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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    He drain some fluid off of my breast but i have to go back on the 21 to set up for my surgery he said i needed to be clean out and drain.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Felisa now you know what the plan is so maybe you won't feel too worried. I imagine that will also be an outpatient thing so you will be home for Christmas.   

    Lizzie I propose we all hop into your pockets and go along with you. We can keep you company, make you laugh, bite the ankles of anyone giving you trouble, that sort of thing. 

    Laters Ginger

    PS I bought a starter Zumba DVD. I will try to see if it can get me moving at all. My numb feet make it hard to move around, or walk even. I watched a commercial and saw that the steps were simple and I can fall over on the sofa if I step on my toes. I need something to get me moving, even a little bit would be more than now. I remember you all like it quite well so I thought maybe I can try too before I grow to the sofa.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    The heat wave is nearly over here!  Wow, I cannot believe how many people I saw wearing shorts December!  It was truly anomalous!

    Ginger: that is hysterical!  Come along in my pockets!  I live in a very congested part of the country and at this time of year, all kinds of characters are out.  It was not until I went to visit a friend in Iowa some years ago that I realized what true "country" was all about.  I seemed I could reach out and touch the stars at night and it was oh so quiet.  Not here! We are all always scrambling about!  In any case, the 2 men were probably of the marrying age and one was saying he wants her to see him get married and that is when the other made that comment basically lending that the guy who said it was nowhere near matrimony!  People don't mean anything and they had no clue about my bc.  No harm, no foul!

    You, I think, will love Zumba!  It is fun and easy. Also, and this might sound weird but, I put an air mattress behind my treadmill so just in case I get dizzy or fall, I won't get killed flying into the wall behind me!  Tricks of living alone!!!   Honestly, before bc and chemo et al I never concerned myself with such things.  I just have never felt the same since going through all of that and I still get dizzy today. So if you are afraid you might fall while executing your jazzy Zumba moves, put an air mattress on the floor nearby or the couch cushions.  Better safe ;)  BTW, I wish I knew you wanted Zumba as I would have sent you my starter kit!  I have moved beyond it now.

    Before you ask, my headaches are soon to be investigated in the swallows of scan city!  More to come...! 

    Felis: my path with bc was so marred with problems and surgeries and infections and troubles, I know exactly how you feel. You just have to go through the motions and not get yourself too caught up in what you think might happen.  Don't speculate but rather just go with it.  After all the whole point of all the stuff we go through is to save our lives so, on that note, it is quite worth it. Also, when I get sad etc... I remind myself of 10 things I am grateful for and not the least of which is that I live here and not in Afghanistan or Iraq or Darfur where there would be no txs, no concern and almost guaranteed death from bc as we would never even have been dxd.  It is an awful dx, yes, but we are also very fortunate to be here where we are cared for and where our drs are diligent, well-educated and working to save lives.  I know it is hard but I am also glad they are planning to get the water out, to clean out that area and to get you patched up so you can complete chemo and have a much better 2013 ;)

    Hang in there, girl, it gets better.

    Tex: what is shakin', girl?!  Thinking of you-

    I hope you all have a lovely day ;)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- hope you're doing well today :) 

    Ginger- your feet are still numb? it didnt get better after chemo???? i must of missed that.... Zumbas is fun i know you'll love it

    Lizzy- Heat wave????? No way, i still am in disbelief that it is even december!!!! 2013 i am looking forward to ya!!!!

    About me- i am doing good, have a few SEs but thats to be expected!!!! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hey Tex - are they sure everything is ER-?  Glad your cough got better!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    yeah they said the path on the lung biopsy showed it didnt have Er receptors or whatever :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Im still hurting and I have a cold been taking mucinex hope it will be over before next friday when i have my last treatment.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Glad they checked Tex!  Are your kids ready for winter break?  My daughter can't wait!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    My kids are counting down the days!!!!

    Funny cuz they usually get out earlier and go back the first weekday after the 1st, this year they get out on the 21st and go back on the 7th. Crazy...

    No major plans for the break? What about y'all?

