course, I had to call my family to ameliorate the situation!   My brother was able to intervene and it all died down.  Oh, so it was ok that you hit me and you caught a beaten for it and now you are going to sick your huge friends on me?!   She never bothered me again!  She would not even look at me!   The 7th grade fight and the Freshman year fight were the only 2 fights I was ever involved with in my life and they were enough to earn me a reputation to be left alone!  I am just not that person to allow anyone to put their hands on me, ever, and I never will be!  In long, it is good that you drove home and calmed down.   In the heat of the moment, who knows what would have happened? 

    Finally, I am glad you got the kids clothes on Ebay.  It is so important these days to pass on everything you are not using so other's who are having a terrible time, can get what they need in decent condition for a fair price.   Your benevolence is a welcome treat for someone else, woman!   If, however, you were trying to donate those clothes in CT, you might be told they need only designer labels at this point!!!

    Well, I am going to organize my shed today!   It is beautiful out and I am ready to get that mess straightened out!

    Good day, girls-

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Lizzy: I have the nose pain/bleeding too!!. I wasn't really thinking of it as a problem until you mentioned it.  and, lo and behold, it has been going on a long time, and the part about vasoline is kind of scary since i have used about two gallons of the stuff.  And Lizzy, it sounds like you are going through so many things, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and fervently hoping that things bet better quickly!

    Speaking of prayer, I hope I have not offended anyone with my philosophy about prayer and my interpretation of its power.  no one has responded to my comments, and I am just hoping I have not alienated anyone.  That was certainly not my intent.


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy, I'm of to sleep but wanted to mention before I forget that AYR makes a saline based nasal gel as well as a spray and there is a brand called 'little noses' for kids that is saline based. I just used the 'little noses' today b/c my nose hurts.  It's strange because for a few days  after hercpetin my nose drips like a faucet, clear almost like water, but after that it gets really dried up and hard to clear.Vaseline really shouldn't be used internally b/c it's not water soluble. We used surgilube in the hospital b/c it is. Hope you feel better soon!

    Texas - great on sorting all those clothes. It always seems when  I finally get the kids clothes sorted for Fall  we get an Indian summer here. It's going to be 82 and sunny tomorrow and the kids and dh have off. Yay!

    Kel - I broke my big toe once, slipped getting out of the shower and slammed it full speed into the wall. Was a half hour before a 12 hour nursing shift and too late to call in sick. Within a few hours I could barely walk and they made me go to urgent care. So embarrassing, they made me get an xray and and had a nursing assitant take me  in a wheel chair, (the wise ass triage nurse said 'patient ambulated into ER on broken foot" when I first walked in). I'm sitting there in my nursing clothes with all of these patients and a bag of ice on my foot. My coworkers were teasing me that they were going to order me shower rails. Anyway, I still remember how much it hurt; and you're right -if it's the big toe they splint it, but otherwise I'm not sure they do anything.

    Debbi - hope you are feeling ok


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    My friend is out of ICU (YAY) but is still very weak.  She has what is called ICU psychosis - it sounds like a disorientation due to sensory deprivation.  I got her a couple books on CD at the library, some music and a portable player that her husband will bring to her tomorrow.  I hope it helps.  For some reason I thought Christmas music would be good, some Sinatra too.  Each day so far she is a little better but it is slow going.

    Wherria - I appreciated your comments about prayer.

    Have a nice Sunday everyone!  Some lovely cooler weather here in AZ - they just started heating the pool and it was a perfect temperature today.

  • Carolyn -- it's the little toe - I have it bandanged to the one next to it which is helping.  I can walk okay now, but I can't put a shoe on.  :(  I have to get to church in a little bit - I may be going in my Joe Boxer basketball sneakers! :D 

    I am SO mad because I wanted to run yesterday!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Kel- budding it up is a good idea, has the swelling gone down? If not I'd go to the dr, you may need a walking cast...

    carolyn- I am glad they warned you about the meeting on monday- when i dropped korben off at school friday they cornered me LOL- well not that bad, i did post about it... Its nice to be prepared!

    lizzy- that is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah i be tehy would require top designers! We had one of those freecycle clothing places near the food-op in olympia. i would love rummaging through there when i was in highschool... it was no where near the size you decribed, they eventually did away with it because people were making a mess and letting things spill out into the parking lot. ALL my sons clothes goes to my friends son who is a year younger, but nearly the same size. i tend to pass on our children clothes to others that may need it. I havent found anyone smaller than my daughter yet (she can still wear a 2t in shorts and she is 6!) we also have this thrift store that is run by voulunteers and the money made goes to the local food bank... I buy things there all the time because its dirt cheap! i got a mattress, no wear and tear, just some dust where you could see it was stored for $5! i sprayed it down with that bedbug/headlice stuff (just in case) i bought name branded shoes for 25 cents there before!

