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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.  How is your MIL doing?  

    Omaz: we were definitely cut short on our Fall here as well!  Last night I think temps went into upper 30s!  

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Lizzie...My MIL is doing OK. She starts another round of chemo this week. Her last CT scan did show some progression with the cancer in her lung. The previous chemo had worked on the peritoneal cancer but didn't seem to work on her lung cancer. She is starting on a new mix of two chemos and will stay on this until further notice--every two weeks with scans every couple of months. She has good spirits though. It has been almost 4 years since her initial diagnosis and 2 years since she was diagnosed stage 4 with mets. We had a great Thanksgiving spending it all together. Days like today make you realize how important family is for providing support.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi Ladies,

     Thanksgiving was good here but I am DONE with turkey for a while. Geez..that's a lot of meat on that there bird. Too much. By the time we got to the THIRD turkey dinner of the weekend Max put his head down on the table as it was being served and said, "Please can we have some ham or something??" Amen to that.

    Lizzy- I'm doing okay, thank you so much for looking out for me. Trying not to think of my hot spot too much. I have an appt on the 24th with my GP about this, he just wants to make sure I'm mentally okay with all this stuff. I always end up crying in his office as he is the NICEST man alive and always seems so genuinely concerned for me and my family. I just love that guy.

    Not off to Ecuador just yet, that's in three weeks. But work here has been insane...some new projects have my work time jacked up to all new levels. And of course I'm trying to do it at night time after the kids go to bed so that it's not eating into family time.

    Trying to not be too pissed off about all the pink crap being sold in the month of October. I hate it for three reasons- 1. I don't believe that it does much good. 2. I think "awareness" is a crock of crap in support of retail gains and 3. All the pink reminds me of how scary BC is sometimes. I also cannot stand the stupid Facebook stuff around "Ladies let's all post the colour of our bras!! FUN!! SEXY!! BREAST CANCER!!" I cannot stand that and I just want to scream when I see stuff of a similar nature. I'm gearing up for FB update that let's my feelings be known!

     Back off to work land. Hope all is well with each of you. Felis- I hope you're feeling good as you go though your's a tough climb but you can and will do it!:)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone! 

    Sweeney:  Glad to hear you are trying to keep your mind off the hot spot, thats the best thing to do.  I also know how great it is to have a doctor you can count on.  For me it has become my surgeon. Because of a change in insurance, I cannot use the same surgery for my BMX that has performed all my other surgeries.  When I went to tell my old surgeon, he gave me a hug and said his door was always open, he is such a wonderful and caring doctor.  Anyway, he was not lying, I have been back twice and each time he has taken out time from his day to answer my questions and allay my concerns even though I am not his patient and he is not getting paid.  It really helps to have that knowledgeable person to talk to!  As for the pink stuff.  It really doesn't bother me because it makes breast cancer a "popular cause" and I tend to believe that many of the advances in treatment that we all have benefited from are because people are willing to throw money into breast cancer because it is "cool and popular" to do so.  The celebs get on the bandwagon and you can't deny that you mention pink and breast cancer and people's wallets open up.  And while there are many organizations that are dubius, enough of the money is getting through to where it needs to be that advances are being made at a much higher rate than many other cancers.  So, since the pink keeps the disease that threatens my life in the forefront of everyone's consciousness I will tolerate it.  I feel very bad for people fighting the lesser known, and perhaps more deadly, cancers who are ignored because their disease doesn't inspire the kind of support breast cancer does. Anyway, enjoy your family and your trip to Ecuador and stay busy! 

    Rachel: Sorry to hear that things are not goind as well for your MIL.  She sounds like a very strong woman.  You are totally right in that we definitely have learned to enjoy those family dinners, as the most important times! Hope the boys are enjoying hockey! 

    Lizzy:  How is the healing going? Thanks for your support.  I know I made the right choice and as soon as this is over I really will be able to walk away knowing that I did everything possible to rid myself of this disease and if it comes back, thats just the way it will be. 

