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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Tex - what fabulous photos!  I think you're mom of the year also - you are so inspiring how you plow ahead with such energy and an unbreakable spirit!    Praying the best for all of you!

     Well, I had my repeat bloodwork which means  I'm in the waiting room until Friday or Monday or even after.  I'm so angry because I was sick the past couple of days - took the kids to an amusement park - had a double ice cream (BIG MISTAKE!) and went on some crazy rides.  Drove myself carsick on the way home as it was a long drive, and threw up at 2 am three times.  THEN I got my period, and all kinds of intestinal cramps right before it arrived.  So I took an ibuprophen for the cramps which the upset my stomach since it was already sensitive!

    So I tried to explain all this at the cancer center yesterday and I think they thought i was crazy!

    Right now I'm just praying and praying that those numbers will be way below normal.  God can do it - just hate the waiting!

     In about 1/2 hour I'm on my way to the post office - gotta pick up 30 baby chicks - these guys are "meat" birds -- YIKES!  Never did a batch of this kind, this large...but I'm sick of all the garbage that goes into our meat from the store so I hope this works out!

    hope everyone is enjoying the rest of summer - frantically trying to sell in order to finish buying my kids homeschool supplies!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Kel I am keeping you in my prayers for good numbers. It made me smile to see you write out "Home school supplies" I did love those days. :)  Abeka math, Calvert curriculum. We had a really good time. 

    Hugs GInger 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - We are waiting with you for the numbers.
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I just watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  A big thank you to the someone here that mentioned it! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I'm praying with you Cal!!  I am amazed that you have like a real working farm over there, growing your own chickens for meat, that is ambitious!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well.

    Sorry I have not been around but this surgery knocked me out. This was long and I am tired. I take so many was a lot. I have not been on this computer or on the net from my phone in days. Just tired and trying to muddle through. Unbelievable how much this surgery took out of me.

    As for the results, I cannot believe these surgeons can take such unruly fat and form it into fabulously symmetrical breasts! After all I had been through, I just was not sure what to expect with flaps. I can't believe these 2 match and they are just my own body fat! It is amazing what these surgeons can do. I remain in awe of these results. Just amazing.   

    Calamtykel: I can't believe you are in the waiting room again. I hope you get some good news very soon. When you write you are in until Friday, Monday or beyond, it is just awful to wait somewhat indefinitely. Then going to the amusement park, trying to enjoy yourself by having an ice cream cone, driving home sick (b/c of course you had to pay for having consumed ice cream!), getting your period and then trying to take something to feel better which made your stomach worse is all just too much to deal with. I feel for you.

    Good luck on your sales and getting the homeschool items you need.  A friend homeschooled her kids and said the stuff was a bit pricey.  Meant to tell you- was watching the Travel Channel (best water parks show!) and there is a new show starting completely about a vintage toy trader.  All he does is buy and sell vintage toys.  I thought you might find it interesting but I failed to jot down the name of the show!  Easy enough to find! 

    My friend has a farm and she raises animals for food. It is so ambitious. Best of luck with that.

    Texas: where are you? I hope you are doing well! When is your next chemo?

    Rachel: how is scanville going and your check-ups? Thinking of you.

    I get pathology results this week. Cautiously optimistic.  You know, it is at a time like this that I am not too concerned about getting the path quickly.   I am a little afraid this time. 

    Well, I feel it is nap time once again!

    Good day, girls-

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I am really glad to hear that you got great results from the surgery!!!  Just rest and heal.  
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzy--Glad to hear that you are getting lots of rest and are healing well.

    Cal--Hopeful that your results will bring good news only!

    I am actually feeling crappy these last few days. Complete aches and pains throughout my body, terrible headache that I just cannot shake. I took Friday off in hopes that a 3 day weekend would help things pass but as of today--still feeling under the weather. I am back to Doctor next Monday for results of blood work then I head into my mammo/us/bone scan at the end of that week and beginning of next. Blah. I have my oncologist appts right after.

    I have been super busy at work since one of the other Manager's relocated to Denmark -- and I am handling his department as well as my own--I am guessing that I am a little rundown.

    Sat and watched the closing ceremonies of the Olympics....I have enjoyed the Olympics and especially the Jamaican runners! Top that off with some Spice Girls (LOL). Hope everyone has a great week. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel- the olympics were great and i agree on the runners. The diving was great yesterday also.

    As for your headache, without realizing it you are most likely worried about these upcoming doctor appts. Try meditating 5 mins a day....may or may not help but is worth a shot.

    I will be sending you the most positive vibes. As i always say, we walk this path together; we are all with you.

  • I'm still waiting to hear about my bloodwork.  I'm thinking tonight or tomorrow.  I left a message...UGH!  I'm about to blow to pieces.

