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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Very pretty Omaz!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    What a week your fearless leader has had!!! The pooling fluid continued to pool and then just kept getting worse so off to the ER I went to be admitted, and I was, on Tuesday night. What a process. I must say, however, that the ER itself and the process by which they handle their human traffic has gotten better as the last time I went to the ER, some 7 years ago, I was waiting in line behind a man with a gunshot wound! We were numbers 4 & 5 respectively in line! In any case, I had gotten an ultra on Monday which showed the fluid pooling. After being in the hospital for 24 hours the only thing they accomplished was doing yet another ultrasound. They also admitted me into the "general population" hospital and not the cancer hospital. Great- so now I was laying there with 7 open holes in my body in the main hospital and my drain implementation had been moved from an OR procedure to a "step down" unit procedure. The "step down unit does smaller surgeries and largely on an outpatient basis. After being in the hospital, secretly worrying about MRSA and all that other crap floating around and with my compromised immune system, pooling fluid and open wounds, they announced they would not be doing the procedure and wanted me in another day. NO!!!! Going home now, thank you!!!!! I signed myself out and got it done today on an outpatient basis. Unbelievable. First off, it was not within my best interests, nor my insurance co, to have me lying around a hospital waiting for trouble to ensue when the procedure was an outpatient anyway. My final deciding factor was when a nurse came in and told me that it was entirely feasible I might stay in the hospital yet another day and the procedure "still" would not get done the next day!!

    In any case, this was my lovely week! I hope you all had a better one!

    Sweeney: when will you get bone scan results? Also, as for the Huffington link on my boy, Kim Jong, after much reflection I have come to the conclusion it was photoshopped!

    Rachel: 14 years?! Wow!!! I with one guy for over 3 years once!!!!!!! Whahahahahah! It was at some point I decided he commandeered the remote control way too much and, oh yeah, I could be less bored by myself!!! Variety is the spice of life is my mantra! I know this will be hard to believe but my brother and sister both married their HS sweethearts! And I am a committed rolling stone! 

    Lady: what a time they had with my veins. Of course, and I am sure most of you have this as well, b/c of LN removal I only have 1 arm from which to draw. While I was in for 24 hours they stabbed that arm 4 times not to mention the gargantuan surgery I had 3 weeks ago and the stabs during that week and now my arm is pretty swollen and bruised. Today for the outpatient procedure they had quite a time. No wonder as first off my appetite is not back at all, they had me on no food or drink for 24 hours while I was in the hospital, I had not eaten much of anything on Monday and then I had to go on no food or drink after midnight as of last night. I was stunned they were able to get any veins at all! The man they called in to help find a vein was such a kind, sweet man. All I can say is I am damn glad he was able to find a vein!  Someone sent him to me today! 

    Lady, I can't believe the villainous way you speak of my boy, Kim Jong!!! Perhaps they all had gas from eating corn "dogs" at the very frivolous amusement park!

    BTW, any word on the potential for the research position?  I believe you said his budget might not warrant such until 1st quarter next year but just thought I would check ;) 

    Sptmm: I am so happy for you that you are going to run the 10K!!!!! I don't know about me with these new knockers how well I will be able to run! My friend was with me in the hospital the other night making an eclectic mix of comments about them not to mention that I am going to end up with back issues! Jealousy!!

    Calamtykel: that is awful about your friend's mom. I can't believe they weaned her off pain meds and sent her home. Yes, all there remains is to hate this disease as there certainly is nothing to like about it.

    Omaz: that is such a beautiful pic!!!!! Just gorgeous! Nice sky!

    Rachel: glad you worked out the synthroid timing. They are most likely going to increase you at some point and it could take a while to get the dose correct. Also, do a bit of research on the "parathyroid" just in case they start talking about removing your now non-working thyroid. What I am trying to impart is sometimes it is just not worth it to let them take it out.

    Cancer is indeed ubiquitous. It seems everyone I talk to is talking about someone they know who has it somewhere. It is becoming a modern day plague.

    Good luck with the scans next week. Good vibes, woman!

    Well, I have recently been reminded on several occasions now how much men like breasts! For the past 2 years, with my non-boob status, I had totally forgotten how much attention these jokers garner! Of course, with my lovely post-surgical garb and my "stomach is full of fluid" gate, it is absolutely no wonder why I am getting this attention(thanks boobs)!  It is so ridiculous!  

