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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Tex- that's good to know - about a "local" recurrence.  Hoping not - I  had  a masectomy - wouldn't hesitate to get one on the other side if that's what's needed! And I'll take that over a distant recurrance.  

    I sure am confused about the marker numbers.  I think at this point I'm going to wait it out - I'm not rushing into scans and I WILL be discussing the financial aspect of scans of this with my doctor.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening, warriors!

    Us folks in the NY Metro area are having the most ideal weather EVER!! So beautiful and dry. Reminds me of Cancun in Jan!

    Omaz: I think you mentioned that PrivateLabs before. That is great information, thank you. With the way things could go re: healthcare companies, I think we are going to need all the DIY leads we can get.

    Calamtykel: glad you are going to wait on the BW. It is wicked crazy that all of these scans and they still can't accurately pinpoint cancer. There were some firm developments with the cancer breathalyzer recently at a Jewish Medical Center in Colorado. Also they don't use cancer sniffing dogs much because there is no way/organization to take care of them at the hospital. I don't know why there is not a separate center where the cancer-sniffing dogs are kept. For that same reason, bomb-sniffing dogs are not widely used at airports. I really hope they either get the breathalyzer on the fast track for approval or there is a dog center we could visit. It is just nothing short of obfuscating that there is not YET a less cancer-causing way to look for cancer.

    Kel, PrivateMedLabs CAN provide it in CT however!!! If you take the Garden State to 287 and pick up the Merritt off 287 North, you can be in Stamford w/in a few hours from most points in NJ. If you search 06902 the first 3 that come up are border towns in CT. Something to consider. 

    Tex: get your dance on!!!! I love that song! That and "Red, red wine" came out that same summer! My friend had a beatle with the straight pipe sticking up out of the back like a cat tail! Those songs bring me back to one heck of a great summer! Timothea, if you rent a car with unlimited miles and drive over to FL (I know my brother does this drive from Houston all the time), you can get cruises to the Bahamas out of JVille, Daytona, Ft Lauderdale etc.. for like $300. It is only 50 miles off the coast of FL. A friend of mine was telling me the other night he took a Disney cruise through Alaska and how wonderful it was. I was cringing!!!! I was thinking Norwegian as I want to do an Alaska cruise. He was encouraging me to go Disney!!!! No, absolutely not! My BAL would be 3.0 for the duration!

    As for your training (stories), Deb and I are only pretty sure you are cranking it out!! My nephew was telling me the other night how old I am as he is 18. I was on the phone so I told him after I get my dentures in and take my arthritis med, I will be down there to show him what's what! He responded with "your alzheimer's will most likely cause you to forget where you are going!" In long, I might be old but not easily fooled!

    That is a shame about the camera. I am going to reveal what an antique I am with this next one! My friend's dad owned a pharmacy when we were teenagers. We worked pt for him and I think he probably would have preferrred to pay us to stay home! The pharmacy was in a very Italian town (like 99%!) and she and I would get the biggest kick out of these guys coming in with their shirts open to their navel with all their gold chains, wreaking of "stench of the night" cologne and with some pop tart hanging off their arm! We had this one guy that came in a few times with like 5-20 dollar bills and asked for a $100 bill!! So sad. In any case, the pertinent part of the story is people used to have to bring their film to places like pharmacies to get them developed. It normally took like a week to get them back. Well she and I used to have some fun mixing up the pictures!!! We would take like 2 from one roll and put them in someone else's!! We were so awful! People would come back with questions and we would poker face it and tell them it must have been a mix up at the lab!!!! Timothea, are you grateful that technology has taken juvenile punks out of the equation!? As for my story, you should back your camera up constantly now that you know how bad we all used to have it and how little privacy!

    Did you find out your PET numbers? Just wondering what they were.