    The apprehension is NOT good for us - for any of us who have to deal with these 'after effects" of the disease and testing.  I swear, I wonder how many recurrences are simply the anxiety of what the put us through with this garbage.  And what am I supposed to do about it - but sit here not motivated to do anything.  I really hate the waiting - ARGH!!!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Kel have you spoken with a person? I would be the squeeky wheel! Call again and again. Ask for the Doctor, leave a message for the doctor.  Tell them what the waiting is doing to you!  I hate this for you! 

    Sending you big hugs. love Ginger 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well.

    I went to the follow up with my surgeon today and aside from the fact the 2 belly drains were putting out over 175ccs and both drains fell out prematurely leaving me open to develop a seroma, all seems to be going well. I asked about final pathology and he said he could could look it up but then we got sidetracked and I walked about without finding out.

    My ride was waiting also and I just don't think I wanted to hear the news just then. The bottom line is I am petrified this time. Absolutely petrified. I hate this disease and I had so many saline flushes in the 5 days I was hospitalized after surgery, each time I wanted to vomit. That damn saline flush is such a reminder of chemo, it sickens me.

    I have another visit with the surgeon next week so they can monitor for seromas and I will ask at that time. If all is clear, it does not matter if I wait 1 more week and if it is not, it still does not matter because I am in no rush whatsoever to get back to chemo. For the first time in a long, long time I sat here crying because I realized how petrified I am to get those damn results-I just hate it.

    Calamtykel: I agree with Ginger in that you need to call and get their attention. Honestly, though, I could do the same thing but I really don't want to know. For me not calling and whining and just waiting until next week is a master avoidance technique.

    If I were you, I would start at 9AM and just keep calling every hour until you get an answer. That should do the trick!

    My post-surgery appetite is awful.  Everything tastes wicked salty.  I just broiled some salmon.  Going to try to eat that and go back to bed.  I am so tired from this surgery, it is going to be a while before I recover.

    Good times!  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My friends. I think we all will benefit if we  read through the new topic, "Has anyone had this mistake happen to them?" The woman is from Nebraska and in chemo last monday a nurse administered Halavan by syringe into her abdomen muscles. It is to be give IV and the woman has a port.   I added a little but I think there are those of you who can offer more. It is on stage IV.  I just think this is a really important topic because we must advocate for ourselves. 

    Love Ginger 

    To add, hi lizzie. I hope your strenght begins to return this week. Your path results weren't primary in the Drs mind or he would have told you. I am voting on good news. I hope your food tasts better soon, that will help you feel strong soon. Hugs  

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Am back in the waiting room with Kel. Got a call tonight from Doctors office to ask me to make an appt to see Doc after blood tests last week. My worry is that I have an appt already scheduled for next Monday but they called now. I wasn't home but hubby took the call and asked if it was urgent..they said no but for me to call and come see Doc. It was just blood/urine tests right now...I am worried for sure. I will call first thing to figure this out as my nerves are shot with my upcoming scans. What could come up in blood tests? A arrrggghh. I hate cancer and the worry it puts in me :(

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rachel, I am sorry to hear you have this kind of a call to respond to with a night time to wait through. If you have any sleeping medicine this would be the time to use it freely.  I hope you get some rest. I know I have had urine come back after it was cultured and they needed to get in touch with me about the antibiotic. Maybe it will be something like that.   Still, I understand your heart going from normal to a zillion beats a minute. Stinks, doesn't it? 

    Hugs Ginger 

  • Hi all - I can hardly type this - I'm still shaking.  My markers are NORMAL!  They came back down to a 2.1 which is below normal range!!  Nurse says "there is no cause for concern or scans" -they will repeat it in three months.  breast CEA's were totally normal.   Shouting big praises to the Lord right now - and big thanks for all the prayers that went up for me!  

    I feel like it will take a couple of days for me to come down from the heavy anxiety of these past couple of weeks!

    Rachel - I'm sorry - I think I would demand to talk to the doctor.  when the nurse called and told me about my bloodwork, I texted the doctor that night on her cell and she called me back literally within 30 seconds.  I think you need to drive home that this is NOT fair nor okay to tell you he wants to see you!  

     you are in my prayers becuase I know exactly how you feel!  I felt like one minute I was resting on God's grace and peace and the very next moment, planning my funeral !=:O  It's a roller coaster- hang in there!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I am here :)

    Sorry as being a perfect parent i was busy doing mommy things ;p LOL j/k! Thank you all for the wonderful complements. I by no means am anywhere near what y'all think. But i do try.... I honestly know no other way!

    I switched my doctor last week. This friday is the first week that i'll be getting chemo at the new place. My last week chemo was at the old place and then immediately afterwards I went to my new doctor and had the initial visit... Went well i do like this doctor. I have yet to tell my old place i am no longer a patient... i need to call today but i do like the nursing staff and dont want to be a bearer of bad news...