    I am getting a little nervous about the BMX.  It sounds like a very complicated healing process and a lot of things can go wrong.  But I am looking forward to my recovery period where I won't have to work for a month or so!  I know I won't be feeling too well, but at least I won't have to get up and go to work!  I know I made the right choice though, so I just put my fears in the back of my mind and move on.  I am getting down to the nitty gritty now.  I meet with my plastic surgeon for my final pre surgery appointment next Monday.  I have presurgical testing and an appointment with my PCP for medical clearance next Wednesday and Thursday and then my surgery on the 24th.    

    One thing that does scare me is that I realized the other day that because the insurance company denied my MRI, the last really reliable breast test I had was a mammo a year ago.  That is one year without a screening test on my breast other than the CT that found the "questionable area".  I am a little nervous of the possibility that they will really find something there.  Oh well, whatever is, is and will be gone after the surgery, so no sense obsessing on it.

    Have a great week everyone, I have to get back to work : (


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well! Good to hear from some of you...was beginning to wonder in particular about my friend beavertail(Sweeney) up in Canada!!!

    Rachel: so glad to hear your MIL is stable. It really is so hard, I think, when you are in your own battle and you are seeing someone go through a time so much worse than your's was or that distance from the event has led you to believe your's was. I just hope you can stay strong and realize everyone's experience with cancer is different and we are all collectively doing better with each passing year. As per usual, I remain cautiously optimistic!! Family is great for providing support and I am glad this past Thanksgiving weekend reminded you of that. I am the baby and with my parents long gone, I don't really feel the "family warmth" much but I do miss it and am glad to know someone is enjoying such!

    Sptmm: nothing is going to go wrong! Step away from the keyboard and no more googling until November 10th-ish! They do this surgery on many women, present company included, that are in much worse shape than you so nothing is going to go wrong. Everything is going to go just fine and you will emerge stronger and feeling more confident about how you look. Just stay away from that research and pretty much keep your ears plugged because at any moment any person within earshot is bound to bring up the "length" of the surgery, scary stuff etc...! You don't need it!

    I am 9 weeks post surgery right now and I must say, it was a long recovery. I feel ok but definitely not back to normal. I am still awkwardly aware of the possibility of "overdoing" it which is antithetical to my very nature so this amounts to a daily struggle to do the right thing! You will be just fine, Deb. It definitely gets easier each week.

    Sweeney: well thank you for scaring the shit out of me!!!!!! Gadzooks...a woman can only take so much! I don't hear from you for weeks and my mind goes "there!" Thank you for reassuring me! Yes, it is all about me after all!!!

    That is so funny you talk about ham for Thanksgiving because I was just thinking the same thing today! This would, of course, make me a total pagan if nationalism was a religion but alas I will take my chances!

    Yeah, fun-sexy bc....WTF? Sorry but you all can say "fig" instead of what the F stands for but I am with you in that the stupidity irks me. I must say, though, the "awareness" part does make me happy as people who have all types of cancers lament the lack of "awareness" for their type. I just think the profiteering does upset me but then I see NFL players wearing pink socks and I just try to take it all in stride. A friend was just remarking at oil prices for home heating and how there should be "some" help for people like me who are single and entering year 3 of this battle. I explained the worst thing that happens is somewhere in the recesses of the societal mind there exist visions of women w/bc having the equivalent of ebit cards to some big benevolent account to help us through. Little do they realize much of it is smoke-in-mirrors except for the very destitute. Of course I write to you from capitalistic healthcare central!!! Like most things, some of it is good and some bad.

    One good aspect of "pink" month = I got slippers from a bc site for $6!!!!!!!  YAY!!!  

    Matt Damon was on a talk show discussing how he and his father, who battled cancer, are involved with a local charity in the Boston area which fundraises *STRICTLY* to offer financial support to those going through a cancer battle. What they offer is grocery and bill money to these people. Now THAT makes sense. I am going to look it up and get the name as that is a charity that I can get behind.

