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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Liz - Do they mean wound dehiscence?  Not fun. Did you ever get your pathology?

    Tex - Hope you are able to get some rest. You'ce got an awful lot on your plate

    Rachel - yay for the good scans

     Denbbie glad you got some time off

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Hi ladies!  Just checking in. 

    Lizzy - Hang in there!  You have been through so much - you are a tough cookie!  All other issues aside, how are you liking the new girls?

    Rachel - Great news on your scans.  It is always so stressful going in for testing!

    Texas - Hope you got that nap - you sure deserve it!  You are a great mom and you have such a big heart.  Your kids (all of them) are so lucky to have you!

    Ginger - Thank you for the info on Marybe.  It is so sad. She was truely an inspiration.  

    Sweeney - I too have been checking in to see how you made out.  I feel such a bond to all of you, it is almost like when one of us has scans, I can't breathe.  I feel like we have all come so far together, when one of us has worry, I hope to be there.  Just as I hope I can come here when I have worries (which sometimes is more times than not).  Keeping you in my prayers.

    Keeping you all in my thoughts.  



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hugs back to you Michelle!
  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Thanks Omaz!

    I was telling a friend about your beautiful pictures of sunsets the other day.  It looks spectacular.  One of these days I'll get out there to see that part of the country!

    Have a great day!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Oh no I didn't mean to worry everyone!!! Sorry! I haven't heard back re scans yet, my doctor is out til Sept 12th. So I hope I will hear something then. I only disappeared b/c work has been so insane, we had a surprise re-org. A lot of changes. All good for me, but others not so much.

    But I am truly thankful for your thoughts guys and I won't disappear for a week after a scan ever again.:)

    Rachel- realllly glad to see your scan results.

    Am off to grocery shop, but will be back soon and catch up with the thread...XO

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Relief Sweeny, have a good shopping. 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have to share this - I was looking up information about this breed and came across this picture - I love it!!

     Its a Belgian Malinois

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    All of us in the tri-state area have been under tornado warnings pretty much since we got up this morning! This is really weird as this part of the country has never had these kinds of warnings. I am stunned a tornado touched down in Brooklyn. For those of you familiar with NYC, a single home footprint in any other part of the country may speak for hundreds in the multi-unit dwellings. Well, I hope to not see any tornadoes today!

    Ckptry: good to hear from you! Yes, wound de-hissance. Check PM for more info!

    Mommichelle: I do like the girls!!! It is nice to have breasts again. Actually, when I look down, I feel I am right back at my 40th birthday, pre-dx. It is kind of cool!

    What about you? Are you happy to have "something" back there?!

    Don't hesitate, get out to the desert!  Don't put anything off...just hit the road, girl!  

    Sweeney: thanks for checking back in!!!! I was really thinking the bears got you! Let us know when you get the results. To be honest, was getting a little if my posts did not lend that!!

    Omaz: bet the desert is looking even better about now, rattlers and all, with those of us in the Northeast bracing for tornadoes! Hope all is well.

    Ginger: is your dog all healed? Hope you are having a good weekend.

    That is all, that is all-

    Have a good night, girls!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Today we have our first fall wind!  It whistles under the front door.  We have probably had our last over 100 day and fall in AZ is nice!  Be safe with the tornados.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: that dog is so beautiful!!!  The paws really resemble hands!  The face reminds me of that of the Belgian Shepherd we had when I was growing up.   So cute! 

    I will try to be safe.  The cost of living is not the attraction to living in the northeast, that is for sure.  What has always been nice is we don't hardly ever have to deal with natural disasters and now we have quickly become tornado alley!

    Dodgeball is currently on Comedy Central and I would strongly encourage you all to tune in!!!!!!!    

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I had to stop taking it i had a severe allergic reaction from it. but im doing fine i lost my hair

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone..I am enjoying an absolutely gorgeous day here on the East Coast.  Lizzy, hope you got outside today too! It has been hot, humid, and rainy all week here and finally this morning I woke up to a bright blue sky and no humidity.  It is funny how the weather can really affect you mood and energy level!

    Omaz:  I LOVE that picture.  So cute! And we all know soccer is my favorite sport, a dog after my own heart..LOL!

    Felis:  I am very sorry to hear how much trouble you are having.  But there are many different chemo regimens out there, so I am sure you oncologist will find one that your body can tolerate.  The important thing to remember is that you don't have to be miserable while going through chemo.  Keep in touch with your doctor, he can help you manage all the side effects.  Chemo is not pleasant, but it doesn't need to be horrific.  I hope tonight finds you feeling a little better.  Remember, this is only temporary.  Just take it one day at a time.  Soon enough you will be finished and it will all just be a bad memory. 