    I am so embarrassed to tell you all this story but I must as it is pretty funny! Yesterday I met my pal for lunch and then we went to Sam's Club which all of you all with kids probably know what that is! For those that don't, it is a big warehouse where you can buy like a 400lb can of pineapple etc... and like everything is sold in huge bulk. I had never even been in it before yesterday. In any case, her dh met us and he wanted to check some things out so we ended up in that store for like 2 hours! It was ok though b/c it was all kind of new to me! Around 5 they opened up tons of these sample carts so we were all trying this stuff. Bottom line, I was kind of forgetting I was standing in a store as I had been there seemingly forever now! I guess I have developed this "habit" since I have no boobs of putting my hand inside the v-neck area of my tank top and sort of using it like a sling to support my hand (mind you the neck of the shirt is tight so it is not like my hand drags it down, exposing "nothing!)!! I just let it rest there and I had no idea I was doing it in the aisle of this warehouse place! My friend is like "are you still going to do that after you get some new ones?!" I simply explained it was a new, albeit weird, habit and perhaps one I will have to stop shortly! I further explained if we had not been in that warehouse store for hours, my mind would not be sending me signals thinking I was in the comfort of my own home!

    Well, much love to all of you! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    We were out today watching some Football (English style). It was HOT HOT HOT. They finally had to close the dome--I don't think they did it for the fans--more for the players who looked like they were almost passing out. Good part is that I may have sweated away 10lbs!

    Strangely, I had forgotten when my next onco appointments were due--for some reason I thought it was end of August--so when I was flipping the fridge calendar over to write something down--realize that my mammo/us is on August 7th. BLAH. I was hoping that I didn't have anything till end of August. I really think that my aches/pains are psychosomatic---once I know that Doc appointments are coming--I start to ache--causes me worry...vicious cycle. So that makes me and my sister getting our scans within 2 days of each other. Luckily, my birthday is end of July so at least it isn't on that day!

    I am posting a pic of me and my family on vacation in Jamaica--my hair isn't growing (Lizzie--that Mane and Tail may not be working for me). I have had my hair cut a few times since it started growing back Feb 2011 but still feels so short.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Rachel - You guys look great!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel- you look like Mandy Moore in that photo! You all look great! Glad you had a nice day at the "soccer" game!

    Happiest of birthday wishes to you ;)

    Everyone gets psychosomatic around appt time. Even me, i am starting to think I have pains under my right arm. Anyway I hope everything is just fine for you and your sister and i will be sending positive thoughts to both of you ;)

    Right now CPTV is airing a Diana Ross concert from some years ago in Central Park! What a wonderful show! I miss being closer for easier access to.the summer concert series in Central Park. Some really great showss over the years-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I am thinking we can do our "live" chat on August 16 about 7PM?  Let me know what you all think.  I should be home from the hospital, god willing(!), and ready to go! 

    Rachel: I meant to tell you as for the "Mane and Tail," it is working fantastic for me!  I cannot believe how much my hair has grown in just 4-5 weeks of use.   That is a shame it is not giving you the growth you wanted but I will say your hair length looks great and it is a nice cut.  I think you look mahhhhvelous ;)

    Also, I cannot be the first person that told you what a strong resemblance to Mandy Moore you bear!  It is uncanny.  I just looked at your photo again!  Ah-mazing!  The last thing I saw her in was "Entourage" where she played the woman who broke Vince's heart so awfully it was hard for him to work with her on "Aquaman!" The way she wore her hair in those episodes of Entourage reminds me of the way you look in that photo.  

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening (absent) warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well.

    Sadly, they just found another whacko in ME with an arsenal of guns and who admits to having gone to see Batman with a loaded gun.  There is hardly a way of predicting such grotesquely wayward behavior and it is all just such a travesty. 

    Sptmm: how did the GI appt go?  Thinking of you today.  I hope things went well and all news is good.

    My surgery dates have changed so the "live" chat, to which no one responded anyway (!!!), is going to have to be put off.  I will most likely wait until later in August to try to coordinate something.

    Happy trails....I hope you all are ok!  Very quiet here...!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I am still on for the chat!!  Total  bummer on the postponement   ):
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    One of these days you all should get on Twitter. You don't have to tweet but you should just get an account and then search "cancer research" and get in the flow of all the information out there. All these little tidbits I post, including what I am going to post today, I find out about through Twitter. I know most of you FB but for the more private, frenetic crowd (!), Twitter is where it is at especially for receiving information. Plus on FB a lot of information is lost because of voluminous postings by the bored and uninspired! You all might just want to get on Twitter.

