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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Blake shelton- lol i read you saying something bout him and i didnt get it. might just be i am daft or too tired LOL i am aware of who he is but do not really listen to his music much- although i think i may own one of his cds.... Hmmmm 

    LOL i scrolled up and i guess its me being tired, i didnt read the part about CTCA or blake shealton, so he lives in OK???

    Oh yes i am on Tamoxifen... (i didnt read that either) does this site do this to y'all too- when you click the link to get to this page does it put you after your last post always, or somehwere in the middle???? 

    Aha! I totally figured it out i am losing my mind! LOL no i did read carolyns post about the anti hormonals now that i went back and re-read this last page. i thought i replied to it, but i guess it was all in my head.... Obviously this may be taxing me more than i realsied...

    Adey, Sweeny Carolyn, Omaz, Debbi, Ginger, Lady, Lizzy and Rachel (so sorry if i missed anyone) A BIG THANKS FOR ALL Y'ALLS KIND WORDS AND PRAYERS! I actually went back and re-read this page a few times to make sure i am getting it all LOL.

    Okay so i have all the links you posted Lizzy open in all my tabs, so i have some reading to do.

    Lady- i am not sure if you explained your avatar, but i was wondering LOL

    Rachel- Football football or football soccer? i figure soccer cuz thats a spring sport lol Oh didnt you post bout that rice trick before??? i thought i read it before...

    Okay so now i am reading :) 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oh wait forgot-

    i have a no contract phone honest to goodness costs me under $40 a month for unlimited calling, text and internet... Cricket wireless is awesome... 

    NOW i am reading those links :) 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Can you put any kind of phone on Cricket?   I would love $40. a month!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    no thats the draw back- they have smart phones just not iphones... but some of their plans can get higher like i think $65 for a smart phone- oh you live in WA they dont have it up there yet, i think portland is the most northwestern area. another cell co like that is boost mobile

    i had fun looking for trials i booked marked the things so i can fidle with it and find a good one. oh that msk trial is for women with "intact primary tumors" meaning no mastectomy... :) 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well.

    Tex: It is my most ardent hope you get yourself into a few promising Stage 3 and/or 4 trials. In working on Wall St, I traded pharma stocks like a banshee! More to this point, I loved a good "little known" play which invariably was some esoteric pharma and when it hit stage 4 trials, I would almost definitely sell out my positions. Of course, reason being, by the time they hit 4 they are very close to FDA. They also know something quite definitive about the drug by the time it hit those stages in trialing. Of course this is not to say 1 & 2s are not good as well; clearly a 3 or 4 had to start somewhere!

    I just spoke to the onco nurse and she gave me a new link:
    She said there are numerous trials there and it is a comprehensive list.  She also gave me a link for the national cancer institute, as follows: The national, of course, might be better for you.

    I am really glad I found that website. It is so comprehensive. There are so many trials in the tristate area, it is amazing. I hope you find a few that match you even if you had to travel north or to OK to CTCA or even elsewhere in TX. I saw at least a handful that were for Anderson. My bad on the MSK trial! I was scrambling yesterday to try to find you some options. I am so impressed with the fact that "they will call you back within 1 hour" has turned into 1 day and still no call!!!!!!!

    Oh, I never answered your question about how I found that link where it shows what we all do on this thread! If you google your screen name for this site, it will bring you right to this thread and everything else associated with your screen name elsewhere in cyberland!

    Ginger: I saw you on the pet thread. I don't know how me, probably one of the biggest pet lovers in the world, missed that thread! I just read, not posting. I am leaving a lot of my estate to the ASPCA and It is my hope cancer does not eat much more of that! As for Crickett, you guys remember I worked in marketing in wireless before cancer, right? In any case, Crickett is ok in some outlying areas but like hotly contested markets like in the Northeast and in all metropolitan centers in this country, not so much. Even though $40/month, triple unlimited sounds good, for most of us that dream cannot be had without much "hello, hello?!" 

    Well, off to run errands!  Hope you all have some good weather this weekend.  In the Northeast April showers turned into the dryest April we have ever had filled with brush fires and now we are having May showers.  It is what it is, girls, it is what it is!  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all- 

    I have a request. I am currently helping a lady who was just diagnosed with BC Stage 2, I work with her husband. She's wonderful and is right at the beginning of it all- frightened, freaked out, fed up. I was trying to remember all of the cool online resources we found. Remember, the free hats? Stuff like that? I would have to go back through 7,775 posts to locate and so I am crowd-sourcing this info instead.:) Can you post any of free resources you used that were good?  

