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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady--so glad that your scans were all clear! Great news! Now is time for a break--sorry to hear about the root canal--I had one of those post-chemo too :(

    Carolyn--my boys are loving archery and fencing. In fact, they really love fencing.

    I was watching the olympics constant at first but gradually have stopped--will start again this weekend with the Track. That will be the most interesting! When we were in Jamaica for vacation--we were talking to some of the staff at the resort and when the 100m final is on--they will be basically closing for business across the Island!  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hey Everyone, just dropping in to say Hi!

    Tex:  I used to hate it when the kids leave a mess after playing.  Only thing I could suggest is making them clean up after each hour or so, so if they run out quickly, the mess will be less.  Easier said than done however, because usually the minute you suggest cleaning up the guests run for the door!

    Kel:  Your hair is so long! Wow! Good luck with whatever decision you make on the scans.  There is however something to be said for peace of mind and it kind of sounds like the scans are the only thing that will give you that. 

    Caroline:  Great to hear from you!  I hope you guys had a great day at the beach!

    Rachel and Sweeney: Good luck with your scans!

    Lady:  You too look fantastic!  Great news on the scans.  I could use a little less doctoring too, I think we all could.  Hopefully we will gradually get there!

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    switchin my avatar :)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    maybe its longer than i thought ;)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Debbi!

    Tex - Absolutely adorable! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Omaz!

    Tex, you look great!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Ha! I finally figured out how to post a picture.  Here is a recent picture of me and my kids, hair is doing good, but not quite up to Kelly..LOL!

    The new avatar is a picture taken in May after I ran my very first ever 5K, with my medal of course!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow, Sptmm you have a real head of hair. Your family is simply gorgeous!

    Kelly your hair is great!

     Texas I just love your new Avitar. Your hair looks so nice. I tried to stretch out the photo so I could see it better.  

    Lady, I had something specific that I wanted to say to you and cannot remember it just now to save my life! Just imagine something cheerful, funny, witty and you'll have the general idea. Not that I would be able to manage all of those ideas.

     When I last saw my POC she said I could wait a year to come back. :) I thought I had misheard her!  

    I see my MOC in september.

    Iis Lizzy on vacation? If so I hope she is having a blast.

    We have the blue angels flying overhead today because there is an airshow on Lake Washington. Boom boom boom.

    Laters Ginger 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    ginger- let me get the disc of pics that we got and post larger ones :)

    thanks all

    debbi love the pic of you and the kids! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Ginger, those Blue Angels flew right over my car one day on entrace to an airshow......scared the crap out of me!  They sounded like I was about to be rear-ended by a freight train...LOL!  But they put on a great show!

    Thanks Tex!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Oh i forgot to mention- had my first scans since starting chemo and the dr said that its stable- so no reduction but no progression either!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    What an adorable pic Tex! I think no progress is encouraging.  At least the chemo is doing something, maybe it will just take a little longer to kick the cancer's arse....right now it is preventing it from spreading so that is good. 

    Have a great day with the kids!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Helllooooo my lovely warriors!!!!!!!!

    I hope you all are well and missed you while I was gone b/c, in fact, I was gone!

    Sptmm: Deb, I love the avatar! What a great pic of you and the kids!!!!!! You all look summerfied and wonderful!

    Rachel, Sweeney, Kel and Lady: best of luck in scanville!

    Sweeney: hope you are enjoying the cottage!  CT weather is grossly equatorial and nearly every day we have crazy thunderstorms...just like FL these days!  I am sure your cottage up in cooler Canada enjoys much nicer weather than this!  

    Texas: what an adorable avatar!!!! You all have made some nice updates while I was gone! I am so glad your scans are showing nothing new!!!!! That is great news!

    Ginger: was not on vaca! I go on vaca but I never post it here. I guess the ubiquitous nature of the www leads me to not have to b/c my phone and pad work everywhere I go so there is never any down time from posting except for when....