    Ckptry: I am in the process of doing what you have been telling me to do forever....!! I will PM you but I do think you might be proud!!

    I woke up the other day from a nap with such a pain in my collar bone. It was freaky and it actually felt like it might crack or something. Could remnants of chemo, could be mets but aside from those 2 possibilities, no clue as to why I would have a pain in my freakin bone and it was a vertical pain running through the bone? Oh well, guess it is scan time again. Here we go, girlies! It is just fine with me because I never lived with the illusion it was "gone," that I am a "survivor," nor that I "beat it" somehow! I might be able to knock it down but beyond that, you have to have a lot of faith and belief in supernatural benevolent forces to think you have annihilated it!! I am a little concerned anyway since I was never radiated, but I should have been, because of that infection. Oh well, time will tell.

    I hope everyone has a lovely night. My Yankees are doing well, tied with the birds in the ALDS! Tonight the Yanks are not playing so I shall devote my attn to "The Voice!!"

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i had chemo friday and my boost shot monday i feel like i been hit by a truck. just so weak barely can eat. thank God my breast is going down but it still hurts sometimes, oh yeah 3 more treatments to go then off to radiation. this has been a long journey for me sometimes i dont think i can go on. when i look at my head with no hair i cries sometimes all i can say i cant believe this happen to me. anyway im ready for the holidays to come and go.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I have been reading and catching up over the last week.

    I have a little insurance problem I am going ask for your input or experiences like this. I had nipple tattooing done (in Rochester MN at Mayo) on my DIEP breast and the insurance didn't pay for the bill. I have called both the insurance company and hospital at least 2 xs. Insurance say it was the coding and it falls in the (other) category. The hospital resubmitted with a letter of explanation on what was done and I'm still getting a bill 5 months later for $1500. It is part of the reconstruction and I don't understand what is so difficult. Any ideas what I should do?

    Anyone else have their insurance go up after cancer ? My insurance is through my hubbys job and they have just 6 employees and they raised it for all not once but 2 xs now in a year.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: the entire country has insurance go up with a cancer dx.  That is what all the healthcare talk is about in this country.  Either that or you totally lose your insurance and/or job and find yourself not *ABLE* to buy insurance in the open market.  With a cancer dx you are completely uninsurable except through a spousal or employer plan.  That is what everyone is talking about on the news, in the political debates etc... 

    If the AMA did not start their surreptitious and debilitating coffee claches in the 50s and 60s to defeat all thoughts of socialized medicine, you would not be even asking this question today. 

    Remember when all those buffoons in Washington start telling us about "death panels" and making "hawkish" comments, remember Sweeney and Rachel have had a fine time of it in Canada on "socialized medicine."  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    I have often thought how much I would like to take some of the critics of socialised medicine and have them come with me to the hospital. I have an excellent surgeon, my onco is a world class researcher, my GP mails me handwritten notes checking in on me. I believe I have the best healthcare team I can. From my perspective as a Canadian when I hear critics of Obamacare and socialised medicine I think, the only reason you must be arguing AGAINST this is because you have a ton of money and can afford whatever care you want, but how on earth does that work for everyone else?

    We have issues up here, no doubt. But if you're a multimillionaire or you're a single mom with a low paying job you have the exact same access to care all the way through your treatment. Healthcare is not a commodity, it is a right.

    I don't mean to be political. It's just over the last few years I've wished many times I could invite you guys up here and you could access what you need without the insurance hassles. Iowa- I hope it resolves itself quickly, that's a pain that ou have to go through it at all.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I agree with Sweeney--I have had world-class treatment throughout my Cancer diagnosis. I havent had to wait for anything and have never had a feeling of being short-changed on my care. I wish that everyone had same access to care as I do. It should be a right and expected of all governments.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sweeney and Rachel: thank you both for commenting. The reason so many fight against Obamacare b/c it is going to negate the tremendous profits they make off.this broken "healthy" care system we have.