    Lizzy:  You give me way too much credit!  I am just doing what I have to do to keep my family afloat.  I LOVE your gym idea though and definitely accept your offer when you finally score on the Mega Millions.  Between the two of us we could design a hit.  You can address the single hipster business type people and I can handle the suburban soccer moms....we will have it all...LOL!  Hope you wound healing is going well.  Remember to keep a timetable, because after my surgery I will be reaching out to you with all my questions about how yours went. You will be my model for healing.  BTW, my kids love that Dodgeball movie!  My fav part is when he chucks the wrench at the guy..what is the expression..If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!

    Rachel:  Glad to hear you have gotten positive news.  I like that guy's attitude!  Its funny but I have come to the conclusion through all of this that we just have to accept what we are told and not "borrow trouble".  I try to live each day telling myself that I am cancer free, and if and when the docs tell me otherwise I will deal with it.  Some days I am successful and other days I am not.  Oh well, its a work in progress.  On a good note, hockey season is almost here.  I certainly hope they iron out a new collective bargaining agreement soon.  Don't want to see a lock out in the NHL!

    Sweeney:  I am still sending positive vibes your way that your news too will be good.  I tend to think though, that if the results were bad they would have called you, so no news is good news!

    Ginger: So glad to hear the dog is not seriously injured.  It is so tough when a pet gets hurt because they can't tell you what is wrong and they usually handle it so stoically. 

    Tex:  Hope you got that nap!  Try to take it easy, okay?

    So, I swallowed the camera on Wednesday for the video endoscopy and the good news is that it is a disposable camera, they don't want it back...LOL!  Also, they called me Thursday saying they found nothing.  Hopefully that is the end of the GI eval and we can just call it "one of those things" and I will just continue on my iron and move ahead with my surgery. 

    I turn 50 this week..LOL! Sure don't feel as ancient and obsolete as I thought 50-year-olds were when I was 20!  Thats a good thing, and after everything that has happened over the past 2-1/2 years, I am very happy to say I made it to 50.  Now, if I could only convince my kids that I am not ancient..LOL!

    I hope everyone has a great week!  I still have no work from my second job and the weather here is going to be great, so I am going to thoroughly enjoy my week.  Relax and take in all the sunshine and warmth I can after work!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hey Debbi - Happy Birthday and welcome to your 50's!  I'll be 54 this year and am so thankful. PS - I wanna BE that dog!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy here is what I wrote previously on Harry. Thanks for asking. 

    The vet felt it was a bad sprain. This little dog, about 16 lbs now runs faster than our standard poodle. He is like the wind. My DH mows our paddock for the dogs to play in and who know, maybe Harry twisted his leg in a hole or something. It's two acres so they get going really fast. It was so pitiful to see Harry walking on three legs.  Harry is all good now. Keeping him quiet for a few days was really difficult. 

    I think we are getting the end of the peache season now. The last ones we bought were from CA and not as sweet as the local and Oregon Brands. Wow I love peaches.  I will look forward to bext year when I will buy berries from the farmers market again. You can buy a box of 6 little green baskets for $15.  Filled with your choice of Blueberries, raspberries and/or blackberries.  I think I must be hungry. lol 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Deb is right, today was a gorgeous day in the Northeast! Just perfect.

    Ginger: now that you jogged my memory, I remember reading about Harry! Sorry! I distinctly remember reading about it b/c you spoke of a paddock. My father had paddock fencing along the front of his property, nearby the road. More about my memory, I saw a dear old friend a few days ago and she told me something about myself and I have zero recollection of this! I guess the memory is on its way out as well!

    I love fruit and have been hooked on green grapes lately. The only problem in CT is, and just like in "Dodgeball (Deb!!!)," they add a few pounds to the scales! I got 2 apples and according to the grocery store scale they weighed 1.5 lbs!!! Georgia is so well-known for their peaches but a friend who lived in SC for quite a while pointed out she always thought SC peaches were juicier than GA.

    The last time I went to the farmers market I was really disappointed that more than ½ of the vendors were selling prepared food which I can only imagine is to attract more patrons. I really go to the farmers market strictly for fresh produce. I am going to go to a few others this fall. The berry baskets sound just great and a nice price at that!