    Wherria i may have read over your prayer comment- let me check :) Nope would have offended me in the least.

    88 was the high here but we had some thundershowers! which is awesome (cept my car window wont roll up LOL)

    carolyn- what i do is seperate it into bins, then i have my kids try EVERYTHING on- what doesnt fit either goes to ebay, thrift stores or friends. what does fit stays in the bin, if for chance we get some cool weather i pull an outfit out, after they wear it and its been washed, it hangs in their closet... if i notice there are more fall stuff than summer, i pack away their summer stuff, it it was getting snug before summer ended its goes to thrift/friends/ebay if not i will keep til next year, things that are too big go into a shared bin (i have size 5 for my son and he is only in a 2t) that bin is gone through to see if any of that will fit this upcoming yr.....

    Night ladies! i have some biology reading to do! and my daughter is doing homework online :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    It is beautiful for us here in the Northeast today.   Good times!

    Wherria:  whew!!!!!  I am so glad you are having this as well.  I mean clearly not glad that you are having this problem but glad someone else is.   If my lips have not been so chapped, dry and cracked as well, I would probably not pay so much attention to my nose.  In any case, if my throat was involved also, I would be at the ER!!!!!!!    I don't know what is going on in that area and my dentist assured me my cracked crown would not be causing this kind of thing.  The lips alone, perhaps, but not both.   BTW, no offense at all on the prayer comment.  In fact, I think you were quite eloquent in the way you put it together *not* to offend anyone.  

    Tex: if you have power windows and it won't go up, get your dh out to the car with you and you, with the outside of your now clenched fist, PUNCH the motor area and have your dh simultaneously pull up on the window.  The punch will awaken a "failing" motor.   It will work but just don't do it every day or eventually it will go to sleep forever!  How do I know this?  My niece has a problem with the driver side window.  Of course the motor will cost her $500 between purchase and install.  She is in school and is in no position.  In any case, brought the car in for an oil change and the oil changer accidentally disobeyed her orders and lowered the window.  She was so upset because no one would help her get it back up again and we were having nothing but troubles with it.   I called a friend who is a mechanic and he told me that trick!   It worked like a charm!   She was so happy!

    Yeah, on those designer labels at the "ostentatious" charity collection center, thankfully the jeans I dropped off were Ralph Lauren or I might have been tossed out on my ear and asked not to come back!

    Ckptry: thank you so, so much!  I was rather hoping you would weigh-in and set me straight on that Vaseline thing!  I know it is not good to use that perennially in my nose.   I will definitely pick up the stuff you told me about.   I hope you had a nice sleep.    Also, I sure hope Aidan has a good week.   I will pray for him to develop enough strength to wallop one of them one of these days!!!!!!  All he needs is one good wallop to establish his reputation!!!

    Omaz: by "they" do you mean your *staff* just started heating the pool for you!?   I am so you friend is out of ICU.  I still can't believe that happened.  

    Sptmm: hope you are having a good weekend and your spirits are slowly lifting because quickly lifting would be unsettling!!!!!!  

    Have a good day, all-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Well, actually she is back in ICU this morning.  She has juvenile onset diabetes and yesterday some bonehead doctor ordered her antibiotics in dextrose and her sugar spiked at 500 and they couldn't get it down, then her blood pressure when low so they put her back in ICU to monitor more closely.  Part of what set off the whole thing was that just after her back surgery, the very next day, she was doing great but had some nausea and a 'tech' came in and gave her a shot of anti-nausea meds.  Well it was too strong for her and she was out of it for a day and a half and then never really got back on her feet.  I can't help but wonder if the tech gave her such a strong shot because he didn't want to clean up vomit rather than thinking about whether it was the best thing for the patient.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: you just never know what these lazy techs might do.   I also think it is scary that such a strong anti-nausea med was administered because what if she started to vomit while she was "out of it?"   Like I said before, I never wanted to be a card-carrying member of the medical industrial complex for just these reasons.

    Wherria: my friend is a nurse at Yale and I asked him today if he knew where I could buy "surgilube" locally so as to not have to wait.   I PMd you his very clever answer!!!!!   It does work also!   Consequently, for our other readers, I don't want to post his advice here on the thread as it is a bit unorthodox to say the least!