    I know we all fall into that false sense of security in thinking our oncs are somehow ubiquitous and all-knowing about what is going on in cancer research but that is just not the case. Some of the stuff you learn about on Twitter might very well save your life. Something else is that I am not "constantly" on Twitter although I do have it on my phone. I can only imagine how much information I am missing b/c I may check my last 50 tweets when I get on. If we are all on, we might be able to check-and-balance each other b/c something you all might see I may have missed etc... I guess I would like to create a virtual research team!

    So this morning I was on Twitter and found this information out about "Afinitor." Apparently it has been being used for liver and pancreatic cancer. It has shown promise in trials for bc. Here goes the link and remember, to use these shortened links, right click and select "open in a new tab":

    I think it is all good information. I also wanted you all to read the article and check out how they write about all these "profits" Novartis stands to make if this is approved and how, like in some whacky tale from Masters of the Universe, they are going to take down Roche (I think) who I guess is the major "winner" in cancer drug manufacturing. I appreciate the information but I despise the fact that profits are the major theme of the article and, yes, I do realize it is a "Business Week" article! In our capitalistic society, however, if they are not making money, they most likely will not do anything so that is just the way it is.

    Omaz: well, I guess you and I will be chatting alone! I will look forward to it!

    Good day-

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    I'm in for that chat too. Just not while I'm up at the cottage, b/c I don't have any connectivity. Also I'm on twitter and hadn't thought of it as a research tool. I like the idea of a virtual research team. My twitter handle is @maraobrienjames if anyone is interested. Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    lizzy speaking of old cameras/film... i tried to have some old negatives re-developed and NO ONE does that anymore. they said, we can just send of unexposed film.... um yeah its the same process LOL- i say lazy! i ended up looking into one of those negative readers that convert your pic into a digital image.... costly but worth it when i have a boot sized shoe box filled!

    Thanks for that tip about this new drug! i dont "lack the gene called her2" as the article stated, but its still worth a look into! The worse thing they'd say is no, right? :)

    rachel- your hair is barely shorter than mine and i have NOT had any cuts since chemo mine skims my shoulders in spots but mostly shorter than shoulder length... Give it more time :) Cute family pic! thanks for sharing! 

    Lizzy- live chat, sorry wasnt on line for a few days, later aug sounds good!

    Sweeny- Up at the cottage? sounds fun. No joke i have been lookin at buying a cabin in the middle of no where. Montana had some good deals and so did some other northern states, i would just LOVE to get away from it all! But of course my husband had to be mr reasonable and said "where would we get your treatments? what about other dr appointments" what a wet blanket LOL ENJOY YOUR TIME AWAY!

    Oh and apparently i just had my 2 yr ann from dx. I just looked to see what the day was and its 2 days past.... Glad i was kept so busy that it didnt get a chance to bother me.... Well i am off to clean out the bunny's cage... i have been putting it off all day, i spent the morning cleaning my sons room with his help LOL (which turns out to be "oh mom i havent seen that toy in forever so let me spend 30 minutes playing with it while i put it away" lol) my husband and the kiddos are at the pool which of course i'd rather be doing but no the SUN has to be there killin my summer! ;)  the bunny calls....

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie--i have a twitter account but use it only when extremely bored waiting somewhere and check the twitter postings. I think on twitter i have only 2 real frienda--the rest are news things and celeb gossip stuff (yes sadly i admit that). I should prob use it to get more interesing info but am hardly on it so I think I would miss most.

    I like FB to keep in touch with friends/family esp family overseas.

    That shooting in US was just crazy horrible. I would like to say that it doesnt happen in Canada but we have recently had a couple of shootings in Toronto--they appear to be more gang related but no matter--just as horrible. I just dont get how people have all these guns--how do places actually think it is OK to sell a machine gun thing. Crazy. Watching CNN last night and seeing stories of victims was just heartbreaking.

