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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isn't So Texas REALLY hot? My friend lives in San Antonio and one time said it was too hot to eat outside for Thanksgiving!  I think our climate here is moderate in the Pacific Northwest. The grey skies is a problem though. Even in the midwest where it can get SO cold the skies turn brilliant blue. 

    I am still not weather expert though. I have always thought the Northern states were settles by mistake in May or something and by the time winter came it was too late to get out of town.  

    Carry on 


  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    It will be a while before i have radiation six weeks of that, not really looking forward to that either. I almost passed out when i seen how wide my wound was the first time when the nurse came over. im trying to get over this pain im having the pain pills doesnt seem to work so i take my neurotin they help better than my pain pills, but i take both at the same time sometimes.

    I am so much looking forward to a good summer but right now things are still kind of rocky for me. Keep me in your prayers please i need it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you girls are doing well!  Arctic blast here.  I came in tonight and my hands were burning like I don’t know but they kind of hurt and were burning as they thawed!   I was unprepared for this tonight!

    Felisa: I know you are going through it L   It will get better.  Make sure you eat that protein and pineapple!  In fact, perhaps make some shish kabobs!  

    Of course I will keep you in my prayers!  I am so glad you are focusing on how much better things will be by summer and they will.  I know how hard it is.  Last night I am pouring peroxide in my open wound and I realized I never talked to my PS about whether I should be doing that or not..!  I don’t care, bottom line is I want that thing clean and healed.  I am a stomach sleeper, rolled over in the night and the pressure caused the stitches to pop open…and this is where my latest drama began!   Eventually this will all be a memory for both of us and we will be reveling in some summer fun!  Keep smiling and looking forward!

    Iowa: I would LOVE to see your bracelets!  Every now and again I do little arts-and-crafts projects and am always dissatisfied w/my results!  It is fun, though.  I am glad you are keeping busy.  I know what you mean about the weather – it is 3 degrees tonight and last week when your dh was riding his bike when it was 55 degrees, same here!  We hit 61 last week!  At least our lives as they relate to the weather are never boring!  BTW, if you ever feel so inclined, that Dr. Oz green drink is so good and that is where I am getting my pineapple now!  I still keep some cut in the fridge but I now also get it daily in his drink.  Hope you are staying warm --->FL dreams, girl ;)

    Tex: I am sooo glad you mentioned that you hate cleaning that juicer!  It is my now not-so-secret displeasure!  Every time I use it I look in the sink and it is a mountain of odd parts!  The cleaning part drives me nuts but I will say with all the good juicing does for my body, I will just deal with the cleaning.  BTW, do you know some people make recipes out of the fruit carcass?!  Seriously, there is whole part on the “welcome” disc that came with the juicer about how to freeze that stuff and use it in recipes?!   Not me, I can’t get it into a plastic shopping bag and out to the garbage fast enough!

    Ginger: I like your theory on settlement!

    Tonight there was a plane crash in CT that was a teaching plane.  In any case, all 3 walked away b/c it was equipped w/a parachute!  Isn't that wonderful that no one was hurt b/c it had a parachute? What a great story.  I suppose there are not parachutes strong enough for the commercial planes but wouldn't several parachutes do the trick?  I am sure I don't know what I am talking about....! 

    Night, all- 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy I recall not to use peroxide on ear peircings because it would keep the wound open, or somethibng like that.  Maybe call your Onco nurse for a quicker answer?   I hope it heals up soon for both you and Felicia. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: thank you, will do! 

    NEWS BULLETIN: I just heard that chicken and broccoli both have cancer-fighting agents and when eaten together the cancer-fighting properties go up exponentially!  Yes, exponentially!  This little tidbit has been sponsored by "The Chew!" 

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    So sorry Lizzy I hope you feel better soon sweetie seems like we are going through alot.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope this day finds you happy and healthy!  I spent the morning travelling over an hour roundtrip to this MRI which was supposed to be “open” MRI but alas it was not!  I don’t do the tube.  I was told scheduling does not know it yet but Yale has no open MRI.  How could this be?!!