    Once you get sick in this country you have the scarlet letter and are then no longer insurable. Options are get married for benefits, try to find a job sick or get on welfare insurance which is.not accepted anywhere but at.hospitals. In long our pathetic capitalistic healthy care system sucks.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    To my Canadian friends with real healthcare!!!  Forgot to tell you that to be eligible for "welfare" insurance you have to be dead broke and if you have assets, you then have to PAY FOR THAT CRAP ASS INSURANCE on a sliding scale!!!!!!!  Still, it is the same crappy insurance that you get for free if you are broke and hardly any medical practice, besides hospitals, accept it!!!  

    Bet you are happy you live in Canada even more now!   

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

     I think we should all just share a Beavertail....(cinnamon and sugar! yum!)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Yummm - How do you make that???

     link How about this recipe?

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    I have no idea how to make it! Kinda like a donut I guess?? We buy them when we go skating on the canal usually eat it during a snowstorm, while it's like -20 below zero.:) They're big and flat and honest-to-god the best thing I've ever eaten. You can get an ultra-Canadian one with maple syrup on top too.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    OMG Sweeney that looks delicious.  I think the maple syrup would be a little too much sweetness for me, but sugar and cinnamon...YUM!!

     How's this one for insane health  insurance stories.  My insurance company refused to pay for a yearly screening breast MRI, thought that only yearly mammograms were necessary for a person with a history of breast cancer..yeah right, just like every other woman, no different.  But, get this, they approved a bilateral mastectomy right questions asked!  So, they willingly pay to chop the boobs off, but balk at proper surveillance.  I guess my boobs are worth more dead than alive..LOL!

    Honestly though, the insurance companies here have taken over health care here and it is ridiculous.  The doctors should be in charge of the plan of care, not the insurance company!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sweeney--I love Beavertails! We were in Ottawa in 2010 and had to go and get one in the market. They sell them here but nothing like getting one right in Ottawa.

    When I hear the stories about insurance -- it just makes my head hurt to think about lots of people not getting the proper care because their insurance won't cover. It is just something that I cannot believe. Talking to you all in the US gives me a good perspective on what it would be like to be diagnosed with cancer in the US and the worry about $$ that would come with that diagnosis.

    I am happy that this week is coming to an end. Had a rough week at work. I had to fire someone today which is always so difficult. Then tonight at my younger son's hockey game--one of the kids got a hit to the head--started skating to the bench and collapsed on the ice. My heart sank...thank God, he will be OK but sadly has a concussion. This is the part of competitive hockey that makes me worry so much.

    This weekend is my youngest son's 11th birthday so we will be taking a bunch of kids to the movies then sleepover--nothing like 7 young boys running around the house. Things seem super busy right now with birthdays and work--I am leaving for Minneapolis the first week of November for meetings and then right after for a week in Denmark for meetings. I love working and don't mind travelling but not back to back.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Funny on those Beavertails! I live in the Northeast, as you all know, and more to this point, there is a strong Italian influence. We have so many carnivals and festivals surrounding Italian heritage and/or religiosity, there are many, many treats to be had! In any case, at the summer carnivals, which are normally held on the grounds of a church, there is always fried dough. People eat fried dough with either sugar and cinnamon or w/gravy (Italian tomato sauce) and grated parm. That Beavertail reminds me of the fried dough w/cinnamon and sugar we can get all summer at these carnivals.

    Also, if any of you are ever in New York in September you must go to the "Feast of San Gennaro" in the Bronx to get a good idea of how deep the Italian food roots run in the boroughs and, in particular, the Boogie Down!!!!

    The Yankees are breaking my heart and the debates are wildly entertaining!!! I am glad I have 7 TVs in my house b/c last night there was something different on in 4 rooms!
    It is 50 degrees here today and I am freezing!

