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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lady- I was on taxotere and I'm reading this with my new glasses on.8) (that's me with glasses on...)

    TEX how are you doing? Thinking of you...8) (still me with my glasses on).

    Ginger- TOTALLY agree. I'm a different person and sometimes I'm fine with that and sometimes I grieve it.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Taxol, Lady.  ACT was my treatment. Is Taxol similar to Taxotere?  My close vision is poor now.

    It is going to be 80 here on Sunday, that is a high summer temp here and rare at that! 



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening warriors!

    I am watching the news right now and apparently an elderly daughter and mother who were living together are dead as a result of a murder-suicide. It is suspected it was because their home had been foreclosed on and recently sold. There was a neighbor on the news going on about the injustice and how it is a sign of how our society is such a mess. What I don't understand is why not, as a neighbor, in that posh community reach out and see if they could help?  I mean I am talking about a part of this state where even saltbox homes go for in excess of $500k. I just stopped to see a friend in Stamford yesterday and sure enough Trump put a huge condo building and these "studios" are going for $500K each. I don't know, it is just sometimes I can't help but wonder how history will regard the times we are living in.

    Calamtykel: these sentiments clearly lead me right into the awful story of the woman with bc who cannot afford her meds. You are right, why are we drenched in a sea of pink when a bc victim cannot even buy her meds. At some point people must stop hawking their friends for money to support them for this or that run and start putting it into an account where you can use it to help a friend w/bc. There is so much graft regarding the funds raised for this disease. I think I mentioned on this thread before a woman I worked with who had 3 kids and a loser husband who was threatening to leave her b/c she had cancer etc... and she was having so much trouble financially on top of that. She filled out probably 10 forms and had a series of phone interviews all trying to score some financial help for her meds and all she got was, not joking, like $10 a month. I think we all should just say "screw it" with giving all the money to these dreadfully mismanaged "cancer" organizations and start something called "open book." For instance, if I give $50 to whatever, my name goes on a list of people that gave and then "how" my money was spent is recorded as well. There is no transparency and a lot of thieving I believe.

    Lady: your IPOD?! If you notice your couch boogying, you know what is going on!!!! It is amazing how much we have come to depend on our electronics! Before my last surgery I was warned about bringing valuables and how if I did and they went missing the hospital was not responsible. All I could think was how was I going to live without my phone?! Two things they mentioned that day: cancer patients are sick and when hospitalized are tired etc... so they fall asleep with their phones and then the sheets get changed and the phone goes to the laundry....right! Yale does have in-room safes and it is the first hospital I have seen with in-room safes. That was a great planning idea. That still does not help the "fell asleep" with the phone! Now I have this old, crappy MP3 player I take with me to the hospital for surgery etc... In any case, I am glad you replaced your Ipod so quickly!

    Also, I lost some of my favorites. Sadly I don't know what they were. I am sure glad you hunted us down again, though!

    Ginger: I can't say I feel too much different but I so agree with you on the fact that, yes, I am glad to be alive but please stop minimizing the SEs.

    CT State Trooper pulled over a motorist, who turned out to be a fireman, b/c he tripped their "radiation" detection equipment! The news is raving about how this means the detection equipment is so great. All I could think was all us bc girls and all our radiation txs, PET scans are radioactive glucose etc... but now I know why they gave me some "official" document after the PET scan. They told me it was to show that I had radiation. that was what that was for!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend and Ginger gets a nice tan!!!!!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Doing good :) I have this persistant cough which is new, but my kids just had a cough as well so i figure thats what its from... :)

    We are going camping tomorrow, oh so funny cuz going camping Sat and Sun, waking and packing up then going to chemo monday! LOL 

    re:the murder suicide story- its a crying shame that there ARE ppl in this world that just dont "get it" those posh neighbors prob just dont get the fact that some of their counterparts can no longer afford to live that lifestyle. IT IS A FORIEGN CONCEPT!

    ginger i beleive that they are both in the taxaine family, but dont quote me LOL

    sweeny- whats this? 8) (8  (guess and i will tell ya later) yup its official i am a dork LOL

    Kel- Hows your daughter>?

    llove the open book idea-  oh that reminds me, did y'all hear about the teen prom queen who faked cancer to raise $- she raised like $17,000... she even told ppl she was dying. ("hers" was lukemia though) 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Tex - Have fun camping.  We haven't gone camping in a long time!  I think the packing holds me back.  Do you have a system??  Beautiful day in AZ.  Cactus are blooming, birds are calling and bunnies are hopping (and eating)!  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather, sunbathing and enjoying the day!

