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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I am so weak and tired whats going on. I didnt know the last chemo would have me feeling like this. I just dont feel good Im trying to be strong but sometimes its hard.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hang in there felisa- last one is hard.  Are you taking your thyroid medicine now?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - you may need fluids as well.  Do stay in contact with your doctor.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    yes i am taking my thyroid medicine im on armour 60mg. i been drinking alot of water. i only have one thyroid i had surgery four years ago to get it removed. im just tired of all the meds i have to take

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    felisa - I think it was about 5 weeks after the last chemo that I started to notice I was feeling better.  I am glad to hear that you are taking your meds.  Things will get better.  I remember the first time I really laughed out loud after chemo, it actually surprised me!  (((hugs)))

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- Omaz is right, things do get better. There is a light at the end of the tunnel girl!!!!!!!!!

    Oh just wanted to share- so my cable went out and our cable guy came over to fix it, well as he is checking the channles he stops on the live broadcast of obama today saying something about a weapon ban and he sat there and wached my tv for a good 5 minutes! LOL i said "Um, so am i good to go?" and he was like yeah and got into a brief discussion about gun control LOL i'd say ONLY IN TEXAS lol but i am not sure if other cable ppl do that too....

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    yeah they do. you good people and he felt comfortable talking to you.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL i guess ppl feel comfortable talking to me LOL.

    compleat strangers will strike up conversations... a few weeks ago i was in the grocery store, a woman behind me had a case of water i noticed, i had a coupon that was going to expire within a few days of that trip that i wouldnt have used for $2 off of a case of water- it was a store generated coupon so not brand specific, i asked if she had a coupon for the water, she said no so i offered her mine. well we talked for the 5-10 minutes we were in line about that show extreme couponing and that led into another topic...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well.  I cannot believe it is already Christmas and 2013 is a few days away!  What is going on?!

    Felis: I did not realize you had the thyroid removed.  It can grow back, called parathyroid, and you should undoubtedly be taking your meds.  I take VitaFusion calcium which are basically like candy so I take Tamoxifen and synthroid with my VitaFusion calcium and multis.  You might want to do that as you might like the calcium “treats” (plus the added bonus = they are good for you) so it will be something you look forward to rather than dread and want to avoid!   Just take those meds, woman!

    Tex: the cable guy was probably riveted by what Obama was saying because he most likely rather enjoys the idea he can buy a fully loaded assault rifle in TX at the same gas station where he buys milk!  Very upsetting! 

    You see what is happening, right?  People are going crazy, stockpiling guns, assault weapons, Walmart is running out of stock, onliners are all but depleted of their stock and there is a massive run on gun procurement nation-wide.  Great, this is working out just great!  As a result of even talking about gun control we have caused hundreds of thousands MORE of these weapons to hit the streets! 

    As for crazy is as crazy does and people wanting to talk to you, I do kind of suffer from the same affliction!   A few days ago I am in a store I have easily been in hundreds of times before and never has the following happened.  On this day, while all those little kids are being laid to rest, having lost their lives at the hands of a lunatic, some woman decided to bring her “mentally retarded (sorry, all-I don’t know the *right* words for this type of person)” son out shopping.  Well, he was about maybe in his early 30s, about 6’5”, about 450+ lbs and he was MAD.  He got mad b/c she denied him something and he was just racing around, making a serious of odd upset-sounding noises and he would not stop.   His mother is following him saying, in some macabre voice, “mommy said no!”  I was a total wreck.  He was scaring the daylights out of me.  I guess I had just stopped and was getting noticeably scared.  I had no idea what he might do and the size of him, there was no way he could have been stopped if he started acting out in a physical way.  A cluster of woman stopped near me and we were all upset.  I mean we are all just coming off the biggest tragedy at the hands of a lunatic in the nation’s history.  We were discussing our hasty exit strategies and then they started looking to me for what our plans were going to be to stick together and safely get out of the store.  Point is, I don’t remember when or how they arrived next to me, but they did!  It was awkward as I was unofficially nominated the person who was to loosely lead the 5 of us, and 2 little kids, out of that store!  We got out, without incident, but it was scary.  I was definitely scared.  This fit of his went on for the remaining 20 minutes I was in the store and finally the store manager called the police as they were arriving as we were all leaving.  Timothea, I don’t know why this happened or why people talk to me but they do.  I understand where you are at!  