    Yankees--- a very good friend gave me very good seats that I had to let go b/c of all my surgery fun! Will my life ever be normal again?!

    All this typing has made me tired...nap time!!!!!!!! I really should go try to eat something but my appetite is still saying no!

    Happy trails and wishes for a good weekend, girls!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: So sorry you had to go back to the hospital. Good for you, getting out of there. I have a friend who had part of his lung removed 3 weeks ago because of lung cancer. He was supposed to be in the hospital about a week, but he's having bowel "issues" and he's been there 3 weeks. The longer he stays, the more I worry about him.

    Debbi: You go girl! I'm no runner, never have been, but I'm not sure I could even walk a 5K.

    Everyone have a good weekend. I'm counting down the days until the start of football season on Sept. 1. Go Auburn, War Eagle!

    PS Lizzy, last I heard they were going to start interviewing for that job in September. I'm making sure I'm on the radar!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: does your friend have a durable medical POA? He needs to get out of there. They jam you up.w/pain med and then you can't "go" and then u become a hostage!!!

    BTW, I was admitted at 9PM and was sent to the gen pop hospital b/c the cancer hospital was full. As the cancer hosp is only 5 yrs old, the next day I learned when they were only 1/2 way done constructing the cancer hospital, they knew it was too small as.the numbers indicated they had already exceeded capacity. Scary stuff indeed.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, hugs for you.  I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself and your own well being! 

    I hope your healing goes forward from here with no hitch at all.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie--sorry to hear you were bavk in the hospital. I hope that things will get a little have really had a rough ride these last few months.

    I have been very unwell all week with some SE from the dosage of synthroid. Will see my Doc Monday. Cant seem to keep anything down or in! I have my mammo and breast us Monday too. Fingers crossed.

    Unfortunately today we got bad newd that our friend we mey in our family support group passed away early this AM. Two year battle with brain cancer. Three young kids. Memorial is on Sunday so this will be a rough weekend.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel- Thats good to hear that they figured out whats been causing all your symptoms! Def not worse case scenario here! Oh yeah the pill wont work with me as i always have a full stomach! Maybe try taking it first thing when you wake up and then postpone eating for 4 hrs. Not the most ideal situation, oh and the tamox at dinner time?

    Sweeny- that pic is too funny my husband had shown that to me... If a person is a tyrant in their own household to their own flesh and blood- what can the rest of his country expect?????  Yup this picture def didnt soften him up the the eyes of the world....  I am feeling good, thanks for asking. A bit under the weather as my son was sick and apparently whatever it was is running its course with me. Mostly a cough that sounds like a smokers cough.... No chemo this prev week- it was my week off. I am gonna call my dr tomorrow and see if i can start going on tuesdays as my husbands schedule changed once again- and hopefully they'll fix this hacking cough (which btw makes me tinkle so wearings pantyliners)

     I do miss those evenings in Phoenix, although NOT THE DUST STORMS!!!!

    Oh on a positive note- AFTER A YEAR OF TRYING we finally got custody of my niece and nephew. I even had flown to the state they lived in to go to court and everything. they got here yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- that is me super excited!!!! 16 (will be 17 in 2 weeks) and 6 (will be 7 at the end of the month)

    tomorrow is the first daY OF school and i will try to post a group pic of all the kids!!! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Congratulations Tex!!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Lady:  Thanks for the encouragement.  Believe it or not, I started walking the 5K too.  The first time I tried to run back in May I made it 1/2 mile...LOL. I run once or twice a week, and just went a block further each time I ran.  So, anyone could do it, it just takes a little perserverence.  I think that is what I like about running, a constant challenge with results that you see very quickly.  Good luck to your friend, I agree with you about the hospital.  I have seen many people who enter the hospital and develop all sorts of "new" problems while they are there. 

    Lizzy:  SOOOO sorry to hear that you have had more problems.  OMG, you have had the worst luck during this whole surgery/reconstruction process.  So, you finally had the procedure to drain the abdomen?  Did it go well?  Good for you getting out of that hospital.  Like I said to Lady, I have heard of too many people who develop "new" problems during hospital stays.  I can't even imagine what kinds of germs are breeding in there, just by the nature of so many sick people in one place!I hope today finds you better and in good spirits!