    Sptmm: OMG...your kids love "Dodgeball?!" Deb, that is one of my favorite movies ever! Yes, if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball! I also love it when the "manly" girl from the brownie troop gets the team disqualified for using anabolic steroids!!! All the hair on her arms and that deep laugh! It is one of those movies that the more you watch, the more stuff you realize you missed! There are about 20 movies in that genre that I just love!
    Feel free to call me whenever you have a question! I am here and will most likely still be here, sitting that is with this lovely drain coming out of my stomach and that which is strapped to my leg!

    We will start that gym, Deb! It is a long-held dream of mine but I just can't retrofit some old building. I am such a poodle! I just really want it built in a brand new facility. I want to have a groundbreaking ceremony, Deb!

    As for the weather, I had to lay in an operating room, freezing earlier this week for 1.5 hours b/c the dr was tied up elsewhere. I have sciatica and laying flat on my back in that cold room for all that time got that thing going again. Normally I would do cobras and hamstring stretches but I cannot with this lovely drain in! In long, I opened all the windows but was not outside. I did, however, make sauce and meatballs, did some laundry and feel I was much as I could be! Deb, I miss yoga!

    HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY birthday to you, girl! Each one is more exciting than the previous for all of us!

    Very glad the GI was all clear! Good for you! Congrats on getting the go-ahead for surgery! WOOT WOOT!

    Texas: thinking of you! I know you are 100% busier than you used to be but just wanted you to know I am thinking of you ;)

    Between the sciatica business, my abdomen and this drain, I am in achesville! Going to hobble back to the sofa and watch some more HGTV!

    Night, all-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbie---Happy early birthday! I hope you have a great day. I like what you said "borrow trouble"--I think I will take that advice! Although there may not be any NHL hockey--my youngest is in full-hockey mode--he is playing or practicing for up to 5 days a week right now. Craziness. He got hit on Friday in a game--retaliation as he is very aggressive on the ice (first year of hitting here for his age) so he was feeling a little rough yesterday. He is a great hockey player so I will be watching his hockey a lot! My oldest is doing both hockey and volleyball so they are both busy.

    I am in the midst of negotiating at work around the fact that they want me to take on new department (as well as my own). Have to ensure that my work/life balance is still good.

    Happy Week to everyone. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Happy birthday Deb!! There are a lot of things to adjust to as you get older, but it is also GREAT because you find yourself not giving a s**t anymore :) I turned 55 last month.

     Omaz, are you thinking of getting one of those dogs? They are supposed to be about the smartest breed out there. They use them a lot in police work, but I'm sure you already know that if you've been doing research. I love big dogs. I had my mother's german shepherd for about a year after she died.

    Lizzy: Now you know how it feels to live in Alabama. We have tornado watches/warning all the time!

    It's a beautiful day here today. I've been out cleaning up some stuff in my yard while it's not too hot. My back is starting to ache, so I think I'll call it a day before I do any real damage. Hope everybody has a good week!

  • Hi all - just ducking in to say hi.

    I've been having some major hormonal issues - major peri-menopause/menopause crap.  The SWEATS were horrible last week - I'm LOVING these cool nights and clear, cool days now! 

     Anyhow, my friend's mom passed away today from kidney cancer.  I think I told the story - started with bad back pain - had her kidney removed in July and they told her that once the kidney was out, the one nodule on her lung would shrink - that kind of cancer worked that way.
    Well, they were wrong -she had a super aggressive and rare kind of kidney cancer that spread like wildfire within a matter of weeks!  Within literally DAYS it was in her bones - her bone scan in July was fine - then by August it was through her bones.  Then it moved to her liver last week.

    She totally tanked - we have a mutual friend, so she and i went out and visited her Friday.  I nearly dragged her - something told me that we needed to be there.  I am so glad we did because she was gone  this morning...

    Her pain was terrible last Friday and I wanted to kick the nurses - they put her on the cardiac floor because her heart had been racing.  These women didn't know how to handle someone who had cancer - they were trying to turn her and make her comfortable and not doing a very good job!  She was supposed to move to hospice this week, but thankfully never had to make that trip - her pain was so horriffic that it hurt her to move or be moved at all.  

    Let me tell you - this disease is horrendous.  It's been a whirlwind for that family -- That someone could lose someone who was a mom, wife and grandmother and a wonderful woman within eight weeks is horrendous.  