    Sadly, one of the parents who was in our family support group last year is in his final days. Young, active man with brain cancer and no matter the treatment--tumour would just keep growing back. Three young kids. His wife had mentioned that he is on waiting list for hospice and will probably move to hospice next week. So sad. We would all sit around just chatting while kids would all spend time together and talking to counsellor. Sad time for sure.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: that definitely does sound pretty darn lazy about not wanting to process your negatives! I am pretty sure they still do that at Walgreens. I can't tell you how many years it has been since I utilized such a service, however! Timothea, we have all recently celebrated 2 years and we are still is all good! Let's be happy about this!
    Those darn bunny calls would have been too much for you to handle coupled with that sun! It is so weird talking about being in the sun, I forget what I am and am not supposed to be doing but I was not dxd w/skin cancer so I am soaking up the sun! I love it and for the first time in years, I have a really good tan. I was wicked pale last summer and did not like it at all!

    Rachel: I think all my years working on Wall St, working 8AM to 7PMish, I am fiercely business minded almost to a fault and I loved working that hard and the pace was just right for me. I was just telling my friend at lunch a few days ago that when I am watching a sitcom etc... and they are screwing around in the office like "Parks and Rec" had a episode where they were having a water balloon fight, all I can think is they are wasting time and money!  Not joking...I even go as far as to calculate how much longer they could go on like that before all that time, and thereby money, wasting would lead to going out of business(except that Parks and Rec is based on municipal workers!).  I love a very fast paced work environment and have to constantly be productive.  I don't even feel right if I feel I have not worked hard that day.  Just the way I am wired.

    For these reasons, I don't really get on Twitter and FB to chat with friends although there are a few I talk to. Twitter for me is more business, like stocks, financial, some Japanese sites as I do speak it and like to encourage my remembering the characters (can't read enough characters to read a newspaper however!), politics, baseball, law schools, news, Bloomberg and a number of celebrities I like. I really get on it to have some fun and check out new developments in cancer research etc..., baseball and business. I guess I use Twitter a lot like you do but not when I am bored. I really like Twitter. FB for your purposes is excellent esp w/family overseas.

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend from the support group. It is very sad. A friend has had brain cancer for many, many years. He is treated at MSK and has been ok for many years. I don't understand it all. It is sad. I am sorry you have to go through that. My friend at MSK died last week. Some people have an organized cancer management system that is without crisis and issues. Mine, however, has been replete with problems and it makes me nervous that so much time has been spent dealing with bs that the pain I am getting under my left arm and the constant itching, not to mention the continued numbness, is leading up to something that perhaps will not be found until after this next surgery. It is all so scary. You don't know what to do first. My friend that passed had a sort of convoluted trajectory as well. We spoke of this rather often. Like I said to Tex, we all are celebrating 2 years since dx and may we all celebrate many more.

    As for the shooting, in Connecticut there is a shooting almost every day and we probably average at least 4 homicides per month.  Just last night a preacher was in line at Burger King, got into an argument with someone and they just pulled out a gun and shot him dead.  As for guns, a friend just moved about 20 minutes outside Nashville. I asked her about crime and she said it was pretty darn low because "everyone" is packing!  I can only imagine whacko would not have marched into that theater in Colorado if he felt that 75%+ of the audience might be carrying guns.  The whole topic is just a mess. 

    Well, the love of my life, Dr. Oz(!!!) had yet another fantastic episode and I am going to give you all a luscious immunity-boosting, one pot soup by Ming Tsai (famous for his soups) but of course it contains tofu. I am going to reflect on replacing it. In any case, here goes:

    Ingredients: Hot and Sour soup
    Serves 4

    1 tbsp grapeseed oil
    1 jalapeño, minced with seeds
    1 tbsp minced ginger
    1 tbsp minced garlic
    2 bunches scallions, green and white parts sliced, 2 tbsp greens reserved
    1 lb shiitakes, stems removed and tops 1/4-in sliced
    2 1/2 quarts chicken stock or low-sodium chicken broth
    2 tbsp naturally brewed soy sauce
    Juice and zest of 2 lemons
    1 block silken tofu, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
    2 cups shredded carrots
    Freshly cracked black pepper

    In a stockpot over medium-high heat, add oil and swirl to coat the bottom. Add jalapeño, ginger, garlic and scallions. Sauté until aromatic, about a minute. Add shiitakes and sauté 2 minutes, until softened.