    Sweeney and Rachel: last night I came across a link regarding the best and safest place for women to live in the world and, you guessed it: CANADA!!!!! If I could better handle the cold, I just might move north! I was surprised to read how many women have I think what are politically appointed positions as judges. I think it was about 53% of judges in that particular respect are women. They also cited healthcare as being one of the cornerstones of women's health and safety in Canada. Good for you girls!!!!

    Rachel: an old acquaintance lives in MN. Cold, cold but then you are used to that! Seems so odd to go from MN to Denmark but should be a nice trip anyway!!! Of course I get tired thinking about it! Don't forget to go to the Mall of America! In NYC everyone refers to the "Museum of Modern Art" as MOMA and, of course, people refer to that massive ode to capitalism as MOA! The "M" that is missing from the MOA to the MOMA might as well stand for Mensa!!!!! Wha ha ha!!!!! Coastal elite humor!

    Sounds to me with those 7 kids running around the house, you will be welcoming a nice trip to the US and then Denmark! Hope he has a wonderful 11th birthday and you are able to maintain your sanity! Sounds like fun nonetheless!

    Rachel and Sweeney: I follow Martha Plimpton ("Raising Hope" among other things) on Twitter. She forward this link last night and you should check it out. It is a very distinct myopic view into the disgusting underbelly of this gross capitalistic healthcare system we have:

    This is *actually* happening in the United States. It is disgusting. This, consequently, is not much different than many other parts of this country where people don't have coverage, are denied coverage and are falling under the auspices of what many in the south want to be a reuniting of "church and state" so as to gain better control of all things ovarian.

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Things are officially very fall-like here as they should be. The Yankees are in game 5 with the Orioles of the ALDS which I was nothing short of stunned that such a talented team could not put together 1 run and close it out last night. Alas I digress! Here we go as this will be a 2 television night! One for the Yankees and 1 for "Shark Tank!" Yes, I used to be roaming around midtown Manhattan, partying and complaining that Happy Hour is just too short when we reached the 7:30ish hour and now I am normally making pizza, drinking cabernet sauvignon and watching "Shark Tank!" My oh my, my life has changed immensely! Truth be known, I was at a high producers dinner at "Morton's" in Manhattan with one of the owners of the firm and he remarked that night how he used to love to party and roam the wild streets of NY as well but how things had changed so much and now he went home to his house on LI and played chess online with varying aged competitors from around the world. I can now identify with having crossed that line however I just don't know where it was!!!!

    Happy trails, girls-

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Damn that line.  Me too.  Although I am seeing the Psychedelic Furs and The Lemonheads tomorrow night!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    that does look good but im a diabetic so ill pass. sitting here with a cold wishing i was feeling better my body is aching i just feel awful. pray for me.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Felisa aren't you still in chemo?  Watch that cold more closely and tell your doc if it doesn't get better quickly.  

    We have rain here finally after over 80 days of dry skys. I don;t like the gloom here in fall winter and spring but pur trees really needed the rain up here. We even tried to water somr near the house for fear they would die.  I am glad the rainhas returned.  

    I haven't had a migraine for two days. Fingers crossed. Trying to limit computer time in case that is one of the triggers.

    Love Ginger 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    These Yankees are breaking my heart! I actually cried last night when Jeter went down and did not get back up. These games have been long and draining. Unbelievable. Just when they bid the O's goodbye, here come the Tigers and extra innings again. They seem to be struggling and now with their Captain out for the rest of the season w/a broken ankle, they will either do really well or really badly. I don't think there is any in-between on this one. In any case, all my Yankee gear is Jeter and I have been a fan of his since the day he started playing. My positive thoughts will be going his way until I see him in Spring training!!!

    Adey: Psychedelic Furs and Lemonheads? I am not too familiar with the furs but am w/the lemons and that should have been a good show! I just hope you did not break your hip in the mosh pit!!! Jk..I know, and I am sure much to your chagrin, that is not a "mosh-able" show! Calm down-there will be others!!