    Felisa- I hope your cold is gone too! No need to postpone the LAST treatment!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    We are heading to Mexico for New Years vacation--leaving on Dec 31st and gone for a week. Cannot wait! Need a great relaxing break!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Where in MX? have fun girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    We are going to Pacific side--Rivieria Nayarit. Can't wait!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    It is the “ex” season again!  So funny how they come around again…only now with this bc nonsense I think it is to check and see if I am still kickin’! Actually, and I think I have said this before, not too many people know and I try to keep it that way but it is so funny at this time of the year.

    Tex: I think I might have told you I studied Chinese and I speak Japanese.  When I saw your signature tag my mind was jumping because I can read a lot of things in Japanese and understand what the meaning is in Chinese.  In any case, there is also Gaelic in there and I was just floored!  I was staring for about a minute wondering what was going on!!!!!  It does not take much these days.  More to this point, I am not quick with my Jeopardy answers anymore either.  I keep playing all these word, scramble and trivia games but I tell you, chemo took away some of my sharpness!  My IQ tested off the chart and now it is probably off the chart in the other direction!!  In any case, thank you for jogging that unit in my hat rack!

    Yes, your life in pink!  You are the best!  I adore your spirit like nothing else in this world and like I said, we all just keep tumbling through time with this disease and hope for the best.  These are auspicious times and I say that a lot but I think it needs to be said as there are new developments every day.  One never knows.

    I am so excited you are doing well and that med has helped you.  I know you don’t celebrate but as far as I am concerned, your health is the best Christmas gift I could ever get ;)

    Tim, that is one heck of a long winter break for those kids!  Meanwhile back here in CT they are trying to add *300* hours to each school year!  The only vacation from school these kids will have is when they get the flu!

    Felis: it is  sooo hard to avoid getting sick when on chemo.  Get a lot of protein, vitamins, water and even call your onc to see if you can take ecchinacea.   Don’t forget the soup!  I know how gross all food seems when on chemo so I apologize if the very thought of eating any of this is making you nauseous!  I hope you are feeling better and get through that last tx b/c believe it or not, the time comes when you actually have hair again, feel good again and slowly, albeit very slowly, distance yourself from this disease.  Hang in there!  Almost done!

    Omaz: winter break was my favorite of all!  Pockets of cash and off to the mall I went!  Returning, buying, listening to the very antiquated *album!*  I loved it even more after I got my car when I turned 16 b/c I could go to a lot of malls!  It was so much fun!  Then NYE and the partying!  Good times, good memories!  I bumped into an old friend a few nights ago (who finally asked me about my boobs!) and he was telling me about one NYE we were out and all the partying we did…you know, sorry to say, I hardly remember!  Of course, while most of friends stayed in small town USA and got married etc… I took off to NYC and found that if I worked hard on Wall St I could play really hard and I did!  Perhaps this is why I did not remember the tale my old pal was telling me because of my voluminous experiences!   I am sure your dd is looking forward to a more traditional Xmas break and not one involving Animal House!!

    Rachel: Mexico is just one of my fav places to go!  Good for you!  In fact, I think that is in the cards next year although my friend just commandeered me for some trip to Italy where we shall cruise!  That is next Sept…who knows but I might..?!   I can really just completely forget everything in Mexico and, yes, it does have something to do with tequila!  OMG, when I saw my friend the other night we were reminiscing of our obsession with the worm!  I was so juvenile…and still am!!!  I really think some time at the equator, resting, is just what you need!  Are the kids going w/?

    Alright so now I am obsessed with getting an upgrade on my phone and I want that  Galaxy 3!!  I am 2 months off from upgrade date and I can’t wait!  The phone I have now does not ring much, sends calls to voice mail w/out provocation and, worst of all, I can’t MOVE TILES on Words With Friends anymore!!!!  It drops the tile ½ way and then I have to recall all and try again…driving me crazy…can’t play anymore!  So sad!  I was remembering when I worked as a Financial Consultant for Bank of the Solar System (B of A!), we had to go on some party bus to a big meeting in Boston.  I remember talking to one of the other FCs on the bus and discussing our super exciting microscopic phones and he was complaining about how his fingers were too large to even dial all that well!  He was the funniest guy- when I asked him how he met his wife he said "one too many ___ White Russians, Liz, don't get me started!!"  In any case, all I can think is here we are again with these mammoth phones!  The new phones have great screens though and I only have 2 eyes and I can’t get any more eyes so bigger is better!