    Rachel:  Sounds like your weekend was going to be very challenging mentally.  So sorry to hear about your friend.  Cancer sucks! It makes me very grateful though for the treatment I have had and the luck I have had in keeping the cancer in check.  I hope your side effects are less, hopefully they will subside as your body gets used to the medication.

    Tex:  Great to hear from you again!  Sorry you have been feeling bad, hopefully you will bounce back quick.  I have to tell you, you continue to amaze me!  Chemo, battling cancer, raising two small children yourself and now you take on your niece and nephew at a time they are in need?  You are truly a wonder woman!  Are they the children of the sister you said had a drug problem?  I guess she is not doing well.  I wish you and them the best and again, I sit here in awe of your strength and kindness.  Not easy taking on two more kids, especially a teenager!

    All: I think I mentioned before that I had been considering a bilateral mastectomy.  The insurance company is refusing to pay for yearly MRIs and being that my breasts are dense and I had lobular cancer which is harder to detect on mammograms, I do not have faith in yearly mammos to catch any cancer early.  To add to it, a recent CT scan done by my onco detected an "area of concern" on the right side.  It is only a birads 3 and they recommended six month follow up, but I am done.  I swore the last time that if there were any further issues I would have a BMX and so I am going forward.  I have met with the plastic surgeon and will be having a BMX with DIEP flap reconstruction in October.  Unfortunately, I am still dealing with the GI Bleed and anemia, so the plastic surgeon didn't want to operate until that evaluation was complete.  He said that if there were a GI cancer, or other condition that was going to require treatment, it would be a problem if they had just operated on my stomach for the DIEP flap.  So, I recently had an endoscopy, a small bowel series, and will have a VCE procedure on September 5.  Then they will be done, I hope, and will have ruled out any gastric cancer and I can move forward.  LOL...they have looked at all my insides, probably twice at this point!  The VCE will require me to swallow a small camera and they will hook me up with a some kind of monitor to watch the pictures of my insides as that camera travels through my digestive tract....LOL...still haven't asked them how they expect to get their camera back, I am certainly not fishing through the toilet for it!  Anyway, the other girl in my department is away from October 2 to October 16, so I will have my surgery after she returns. I am a little nervous as it seems like a very painful surgery and a long recovery.  But I am hoping that this will give me a sense of peace and allow me to truly move forward without the constant testing to remind me of the spector of breast cancer that looms over my head.  I am really dreading the financial aspect of being out of work for six weeks, and of course, I am going to go nuts not being able to run or go to the gym.  But I have to do what I have to do, and the plastic surgeon has said I could start walking within 2 weeks or so, so I will just do that.  Anyway if anyone has any suggestions that would be helpful as I prepare for the surgery, I would appreciate it.  Anything I might not expect, useful things to have handy, etc. 

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone---this weekend was a mix of sad and happy. Sad for our friend who lost his battle with brain cancer but extremely joyous as my SIL gave birth to my new niece--9lb6oz baby Khloe. Healthy and happy. She was a week late but oh so worth the wait :)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    P.S. i have my mammo and us tomorrow so fingers crossed :)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Debbi -what about Alternating MRI's with mammos for surveillance? I just couldn't go through a flap procedure with young kids. Have you looked into nipple or skin sparing mx, or immediate recon with implants to avoid the expanders (think they are smaller but not sure).

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Your very tired fearless leader is stopping in to make a quick post as I am tired from being outside working in the yard!!! YAY!! The weather in CT is absolutely gorgeous and I finally felt well enough (well sort of!) to go out and do a few things...not everything but some things! It felt good. I also did a load of laundry today so, on that note, this was a big, big day for me!

    Tex: You know I am so happy you finally got your niece and nephew ;) Speaking of "tinkling," right after surgery I was having "will I make it" moments and the nurses reminded me to always be doing my "kegel" exercises! They do work!
    Hopefully you can get some nice naps in while all the kids are at school tomorrow! That would definitely be my goal.

    Rachel: best of luck on your scans and mammo this week. I am kind of surprised you are having so much trouble with synthroid but then again I started it some 7 years ago and I just can't remember if I had trouble.

    As for me, I think there is a reason I have been through so much. I must be here to let others know what they might expect or to teach others in some way.

    Sorry to hear about your friend from the support group. Everything about cancer is tough to deal with and certainly departure from such is the hardest of all. I feel for you.
    Congratulations on your new niece!