    Anyway, so I have moved all 31 of my meat chickens outside now.  They are living under a truck cap at night and are out during the day.  So horrendously stupid are these chickens that they cannot even free range - because  they have no concept of "home base" like regular chickens do.  THey are TRULY "breeding gone wrong" for sure!  They are gaining ridiculously fast because they do nothing but eat.

     Well, I am happy to say that I have taken up running again and it's awesome.  I kinda hurt my back and side though, but the foot is all better!!  I told God if he would just heal my foot (so desperate was I..) that I wouldn't shirk my exercise responsibility and that I'd go running regularly..  Then it got better, after many months of pain.  Hm.  Well, I'm just glad to be "moving" again so I'm not going to complain even though sometimes I have to drag my creaking body out there! :) 

     Sorry to hear that so many of us are having scans and Lizzy - I am HOPING that by now you're feeling better!  You don't know how much I WISH that ALL of us could just put this all past us and not have to keep going through it.  Whenever I see the postings of people having scans and tests, I can just feel that anxiety because I have SO been there.  And I know i'll be there again  -- when it's time for that bloodwork in November.   

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well!

    Lady: how was the OvCa event? Funny that you mention the south and being tornado alley as my friend from CT moved to TN 3 years ago and every now and again when tornadoes touch down in her area, I call her to check in and I guess I am not the only one! I think she is tired of fielding calls from CT about how she is!! Totally hysterical that she can now call us!

    Calamtykel: sorry to hear about your friend's mom. It is absolutely farcical the nurses put her on a cardiac floor b/c of her racing heart when, in fact, she needed to be on a cancer floor enjoying pain management on her way out.  It is just sad but lucky for her an angel of mercy came to visit.  Because she was so uncomfortable it is just as well she never had to make that trip to hospice.  It is all still heartbreaking, however.

    Congratulations on your return to running!!! Must feel grrrrreat! Good for you.

    As for me, still have this drain hanging out of my stomach. Honestly, I am not even going to scare you all with the details anymore!

    Sweeney: any scan results?

    Well, I am going to go take some more antibiotics, eat some yogurt (to combat the perils of taking large doses of antibiotics!), have a banana to combat the potassium-reducing deleterious effects of lacex and then I am going to relax!

    Have a good night, girls-

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: We had the event in Montgomery (the State capitol) and it was a lot of fun. It was good to meet some other ladies who share the disease. We went with a group from Birmingham. Then later that week, we had a "teal toes" event where we met at a nail salon and all got manicures or pedicures and did our nails in teal. It's a good conversation starter to spread the word about OvC symptoms.

    Speaking of that, have I ever told you ladies what to watch for? You can use BEAT to help remember: B: bloating; E: problems Eating or feeling full after eating a little; A: Abdominal pain; and T: trouble with your bladder, peeing frequently or feeling like you have to go. If these symptoms are new to you or if they persist for more than a few weeks, see a doctor, preferably a gyn or gyn onc. Don't let them blow off the symptoms. The reason OvCa has such a high mortality rate is because it is diagnosed in later stages.

    Cal: what is a truck cap? I'm from the south, but I've never lived on a farm or raised chickensSmile

    Hope everybody is doing ok!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    okay i got a lot of readin to do....

    just thought i would share about the kanzius machine... my husbnd had researched this earlier this yr... they're doing a faces2012 national confernece- i say we all should look into this :)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I had a nightmare my "cycle" came back!  What really scared me is it meant estrogen was readily available to set such a thing in motion.  The fear remains!

    Lady: that is wonderful about the OvCa event at the Capitol!  Glad it was a success.  Also I appreciate you letting us know about "B-E-A-T."   Dr. Oz did a show dedicated to OC a few months ago.  It was very informative and taken collectively, those symptoms most people might just ignore except for the bladder issue.  

    Texas: I checked out the Kanzius project.  Interesting and something I never heard about. Thanks for the post.  I plan to tell my story at "Faces 2012."   More to this point, when I woke up this morning my naturally curly hair was reaching for the stars and when I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror I looked like a lion!  My hair has gotten long and thick.  Perhaps I can finally get a decent pic going here!

    Hope you all are having a good weekend- 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy your hair sounds wonderful!  Have you thought of having the Doc run your estrogen level to ease your mind about it.   

    I had to cancel a Dexa scan due to a migraine. Now I go the end of the month for it and an Onc appt.    I had three migraines last week and am weirded out by that. I will tell onc. 