    Happy trails, girls-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I have 2 questions:

    First, does anyone color their hair since chemo?  Are you all afraid at all of there being cancer-causing agents in the hair color etc..?   A friend who went through chemo does not want to color with traditional, even semi-permanent, so went to Whole Foods and now her hair is an amazing red!  Just wondering what, if anything, you all have done and if you are not, is it because you are afraid of what is in the dye.

    Second, does anyone seriously feel less mentally sharp since chemo?  I am being totally serious.  I joke about my Jeopardy answers but I promise you, there are times when I know the answer but it is like I am chasing it through my mind.   I am just wondering if anyone else feels that they are a little less sharp and it does not have to be Jeopardy but whatever your Jeopardy is.  I find it frustrating.

    Alright, so off to scanville. First one is Monday at 11 and the other is Wednesday afternoon.  Good times!  Hoping for good news but these weird headaches where I feel like a laser cat from Saturday Night Live shooting beams out of my eyes and that which are eminating from the pain in the center of my head might not warrant great news!  We shall see.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I feel a little better today. Im just so ready for this to be over with my last treatment yahoooooooo I cant wait. I been drinking alot of fluids especially water and eating red meat. We had a nice day spend time with our grandbaby she is a mess only five months and getting into everything.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy, my brain has been on vacation ever since chemo. I used to be able to beat almost anyone in scrabble but no more. I play about 8 Words with friends games and it is very rare for me to come even close to winning. One of my friends is an author and critic, I could never beat her. Another friend is a master of scrabble and plays word games all the time. I used to beat her from time to time and now I am 200 points behind her, or more.  I think she just plays me now to be nice. Words escape me all the time now, and I am actually improved. I also don't have the focus I had. I have a tall stack of books I want to read and I can't seem to get involved and lost like i used to. I can occasionally find my passion for certain causes and reach out a bit, I thought that was gone forever. I hope you manage this better than me because I think you are 20+ years younger.  

    My hair is totally white now. No grey, no dark hairs and no yellow. Just white as white can be. I was going to put some blonde back into it and tried once but the white is so resistant to lightening that the color doesn't take at all.  I would have to go to bleach to get the hair pourous and then add color bqack and that is way more than I want to do.  I know the white ages me but chemo did more of that already.  One side of my face looks like it is collapsing down, I hate that totally. I don't have wrinkles but my face is just poopy, some jowels yuck!!!!! 

    So there is my stuff! I hope your is better. 


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, Hope everyone is doing good. It is cold here today 24 and we had a little snow also. Had a busy week and wkend. Some family and friends held a benefit for BIL and SIL to help pay for funeral expenses and they had great turn out and raised just about enough to pay for all of the funeral, very amazing. That's what life is about, helping others whenever you can pay it forward : )

    Lizzy I have not gotten anywhere with them. I am in the process of appealing it myself but doubt it will help. As far as calling them with a 3 way, it is a great idea but haven't come up with a way to get the ps office and the right person on the line because they always have to call me back and it is usually 5 - 530 when they call. I am slowly working on it. Been thinking of righting Mayo a letter too or maybe calling a lawyer and asking them to send a letter that this bill should not be my responsibility and if it was turned into insurance properly it would be covered.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors-

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Ginger: thank you for responding to my questions! We have all had a shared experience and I guess it is presumptuous of me to think there might be an opinion on hair coloring and/or searching the memory for Jeopardy answers besides your's so thank you! 

    Funny that you mention your friend being a published author as I play Boggle with a woman who is also a published author.  My friend and I just like to drink wine and joke around meanwhile the author and my friend’s sister get totally fired up and competitive at Boggle night!  My friend and I laugh!  We try to work the table so those 2 are close to each other!  Then one night I brought a guy with me and he is a great player also.  My friend had such a blast watching the author and the guy I brought battling it out at Boggle lamenting the fact her sister was not there that night!  I like WWF and Scramble With Friends as it is good exercise for the mind.  I just don't like all the stupid 2 letter stuff at the end!  