    Sptmm: you know, that is a very good point about getting the flap done and then feeling "allowed" to move forward in some way is a real issue. You don't realize how much the constant reminder of being lopsided or w/out locks you into the entire experience daily.

    As for the surgery, days 5-7 will deliver the coveted news of there being zero chance of a blood clot! That was my absolute favorite day of all! I was riddled with trepidation about the potential for blood clots. Those first few days post-surgery are a little scary for that reason.
    As for what to have on hand, I would get a little basket or tote and put some Neosporin, a thermometer, bandaids, ace bandages (for the drains), safety pins, scissors and also have some Dulcolax on hand just in case as you know the pain meds. They should give you docusate sodium when you first leave the hospital to counter balance the effects of the pain med but when you finish that it is helpful to have something like dulcolax on hand. The hospital gave me some ice packs to go but if you don't have any at home, get some. Also have some prune juice on hand. The first movement after surgery was awful. The length of the surgery combined with the pain meds when you are still in the hospital make that situation very difficult. I was just glad they were not trying to keep me until I performed!!!!

    Ckptry: cute avatar! You look so young!!

    Well, time for another nap!!!!!! Here we go off to nap city!

    Happy trails, girls-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Lizzie--the Docs said the reason that I would have more SE is because I am startin with about 75% more dosage daily than normal. They will do this for 6 weeks then readjust. It is either that or I am feeling under the weather. Mammo and US today. Try to stay calm! Happy Monday!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lizzy can't believe you were back in the hospital. Take good care of yourself now that you're back home. I'm saying a prayer that you don't have any more road bumps.

    Rachel- so sorry to hear about your friend, horrible horrible disease. Hate it. And I'll be thinking of you today with your scans...just keep focusing on your beautiful new niece!

    Debbi- whatever health decision makes you feel the most confident in your future is the RIGHT health decision. That said, surgery won't be fun but you'll feel that sense of calm afterwards I'm sure. Maybe you could do very simple chair exercises for the first couple of weeks afterwards, so you don't go crazy?

    TEX- you're a superstar. Really. Your niece and nephew are so lucky to have you in their lives, what a rock solid aunt you are and 4 cousins in one house?? Now that's a LOT of childhood fun. Glad to hear you're having a good off chemo week and I hope you get those Tuesday treatments you're hoping for.

    All- looking forward to the end of summer and the routine of school and fall again!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Scans went well....won't know results till I see my Doc next week. I'm sure if I called him I could get results sooner but will prob just wait. Here (or at least my experience) they don't give you results terribly fast unless you are calling. I have had bone scan results in a couple of days...prob cause I was leaving frantic messages on my nurses voicemail.

    Sweeney...did you get your scan results?

    I have a short week at work ths week..only working to Wed and then long till next Tues! Get the kids back on schedule for school!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I went to Yale today and forgot what part I was going to so got off the highway and went into the wrong garage! In any case, this meant I had to walk about ¾ of a mile roundtrip for my appt! This, of course, led to a 3 hour nap!!! Man, I am seriously hoping this fatigue starts to subside.

    Rachel: you must have felt like crap going into the thyroid dx. You also must have been scared it mets/recurrence. I am so glad it worked out like that. As for the coming up on the med, sure, that is going to be rough b/c you are basically starting at zero. They have to totally get you back to appropriate levels strictly through meds so that is going to take its toll for a bit. I would say w/in 6 weeks you should be ok but seriously, with kids and your schedule and all, that must seem like a lifetime. I hope it goes quicker and easier for you than that.

    Don't forget to let us know the results of your mammo and US ASAP! May the force be with you!

    I hope you have a great, long weekend!

    Sweeney: when do you get your bone scan results? Should be this week, correct? Let us know how that is going.

    As for road bumps, I have definitely had my fair share! Honestly, though, when I read over some other women's bc stories, I still think I am doing ok!

    Sptmm: Deb, I think Adey and I are the only ones on this thread who had flaps done. Also, Mr. 3D Nipple Tattoos is Vinnie Myers. Here is the link:

    Tex: totally forgot to tell you I learned through having this new drain that nursing is definitely NOT for me!!!! This drain allows big, long clots to come out and then they get caught in the drain spout (where I empty it from) and the other night I had to break a Q-Tip in ½ and use the stick covered in a sterile prep square to clean it out and it was all these little pieces of a clot and I almost vomited! My appetite is still not back as I whatever I eat I feel sits in my throad and this whole clot thing is just killing gross! So it is in this way I discovered nursing is definitely not for me! Any more of these cleanings and I will most likely be on protein drinks for quite a while!