    Tex- my memory is so bad now I think I have early dementia. I am not overstating this. Who are you people again??

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks lizzy- no worries, i get really excited about some of these studies and find out i dont qualify because of one little thing or another....

    I know they said always start with a phase 3 or 4 trial, phase one is really a last ditch effort... if NOTHING doesnt seem to be working then go with a stage 1. 2 i guess is in the middle LOL 

    Free hats, breastfriends sends one, also american cancer society gives out free hats, wigs, breasts... LOL the ACS she has to go in person though- OMG i am so dumb, y'all prob dont have that in canada right LOL- yup its my brain not working! I think i still have one of my wraps, if i do i would more than happily send it to her (its fall colors though) let me find it- and i can give the info on how to get a free one of those too! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: eventually you will find one that is just right ;)

    Sweeney: I am on the road but when I get home in a few hours I will post a list. Also I must have 300 worth of stuff I bought and never used, tags still on

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi Sweeney,   Maybe google canda/free wigs/breast ca - or see if there's a canadian section here  - some orgs. I found are only US but I'm sure there are ones there I don't know about


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I got a free head wrap from somewhere...but can't remember where...I had tonnes of scarfs and a too-expensive wig....but passed them along to another I met in onco waiting room! In Toronto area, I didnt find too many places doing free stuff...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Sweeney: I remembered!  "France Luxe" and the program is called "good wishes."  Also TLC is a great resource, have a lot of items, fast shipping and good customer service.  Sorry this poor woman had to join us and that we have another soldier in this army.  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    For the record: I don't like Blake Shelton's music....I *like* Blake Shelton ;)
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oh yes the one i was thinking was the french luxe one... thank you guys for saving my brain from over working!!!

    LMBO about Blake Shelton! I totally have a marky mark and the funky bunch CD i bought cuz i thought he was HOT hmmm i think thats how a lot of ppl got into my collection- y'all remember MASE lol....

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Oh just got done talking with CTCA (btw they are open 24/7)

    the gal looked up my insurance and they said out of pocket expenses for the 3-5 day evaluation would only be $75. Thats including flight, accommodations (its basically an onsite hotel) and transportation to and from the airport... Oh and me, husband and kids can all go... ROADTRIP ;) 

    Well i am gonna give this chemo a shot and have a contingency plan in place.

    Oh and another thing about them, they do clinical trials and also standard care which is good :) 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    That sounds like a really good plan Tex. amazing news that your whole family can go too. Will you leave early this week?

    I'm going to go google image Blake Shelton....

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    Tex: I am so glad you called CTCA! So glad. Absolutely have a contingency plan in place. Did you talk to the intake rep at CTCA about your plan to pursue local chemo? I would just softly encourage you to consider going to CTCA now as they might have something special and that which you won't find elsewhere and they *definitely* have the chemo you are about to get.  Also, for each infusion, they bring you to OK and you stay there through your chemo tx.  I am pretty sure they continue to help with travel if you go there for chemo, further testing & txs etc...  I know because you have a family this take some coordinating and perhaps it is not feasible right now but, again, just trying to "softly" encourage you ;)

    Sweeney: I have my celebrity crushes of which Adam Levine (Shelton's co-host on "The Voice") and Colin Farrell (long, long term interest...!) but what I like about Shelton is he is cute, he is tall and he is full of piss and vinegar! First time I ever saw him was on "Chelsea Lately" and, as all men do, he had to protect himself from the attack! All I know is he did not take any crap from her and it was at that point I decided I really liked the whole package with him!

    As for Colin Farrell, I was rather inebriated with my boyfriend on the Upper E Side one wonderful Spring evening my very Irish boyfriend and I fell upon Colin Farrell! IN a pub no less and apparently the boyfriend knew him from the Muthaland!!! All I can tell you is we both spoke wicked fast (friends say I get faster and more succinct with liquor!) and he was even hotter in person!!! I wanted my boyfriend to go a-w-a-y!!! Good times!