    As for reaching out, I love the elderly and I do try to get out there even just to visit and maybe read a story or the newspaper to them.  I used to teach them how to use the computer at a senior center and what fun I had!  I loved it! Also when the schools have “International” week/month etc… I do teach Japanese.  In fact, I will show the kids the evolution of a few basic characters but the big hit is showing them how to write their names in Katakana which is the elementary level alphabet for all words Western.   I have not done the school thing in over 5 years now between work and then this bc business.  I would like to do it again.   I generally only do it in urban schools.  The kids are fun and it is always an enjoyable experience.

    About one side of your face collapsing, a guy Richard I worked with at Lehman Brothers came in one day and it really looked like he had a stroke. As it turns out it as temporary, a palsey of sorts, and it went away in about a month or so.  It was something to do with his nerves and if this pathetic memory serves, I think it was traced back to something in the water in Manhattan at that time but I just can’t remember what it was.

    Speaking of Manhattan, google NYSE Christmas Tree and look at how beautiful that tree looks in the canyons of Wall St!  It is so beautiful.  I miss working down there like the desert misses rain and I am not going to spend the rest of my life, however long that might be, hiding from the stress that would come with a return to the financial industry.  I can’t live in a bubble and that is where my heart is.

    White hair can really work on some people.  There was a woman that worked for my mother years ago who had a nice white, short hairdo and she just looked great.  I am not going back to $300 in the salon with the over-30 (now 40!) caramel swirl like I used to.  I am just sticking with the box for now.  I never did the box but it is working out fine.  It is actually kind of fun! 

    The woman whose hair went bright red from the Whole Foods color is petrified to do anything else.  I asked the question to find out if anyone else was worried and that worry delivered them to a less-red solution!  After chemo I did not even want to use nail polish nevermind hair color but now I am ok with it.  The bc rates are so high in CT, in this tiny state, I am sure it is not hair color that is causing the problem!

    Felis: you are almost there, almost done, putting chemo behind you and marching off into the future filled with wonderful memories you will make with that beautiful grand baby of your’s ;)  Keep it up with the water and protein and soon chemo will be a memory!

    Iowa:  You need to write a letter and I would not hesitate to call the ACS and explain your problem.  They might be able to tell you how to get it fixed.  I would also telemarket the “S” out of that office until you get someone on the phone and do that 3 way call with the insurance co.  It is egregious the Mayo Clinic cannot fix that code as what you had done is *not* cosmetic.  I would not be paying that bill.  Call the Cancer Legal Resource Center (866) 843-2572 and they also have a Midwest office.  I called them a few months back and they were able to give me all the information I needed and hooked me up with an attorney here in CT that deals with cancer patients rights almost exclusively and as that pertains to several matters.  I would give them a try.  You need to get that fixed.  Let me know if the CLRC helps you.

    Happy week, everyone!  It is busy coming into these last few weeks of the year but it is all good!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - How do you play Boggle?  I am looking for a  game to give my teenager for xmas.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: Boggle is a little black tray with 16 letter tiles in it. You have to make as many words as possible in 2 minutes and for all the words you make, the tiles must connect be it diagonal, across etc..   It is fun and the more people the better.  We play 4 letters and up only.  I hate all the 3 and 2 letter nonsense.  In that way the game is more fun and makes you think more.  If you try "Scramble With Friends" that is basically Boggle. If she likes words, she might find that fun?  Not sure.

    Our group started b/c my bf' first language is not English so Boggle night was originally started to assist in her desire to be more proficient in English and in spelling. It has turned into a party now!!! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    My signature- i was messing around with it LOL. I was saying my "life in pink" in spanish- sorta as an "up you" to the whole cancer is pretty when wrap in pink. My specific cancer joruney as y'all know is not the same as most people's so i was pointing out my metastasis and then my life in pink. THEN  I was bored and then decided to add it in other languages- thanks to google translator LOL

    Mind matters- i am not sure how well i would do playing jeopardy since i havent the chance to play in a while. Although i feel like my smarts are harder to access since chemo LOL its like everything is there in my brain but harder to access!