    Tex: I hope, by the time you read this, you had a fabulous time camping, that chemo goes well and you are feeling good!  Perhaps you should listen to "Flo Rida's Good Feeling" and make it your daily anthem!  I love that song!  

    As for the murder-suicide, that whole damn neighborhood knew!  The freakin' RE agency put a "foreclosure" sign right on the front lawn over 4 months ago.  No one is to blame as capitalism is a force in and of itself.  I don't know, I guess there really are not any answers or at least solutions any single human being could implement.  I just think perhaps a neighbor buying that house and then allowing them to remain as tenants would have been a decent gesture.  I guess it just can be all too complicated at times.  Such a travesty, however.

    Prom girl: I had called to schedule an appt w/an onc.  The day of the appt they call me, flipping out, b/c they don't have records and I politely explain that is not my fault.  They wound up cancelling the appt and wanting to resched etc.. and I just asked one question: are there a lot of people who "don't" have cancer trying to get in to see you all?! Tex, you kind of answered my question with this prom story!  People that mess with people with cancer or ever erroneously make claims to cancer dxs are truly playing with the most lethal of karmic fire and come uppance will handle them nicely.

    Sweeney: I just love your  8)   That is adorable and could actually be our thread icon if there ever was one!!      

    I hope everyone has a LOVELY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!   It is my estimate you all deserve the most splendid of days and perhaps some medals are also in order! I must say it again, those of you who went through the bc battle while raising kids are just stronger than I could ever imagine.  I don't know how you all did it but suffice it to say, kudos ;) 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    TEX I am trying to figure out what 8) (8 is. Maybe an apple tree? Or a lady's neck with earrings? Two people with glasses smiling at each other? Gaaaah.

    Going to hang out and be lazy tomorrow....perfect! Happy moms day.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Another one for eyeglasses: (^0_0^)

    As for 8)  (8  the only thing that comes to mind is bifocals?!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    The murder suicide story makes it clear just how serious the stigma of being homeless is in our society. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Happy Mother's Day to all of your wonderful women!  I hope everyone is having a beautiful day as you all surely deserve it Smile
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Happy Mother's Day to all my friends!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well!  

    Tex: I am thinking of you today and hoping you are having a good day at chemo and had a nice weekend camping ;)   I just hope you are doing well today.  Post when you can to give us an update.   The most positive vibes heading your way from CT to TX every single day ;)

    Ginger: I hope you got a nice tan in your 80 degree weather!  

    Yesterday was the first Mother's Day without my mom.  It was a hard, hard day.  I really miss her.  I still can't believe she is gone.  Her death was not entirely unexpected but that does not make it any easier.   

    Good day, all- 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks omaz- i did have a good time :)

    Lizzy- Listening to the song now.

    Sweeny that was me wearing my glasses smiling at you wearing your glasses LOL told ya i was a dork! as i was driving out to the lake i busted up laughin about that and my husband was like WHAT? and then i told him i left y'all hanging with that joke and he salso confirmed my dork status!

    Speaking of glasses, while i was getting chemo today i was dizzy again plus when i was trying to text i couldnt read my phone! just couldnt see, i am gonna bring my gflasses next time to see if it helps! 


    decent song :) i liked the accoustic guitar at the begining and the mellow beat

    well really should be unpacking my camp gear! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone had a great Mothers Day. The weekend was amazing here...beautiful weather--today is like summer--28degrees.

    I met up for lunch with some friends that I met through my breast cancer support group that was run through the cancer support centre close by. We try to meet up every 3-4 months. There are about 5 of us that remain in contact and get together. Unfortunately found out today that one person was recently diagnosed with spread to the liver. She finished her treatment about the same time as me and had returned to work in August last year. She had a pain in her chest--had a scan--and they found spots on her liver that they then biopsied. The pain in her chest had absolutely no relation to the liver but it was what prompted the scan. She is on weekly chemo now. I am taken aback by this always with any of this type of news. She is on chemo for the next couple of months, then a break, then scan. So sick of cancer coming back when it shouldn't Yell

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    rachel - I am sorry to hear that.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rachel I am sorry your friend has a met. I think we all are in fear of exactly that. I think about it less now, but it is still there. I hope her treatment knocks the socks off of it.