    Add stock and soy sauce, bring to a simmer and reduce by 20%, about 5 minutes. Add lemon juice, tofu and carrots and cook gently for 2 more minutes to heat tofu through. Season with black pepper.

    Ladle soup into serving bowls and garnish with reserved scallion greens and lemon zest


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sun- when i was not in active treatment it wasnt such a big deal (to me) but right now in chemo it makes me sun sensitive. I do try to stay out of it as much as possible... i took my kids swimming, wore a huge floppy hat and sat in the shade. the year between my radiation and getting back on chemo i didnt care as much, although DH and doctors still did....

    soup sounds wonderful! i love ming tsai and his cooking, he came out on the kids program Arthur which i thought was great... Not sure if the fam would be willing to eat it, so may be a while until i make it.

    We are gonna go CAMPING, leaving early tomorrow, stopping in SA to get my ct scans then heading up north where i hope it would be cooler!

    if i can find my back up digital camera (not sure if i mentioned i lost my other one last week at chucke e cheese) i will post pictures! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    rachel not sure why i didnt see you post, now i get what lizzy was talking about the shooting and your friend-

    i appreciate the country rallying around these victims, so senseless...

    It is a sad time indeed. Hospice is wonderful for the survivors, usually they all have programs for the children to help with grieving. So sad and also senseless.... 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone:

    Tex:  Have a great time on your camping trip!  Hope to see some pix like the ones you posted last time, they were great.

    Rachel:  Your family looks great and very happy!

    Sweeney:  Have fun at the cottage, just the sound of it relaxes me...LOL. 

    Lizzy:  I am definitely in for the chat, anytime I will make the date work.  Sorry I didn't respond : (  Sorry about the postponement of your surgery, I know how anxious you are to get it done.  Is everything okay?  No new problems?  Unfortunately I got no answers with the endoscopy.  My stomach looks fine.  They took some samples for biopsy and I will meet with the gastro again in two weeks for the biopsy results.  If there is nothing there, I am in for more testing, YUCK!

    Have a great evening everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors-

    Has anyone else had to go off tamox for any reason? I have had to for surgery and am getting dizzy. I am hoping the dizziness is just b/c I went off of it but it is scary nonetheless. Of course one hopes the dizziness is not for any other reason. Gadzooks...sometimes I just don't know what to think anymore!

    Tex: good for you on the camping trip! I hope you have a wonderful time! Enjoy and if you can get it all worked out, I look forward to seeing some more pics of that beautiful family of your's! Good luck with the scans in SA.

    As for the sun, I know on chemo we are supposed to stay out of it. Just think of all the fun you will have next summer ;)

    I had no clue Ming Tsai got his start on "Arthur!" That is so cool. I am still considering what other protein I can use in place of tofu.

    Sptmm: ugh...more testing. At the very least, however, it is good news that nothing is wrong with your stomach. Best of luck with it all and keep us posted.
    BTW, I hope you try that Ming soup! Was thinking of you when I posted it!

    Sweeney: good for you on the cottage getaways and NO internet connectivity! It is so important to just unplug once in a while. These phones are like lojack for humans. It is wonderful to go a place where it is just you, your family and nature. Crickets, crickets and more crickets!

    Is anyone else addicted to the Olympics? I am even into watching the trials! I find it all amazing.

    Bad news, ladies: Kim Jong Un, the young dictator of N Korea, is now officially off the market!  It has been revealed he is married!  Go have a good cry and pull yourselves together, for the love of moving on!  Go find yourselves another young dictator to dream about and take down your Jong Un posters!!!!! 