    BTW, if you are a couponer, have you ever thought of a way to make that whole thing work better?  Not the 3 ring binder w/plastic sheets but any idea? I have often pondered how to make it all work better and those online systems and the fob on the phone/keychain do NOT work! 

    This is an attestment to the kind of communities we have in CT:  A few days ago I was in Stop & Shop and there was an elderly woman roaming about saying she lost her purse.  Not too many were helping her but you all, by now, know about me and my affinity for the elderly, so I offered to help her trace her steps etc.. She had been in the store, checked out, gone to her car, loaded her groceries, *went* to another store, and after going in that store and realized she had no purse, came back in search of her purse and do you know where we found it?  In the basket next to where she was parked.  Her purse was just sitting there in the basket of the cart, where she left it, in the parking lot, and before she went to another store shopping!   She was very fortunate but I also think had someone found it, they would have just turned it in to the service desk.

    Enjoy the spirit of the holiday, the decorations and your loved ones.  Oh yeah, and Happy End of the World Day tomorrow, as per the Mayans, just in case!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    A few bc developments I wanted to share with you all, compliments of Twitter: 

    The first
    is about a bra that is designed to detect bc (not ready yet but is in the works!):

    Second, this is about a new bc drug showing promise from Pfizer (not ready yet and may not help everyone but is in the works!):

    Remember, to use these links you need to right click and select "Open in new tab"

    Finally,  the Forbes Thought Of The Day:

     Memory presents to us not what we choose but what it pleases. ”

    — Michel de Montaigne

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hello sweet friends. Sorry it's been so long since I checked on you all. Paged through all the posts I've missed, but too many to read them all, but in browsing, it looks like everybody is ok.

    Felis: You hang in there girl! Before you know it, treatment will be over and you can start to rest, eat better, get your bodily functions working, exercising, and you'll feel better and better. I promise! We've all been there.

    I just wanted to let you all know I'm doing great, and want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and great New Year!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Same to you Lady!  I hope we all have a happy and healthy new year!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Well i had my second blood transfusion today after i seen my b/c surgeon i got to have surgery on the 31st for him to drain and clean my breast. keep me in yall prayers, im still feeling a little tired though i was told to drink some black cherry juice and eat some beets which i dont like.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey Lady- nice to see you checking in!

    Felisa- you're in my prayers!

    Chemo needed adjusting, cant wait for these SE go lessen :) I just want to say my dr is AWESOME! i couldnt make it to see him Fri due to kid's having half day and he didnt want me to wait too long to be seen as the office is closed next week for the holidays, so he actually came in on Saturday! It was weird to be in the hospital sized building with less than 5 people there, sorta creepy and i was thinking, maybe the world did end on the 21st! LOL but no i am very glad he's my dr cuz he goes above and beyond

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Thank you.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I just wanted to stop in and say "Hi Everyone". 

    I am healing well from the BMX and with some slight modifications have pretty much returned to normal activity.  I feel great, having left the breasts behind!

    Tex, it is nice to hear you and the kiddies are doing well.  I hope your side effects lessen soon!

    Felis:  Hang in there honey!  The chemo is over and you should soon wake up each day feeling a little bit better than you did the day before. For me, the chemo was the worst, so once I got through that the rest of it was easy, as will be your surgery.  Just make sure you take care of yourself and do what your doctors think is best.  I know you want to be done with all of this now and your doctors know how to make that happen.  Hope you feel better soon!

    Hey Lizzy...What's up?  How's that Christmas tree? 

    Lady and Sweeney:  Great to hear from you! Have a happy holiday!

    Rachel:  I am SOOOOO jealous of you.  Seems every time I turn around you are flying off to some tropical locale.... Have a wonderful vacation and soak up some sun for me!

    Omaz and Ginger:  I hope you have a wonderful holiday!