    I hate to be a bit of a bummer, as you all know that is not in my DNA (!), but for all of you that know you had to "Fight for Your Right to Party," that there would be "No Sleep Til' Brooklyn," and how we all learned about a thing called "Brass Monkey," I lament the passing of the now late, great Adam "MCA" Yauch from the "Beastie Boys." Yes, luscious cancer claimed yet another life. Of course, he was only 5 years old than I and with growing up on their music, this was kind of upsetting news. It seems like yesterday I was rockin' out to "No Sleep Til Brooklyn." I will continue to rock out to the Beasties music!

    Funny story: One summer in high school I was hired by a convenience store. The guy that trained me was out of his mind. He kept going to the bathroom. Well, as my 8 hour training shift went on, and the smoke billowed from under the bathroom door, I realized he was smoking things in that bathroom! I think he was doing other things in there as well. By the first ½ hour with this whacko, even at the tender young age of 17, I knew for sure I was not going to work in that place and that that this would be my first and last day there! In any case, sure enough he takes out his "boom box(NOTE to Tex: check Smithsonian to better understand this reference!!!)" and pops in the "Beastie Boys!" Now "Brass Monkey" comes on and he calls the package store across the street to tell them he was sending a mule (ME!) to pick up a bottle of Brass Monkey!! He thought we should celebrate my first day by drinking on the job! Of course, at 17, partying occupied 90% of my agenda (the remaining 10% was sleep!), so I decided it was a great idea! We drank and trained and passed that beautiful summer afternoon like 2 teenagers enjoying some irresponsible good times...oh, wait, he was ***26***! He also thought we should physically celebrate our union!! That, my friends, was on a long list of things that was *never* going to happen! Not to mention the "legal" hurdles! That is my Brass Monkey story! Oh-almost forgot the most embarrassing part!!! The kid my from Japanese class parents owned the package store!!! He was in there stocking shelves and knowing full well I was under age, and giggling away, I didn't know what to say! Of course they sold it to me because it was for what could probably be deemed their best customer, liquor head across the street, so I marched out and Anthony and I kept our secret!! Of course, he told everyone when we got back to school that I was scoring Brass Monkey at 2 in the afternoon and clearly this was a sign I would be a politician some day!!!

    Well, I am helping a friend who is in school finish writing a paper today so will be at my computer most of the day. I hope you all have a good weekend-

    Happy trails, girls

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Colin Farrell, she gasps for air.Kiss Blushes furiously, giggles.

    You win, you win in all things. Embarassed She is the champion.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ginger: I wish in that moment I was "Bewitched" and with the twinkle of my nose, my man would have disappeared!!! 
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Colin Farrell is yummy and Lizzy is lucky!

    Maybe not so much since her BF didn't disappear!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: a couple of drunk fast talkers-it was good!  

    This article shows Armidex works 23% better than tamoxifen!  It has been 2 years, or since bmx, since I had my cycle...can I get some?! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - that's interesting, does it mean in the UK they aren't currently using arimidex?  It's used here commonly, most post-menopausal women who are on AIs are on arimidex, letrozole or aromasin.  Sounds like UK is just getting around to approving it - seems late to me!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sweeny- i am just getting CTCA line up as a back up plan. I will go through this bout of chemo with my oncologist and see how everything goes before moving on to greener pastures ;)

    Lizzy- I just read about that too, so sad- Cancer has taken too many lives. And he was so young! (under 50) I liked them up til their intergalatic planetary days LOL... i LOVE their old stuff- great now i got that song stuck in my brain!

    AHA! nice dig- i am young but still remember boom boxes- we used to have these YELLOW ones that my dad bought each of us. we thought we were bad asses rockin them. they took 4 d batteries which lasted maybe 2 days at the max! i think i was about 10 when i got mine ;)

    thats funny. so did you quit any how???? Reminds me of that silent bob movie Clerks.  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Sweeney: I don't know if some of the resources I used are "USA" specific, but here are a couple:

    Do ya'll have something like our Look Good/Feel Better classes sponsored by the Amer. Cancer Society? You get free makeup, tips, etc. Great class.