    Lizzy sorry to hear about the seroma.

    Kel- Happy to hear about the TMs!

    Rachel- Have you a chance to speak with your drs? If they let you just keep the appointment on monday then its not urgent and no need to worry (as much) i hate not being the one to get the message...

    Hello everyone else- i would like to type to everyone individually but no time now...

    Oh btw school starts here in 13 days..... counting down, buying supplies,  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Great news!!  
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Kel that is super news!  Enjoy enjoy enjoy! 

    Happy hugs Ginger 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Kel--Great news! So happy for you!

    I called my Doc this AM and although, I couldn't speak to her directly--I spoke to her nurse who proceeded to tell me that they couldn't tell me anything over the phone and that to keep my appointment for next Monday was sufficient. I am a little more settled today--but still nervous. This is the first time that I have had my blood taken at GP since chemo--as normally it is taken with Oncologist--so perhaps it is off compared to "normal" but not off compared to post-cancer? Trying to get my head around what it could be.

    The one thing about Canadian Healthcare system--although good and free (well kind of)--the amount of accessibility to Doctors is not as great as US. When I hear about Docs letting patients text them etc....I have never heard of that here at all. Also, the response of Docs seems to be a bit slower. I am always interested to read about US patient/doc relationship.

    I figured there is no point pressing the issue with the nurse...I have my appointment next week and they were adamant that they wouldn't tell me anything over the phone and that my appt next week was sufficient. I am super busy at work so hopefully that keeps my mind off the worst case scenario (where it likes to go).

  • Rachel - the kind of symptoms you've been having - aches and headaches etc- maybe some kind of lyme, or low iron, or something that they want to treat like that that came up in the bloodwork that isn't cancer related at all.  I know when I go, they do all kinds of liver counts, kidney function counts, etc., etc. 

    They do the breast cancer markers and the regular ones too.  The nurse now said that they are readjusting the limits and saying that below 3.0 is considered okay for the most part.  

     I did ask what my other numbers were  previouly and they were all in the "0's" range -0.6, etc.  Then last may they went to 1.5 and then back down again.  So this was my first "2" number and since it was over the range, that is why they were being cautious. 

    Hang in there.  I do hate what this disease does to us mentally.  The waiting is awful.  I did take quite a few ativan over the past three weeks.  I've been just very tired and a little achy today - I think it's being so run down from the stress of the past few days.  Tonight is an epsom salts bath for me and relaxing!!! :) 

  • Hi all!

     I wanted to share a link and some information about an event here in NJ at the wildlife sanctuary where my family has become involved.

    A few years ago they did a little breast cancer awareness event because they had a volunteer who had breast cancer.  This event has now become  a yearly thing - one non profit raising money for another non profit! It's called Hay Bales of Hope and is on October 7.  There will be lots going on, on the farm that day, so if you are in NJ, please come!

    As I was sitting in the car waiting for my daughter today, who works there twice a week, I got the idea to try to hook my cancer center in with this.  After all, they are less than 10 miles away from it!  I know my oncologist is local, as well as my breast surgeon and even the plastic surgeon; and all three have fairly young children and the sanctuary is a great place for kids on that day!.  I got flyers and postcards today and am going to do individual mailings to each of them to see if each of their offices will "sponsor" a hay bale for $100 and to see if they would want to attend.   The money is split between helping women pay for mammograms, and the sanctuary.     I'm also going to see if I can hang posters in the office of the cancer center.  This really is win-win for everybody!  

    If you know of anyone, or any business who would like to "sponsor" a pink hay bale for $100, please have them contact antler ridge at 

    Check out the Youtube video of the event in 2010 - it looks like it was awesome - I look forward to this year!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    rachel glad to hear your more settled... and not ALL the drs are so avauilable here!

    kel- sounds fun... do they have a face book page? that might get some additional ppl involved!

    my son had been sick and today i got home from church with a sore throat where i think it is strepish.... blah! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie--Hope you are feeling well and healing.

    It is a beautiful weekend here--not too hot or humid. My oldest son has gone to a friends cottage for the weekend and my youngest has already started his hockey training (eeek!). I am not feeling 100% so am sticking close to home this weekend. I have been feeling under the weather for a few days, feel exhausted and of course, anxiety leading up to my appointments next week.

    Have a great weekend! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Cal:  Great news about those markers!

    Tex:  Hope you did not come down with strep and are feeling better and out and about with the kiddies!  Good luck with the new oncologist! Have the kids started school yet, I know you guys down south usually start a little earlier than us.  My son doesn't go back until the first week  in September.

    Lizzie:  Hope you are resting up!

    Rachel:  Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather.  I am sending positive vibes up North that all your testing comes out negative!  Hope you get a chance to sit outside for a while in that gorgeous weather you are having.  Being out in the sunshine always makes me feel a little better. 