    The weather here has also been exceptional. DD DSIL and DGD came over yesterday. DD made tuna casarole for me. I had actually been joking when my husband asked what I wanted to eat for mothers day. I said tuna casarole and he told DD. I have never had such a gormet casarole before. She made a rich white sauce, used guirre cheese along with tuna in olive oil. It was amazing. we even have left overs that need to be eaten in very small portions. DSIL put up my window boxes. Flowers aren't in yet but just the window boxes look nice. 

    My knees are aching today. I hope it isn't the AI Aromasin I am on. I have thus far been so lucky with it. 

    Laters my friends


  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Rachel, I'm so sorry your friend is having to go through that. Cancer just sucks.

    All- this is a site I have been using for yoga, it's free and really really good. Some of y'all might like it. ( I really like using y'all and this is the only place I can...;)

    TEX...8) (8 right backatcha...

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    P.s now I am hungry for tuna casserole too Ginger!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    : what song? I forget! That is funny that you knew you left us all hanging with that glasses thing!! Even I was going way out there, searching for what it meant!!! Glad you had some our expense!

    Rachel: So sorry to hear about your friend. This is our lot in life now. I just don't get it and it all seems so damn random and tiresome at that. I wish your friend the best. It is also nice that you have a local group of bc ladies to lunch with. CT is rather small and has really high numbers of bc "victims" but there is not much cohesiveness at least that I have found. I met one woman at LGFB who wanted to keep in touch and she was just so miserable. It was sad. I did email her a few times but she never got back to me. I would have gone ahead and had lunch with her and tried to support her. She was probably too depressed to keep in touch. I am the polar opposite of sad and miserable but I totally understand how this disease can land someone there. All we can do is support each other. That is all we can do.

    Sweeney: I just checked out that website! GOOD STUFF INDEED! Thank you! I am still a huge fan of "Living Arts" AM/PM yoga. They are only 20 minutes and most recently I purchased "Yoga for Relaxation and Meditation" also with Rodney Yee and Patricia Walden. It is an excellent workout. I also have "Yoga for Beginners" (Patricia Walden) and it is 1 hour long. I actually still do it on occasion even though I am certainly not a "beginner." I just think yoga is yoga and whether I am doing a yoga workout for beginners or whatever, I still get a yoga workout. My fav is Bikram yoga. Nice hot room, generally 105 degrees and 40% humidity. That is a good workout.

    Ginger: I thought of you today! There I was wandering around and actually bought a rose bush! It is just a baby and I have to plant it. I don't know why I did it. I have one already but I just wanted another one. I was thinking about some window boxes. This is really new for me as I am usually not all about the flowers and gardening etc... I shall see if I have any success. I was really getting brave, too, as I saw some seeds for planting some cucumbers and some other vegetables. I am not quite there yet, plus my groundhogs will eat it all (I don't care!), but it is something I am considering. All new for me!

    I am glad you have had some nice weather and are enjoying your dgd and dd! Good times ;)
    As for tuna casserole, never was a fan! It was punishment when my mother made it when I was young! It is enjoyed by many, however!

    Well, girls, I must say I am grateful for all of you and I hope you all have sweet dreams and may the force be with you!!!

    OMG...speaking of "force" I found Wonder Woman on Twitter!!!!!!! So exciting! Of course, I sent her the "omg, I can't believe it is WW" tweet and she probably summarily blocked me! It was so exciting to find Lynda Carter on Twitter! She was the hero of my adolescence and really shaped a generation of women. Love her!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oooh tuna thats sounds awesome!

    Rachel- I will pray for your friend, I KNOW how hard it is to be dealing with the metastatic side of things. Its nice that y'all ladies are there for her. I am so glad she had this pain to promp to to go in. Who knows how long until she would have another scan....