    I've been busy lately, I love it. And my brother is coming into town next week, so I'm looking forward to that. Did I tell ya'll that he's moving back to Birmingham from Colorado? I'll be glad to have him close again, but I'll miss having somewhere cool to visit that has a free place to stay :)

    Texas: My online ovarian cancer group has a prayer time on Sunday nights where we all light Teal (the OvCa color) candles and say a prayer at the same time for whoever is having a recurrence or whatever issues. So when I bought my teal candle, I knew I couldn't leave out my "pink" sisters, so I bought a pink one and also pray for all my BC sisters. That's the pic I have as my avatar now.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: I think Arimidex has been used in the UK for a while but I am not sure.  I pulled some info that went back to 2003 so not sure?  I know AstraZeneca sells in the UK and for years but not sure what their "approval" is on these drugs there.  I will look into it.

    Lady: SOOO glad your brother is moving back to Birmingham!  That is just wonderful! Good news.  So how are you feeling these days?

    Tex: I had a yellow boom box!  It had an arm strap and had to be nearly 2' long and 18" high!  It was great!  I loved it.  I was just teasing b/c you are so young!

    OMG-of course I quit that joker job!  He was crazy! He smoked pot, took pills, drank Brass Monkey all on 1 Weds afternoon!  There was NO way I was going back to that job.  I could not wait to get the heck out of there!  He was even scaring me! 

    My thyroid feels big these days.  I don't like that!

    Happy trails- 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Thanks for the trip to the past...I was a Beastie Boys fan also....and I had a bright yellow Sony walkman (tape player)--my God I loved that thing....can't imagine it now in the days of ipods...I don't think my kids have ever seen a cassette player! Happy Sunday to everyone.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    So weird, saw an old friend today and it is just so odd to talk about the fact that I have bc.  It just struck me as weird, today, the way I felt telling my old friend.  People are weird, also, in that they automatically start thinking the worst and then, at the same time, trying to comfort against the reality!!!  She is a good, old friend however and her heart was totally in the right place, I know that.

    Rachel: ah, yes, the once ubiquitous yellow Walkman now sitting in its place in our personal histories and that which the mere mention of garners "huhs" from the youth!  I remember waiting to listen to "Casey Kasum" air the Top 40 each week and recording a few songs along the way!  Seems like a lifetime ago and, in some ways, I guess it is!

    Nice weather today here-no complaints!!  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi everyone

    Thanks or all the ideas re BC resources. I will send them along o my friend. I remember the yellow Walkman too....back then I was certain I'd marry George Michael. Seriously, how coud I have been SOOOOO wrong???

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Ps LADY- I like your pink candle idea!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone! 

    I ran my 5 K on Saturday and finished! It was an amazing experience on many levels.  The run/walk started in NYC Times Square and it was jammed pack with thousands of people raising awareness and support for women's cancers.  It was amazing to see all those people!  And I kind of felt like I was sticking it to cancer by coming back stronger than when I was first diagnosed. 

    On the tape players, does anyone remember the portable 8 Track players, I had one of those too...loved it!

    Funny story about kids today and technology.  One day the phone was ringing at home, but the caller id (you know the one that comes up on the TV screen) was not working.  So, the phone is ringing and ringing and I come out of the bathroom and ask the kids why no one is answering the phone.  Their response, "we don't know who it is".....LOL isn't that why you answered the phone back in the day, to find out who was calling?

    Lizzy:  On the Arimidex.  My doctor switched me over after I had been one year without a period, but I am 49 and I was having issues with uterine thickening so maybe that is the difference.  I would ask your oncologist though. Do you have any other thyroid symptoms?

    Lady:  I love that candle idea, it is a beautiful remembrance. 

    Tex:  I hesitate to give advice because only you know truly what you can and cannot handle with regard to traveling and your young kids, but I agree with Lizzy and would softly encourage you to really think about going to CTCA especially since it is only $75.  They have everything  your local doctor has and the latest trials too.  It would give you more options.  Whatever you choose, we are here for you and sending all the positive thoughts we have that you get better and stronger than ever.  

    Have a great day everyone!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Congrats Debbi on your 5km! Amazing!

    Cold dreary day here today--after a beautiful Sunday..the boys are out at football practice and my hubby got the short end of the stick and has to take them today...2 hours at the field. I have some peace and quiet at home. My son was bugging me for months to read the Hunger Games and I started yesterday and am hooked...pleading with my kids to not spoil the suspense in the book. I normally do not like fantasy type books but this book has me gripped. I read quite a bit and my last couple of books were a little ho-hum so this is a great change!