    There was a JKL rerun on and Robert Pattinson was one of the guests. I am totally not a vampire movie fan and have never seen any of his work but he seems very intelligent and thereby quite an entertaining individual. Can't imagine why anyone would want to cheat on this guy?!

    Happy trails, all-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154


    I had my chemo the treatment went well but the side effects was awful, also i had to have a boost shot monday and i was so cold couldn't get warm at all i'm still like that.

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Good morning,

    Rachel - Very sorry to hear the news of your friend.  I am sending positive vibes your way for good news on your scans!  Good luck with getting the kids ready for school too.  It is such a busy time of year, fun, but busy.

    Texas - I have to agree with the other ladies - you are amazing!  How lucky are your niece and nephew to have you?  Hope your transition to school days goes smoothly! 

    Sweeney - Sending good thoughts your way on the bone scan.  I had one at the beginning of the year for some shoulder/back pain.  It is amazing how much are bodies take going through chemo. 

    Lizzy - You certainly have had your fair share of troubles.  Hoping for continued recovery and a much smoother road.

    Sptmm - I also had the DIEP flap done in January.  I had decided after a year and a half, that I couldn't stand the thought of it coming back in the other breast.  I had to have it done.  Lizzy is right when she says how much you don't realize how much being lopsided or dealing with inserts can get to you.  I always thought I was fine being flat on one side after my mastectomy.  It wasn't until this surgery that I realized how happy I was to be able to get dressed without worrying about those inserts being in the right place, to put on a swimsuit and feel normal!  I have a 5 and 7 year old.  The surgery was tough, the weeks following were not easy, but I would never go back and change it.  I did have a lot of help from my family, but it was so worth it.  If there is anything you need, let me know.  I had been in touch via telephone with IowaSue before my surgery.  She had the procedure done too.  I would be happy to talk to you.  It is a hard decision, but you need to do what is best for you.

    Good day all.  Trying to get back into the school routine with my little guys too.  How they hate to get up early.  I hate waking them so early too.  Wish my work started later!  Off to rouse the monkeys! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I am tired as per usual! Nothing new to report. Still wicked wiped out. It is upper 70s and dry today so I was able to bear wearing long pants when I went out today so as to hide my lovely drain that is strapped to my calf! It was nice not to have people staring at my damn drain bag!

    Felisaragland42: hello and so sorry you are eligible to be here with us! It is a great site filled with women who are supportive to one another through this arduous battle. Our thread, however, is 2 years old. The link for the August chemo group is:

    This is not to say you are not welcome to post here. I just want you to be on a thread where you are getting maximum support and where everyone is having the same experience as you, concurrently.

    Best of luck to you.

    Sweeney: what is shakin' w/your bone scan results?!  I hope all is well.  Please keep us posted and even though you fired up your propoganda machine and photoshopped that pic of my boy Kim Jong, I am all forgiving and want us to move forward in our spirited and mutual fight against bc!!!!  Poor, poor Kim maligned via HuffPost! 

    Mommichelle: so sorry I forgot you had a flap also. Funny story about my new boobs that I now refer to as "Chia boobs!" I went to the store today and a woman that works there is familiar with my situation. She has always had a joke and a smile; she is just a really nice person. She said to me today "hey smiles, how is it going?" although she kept looking at me trying to figure out what had happened. I told her the girls were back via a ch-ch-ch-chia event! She was hysterical.  What's more is just looking down...I feel like it is pre-bc again! That is amazing.

    I am happy you got it done and feel good, and normal, getting in that bathing suit or throwing on a tank top!  YAY!

    Speaking of recovery, Monday was 4 weeks since surgery and today I went to the grocery store and post office and am wiped out! I feel so pathetic. Just pathetic!
    Although, and this is for you SPTMM (!), it is all worth it. I can see the light, I can see a semblance of a life coming back together. You might be tired but with our commitment to working out, you should be able to regenerate some reserves through activity. You also get to run the 10K before surgery which is wonderful as it might be a little bit before you are ready for another one! 

    Sptmm: one more thing: tie a pillow to the back of your head as you never know when an impromptu nap will wash over you!

    On that note, all I can say is rats as, because the VNA will be rolling up momentarily, I have no time for a nap!