    Sweetest of dreams to you all!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all,

    Rachel- really sorry to hear about your friend. I hate this disease. A really good friend started chemo today for BC. I dropped off a care package for her, but I am worried. She will not talk about what stage she is at, she says she's not sure. I know she has two lumps and that they need to do chemo before surgery. As I said I'm just worried for her.

    Lizzy- your description of your work ethic had me laughing out loud! You with the helpful research links, tasty recipe posts, and interesting news story're an overachiever??? I NEVER would've guessed it! Ha ha sister, I think we're all onto you!

    Tex: I bet a cabin in Montana would be something else! That's some beautiful country. Good for you to be doing the camping thing, you must be feeling good. And that is great news!! If I can figure out how to post cottage photos I will, so you can see. Are you on FB? I have shots up there.

    All- well ladies, I have been trying to be brave about this, but tonight it's not going so well. I've had a pain in my hip for two months. Onco sent me for X-ray, and there was nothing on the film. But now the onco has ordered a bone scan. I've never had one of those and I'm trying not to get overly worried. But my hip still hurts and so we move to the scan stage. Crap. Fingers crossed its just achy old bones.

    Night all. Sleep tight.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sweeney - loss of estrogen can make all kinds of aches and pains.  I hope it's nothing. 
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sweeney: I am with Omaz as I think loss of estrogen is just a drain.  Don't forget, chemo takes our bodies for a ride so you never know what little gifts it left for us! I am sure you are going to be fine.  Don't forget, with every ache and pain, while in the swallows of bc madness, 50% becomes psychosomatic!  Also, my elbow in my left arm, which is the side the cancer was on, hurts so much I feel like I can't even move my arm for like 5 minutes when I wake up in the morning.  Who knows what it is?  You know what I say? If cancer is going to gobble me up, so be it but I am not going to spend the rest of my life catering to its hawkish and petulant nature! 

    Btw, as for Twitter, I am far more colorful and uncensored so I would not want to scare you!

    BTW, life off tamox sure is good!  I am not mentally cloudy as I can answer Jeopardy questions without my "this pause was sponsored by tamox" nonsense!  I cannot believe how much more clear I am.  Oh well, better not get used to it as have to get back on that crap in September! 

    Again, I remind you all to deal with your feelings that the very hot and sexy Kim Jong Un is no longer available and OMG, Matthew McConaughey is going to be on the Late Late Show w/Craig Ferguson!!!!!!  Oh my....have to go!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi all, I have had lots of house guests this past 5 weeks.  

    Lizzy I get dizzy almost every year around this time. I take sudafed to help me. I have gone to a full fledged labrinthitis two times and that is no fun.

    I went for may 6 month mammogram today. I was feeling pervous about it but thought I would handle it okay. I didn't.  When told I needed to have more views and compressions I started to faint and got that awful adrenaline taste in my mouth. Once I pulled myself back together I began shaking so hard that we had to do those additional views TWICE!  I get my Mams done with immediate read so it does avoid getting a call later to come back for more views. Today I was just a mess I hadn't realized I was THAT afraid. When the tech came to my little waiting room to tell me all was well I began crying and starting to faint, again.  The tech brought me juice and graham crackers and soon I was on my way. I really though I was doing better than I am emotionally.  

    Omaz, I need to wear shoes that have a heel higher than the forefoot to keep plantars fascitits away. Flat shoes are out!

    My big poodle got neutered two weeks ago. He is becoming more bouncy and less intense already. Little dog continues to reassert his dominance and big dog continues to not notice.  Cats ignore both. 

    Lizzy, and Calamity and all I am keeping you all in my prayers. We all need peace of mine and some regularity in our lives.

    Love you all, Ginger 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Ginger - I was just thinking of you last night!  We are up visiting relatives in Seattle this week, heading back to AZ tomorrow.  Beautiful weather!  Glad to hear the mammo was OK, I get so nervous too. I am glad they do the immediate reads.  the last couple times when the woman came out to tell me they were ok I gave her a big hug and startled her.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors!

    Ginger: good to hear from you!  I figured you were entertaining and rightfully so!  Your animals sound as if they get along just famously!

