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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rachel I am keeping you in my prayers for a good visit and peaceful sleep tonight. 

    Hugs Ginger 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Best wishes Rachel, I hope it's just something simple.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel- Wishing you the best. Try to get some sleep. I feel for you as the way the whole situation was handled sort of left you sitting with your nerves until the appt.

    Please post as soon as you can. Best vibes heading your way ;)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Luck today Rachel!

    Tex, hope you are feeling better.  If not, please call the docs.  You know that on chemo your immune systems is not up to snuff, so don't let it go too long. 

    Lizzie:  Glad to hear you are muddling through recovery.  Keep resting, that is the best thing.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: thinking of you ;)

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hey Rachel- Thinking about you. Let us know how everything is going.

    All- Just back from another unconnected week up north. Nothing but rain and thunderstorms. Not so much fun this time. Tomorrow is my bone scan.

    Lizzy- hope your recovery is going really well.:)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sweeney - dexa for bone density?
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi Omaz- No, this is a bone scan for ongoing hip pain.:( We don't do bone scans very often in Canada so this is my first one. Bit nervous.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: Prayer said for you.

    Lizzie: You should report that driver to the ACS. Nobody who is such a nutjob needs to be driving around patients!

    Cal: congrats on the good test results.

    All: just popping in to say hi. I'm doing good, been busy. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, and I've been  helping our support group's Exec.Dir. set up some events. We've got something going on each week, so hopefully it will do some good. Of course, October follows next with breast cancer awareness. I'm starting to see the pink out already! I got my second post-chemo haircut a couple of weeks ago. After I got used to not having hair, I got spoiled. I got it cut very short and some highlights put in it. I've had mixed reviews, but I love it! 10 minutes from start to finish.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Lady !  I am keeping my hair short too.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Sweeny let us know how this scan goes, I will keep you in my prayers. 

    Lady that is great that you are getting haircuts that  you like. 10 minutes start to finsih is super!

    Rachel still thinking about you today.

    Hugs Ginger 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Lady!  Sounds like you are doing really well.  I am very happy for you!

    Sweeney, good luck tommorrow!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well. I am busy sleeping away! I am still very tired and can do some serious sleeping!

    Sweeney: I hope your bone scan warrants good results today. Sending good vibes north, as always!

    Lady: good for you on helping out with the oc events! Yes, I am seeing the pink already! I think as part of my contribution in Oct I am going to sign up as a "Road to Recovery" driver so I can save some of my sisters from being exposed to the likes of the misery I was! Boy she was a dark and miserable person. My mother always said (don't take offense anyone!) the biggest phonies with the most to hide are always running off to church every Sunday! Big surprise my "driver" was flying off to church 2 times a week! Well, she needs all the help she can get!

    Good for you on your hair! I am lucky, so lucky that I look just fine with my hair gelled back (to control the curliness!) and in a ponytail as I still have no clue what I am going to do with it! I think I am going to let it grow a bit more and then cut and highlight...I think but to be honest, have not even really thought about it!

    Rachel: I am thinking of you. Please keep us in the loop.

    Sptmm: how was the 5K?! Did it rain for the entire run? I, for one, enjoyed running in the rain, summer rain that is! I hope it went well.

    I am trucking along on my recovery...!   Ultrasound revealed pooling fluid in my stomach as a result of the belly drains falling out prematurely and hopefully this is indeed a very quick fix! 

    Good day, girls!  

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Everyone:

    Firstly--Sweeney--Hope the bone scan went well. I know how nervous I was when I had my first one done.

    I had my appointment yesterday---my Doctor came into the room and said "I have good news"....which of course is better than what I had expected. Basically, she said that my blood work has shown that my thyroid has stopped working completely. She said "good news" as over the past year, I have struggled with being tired, gaining weight and bone aches etc. She said that my thyroid is not working at all which can cause all the effects that I have had. I'm not sure if I was jumping with joy when she told me...but the alternative could be worse. They (including my Oncologists) believe that this could have been caused by the radiation. I had radiation to my clavicle area which at the time the Rad Onco said there were some risks but the benefits outweighed the negatives. Go figure. Basically what this means is that I have to start thyroid medication right away and a strong dose because they need to try and jump start the thyroid--so I had a bunch of side effects warned to me because of the strength of the thyroid medication. I will have my blood taken every 6 weeks--and then they will adjust the medication accordingly. What a mess---seriously, cancer is the gift that keeps on giving. My Oncologist wants to go back and review the radiation shots and possibly do an ultrasound of the thyroid area. However, they are not overly concerned about anything else but concerned that my thyroid won't recover.