    I liked the Memory of Marybe thread. It left me feeling more centered and at peace. The ladies left lovely memorials to Marybe. 

    DGD is 25 months old now. Yesterday she was being charming and empathic and then suddenly decided she HAD to HAVE an entire half gallon of icecream all to herself. Wow what a meltdown that was. She is the most pitiful thing in the world when she sobs. She puts her little hands over her eyes and looks downand just sobs.   It passed and she later had her own serving of ice cream and we all had ours too with no firther incidents.  

    My DD friends child decided he HAD to HAVE the toilet plunger. Ah two year olds.


    Love Ginger 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone is well. It was a beautiful weekend here. Back to work tomorrow :( My son's hockey season starts this week -- he will be on the ice for up to 5 days a week. Good thing we love watching him play. My oldest son starts his swimming again tomorrow in hopes to pass his lifeguarding this time around.

    Have a wonderful week. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Ginger: hair *not* wonderful!  It is really out of control. I actually look like a brunette lion!  

    2 year olds!  I find it amazing how children learn their limits!  She was trying to figure out if she could actually score that entire 1/2 gal of ice cream for herself!  Unbelievable.

    Actually my estro levels were checked earlier this year and I am quite close to menopausal numbers.  I think it was all just a nightmare and I will leave it at that!

    Rachel: I hope your son passes his lifeguarding!  That is wonderful.  5 days a week at the rink is a lot so, yes, it is great that you all enjoy watching him!

    BTW, I do believe "Mane and Tail" is working as I certainly have a mane and now just waiting on the tail! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone! 

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes.  I had a great day and am damn proud to be 50!

    Lady:  You are right about the not caring anymore.  I don't know if it is 50 or cancer, but I really don't sweat the small stuff anymore, and I have definitely developed the "I am what I am, take or leave type of attitude".  Thanks for the info on the Ovarian Cancer, it is a very scary subject for me because of the lack of symptoms and the link to BC.  I am lucky in that my OB/GYN has "invented" a reason each year to do an internal sonogram to take a look at my ovaries, so that relieves some of my worry. 

    Tex:  I looked up that Kanzius machine, it looks interesting.  Are there trials near you? I haven't had time but I will definitely look into FACES2012.  How is everything going at your house, busy?

    Lizzy:  From your description your "mane" is "tall"....didn't you say it was standing up on end when you woke up the other day?  LOL! All kidding aside, I am glad you are getting good hair growth now.  As for the gym, it sounds amazing.  I will be waiting for you to win Mega Millions, I have some ideas! Hows the healing going?  Did you get rid of that abdominal drain yet?

    Rachel:  Things are starting to pick up here to.  School soccer is in full swing and club soccer is starting up.  Hockey starts next week.  Back to the rat race! I have to say I am very upset about this NHL lockout thing.  I don't get to watch much TV, but on the rare occasions when I do there is nothing I like more than to watch a hockey game.  They better not cancel the season or I will be very angry! Good luck with your work issues.  It is tough, because you know that more responsibility likely means more time at work and if you are like me you have definitely realized the importance of time with the family and more work time is not appealing.

    Ginger:  HA, I remember those lovely two year old days!  They are soo cute at that age but can definitely try your patience. 

    Cal:  So glad you are back to running.  I am actually starting to look forward to my run days.  I guess it is beginning to be therapeutic, or maybe I just look forward to that boost in self esteem I get when I run even just a little further than I did last time.  Hopefully the injuries will abate and you can keep going.

    So, I am all set for my surgery.  Please forgive me if I told everyone this already.  I will be having a BMX with DIEP reconstruction at the end of October.  I am scared as it seems like a long recovery and a lot of pain, but a certain sense of calm has taken over me since I booked the surgery.  I think this will do a lot towards giving me closure and allowing me to move on. 

    Quick story for all of you, on how men are always just men, even when they are doctors.  I have been seeing a neuropsychologist for about six months since I was diagnosed with PTSD.  So, one day I am talking to him about my reconstruction options and how the size of my breasts would be affected by the option I chose.  I am telling him that I chose DIEP and the PS thinks he will have enough fat in my abdomen to reconstruct me the size that I am now (B cup).  So he says, "Oh come on, why not go big!".  And I am sitting there like.....REALLY??  Did you really just say that?  Why is it that when it comes to boobs, most men just can't keep it together and always want big ones!  Seriously thinking of finding a new therapist after that comment..LOL!

    Well, gotta get back to work.  Have a great week everyone!