    Rachel: I hope you are doing well and I do reach out to you today as I am freezing in CT so I can only imagine it is devastatingly cold in Canada!  Also I rather enjoy regaling you with tales of our ridiculous “healthy” care system we have here in the states!  This morning as soon as I get to this appointment a rather commodious woman opens the glass window and barks out that she needs my driver’s license and insurance card.  Just to catch a little rec on her, I say I don’t have them!  She tells me I will have to “leave” as they will not be MRIing me w/out the magic “insurance” card and DL!!!! I giggled and offered up my cards!  I asked why the DL and she said that was if I don’t pay they can track me down! I reminded Blue Cross covers this and she said the DL is a “just in case” measure!  You see, if they don't get every dime for the extremely over-priced test, they will drag people to court and/or ruin their credit over the bill!   It gets better as I tell her I can’t wait until that luscious Obamacare is in place as we won’t be accosted financially or verbally (in this case) over egregious, and invasive, overcharging and overbilling measures!   NO more being barked at about where our “cards” are! 

    This is where Canada comes in: she starts explaining how things are so great here and how “thousands” of people are coming from Canada to the US for MRIs!!!!!!!!!!!  Obviously she is over-drinking from the AMA-provided propaganda well!  I tell her there must be a shortage of fireplaces in which to toss one's cash in Canada as MRIs are covered there under their "socialized" med!  I tell her that my bc cyberfriend has all the same txs that I have without the bills and how she was able to *keep* her job and NOT go flying through her dollars in order to try to stay alive!  When I tell Capt Commodious this she is now red in the face!  I remind her that buffoons who perhaps want to get fat sucked out of their ass and put in their face may have to come to the US for such demeaning and shallow procedures but the rest of you all in Canada, dealing with awful disease are not also being thrown out of MRI centers b/c you don’t have “magic” cards that are your ticket to the medical capitalistic merry-go-round! She remarks she does not know why more people are not moving to Canada! I remind her everyone lives with the notion “it  (et al)” will NEVER happen to them and by the time it does, it is too late to move, garner citizenship and be able to receive healthcare in a timely manner while you are a battling a disease that is trying to eat you alive. I remind her the whole of Europe is doing fine on socialized med also.  Now, after all of this, I get in there and find out it is not open MRI!  One hour travel time, gas, $7 for parking for a little over an hour and still no MRI = priceless!  I hope you enjoyed this edition of “Born in the USA, Dying in the Streets!”  I think I am going to start a Podcast!  In fact, I think I am going to do that this weekend.     

    Felis:  yes, we are going through it!  That open wound looks so gross, I do get nauseous! I sure hope we don’t have to look at open wounds much longer!   I hope your wound is healing up.  I go back to the surgeon next week.  

    A friend gave me an 80s collection of music off of Itunes for Christmas and I am just getting into it now and there is nothing but good stuff in there!!!!!  Good stuff not the least of which is “Rock Me Amadeus!!”

    Good day-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Lizzie---I am surprised and the amount of misconceptions in both the US and Canada. I know people here who say..if I get cancer, I am going to the US so I can get treated fast...Like you said, until people get "it" they don't know. I honestly hardly ever used our health care system prior to the big C...I had a couple of kids and had the occasional ear infection and strep hit by a car when I was 17...but nothing major..until cancer..and then I really learned about our health care system. Is our system perfect? No way...but...I haven't met anyone who had to worry about paying health care bills..I have met people who had to leave their job and end up on assistance and then struggling but that would happen anywhere. I am in a state of disbelief whenever I hear about the financial costs of getting though it isn't enough to deal with by itself.

    Do people wait in ER's here? For hours! Do people have a hard time finding a family GP? Yes. However, I am a perfect example of how the health care system works--had two cancer diagnosis within a few months of each other and had treatment fast and never had to worry. 

    It is snowing here...sadly, people forget how to drive in this weather. I have to take my son to his hockey game tonight as my husband has the flu but my son ran out of the house to meet his friends for some sledding....and then he needs to play a game of hockey--if only I had his energy.

    Happy weekend everyone!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    lizzy my nurse came by today and told me my wound is healing up, i bought me some pineapples, also i go see my surgeon on the 8th of feb. hell he be hurting me i take a pain pill and still be in pain when he exams me.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Ginger- yeah texas can be warm, i think we might have been in the 80s today. We went to the beach the weekend either before or after thanksgiving this year. We had about 7 or so day thus far this winter that was cold enough to require a jacket!

    Lizzy- it also depends on what ya juice- i did guava and they have these pesky seeds that mixed with all the pulp, but things like apples are easy to get the seeds out before. i actually thought of buying a dehydrator and making the fruit leather (sorta like an all natrual fruit roll up) cuz thats basically what it is!