    The thought of future mammos was one of the main factors I considered when going bmx.  I just knew I could not face that year after year, dragging out that saga.  The choice is different for everyone, however.  I totally understand how you felt going into the mammo.  Glad it is over and you got an "all clear."   So scary just the same.

    Omaz: I know Seattle is a big city but it is a shame you and Ginger could not have made plans to meet for lunch!  Hope you are having a nice vacation and visit with family.

    Good day, girls! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Ginger--I am so glad that your mammo was clear. I can totally understand your worry--I am just about heading back into my scans for both cancers--worries me everytime--people keep telling me that it gets easier--but it hasn't yet. In the inbetween time between scans, I don't think about cancer but during that scan period--I would be lying if I didn't think about it.

    Sweeney--I have had 2 bone scans--one required after my initial diagnosis and another when I had lots of hip pain and lower back pain. It is pretty easy--just laying on a bed--they inject you beforehand with something that will light up any issues (I know..I am sooo technical). An image appears on TV above as the machine works its way from your head to your toes...I got my results within 24 hours--probably they could give you them right away but Doc needs to review also. It is worrying. I am heading back for another due to ongoing hip pain and lower back my last checkup--my onco said if the pains didn't get better--they would do another. hasn't so I will be heading back for the scan. Blah. The only thing I can say is that they didn't see anything during my last scan...lack of estrogen, tamoxifen and for me my hysterectomy--causes bone pain/aches. Fingers crossed.

    Lizzie--I am an olympic junkie so the next couple of weeks--I will be watching all kinds of sports that I normally would never watch. I'm not sure what it is about the olympics....I am totally engaged :)

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. My 42nd bday is on Sunday so tomorrow we are heading out for dinner/party with family.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hey Everyone, it's Friday Thank God!!! Glad to see this week go!

    Ginger:  Great to hear from you.  Good to hear that your mammo was clear.  I can totally understand the anxiety!  Don't feel bad, most people would react in a similar way given the circumstances. 

    Rachel and Sweeney:  Good luck on your scans.  I hope everything turns out to be nothing. I'm with you on hating the scans.  But I look at it this way, on Monday when I receive the results of the CT scan, I will know without a doubt that I have no cancer in my body and can at least relax for maybe six months or so...LOL.  Seriously though, it is nice to have that definitive test to allay your fears.  Good luck!

    Lizzy:  We too LOVE the Olympics.  All the TVs in our house will be tuned to the Olympics 24/7 over the next couple of weeks.  I can't wait to watch team handball, I love that sport!

    Have a great weekend everyone!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi great hearing from ya! We ended up cutting the trip short- although i did get some great pictures! it was too dang hot! i mean no air flow whats so ever! we literally (all except my daughter who can sleep through anything) woke up at 1am so hot we couldnt take it! lol 

    lizzy- i went off tamox for chemo and didnt have any dizzy spells. I did really good- got a little sun, but i bathed in the sun block before going out LOL the pictures will show that!

    Ming Tsai didnt get his start on arthur, he came out on it well after he was famous 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Thanks everyone for all the good vibes re scans. DEB I like your thinking about the scans, it's like a get out of jail card for a few months.:) thanks for the info RACHEL, I booked the whole day off work so I can be a basket case in private. And happy birthday!!

    Ladies I am off to the cottage for the next ten days, so radio silence from me as we have no connectivity up there. If you haven't heard from me by around the two week mark it's because I have been eaten by a bear.

    A very big hug to each of you. XO

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sorry my thoughts were so incomplete! My 7 yr old comes in and says first "mom you need to buy me a laptop because we only have one computer and i never can get on" then came "can i get online to go to" (her fav site) A- no you arent getting a laptop and B- sure let me finish my sentence!

    Okay so where was I....

    Okay about Ming tsai- the episode was about the kids doing a cooking competition his character was the judge... the break they do in the middle of the show (a word from us kids- or something like that) had him showing how to make fried rice i think... His real life son came out in it to, so it was def after he was already famous. 

    Speaking of famous chefs, i saw this one show cant recall what it was at this moment and a VERY young bobby flay came out on it- very shy didnt have the same camera presence he does now.... VERY HUGE DIFFERENCE!