    Ginger: glad you are not having migraines. Also glad you all are getting some rain. 80 days is a long, long time.

    Felisa: hang in there, almost done!

    A friend who lives in Mass and spends some time on the Cape in summer was saying how Taylor Swift dating the Kennedy boy caused so much paparazzi and security ruckus, they left the Cape early! All I can say is I love her music, think she is wicked talented and when I saw her marching around on the VMA stage singing "We Will Never Get Back Together," all I could think was she must be blowing his 18 year old mind!!! Meanwhile he just started his Junior year in HSin Massachusetts!!!!!! GO TAYLOR!!!!!!! I think she started dating him "openly" the day of his 18th birthday this past July and I can see why as he has got those Kennedy very good looks! Can you imagine being in an uber posh prep school with all the Kennedy expectations on your shoulders, watching your girlfriend prance around the VMA stage in LA and thinking "great, I am locked in this private school cage for another 2 years!!!!!!!!"  Curious to see how long this one lasts and what song she will write when it ends...if it ends!!

    I hope everyone has had a nice weekend-

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Girls, sorry I've been away so long. I got so caught up with "projects" during OvCa month, that I had to take a break from everything else. Don't have time to read all the posts, so if I've misssed anything important, let me know. I promise to not stay away so long next time. Hope all is well. I'm good.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    Here finally is a photo of my dog Stewie. He is 1 year and 4 months now.   
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Actually I am having migraines, 10-2,3,5,7,10,13. New medicine is good. Works well.     Ginger

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Liz-  Ha!  No moshin'.  You know them... Feels like love, Pretty in pink....  Anyway, the concert caused my number two breakdown.  I didn't cry when diagnosed or during treatments.  The first time was on a motorcycle ride and the second at the concert.  I guess lost youth, lost body, lost self.  It's all good, I'm not lost but am changed.  Gonna have to find another concert to go to!  (c:  Damn cute dog Ginger and that pic of your dgd by Fuzzies, so cute!  Have a great week all.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cute doggie Ginger!  What fluff!!
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. My youngest son turned 11 years old today. He had his party with his friends on Saturday--ending with 7 kids sleeping over. He had a great time. They tried to pull an "all-nighter" but around 1:30am--they were all fast asleep. He had hockey the next day and was asleep in the car on the way--my son is definitely one of those kids who needs 10 hours sleep per night! My older son becomes a teenager in a couple of weeks (eeeekkk!).

    I am getting my blood taken tomorrow to see if my thyroid medication is working. I feel pretty good so hopefully it is working. I also joined Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago and have lost 10lbs so far. I have a lot to lose to get back to my pre-cancer weight but feel that I am on the right track. I am one of those people who need accountability and weighing in each week at WW makes me honest!

    I added a picture of my youngest son--at 1 years old and now at 11 years old. Still my baby :)

    Happy Monday!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well. I have been wicked busy setting up a room where I had an art studio. I moved it and then decided to move it back...I am so fickle! No, I am no artist! My stuff is horrible! I just do it b/c it keeps me busy and it can be fun.

    Ladyinbama: I am glad you got caught up in projects! Good for you! Two things to note: I talked to Timothea (Tex) and she said she is in remission again and off chemo = YAHOOOOEEEE! I was so happy to find that out. Also they found a hot spot on a scan Sweeney had. She will let us know more as she finds out.  Finally Sptmm is getting her new diep flap boobs at the end of this month!  I am happy with mine, that is for sure!

    I hope all is well for you and you are having some good times for yourself! You really deserve it!