    Ahaha thats too funny! i think that you're right she is buying too much into the hype that America is always better... Share the link to the podcast when you get it started ;)

    rachel- ppl never have learned how to drive in bad weather- We had a light drizzle a few days back and there were DEADLY accidents. Not because of the first rain causing the oil to rise, but just poor driving skills all together! (it had been wet for a few days)

    felisa- glad you're on the mend!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Maybe by the 8th of February you won't have pain any more. :) 


  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    thank you, so do i.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I met a woman at an event who was recently diagnosed.   Of course, everyone remarks how I am always joking and laughing, and today was no different, but when she asked me and I found out, I sort of got serious and then I burst into laughter as I realized they found my bc through US b/c I did not want to be exposed to cancer-causing radiation via a mammogram!  In any case, I guess it was the way I started laughing b/c before you know it, there was a little group of us laughing!  Honestly, it is nice to be able to laugh about it sometimes.

    Tex: true dat!  I can't believe what a mess this juicing can be.  The other day on "the Chew" they had a clever trick for dealing w/pomenagranates and it was to scoop the seeds out, boil them and then put them in a salad.  At least i think thats what it was!  Unbelievable! I will look it up and clarify. I hope you are doing well and had a good weekend. I was thinking about what a trooper you are ;)

    Felis: hope all is well, woman!  Hope you had a good weekend, pain is abating and you are almost forgetting about all of this crpa for a few minutes!  

    Rachel: if that lady was not so acrimonious at the non-MRI (!) I probably would not have bothered her!  Reminds me of when I was in college and a former ambassador to Kazahstan was my prof!  He would barely deign to look at us!  He spoke staring at the wall that was just above our heads!  Many jokes woulld abound.  One day I said something that got him going and his favorite line was "I am going to twist your tail!" That receptionist at the MRI center put me in tail-twisting mode!  

    In any case, most of us only went into the medical industrial complex pre-bc for strep throat, flu, bronchitis etc... but in Canada where you are pleasantly surprised when you actually find yourself "needing" the system, and it is very much there for you, our employer-sponsored healthcare is desperately searching for a way to dump us off their plan.  This is why I call it "healthy" care b/c as soon as you need it, they are trying to do the cut-n-run in every way possible and it is challenging to keep your healthcare.... good times, good times!

    I hope you had a good weekend sliding around the roads in Canada!  I had a 525 which was like a toboggan in the snow.  In any case, I was tailgating in a snowstorm on I95 and spun out, hitting the retainer wall.  No damage to me or anyone else and it was a storm so I was not going too fast but nonetheless this is all my simple brain thought of when I typed "sliding around the roads!"  I had never had an accident in my life and that one was upsetting.  In any case, drove the car home and was very upset to find out next day had 6K in damage :(

    I am watching "SNL 2000s" on Netflix and LMAO!!!  There is a lot of Darrel Hammond doing Bill Clinton!  Love it! 


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- I also love when i can laugh about it! But sometimes it can come back to haunt you- case in point; i belong to a gym, but i had to go onto medical hold because of going through the chemo (may), then the whole lung issue, then going through chemo again (currently) which they ALL ran back to back. For pete's sake i couldnt even put pressure on my feet cuz of the blisters, let alone work out. Well any how my car broke down this weekend (whole nother story!) and so i am logging onto my bank account to see how much i have, well i am SERIOULY in the hole! I look and find that my gym who hasnt charged me since April, decided i was on medical hold too long and went ahead and charged my account! Well because i am such a cheerfuly, happy go lucky person i minimize my SEs when people ask, i ALWAYS have a smile on my face (in public at least), and so i guess maybe they didnt think i was sick... anyhow they A- cant refund my fee, B- wont allow anyone to take my place in the gym and C- NOW are allowing me to cancell my membership.... Oh might make more sense if i mention that i ran into the manager of the gym a month ago at the grocery store. SHe prob thought i was "healthy enough to work out" If they refuse to refund my money then i will be getting a medical face mask, some hand sanitizer wipes and going to work out! Maybe i will scare off their customers! ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: for this reason, I never let gyms debit my accounts.  Reason being is once I was out of the country and World Gym put through my annual renewal for $6990 instead of $699; yes, they added a zero.  I was so upset and what a mess I had with the bank when I got back not to mention almost lost car insurance etc... After that and a few other mishaps, I just stay away from allowing any monthly debiting.  I do allow Netflix and a few others on my credit card but no way, no how do I allow anyone into my bank accounts.  