    So...good news/bad news? I still have my mammo/us/bone scan next week. So fingers crossed for that also. I feel a little relief. I also told my Doc how it was horrible waiting for this news. She said that when she got the results--she asked the nurse to call--to ensure she spoke to me and to tell me what the results were--when I wasn't home--the nurse couldn't tell my husband -- granted this doesn't explain why they didn't tell me the next day. She also said that they wouldn't give my test results until I have discussed with Doctor. I'm not sure if that is just my Doctor...anyway, wasn't too happy about that but she is good Doc (basically caught both my cancers).

    Thanks for all your good wishes...really helped that I could come here to vent and get support.

    Rachel xo 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Rachel I have been thinking about you all day! With the entire gamut of what this could have been, a faulty thyroid IS good news. It won't be fun getting used to new medication but really this is good news, you'll probably feel better ( no tiredness, etc). Will you have to take some,time off work or will you be able to manage do you think?

    ALL- bone scan went okay. Wasn't too too scary, although I did have a good cry in the bathroom. Nerves, stress, let it all out yer eyes I say. I don't get results for at least a week.

    TEX- how're you feeling? Was this a chemo week??

    I second Rachel's thanks to everyone. You guys are incredible. I'm not overstating it when I say I love you.:)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sweeney--nope no time off work (although I wouldn't mind it). The struggle is more fitting the drug into my daily schedule around Tamoxifen as I need to take Tamoxifen with food (upsets my stomach) but I have to take the synthroid on an empty stomach and not within 4 hours before or after of certain foods including dairly. Feel like I am trying to solve a puzzle trying to figure out the best time. I will have my blood taken every 6 weeks--not sure how they will get a vein for that as the last blood draw was horrible for everyone involved--then they will adjust the medication. Glad the bone scan went OK. I called my Doc the day after to get the results--just a little nervous!--and he called me back the next day--probably more because he thought I was going to lose it. I am not good with waiting for results! I have my scans next week.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Rachel - I am glad it is 'just' your thyroid.  Maybe the meds will kick start it up again.  In the grand scheme and all we have been through - heck.  I have heard about the relation between rads and thyroid.

    Sweeney -  Glad you got through the bone scan ok.  Geez, boring normal never looked so good!!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: Glad you got "good" news. After all we've been through, adding a pill a day is a piece of cake. Can you choose the facility where you have blood drawn? Nobody can ever find a vein on me except the people at the cancer center where I took treatment. Last time I was there, I mentioned to them that the last time I had blood drawn at another lab, they had to stick me 3 times. They said if I'll bring the order to them, that they can draw blood and send it off. I had no idea. You better believe I'll be there next time I need blood drawn for anything!

    And, a Happy 14th Anniversary to Rachel and hubby!!

    Sweeney: That picture is awful and funny at the same time. It looks like everybody has a knife in the back except Korea Boy.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Rachel:Grrrrreat news!!!! I am elated! Btw, I have had thyroid problems for years and been on synthroid for as long. You will feel more energy soon and this most likely explains any weight loss struggles also. Also, at a party a few months ago I met an RN who has thyroid problems. She said synthroid should be taken seperate from multivitamins by 4 hours or more. Interesting info as I never heard that.

    I am just.happy your news was good!

    Sweeney: thank you for my Korea boy treat!! Also, speaking of good cries, it is cathartic. Lately I have been having some jags like the whole of this situation has just worn me out. In any case, it is all good ;) Looking to your "all clear" results

    Tex: you need to stop by in between your other many daily tasks and let us know how you are! Thinking of you

    I am still loving my naps! Also I am watching "Winnie the Pooh" right now so the increase in naps is clearly causing a decrease in mental activity! Oh, and btw, I am thoroughly enjoying this movie!!

    Sweet dreams, girls!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Rachel, I will join the chorus in being thankful that your problem will be solved with a pill, and is "only your thyroid"! As for taking the pills, once you figure out the timing I find the most difficult part is actually remembering to take it.  They have me on iron three times a day.  In the morning I am good, take it with all my other meds and vitamins.  But the second two doses....strictly hit and miss..LOL!