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: that is a really good point about the pain being the catalyst for her to go in, presumably early, to get a scan.  Geesh, God help us!!!!!!!We need it, we really do! 
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oh and i'll stick to my moms tuna recipe it is COMFORT FOOD! i have had goutmet mac and cheese but it was TOO rich if thats possible!

    my mom makes this recipie called speghetti in the oven i nick named it trailer trash-a-roni lol 

    #######shredded cheese######

    ~~~~~~~cooked speghetti noodles~~~~~~~~~

    ++++++++ Canned condendsed cream of mushroom soup kept condensed ++++++ 

    **********cooked and seasoned to taste ground beef*********

    thats a disection of it LOL you layer it in that order, cheese on top beef on bottom and heat in the over until cheese is melted, I LOVE this DH cant stand this so i dont make it often, i may eat that for dinner on wed LOL 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    lizzy i dont get why scans are more frequent for EVERY one with a dxs, we would catch so much!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    About scans, I hope someday we have an at-home urine or blood test for mets.  I just hope someday it is easier for us to find out what is going on in our skin rather than having to go get high doses of radiation exposure.  I had to go to the dentist today and I have actually gotten to the point where I am carrying around my "dental xrays" on my phone!  I am really trying to avoid any unnecessary radiation.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Cream of mushroom soup....a friend wanted me to stay over for dinner in middle school.  She was raving about this certain dish her mom makes.  It was "pork chops" baked in that cream of mushroom soup!!!!!!  I don't eat pork, beef, sausage, and so many other things, the list goes on.  I could not believe...pork chops in that soup!  I still get queasy thinking about it!  I could not wait for my father to pick me up.  I called him immediately after I saw those pork chops swimming in that soup! 
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Tex:  I must be a dork too, because I was hysterical when you said what that little symbol stood for....very clever...LOL! Glad to hear the camping trip was fun.

    Lady:  Add me to the Taxotere and ruined vision list.  I am proudly wearing my glasses as I sit here now...perfect vision before chemo, crappy vision after!

    Lizzy:  LOL on the pork chops "swimming in the soup".  I was just like that as a kid.  If my mom didn't make it, I didn't trust it.  I never ate at anyone's house.  As for the mushroom soup, I don't eat "fungus" so that would have been out right away..LOL. 

    Rachel:  Sorry to hear about your friend, I will pray for a good outcome for her.  As for you, even though we are all aware that this can happen, it really brings it home when it happens to someone you personally know.  Hope you are feeling better and dealing with the reality of it okay.

    Omaz:  I think I remember you as our official "technical support".  I am with Tex, I can't for the life of me remember how to post pictures.  I have tried several times to post a new picture of myself and I can't even manage to change my avatar..LOL!  Could you repost the instructions?

    Rainy and gross here today.  But starting tomorrow I hear we are in for beautiful weekend..I can't wait!  Have a great evening everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    It is a nice, rainy day here!  Oh, I totally forgot to tell you guys!  I was having dinner with friends a few weeks ago and we got around to talking about vegetable soup.  I explained I was looking for a good recipe and my friends dh said he had a diet where the main component was vegetable soup.  It was a 7 day diet for heart patients at a local hospital to get them ready for surgery.  The idea is to lose 10 lbs or so.  In any case, I did not do the diet but I did make the soup and it is great!  I love it.  Today it is definitely soup weather here so I had some and if anyone wants the recipe, let me know ;)

    Sptmm: I love mushrooms but I don't like pork swimming with them!

    Tex: how are you, woman?  I hope that day 2 in chemoland is ok for you.   I wish you the best and hope all is well.

    Have a good night, all- 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My post disappeared.

    Texas, this tuna casarole, while good is too rich. I thought I was going to have a gallbladder attack. My stomach felt weirdly full. I didn't say one word though. If someone cooks for me on mother's day, and a special request to boot, I won't complain. lol

    back to being


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy, I would love the recipe.  I love making soup in my crockpot.  I have an amazing minestrone soup recipe and chicken noodle.  But no good vegetable soup recipe and that is my favorite soup of all.  Please PM me the recipe!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Deb - To post a picture I upload it to photobucket, copy the url, click the little green monitor symbol  here and paste in the url.  That should work!  hopefully