    As for misconceptions about how you look and behave, on that note I think cancer patients are the most criticized and misunderstood.  If you look ok, you do your hair, do your make up, then in society's sick head, you are cured.  If you are happy and laugh and joke, you don't have cancer.  If you are anything but bald and puking you are in remission, don't have it or are cured!  What a paradox.  I get so tired of people and their stupid, stupid comments regarding this disease.  The only people that ever understand are those that have it.

    Others don't see you crying in the privacy of your home, calculating when it is coming back, where it is, will it be caught in time, when will you be leaving the planet, when will you have to go on chemo again, do you even want to go on chemo again etc... and all of the associated questions cancer patients have to deal with regularly, and in some cases daily.  Everyone has preconceived notions.  Also, and almost exclusively for these reasons, I keep the circle of people who know exactly where things are at with me and my old friend cancer to an absolute minimum.  There is no need to tell idiots anything because they misconstrue everything and start with their "eye doctor" assessment of how you are.  They don't even see that sometimes you being out at the grocery store and laughing and joking is a total front so that A) people that you don't know don't come to the conclusion you are sick, B) so people you do know don't avoid you b/c they are afraid of being dragged down by your cancer (the preponderance of the people who surround us), C) so you can put a better face on cancer (this is my personal favorite) and D) so you can be normal and give the perception of "normal."  People have no clue what precipitates your "front" and how you, on some days, might have to really work to keep it.   

    Human beings are a shifty lot!!!   I am sorry you are going through all of this and that the gym mgr, having seen you not puking and not bald at the store and may have arrived at her own conclusions is a travesty.  We need a t-shirt that says "I have cancer every day but cancer does not have me every day."   Therein lies the issue!

    As for the podcast, I will either PM or text you the link but would never put it on here!  You all don't get anywhere near the "full dose" of me and most of what is  going to be said in that podcast is NOT for the faint of ears or the easily offended!!!  Having said that I will remind you to listen at your own risk!  It is coming, however, because having this disease has fast led me to the precipice of exorcism!!!!!!  

    I hope you got your car situation straightened out.  It is very much just one thing after another. 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i'd buy that shirt ;) 

    Oh yeah never expected the podcast to be posted here :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: no, definiitely wont' be posted here and will be filled w/eff bombs!  Listener beware!

    You know, something no one else knows when they see you and think you "look" ok so you are fine is that when you put on some clothes and a little make-up etc... it might remind you of how your life was before bc.  It sort of takes you back to your pre-bc life.

    Btw, it was so nice of them to cancel your gym membership now!  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Lizzy, I have been meaning to reply forever to your joke about the 4%, I totally got it..LOL! Its funny, people around me joke all the time about my weight (many people think I am now too thin, but its not so, I am just right) and I find it really amusing that now I have to get used to "thin" jokes as opposed to "fat" jokes! Luckily I am the type of person that easily laughs at myself, and I think it is better to deal with the "skinny" jokes...LOL!  We all have our faults, if you can't recognize them and laugh along then you are wound way too tight, at least that's what I think.  I hope you have healed all up and are working your way out of the BC mess, you deserve some good health and peace!

    Tex:  I feel for you as I too have every dime in my checking account budgeted out, and when unexpected things like that gym charge happen, it screws me up royally.  I have had that happen more than a few times.  I love my gym, but I agree with Lizzie that the whole systems is like one giant scam.  They hide fees and make it very difficult to cancel, then "accidentally" charge you one more month after you cancel....anything to squeeze another $20 out of you.  I hope your car is not too expensive to fix!  Sending all the positive karma I have your way!

    To all my other friends, I hope this post finds you well!  You are all close to my heart at all times, even though I don't often get a chance to post!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: a friend had a particularly vain mother and all she would ever say was "girls, you can never be too rich or thin!"  That old 50s mentality!  Of course, and because I am such a sweetheart, I used to ask her if being wealthy by insemination counted!!!!!  John would get hysterical! His mother never worked a day in her life plus she could eat non-stop, all day and never gain a pound.  So, if I understood correctly, she was skinny by genetic blessing and wealthy via her husband and to both of these she claimed ownership under the auspices of responsibility?  She was not responsible for either of those outcomes!  In your case, however, yes skinny jokes way, way better!  So proud of you.  Take care, woman! 