    Has anyone else had their cholesterol tested since chemo?  if so, any changes?  I have eaten "some" red meat in the past few months and I always had perfect cholesterol . Sure enough, my cholesterol is a bit above the normal range. I am not eating any more red meat A) because I don't like what they do to manufacture it and B) because of the cholesterol results.  I ate red meat very, very rarely for the past 20 years.   If red meat is to blame for my moderate rise in cholesterol, that is perfectly awful since I really have not eaten much of it.  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    lizzy - could also be loss of estrogen affecting your cholesterol.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    To all who wondered about irritability post-chemo: Sweeney, you come to mind first.  It turns out that tamox does not increase our testosterone levels but it does not reduce it either.  As tamox takes down our estrogen levels, the natural balance for testosterone goes away our chances of behaving like we have an increase of testosterone is evident.   Under those circumstances, irritability, agitation and anger are natural.  The news just keeps getting better! 

    Omaz: you are correct and it is directly connected to low estrogen levels so I guess high cholesterol is now a good sign?!?!   Soon I will have to live on lettuce and egg whites so as to disengage from this physiological domino-effect.   At the very least, I guess that is the acid test for whether tamox is working or not!

    Are any of you familiar with a small grocery store chain called "Aldi?" About 4 or 5 years ago they started appearing in CT.  I really had no clue about them until I finally went into one this year.   In any case, and speaking to thr RBGH point, I was in there a few days ago and their milk, made by "Friendly Farms (love the name!)," is synthetic hormone-free.   I got to looking around at their dairy products as a result.  Not only is their milk over 30% less expensive than the larger grocery stores, if what they advertise is valid, it is also better for us.   Thought I would pass that information along!

    I know you all will be green with envy but I am off to do the very exciting cleaning of the oven!!!!   Boo hiss!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - lol high cholesterol a good thing - beauty in the eye of the beholder!  FYI since we were talking about Netflix earlier - Looks like no Qwikster, Netflix is staying netflix - "This means no change: one website, one account, one password" Good choice for them in my opinion.
  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Is my computer not working right, or is everyone just really busy?? I haven't seen any new posts for 21 hours.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Wherria: everyone is probably busy plus we had beautiful weather in the northeast today.   Probably why no one is around. 

    Ckptry: how did Aidan do today?   Thinking of you.

    A close friend of mine works with a woman who had bc and it spread to her EYE!  Well, even though I am 41, I don't have crows feet and the like.  Well, a few days ago I started getting this uncomfortable feeling on the outside of my eye right on the corner.   I put some eye moisturizer on it and it grew!  Now I put coconut oil on it these past few days and now it is a hard all know where I am going with this!!!!!!!!!!!  Will I always think every bump is mets?!  What happend to good ol' acne?!  Can't it just be a pimple?!  I am tired of this cancer crap haunting me!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- probably, its our way of survival...

    You may have noticed that i am deleating my posts...

    my local newspaper did a story on the travling pants :

    It mentioned me and this website- as y'all may remember i had some craziness in my life last year and i dont want the craziness looking me up, i am deleating hte posts that had my real name as my siggy :) may seem extreme but better safe than sorry... BTW i was reading some older posts and i sure do miss some people that used to come on often. I hope they are doing well!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: that was quite an article!  That is great.   I did not know about the "Traveling Pants." Did you mention it here?  Why did I miss it?   About your anonymity, change your avatar, delete posts, do whatever you have to so you feel comfortable.   Yes, I remember that drama last year and I am glad I have heard nothing from you about those terribly toxic people.  Some doors need to stay shut.  

    BTW, speaking of Stage 4, Herman Cain, one of the Republican candidates for President, was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer with mets to his liver and given a 30% chance of survival.   He seems perfectly healthy some 5 years later and ready to run for President.  Good stuff, indeed.

    Yale Cancer had a rally 10 minutes from my house last week and I had no idea until I read the paper the next day as I guess it was organized through FB.  In any case, something in that article about CT bc rates and RI being #1 is because we have more money here, better benefits and we are being diagnosed earlier.   It is such a shame that not having money and/or benefits precludes you from being treated like a human being.   I found that news both heartening and disheartening.  