    I HAVE MASSIVE SURGERY! I had humongous surgery on Tuesday and am awaiting final pathology. I will slowly tell you all more and connect through PMs as well (as I kept some of you informed pre-surgery). Slowly but surely I will give up all the details! For now all masses were removed, recon done and am awaiting final pathology! It was a very, very long surgery and I awoke to my neighbor from childhood holding my hand, petting my forehead telling me all was going to be ok! She is respiratory therapist at Yale and because they had no room on SICU, I was put elsewhere and she happened to be working on the "elsewhere" unit! She had no clue what had happened to me to cause me to be on her unit and almost passed out when she saw me. It was so nice to wake up to her as family and friends had been there since 6AM, once they knew I had finally gotten out and once they knew I was ok and out of the woods, they left!

    I am happy to be done and over with it all. Am so tired but so grateful the Olympics has been on! It was so nice to have the Olympics to watch while going through this mess!

    Have you all been enjoying the Olympics? Hope so! It is the best competing against the best...what could be wrong about that?

    Finally I have to tell you all I had such an overdose of those lying polticians and their stupid ads while I laid in that bed, I very well might not  watch network television again until December! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: I love your new avatar!!!!!  Great pic!  So glad you are doing well ;)

    Tex: Juicers: as I am pretty sure you know, I have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer, the silver one.  It was under $200 and works pretty well.  My only complaint, and this is very telling (!), there are so many parts that have be cleaned every time you use it, it is ridiculous! That is my only real complaint!   

    Calamtykel: nice long hair!!!!!  Nice job, woman!  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    You all are about a year ahead of me on the hair, you all have some serious hair working in these new avatars! I'm going to make an appointment for this week for my second haircut. I think I'm going to keep it short. It is so much easier to take care of and is cooler, especially when it is 95 degrees with 90% humidity outside! I want to have some highlights put in around my face, mainly to cover the gray. I hope she thinks my hair is healthy enough for that.

    I'm still watching the olympics. Rachel, I like the track & field too. One thing I got into this time, for some reason, is rowing. It was really cool to see those boats flying through the water and all the rowers moving in sync. I could just feel the wind in my face and smell the water.

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    I am so sorry to have been away so long!  Mentally needed the break.  I am super excited about the thought of a chat with everyone.  You guys were such a huge part of me recovering and getting through everything.  Lizzy - glad to hear your surgery is over.  Positive vibes for good followup.  Everyone who is waiting for thoughts and prayers to you all.  Loving the new pics and I will try to get a new one up as well.  We just returned from the Outer Banks last week, so if I can get my hubby to download the pics, I will find one.  My hair is still super curly and looks alot shorter than it is.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex--am happy to hear about your scan!

    Lizzie--Happy Healing!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Mommichelle: thank you so much!  Almost forgot about you entirely!  It has been a while. I just love, love the Outer Banks and would live there if it was not for the promise my home would most likely be decimated by a hurricane year after year after year!

    Rachel: thanks!

    Healing continues, VNA visits, tired..!  

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895


    I have no clue why i rotated these and saved them to my photo bucket but they keep appearing here sideways....

    And some more:




  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex....most gorgeous pictures and family. XO

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Mommi!

    Absolutely GORGEOUS family Tex!  Those kids are tooo cute!

    Lizzie:  Rest, rest, rest!!!!

    Rachel:  Did you see that soccer game today?  The Canadian girls almost got us!  What a thriller!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Tex - Beautiful pictures!  thanks for sharing - your kids are adorable!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas, WOW!  You have a gorgeous family! Thank you for posting the pictures. :) 

     Lizzy welcome back. 


  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Tex -

    Those are fabulous pictures!  Your kids are so cute and you all look like such a sweet family!  Thank you for posting!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--I think the Canadians are a little upset over the game! What a great game though...least we gave the US a run for their money!

    Hot hot hot here is unbelievable...too bad I have to work!

    Happy Tuesday!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lizzy- Glad to hear you're back home and recuperating. Fingers crossed for the best pathology results. Take good care of yourself, my friend. But keep the info flowing b/c we want to know how you're doing!

     All- didn't get eaten by a bear at the cottage. So that's good news.

    Tex- WOW! You look awesome and your family are beautiful, great photos. THanks for posting. If I can figure out how to I will too. And thanks for the reasonable words of advice re scans, I'm much calmer now. My scan is on Aug 21st.

    Kel- Great hair!