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    My nurse came by Monday and said my wound is healing Thank God, but I still hurt every now and then. I been eating pineapples and drinking plenty of water, but my appetite is not what it use to be I can eat a small amount and get full so I really dont know how much weight I have lost. Lizzy, hope you are feeling well my dear friend. All the ladies in the house have a very bless day and lets keep fighting. Always remember No weapon form against us shall prosper. Love you all.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- thanks for askin- no it wasnt too bad :) the guy that works on the patrol vehicles for the dept will work on the officers personal cars for a discount- he gave me the part at cost and knocked $50 off the labor... One car place we went to tried to tell me he was giving me the part at cost and it turns out he DOUBLED the price of it. i called the auto parts store to see what they sell for and i was shocked, but like Lizzy pointed out people are a shifty lot!

    Awww Felisa- We love you too! Glad to hear it is healing. How often does she come in to check it?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Tonight I saw a barn for "free!" All I had to do was move it!  In any case, I also saw a cat running around the property where the barn was and all I could think was perhaps I should take the barn and the cat and start a shelter!  You all have no idea how hard it is for me to have just 1 animal!  I grew up in a house with dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, fish, hamsters and my brother even went berserk as he wanted a monkey!  I just feel bad getting any others as this spooky cancer is so wildly unpredictable and I know no one would take care of them as I do.  It is hard.

    Felisa: I am so glad you stayed with us even when I tried to show you to the 2012 chemo group!  You and I have an awful lot in common with what we have been through/are going through.  I have to tell you, though, you have come so far and have dealt with so much and just seem to be doing better and better every day! I am so happy for you!  I will always be here for you and we will travel this road together for the rest of our lives as is the nature of the big "C!"  Much love, woman and hang in there as this coming summer we must make hay!! That sun will be shining for us and good times shall abound! We both have a lot of lost time to make up for!  Good times for us this summer!  Good times, indeed!  Keep eating that pineapple!  I am doing the same...and don't hesitate to try that Dr. Oz green drink!  It is good! 

    Tex: I find the entire auto industry so dubious!  I must admit, some girls like shoes, some girls like clothes and I like cars!  Over the years, sourcing parts on Ebay etc... I find the disparity in pricing outrageous!  Like, for instance, recently I was looking for certain parts and the prices were crazy on Ebay and it makes me wonder if the cheapest is not the worst as is the case w/most things.  I don't know but I am sure glad you A)have the guy at the station that will do work on the cheap and B)were able to find the part at an "Auto Zone" for a decent price.  Sometimes when I look at these prices I wonder if these people on Ebay realize we can see the other merchants as well w/significantly lower prices?! 

    Well, recently I was tapped by someone from the event when I did that speech to help w/a fundraiser (silent auction) and have gotten some great places to donate some neat items!  I am hoping it goes well as this woman is sick and her child also has cancer.  All I know is I love receiving these boxes with the donated items!  It is like Xmas!  The auction is in 3 weeks.  

    Today I was driving in a rural part where there is a gun range.  I saw school buses in the parking lot and it seems adults are coming in by bus loads, scampering off to classes so they can get firearms before legislation rolls in!  Itis just crazy. Also, a few miles before the range some guy was tailgating so I just pulled over to let him pass and sure enough he was racing to the gun range!!  A little unnerving...!

    Sweet dreams, girls! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I posted this on another thread but wanted my original budies to see just how crazy my sleep is. This is a new height and unlike anything I have ever done in my life. 

    SOme of you know I have weird sleeping issues well here is a new one that shocked even me. After our blackout yesterday I had to restart my computer and load the pages I like open back in. As I went to history I saw three pages that jarred my memory. One sells spray on makeup, another sells face cream, and the last sells pearls.  With a weird realization I realized that Monday I bought a product online form each site. I almost never wear makeup but I remember the ad like a dream. I have a few face cream products but because I have oily skin, combination really, I don't use cream except maybe moisturizer, I remember that ad like a dream, finally I bought an 18" 9mm strand of cultured pearls even though I have pleanty of pearls as they are my birthstone and my favorite to wear since I wear virtually no jewelry, never have. I spent about $300 on these items and the skin cream is even a subscription type deal. 