    More to this point, however, and to circle back to the invasive nature of our online society, I *hate* FB and think it is a gargantuan waste of time (sorry, all...I know a lot of people love it.)   I find, however, that many of these bc events are organized through FB.  It seems every time I try to get involved with a walk, a charity, a situation where I can help other similarly situated as I was last year at this time all I find are places that want donations.  Some people just need some help.  I think WE should all get together and start a site where those *in need* can post their need and someone can help that person.  I think all the rest of these fundraising organizations don't get to actually help people that need it.  I am sure someone out there going through chemo might need someone to do grocery shopping.  I have ideas, girls...I think we need to take action for our sisters in the fight!

    Things to think about...!

  • Lizzy - love Aldi!  I didn't know their milk was okay!  that's good to know - I wonder if it goes for their cheese as well.    I don't tolerate pasteurized milk well, so I just stick with raw, but that's really good to know!  Aldi is a wonderful store - their prices are so reasonable.  We love their bags of frozen fruit, especially the berries!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning Ladies! 

    Did anyone watch the movie Five? My mother called me yesterday and told me it was on last night on Lifetime.  I haven't watched it yet, but I recorded it.

    Well, I have no idea what I've told you all about my life recently, but it's been interesting.  I'm not going to go into detail (surprised? :)), but I did want to tell you that the possibility of mets to my liver is all but ruled out now.  I don't know if you remember my telling you about the symptoms and tests that, initially, showed possibility of mets, but it's pretty much over now.  So, Lizzy, I totally identify with your anxiety about the bump beside your eye.  

    Other things have been going on too.  Just a lot of physical problems, and a lot of pain, mostly in my knees (really bad there!) and for some reason, and this was part of the concern about my liver/lungs, aroung the right side of my rib cage.  It started with a fierce pain in my middle/upper back.  Like if I moved in a certain way, I would literally fall to the floor.  Then it started spreading, or radiating, and now it reaches all the way around my rib cage.  My doctor gave me lidoderm patches, which are great, and my pain is less now.  

    Oops, I'm gonna have to go for a while, so to be continued. 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    ok, I saw my onc before my herceptin tx on thursday and she wants me to see the dermatologist about what looks like a blood blister under my foobs. Then on Sat I wake up and it looks like I have to mosquito bites on the affected foob. I call the derm; I go there for melanoma screening and usually have to wait for an appt; and they want me in toda!. So I had to get a sitter to pick up the kids at 3. I had a crazy day so just had 5 minutes to sit down and think holy sh*t, one minute you're fine and next you're at the top of the coaster again! Wish me luck. Hoping no biopsies and he'll say everything is fine..


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Goog luck Carolyn - at least with a history of BC they move us often to the front of the line!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    I hope everyone is well today.

    Ckptry: will be sending good vibes, woman.   I hope all is well.  At least they are listening to you and focusing on what is going on with you.    Let us know how it turns out and, yes, it is unbelievable how you are just truckin' along and all of the sudden you are pulled over by the "cancer scare" troopers!   It sucks actually.

    Calamtykel: you are really clever and talented in the kitchen, it seems, and it still amazes me some of the things you can whip up!  In any case, I am not so much!    At Aldi I buy the "Fit and Active" chicken broth in the box.  I love making that spinach, tortellini soup and it would cost me $20 for 4 boxes of College Inn and it costs me $9 for the same amount at Aldi!  That, needless to say, is a huge savings.  I also like cream in my coffee (yes, am back to 2 cups per day!).   My sister had their cream and I really liked it.  I bought it and then saw that it has *corn syrup solids* in it but then I saw the Stop and Shop cream has a disclaimer about how cows treated rBGH show no difference than those not treated with it...but what about the humans?!   In any case, now it looks my choice is corn syrup  solids or cancer causing agents with my morning coffee!  I also buy flower etc... to make holiday ornaments.   That is about it.  I don't shop their full dairy case but will definitely be buying milk there forever now.

    The strangest thing happened in Aldi about a week ago.  There was a young woman and she had her very young son with her.   He had to be a little over a year old I would guess.   I do love kids but just never  wanted them myself-actually I believe in 2 parent households and never felt I could stick with the father long enough to raise kids and that is what put me off!!  Just being honest.  That is not to say I wouldn't become a foster mother at some point for the very unwanted older demographic that are left to rot in these orphanages.  In any case, this young woman's son was so adorable and bonded with me like the second he saw me.  I was not so impressed with the way she was treating him, nor the idea he had no shoes on, but I said nothing and just paid him some attention when, it just so happens, they wound up in front of me in line.  In any case, she waited outside the store and as I left she seemed to want to talk to me and all I could think was this can't be good.   I am NOT joking.  I just smiled politely and kept walking but as I got in my car I got the distinct impression something very weird almost happened.  She stood there and watched me drive away and then I could see her walk to her car while I was waiting to exit the parking lot.   It was so weird and for a second all I could think was she wanted to give him up.   I never felt like that in my life.  It was really weird.  Aldi, however, is a great place!