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I just stopped by for a quick read, been busy with all the holiday stuff. We had our Christmas with our 8 children their spouses and 15 grandchildren 2 step gchildren where not there. We have 5 GC in kindergarten just about the age of the 20 that were shot and yes it is so overwhelming what happen CT. You know I like to share pictures so here is one from our Christmas. We had it at a local Inn in the meeting room because there are so many. After the meal we all went roller skating. We had a great time. Incase I don't get back on here in the next day or so Merry Christmas and love to each of you !!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I see you Sue!!  Happy Holidays!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    LOL yes I  am in the middle of that. I have on a leopard santa hat and in the picture it looks like one of those funky old lady hats. Makes me look like the little old granny of all those little ones.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy new year.

    We are spending some days this week with family then we are off for vacation. I wanted to drop in before the next few days. Love to you all. XO

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey Debbi thanks for stopping in, hope you get back to normal activity soon

    Iowa what a great lookin bunch!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Merry Christmas Everyone!Laughing

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Merry Christmas, girls!

    Santa baby gave me the flu!

    Iowa: that is a lot of people!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Beautiful family.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Im hanging in here sis its hard but im doing it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    The flu continues although feeling a wee bit better today.  Actually went out for the first time in days.  I know *exactly* when I got it, too.  I was at Walmart, in one of those "short" aisles and there was a shopper to my left and one to my right and both started choking at the same time. One of them had that deep, throaty, bronchial type of cough and the other was coughing and sneezing.  I could not get away and I just knew I caught whatever one or the other had.  They were just too close to me which bothers me anyway and I was about to leave the aisle when I was attacked by their germs!   That blew Christmas in a big way.  It all started late Saturday/early Sunday and my first symptom was my *eyes* hurt.  By Sunday night I was down for the count.  I am not out of the woods yet but I hope to be soon! 

    Iowa: I finally found you in that photo!  The other night I was looking but I just could not find you!  It is a beautiful family photo.

    Felisa: hope you are doing well and feeling better.  Sorry I was not feeling better b/c I would have really kicked into overdrive a "YAY chemo is over" online party for you, my dear!  Darn flu took me down!

    Ginger: I hope you are doing well and you had a nice holiday.

    Omaz: finally going to roll out that Wii maybe this weekend!  Sadly did not even have a chance to play yet!

    Rachel: good for the soul!  The equatorial life.  You know, I could dream of detaching from the pace of the northeast but I honestly and truly do not think I could ever do it for longer than a vacation. I also don't like going anywhere for more than a week except Asia b/c it takes so long to get there.  

    Tex: hope you are feeling better esp now that you are on that reduced dose of chemo!  That was really good news.  We can all infer that means your chemo is working and also that you are doing better!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!  All good news.

    "I Love You to Death"--well I think you all know I love you to death but I am talking about the movie!  I got it for Xmas from an old friend.  It has been years since I saw that movie and had forgotten how funny it is!  If you all are looking for a laugh and have not seen it, it is an oldie but goodie!  In between flu-sponsored napping I watched it!  I do not wish this flu on anyone.

    My friend in NYC is having his NYE party this year after not having had one in the past 4 years for a variety of reasons.  I am hoping I am a) feeling up to it and b) not put off by what appear to be very cold temps.  I used to be such a party animal!  Now I am a couch animal!  Honestly, though, this flu hit me so hard I am almost afraid to push it NYE.   I might be hanging around with my old friend, Smoking Loon...cabernet sauvignon that is!!!!!    

    I am tired again.  Hope you all are doing well.  The snow is nice these days, not too much and just enough to make us feel in the spirit...nice! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - Hope you feel better soon!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy sorry to hear the flu is still with ya. I looked, that dvd is available through netflix dvds- i only stream right now but i've pretty much dried out all that i want to watch expect the kids programs.

    I am doing much better, the painful blisters on my feet are gone. I kid you not, stepping on a grain of rice felt like a knife poking me! (my daughter spilled some rice and i thought i swept them all up, but nope my foot found it!) Well i now have NO tenderness in my feet. Whoop whoop!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    im done with chemo but why do i feel so crappy. my eyes running my nose running. im not too tired but i dont know if im having withdrawals from the chemo or what.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hope you feel better lizzy. im just going through the after affects after my last treatment