    Don't forget: There is a Rock The Ribbon event in Philly on 10/26.  For those of us in the Northeast, might be worth looking into.  They are advertising it on the landing page for this site.   

    Good day, all- 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- SO funny, yeah i would go fishin for the camera either! I dont think they will want to have that back :) I think i just end up putting too much on my plate sometimes!

    I am feeling much better. it took me a little longer for it to go through my system, but half of us here at the house got sick. SOmething is going around town.



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Rachel- When do you see your dr about the results? Keep us posted!

    Lizzy- No naps so far :( then of course its a 3 day weekend due to the holiday monday... busy doing SO much, getting immunization records social security cards and that whole mess! Maybe this tuesday i will fit one in! My chemo has been changed to weds again. hubby's days off changed. well i wanted it for tuesday but they are busy because being closed monday... no biggie!

    Sweeny when does school start up there?

    Lizzy- Yeah nothin like seeing all the icky things to turn one off from nursing. My drains were clotty too but they told me NOT to mess with them, just squeeze the drain at the top, and pull down while pinching... Hmmm yeah i wanna gag thinking about it. Nursing isnt for me either!

    Michelle- So good to hear from ya!!! Hows everything going? On a side note- i got them from PA :) so your neck of the woods :)

    felisaragland42- When i feel like that i wear those really thick socks, i think they are the dr scholls infused with aloe or something, i finds when my feet are cold, my mody cold is more noticiable than whne they are not.  Also a sweater- i took this thinner cardigan with me to cover myself when i get cold. I agree with Lizzy, you'll be able to find a lot of advice on this other thread as these ladies are going through it right now, and we here are 18 months out from our treatments. HOPING FOR THE BEST FOR YA!!!!

     More about myself- I seriously am so forgetful, partly chemo related, partly overwhelmed with 2 more kiddos- I have seriously went to the grocery store at LEAST once a day some times up to 3 times because i have forgotten this or that. silly thing is i have written lists, and forget to bring them with me LOL

    I think this next week will be the last adjustment week and all will be well LOL Oh going to the circus on monday! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Deb: I had implants so I don't have any experience with DIEP, but my implants look and feel great and I'm glad I had it done. I went smaller, which I love! I had cancer only in the left boob, but I had a BMX and reconstruction so that my boobs would match, and so I wouldn't have to worry with mammos and tests every year. I've not yet regretted my decision.

    Texas: Cute pic of kids.

    Lizzy: Girl! Take care of yourself.

    Rachel: Prayers sent up for you.

    College football season starts today, woot woot!! Everybody have a great Labor Day weekend!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hey Lady - Happy weekend to you too!!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi everybody, good to see your kids Texas, hi Lady, Hi Omaz!  

    DGD is coming over in a couple hours so DD and DSIL can have a date night.  

    Small doggie has hurt his back leg so he goes to the vets in an hour. Meanwhile he is laying on the bed on my DH pillow. Couldn't see anything obvious but he is holding it up in the air and doesn't want it to be touched. Poor guy.

    Wanna hear something sort of funny. I got a phone call this AM from one of my BCO friends. She called at 5:50 AM. I answered and said, "um, do you know where I live?" Instantly she knew what she had done. She lives clean on the furthest eastern area of the US and I live in Western WA.  It was funny, we didn't wake up my husband so all was good. lol

    Have a good weekend


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Happy long weekend to everyone.

    School starts here in Ontario on Tuesday--Kids are actually excited--we will see how long that lasts! This summer has gone by at super speed.

    I meet up with my breast onco this week on Thursday--get results of tests and also check in with him and ask him his feedback about my thyroid. I see my gyne onco later at end of September. Month of doc appointments and scans. Since my mammo last week, I have had bad pain in my ribcage (non-bc side), I am guessing it is from the twisting and turning. Fingers crossed for my results this week.

    It is a beautiful sunny weekend here--perfect way to end the summer off for the kids.


  • Hi all - just checking in.

    Been super busy raising 31 "meat' chickens - finding out it's actually time efficient to put them out of the brooder in the garage into a make shift pen in the front with a tarp over part of it for shade.  They are almost 4 weeks old already - they should be "processing" age within another four or five weeks already!

    But it means carrying them all out in them morning if it's nice, and in at night.  They aren't big enough to stay out by themselves yet- they actually grow so fast that they have "skin" where feathers should be so they don't retain the heat like regular chickens.