    I sat my husband down, told him what I just told you and gave him my debit/charge card to our main household account. I am all anout fessing up right away if something strange happens because it keeps my life simpler but Good God this has me feeling like a real crazy person. Sleep spending, coma spending. I know I was very drowsy and drifted off sitting on the couch and waking up was weird. I have never ever done this before (I thin) and hope I will never do it again.    

    I went into our tv and removed the channel this all happened on. It was never on our usual menu for the tv I watch but my husband had switched them around for some reason. I am not blaming him but that is how the channel was even there for me to view. I do not like TV shopping channels on tv and try to never watch them.  This feels bad my friends.  I need to go back to the danged sleep doctor and do the all wired up test.  I hope this sleep Doc has some help for me. This is getting crazier. 

    We each have our own quirks I feel really weireded out discovering this at 67 years old!  

    The gun ranges are getting way out of hand.  


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Ginger...I had something similar happen to me years ago after a car accident and I was provided some sleeping pills. I had never taken anything like it before and had taken one--apparently had answered the phone late at night and had a whole conversation with my husband (boyfriend at the time) while he was away...had no idea we even had the conversation. After that day, never took them again until post-chemo when I had a hard time sleeping. I have really struggled with sleep issues over the past year but haven't shopped while sleeping--normally, it is because I cannot sleep at all.

    I have my 6 month check up next Thursday with my breast oncologist. I am not overly worried of the checkup for the breast as I don't feel as though I have had any problems. I have my gyne oncology checkup in March...for that, I am having some issues that lead me to have a little concern... have pretty bad pains in my groin area and lower GP does not believe it is anything of major concern but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about that checkup.  Fingers crossed.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I think I am having some serious problems! They just announced on the news it was 61 here today!  All I know is the wind was whipping around and it felt way more like 40 than 60.  I was stunned and wondering if I was watching footage from a previous forecast. No, it was today.  How weird?

    Ginger: part of the reason I like security  cameras in my house is I can see what "I" am doing at night!  The last time I was engaged we were living together and he told me I would walk around at night.  I never left the house but I would wander.  I never really believed him but I find it helpful just the same to keep a "eye" on myself sometimes!  Don't be too hard on yourself as you may have been drowsy and those channels are designed to get us to buy stuff.  They are really good at what they do.  Walmart gets me and even though it is not a tired or drowsy issue, being wide awake makes it worse when they convince me with their clever marketing that I *need* stuff!  When i go to Walmart I have to go with a shopping list and stick to it.  It is hard and they are really good at selling us stuff, period.

    When I volunteered with a few people in the past, one in particular was regularly surprised when UPS truck showed up with her packages from HSN/QVC and she said she did not even remember ordering.  I just think they are really good at selling to us.

    Rachel: best of luck to you on your gyn/onc check-up in March.  I will be sending you positive vibes, woman!  It is so hard and can be scary.  A lot of times when we are pushed into menopause by chemo etc... our bodies still want to cycle but they can't.   I remember when I used to get my cycle I would get a pretty wicked lower back pain.  Your pain could just be from that.  I know how you feel, though, Rachel in that every pain we have to be worried about.  I try to keep myself calm but it never really works out.  I am regularly very concerned between headaches and "itchy" boobs and pains here and there, for me it is all cancer!  Maybe in a few more years we will be better?!  I dunno ;)

    Happy trails, girls! 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    "The last time I was engaged".  You're freaking awesome.  (c:

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    she comes three times a week

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    what green drink, i drink green tea.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Also lizzy God put me on this site right here for a reason.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: As the story goes, I never did it before and presumably after and with my disinterest in marriage, it is long held I was trying to get away from him! I think I listened to way too much "Freebird" at all those keg parties!!! he he he!

    Felis: I agree that you were destined to join us and I am sure glad you did ;)  Just so you know, I am really happy you stayed as you have been company for me as I continue to have these little dramas!  It was nice to have someone to path with!

    The green drink is from Dr. Oz.  It is a whole bunch of fruits and veg with parsley and mint and you either juice it or blend it.  If you blend you need to add some water apparently.  The first expenditure I made after being dxd was getting a decent juicer.  I have not heard of anyone blending it.  Either way, though, it is so very healthy.

    I am so happy for you and how things are shaping up for you!  Keep going, woman!  Go out and have as many good times as you can, make memories and enjoy yourself!