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333


        My ps, whom I think is a pretty good guy said to me "well you're tall, you can carry big."! He really wanted me to go bigger- I think they would have burst like balloons.  I told dh no way would thse guys be pushing it if  TE (tissue expanders) stood for testicle expanders!

    Lizzy - hope you are healing ok!

      all - had my first real 'scare'. My asthma/ 4 week cough didn't improve at all after 10 days of prednisone so I was suddenly having a stat CXR chest CT. I had to ask my sister to pick up the kids at school. It was worse b/c it seemed like everyone felt sorry for me, the tech offered to put off her lunch hour to do the scan but they ended up sending me to the hospital. When I walked into the outpt check in area the woman said 'oh I know all about you' and I started crying. The pulmonologist told me I'd stay if I had a clot and if not to call him as soon as I got home and he'd get me the results and he did. So glad I didn't have to wait but it was still a long few hours.  The next day I had one of Aidan's friends over (planned before my fiasco the day before) and the mom is a Cardiac NP. She gently insisted I let her get me in at their practice so I had an echo/cardio visit today. He said my echo is not what you'd expect for someone my age/condition, but good considering I had adria/herceptin.   So bounced back to pulmonologist. Glad my heart's working though!  

         hope everyone is feeling ok. Should have more time to pop in now that the kids are back in school (though they just had a 4 day weekend so I'm tired!)


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    OMG Carolyn, that is hysterical....testicle expanders!!!

    Glad to hear that the scan didn't show any cancer.  I am sending positive vibes your way that you will be able to get relief from your asthma/cough soon though!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Carolyn...Sorry to hear of your recent scare and hope you can get some idea what is going on. Hope you feel better.

    Debbi--Will be thinking of you as you head into surgery in October. I'm not as sad as you when it comes to no NHL...I am enjoying this no sports on TV all night! Will get enough hockey with the kids!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Sptmm: so funny that you bring up the "man" idea and breast size! Don't forget, I started with a female PS and the micro who joined the team is a man. He most likely did 90% of my flap surgery. At some point my orig female PS went out to the waiting room to give my sister an update and she mentioned to my sister something about "she did not want them too big, right?" and my sister confirmed that. Well, I believe it was too late as testosterone had alreaydy dictated my breast size! At this point there is no reason at all to bring up the fact that these things are large and with the male concern for massive breasts so pervasive, I just can't say anything at all! What's more is I opened my front door and FedEx was just about to ring my doorbell. Well, I was wearing a wife beater (NO, I would never wear such a thing out of the house!) as I was doing some cleaning and when I opened the front door it was to look to see if there was a package on the front porch and not to entertain that joker! He turned beat red and I was so embarrassed I couldn't sign quickly enough!

    I will be here for you as hou recover so feel free, woman! The surgery is so worth it, I can't even tell you. You know how much I think of my GP and how wonderful and supportive he has been through this whole process. Well I saw him yesterday and I completely admitted I thought very long and hard about the surgery, the duration and being under anesthesia all that time etc... but for me there was not one other option. I was not going with implants, MF grafting failed so this was my last and only option. I am just really glad I was able to do it and get it done. What I did to calm my mind was kept very busy coming up to that surgery. In this way I had not much time to think about it. In the end it was my best decision and I am wicked lucky the microvascular is as talented as he is. A few things to keep in mind: after day 5, when you leave the hospital, the chance for clotting goes way down and by about the 2 week mark, the risk of a clot goes to zero. One more thing: the further away from surgery you move, the risk for necrosis goes down until it becomes nearly non-existent. It is worth it, Deb. Recovery is rough but it is so worth it.

    The drain is in my stomach somewhat indefinitely now. I can't even wear normal pants. I live in sweat pants! So gross!

    Ckptry: that is wicked, wicked scary. It is just nerve-wracking constantly. I remember just before my father found out he had lung cancer telling me he had a cough he could not get rid of. All of the sudden tonight I started to get lightheaded and then this serious, kind of deep, cough developed but then went away. All I could think was "brain, bones, liver, lungs" and that was it. This disease makes us paranoid flakes! I am just glad you are ok. Scary, scary, scary.

    On the testicle note, my GP was telling me when husbands don't understand the wife's concern for recon he introduces them to the idea of testicle removal!!! I think that is hysterically analogous and sets them straight, of course!!!

    Happy trails to all and to all a good night! BTW, do you all realize Christmas is just about 12 weeks away?!!  he he he!!

    Night all-