    Sweeney:  I second Lizzy's statement, sometimes you just need a good cry.  Nothing good happens when you keep it all bottled up inside! Glad to hear it all went well and I will be praying for positive results.

    Lizzy:  I LOVE Winnie the Pooh!! Tigger is my absolute favorite animal in the world! The 5K went great.  I drizzled on and off before, during, and after the race.  There was one period of about five minutes in the middle where it rained pretty steady.  But I think that all made it actually easier to run because it was cooler.  The last 5K I ran in May I ran in like 34-1/2 minutes, Saturday I ran it in 31:35 and I full out sprinted the last 200 yards!  Got to work on pacing myself a little faster next time.  But I was proud of the progress I made.  It is nice to actually see that your hard work is getting results.  And I ran 6-1/2 miles last night, so I am now ready to tackle my first 10K in October.  All signed up and ready! I hope everything turns out okay with the fluid in the abdomen.  What will they do, drain it?  Well, Enjoy your naps!

    Tex:  Thinking of you, hoping you are doing well!

    Hi Ginger, Lady, and Omaz!!!


  • Very awesome news Rachel!!!  YAY!

    I have a friend who had thyroid cancer when she was 20; and that was 24 years ago.  They removed her thyroid at the time, and she took radiation pills for a short time.   She has had two children in the past few years.  So I guess it is possible to live  without a thyroid at all. 

    I have been getting difficult news this week about a friend's mom.  She had a kidney removed in July  and it was cancerous, and has deteriorated since then.  First they said it was "regular" kidney cancer.  She had a bone scan at the time, which was clear.  She had another bone scan this week and the cancer is not only in my lymph nodes, but all through her bones as well.  the prognosis is about four months.  It turns out that she had two cancers in her kidney and one is very very rare and aggressive. 

    They will begin radiation which is only for pain relief.   

    The whole thing has been terribly mishandled.  When she returned to the hospital with severe back pain and nausea, they kept her a few days and then "weaned" her off the pain meds and sent her home.  My friend was left trying to care for her mother that night, basically she sat up with her while she cried from the pain and was nauseous- finally she became dilerious and they called the ambulance.  She was so severely dehydrated they were afraid for her life.  When they got her back, the doctors had no idea WHY she had been released, and they basically "disclosed" her true condition.  My friend said "So you just sent her home with me to die..without telling any of us??"  Why had she been weaned off the pain meds if she had stage IV cancer??

    I am appalled at how incompetent some of these facilities and doctors are!!  

    I just feel terrible for their family.  I hate this disease so much!!! :( 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi back at you Debbi!  We have our monsoon season of thunderstorms now and the sunsets are just outstanding!  It looks just like this


    Cal - I am sorry to hear about  your friend's mom.  That is terrible that they sent her home. 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Thanks everyone...I am taking my synthroid at night as it needs to be on empty stomach and not within 4 hours of dairy or vitamins.

    Cal...sorry to hear about your friends Mom. It does frighten me to think that she was misdiagnosed...craziness. I hope she gets some comfort and her pain meds are better.

    Cancer just seems to be my previous boss told me that his wife was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. She will have same gyne onco as I did...which is good as she is really one of the best in Canada. They are in that initial stage of shock and googling too much info. Sadly, some of these cancers don't have as much resources as breast cancer. Too much cancer.

    On a happier on got his braces off so e is flashing his nice straight teeth. Just in time for back to school..he is turning 13 so girls a very much on his radar!

    I am completely swamped at work which is keeping my mind off my mammo/us/bone scan's coming up in the next week.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527 sorry to hear about your friends mom..i will be praying for her.

    Omaz.......WOW! That is gorgeous! That is what it looks like out your window? WOW!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - I copied it off the web but yes, that is what it looks like this time of the year!  With the monsoons it is dramatic and beautiful, especially the sunsets.  
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz, I may just have to visit Arizona now, just to see that sunset.  I love sunsets, there is something so calm and relaxing about watching the sun set!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - If the sunset is pretty tonight on our walk I will take a picture for you.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Debbi - Not as dramatic as the one above but this is a view from our evening walk. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    The sunset in AZ often has a shade of crimson that Mary Cassat uses in the cheeks of her lovely subjects in her paintings.  My son lives in Phoenix and I always look for those sunsets when I am there. 