    LOL- yeah let me take down my Jong Un poster- How did ya know i secretly have one in my closet??? LOL okay this def is showing my age, but i used to have a MA$E (mase) poster on my wall.... i dont know what i was thinkin LOL

    Sweeny- Yes i am on FB do you want me to PM you my name? And yes i am feeling really good (aint nothin gonna stop me from spending time with my family)  i have had a few bone scans Rachel is right, thats all there is to it- I also experience pain in my hip that comes and goes and everytime i get scanned there is nothing there. Dr thinks it is chemo  related, from the FIRST chemo i did (taxotere). I know its hard not to worry but TRY not to :) Also i think its wonderful that your dr is going for scans, some get too complacent. I pray its just achy old bones too!

    Awww Ginger I hate to hear that you're affected so badly! I am glad you got the all is well news though. Funny about your pets, we had this young lab that would chew everything, jump on everything and run faster than i could keep up so he did a lot of dragging me down the street LOL, our vet suggested getting him fixed which we did and it made it WORSE lol, he now is more calm and a really wonderful dog he is 8 (took a few yrs for him to calm down LOL)

    I SO AGREE RACHEL- ppl say it gets easier but it doesnt I think when they got you in that machine its like re-living the first day! (also not when you're going in for a scan with a specific ache or pain) My reg c/t and echos NO BIG DEAL, when i have those additional scans due to a suspected thing i damn near put myself in a PANIC- and i already am stage 4 for heavens sake!!!! Really our lives will NEVER be the same, no matter how hard we try. the drugs/medication/surgeries all do other things to our bodies which we of course have to rule out as the cancer coming back!!! i feel like i am in a hampster wheel, just going round and round!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Sweeney:  Have a great time at the Cabin...please try to not become dessert for the bear!

    Rachel:  Happy Birthday! (in case I don't get on tomorrow).

    Tex:  Your comment about the hamster in the wheel really hit the nail on the head.  That is exactly what it feels like! Sorry you had to cut your trip short, maybe need to look into an air conditioned tent...LOL. 

    Lizzy:  Going to try the soup tommorrow, sans the mushrooms (I don't eat fungi..LOL).  Sounds good, I will let you know how it turns out. 

    You know, it is kind of funny that we all have hip pain, maybe connected to the Taxotere you think?  I have had all sorts of problems with my right hip and it is not getting any better, but they have scanned and found nothing.  The best the neurologist could come up with is neuropathy from the Taxotere.  Pretty weird that we all have pain in the hips though. 

    We are having a big family reunion today.  First time in eight years.  There are going to be children there that I definitely will not recognize, LOL.  The weather is not so hot, rain showers alternating with sun.  But, oh well, I can't wait to see everyone!  Enjoy the weekend everyone.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Joint pain, me too. Every joint I have, even my fingers. I think it is from the Aromasin. The hip pain surprised me quite a bit. I am going to ask my Onc if I can take the Aromasin on the on a certain amount of time and then a break. It worked so well when I got off of the Arimidex that I am hoping it might be an idea for the Aromasin. I was pretty much SE free the first months on the Aromasin. 

    Yesterday I got a huge muscle spasm from the Mammo, ouch. The reason they did the additional views was there were new crystals or calsifications so the tech pulled my chest flesh further into the squisher as well as my underarm flash. I think my chest wall muscles must have responded to that and been really sore. 

    My dog Stewie is getting more mellow by the day. He is on an extended leave from running so I am surprised he isn't more antsy. His parts are no longer swollen so he may get back to full acvtivity soon. The cats and Harry the little dog are all much releived by Stewies newfound coll and calmness. 

    Texas, come to Washington it is nice and cool here. It is about 70 and sunny a real treat for up here. I think I will never complain about the coolness here after this difficult summer for most of the country.

    I am not looking in here so often any longer but [probably will for a while now after being so darn scared. I remain amazed at how strongly I reacted and with so much fear. I do think I will be chill again soon once I work through this. Thanks for the hugs and stuff. 

    Love Ginger