    Phone- i have an old flip phone that does not have a keyboard so i am pushin 222-2-555-555 space 6-33 to say "call me" LOL my husband wants me to get a new phone but i cant justifiy it til its broken LOL (Which it is on its way cuz i keep dropping it and it comes apart at the hinge, i just put it back together)

    Hair color- I do not color my hair, not for any reason in particular LOL. I bought a box of dye and it is sitting on my bar.... I found the other day 4 or 5 white hairs in a clump in my hair LOL- no worries i know its prob just cuz i am getting older... LOL

    Iowa- we finally got a cold front yesterday, i had to pull out some jackets from the winter stuff- getting snug for the kids LOL but they never get a chance to wear them so they look brand new!

    When the person from the PS calls you back- tell them to get the other party on the line, they can do that. Or tell them that this is an important matter and that you NEED to call them the following day so you can have both ppl on the line and what time would be best for them. If all else fails go into their office and call the (forgive my meomory- the insurance right???) other ppl on the line. Be the squeaky wheel girl!

    I have never acutally played boggle, i know how to play and have seen it done.... maybe i'll buy one of those games....

    been busy, but doing good!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I have lost my glasses in this house so many times today, you think it was a palatial estate!  It is a 3 bedroom house and one of the bedrooms I use as a closet!!!!  I am so pathetic!  

    Tex: that is exactly how I feel like it is harder to access.  Very well put.  Yeah, at your age no need to color!  Just grandma over here!!!!  I am easily 10% gray!

    I am so glad you are doing well!  It is so wonderful. 

    I know what you mean about the phone.  This one is not broken but the touch screen is acting up and like I said, I can't play Words With Friends as it likes to drop tiles all over and I just can't get the tiles to where I need them in a normal period of time. I am frenetic by nature so this does not work...soon phone will have date with fireplace! 

    Sweeney:? ? ? ? ????   Where have you gone?  Have not heard from you in the longest.  Wondering about that hotspot and how your follow-up appointment(s) went.   Stop by and check in. Miss you-

    I am going to go exfoliate and go to bed!   I am tired of looking for my darn glasses!

    BTW, that is *one* spoiled cat in my avatar!!

    Night all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sad, sad attempt at loading a larger pic of the microscopic avatar!  If you right clicka and elect "open in new window," you can see it! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    NYSE Christmas Tree

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sorry!!!  That is the tree at the NYSE!  I finally figured out how to just paste pics in here! YAY! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    About your glasses Lizzie, have you looked on top of your head? 



  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i have a cold i feel miserable i been taking mucinex my nose is running like crazy been coughing but no fever, hot flashes oh yes. i will keep everybody inform when my surgery is.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Felisa - sorry to hear that you have a cold.  and the hot flashes, I understand completely.  do you get them at night?  I have a fan that has a remote control that I keep at the foot of my bed.  It is really helpful.  Hope you feel better soon.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  I am as I am watching “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia!”  I am also watching people burn it up on Twitter over the 121212 concert!  There a lot of very entertaining people out there!

    Felis: all the sniffles and the coughing were just kind of par-for-the-course when I was on chemo.  As long as you are not having fevers, that is good.  Oh yes, we all have hot flashes!   This flake pot guy tonight thought he was making me blush but of course I had to point out that mother nature was turning up my temperature!  Jerk ass!  Some guys are total flakes!

    Definitely keep us posted on when your surgery is.  If I understand correctly, you are going to have your last chemo next week, on the 18th, and then have surgery after that?  Just wondering if you are still going to finish chemo next week and then have surgery perhaps after the new year.  Let me know and I hope you feel better soon.

    Omaz: I love, love, love the remote control fans! I have 2 and even though it is going to be in the 20s here this evening, I will still be sleeping with that fan on! I find it easier to bundle  up and then kick the covers off when the flashes start then be under the covers, kicking them off and running for the back door to get some relief!  Those fans are a permanent part of my life now.  They did not go to the basement either this year as I would normally do at the end of the summer season.  No, my hot weather continues! 

    Ginger: thank you!  Invariably that is where they are!

    I am actually posting tonight largely because when I reached the landing page I saw this article:

    Of course he says no, no, no about it spreading after biopsy but I really believe someday they are going to realize that biopsies do cause it to spread but what are the alternatives?  How could I have gone from 1cm on a mammogram to 2.5 cms of cancerous tumors and 3.5 cms of precancerous cells?  I don’t know but I thought the article was interesting nonetheless and perhaps something you all might want to read.

    Night, girls-