    Omaz: how is your friend doing? Is she still back in ICU?  I hope she is alright.   How are you doing these days?  How is your "sunflower" hair?!   Hopefully you have graduated to a bush by now!

    Wherria: good news on the no-liver-mets news!   The dubious things we celebrate these days!!!   I think some day I will just accept this state of affairs I find myself in with being overly concerned about mets and will hopefully take it in stride some day.  I meant to tell you....I put coconut oil in my nose and I am feeling better!!!!!!!  Don't ask me why but the pain is unbearable and I used my nurse friends reco (!) but was just standing in the kitchen and thought I would give it a whirl!   It, too, provides much needed relief.  I am so worried as I have pre-op next week and not only is my nose killing me, I was using that damn Vaseline for about a month which, because it is not water soluble, can end up in your lung cavity and sit there until it causes trouble.  This morning I am coughing and sneezing and my arms still show clear evidence of a terrible rash as does my stomach.  I am PETRIFIED they won't clear me for surgery.   I am starting to wonder if all of this could be stemming from my body rejecting that TE that has been in there, deflated, for 16 months now.   I don't think they were meant to be in our bodies that long.   Who knows?  All I can say is I hope I am much better/get cleared for surgery next week.  I want this TE out and to get these boobs fixed up and get back to my damn life!!!!

    I wanted to tell you a friend of mine finally got high speed and now she types longer emails etc.... She had been screwing around with those "pads" and their mandatory wireless carriers and now is back on her notebook with high speed.   She is very bright also and now sends emails that are composed like she is on a computer!   You see, if you have a good internet connection, type several WPM and are on the bright side, which I deeply suspect you are, length is just a byproduct!  On that note, EXPRESS YOURSELF!

    Good day to everyone-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Question: I am going to have drains again for probably around 2 months.  Does anyone have any thoughts on how to make something to "hold" them?   What I am looking for is the equivalent of a scarf but one without give, that I can tuck the drains into little pockets.  I can probably find someone to make what I need and I do have those post- mastectomy tank tops with those little pouches built in, which will suffice but because I had trouble with a drain in the past, and an infection as you all know, I am looking for something a bit easier and that which resembles a scarf as I am going to be in the hospital for a few days and, as we are getting into November, a scarf would do it! 

    Any thoughts?  Any ideas on how I could modify a scarf and remember I don't sew/crochet!

  • Lizzy - I used a pair of old nylon stockings and tied it around my waist for the drains.  This worked very well for the shower.  Then I had a "dry" pair around my waist for daytime use.  It always worked much better than pinning them someplace :)
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Calamtykel: that is a *great* idea, thank you!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Wherria...I am glad to read that they have ruled out mets. That is great to hear!

    This past weekend was Thanksgiving and was very back at work. The time seems to slip away....that and being the taxi for my kids....makes for one tired lady. My youngest turns 10 this weekend so we are taking him and a group of his friends to the movies then back to our place for cake.....will prob need a stiff drink afterwards!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Wherria: on "Five," I watched part of it and it looks really good.   I was too monopolized with that "Dancing with the non-stars!"   I can't help it, it is like staring at an know it is wrong but you can't help yourself!!!

    Rachel: glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!   Also, enjoy your "Momma Cab" and birthday festivities this weekend!

  • Lizzy - if cream is a must for  you, I think Stonyfield makes organic cream.  :)  But I have to think that since we only use a very small amount of cream in coffee, it isn't like it's gallons of hormones....  tonight I added sour cream to mashed cauliflower (something we all love - cook cauliflower until it's real soft - throw it into a food processor with sour cream or cream cheese and butter and it becomes "mashed potatoes"  :)    Lower in calories, low in it's a cruciferous veggie - yay! :D 

    Anyway, I do end up eating some "hormone" laden things but nowhere near as much as I used to.  :)   Our A&P has organic cheese for $4 for 8oz - that's not bad for organic.  I keep a little block in the fridge for myself.  The farm where we get our milk makes their own raw milk cheese (Oh my goodness- I cannot even describe how good it is - they make all different kinds!)  but it's VERY very expensive, so we only get it as a treat.  :)