    I am going to run a 5K this morning for an amazing organization here on Long Island that directly benefits local breast cancer patients; helping buy wigs, pay copays, etc. In talking to all of you guys I realize that we are really lucky here on Long Island in that we have local breast cancer coalitions that help patients in treatment and really do lend a helping hand and some guidance in a very scary time.  Anyway, it is raining but off I go to do my little part and give back some of what I received.  HAHA, if you had told me two years ago that I would be leaving my house on a Saturday morning at 7 a.m. in the rain to run a 5K I would have asked you what kind of drugs you were taking...LOL! I just hope there are no thunderstorms, thunder and lightening scare the crap out of me!

    Have a great day everyone!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- not sure if its strep, of course being at the dr i felt FINE- so thought it ran its course and i'd be over it, so only mentioned it in passing... well no LOL i feel like crap, achy all over- slight sore throat, but no fever. The nurse however was concerned enough to give me her cell number- if i start running fever over the weekend they'll call in a script...  ENJOY THE 5K!!!!

    I took benydril and ib profin then slept the whole morning... well off to take the kids bowling.... Yup ya read right, ya know theres no rest for moms... 

    Rachel- take a nap if you can! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Sorry I have been sparse but this time I do believe that are close to accurate when they say 6-8 weeks to recover. Wowie...I am sore and I love to nap!

    The ACS finally came through!  Actually I had to go to an appt and for the first time in my life, I am listening to the docs!  I decided to accept a ride with "Road to Recovery" as the VNA helped me get hooked up with it.  In any case, the driver was so dark and miserable and sadly she spent quite a few minutes introducing me to her rather macabre notion that cancer is here to "weed us out" as there are far too many of us on the planet!!!!!!  Really? Did I have to get "this" driver?!  I was just flabbergasted.

    Rachel: I hope you are having a nice, relaxing weekend. Sometimes I just think you need some peace of mind, some relaxation to get your bearings. You are a 2 time cancer survivor therefore each appt is going to rock you a bit. It is feasible they want to talk to you about the blood results to start to discuss baseline. What did they test you for? I know that is the million dollar question as most of us don't know what blood tests they are running. I can't believe they told you they could not discuss anything over the phone...great.

    As for texting docs, I have never. I email my GP but I have been his patient for many, many moons. I think docs getting involved in texting could be cavalier especially in our terribly litigious society. I have not heard much about that at all.

    I just hope you were able to get some rest this weekend. Best of luck Monday. You need to ask the doc if there is some way you can get info sooner than an appt going forward as this waiting is a total drain. It would be helpful if there was something else besides waiting for the appt.  It is just too scary...tell them.

    Ginger: the thing with the path results is I got the impression he had not seen them. We both got off track and then I failed to ask again. I had friends with me and I just don't think I wanted to deal with it. I will get the results this week. Meanwhile, and this was going on before surgery, I cannot straighten my left arm and my wrist is killing me. I mean I am in real pain. This is ridiculous. I feel like I have been hit by a damn truck.

    Thanks for alerting us about the Stage IV thread topic. If I am feeling up to it I will get over there in the next few days.

    Calamtykel: very happy your markers were normal.  Great news. 

    Sptmm: You are like some magic dynamo, woman!!! Heading off to run a 5K in the rain!!! I love it! Good for you and good for the people you are running for. Unfortunately this surgery has relegated me to being tired from a trip to the store! This one has taken a lot out of me.  As a result, I live vicariously, and thereby joyously, through you! 

    Tex: that is fantastic the nurse gave you their cell number. That was very nice. Nice to know there are still nurses who are not just paycheck collectors. Based on the way you are feeling, I could have slept the whole day. I can't believe you had to go to bowling today when obviously you could use some rest. I hope you are able to rest up tomorrow and feel better soon.

    Please be careful with the word "nap" as I am seemingly narcoleptic as a result of this surgery! The very reading of the word might send me into a mini session! 

    Well, I wish I could lift but I know I can't do anything for another 3-4 weeks. Tired again...big surprise!

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, your ride with Road to Recovery sounds awful. I have had similar but not while I was feeling so unwell. I had a cab ride in Vancouver BC with the driver telling me some crazy a** theory that involved other nationalities and conspiricies going on and on. All I wanted to do was survive the ride. I survived but he rides with himself everyday.  

    Texas I hope your throat clears up soon. I have a confession to make. When my kids were in Cub Scouts I would volunteer to take them bowling because the place was already SO loud there wasn't much damage they could do.  It involved far less wrangling than a trip to the Zoo.

    I hope every one else has some peace this weekend.

    Love and hugs Ginger 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Off tomorrow to meet with Doc to review my "abnormal" blood results. I would be lying if I wasnt nervous. Will keep you all posted.

    Have a great week!