    Anyhow, it's been kind of a bummer week.  Found out that my next door neighbor has pancreatic/liver cancer.  they thought he had a virus for the past two months and this is what it turns out to be - they just found out this week and sent him home (WHY do these places send very ill patients HOME!?) and he's been unable to eat.  He went for a liver biopsy the other day and they admitted him on the spot as he was in very bad shape.
    I hate this disease so much.  This on top of my frien'ds mom with the aggressive kidney cancer recently!

    Anyhow- hope all is well.  Just trying to hold it together here financially and will start the kids on their school next week - havne't gotten all their materials yet.  Finances have been more than tight!
    Hope everyone is enjoying this last "weekend of summer" - it went way too fast!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Rachel: I found this great site : I've had lower back pain for ages, and I had been wanting to try yoga, but classes are soooo expensive. At this site, there are free classes for all levels and parts of the body. I did a workoout yesterday for the lower back/hips/quads and my back has felt better today than it has in ages. Check it our for your sore muscles. Still got you in my prayers for a good checkup Thurs.

    Ladies, I will be going to Montgomery (our state Capitol) on Tuesday for a "turn the capitol Teal for Ovarian Cancer" event. I'm going with  6 other OvCa friends from here. Should be fun. I'll take pics and post if any of them turn out decent.

    PS: Hi Omaz, Cal and everyone. I'm signing off and going to see what's up with our weather. Tornado watches in the area.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154


    i had to go back to the cancer institute i was dehydrated so they postpone my chemo and gave me a liter of fluids. i go this fri and next fri for chemo. my first chemo hit me hard i just have been feeling funny since i didnt take my chemo is that normal.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you all are having a nice holiday weekend!

    Texas: such a cute pic! Glad to see they have uniforms also. The uniform thing is somewhat fragmented in public schools in CT and the other day I saw one of the high schools emptying out...oh boy! I do believe uniforms are in order!

    Get a nap on Tuesday! Nap it up! BTW, those kids all look pretty happy to be heading off to school!

    As for the yucky drains, this one is in my stomach and is a "pigtail catheter?" Whatever, all I know is then there is this long tube leading to a bag that I have strapped to my leg. Those clots find their way, in an incredibly lethargic manner, down the tube to the bag and then I empty it. The blue tip that I unscrew at the bottom of the bag at emptying time gets clots caught in it....uber gross! I gag, it is so gross.  Oft times I let the nurses empty and clean it! 

    Ladyinbama: Woot, woot indeed on the start of football! I am really not a fan, however! It is all the tackling and violence! I like baseball, as you know! My brothers both played football and although I know about all those pads and how they are all protected, those "pile ons" when one guy is at the bottom of the heap scare me also! In any case, I am very happy your football season has begun!

    Yeah, I am trying to take care of myself but had a nightmare last night that the drain fell out! I woke up almost crying! So sad.

    I hope you have a blast "turning the Capitol teal" on Tuesday!!!!!!! Good for you.

    Ginger: sorry to hear about the small doggie leg issue. It is so sad. I hope he is ok.

    On a related "small dog" note, my mother had a Chihuahua and the funniest thing ever was putting on "boots" she had purchased for him. I never saw a dog walk on 2 legs!!! He also had a kangaroo fur coat but alas I digress! If you want a little chuckle when you get home from the vet, go to YouTube and search "dogs in boots" or something to that effect and you will have one heck of a good time for yourself watching those videos! They are all small dogs and it is hysterical!

    Not for nothing, on the early morning call, 8:30 is wicked early for the east coast on a Sunday! Your friend clearly had something on her mind!

    Rachel: best of luck with your results on Thursday. Let us know how it goes.

    Don't forget, on yoga, Living Arts makes an AM/PM series that are only 20 minutes. They are for beginners and you can order it right at Amazon and do it in the comfort of your home. Patricia Walden and Rodney Yee are wonderful and I have been doing those workouts on and off for years. Also most cable systems have free yoga on the video store channel.

    Sweeney: any results on bone scan? You are most likely terrorizing the bears up at your cabin in the woods this weekend! Well, "Woodswoman," when you reemerge let us know the results of your bone scan! Hope you are having a good weekend-

    Well, off to broil salmon! As I type I just know I am overcooking my brown rice! I ran out of Nishiki which I totally prefer but I am just too lazy to go out to the store!

    Happy Labor Day USA girls!