    Debbi- WOW AGAIN. Another stunning family. And you must have some seriously strong DNA b/c that group of kids look exactly like you!:)

    Omaz, Ginger, Michelle, Bama- hope summer is going well. Canada is smoking hot too. Even up in Northern Quebec where our cottage is it got up to 98 degrees last week!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sweeney - We are used to those temps in the AZ desert but in Canada??  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    Your surgeried leader is reaching out! This one took a lot out of me, girls!
    I must be so tired because even these drains are not stopping me! I am basically sleeping, sitting up, and I wake up in the same position I go to bed...exact same position! I have pillows loaded up around and atop a bed rest pillow. Not too shabby, girls! Not too shabby!

    A few times I woke up and did not know where I was...scary. I also wake up sweating (thank you my return-to-tamoxifen benefits!) and can't get the sheet/blanket off fast enough! I mean like I throw it off. Aside from this stuff, trucking along!

    Thank you all for well wishes. Final path should be back w/in few weeks...trying not think about it!

    Tex: I LOVE THOSE PICS!!!!!! What a beautiful family and the kids are so darn cute!!! I am so happy for you! I also am so in awe of your dedication to make memories for the kids as even with your chemo infusions, you are still making time to take them camping, to the pool etc.... I think you might be "Mother of the Century!" Seriously, my hat goes off to you, girl. I don't know how you do it and it is just so wonderful that you do! The kids will never forget these summer good times you create for them!

    Speaking of making memories, my father was a single father in the late 1970s. Well, my bff from childhood, and the one who is now a therapist at Yale and who I woke up to telling me everything was going to be ok, got to talking with me the next night when I was up sitting. She remarked on how her mother, being a single mother of 3 children, and my father sort of balanced each other out and were able to provide a nice infrastructure for us kids being neighbors and all. My father, I can't even count how many times, took myself, my neighbor, and stepsister to all the state parks and a whole bunch of different places nearly every summer weekend and how he would pick us up from rollerskating at midnight etc... She told me what a great part of her life he was and how he served to fill that gap her own father left when he failed to come around after the divorce. I was so happy to hear my father helped her have some nice childhood memories and that how important those memories were. I felt it necessary to remind you when, at a time when you are totally emptying your energy bank to make sure they have some good times, how much they will totally cherish those good times ;) It will really mean so much to them later in life. You are a great, and selfless, mom, Timothea.

    Sptmm: Lizzy is resting!!!! In fact, it is arguably my new "favorite!"

    Rachel: I think they were a little upset over that game as well but the Canadians sure won their fair share of medals! This summer Olympics has been great!

    Sweeney: I find if I want to get attacked by a bear, just put some sirloin tips in the pockets of your shorts and hanging off your belt, and that should work! Seriously, glad you had some cottage time and a nice little summer break! I love summer and that is also why I did a lot in the May - July stretch because I knew once surgery was here, summer over :(

    I cannot believe N Quebec got to 98 degrees?! What will Santa do?!

    OMG, the afternoon news reported 5 banks were robbed and there was a deadly home invasion...I can't believe this is Connecticut!  This is all so surreal.

    It is just about nap time again!

    Good day, girls! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors! 

    A few things I noticed when talking to in/around the hospital these past number of weeks.  It seems a lot of the stories of "my _____ had bc, was fine for years and then 10 years later, mets occurred and they are now gone."  It seems the 10 year mark is a resounding theme with those who have lost the women in their lives to bc.  I was thinking about this today and although mine is simply armchair analysis, perhaps we should think about getting pet scans around year 8 or starting to clamor around that time?  Might be worth our while because if we all make it to that point, a little extra looking around that 10 year mark might make all the difference.

    Has anyone else noticed that 10 year mark business?

    I continue to take "look alike" liberty with our dreadfully minute avatars and now I think Calamtykel resembles Kerry Walsh from the USA Volleyball super team!!!  I made that little connection tonight!

    As for our group chat, I am working on a date and was also thinking as a way to commemorate our years together, maybe putting together a brief timeline and highlighting key events to be posted by each of us, all on one day, might be enjoyed and also help future readers know what the 2 to 2.5 year timeframe looks like.  Let me know your thoughts.

    Party on warriors!