    Adey: I totally know where you are at and why you cried. I do it now as well but did not all through treatment. That ride on the motorcycle and going to the show was a reminder of the days when death and cancer were not even a thought. Even now as I plan to go to law school I can't help but think about the "time" I will be investing in that goal and I wonder if I am up for it and if I had to, for lack of better words, "live like I were dying," what would I do differently? It is all so weird and I am so aware of time, like I feel I don't have much left. I totally know how you feel. Sometimes when I remember how full of life I was, partying my ass off in Manhattan, going from happy hour to Asia de Cuba to the village to some dance clubs or out to the Bronx to a Yankee game and how my life was so much different and I did not think about death. Then this weekend I caught a few minutes of "Catch Me if You Can" and Christopher Walken, who plays the father, dies running down stairs in Grand Central to catch a train and all I could think was I did that a thousand times and now, with my new reality, I would have to be worried about something like that. Listen, I hope we all live into our 80s and die in our sleep but the fact is this disease has left me scrambling to get stuff done before I have to leave. It is the strangest feeling ever. I know why you cried.

    Ginger: what a cute dog!!! He looks like a standard Poodle? Is he? Don't get upset with me if you already told us his breed!!! I forget a lot these days but then again, I don't have to tell you that! What pic is Adey talking about of your dgd near Fuzzies?! Are my eyes going now also?!?!

    Rachel: He is so handsome!!!!!!! He really looks like a hockey player! I don't know where I come up with that but I do! In fact, if I can find a pic of my brother when he was young I will post it as he reminds me a lot of my brother thus the "hockey player" comment!
    I hope your thyroid med is working. Congrats on the 10 lbs! I think in a week or 2 I can start working out again and I am looking very forward to this!

    Well, I actually jumped on the computer to make a note reminding myself to watch Kimmel tomorrow night for the "burning of the capezios!" Whomever gets kicked off DWTS goes on Kimmel and they burn their dance shoes! It is the only way I can keep up with DWTS b/c the Voice has got all my attention not to mention our Senatorial debates here in CT, the VP debate (wickedly entertaining!) and now the Presidential debate and MY YANKEES!!!! Tomorrow night is a tough one as I have the Voice, the Yankees and the Presidential debate! I just hope our President makes an appearance tomorrow night because that hologram they sent the last time really sucked! I think that hologram would have been better suited in Coachella!

    Night, girls-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Here is Zoe with her Mommys Raggedy Ann dol from when she was a baby. Zoe really like that the doll has underpants because she is very involved with those these days. Zoe can be very serious. I put up this photo of my DGD on Fuzzies Romp Room, a thread I stop in at from time to time. I will try to add it here too. 

    So happy to hear that Texas is in remission again. Happy dance for that one!  

    I certainly hope for good options for Sweeny, sorry to hear her test results. Let us know Lizzy of you hear anything please.  

    Rachel. 11 years old. That is a nice age for a boy. Very handsome young man.

    Stewie is indeed a standard poodle. My husband got him for me when chemo was over. He has trained him though and Stewie just thinks I am someone to mooch off of and keep warm next to at night. He is doing wonderful on  obedience training. He is one of those dogs who sort of prances walking at heel, really pretty. Our auxillary dog Harry needs a haircut so badly that I wont photograph him just now. 

    I still am having migraine issues. Doc said mets would present differently so that is good, I think. The migraines have just reallly stepped up in rate 6 in 12 days. The Sumatripan (I think imitrex generic) works very well. The increase had started b efore I began this drug, so it isn't from that. I am off Aromasin for a while to see if that is doing it.  

    Lizzy, surely you know some female lawyers to discuss law school realities with. What area of law are you thinking about?  I would personally question how much of my life I would be wiling to give over to a profession now.  If I could afford to work in the area I wished, probably, hah certainly, at greatly reduced pay then I might give it a go. My BIL and SIL are attorneys and I think they gave up a lot for it. They have plenty of compensation but the hours they had to exchange for that are ones I would not.   I believe you could do this, you are so smart and have shown you have the ability and drive to work in that environment. I know ytou will think this through and if it is standard old fear you will jump right over that, however if it is pulling you away from another life that you want I beleive you are wise and will respect that. 

    Love Ginger